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Name : Ayesha Dandis

School: MTs Al-Multazam Mojokerto

Storytelling “Uwais al Qarni”

Assalamu’laikum Wr..Wb.. My name is Ayesha Dandis from MTs Al Multazam. I would like to
tell a story about Uwais Al-Qarni.

Once upon a time in Yemen, there lived a young man named Uwais Al Qarni, he was very a pios
young man and was very devoted to his mother. His mother was an old woman who was crippled
and blind but thankfully Uwais always took care of her and fulfilled all of his mother’s wishes
even though his salary was sufficient. One day, his mother said to him “My son, I don’t think I
have much time with you anymore so please do your best so that I can go to hajj. Uwais
wondered while thinking that the journey from Yemen to Makkah was very far through the
desert. When the hajj season had arrived, Uwais took his mother on foot from Yemen to
Makkah. How great was Uwais. For his love for his mother he was willing to travel far and
difficult just to fulfill his mother’s wishes.

When in front of the Ka’ba, Uwais and his mother prayed “Ya Allah please forgive all of my
mother’s sins and then his mother asked while wondering “What about your sins?” then he
replied “with the forgiveness of your sins then you’ll go to heaven, it’s enough for your blessings
that will take me to the haven too”

Uwais ia a good Muslim, he longed to hear the voice of the Prophet SAW, his longing because of
his faith in Allah and Muhammad as his messenger.One day Uwais came close to his mother and
asked his mother for permission to go to the Prophet in Medina.

After he found the Prophet's house, he only met Aisyah, the wife of Rasulullah. Meanwhile, at
the same time he remembered his mother's message to quickly return to Yemen. Finally, because
of his obedience to his mother, his mother's message overpowered his will to wait and meet the
Prophet Muhammad SAW.

One day, Rasulullah SAW told his companions about Uwais al Qarni without ever seeing him.
He said, “He is a resident of Yemen, the region of Qarn, and from the Murad tribe. His father
had died. He lives with his mother and he is devoted to her. He was afflicted with leprosy.
(Then) he prayed to Allah and He granted him recovery from it, but there is still the trace of it as
big as a coin in both of his arms. Indeed, he is the leader of the tabeen.”

Then the Prophet Umar Ibn Khattab, “If you are able to ask him to pray for (Allah’s) forgiveness
upon you, do it!”.

When Umar became the leader of the believers, he asked the pilgrims from Yemen who visited
the Kaabah on the pilgrimage season, “Is there anyone from your people whose name is Uwais al
Qarni?” “Yes, there is, “was their reply.
Umar continued, “How was his condition when you left him?”

They answered, having no idea of Uwais’ excellence, “We left him as a poor man, and his
clothes were worn out.”

And every year always waited for Uwais. And one day, Coincidentally, he came with the
pilgrims from Yemen, then Umar met him. He wanted to make sure himself first, thus he asked
“What is your name?”

He replied, “Uwais.”

Umar continued, “At where part of Yemen (you are from, -ed)?”

He answered, “From Qarn.”

“And from what tribe?” asked Umar – may Allah be pleased with him.

He answered, “From the tribe of Murad.”

Umar asked again, “How is your father?”

He replied, “My father is dead. I live with my mother.”

Umar continued, “How is your condition with your mother?”

Uwais said, “I hope I can be dutiful to her.”

“Have you been sick before?” asked Umar again.

“Yes. I have suffered from leprosy once, and I prayed to Allah the Glorified and Exalted so I
was given a cure. ”

Umar asked him again, “Is there still a trace of that disease? ”

He replied, “Yes. There is still a trace of it on my arms as big as a coin.” He showed his arms to
Umar . When saw it, he immediately  hugged him and said, “You are the one that the Messenger
of Allah told about. Please ask forgiveness to Allah the Glorified and Exalted for me!”

He said, “How can I ask forgiveness to Allah the Glorified and Exalted for you O leader of the

Umar answered, “Yes.”

Umar kept asking him and pressing him until Uwais asked forgiveness for him.
After that, Umar asked him about where would he go after the end of the pilgrimage season. He
replied, “I will go to the Murad tribe from the residents of Yemen to Iraq.”

Umar said, “I will send a letter to the deputy of Iraq about you ”

Uwais said, “I swear to you O leader of the believers, don’t do it. Let me walk among people
without anyone care about me.”

That’s the end of the story, Uwais is a special young man, whom the Messenger of Allah ordered
his friends to ask him to pray for, because of his obedience to Allah and how devoted he is to his
mother. I hope we all can leatn lesson from it.

I am Ayesha, Thank you Wassaalamu’alaikum Wr..wb..

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