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Module in Personal Development

First Quarter


Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region

Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet

Published by:
Learning Resource Management and Development System


Section 9 of Presidential Degree No. 49 provides:

“No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines.
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created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit.”

This material has been developed for implementation of K-12 Curriculum

through the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID)-Learning Resource
Management and Development System (LRMDS). It can be reproduced for
educational purposes and the source must be acknowledged. Derivatives of the work
including creating an edited version, an enhancement or a supplementary work are
permitted provided all original work is acknowledged and the copyright is attributed.
No work may be derived from this material for commercial purposes and profit.


This interactive module is developed help grade 11 learners to understand

and instill on them that both IQ (Intelligent Quotient) and EI (Emotional Intelligence)
must be nourished. This material can be used in any modes of delivery. It may be
used for homeschooling or regular face to face interaction with the teacher. It can
also be used for remedial instruction.

Date of Development August 2020

Resource Location Benguet Division, Itogon District,
Alejo M Pacalso National High School
Learning Area Personal Development
Grade Level Grade 11
Learning Resource Type Learning Module
Language English
Quarter First Quarter/ Week 6
Learning Competency/Code Discuss that understanding the intensity and
differentiation of emotions may help in
communicating emotional expressions

Explore one’s positive and negative

emotions and how one expresses or
hides them

Demonstrate and create ways to manage

various emotions


The accomplishment of this material would not have been feasible without the
relentless and productive support, assistance and guidance of many people. The
developer wishes to express his sincerest, incomparable and special appreciation
and gratitude to the following.

Dr. Luis D. Igualdo and AMPMNHS family , for the great commitments of
time, energy, constant encouragement and reinforcement, desire, concern, effort,
critique, suggestions, uncompromising sense of professionalism and remarkable
support in sharing and offering her superb ideas and expertise on the material.

The developer is grateful to her colleagues and good friends for their helpful
ideas and unparalleled support.

Above all, to our Almighty Father, the source of good health, wisdom and
strength, who have been the developer’s light in his endeavors.



Librarian II Project Development Officer II






Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent


Schools Division Superintendent



Title Page …………………………………………………………………......... i

Copyright Notice ……………………………………………………………….. ii
Preface ………………………………………………………………………….. iii
Acknowledgement ……………………………………………………………… iv
Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………. v
What I Need to Know ………………………………………………………….. 1
Learning Objectives ……………………………………………………... 1
What I Know ……………………………………………………………………. 2
Lesson Proper …………………………………………………………………..
What’s In …………………………………………………………………. 3
What’s New …………………………………………………………. 4
What Is It ……………………………………………………………. 5
Enrichment ………………………………………………………………..
What’s More ……………………………………............................. 14
Activity 1 …………………………………………………………….. 14
Assessment 1 ………………………………………………………. 15
Activity 2 …………………………………………………………….. 16
Assessment 2 ………………………………………………………. 17
Activity 3 …………………………………………………………….. 18
Assessment 3 ………………………………………………………. 19
What I have Learned …………………………………………………………... 20
What I Can Do ………………………………………………………………….. 21
Post Assessment ………………………………………………………………. 22
Additional Activities …………………………………………………………….. 23
Answer key …………………………………………………............................ 24
Reference ……………………………………………………………………….. 25

What I Need to Know

Emotional Intelligence is a wide range of skills that children of all ages can develop and
improve. These skills are critical for emotional well-being and life success.

Emotional Intelligence is highly important in a teen’s development. There is considerable

evidence pointing to its positive role in helping students deal with stress, develop
relationships, and handle the transitions facing them.

This module takes you through a learning experience on understanding emotional

intelligence (EI) or emotional quotient (EQ) and how to grow it. I encourage you to actively
engage with the text as you read through the module. I hope you find this learning material
useful as you engage with all the learning activities. You will also find this module helpful if
you involve yourself in the topic, read the lesson carefully, follow the instructions in all
activities and answer all the provided learning activities.

For the facilitators, you are encouraged to guide the learners in achieving the desired
learning competency presented in this learning module and remind the learners on the
standards set to follow and supervise them while doing each activity to check if they are
following the instructions given.

Learning Objectives

1. Learn the meaning of emotional intelligence and its attributes.

2. Explore positive and negative emotions.

3. Develop ways to raise emotional intelligence and positive ways dealing with emotions.

What I Know
Understanding emotional competence will help you know yourself and learn ways to fine-
tune your relationship skills. Using the definitions listed on the right lower box the page,
place the letter of the correct definition on the space for each Emotional Intelligence
Competency term listed in the upper box. There is only one correct choice for each term.

Understanding Emotions

1. _______ Stress Tolerance 9. _______ Assertiveness

2. _______ Independence 10. _______ Flexibility
3. _______ Empathy 11. _______ Interpersonal Relationship
4. _______ Self-Regard 12. _______ Emotional Self-Awareness
5. _______ Optimism 13. _______ Happiness
6. _______ Impulse Control 14. _______ Reality Testing
7. _______ Problem Solving 15. _______ Self-Actualization
8. _______ Social Responsibility

a. I am a responsible, cooperative and contributing member of society. I am socially

conscious and concerned about others.
b. I am able to resist or delay an impulse, drive or temptation when I choose.
c. I am able to achieve my potential and get involved in things that lead to an
interesting, exciting and meaningful life.
d. I understand, accept and respect myself.
e. I am sensitive to what, how and why people feel and think the way they do. I care
about others and show interest and concern for them.
f. I am self-reliant and autonomous in my thoughts and actions.
g. I am able to look at the brighter side of life and maintain a positive attitude even
when times are tough.
h. I am able to identify problems as well as generate and implement solutions.
i. I know what I feel and why I feel the way I do.
j. I am able to establish and maintain mutually satisfying relationships. I am
comfortable giving and receiving affection.
k. I am able to withstand stressful situations without falling apart by actively and
positively coping with stress.
l. I feel good and at ease in school, work and leisure situations. I am able to relax and
enjoy my life. m. I able to adjust my feelings, thoughts and behaviors to changing
situations and conditions. I am open to different ideas and ways of doing things.
n. I am able to tune into the immediate situation and can see things objectively; the
way they are, rather than how I wish or fear them to be.
o. I am able to express my thoughts and feelings and can ask for what I need. I can
defend my rights in a constructive manner.

Remember: If your score is 50% to 99% correct (score of 9 and below)

– proceed with the module, but If your score is 100% correct (score of
10/10) – you may skip the module but still, you are encourage to
participate until the end. Write your answer in your activity notebook. (Solargaria07,
What’s In

Self-care is the act of taking care of the self , establishing self-care habits are important part
of being healthy, let us have a review by asking the question “are you taking care of yourself
mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually?”. Let us check the activities that you are
NOT currently doing.

Physical Self Care Psychological self-care

___Eat at regular time ___Make time for self-reflection
___Eat healthy and avoid junk food ___Write your own diary/Journal
___Exercise at a regular time ___read literature/stories
___Take time off when exhausted ___Decrease stress in your life
___Get massage ___Let others know other side of you
___Do physical activity which is fun ___Listen to your though, feelings
___Get enough sleep ___Engage your intelligence in new
___Wear clothes you like era- blog, YouTube
___Be curious
___Learn to say “no”

Spiritual self-care Emotional Self-Care

___Read the bible ___Spend time with friends you like
___Spend time with nature ___Stay in contact with important people
___Find a spiritual community in your life
___Be open to inspiration ___Give yourself affirmation, praise
___Cherish positivity and hope yourself
___Be aware of non-material aspect ___Love yourself
of life ___Re-read favorite book, re-view
___Try not to be in charge or favorite movies
“expert” ___Identify comforting activities; object;
___Identify those meaningful to you people; relationships; places and seek
and their place in your life them out
___Meditate ___Allow yourself to cry
___Pray ___Find things that make you laugh
___Sing worship song ___Express your outrage in social
actions, letters, donations, marches and
___Play with children
___Refrain from watching telenovelas
that are too dramatic and vengeance
Take care of yourself………
Do these habits!!!

What’s New

Words to ponder:

Time to read:

School Organization Dilemma

I was the newly elected school student body president, I am presiding a

meeting to discuss some possible school projects which had already been
agreed by my close group. I was keen to get on and discuss the practical
arrangements but it soon became clear that a number of those attending
were not happy, no problem with the project as such, but it had triggered a
number of long-standing issues of mistrust, lack of respect, jealousy,
personal grudge and so on . . . as it often the case between different
groups, “not close peers”, different organization of the school and those
students who were “always” performing well then suddenly replaced in
school activities

At first, I was so frustrated with the little progress of the meeting because
of “concerns” surfacing, I had been aware with the irrelevance of some
issues of the students yet I allowed plenty of time for the discussion letting
each person to share their feelings: but not allowing to dwell on them, but
providing a safe space where we each actively listened.

After the meeting we agreed that having this sharing had been a
necessary first-step in healing the divisions, clearing misunderstanding,
establishing respect, open communication and catering to viewpoints. I
had to admit that the whatever project I will suggest would not succeed at
all if the ill-feeling existed.

LESSON: Emotional intelligence is about acknowledging that we cannot

work with others if there are significant chips-on-shoulders, grudges, or
others negative feelings: these feelings need to be allowed to go out . . .

What is It

Direction: Answer the following guide questions presented, base your answers
from your experiences; answer the questions in your activity notebook.
1. Do you easily get upset when things do not go the way you expect them
to be? Why or why not?”
2. Is your emotional intelligence high or low? Why do you say so?

Lesson 1

What are emotions?

Emotions are what you feel on the inside when things happen. Emotions are also
known as feelings.

Afraid: feeling fear and worry

Angry: feeling mad with a person, act, or idea
Ashamed: feeling bad after doing wrong
Abandoned: An emotional state in which people feel discarted, undesired, left
Afflicted: To be distress by a physical problem or mental function.
Aggravated: To feel annoyed or bothered
Apprehensive: To be afraid of what will happen in the future
Comfortable : Free from stress or anxiety
Confident: feeling able to do something
Confused: feeling unable to think clear
Depressed: feeling sad, blue, discouraged, and unhappy
Displeased: Dissatisfied
Embarrassed: feeling worried about what others may think
Energetic: feeling full of energy
Excited: feeling happy and aroused
Glad: feeling joy and pleasure
Jealous: feeling upset when someone has something that you would like to have
Lonely: feeling alone and that nobody care
Proud: feeling pleased for doing well
Relaxed: feeling at ease and without worry, calm
Stressed: feeling tense, tired, uneasy, and overwhelmed

What makes you …….










Lesson 2

What is emotional Intelligence?

The ability to express and control our emotions is important and so is our ability to
comprehend, deduce, and act in response to the emotions of others.

Emotional intelligence (EI) or Emotional Quotient (EQ) is a type of social intelligence

that involves the ability to recognize, exercise, comprehend and handle emotions in
optimistic ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, triumph
over challenges and resolve conflict . It creates impact in the many aspect of persons life ,
like for instance the way we conduct ourselves and the way we cooperate with others .

Having high emotional intelligence let’s an individual recognize his own emotional
condition and emotional conditions of others as well. EQ is also used to better communicate
with other people , established better relationship , realize greater accomplishments at work
and go ahead to a more rewarding and satisfying life

Four characteristics of Emotional Intelligence

A. Self-awareness
- You identify your own emotion, how they influence your views and behavior .
know your strengths and weaknesses and have self-assurance and self-
confidence. Developing self-awareness requires tuning in to your true feelings. If
you can recognize and evaluate your emotions , you can manage them. The
ability to recognize an emotion as it happens is the key

Note: The science of emotional intelligence tells us we must begin with our own self-
awareness before we tap into others emotion.

Major elements of self-awareness:

1. Emotional awareness
-Your ability to recognize your own emotions and their effects.
2. Self Confidence
-Sureness of your self-worth and capabilities
B. Self-management
-You are competent to handle impulsive manner of thinking , actions and
behaviors, manage your emotions in healthy ways , acquire initiative, fulfill
commitments, and become accustomed to varying situations
-Self management is also the ability to recover well from emotional stress that
involves: Self-control, Managing disruptive impulses, maintaining standards of
honesty and integrity, Conscientiousness, Taking responsibility for your own
C. Social awareness
-You can identify with the emotion, wants and desire and concerns of other people,
notice emotional signals fells socially at ease and relaxed and distinguish the
power dynamics in a group of organization
D. Relationship management
-You know how to develop and maintain good relationships, communicate clearly ,
inspire and influence others, work well in a team, and manage conflict


Intellectual intelligence (IQ) is not sufficient on its own for a person to be successful
in life , Even the smartest people do not necessarily become the most successful in life.
There may be people who are academically brilliant but are socially ineffective-simply put it
this way your IQ will give you a perfect score –but- your EQ will aid you to handle stress and
emotion to face the exam ,therefore , both has their own specialty and both must be
nourished simply because both are important .

Emotional Intelligence affects:

1. Performance at work, school

EQ can help you steer the social complications of the workplace, lead and
motivate others, and excel in your career. When it comes to evaluating job
candidates, some companies now analyze emotional intelligence as being of
the same importance as technical ability and require EQ testing prior to hiring.
2. Physical Health
The first step in improving emotional intelligence is to know how to relieve
stress. Failure to cope with stress levels can lead to serious health problems.
Unrestrained stress can increase blood pressure, control the immune system,
raise the danger of heart attack and stroke, contribute to infertility and speed
up the aging process.

3. Mental Health
Uncontrolled stress can also affect people’s mental health, making a person
susceptible to anxiety and despair, incapability to understand and manage
emotion also causes mood swings , while an inability to form strong
relationship can leave you feeling lonely and isolated .
4. Relationship
Understanding your emotions and learning to control them will mean you are
better capable of expressing your feelings and understanding how others feel
as well. This lets you communicate more efficiently and build stronger
relationship at work and your private life

Answer the following guide question: Write your answers in your

activity notebook.

1. What is emotional intelligence?

2. Why is it necessary for you as a teenager to develop and
improve emotional intelligence? (Cite instances of personal
3. What are the attributes of emotional intelligence?

Lesson 3



Emotional intelligence is something that develops as we get older. If it didn't, all

adults would act like little kids, expressing their emotions physically through stomping,
crying, hitting, yelling, and losing control

We can all work to build even stronger emotional intelligence skills just by
recognizing what we feel, understanding how we got there, understanding how others feel
and why, and putting our emotions into heartfelt words when we need to


Emotional intelligence (EQ) is created by reducing stress including paying attention and
staying attached to yourself and others. To improve your emotional intelligence and your
decision making abilities you need to understand and manage your emotions.

2 essential skill for controlling and managing upsetting stress

1. The ability to promptly lessen stress in a variety of setting

2. The ability to distinguish you emotions and keep them from overpowering you

Skill to significantly improve communication
1. The capability to emotionally associate with others using nonverbal communication .
2. The ability to use humor and play to stay associated in challenging situation.
3. The ability to decide on conflicts positively and with confidence.


While growing up, you learned many ways of uttering your emotions from others,
from your surrounding and from your experiences. Negative ways of dealing with feelings do
nothing to solve problems like exaggerating emotions, pretending that feelings are gone or
purposely hurting other person while stating feelings can aggravate the situation and form
new problem.

1. Passive response: Behaving passively means not expressing your own needs and
feelings, or expressing them so weakly that they will not be addressed.

E.g. If kaira behaves passively in a remedial class to pass the Oral communication
class, waiting to be called, don’t volunteer and not saying anything even if it’s nearly time,
she will probably feel angry with the girls who will perform ahead and herself. If the teacher
says the remedial is done before she gets to perform, she will be furious at the girls before
her for not being ready since it’s too late to change the situation

2. Aggressive response: Behaving aggressively is asking for what you want or saying
how you feel in a threatening, sarcastic or humiliating way that may offend the other
person(s). An aggressive response is never in your best interest, because it almost
always leads to increased conflict

E.g. kaira calls the girls names or threatens them, she may feel strong for a moment,
but there is no guarantee she will get the teacher to give her a chance. More importantly, the
girls may also respond aggressively, through a verbal or physical attack on kaira

3. Assertive response: Behaving assertively means asking for what you want or
saying how you feel in an honest and respectful way that does not infringe on
another person's rights or put the individual down. An assertive response is almost
always in your best interest, since it is your best chance of getting what you want
without offending the other person(s). At times, however, being assertive can be
inappropriate. If tempers are high, if people have been using alcohol or other drugs, if
people have weapons or if you are in an unsafe place, being assertive may not be
the safest choice.

E.g. kaira would ask the girls if she can perform first since she is well prepared and at
least they can finalize their speech so as not to waste the time and for the others to perform,
she will not put the girls down, but merely state the facts of the situation. She can feel proud
for standing up for her rights. At the same time, she will probably be supported in her
statement by other classmate. While there is a good chance that the girls will feel
embarrassed and move, there is also the chance that they will ignore kaira and her needs
will not be met.

Am I Assertive?

Assertiveness is the ability to express your wishes and beliefs in a positive

way. Too little assertiveness can make you a doormat. Too much, and we
can be bossy and aggressive. Do this in your activity notebook.

Think of a time when you were a doormat. What happened?


What did you do?

How did you feel?

Now, think of a better way to handle that situation in the future. Write a
better response and practice it. Think of a time when you were too
bossy. What happened?

What did you do?

How did you feel?
Now, think of a better way to handle that situation in the future. Write a
better response and practice it.____________________________

Lesson 4


Strategies for understanding and reacting to most emotion:

• Look further down the surface of your emotion. Ask yourself, what am I actually
reacting on? Does the concentration of my emotion match the situation?
• Reflect whether or not the situation to which you are reacting will matter tomorrow ,
next week or next year.
• Do not react on a tough feeling until you have carefully reflected the potential results
of your actions.
• Use optimistic feelings to encourage yourself. Dismiss negative or disappointing
feelings by engaging in physical activities or by talking to a family member or trusted
• If negative feelings do not leave, seek help from a parent, another trusted adult or a
healthful professional.


At one time or another you probably have been surprised by strong emotions,
Extreme emotions can affect your attitude and behavior in ways that are disappointing.
When you feel your emotions are building up, identify the feeling and deal with it by taking
slow deep breaths to relax. To compose yourself, you may also escape the situation that
cause the feeling. Writing in a private journal or diary, playing music, talking out your feeling
over a family member or trusted friend to help you mirror on both your emotions and the
situation that leads to them.


Because of the way feelings upset you, you may attempt to avoid the ones that
cause you distress by using defense mechanism. These are mental processes that shield
individuals from strong emotion and situations.

a. Denial- This involves a person not recognizing the reality of a stressful situation in
order to protect themselves from overwhelming fear or anxiety.
E.g. Very sick but staying positive as they try to overcome the illness
b. Distortion- This involves a person believing something to be true when it is not
e.g. Believing that you fail the exam because of one difficult question

c. Projection- This involves a person accusing someone else of having thoughts or

feelings that they themselves are having.
e.g. You had an argument, you accuse one being aggressive that is why you
answer back- Putting criticism/blame to others to get away from it

d. Dissociation- involves feeling disconnected from a stressful or traumatic event — or
feeling that the event is not really happening.
e.g. Accident, kidnapping

e. Repression- unconsciously represses painful memory

e.g. Physical abuse , sexual abuse during younger years

f. Reaction formation- involves acting in a way that contradicts unacceptable thoughts

or feelings as they arise. It is a way of protecting the mind from uncomfortable
e.g. A break-up normally makes you feels sad, since they feel being sad is
not accepted, they try to act happy and not affected at all.

g. Displacement- involves a person feeling that they cannot express a negative

emotion toward another, therefore, throwing those emotion to someone else
e.g. You cannot get angry to a boss even if this is unfair because of fear of
being fired-therefore , throwing your fit to family member.

h. Intellectualization- involves a person using reason to avoid uncomfortable

e.g. A girlfriend breaks up with you without reason-the boyfriend will think she
just had a bad day.

Overcoming fear entails strategy; the first step is to recognize your fear. Examining
the cause of fear and talking it to someone you trust helps because it may give you a
different view. Some fears are healthy and natural, only when fear is il;logical that you could
consider it a problem.
We feel fear when we are not safe, sometimes it even after the danger has passes
until we learn that we are safe again.
There are three reaction to fear;
Fight(Attack the threat),
Flight( Run away) and
Freeze(do not move, Float away in your mind )
Healthful response to fear:

• Understand what makes you feel unsafe(people, situation, feeling) and why.
• If you are afraid of a threat that happened long ago-get counseling to be processed.
• Give yourself small challenges to confront the fear.
• Create a small space at home or anyplace for comfort.
• Build up the physical strength in your body


Guilt can be a damaging emotion. Try to get the source and address that issue when
you feel guilty about something. For example, if you have offended someone-confess your
mistake and apologize, learn from the experience and decide to be more cautious in the

Helpful response:

• Take time to understand what you feel guilty about- spell it out.
• If your guilt is about your response to being hurt, learn to forgive yourself..
• Share your feelings to someone you trust.
• If you genuinely did something wrong. Do what you can to make it right, then forgive
yourself, then let it go.
• Practice self-love, even when its inappropriate. (That is when you need it the most)
• List your strength, gifts, achievement- no matter how small

One of the most challenging emotions to handle is anger. The first step in dealing
with anger even if there is nothing you can do about it is finding the source of that anger.

3 common responses to feeling angry

1. Destructive- Means hurting others or ourselves

This is when you try to get rid of the thing that is unfair, or hurt people to make
them stop. It is common view of anger which give “anger” a negative connotation.

2. Avoidance- “Putting the dust under the rug”

This is when the anger is still there, though you try to belittle the emotion or
pretend that nothing is wrong- the anger remains.

3. Constructive – Create peaceful change

This is a wonderful repose- to take the anger and use it as a motivating force to
bring about positive change
Eg. Busted by crush-got angry- focus on studies-become a successful doctor.

Answer the following guide question: Write your answers in your

activity notebook.

1. How do you respond to fear? Think about flight-flight-

freeze response. (share your own experience)
2. What are some defense mechanism you tried to cover up
those stressing emotions (Cite own experience)
3. As a teen we made simple mistakes, of course, we tried to
get away with it but often we feel guilty about it. How did
you resolve this guilt?.(share your experience)
4. How do you respond to feeling angry? Are you
destructive? Do you avoid it? Are you constructive to it?
(Share personal experience in your struggle in handling
your anger)

What’s More

It can be tempting to act on what you’re feeling

right away, sure it is fine, but that often doesn’t
fix the situation that caused the emotions. In
fact, it may lead to more problems to deal with
down the road

Activity 1 Assess emotional intelligence

Direction: Think about how you behave in a range of situation. Rate yourself using the rating
5-always 4-almost always 3-sometimes 2-rarely 1-never

How do you behave in this situation 5 4 5 2 1

Acknowledges own strength and areas of weakness

Expresses own emotion
Knows how feelings might impact behavior and actions
Feels confident to work alone without supervision
Present self in assured and confident manner
Speaks out own opinion even if others disagree
Acknowledge own mistakes
Willingly changes ideas or perception based on new information
Acts rather than simply waiting for things to happen
Goes beyond what is required and expected
Initiates action in a group
Sets measurable and challenging goals
Sees obstacle and failures as opportunity
Asks questions to understand other person
Accurately reads other peoples moods, feelings and non-verbal cues
Maintains cooperative relationship with friends and family members
Models the change expected of others
Bring disagreement and grievance to open rather than gossip about it
Stimulate enthusiasm and makes work exciting
Takes personal responsibility

Add all scores;

How many 5 ____
How many 4 ____
How many 3 ____
How many 2 ____
How many 1 ___

Assessment 1
Multiple choices: Choose and encircle the letter of your best answer.

1. What is the skill needed in developing and demonstrating empathy?

a. Supporting b. Respecting c. Listening d. All of these

2. Which of the following is not an emotion?

a. Shock b. Anger c. Defensive d. None of these

3. Which is the ability to notice and manage emotional cues and information.
a. Perception b. Emotion
c. Emotional intelligence d. None of these

4. Which of the following is a negative emotion?

a. Content b. Annoyance c. Surprise d. Joy

5. This is a characteristic of a competent person, includes the ability to be calm & composed.
a. Controlled b. Adaptive c. Optimistic d. Growth oriented

6. Which is not a negative emotion?

a. Apprehension b. Disgust c. Uncertainty d. None of the above

7. What does emotional intelligence include , other than understanding of your own feeling?
a. Ability to manage emotion b. Verbal and Math skill
c. Good sense of humor d. None of these

8. What is the crucial factor of emotional intelligence?

a. Social awareness b. Self-awareness
c. Self-management d. All of these

9. Kian working at jacks restaurant has high emotional intelligence, which of the following
shows Kian’s behavioral traits?
a. Being able to tell whether the costumers “maybe’, means “yes” or “No”.
b. Dealing with the anger of dissatisfied costumer
c. Recognizing coworker needs help but it is too embarrassed to ask
d. All of these

10. Liam is going for an interview, he doesn’t believe he has a chance, He did not get the
job, what happened?
a. Liam is unprepared for the interview b. Liam has a bad luck that day
c. His horoscope says so d. Liam is self-aware

Activity 2: Lay it on the line

Self-regard is the ability to respect and accept oneself as you are. If you have high self-
regard, controlling positive and negative emotion is easier. Place an X on the chart below to
indicate on each line where you rate yourself. In which areas are you satisfied or
dissatisfied? What could you do to improve the areas that need improvement?
Note: Balance is the key.

Total Slob Neat Freak

Room should be condemned. Room is spotless…you could eat off the floor.

Hot Head Cool Operator

Get angry about every little thing Takes a great deal to get me angry

Class Clown Quiet and Reserved

I say things that usually make others laugh I rarely tell jokes.

Total Jock Non-Athletic

I love playing sports. I am not the least bit interest in sports

Pessimist Optimist
I see the glass half empty. I see the glass half full.

Leader Follower
I have to be the boss. I never want to be in charge.

Chatterbox All Ears

I love to talk. I’d rather listen.

My Lips are Sealed Gossiper

I would never spread rumors. I love to tell “juicy” stories.

Couch Potato Health Fanatic

TV and some junk food for me Exercise and healthy foods are a must.

Assessment 2

Identification : Identify the list of negative & positive emotions. Write the “Negative words “
under the negative box and the “Positive words ” in the space provided.

Contented Ardent Bewildered

Disgusted Serene Confused

Abominable Discouraged Stimulated

Woeful _ Frantic Shock

Satisfied Blissful Cordial

Positive Emotion Negative Emotion

Activity 3

Activity 1: Emotional Squares

Direction: In each square write what you do when you experience the emotion listed. Include
both productive and destructive behavior.







Assessment 3

Direction: Choose and encircle the letter of your best answer.

If you are having trouble thinking of ways to help yourself manage your emotion, do the

1. Think of mood booster that includes;

a. Watch a funny movie b. Box the pillow
c. Drink water d. None of the above

2. Address your basic needs that includes;

a. Take a nap b. Go shopping
c. Go to the movies d. All of these

3. Process your feelings, which includes;

a. Scream b. Draw your feelings
c. Cry d. All of these

4. Problem solving, which includes?

a. Eat healthy snack b. Talk to the person who upset you
c. Make a list of revenge d. All of these

5. Volunteering or make an act of kindness that include;

a. Volunteer in house chores b. Helping stranger
c. Church work d,. All of these

6. Do your hobbies/Stress relievers that includes;

a. Collect cactus variety from friends and start your garden
b. Volunteer in clean up drive
c. Rip paper in small pieces
d. All of the above

7. Do relaxation exercise that includes;

a. Belly dancing b. Yoga c. Walking d. All of the above

8. Ask for help that includes;

a. Text a friend b. Call a friend
c. Talk to your mother d. All of the above

9. Seek professional help which includes;

a. Consulting a physician b. Talking to a dentist
c. Sharing your thought to a guidance counselor d. All of these

10. Avoid harmful ways in dealing with your emotions like;

a. Denial b. Widrawal c. Self-harm d. All of these

What I Have Learned
. Direction : Write your answer in your activity notebook

React to this statement

Having a high IQ is not enough- I must

understand my EI, or EQ, and improve it in
order to achieve true success.

Answer this question?

Should I have a high IQ or a high EI?

Question for you

“How can you manage your emotions?”

How will the level of your emotional intelligence

affect your;

a. Performance in school
b. Physical health
c. Relationship with family members

What I can Do

We all have different personalities, different wants and needs, and different ways of
showing our emotions. Navigating through this will help us be successful in our relationship
with others thus. Use your activity notebook to answer the activity.

Direction: Fill in what is asked.

Fear Choose three that you think might work

situation or events create anger for you
What I fear the most:_________
Small steps to lessen my fear
Walk away from the incident
________________ Counting 1-10
Talking to yourself to keep calm
_________________ Pretending to be somewhere else
Pretending the problem don’t exist
Who could support me? Hiding behind Imaginary shield
Using catchphrase
_________________________ Hide yourself inside your shell
How will I start? Have a special place to go
Listen to music
______________________ Breathe deeply

The three that I think I will try are; Why?
Guilt 2._________________________________
You made a false story about ______
your classmate , simply 3__________________________________
because you are not fond of ___________________________________
her- posted it in your group
account forgetting your
school mate could see it.
Unfortunately the whole Describe what are you feeling now?
campus sees it and started to
bully her. Seeing how
classmate is affected you felt What steps can you do to correct your
guilty. action?

Post Assessment

Direction : Choose the letter of your best answer. Write the letters on the space provided

1.When faced with a stressful situation, men are likely to respond with the:
a. Fight or flight response b. Hurt then help response
c. Fist and knees response d. Tend and befriend response

2.Which of the following is classed as a basic emotion?

a. Guilt b. Shame c. Jealousy d. Disgust

3.The ability to control one’s emotions is known as:

a. Facial feedback b. Interpersonal intelligence
c. Emotional regulation d. Emotional contingency

4.When faced with a stressful situation women are likely to respond with the:
a. Fight or flight response b. Hurt then help response
c. Fist and knees response d. Tend and befriend response

5. Recognizing a mother’s emotional condition and experiencing what they are assumed to
be feeling is a description of;
a. Sympathy b. Empathy c. Concern d. None of these

6.“ I should go first inside because I came here first and you just arrived , just because you
have friends lining up ahead means you could just stick with them and go inside before us”
This is an example of______ response ;
a. Assertive b. Passive c .Aggressive d. Defensive

7.Ability to recognize ones emotion.

a. Emotional Awareness b. Emotional response
c. Emotional capacity d. Emotional reference

8.A mental process that shield you from a demanding situation.

a. Emotional management b. Defense Mechanism
c. Turtle shield d. None of these

9.Ability to recover well from emotional stress .

a. Self-management b. Emotional management
c. Self-awareness d. Emotional awareness

10.Yumi is late in class, but since the two ladies in front of her enjoys chatting she is
adamant to excuse herself and ask if they could step aside so she can pass first. She still
manage to wait for them to finish. This is a sample of ________response?
a. Assertive b. Passive c .Aggressive d. Defensive


Additional Activities

Gaining control over your emotions will help you become mentally stronger.
Fortunately, anyone can become better at regulating their emotions. Just like any other skill,
managing your emotions requires practice and dedication.

When I get angry, it helps me feel better if I

When I feel sad, it helps me feel better if I

When I feel anxious or nervous, it helps me feel better if I

When I feel grumpy, it helps me if I

When I feel lonely, it helps me if I

When I feel embarrassed, it helps if I

When I feel sick, it helps me feel better if I

When I feel silly, I like to

When I feel disappointed, it helps me if I

When I am honest, I feel


Nice job!!!!
Depressed? Positive Destructive
When I’m depressed , I When Im depressed , I
usually go away to think don’t usually talk which
alone, usually nature sometimes makes the
tripping, I find a space to situation difficult to solve.
relax and reflect what makes
me depressed
Activity 3 (Sample answer )
Total Slob Neat Freak
1.a 6.a
Room should be condemned. Room is spotless…you could eat off the
2d 7.a
3c 8.b
Hot Head Cool Operator 4.d 9.a
Get angry about every little thing Takes a great deal to get me 5b 10 b .
Activity 2 (sample answer0
Post Assessment
How do you behave in this situation 5 4 3 2 1
1. k
Acknowledges own strength and areas of weakness * 2. f
Expresses own emotion * 3. e
Knows how feelings might impact behavior and actions * 4. d
Note : If you have more “4” or “5” answers , you have high emotional intelligence 5. g
6. b
Activity 1 (sample answer) 7. h
8. a
1. A 6.A 1. Positive 6.Positive 11. Negative 1. d 6.d 9. o
2. Negative 7. Positive 12. Negative 2. d 7.a 10. m
2. A 7.D
3. Negative 8. Negative 13. Positive 3. c 8.d 11. j
3. D 8.D 12. i
4. Negative 9. Negative 14. Negative 4. b 9.b
4. B 9.C 5. Positive 10. Positive 15. Positive 13. l
5. D 10.D 5. b 10.d 14. n
15. c
Assessment3 Assessment 2 Assessment 1
What’s more What to know
Answer Key

“Aggravated Face Image.” Yahoo! Yahoo! Accessed September 2, 2020.;_ylt=AwrPg3CLR09f.wUAc
?p=aggraveted face image.

Bradberry, Travis. “Emotional Intelligence - EQ.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, October

8, 2014.

Carla. “List Of Emotions.” The Emotions, February 16, 2020. https://www.the-

Davenport, Barrie. “10 Stages Of A Relationship From Hello to Goodbye.” Live Bold
and Bloom, July 15, 2020.

“Defense Mechanisms: 8 Types and Examples.” Medical News Today. MediLexicon

International. Accessed September 2, 2020.

Department of Education, Personal Development Reader, Quezon City: Sunshine

Interlinks Publishing House,Inc,2016, 54-59.

Department of Education, Personal Development Teacher’s Guide, Quezon City:

Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House,Inc,2016, 68-76.

Diamondjaneem. “emotional_intellegence_13-18.Pdf - Emotional Intelligence for

Teens Ages 13-18 Revised as of 28 January 03 Note to Parents Emotional
Intelligence Is a: Course Hero.” emotional_intellegence_13-18.pdf - Emotional
Intelligence for teens ages 13-18 Revised as of 28 January 03 Note to Parents
Emotional Intelligence is a | Course Hero. Accessed September 2, 2020.

Elena, Anca, Elena D. Calin says: Mary Ellen Rose says: Anonymous says: Nader
mouelhi says: and Nemartfashion Says: “List of Top 20 Positive Feelings and
Emotions.” Positive Words Research, August 9, 2020.

Google Search. Google. Accessed September 5, 2020. images.

Pablo, Venus ma Hilaria G, Personal Development. Zone 5, Carnelian,Pangao,Lipa

City, Batangas.Scolaire Publishing, 2016,146-158..

“50 Practical Examples of High Emotional Intelligence.”,
September 1, 2020.

Tartakovsky, Margarita. “How to Manage Emotions More Effectively.” World of

Psychology, July 8, 2018.

“Reflection Emotion Symbols.” Yahoo! Yahoo! Accessed September 5, 2020.;_ylt=AwrxiDKS_FJfgH4AC
?p=reflection emotion symbols.

Rji. “Inspirational Short Story on Relationships!!! Building Bridges.” Inspirational

Quotes Pictures Motivational Thoughts, February 17, 2015.

“Taylor Swift Quotes.” BrainyQuote. Xplore. Accessed September 5, 2020.

*For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education, Schools Division of Benguet

Cordillera Administrative Region
Office Address: Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet
Tel. No./Telefax:
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