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Course Code No.


(ISG) ORDEV 101 2

Name: SALIVIA, SHANE T. Program: BEED 1


Professor: Date: NOVEMBER 10, 2022

Content Standard/Topic: Session B: Getting In-Touch with my Personhood

Objectives – At the end of this ISG, I will learn to:

1. Discover and appreciate my uniqueness and the gift of my person.
2. Reflect on our common humanity and have a better understanding of each other.

We use our hand to help us get in touch with our personhood. During the Kumustahan session, what in what situation
did you make use of your hand? – clapping, writing, etc. When we reach out to others, what part of your body do you
use? —your hand. When you extend your hand, is it just a part of your anatomy that you extend or is it something
more? No. You also extend your spirit— “kamusta ka?”. In this activity we will use our hand to get in touch with our

Materials: One sheet of bond paper; crayon/marker/pencil

Required attitudes: PSYCHOLOGICAL HONESTY; Reflective mood


1. What were the feelings you experienced while working on the activity?
2. What impact or effect did this activity have on you? In what way did it affect you?
3. What is the significance of going through the hand language?
4. What significant learning, realizations, and discoveries did you gain from this activity?

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