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Sue Ishtar Short – channels – 27/2/04 (Copyright 2004)

I am Kuthumi, And I have come this day to speak to you one and all, We welcome you to
this gathering. We thank you for your interest in us. This day we come to speak to you
now, we come to speak to you through this one our channel. We speak of your path this
night for each of you have chosen to be on the path of light and love, have you not?

We seek now inside your hearts, your commitment to this path, for it is strong our
beloveds. This we see and understand and we thank you in light for your service here on
this planet now, for this is important here at this time. Your work is important.

It does not matter if you are not a healer for I hear your thoughts in circle, “but I do not
do this work”. But we say to you this day that being on the path of light is not always
about healing or even teaching, our beloveds. It is about holding the light within you for
all others on the earth. For being in service to the light and love of all that is. This is the
path you tread our beloveds.

Have no mistake about the path you walk our beloveds. It does not matter that one is a
healer and one is not. It does not matter that one is teacher and one is not. Do not
compare who you are with another being our beloveds. Do not make this comparison for
this will not serve you on your path our beloveds. It may only help to confuse you and
your focus on the path will become distracted, our beloveds.

All that is asked of you in service our beloveds is for you to stand clear in your light, to
allow the love to flow through you now, our beloveds. This is all that we ask of you on
the path of light. This is all that is required, is to shine your light out, our beloveds, to all
and to be the portal of light that you are. To open all channels to the light our beloveds,
to receive the light within and to allow it to flow through you, in service our beloveds,
this is all that is required.

Do not create an illusion that more is required of you than what you already give in your
perfection, our beloved. See your perfection, see your light shine as we see your light
shine our beloveds.

Be the wondrous light beings that you are our beloveds. Do not become stuck in the
illusion of what you are not and go seeking what you are not our beloveds. For this will
distract you from the path you have come to walk. And in truth, our beloveds, the path is
simple. It does not need to be complicated by illusions.

Allow the path to flow beneath your feet our beloveds, simply allow the path to flow.
Some of you have come in service to do specific jobs here on earth. And you have made
these commitments long before your journey began here, in this time. And this is in
divine and perfect order our beloveds. This is what you have come to fulfill in this time
and is what is needed on the Earth our beloveds.

But not all of you have made this commitment and we ask you all now to relinquish the
need for judging yourself. For standing on the path hands on hips looking around saying,
”But what is my mission here”? Creating a desire, a need to be more than what you are.

We say to you, our beautiful beloved ones, you are whole and perfect in your divine
being in this time, right now. There is nothing more for you to do than be in your light,
right now. Try not to make it complicated for yourself.

You will know in your heart when you are guided and fulfill a mission you have
contracted to or made a commitment to, you will know this from your heart. But you will
not know this from your mind, for your mind cannot tell you this information. It does not
know this information, even though it may try to tell you this information. This is not the
role of the mind.

It is your heart that holds the key to your path. It is the heart we ask you to connect with
to find the key to your path. For it will not be found in the mind our beloved ones. So
we ask you connect to your heart our beloved ones. Do this now with us while we are
here sending you the energy to connect with your hearts.

We will ask you now to close your eyes. And breathe deeply from within your being
now. The breath is the life of the energy flow through your being. Breathe deeply allow
the energy to flow through your being, there is no ration on your breath our beloveds.
There is plenty for all.

So we ask you not to breath in shallow breaths but from deeply within you so you are
filled with the energy that we send you. And as you breathe our beloveds, we ask you to
release all doubt and fear that you hold within now.

Release all your doubts and fears, all your boundaries that you place before you. Some
like brick walls, some we see as wooden fences with spikes on them, some are entwined
rose bushes with many thorns that they have wrapped around themselves even with one
flower amongst it.

Some have even created barbed wire fences around themselves. We ask you now to
consciously become aware of any boundaries you have placed around your heart.

And we will send you the energy to help you release these now. To lift them from your
hearts, there is no need to have these boundaries around your hearts it will be very
difficult for you to connect to your heart, if there are boundaries, barbed wire and thorns
wrapped around them, will it not, our beloveds.
Release these now with your intent and connect with the inner being that sits within your
heart now, connect with the inner being our beloveds. And ask this inner being to shine
its light outward. For those that have the boundaries around their hearts, this light that
you are shining out will help eliminate this our beloveds. We will lift them from your
hearts now our beloveds, we will lift these boundaries that you have placed there, in fear.

For we wish you to walk the path smoothly our beloveds, not encased in boundaries of
fear. Shine the light out from within to all that are in circle. See all the beings now that
sit in circle, all the light beings that you are, recognize them now our beloved.

Honor each and every being of light that sits with you in this circle today, our beloved.
Exchange with them your light and your love. Shine it out, do not be frightened, be
brazen, be bold. Shine it out now, our beloveds from your hearts and connect with all in
circle, we ask you. To go around each and every being in circle and connect with their
light and with their love, our beloveds, there energy that eminates from each and every
one of them. Connecting, our beloveds.

You may connect with me as I sit in this seat, our beloveds. Shine your energy to me, our
beloveds, and connect your energy with my light being that sits here now before you.
And see the energy that sits here and do this with each and every being in the circle for
each and every being mirrors who you are.

For you are connecting with yourself, with each connection you make, our beloveds. See
the light being you are, connect with them. See who you are by looking at each and
every being in circle.

Some will be surprised at how beautiful they are in their full light and love. Connect and
see yourself our beloveds. For you are all beautiful light beings just like me. We are not
separate, we are one with all. You are not less than I nor I less than you as you are not
less than others than they are less than you, our beloveds.

We are all one, all connected with the one heart of all that is, our beloved ones. And this
is what we ask you to see this day. And understand in your being. And in your
understanding of this, we ask you to see the light in all beings that you connect with at all
times. Not separate, but one. And this is the path of service that you have undertaken
and committed to. To walk in your light and your love in service to the one heart of all
that is. Seeing all as one, not as separate.

We ask you now, our beloveds, to complete in circle, your connection and we will give
you a little time to complete this so you connect with each and every being in circle, so
that we as a circle are one heart and one group. Is this not wonderful, our beloveds, to
see this?
I am Saint Germaine of the one heart of the purple flame. And I have come to work with
you in process now. We thank the master Kuthumi for his discourse and we ask each and
every one of you to centre yourselves now. Understanding of who you are and who each
of you are. We have come to share the violet flame with each and every one of you in
this room.

We ask you if you wish the violet flame to be inactivate now through your core being, to
ask for this to occur. And we will activate the violet flame through you now, through all
the debris of doubt and fear that you will hold in your core.

We see the questions that step into your mind, we ask you to hold these questions at the
moment, until we complete this small activation we have designed for you.

So call now for the violet flame to spread through you now, on all levels of your being
now. Call for this to activate now from within yourselves.

We ask each and everyone of you to connect with a being or beings you are having
difficulties with in this Earthly plane. Those who you may hold in judgement of perhaps
may hold you in judgement. Those that are mirroring who you are and making you feel
uncomfortable through this mirroring. All beings, where the love and the light does not
flow between you.

We ask you now to call these being into the circle to be with you. Call these being where
the love and light does not flow between you into circle to be with you now. We thank
them for coming, thank them for being with you.

Offer them thanks and recognition, honoring their journey, sending them love from your
heart now. But we ask you to make this love that has no conditions. Unconditional you
call it. Send this love to them from your hearts with no strings attached to it. Do not
send them love that has strings of need or desire or expectation attached, the boomerang
love that is so common here in this dimension, is it not?

We ask you to send them the love of God which you channel through your being now.
Through your heart that is expanded and open, that has no barriers or thorns or nasty
spikes of sharpness. And we ask you now, each and every one of you, to see these beings
you have called before you, as the light beings they are. Not separate from you but one
with you and one with all beings here in this circle.

We hear the thoughts that some think these beings are not the light beings like them, but
we say to you that all beings are light beings, perfect in each and every moment of the
now. We ask you to see them in their light. We do not ask you to see them through the
illusion they create, or the illusion that your mind or personality creates. For even the
illusion that someone else has created of these beings.
We ask you, our beloved ones now, to step outside the illusions you create here and see
the perfection of all that is in the now time. To see this now. Connecting to these beings
that cause you problems in your life or discomfort in your life or those beings that you
may indeed create discomfort for. See them in their light now.

We ask you to try to do this, we understand for some it may be a little difficult at first
practice, it will become easier. For this is your practice on the path of light our beloved
ones, to see all as light. For in truth all is light and love.

Everything else that you see is an illusion created here in this plane, our beloveds. We
ask you now to connect with these ones and see them in their light. We ask you now to
honor them in their light. The light of who they are. Bow to them and honor them, each
and every one. Say to them that you honor who they are and their being. You do not
need to forgive them, although for some this may assist you. For in truth, there is nothing
to forgive.

All is perfect our beloveds, it is only the mind that truly needs to forgive. A light being
does not need to forgive, it sometimes needs to release, but not forgive for all is perfect.
In your light all is perfect. And when all is perfect there is no need for forgiveness. For
nothing is judged from your God presence, all is light.

We ask you to honor these ones you have called. Honor the light being in pure perfection
that they are, our beloveds. Connect with them through your heart our beloveds, connect
with them now, and your love without attachment to them in full acceptance of who they

Complete acceptance in the now of who they are our beloveds. And in doing so, in truth
our beloveds, you recognize the light within yourselves and shine this out. And all is in
perfection for you.

For this is what you have come to be, light and love in perfection. To be exactly what
you already are our beloveds. It is only for you to see this, in the now of who you are.
And to put this into practice our beloveds, this is what you are here to do, is to put this
into practice, to do this, walk in your light in every moment of the now. And we
understand through the veils of illusion that this will require focus and concentration by

It will require commitment from you and a surrendering of the personality and ego that
you have created as your boundaries, our beloved ones. But in truth this is not so difficult
as you believe, our beloveds. For when you walk this path it is so simple.

It is in truth our beloveds, we hear your questions about this, but it is true. And there is
much to be gained from this our beloveds. For you will expand and sit in the joy and bliss
of who you are. For what better place for you to be than to sit in the joy and bliss of the
divine being that you are our beloveds, it is such a wondrous place to be. It is beautiful
our beloveds, is it not?,
When you sit in this space, if not for just a second. How wonderful and amazing might it
be if you walked in this space in all time now our beloveds. And know it is not
impossible to do this our beloveds. It is simple, it is only your minds that complicate it,
our beloveds.

It is time for you to start working with the mind, disciplining the mind, you can do this
our beloveds. You have already made the commitment or you would not be here our
beloveds. So half the work is already done; you have already begun. It is only the mind
that needs to follow now our beloveds. And this will not be so difficult if you try our

We promise you, and when you need assistance our beloveds, you only need to call upon
us, call upon the violet flames of St Germaine, to activate through you and around you,
our beloveds, to clear your field of all debris. And we will be with you.

We thank you and we say namaste to you now.

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