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Philosophy is a Greek word that is often translated as “the love of wisdom.

” In other
words, philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and
existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline. Applying philosophy
into daily living, it can definitely help live a better life. It gives an opportunity to
improve how to analyze and evaluate a situation or an idea, as well as, enhance
reasoning and critical skills, such as critical thinking, problem solving, proper
judgement and decision making (Anna Pitts, 2012:32).
Counseling is a mutual helping relationship between a person in need of help (client)
and a trained counsellor. Rogers (1957) defines counseling as “an interaction process
which facilitates meaningful understanding of self and the environment and results in
the establishment and clarification of goals analyses for future behavior." Effective
counseling helps relieve distress, build resilience, improve self-esteem, and ultimately
improve lives. The more successful this process is, the easier it is to prove
misconceptions wrong and see and accept therapy and counseling in their true light.
Philosophy widens perspective and standpoint on a topic, allowing to think fairly and
honestly. In addition Daws, (2007:43) adds that “Philosophy is the root of psychology
and without it there is no context for understanding psychological theories.” The
purpose of this essay is to explain why philosophy is important to counseling.
Philosophy is the foundation of theoretical counseling approaches and consequently
influences every intervention that occurs with clients. The pre-Socratic stoic
philosophers created the then new ideology that thoughts create how people feel
(Gore, 2002:32 ). This revolutionary idea of its time has become highly pervasive in
not only modern Counseling but even in the laypersons world. This is the very
foundation of contemporary therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and
Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy.
Philosophy makes a central contribution to counseling enterprise through its demands
upon intellectual activity. In addition Hood, (2004:43) “Counseling in philosophy
involves becoming aware of major figures and developments in the history of
philosophy, learning up-to-date techniques and accepted answers to philosophical
questions, and learning critical, interpretive, and evaluative skills that, in the overall
scheme of things, may be considered to be of greatest value.” Philosophy focus in all
human matters.
The study of philosophy enhances counsellors problem-solving capacities. according
to Rogers (1957:54) “It helps them to analyze concepts, definitions, arguments, and
problems. It contributes to capacity to organize ideas and issues, to deal with
questions of value, and to extract what is essential from large quantities of
information.hand, to distinguish fine and subtle differences between views and, on the
other hand.” It helps client to discover common ground between opposing positions.
As well as to synthesize a variety of views or perspectives into one unified whole.
Philosophy contributes uniquely to the development of expressive and communicative
powers. Anna Pitts, (2012:65) “It provides counsellors some of the basic tools of
self-expression - for instance, skills in presenting ideas through well-constructed,
systematic arguments - that other fields either do not use or use less extensively.” This
provides counsellors with ulternative better way of how to deal with clients in a
positive way. This helps clients to express what is distinctive in their views, it
enhances their ability to explain difficult material,
Development of Sound Counselling Methods of Research and Analysis: Daws,
(2007:43) “Still another value of philosophy in counselling is its contribution to
capacity to frame hypotheses, to do research, and to put problems in manageable
form.” Philosophical thinking strongly emphasizes clear formulation of ideas and
problems, selection of relevant data, and objective methods for assessing ideas and
proposals. It also emphasizes development of a sense of the new directions suggested
by new hypotheses and questions one encounters while doing research. This enables
counsellors to regularly build on both the successes and failures of their predecessors.
Philosophy unlocks important questions: Gore, (2002:11) “Making counseling
process to have a basic foundation where to start. No other discipline is as obsessed
with big questions as philosophy. Whether it’s justifying human rights, pondering the
meaning of existence, or figuring out the best form of government, philosophy has
always steered humanity’s curiosity.” Since ancient days, philosophers have dedicated
themselves to exploring the thought process while analyzing their thinking every step
of the way. This manner it gives counsellors to have a basis on how to drive certain
question with too much consideration. Therefore no question is too big or too small
for philosophy.
Philosophy helps with critical thinking and reason: Making counseling process and
other despline have a foundation on where to drive from critical thinking approach.
Critical thinking and reasoning are a huge part of what defines philosophy: This a
powerful approach most used in counselling, in most cases counsellors strive to make
their clients critical thinkers and obtain a positive mentality. The counselling process
rely on this approach, in this manner counsellors are able to adapt a philosophical
mindset and learn how to analyze statements and ideas with a critical eye, they always
become better thinker. In this manner we can not deny the impact of philosophy in
counseling. Counsellors able to tell when an idea is worth a time or if it’s relying on
something that’s inherently weak and unsound. This is an essential skill that
philosophy brings to counseling and can also be applied everywhere in life (Hood,
Philosophy helps guide the research process: Whenever there is a research needed in
most cases scientists or counsellors rely on philosophy for basis of research methods.
In this manner counseling works hand in hand with counseling. More over Philosophy
also helps counsellors develop their own position using clear, sound reasoning based
on the research they have done Rogers (1957:32).
Philosophy teaches persuasiveness: This a powerful skill that forms part of
counseling, when a client is a negative situation, mostly counsellors uses persuasive
method to allow the client see the clear picture where his or life might be in danger.
Besides critical thinking and reasoning, philosophy teaches people the importance of
being persuasive Anna , (2012:64).
Philosophy teaches problem-solving: This an important skill where counseling is
based. According to Daws, (2007:74) “Counsellors mostly strive to offer a problem
solving process to their clients. Problems are a part of life. No matter what type of
problem one is facing facing, philosophy can help.” That’s because philosophy
teaches techniques like observation, intuition, and logic. Using critical thinking and
effective research, break problems down to their essence and test solutions.
Philosophy was developed as a way to solve problems in the form of big questions. It
makes sense that it would be useful for any problem.
Philosophy is applied to counseling and every other discipline: forms the basis of
questions in counseling. In addition Gore, (2002:54) “No matter what subject one is
dealing with, there’s a philosophical aspect that enhances the learning experience. In a
sense, philosophy forces one to ask questions like “What?” and “Why?” Whether one
is studying literature or science, the philosophical piece makes a person to ask: What
is the essence of the topic at hand and why does it matter? Philosophy is all about
critical thinking and reasoning, which are important skills in any discipline.” They
make the learning process more organized and rewarding.
Philosophy forms a good foundation for a variety of careers: This is a tool that
enables counsellors guide clients on necessary careers t consider.Philosophy isn’t just
useful in a counseling or learning setting. It’s an important tool for many career fields,
including the business world. To succeed in business, a person must work through
often-complex issues, write persuasive arguments for a position, and research quickly
and effectively. Critical thinking and reasoning are essential (Hood, 2004:74).
Philosophy helps you sort through your own beliefs: This skill that counsellors
empower there client with, they structure counseling process in a way that clients are
able to believe their own thought which lead to problem solving solution. Most people
go through life without questioning what they believe. Philosophy asks to take a
closer look at lives and worldviews. . On the other side, one might become more
confident in what they believe. Even if one don’t ever defend them to another person,
the process of questioning and collecting evidence for beliefs can change life Rogers,
Counselling technique and methods are drived from philosophy. Philosophy
influences the world today: Much of the content of most anything is driver from
philosophy. philosophy has a huge impact on how the world works. We have
democracy because of philosophers. Many of the issues people wrestle with daily
such as how to be a good person are philosophical. look back at history, most things
have a root in philosophy (Anna, (2012:43).
Philosophy can fuel change and progress: This is the basis of counseling process,
counsellors know this is a mutual agreement that brings healing and lead to change.
Most of history’s biggest changes, whether they’re cultural or political, began as
intellectual debates. This is because philosophy is all about caring about everything,
including the questions and the thinking process. Philosophy encourages the world to
take a deeper look at why things are the way they are and if they could be better.
That’s how progress is made. illuminates and helps us ponder and create at the
boundaries of what we know (Daws, (2007:43).
Philosophy is important because it illuminates and helps ponder and create at the
boundaries of what counsellors know and what we would like to know To begin with,
it is human nature, what we know and inquires into areas that we explore and can only
imagine at the moment. It starts from a base of accepted knowledge and then expands
with a thought, “what if?” Einstein imagined what it would be like to travel on a
beam of light (Gore, 2002:33).
It is crucial in teaching us to debate with civility: The value of philosophy today is as
crucial as ever in teaching us to debate with civility. When we leave mere personal
passion and use reason, evidence, and empathy, we bring people with us and to us, not
to win, but to offer others with our informed hope as we try to create something better
for ourselves, our planet, and other species with whom we share it (Hood, 2004:45).
Philosophy, and the shared language of philosophical discussion, give us the means to
find society in a world that is often overwhelming, chaotic, and cruel. Counselors
strive to provide a safe, non-judgmental, warm, and caring environment for clients to
feel comfortable with disclosure of personal matter. The top 3 characteristics of most
counselors include empathetic understanding, unconditional positive regard, and
genuineness. Therefore, it is a place where you don’t have to worry about being
judged, ridiculed, or put down. Your emotions are validated, your situations are
normalized, and you will be ensured that you are not alone (Rogers, 1957:76).
Philosophy forsters to know what is value, This is a component that makes
counsellors determine what is value table out suggetion and ideas to the client to
decide as a result they assis him/her in change of self-defeating Behaviors/Habits
Sometimes we have habits that are contributing to our problems in life. Counseling
can help bring about awareness of the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that revolve
in a never-ending cycle of self-defeat. With awareness, and components of philosophy
counsellors know what steps are needed to take action and regain control over
behaviors in order to enhance more positive change (Anna, 2012:63).
Enhancement of Self-Esteem and Greater Self-Acceptance: Most of us have
experienced some sort of insecurity about our appearance, abilities, skills, or
personality traits in our lifetime. Focusing on the negative aspects of ourselves can
make us blind to the positive traits we have. Although we all may have something we
don’t like about ourselves, through counseling, we can also learn to accept our flaws
and imperfections as a part of being human. With self-acceptance comes self-love,
self-compassion, and a stronger sense of self-confidence. You will be able to improve
your weaknesses by building upon your strengths (Daws, 2007:43).
Philosophy offers guidance in Finding purpose: What is the greater meaning in life?
The answer to this question is unique to every individual. For those that are in an
existential crisis or are grieving a loss usually experience a temporary loss of
self/identity. Through exploration of values, beliefs, interests, and memories,
counseling may help you rediscover your purpose, passion, and meaning in life (Gore,
Philosophy offers adapt to change, a capacity of growing importance in the light of
rapid advances in so many fields. And well educated philosophers can usually teach
what they know to others. This ability is especially valuable at a time when training
and retraining are so often required by rapid technological changes. This leads to
counsellors able to manage emotions whether one is dealing with depression, anxiety,
stress, or anger, counseling can help identify, express, and better regulate emotions.
Through an increased awareness of triggers, understanding of maladaptive coping,
and modeling of related situations, you can learn to express and cope with your
emotions in a healthy way (Hood, 2004:32).
Provides a Safe Outlet to Vent about Issues: philosophy offers relief from mental
health, relational, and situational concerns by providing a safe environment to vent.
Sometimes we need to let go of things that are on our mind but are afraid of the
consequences or worried about what other people would think of us. Counseling
ensures confidentiality and no judgment. When we keep negative emotions/thoughts
bottled up for so long, it’s only a matter of time until our cap pops off. Therefore,
counseling is a place to unload grievances, express frustrations, let go of resentments,
release pent up emotions, and uncover hidden pains that have been holding us back
from having a peace of mind (Rogers,1957:43).
Fostering Hope, Motivation, and EncouragementWhether you feel completely and
utterly hopeless or just need a little boost, counseling can help. Without hope or
motivation, our lives can appear to be falling apart because we struggle to take action
or make change due to not seeing the point in trying. However, counselors can help
spark some motivation by bringing awareness to positive achievements in the present
and past to strengthen hope for the future self, future relationships, and future life
(Anna, 2012:32).
Philosophy allows Learning Effective Skills for Life as it covers every aspect of
content: There is an infinite amount of skills that you can learn through counseling
that are useful in everyday life. These range from problem-solving and conflict
resolution skills to communication and interpersonal skills. Counseling provides a
safe environment to learn, practice, and experiment with these skills before applying
them to real situations outside of sessions. These ultimately lead to better overall
wellness for the body, mind, and spirit
Daws, (2007:54).

Anna Pitts, (2012:) Good too Great, why some Companies make the leap and
others don't: New York, Haper press
Daws P (2007) Too busy managing; To lead Public Management : Lusaka long
man Books
Gore A (2002) Inconvenient Truth: Oxyford, University Press
Hood J (2004) Relationship of management : London Bulton Printers
Rogers (1957 Organization Behavior : Maslow, winters books

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