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a Party where you

don’t know anyone
Ok, this is my worst nightmare. If you don’t have the
option to say “no way”, and your psychologist says
everyday “you need to try new experiences”... You need all
the help that you can receive.
1. Wear the right clothes: Every party has a dress code.
Is it a day or night party? Is it a birthday, a wedding,
or a work party? Try to use discreet garments and
natural make-up. In my opinion, the best option is a
little black dress. Classic, elegant… Perfect!
2. Don’t be late! If you go alone, you don’t want to be
the last person entering. You don’t want every eye
focused on you!
3. Please, don’t drink alcohol before the party: at the
beginning, this can be a good idea, but it isn’t. If you
feel really nervous, try to do breathing exercises, or
think of an excuse… NO! The second option isn’t an
option, remember that?
4. Don’t drive to the party. This is very important. If you
go to a party, possibly you will drink some alcohol
cocktails, and the best option for you is to call a taxi.
5. Finally… Try to have a fun time. It’s a party! It is an
opportunity to meet interesting people, or at least to
have a good time. Enjoy it!

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