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Medical Vocabulary

NAME: Dario Llanga - Stephanie Alta CLASS: 5G2

1. Wound: Herida.

 The doctora may arrive at the hospital a little late because she is wound.

 She may not go shopping on Saturday because she is wound.

2. Burn: Quemadura.

 The police officer may be late for work because he suffered a burn.

 The secretary may be late home because she suffered a burn.

3. Break: Descanso.

 Kevin may come tomorrow because he has a break.

 Dario may play tomorrow because he has a break.

4. Swollen: Hinchado.

 The carpenter may be swollen tomorrow.

 Vicky may be swollen tomorrow because she ate too much.

5. Illness: Enfermedad.

 The cat may have gone to the doctor on Saturday for his illness.

 Cristian may have gone to play on Saturday for his illness.

6. Chronic: Crónico

 She must have a chronic illness.

 My sister had a chronic sore throat.

7. Cure: Cura.
 He might not have the cure for this condition.

 The biologist might know the cure for influenza.

8. Remedy: Remedio.

 My grandmother will be able to visit to you on Friday with the remedy for the headache.

 The doctor recommended several natural remedies for my son.

9. Sprain: Esguince.

 I may have a sprain because my ankle hurts a lot.

 Kate is not go to the party because suffered a sprain.

10. Flu: Gripe

 Marco must be flu.

 I might not be flu.

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