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Machinery and equipment: The machinery and equipment necessary for the assembly of the supermarket will be

detailed below. This equipment will be used for the display, internal transportation and registration of the
products offered in the store.

Headers and gondolas: anti-fall regulation, height two meters, length one meter, shelves made of pickled sheet
metal, which ensures excellent stability to the whole set with a load capacity of 120kg. They are ideal for the use
of spaces or lost areas, oven painting and colors of your choice.

Refrigerators: vertical self-service refrigerated coolers ideal for dairy, fruits, vegetables and cold meats. In
addition, the horizontal refrigerators are ideal for storage, as they preserve and/or freeze meats or pre-cooked
foods. Panoramic glass display, double glass with hot air circulation between them, to avoid fogging, with
refrigerated cellar. Length: 2.5 meters.

The product and/or service is going to be differentiated with friendly customer service, low prices,
variety of products and brands and in a comfortable environment.
Basically, the company's positioning will be aimed at creating in the customer's mind that
Supermercado la Unión has the best price in the market.

The goods that will be offered inside the supermarket and the stores are products related to the basic
family basket. The following are some of the supermarket's product lines, the combination of which is
çcalled product mix.

 dairy
 meat
 vegetables
 vegetables
 vegetables
 flours
 cereals
 grains
 fruits
 alcoholic beverages
 non-alcoholic beverages
 fresh foods

 frozen foods
 pasta
 sauces
 condiments
 Sweets
 cookies
 bread
 disposables
 pet food
 perfumery
 toiletries,
 cleaning supplies, etc.

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