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In Sickness

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M, Gen
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Relationship: Satan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Reader, Lucifer (Shall We Date?:
Obey Me!)/Reader, Mammon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Reader,
Leviathan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Reader, Beelzebub (Shall We
Date?: Obey Me!)/Reader, Belphegor (Shall We Date?: Obey
Me!)/Reader, Asmodeus (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Reader, Main
Character (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Everyone, Demon Brothers
(Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Reader
Character: Lucifer (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Mammon (Shall We Date?: Obey
Me!), Leviathan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Satan (Shall We Date?:
Obey Me!), Asmodeus (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Beelzebub (Shall
We Date?: Obey Me!), Belphegor (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)
Additional Tags: Sickfic, Sick Character, The Author Regrets Nothing, Author Is Sleep
Deprived, Fluff and Angst
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-01-27 Chapters: 3/3 Words: 3927

In Sickness
by Marebear13


The brothers take care of a sick mc


This is honestly just a self indulgent fic for me. I currently have Covid and have lost my
sense of taste & smell and have a very slight cough so I'm very frustrated and sad. Those
are my only symptoms, I can't even imagine how bad it'd be if I wasnt fully vaccinated. So
I'm going to write about my favorite demon boys taking care of a sick Mc to lift my spirits a

Also I just moved and don't have my laptop so this is written on my phone. Sorry if the
format ends up being weird.
Chapter 1

It started with a very subtle tickle at the back of your throat. So subtle in fact that you barely
noticed it. However it quickly became more serious than just a mild throat tickle. It was actually
Leviathan who realized you were sick before anyone else.

"Are you getting sick? You keep clearing your throat. You aren't even paying attention to the
movie." He paused the movie once you turned to cough into your elbow. You could tell he was

"I only have a small cough but other than that I feel fine. It might just be allergies. Those weird
flowers we walk past to get to RAD in the morning are blooming. I don't think it's anything
serious." You replied, offering him a smile.

He frowned and was silent for a moment. "Still I think we should stop the movie here for now. If
you actually are getting sick you should go to bed. But if you feel better tomorrow we can finish
the movie after classes ok? This is the new TSL movie you've gotta give it your full attention!"
With a sigh you nodded your head and went to bed.

When you woke up the next morning your cough was a bit more intense but your throat didn't
actually hurt. Getting dressed for RAD you checked yourself over in the mirror, and even though
you were a bit paler than normal you didn't look tired or anything. It definitely just had to be

Making your way down to the breakfast table you sat in your normal seat between Satan and Asmo
and across from Mammon and Leviathan. Leviathan looked up from his game at you the moment
you sat down and Asmo immediately commented on how you looked pale. The amount of concern
that radiated off the seven demons you've learned to love so much was almost suffocating.

You tried your very best to hold your coughs in, especially with Lucifer staring at you so intensely
but you couldn't keep them in forever. Eventually you let out a violent string of coughs into your
elbow. You might be sick but you were still going to try to be polite. Satan rubbed gentle circles on
your back while you coughed.

The second you were done with your coughing fit was when Lucifer spoke up. "You're not going to
classes today. I expect you to go back to bed once you've finished eating." You pouted and looked
at him. "But other than a cough I feel fine! I can go to class!" Quirking an eyebrow ruby eyes met
yours. "How odd. I don't remember offering you a choice in the matter." Standing from the table
the prideful demon straightened his tie. "I have to meet with Lord Diavolo before classes. Satan
please stay home with MC today. You're the only one I trust that can take care of a sick human
without knowing exactly what they're sick with."

With that Lucifer turned and left, leaving you sulking in your seat. The table was silent for once
with all eyes on you. Pushing your plate over to Beel he actually stopped you. "You should eat
MC. Especially if you're sick." The others were absolutely stunned. Beelzebub, the avatar of
gluttony himself is refusing food?

You offer him a small smile and shake your head. "I'll eat later I promise. I'm not hungry right
now." He hesitated for a moment before finally taking your plate and eating your breakfast. You
weren't sure when but at some point during breakfast Belphie actually woke up. Locking eyes with
him you seemed to know what he was thinking and squinted at him, silently telling him not to try
what he was thinking. He remained completely stone faced. "You're all going to be late and Lucifer
is going to rip all of you to shreds." Satan finally spoke up.

A chorus of irritated grunts sounded from the table and you rolled your eyes. "Oi don't tell your
older brother what to do Satan! I'll leave when I'm good and ready!" Mammon yelled at Satan who
just rolled his eyes. "Well I'm skippin' the student council meeting today!" Asmo shook his head at
Mammon. "Stop yelling idiot. Once Diavolo hears that MC is sick there won't be a student council

Eventually the brothers all got up to leave, each one of them saying goodbye to you and promising
to check on you as soon as they got back (Mammon threatening Satan to 'make sure you keep my
human safe or else' only to be dragged out by Leviathan) On his way out Belphie rested his hand
on your head which was the last thing you remembered before your world went black.

When you woke up you were gently tucked into Satan's bed, said demon reading in the armchair
next to his bed. Sitting up you rubbed your eyes a bit. "What happened?" You asked watching as
Satan closed his book to give you his full attention. "Belphegor placed you under a light sleep
spell. He is the embodiment of sloth. It only makes sense for him to have the ability to put anyone
to sleep. He can even control dreams if he wishes to." You let out a heavy sigh. "He's an asshole."
Satan let out a soft chuckle. "That may be true, but how are you feeling? You look a little more
rested than you did at breakfast."

You crossed your arms to pout, not wanting to admit that you did in fact feel a little more rested.
"Here, drink some water." Satan handed you a glass and you drank about half of it before setting it
down. "What time is it anyway?" Checking his DDD he responded "It's about lunchtime. You
should eat. What do you want me to bring you?" You shook your head. "Actually can I go to the
kitchen and make myself something? I want to get up and stretch my legs." "Only if you let me go
with you. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if you fainted while out of my supervision." You
agreed and you both went to the kitchen.

Making yourself something light to eat you ate with Satan in pleasant silence. It tasted a bit odd but
you didn't make it like you normally do so you didn't think much of it. Once you were done eating
you went back to Satan's room where you spent the rest of the afternoon studying devildom history.
Eventually classes at RAD ended and you were immediately harassed by the others asking if you
were ok.

You had a while until dinner so you decided to go take a shower hoping that would make you feel
better. You did feel a bit better once you got done and dressed in a comfy pair of pajamas. It was
then that you realized you couldn't smell your candle. Were you that used to the scent? Picking up
your lotion that Asmo gave you you unscrewed the cap and smelled it and... nothing. Okay don't
panic, you told yourself. Although that nagging in the back of your head had you quickly walking
to Lucifer's room. The best way to test your sense of smell was his cologne, it was pretty strong.

Knocking on his door you waited for him to tell you to come in, which was almost immediate.
"How are you feeling MC?" He asked. Completely ignoring his question you made eye contact
with him which was a little difficult for you at times with how intimidating he could be. "Can I see
your cologne for a minute please?" He raised an eyebrow but nodded, handing you the heavy glass
bottle of the cologne he wore everyday. Taking the bottle you sprayed yourself three times and
brought it up to your nose. When you smelled absolutely nothing you frowned and handed it back
to him. "Lucifer I've lost my sense of smell." He immediately looked concerned. "How long have
you not been able to smell?" You shrugged "I noticed once I got out of the shower. So maybe 20
minutes ago max."

He nodded a bit and walked over to you. "Okay. Try not to stress yourself over this love, I'll contact
Solomon and Simeon to see if they can help." Biting your lip you sucked in a breath. "That's easier
said than done." Patting your shoulder he reassured you that he'd find a way to fix this. "Do you
wish to stay with me until it's time to head down for dinner?" Nodding you plopped down onto his
bed which made him smile but of course you couldn't see it. You actually ended up falling into a
light sleep until he gently woke you for dinner.

Sitting at the table next to Lucifer you gave weak smiles to the rest of the brothers. Beel and
Belphie had ended up making one of your favorite dishes here in the devildom. However after
taking a few bites of your food fat tears started rolling down your cheeks. Silence came across the
table and Beel looked almost heartbroken, worried you didn't like it which just made you more
upset. You could feel Satan staring at you but you figured he could sense your growing frustration.
You wanted to flip the table over you were so stressed out. Mammon, who was sitting to your left
gently wiped your tears which surprised everyone. "MC what's wrong? Does it not taste good?"
Beel asked and you could hear the concern in his voice. You shook your head as more tears spilled
down your face. "I can't taste anything." You said as you tried your hardest to hold back your sobs.

"We made it like normal- I'm not sure what happened. I'm sorry MC." Belphie said. You hiccuped
as more tears fell. "No I can't smell anything either. I'm sorry for crying." You rubbed at your eyes
willing yourself to stop crying but you weren't really successful. Lucifer gently took your hand. "I
promise we'll figure out a way to get your senses back. Until then I'd like you to stay with me in my
room. I'll let Solomon and Simeon know that it's not just your sense of smell that you're missing.
Satan, Leviathan I'd like you two to try and do some research on this. If you find anything please
let Simeon or Solomon know." Both brothers nodded and they all watched as Lucifer stood with
you. "I'd like you to go rest. I'll stay with you. We'll bring you something light later. Just because
you can't taste doesn't mean you can skip meals." You just silently nodded and followed Lucifer
back to his room.

Once in his room he tucked you into his bed, taking his shoes off and getting in next to you. He
held you close as you sobbed for what felt like hours until you eventually fell asleep to him gently
stroking your hair.
The Next Day
Chapter Summary

You realize just how sick you really are

Chapter Notes

I want to say a quick thank you to everyone who commented on this telling me how
much you liked it. Here is another chapter due to popular demand. I hope it's just as
good as the previous one. Again I wrote this on my phone at 2am so if there are
mistakes or it looks weird sorry

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Misery. That was the only word to describe what you were feeling right now. The brothers were
very worried and tried to help you with everything they could, which was a nice gesture but it had
you completely overwhelmed. You just wanted to lay down and sleep for what felt like eternity.

It was Asmo who was with you right now, pulling your hair back into a cute little bun and rubbing
soothing circles on your back as you hacked up phlegm into the toilet, bile rising with it as you
emptied the contents of your stomach for the fourth time today. It seemed you couldn't keep any
food down. Belphegor had to drag Beel out of the house after he found out you couldn't eat without
being sick, his worry had him pacing by your room for an hour.

Wiping your mouth with toilet paper and flushing the toilet you rested your head against the cool
porcelain for a moment before lifting your head to look at Asmo. Before you could even open your
mouth a slim perfectly manicured finger pressed against your lips. "I know what you're about to
say and you don't need to apologize darling. Even I have bad hair days, but that's our little secret
ok?" He smiled and gently patted your cheek when he heard you let out a quiet giggle. "Let's get
you back into bed. Can you stand?"

Groaning a bit you slowly stood quickly being guided back to your bed where you were tucked in.
Honestly you weren't sure if you would have been able to make it back to your bed by yourself you
felt so weak. Once Asmo had you tucked in he gave you a gentle kiss on the top of your head. "Get
some rest cutie. Solomon and Simeon are stopping by later to see if they can help you." You
wanted to protest that you didn't need to be coddled like this but your body felt so heavy, and your
eyes wouldn't stay open.

As if he could sense that you were fighting to stay awake, Asmo sat next to you and started
massaging your head a bit, starting with the temples. The last thing you remembered before finally
falling asleep was a small warm smile on Asmo's face.

You woke up to the sound of voices. You had no idea how long you had been asleep for with how
tired you still felt. Opening your eyes you blearily looked around. Solomon and Simeon were there,
along with Mammon and Belphegor. Using every ounce of strength you could muster up, you
somehow managed to sit up on your own. Almost immediately the room went silent.
All four of them walked over to you which made you frown. Too many people to deal with at one
time when you were sick. Besides the only completely sane one there was Simeon so you weren't
sure how you'd feel being under the care of three of the most chaotic people you've met.

Belphegor reached out to touch your head to see if you had a fever and recoiled his hand as soon as
he touched you, almost as if you burned him. "Is their fever that bad?" Solomon asked him. With a
tired shake of his head Belphegor responded. "No I don't think they have a fever at all right now. I
could be wrong though. I'm more worried about the extreme exhaustion I felt from them. I didn't
know that was possible in humans. I'm tempted to put them to sleep again like I did at breakfast

You let out a quiet huff at that idea. "Don't talk about me like I'm not in the room." You thought
you sounded confident and clear but in reality you were so tired your words came out quiet and
mumbled so they couldn't really understand you. Simeon gave you the saddest, most pitiful smile
you've ever seen making you furrow your eyebrows together in irritation. You weren't a toddler you
didn't need someone to do everything for you. Pulling a vial out of seemingly nowhere, Solomon
turned to you.

"I've made a small potion for you. It should help you feel better." He chuckled when you shook
your head. No way in hell were you drinking a potion from Solomon. He was still pretty shady
even after you've known him for so long. Besides knowing his cooking the taste alone was gonna
kill you."

A smirk tugged the corner of his mouth. "You can't even taste anything right now. The potion
won't have a taste." With a huff you agreed and Solomon handed you the potion. Simeon sat next
to you and the anxiety you were feeling was immediately gone thanks to his angelic presence.
Sighing in irritation you took the potion and drank it. True to his word you couldn't taste anything.

Satisfied Solomon nodded and turned to the door. "Okay Simeon, I think we're good for now.
Please keep us updated on how they're feeling." Leaning down Simeon kissed your forehead, "Feel
better little lamb." He said before leaving and the exhaustion in your body seemed to melt away
from the angel's blessing.

You immediately lay back down ready to go back to sleep with how comfortable you suddenly felt.
Mammon, who had been uncharacteristically quiet the entire time finally walked over to you.
"How are you feeling MC? We brought you something light to eat. I know you're tired but you
can't go back to sleep until you try to eat." Gently he sits you up and hands you a small plate with
some toast. "Just eat a piece for me."

You groaned but complied, not having as hard of a time now that your limbs didn't feel so heavy.
You managed to eat a singular slice of toast before resting your head on Mammon's shoulder. He
handed the plate over to Belphie who left once handed the plate. Mammon shifted his position so
he could lay next to you in your bed. "Get some rest. The great Mammon will be right here for ya
human. You'll feel better in no time I promise."

You slowly drifted off to sleep again, resting in Mammon's arms.

Chapter End Notes

I hope you liked it. I'll probably write another chapter for this. I started getting some
writers block towards the end there so sorry if it wasn't as good as the previous
Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

I'm so sorry it continues to take me forever to update. I just got a full time job so things
are a bit crazy. Anyway thanks for all your wonderful comments! They really make
me want to write more. As always, this was written on my phone so sorry for any
mistakes, I still don't have a laptop.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

When you woke up again, the first thing you noticed was that you were in what felt like a pool of
water, and something was wrapped around your waist. Panic struck before you opened your eyes
and you tried to get away from whatever captured you.

Turns out it was Leviathan, his tail curled around you and keeping you from slipping under water.
Looking around you noticed you were in Asmo's bathroom. The more you looked around the more
you noticed what was going on. All of the brothers were there, every single one of them in demon
form. Asmo was on the phone with someone and it seemed like Lucifer was trying to yell at
whoever was on the line, probably Solomon based on Asmo's reaction.

Besides Leviathan, Satan was the closest to you. He was obsessively flipping through a book, it
looked like it was on devildom illnesses. Furthest from you in the corner of the room was Beel and
Belphie, Beel's wings buzzing with worry while Belphie tried to calm him down. The last thing
everyone needed was for Satan to rampage because of his own worry mixed with Beel's incessant

That leaves Mammon. You thought you had seen him over by Lucifer a moment ago but he was
gone when you looked again. Then you felt a hand on your forehead causing a shudder to run
down your spine. His hand felt cool against your sweat slicked forehead, it was a nice sensation.
You nuzzled into his hand but didn't miss the frown on his face as you did so. Gently he ran his
knuckles over your cheekbone before completely retracting his hand. The sound of protest you
made at the loss of contact caused the room to go completely silent for a few blissful seconds
before it erupted into chaos.

Leviathan pulled you even closer to him when shivers started wracking your body, sucking up his
body heat like a sponge. Beelzebub looked relieved to see that you were awake, but that didn't stop
the buzzing of his wings, you were in too fragile of a state for him to be completely relieved. Your
head hurt so bad you could barely make out what was being said.

"-awake now!" Asmo must have still been on the phone.

"-or I'll feed him to Cerberus." Lucifer must have been talking with Asmo and whoever else was on
the line.
"-respectable for once and contact Barbatos." There was an edge to Satan's voice that he carried
whenever talking to Lucifer.
"-You have to calm down." Although he was farther away from everyone you could still hear
Belphie's quiet remark to Beel, who hadn't spoken but you could still hear the buzzing. It was too
much for you, it felt like your head was going to explode.

Leviathan gently rested your head against his chest, one of his hands came up to brush your hair
behind your ear before gently covering it, hoping to help block out the noise. He shared a look with
Mammon who nodded once. With Leviathan securely holding you and muffling the loud arguing
from everyone you watched Mammon. You've never seen his eyes glow so gold before, you've also
never seen him actually yell at his brothers before. Especially Lucifer.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" If Leviathan hadn't been covering your ears you were sure they'd be
bleeding by this point. Everything was so loud and you were completely overwhelmed. The room
fell silent.

"They just woke up. They still have a fever, they are still sick. Yelling at each other isn't helping."
It was unusual to see Mammon like this. The sound of water sloshing vaguely registered with you
as Leviathan stood from the water, holding you close. He was silent but it seemed he and Mammon
were on the same wave length.

"I would give everything I own to make sure they get better. I know the potion Solomon made
wasn't the quick fix we were hoping for but if you can't swallow your pride to ask for more help
then you aren't the person I thought you were." The tension in the room was thick, and by the way
Satan's tail was whipping back and forth it would probably end in a fight. You've known him long
enough to know when he was feeding off of anger.

Honestly a fight might have broken out if it weren't for your stomach growling. Mumbling a soft
"I'm hungry" was enough to snap Beel into action. In a swift movement he scooped Belphie up
with one arm and ran out of the room. It was like he was playing Fangol with how fast he was. You
could hear Belphie's surprised shout from the hallway. Snapping out of his demon form Satan ran
after. "Hold on! Beel you have to cook something light! They won't be able to handle anything

"Mammon I'm taking them to your room, you can't kick me out though I'm staying with them."
Leviathan said as he turned to leave. "Ooh wait for me! They're soaked from the bath water I'll
bring them some dry clothes. I have some super warm, super cute pajamas for them! I'll be right
over!" You weren't sure when Asmo had hung up the phone but he was pulling stuff from his closet
before running after Leviathan.

That just left Mammon and Lucifer, both still in demon form and both just staring at each other a
silent challenge between them. With a sigh and a shake of his head Mammon turned to leave,
stopping in the doorway for a moment. "If you decide you want to help they'll be in my room.
Figure your shit out Lucifer. I don't want to lose someone else I care about." With those final
stinging words Mammon left to meet you, Leviathan and Asmo in his room.

Lucifer stood in Asmo's bathroom for what felt like an eternity. His pride was definitely hurt and
he was angry, angry enough that it could rival Satan's wrath. Except he was mad at himself instead
of Mammon. He was foolish for thinking he could do everything himself. Especially when it came
to you. You were special to him. To everyone. Sighing deeply Lucifer fixed his appearance before
heading out of the house. He had to talk to Diavolo and Barbatos. He couldn't put it off anymore.

Chapter End Notes

This was honestly just a filler chapter. I wanted some angst. I promise mc starts to get
Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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