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David Sziroczak, Istvan Jankovics, Istvan Gal, Daniel Rohacs,

Conceptual design of small aircraft with hybrid-electric propulsion systems,

Volume 204,
ISSN 0360-5442,
Abstract: Stakeholders envision the introduction of electric and hybrid-electric
aircraft into operation by 2035. First developments of such aircraft have
demonstrated that the existing technologies do not allow realization of hybrid-
electric aircraft matching the performance of traditional aircraft with the same
load factors. The major challenge of future hybrid-electric aircraft development is
the considerable improvement of the energetic efficiencies. This paper evaluates
the (i) problems and barriers (ii) emerging and required future technologies of
effective hybrid-electric propulsion systems and (iii) adaptation of the aircraft
conceptual design process for the development of hybrid-electric aircraft. The
developed methodology is applied to the conceptual design of a small aircraft with
hybrid-electric propulsion system. The results demonstrate that the adapted
conceptual design methods with (i) constrains on mass fraction adapted to new
technologies and solutions, (ii) constraints defined for energy fractions for
flight mission legs, (iii) considering radically new elements and technologies in
aircraft design and (iv) developing unconventional aircraft, aircraft operations
may allow the development of small hybrid-electric aircraft with acceptable
Keywords: Hybrid-electric aircraft; Aircraft conceptual design; Unconventional
aircraft; Energy fractions

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