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Q1) Hello sir can I know your name ?

My name is Ganesh acharya.

Q2) How do you earn bread and butter for you and your family ?

I am a worker and even my wife works with me to support my family.

Q3) Are you a native of Bangalore and how did you get this job

No, I am native of Bihar. I shifted along with my wife and son in 2009 in search of better pay job but
due to lack of education couldn’t find a job other than daily wage worker. I have been in bihar since
my childhood and leaving it for work wasn’t easy, I left all my friends and relative behind to earn a

Q4) How would you describe Bangalore as a city ?

Its peaceful here and even the law and order is very well administered compared to Bihar.

The weather is amazing, also there are ample opportunities for skilled labours.

I wish I would have focused on studies.

Q5) How do you plan to make your life better and do you plan to send your son to a good school?

Yes I have some plans to make things better like I have applied for a loan for starting a small business
under pm scheme to encourage startups and new businesses I hope it gets sanctioned and soon with
the money I will earn from that business I ll send my son to a good school.

Q6) Have you ever given an interview before ?

No I didn’t even know about it until you approached me and answering your questions has given me
a greater analysis of my own life.

Q7) Are you paid properly and do your boss follow the labour laws ?

Yes I suppose I am paid well for my job, atleast what I deserve but there are no bonus given so I have
no motivation to go to work every morning. I don’t think so except for wage payment my boss
actually follows any other provisions of labour law and so there are frequent strikes at factory by
labour unions demanding justice .

Q8) how much do you earn montly?

Not much and also I am not comfortable disclosing that so can we skip this question ?

Q9) have you ever considered going back to Bihar?

Yes I have given it a thought and I wish if I become strong in terms of financial sense I would like to
go back where I was raised .

Q10) what is your qualification anyways ?

I have studied till 9 th grade but after that my father couldn’t afford to pay for school. He was
addicted to alcohol and didn’t care about anyone or anything.

Q11) What are the safety measures that are followed in the factory you work ?

So the factory has properly planned emergency exits, it has fire extinguishers, for site accident it has
first aid and health kit, the workers are also provided with safety halmets and boots to avoid injuries
prone at such site.

Q12) what are the various skill development and training provided at your factory to the workers?

There are different levels of training provided for example a new worker joining for the first time is
given full tour of the factory and made accustomed with every functions happening in the factory for
future allocation of work, then if the manager feels the need to have any workshop to improve the
efficiency of workers it carries out such workshops from time to time etc.

Q13) What transport is used by the worker to reach the site every day ?

The ones who live far from the site take bus or the public transport services and others come by
walk .

Q14) Is these transportation cost reimbursed by your employer ?

Yes at the end of the day the workers are paid wage and such charges together.

Q15) Is there any employment contract between you and employer?

No, there is no such contract between me and the employer.

Q16) Are you given any meal allowance ?

Yes the employer gives 70 rs as meal allowance which is given on daily basis.

Q17) how are the working conditions?

The conditions are not so good as the factory was constructed back in 1995 and so there are pretty
chances of accidents and also some work require us to work near the blades which is dangerous,
also the work we do involves to much noise generated due to several heavy machineries operating
together so its harmful for our ears and there is not much breaks given for rest.

Q18) what is the nature/behavior of the employer with the workers ?

He is a gentlemen, he usually visit us at breaks and ask us with how’s everything and is there
something wrong happening in the factory. He is even sponsoring the education for few of the
workers children.

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