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Use of "be supposed to"

Choose the appropriate use of "be supposed to"

1 Anna was supposed to arrive by 4 pm. 3 Siblings are supposed to get along well.

A It's said to
B It's different from what really happens.
A It's said to.
C Not allowed or prohibited
B It's different from what really happens.
D It's planned, organized or expected to happen.
C Not allowed or prohibited.
D It's planned, organized or expected to happen.

4 I'm supposed to get drinks for the party.

2 Listen, you're not supposed to take anything without asking


A It's said to
B It's different from what really happens.
C Not allowed or prohibited
D It's planned, organized or expected to happen.

A It's said to.

B It's different from what really happens.
C Not allowed or prohibited.
D It's planned, organized or expected to happen.
Use of "be supposed to" 2 / 2

5 They were supposed to start the meeting 10 min ago.

A It's said to
B It's different from what really happens.
C Not allowed or prohibited
D It's planned, organized or expected to happen.

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