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Leprosy is a sickness that brings a stigma associated with it.

It is hard to live with this

sickness, only because people exclude you from society. Other people may think leprosy is
contagious, so they are scared of getting close to a person that suffers from leprosy. This is
a bad situation for people that are infected because they cannot live normal lives.
Leprosy can be healed if treated early. The problem is that people with leprosy are scared of
going to the hospital to be treated because other people would try to evoke those with
leprosy. Also, in many cases, if a person gets leprosy and that person has a partner, that
partner is allowed to ask for a divorce only because that person has the sickness.

Some people do not know what Hansen’s disease is, but it is the same as leprosy. The
bacteria called leprae was discovered by Armauer Hansen, and that bacteria is the one that
develops leprosy. If it is the same, why are people afraid of people that suffer from leprosy
but not of the people that suffer from Hansen’s disease? One possible answer for this could
be because they are ignorant, or they just do not understand. Also, the term ‘’Hansen’s
disease’’ is not well known as the term ‘’leprosy.’’

Leprosy can be healed if treated early. People that are infected are scared of going to public
places like hospitals, even when they have an appointment. Now, people feel isolated and
do not feel comfortable because of the that was developed.


Web Stanford (nd). History of Leprosy. Web Stanford. Retrieved from

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