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Usually, older generation claims teens are to selfish people.

However sometimes they can

be sensitive.

I consider all people to be selfish. This is just from experience in my native country
Moldova. Daily I see people only think for themselves. I don’t know for sure if people are
the same all other the world but I strongly believe that every human being has a small
amount of selfish in them. And this is normal. If you are not thinking yourself you won’t
live a normal life.

Yes, there are a lot of teenagers that only think about themselves but my teachers ,
friend, people that I know and I are not like them.

By helping the community teenagers can do volunteer work. This way they could set
goals and try hard to achieve them. So don’t judge a book by its cover.

In conclusion I except the fact that teenagers can be sometimes selfish but not all of
them. So don’t judge a book by its cover.

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