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Bishop Beggar

Mother Father

Son 2
Son 1
Rich Man News Anchor


Scenel act 1- opens with a news anchor reporting on a press conference happening in the Catholic


News anchor: We are live here today for at the Trinidad Roman Catholic Church, where the bishop
will be hostinga panel discussion to improvethe church. This event comes as a response to
widespread concern over how the church has been operating in the diocese of Trinbago.

Bishop: Welcome brothers and sisters to our panel this evening. We would like to hear some of your
concerns, so that we can become better servant leaders. We know the church is not perfect, but
with your help we can build a brighter future as we become the hands and feet of Christ in our
world. With that being said, please raise your hand if you have a concern you would like to raise.


sCENE 2- Scene cuts to a living room, where a mother is seen hustling about as she is getting
herself and her son ready to leave the house.

Son: (scrolling through his phone) Mummy, look Generation S having a youth vocations lime on
Friday with the bishop. I could go?

Mother: Boy! You forget you have football practice? All histhing you does want to go, I hope you
does focus on your work sol,Anyways, come quick lemme drop you to lessons. I have to go a
meeting in church with the bishop.

The mother takes the son offstage, then enters scene1

SCENE 1 act 2-

*Bishop unfreezes.*

Bishop: We know the church is not perfect, but with your help we can build a brighter future as we
become the hands and feet of Christ in our world. With that being said, please raise your hand if you
have a concern you would like to raise.

The mother raises her hand. The bishop gestures for her to rise and speak.
Mother: Your gratefulness, my concern is that we are not seeing the youths in the church. We know
that they are vital to our future, but they seem to be distancing themselves from the church. What is
the church doing to get our young people to become part of the church community?

Bishop: Hmmm. I hear you sister. You know, young people bring a fresh excitement and new
perspectives to our church. We need their innovative ideas. We have to create an environment that
is fun and welcoming: One where they can be able to pour their creative juices into our community
as they participate in the life and ministry of the church. Do we have any other concerns?


sCENE 3- Scene cuts to a man walking down the street. He is confronted by a beggar.

Beggar: One dollar. Hungry. Two dollar. Thirsty.

Man: (lumps out of a taxi) Thanks drive. You have change for a thousand? (The money is exchanged)

(The beggar looks to his left and sees the man walking towards him)

Beggar: Eh eh eh eh lemme geh a lil sumn nah. Anything!

Man: Nah. Sorry I have no money on meh.

The man walks past the beggar and into scene 1.

SCENE 1 act 3-

*Bishop unfreezes*
Bishop: We have to create an environment that is fun and welcoming; One where they can be able
to pour their creative juices into our community as they participate in the life and ministry of the
church. Do we have any other concerns?

Man: (raises his hand) Yes, your graciousness. I want to talk about the poor and marginalized. What
is the church doing to assist them? With all due respect, all the priests does just be lock up in the
church doing nothing, instead of being out on the streets helping the less fortunate. What do you
plan to do about that?

Bishop: (Smirks)Well,the church is a church of the poor. We are called to practice the corporal
works of mercy. Jesus Christ said, whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto
me. Ok I'll take 1 more person before we close.


SCENE 4-Scene cuts to a father getting ready to leave the house. His son is on his phone.

Father: Aye, Nathaniel, I leaving to go the meeting with the bishop alright. Remember to practice for
your music exam tomorrow eh.
Son: Ok daddy. (Pause) Aye daddy, Paula from church was asking if I could join the choir in church.
She say she had hear me play at the restoration concert. They does have practice on Saturdays.

Father: (cuts him off) Boy what you telling me bout Paula! Doh study dem eh! Dem geriatric an dem

old in dey craw. What dem want you for? They paying you? I not sending you to music school for you
to be playing the same old hymns for the rest of your life eh. Anyways. Lemme go before l reach

Son: (rolls eyes) Bye daddy!

The father leaves the house and enters scene 1

SCENE 1 act 4

Bishop unfreezes*
do unto me. Ok I'l
Bishop: Jesus Christ said, whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you
take 1 more person before we close. (Points at the father, whose hand is already raised.)

Father: Yes, your gracefulness. I have a problem with the music in the mass. People going to the
other churches because their music sounding better than ours. Nobody want to listen to the geriatric
chorale when they come to church. My son into music inno. He does be all over the country

performing,so he could tell about good music and he could tell you that the Catholic croakers
sound anything but good. Can you put something in place to fix that please!

Bishop: You raised a very important point. One of the things we are focusing on in this diocese is the
3 pillars: Hospitality, Hymns and Homilies. Music is a very important aspect not only in liturgy, but in
our daily lives. I can't imagine a world without music. (Pauses) Alright, so we will close this meeting
here tonight. I thank you for joining us tonight. But before we leave, I noticed that you have been
church is not
asking what I can do and what the church can do for you. Let me remind you that the
just the people in charge. I am not the church. The church staff is not the church. We are all the
church because we make up Christ's body. The church is not only institutional. You and I are the
church on the ground. We are the walking and breathing church. The body of Christ had no arms and
legs but ours. So since we have just raised all these concerns, my question is..What can you and I

do? Thank you.

News anchor: And there we have it, folks, an exclusive broadcast live from the Trinidad Roman
Catholic Church. Please stay tuned to the Jodor news network, as we keep you informed. I am your
host Matthew De Hendrix, Have a good night.

Sons 1 and2 and the beggar are ranting to themselves simultaneously. They are standing far apart
s IT in 3 diferent locations. Son 1 is in a classroom, son 2 is sitting down on his phone, the begga

is lying on a sidewalk.

Son 1: Why my mummy so baii.

Beggar: Why church people so baii?

Son 2: Why daddy so bai?

hang out with some youths like

Son 1: Alll want is a space to

Beggar: To be seen and treated with dignity

Son2: To be allowed to share my talents

All: Why nobody paying attention to me!

the church is not just a building but the people.

Beggar:I wish people would realise that
the family is the first church.
Son 1: I wish my mummy could realise that

do for you, but what can we do for the church!

Son: Is not what the church can

All: But what are we going to do?

All sigh as they all exit in different directions.


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