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(Cover illustration by @arte_maiz.

Image description is at the close of this


Table of Contents
Theme Introduction: Growing the Next Economy….….…….page 3

Key Terms & Definitions…………………………….….….… 5

Practices…………………………………………………...….….page 7

Rituals…………………………………………………..….…… 10

Reflection Questions…………………………………..……… 13

Actions…………………………………..……………………… 15

Learning Resources………………….……………..………...….page 16

Inspiration………………………………..………………… 21
Featured Poem
Featured Music
Featured Artwork

Journal Prompts…….……………………...…………..… 27

Monthly Calendar of Events………………..…………… 30

Cover Illustration Description…………………………… 31

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
Introduction: Growing the Next Economy
"In nature's economy the currency is not money - it is life."
-Vandana Shiva

Welcome to the third month of our second season of the Beloved Community
Journey. This month’s theme is “Growing the Next Economy” and we are engaging
in learning, practices, and actions to support us in creating a just and flourishing
world for all.

As the social and political vision of Martin Luther King, Jr. evolved throughout his
life, he became increasingly focused on the issues of poverty and economic injustice.
He knew that to truly build the Beloved Community we had to transform our
economy, stating that, "The problems of racial injustice and economic injustice cannot
be solved without a radical redistribution of political and economic power." In the
final months of his life, he was actively working on building a “Poor People’s
Campaign’ that would bring a multiracial coalition to Washington, DC to demand full
employment, guaranteed income and housing for the poor.

Growing the Next Economy is the vital work of creating a just and flourishing
world that works for all of us. It requires the radical shift from an extractive economy
to a regenerative economy, growing new systems that include a wide range of
solutions: worker-owned cooperatives, community wealth & investment models, gift
economics & mutual aid, regenerative agriculture systems & food sovereignty, radical
philanthropy and redistribution, clean energy & biomimicry, blockchain &
decentralized finance, affordable housing and urban renewal, and other eco-just
economic innovations that support the wellbeing of all people and life on our planet.

Some of the specific questions & sub-themes we’ll be exploring include:

● What is our personal relationship with money? How were we shaped by our
background and what is our economic worldview today?

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
● In what ways, if any, do we benefit from our current economic system? In what
ways, if any, are we hindered and harmed by our current economic system?

● How do we make a just transition to the next economy, one that is based on the
principles of interconnectedness, equity and regeneration?

● Who are the groups and movements growing that we can support and
collaborate with? What are the actions we can take individually and as

We hope you find many new perspectives, possibilities and a sense of positive power
in the practices, learning resources, and inspiration that follows. Take your time and
return to this many times throughout this month. As always, we’ll be sharing
reminders and highlights each week.

As we work to grow the next economy in our neighborhoods and communities, may
we be nourished by each other and the living world around us.

In partnership,
the Thrive team

"Money is like water; it's a precious life-giving resource. Money should be a

tool of love that facilitates relationships and helps us thrive, rather than
something that hurts and divides us. If we use it for sacred, life-giving
restorative purposes, it can be medicine." -Edgar Villanueva

"Wealth and power are meant to be shared for our collective good. So much of
the way we've structured our society has been centered on this misconception
that our money is the thing that will keep us safe. Actually it's our deep
relationships and communities that will keep us safe."
-Nwamaka Agbo

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
Key Terms & Definitions
Capitalism - an economic system in which private actors own and control property
in accord with their interests, and where supply and demand set prices in markets. The
essential feature of capitalism is the motive to make a profit, often made by a few at
the expense of the many and our planet.

Community wealth building - “a fast-growing economic development movement

that strengthens our communities through broader democratic ownership and control
of business and jobs. It builds on local talents, capacities and institutions, rebuilding
capital to strengthen and create locally-owned family and community owned
businesses that are anchored in place.” (1)

Divestment - “getting rid of stocks, bonds, or investment funds that are unethical or
morally ambiguous.” (1)

Energy Democracy - “a ​frame for the struggle of working people, low-income

communities, and communities of color, and their allies, to take control of energy
resources and decision-making from the corporate energy establishment and use
those resources to empower their communities.” (1)

Just Transition - “is a vision-led, unifying and place-based set of principles, processes
and practices that build economic and political power to shift from an extractive
economy to a regenerative economy.” (1)

Localization - “is about bringing the economy back to a human scale. It is the
process of building economic structures that allow the goods and services a
community needs to be produced locally and regionally whenever possible. This can
strengthen community cohesion and lead to greater human health and material
well-being, all while reducing pollution and degradation of the natural world.” (1)

Next Economy - “a regenerative, bio-regional, equitable, transparent, racially just,

and whole-systems approach to creating the new economy.” (1)

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
Redistribution - “the transfer of income and wealth (including physical property)
from some individuals to others through a social mechanism such as taxation, welfare,
public services, land reform, monetary policies, or confiscation.” (1)

Reinvestment - moving money into investments, companies and products that are
equitable and ecologically beneficial.

Restorative Economics - “centers on healing and restoration of vulnerable

communities who have been marginalized and oppressed by a polluting and extractive
economy, by investing in strategies that create shared prosperity and
self-determination for a just transition to the next economy.” (1)

Regenerative Economy - an economy that “values the dignity of work and humanity
and prioritizes community governance and ownership of work and resources, instead
of oppressive systems that devalue people and their labor through violent hoarding by
a few.” (1)

Solidarity Economy - “a global movement to build a just and sustainable economy

where we prioritize people and the planet over endless profit and growth.” (1)

Worker-Owned Cooperatives - “values-driven businesses that put worker and

community benefit at the core of their purpose. In contrast to traditional companies,
worker members at worker cooperatives participate in the profits, oversight, and often
management of the enterprise using democratic practices.” (1)

"If our economic system is to survive, there has to be a better distribution of

wealth... we can't have a system where some people live in superfluous,
inordinate wealth, while others live in abject deadening poverty."
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

"We need to start to talk about money in ways that dethrone it and make it
subject to human ethics and standards of love and decency." -Joel Solomon

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
“In order to create change in any system, we must first cultivate the capacity
for change within ourselves, and change requires practice.“
- Center for Whole Communities

In building a community of practice, we are engaging in core practices to support our

embodied presence, our capacity to be with what is and engage in continued healing
and growth. We invite you to choose one or more of the following practices to
work with throughout this month of exploring “Growing the Next Economy.”
These can be used several times a day or once a week. Experiment! Create your own
laboratory of practice, healing and liberation!

Practice A: Forward Stance (a.k.a. 60/40 Stance)

from Norma Wong

*Note: This is an anchor practice that we shared last month and that we
encourage you to continue (or begin) practicing this month and the next.

Forward Stance brings physical and experiential elements to movement building

work and provides a way to “get out of our heads.” It is built on the premise
that the mind and body are interconnected in ways that allow for physical
experience to enhance and shift the ways the mind can understand, absorb,
learn, and imagine.

Guided Instructions: Online Here

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
Practice B: Releasing Feelings of Lack and Scarcity

We often live into and perpetuate the stories and beliefs we hold inside
ourselves. When we lead our lives with a mentality of lack and scarcity, it
shapes both how we feel, the decisions we make and what we create.
There is a special kind of inner power that arises when we shift from
scarcity to an abundance mindset where there is enough for all beings to

In order to create a change to a dominant system we need both inner

and outer change. This is one way to foster inner change so that we can
be more effective in our actions to change the outer systemic structure.

Guided Meditation: Online Here

Practice C (a group practice): Gift Circles

A gift circle is an open circle where people come to help each other, and
share their needs and services. People share their services and help as a
gift, without expectation of anything in return. The purpose of a gift
circle is to allow people to help each other, to create a sense of
community and to further the gift economy.

Guided Instructions: Online Here

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
Practice D (a group practice): Mutual Aid

The term mutual aid refers to the voluntary exchange of resources and
services between community members to provide support for those who
need it. Mutual aid groups generally seek to address community
challenges and needs through peer relationships with an eye toward
transformative social change. They seek to operate by the principle of
“solidarity, not charity.”

Guided Instructions: Online Here

“Our only hope for our collective liberation is a politics of deep

solidarity rooted in love." -Michelle Alexander

"Community doesn't just create abundance - community is abundance. If we

could learn that equation from the world of nature, the human world might be
transformed." -Parker Palmer

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
"Any ritual is an opportunity for transformation. To do a ritual, you must be
willing to be transformed in some way. The inner willingness is what makes
the ritual come alive and have power." - Starhawk

We invite you to engage with the power and intention of ritual throughout the
Beloved Community Journey. This can be done with the specific ritual suggestions we
offer each month, with the reflection questions for each theme, and with the Journal
Prompts at the end of each packet. Make it your own personal and special experience.
Be flexible and creative. Allow your inner wisdom and Spirit to guide you. Listen
deeply. Write about what’s unearthing itself and coming to the surface. Allow it to
inform your process so that you can bless and release it through this Journey and the
power of practice.

Creating an Altar to Deepen Your Ritual Space

If you haven’t already done so, consider building a simple or intricate altar that you
can engage with throughout the Beloved Community Journey. Create a space that
allows you to step into your own healing and transformation. Make it meaningful and
sacred of your own accord. Your inner wisdom will guide you on how to do that.
Listen deeply. Take time to journal what you’re sensing and hearing. Make it a part of
your regular practice. Gather sacred and meaningful objects that ignite the spark
within you, such as a picture of a Buddha, Goddess or someone you revere; stones,
crystals or precious objects; beautiful cloths; pieces from your cultural traditions;
some of your ancestors’ things that you treasure; writings and readings; affirmations
and declarations; candles, sage, incense, water; reminders of what you have buried or
forgotten. Bring it. Be it. Allow it to rise and surface, heal you, and reveal to you that
which is ready to emerge. Allow your deepest inner knowing to guide this process.

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
Ritual Suggestions for our month of “Growing the Next

The following ritual suggestions are offered for you to consider engaging in over the
month ahead. Feel free to adapt these and create your own that are unique to who you
are and your experience. There is no one way or right way to incorporate ritual into
your practice.

Scarcity & Sufficiency Ritual

Find a comfortable and quiet spot. Relax and settle inside of yourself. Begin to reflect
on the ways that the feelings of scarcity show up in your thoughts and life. In what
ways do you feel blocked and limited? How do feelings of “not enough-ness” shape
your sense of self and what is possible? Honor the experiences and challenges you’ve
faced that have given rise to these feelings, and extend your love and compassion to
the parts of you that have been impacted by them. Now feel a sense of appreciation
for all the ways you have grown and prevailed, even when faced with hardship and
shortcomings. Connect with your gratitude for all that you are blessed with in your
life. Bring your attention to the parts of your life where you’ve had strength and
success. Feel your gratefulness toward the people that have positively influenced you
and the meaningful experiences that have shaped you. Imagine the possibility that you
have everything you need to meet your needs and to realize your fullest potential, and
that our world has the capacity to support everyone in realizing their dreams. Envision
a world that is not perfect but where there is enough for everyone to be happy, healthy
and to have their core needs and dreams met. Allow a deep inner sense of sufficiency
to buoy you, affirming who you are and all that is possible for living in this world.
Listen deeply and allow your inner knowing and power to unfold.

Imagining a Just & Flourishing World Ritual

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
There is power in our ability to imagine the realization of a just and flourishing world.
Find a comfortable and quiet spot, and drop into your deeper place of dreaming.
Letting go of any doubts and reluctance, allow yourself to envision the world 100
years from now when justice and wellbeing for all has been achieved. What does this
world look like? Who are the people that inhabit it, how do they dress and feel? What
are the activities they are engaged in and how are they going about relating to one
another? What does work and the next economy look like? How have the buildings
and our social systems been designed and how are the natural ecosystems situated
around them? In what ways do they honor life and each other in this just and beautiful
world? Listen deeply and allow the power of your imaginationto unfurl. (An alternative and
creative approach for this ritual might include drawing a picture or mural of what you envision.)

"My vision is that we turn this world from the war zone it has become into a
garden." -Vandana Shiva

"Make the world work, for 100% of humanity, in the shortest time possible,
through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the
disadvantage of anyone." -Buckminster Fuller

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
Reflection Questions
"Sometimes one question can change the course of your entire life."
-Michael Tyrrell

The following questions are intended to be used as inquiry prompts for individuals,
dyads, or small groups to explore together. These are also included as part of the
“Journaling Prompts” at the end of this packet with additional questions for personal

Consider taking these reflection questions into your ritual space and/or creating an
intentional window of time to engage with them. Go slowly and let them speak to
you, revealing what you are needing to hear.

What is your relationship with money? How has wealth or poverty been passed
down through the generations in your family? Where are you in that inherited
pattern, and what are you doing with it today?

In what ways, if any, do you benefit from our current economic system? In
what ways, if any, are you hindered and harmed by our current economic

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
What is your vision for the next economy? In what areas are you called to learn
more and/or to deepen in?

How can you help redistribute wealth and help close wealth disparity?

What other actions can you take individually and collectively to help grow the
next economy?

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
Consider taking action in some of the following ways this month and going forward:

● Conduct a personal audit of your money flows

● Research and map your local next economy ecosystem

● Divest (i.e. divest from big banks, chain stores, exploitative industries, etc.)

● Reinvest (i.e. invest in locally-owned businesses, coops, etc.)

● Join a local currency or timebank

● Join a local mutual aid network

● Take a product that you use and see if you can trace its entire supply chain
journey from the raw material all the way to where it eventually ends up.

● Participate in a buy nothing groups and engage in the 3 R's - reduce, reuse,
recycle - rather than buying new and throwing things away

● Share your what you have - time, money, resources - with those who need it

"Hope calls for action. Hope is an axe you break down doors with in an
emergency; because hope should shove you out the door, because it will take
everything you have to steer the future away from endless war, from the
annihilation of the earth's treasures and the grinding down of the poor and
marginal." -Rebecca Solnit

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
Learning Resources
" the practice of freedom, the means by which people deal
critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the
transformation of their world." -Paulo Freire


Centering Blackness: The Path to Economic Liberation for All by Anne Price, Jhumpa
Bhattacharya and Dorian Warren

From Banks and Tanks to Cooperation and Caring: A Strategic Framework for a Just
Transition by Movement Generation

From Grocery Stores to Labor Unions, Cooperatives Were The Answer by Araz
Hachadourian & Liz Pleasant

Lack of Housing Is Not The Problem by Adrew Lee

Put Philanthropy on the Frontlines: Decolonize Wealth Through Reparations by

Edgar Villanueva

Rethinking Money as a Force for Equity by Oscar Perry Abello

System Change: A Basic Primer to the Solidarity Economy by Emily Kawano & Julie

The Joyful Economy by James Gustave Speth

The Power of Local Money for a Thriving Local Economy by Jackie Brown

Why Public Banking Is A Step Toward Revolutionizing Our Economy by Pamela


Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022

A Finer Future: Creating an Economy in Service to Life by Hunter Loves, Stewart Willis,
Anders Wiljkman, John Fullerton Kate Raworth

Ancient Futures: Lessons From Ladakh for a Globalizing World by Helena Norberg-Hodge

Creating Wealth: Growing Local Economies with Local Currencies by Gwendolyn Hallsmith
and Bernard Lietaer

Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism by Richard Wolff

How to Thrive in the Next Economy: Designing Tomorrow's World Today by John Thackara

Humanizing the Economy: Cooperatives in the Age of Capitalby John Restakis

Reclaiming Your Community: You Don’t Have to Move Out of Your Neighborhood to Live in a
Better One by Majora Carter

The B Corp Handbook: How You Can Use Business As A Force For Good by Ryan

The Clean Money Revolution: Reinventing Power, Purpose & Capitalism by Joel Solomon

The Local Economy Solution: How Innovative, Self-Financing "Pollinator" Enterprises Can Grow
Jobs and Prosperity by Michael Shuman

The New Systems Reader: Alternatives to a Failed Economy edited by James Gustave Speth
and Cathlene Courrier

The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist

This Changes Everything: Capitalism Versus the Climate by Naomi Klein

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022

A People’s Orientation to a Regenerative Economy: Protect, Repair, Invest &



Dreaming The Next Economy with Nwamaka Agbo

Money & Life documentary

The Economics of Happiness (film)

The Story of Stuff


Did We Go Too Far? Podcast

Economic Update Podcast/Radio

Finding Our Way Podcast

Next Economy Now Podcast

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022

B Lab

Buen Vivir Fund / Thousand Currents

Center for the Working Poor

Civil Eats

Climate Justice Alliance

Democracy at Work Institute

Greenlining Institute

Green New Deal Network

LIFT Economy

Local Futures

Movement Generation

New Economy Coalition

New Economics Institute

Poor People's Campaign


Schumacher Center for a New Economics

Restore Oakland

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022

Soul of Money Institute

Sustainable Economies Law Center (SELC)

The Next Systems Project

The Working Poor Families Project

U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives

U.S. Solidarity Economy Network

(Please share your additional resource suggestions with our team at We will work to add these to our online library.)

"We want to build a green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty.
We want to create green pathways out of poverty and into great careers. We
want this "green wave" to lift all boats. We can save the polar bears and poor
kids too." -Van Jones

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022

Featured Poetry

Capitalism by Porsha Olayiwola

These Gardens Are Blueprints by Naima Penninman

Featured Music

Feeling Good by Nina Simone

Food Fight by Earth Amplified

Talkin’ About a Revolution by Tracy Chapman

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
Featured Artwork from “We Can Thrive Together: Visioning
Economic Justice For All”

by Alex Albadree

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
by Rommy Torrico

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
by Alex Albadree

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
by Alex Albadree

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
by Rommy Torrico

We Can Thrive Together: Visioning Economic Justice For All

“We believe that ending poverty is within our reach, and that we have both the power
and responsibility to do so. In order to help organizers and teachers vision an
economically just society for everyone, the Opportunity Agenda and Amplifier
created an original campaign to spark more expansive conversations around the
intersection between economic justice and systemic racism, housing insecurity, income
inequality, and other major issues. The campaign features four original artworks as
well as brand new, hands on K-12 lesson plans about workers rights, the wage gap,
and more.”

Learn more at:

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
Journal Prompts
The following journal prompts are provided as an opportunity for deeper reflection,
awareness, practice and change. Feel free to add in your own. A downloadable Word
document version is available at:

How has wealth or poverty been passed down through the generations in your
family? Where are you in that inherited pattern, and what have you done with

Are there areas in the financial or material realm, where you feel you have more
than your fair share? What about in the worldwide context, especially
reflecting on the Global South?

What is your relationship to your labor as it intersects with money and

security? How would you like to be using your labor in a more fair and
balanced system? Who benefits from your labor, and who should benefit?

When you think about the resource extraction basis of our current day
economic systems, what are some ways you’d like to or already practice the
opposite of that–a system that regenerates instead?

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
What does being a “conscious consumer” mean to you? Can there even be
such a thing? If so, what does that look like in practice? If not, why not?

We all need a way to exchange goods and services. Can you imagine some
ways that can happen outside of extractive capitalism models?

When you think of the terms “globalization” and “localization”, where do your
personal thoughts lie for an ideal economic model? How does either support
or hinder the vision of a next economy?

Where do you get your food and can you trace its origins throughout the
supply chain? What impacts your choices around what food you choose to buy
and consume? If you could make some different choices, what would they be?

In what ways are you or can you help redistribute wealth, and help close wealth

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
What does investing in your local community look like?

How am I uniquely positioned to contribute to growing the next economy?

What ‘next economy’ issues and movements am I called to learn more about
and engage with?

What commitments can I make to deepen and expand my role in creating a

more just, equitable and liberated world?

"How you spend your money is how you vote on what exists in the world."
-Vicki Robin

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
"Regeneration means putting life at the center of every action and decision."
-Paul Hawken

March 2022 Calendar of Events

Please remember you will receive a personal Zoom link on the day of each event.

Sunday, March 6th | 4 - 5:30pm PT / 7 - 8:30pm ET

Money as Medicine: Healing Paths to the Next Economy with Edgard Villanueva,
AshEL SeaSunZ & Thrive Choir

Thursday, March 17th | 5 - 6:30pm PT / 8 - 9:30pm ET

Growing the Next Economy Deep Dive Conversation

Sunday, March 20th | 4 - 5:30pm PT / 7 - 8:30pm ET

BIPOC & White Affinity Practice Groups

Wednesday, March 23rd | 5 - 6:30pm PT / 8 - 9:30pm ET

LGBTQIA+ Affinity Practice Group

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022
Cover Illustration Description (by @arte_maiz)

An economy, at its core, is more than the exchange of money. An economy is born
out of and reliant upon the fundamental abundance of the earth and the willingness to
share that abundance with others in your community and beyond who may be lacking.
Therefore, there is a spiritual and emotional dimension to economy that is often
overlooked, one that is severely hurting us in this day and age, when money has
become the intermediary between the exchange of goods and services. The focus on
MONEY, and not the EXCHANGE of goods and services has caused many people
to hoard wealth for themselves, instead of allowing the abundance to flow where it is
most needed. This has caused us to become one of the most polarized nations in the
world, and the nation with the highest wealth inequality of all G7 nations, which
include the UK, Japan, Italy, Canada, Germany, and France (OECD). The wealth
inequality of this country has led to the richest 5% controlling the government and
imposing their own aristocracy that funds electoral candidates and pays lobbyists in
order to keep control of their ever increasing wealth, which they earn on the backs of
working class people everywhere. We need a change, and this change must recognize
the true meaning of economy if it is ever going to allow for fair use of resources the
world over.

Beloved Community Journey | Thrive Network & Thrive East Bay | 2022

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