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Knowing Christ involves understanding “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6).

Christians should
have faith that Jesus will keep His promises based on His words, deeds, and miracles. One of them is His
assurance that He is gettingg ready to come get us so we can be where He is. Jesus foretells the Holy
Spirit’s indwelling as well. Only believers have access to this, and this Helper functions as a mentor,
teacher, and reminder for us. These comments are intended to provide consolation in trying times for
both the disciples and future Christians. Because Christ foresaw what would occur, we can have even
greater faith in Him.Jesus is the only way we have to God and redemption, according to John 14:6. There
is no other means of salvation. We cannot be saved by our deeds or by our standings in the church or
among mankind. This verse must be followed in order to be saved.

The only way to the cross, where Jesus’ blood was shed to save us, is through Him. He is not just one of
the ways. Because there wouldn’t be any forgiveness of sin without the spilling of His blood. (9:22 in

Jesus is the truth because there is no generational difference between the truth and what is true. He has
his roots in the everlasting God who affects us.

The absence of Christ results in a life that is the text opens with a declaration of divine action and

Even while it is obvious who has the authority and the mandate—the LORD—neither the “me” whom
God is with nor the one whom God has sent nor anointed is mentioned. It makes sense to infer that
what is being described is the prophet’s voice and his or her mission.

The work for which the “me” has been anointed and the presence of God’s spirit, however, also bring to
mind David’s anointing as king of Israel (1 Samuel 16:13), the prophecy of a king who would mend the
rift between Israel and Judah and rule with righteousness (Isaiah 11:2-5), the release and righteousness
to be carried out by God’s “servant” (Isaiah 42:1-9) and the LORD’s anoin

“I am the way and the truth and the life” is one of the seven “I Am” statements of Jesus. On the last
night before His betrayal and death, Jesus was preparing His disciples for the days ahead. For over three
years, these men had been following Jesus and learning from His teaching and example. They had placed
their hopes in Him as the Messiah, the promised deliverer, yet they still didn’t understand how He was
going to accomplish that deliverance. After the Last Supper, Jesus began speaking about His departure,
which led to questions from His disciples.

Broken lives are rebuilt by the Lord (Isaiah 61:4)

Summary of the sermon

Rev. David Yan

2 May 2021

There was an earthquake that struck the Christchurch Cathedral. Fire damaged the Notre-Dame
Cathedral in some areas. These ruins are presently being rebuilt.

These temples, like our lives, are susceptible to the earthquakes and fires of life. Broken lives require

The prophet Isaiah mentions the restoration of ancient ruins (Isaiah 61:4). This should provide hope to
those whose lives have been shattered since the Lord is putting ancient ruins back together. He mends
shattered lives.

Jesus was identifying Himself as the great “I Am,” the only way to paradise, the only standard of
righteousness that is truly accurate, and the origin of both physical and spiritual existence in these
remarks. He was stakeing out His position as the actual Creator God, the Lord who blessed Abraham,
and the Holy One who resides in all of eternity. He did this to prepare the disciples for the difficult times
ahead and to enable them to continue the task of spreading the gospel throughout the world. Of course,
the Bible makes it clear that they were still in the dark, and it required multiple encounters with their
risen Lord to convince them to change their minds. Once they realized the reality of His words, they
underwent a transformation that the world has never experienced before.

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