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1.define offshore structures?

An offshore structures has no fixed access to dry land and may be required to
stay in position in all weather condition. Offshore structure may be fixed to the
seabed or may be floating.

2.what is meant by break water ?

Break wall also called mole. A massive wall built out into the sea to protect a
shore or harbour from the force of waves.

3.what is heave ?

Active heave compensation [AHC] is a technique used on lifting equipment to

reduce the influence of waves upon offshore operations.AHC differs from
passive heave compensation by having a control system that actively tries to
compensate for any movement at a specific point, using power to gain

4.define surge ?

Storm surge is an abnormal rise of water generated by a storm, over and above
the predicated astronomical tide..high tide that is 2ft above mean sea level
produces a 17 ft. Storm tide inland exent storm surge can penetrate well inland
from the coastline .

5.what are components of a wave?

In the case of our slinky wave the medium through that the wave travels is the
slinky coils in the case of a water wave in the ocean the medium through which
the wave travels is the ocean water.

6.Define wave hight ?

In fluid dynamics the wave height of a surface wave is the difference between
the elevations of a creast and a neighbouring trough. Wave height is a term
used by mariners, as well as in coastal, ocean and naval engineering.
7.what is meant by threshold ?

Wave height as threshold for safe offshore operations. Ship transfer and
climbing up to the offshore structure sea state statistics monthly distribution
of wavw height below a threshold-value for optimization the planning of
offshore activities.

8.define wave period ?

Wave period the time required for two successive wavw crets to pass a fixed
point, or the time for a single wave crest to travel adistance equal to the length
of the wave.

9.define wave length ?

Wave length is the distance from one crest to another, of a wave crest is the
highest point of the wave.

10. what is meant by fully developed sea ?

A sea for which the input of energy to the waves from the local wind is in
balance with the transfer of energy among the different wave components,
and with the dissipation of energy by wave breaking.


1.what is the difference between wave and tide ?

Tide are formed beause of the interaction of the gravitional forces between
the earth, the moon and the sun.

Waves are formed because of the gusting or raging force exerted by the wind
on the wter surface.

2.expain roll pitch and yaw ?

Imagine three lines running through an airplane and intersecting at right angles
at the airplane’ center of gravity. Rotation around the front-to-back axis is
called roll. Rotation around the side to side is called pitch. Rotation around the
vertical axis is called yaw.
3.list out the conditions of wave breaking ?

Plunging breakers, collapsing, surging and spilling . inmeteorology

,atmospheric gravirty waves are said to break when the wave products regions
where potential temperature decrease hight,leading to energy dissipation
through convective intability waves are said to break when the potential
vorticity gradient is overturned.

4.what is meant by sub critical flow ?

Subcritical flow is dominated by gravitational forces and behaves in a slow or

stable way. Its defined as having a Froude number less than one supercritical
flow is dominated by inertical forces and behaves as rapid or unstable flow.

5.explain transitional and super critical flow .

Supercritical flow has a Froude number greater than one.critical flow is the
transition or control flow that possesses the minimum possible energy for that
flowrate.critical flow has a Froude number equal to one.

6.write Morrison equation to find maximum drag on a pile ?

Morrison equation can be used to estimate the drag forces on pile groups , a
study of the hydrodynamics in the vicity.

7.write the formula of minikis method to calculate maximum breaking wave

pressure ?

Pressure distribution on the vertical wall according to the manikin method

formula for the wave loads on the vertical walls based on theoretical and
laboratory works his method predicts a static equivalent load instead of short
impulsive loads for breaking and non beraking waves.

8.list out difference methods to calculate wave force ?

Wave force calculation methods of deep –water break water. Wave force
calculated by the sainflou goda modified goda s and specification methods are
compard for various water depth.
9.what is meant by taut mooring ?

The taut leg system or taut system is characterized that the mooring
lines are pre-tensioned until they are taut. By the taut leg system the mooring
line terminates at an angle at the seabed. Ataut leg system will usually have an
angle of between 30 and 45 degrees.

10.what is meant by slack mooring ?

The slack mooring cables are approximately modelled as catenary lines in

aquasi – static analysis in a time –domin model that takes into account the non
linearities of the syste introduced by the non linear mooring forces and that
affect the motions of the converter.


1.what are the different types of OFFSHORE structures ?

Broadly offshore structures maybe two types = floating these offshore

platforms are floating in free surface and are movable from one location to
another .

2.explain about gravity platform.

A gravity platform is a drilling platform made of concrete or steel that stands

on the ocean bed and is kept in position by its own weight. Of all the drilling
platforms, the sheer weight of a gravity platform allows it to rest on the ocean

3.what are the four components of force resultant model ?

Decompose the forces acting on the object in to x and y components.

Calculate the x and y compets of the resultant force by adding the x and y
components of all forces. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant
force by using its x and y components

4.what are points to be considered in modelling of shallow foundation ?

Three methods were used to size the shallow foundations. All footings having
static bearing capacity factor of safety of 3.0 all fooing having equal static
settlement ,and all footings having equal stiffness with the most heavily loaded
footings to have static bearing capacity factor of safety of 3.0

5.what is meant by dynamic beach ?

By definition , a beach is simply an accumulation of detrital material or

sediment along marine or lake shorelines that has been transported and
deposited by waves and by currents generated by wind and waves.

6.what is meant by static beach ?

Beaches are never static. They are always being built up or eroded, more
quickly than other landforms. Over time the boundary between the land and
the sea changes .. the growth of Dungeness, has cut it off from the sea.

7.what is meant by wave celerity ?

Wave celerity the speed of propagation of the wave crest or trough .

analternative definition useful for linar waves if many wave spectral
components are involved , is the frequency multiplied by the wavelength , or
the angular frequency divided by the wave number.

8.what are the different types of piles used for foundation ?

A.Based on function

1.sheet piles

2.load bearing piles

3.end bearing pile

4.friction pile

5.soil compactor pile

B.based on materials and construction

1. timber piles, 2.concrete pile ,3.steel pile ,4.composite pile

9.explain flow rule .

Flow rule , in metal plasticity the assumption that the plastic strin increment
and deviatoric stress tensor have the same principal directions is encapsulated
in a relation called flow rule.

10.explain hardening law.

Is called the hardening rule strain softening, material can also strain soften for
example soils.
m.arulmitran struct 8124099599


1.what are the assumptions of airy theory ?

2.explain hydro dynamics.

3.what are environmental loads ?

4.what are the loads to be considere while constructing offshore structures ? deep water and shallow water is differentiated ?

6.In offshore structure what is ‘ fetch’ and Knot refers to ?

7.what is meat by progressive waves ?

8.why pile foundation is preferred than other foundation ?

9.what are the forces considered in ffshore structures?

10.what is the difference between static and dynamic analysis ?


1.what are the technological challengs in installation of deep water pipe line ?

2.what are the factors to be considered in design and installation of pipe line ?

3.explain about mooring cable ?

4.list different mooring line materials used in offshore structure ?

5.explin about fixed platform ?

6.what is meant by offshore platform ?

7.explain about jack-up plat form ?

8.explain about floating production , storage and off loading [ FPSO] ?

9.what is meant by tension leg platform ?

10.what is meant by semisubmersible ?

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