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Module 2

1. Would you recommend that dancing can be an exercise that can be done at home, why or
why not?

Yes and no, yes if you have an adequate space in your home, I recommend it because it is
a convenient endurance exercise that allows you to have fun and do workout at the same
time. And no if you don’t have a space in your home since it can cause injury when you
hit your furniture.

2. How important that we must know and identify are own traditional and cultural dances in
today’s generation?

It is very important for us to know and learn about our own traditional and cultural
dances because it is a part of our history, it’s the dance that our ancestors danced during
their time. These dances also play a big part in our culture that we should preserve for it
not to disappear in our society. And we should learn about these dances for us to promote
the cultural development of our country.

Module 3
1. How this kind of dance will help you in terms of having a healthy lifestyle?

This type of dances helps us to have a healthy lifestyle because it can be used as an
exercise. Contemporary dance is known for its strong legwork that helps the muscle at
our legs to grow. Not only that it also develops our balance since it also has similarity to
the ballet. And lastly it helps our cardiovascular endurance to evolve when you continue
to dance in a long period of time having it as an alternate for workout.

Module 4
1. How will you do or what kind of strategies that can you think in order to dance the cha-
cha-cha this time of pandemic?

One of the strategies that I think is to dance the cha-cha-cha is to find a suitable partner
that is near to you like your brother or sister, more or less anybody who can dance cha-
cha-cha in the house. Arrange the furniture for you to maximize the space you have at
home. Play some music maybe from YouTube or any platform that you want to use, then
there you go, you can enjoy your favorite ballroom dance in your own home you just
need to creative and innovative.

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