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Assignment of Law of Carriage, Transportation and Insurance

Link of Submission-

Topic of Assignment- Write a case study which is related to Carriage By Road Act,
2007 or Railway Act, 1989 or Carriage by Air Act, 1972

Format of Writing-

Cover page including all the details of the student i.e- Name/ Enrl/Program etc

1- Title of the Case

2- Provisions of the Act invoked
3- Facts of the case
4- Decision of the concern adjudicating authority
5- Your observations
6- As a lawyer what would you suggest as a remedy to the party who lost
the case

(Note- Points 5 and 6 are required to be included as mandatory part and it must
not be copied from fellow student)


1- Well explained
2- Well typed in a proper format
3- Font- Calibri (Body) 14
4- Space between lines must be 1.5
5- If hand written, two or more colored pan to be used

Last Date of Submission- 18-11-2022

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