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Job interview

Job: Comercio exterior

Interviweer: Arthur Oliveira; Maykon Rocha
Interviwee: Kaíke Miguel

A: Olá!
M: Oi!
K: Bom dia!
A: Estamos aqui hoje para realizar sua admissão em nossa empresa de
importação e exportação. Meu nome é Arthur.
M: E eu me chamo Maykon. É um prazer em conhece-lo

A: Primeiramente, gostaríamos se saber um pouco mais sobre você. Fale um

pouco sobre a sua pessoa.
K: Muito bom dia, eu me chamo Kaíke Miguel da Silva e tenho 18 anos de
idades. Sou uma pessoa que consegue trabalhar em equipe e que tomo
iniciativa para diversos projetos, sempre tentando aumentar a eficiência das
tarefas que devem ser cumpridas.

M: Bom senhor Kaíke, um dos requisitos para a contratação é a fluência em

inglês, então vamos começar as nossas perguntas neste idioma.
A: So let's start

* Why do you want this job?

- I would like this job because I believe I can add positively to the company
using my skills

* What's your strengths and weakness?

- My strengths are that I am proactive, increasing work efficiency.
My weaknesses are that I can end up stressing myself out and creating a
creative block on myself.
* Let's say you're working with colleagues who don't help you on a project?
- I would sit-down with its to improve the situation. If it doesn't work, I would tell
to a superior member

* What days are you avaible to work?

- I am willing to work every working day, even Saturdays.

* What are your goals for the next few years? How do you plan to achieve these
- My goals for the next year are to be able to fulfill all the company's goals
without any delay, helping with tasks that are not just mine.

*How would you describe your ability to work as a team member?

- I am a patient and creative person, always trying to help my team

*What will you do if you don't get this position?

- I will try in another opportunity, because I believe that this company can offer
me a lot for my knowledge and professional experience.

*Why shoud we hire you?

- I believe that if I am hired by the company I will learn a lot, increasing and
improving my professional experience.

- I also believe that I will be able to contribute even more to the company,
helping my co-workers, being able to grant greater efficiency to the proposed

- Finally, I believe that if I am hired, I will help the company to invest in

charismatic marketing, making it possible for us to attract new customers, in
addition to reinforcing the strong identity that the company has.

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