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THIS ADVENTUlI OUTliNE 1i10ll1" pl.

to hb i put il
""" lll'd,d " i' Slid.., ,/ 't, I'pill.
Gilelu'en ... ld III id,nfm afttr lud-
i', ,,,,I, b'l pl.ym .. ld ..Ibm I" T!ld
Shd.., .lory. Wiil, Ib, .. 'Ii" dmrib" ",b
episode's billie idin. I.e ,ntlutu 1111 dUI
lipS, drier. i.e ,Ut shtisliu nd plan 01'

ncoonltu 10 prtpilt tor play. Aui,••t,l: DIUY

lorh !qully Iflllorltbtl chratlm 01 i,depen-
d!11 slIn1m. Howem. tby lut have II st.m.ip.

The characters are 10 deliver
a small, legal cargo of agricul.
tural machinery to the Bothan
home world of Bothawui. Their
mission is a decoy-following
closely behind their ship is a
bulk freighter with a cargo of
importance to the "Bothan
spies" on the planet's surface.
Should Imperial customs ves-
sels be in the system, the char-
acters are to get their own ship
boarded and searched so that
the bulk freighter may proceed
to Bothawui uninterrupted.
Upon arriving in orbit
around Bothawui, an Imperial
customs Corvette immediately
approaches and orders them to
prepare for customs inspection;
the Imperial agents mention
they are searching every ship
coming into the system. The
bulk freighter is due 10 arrive vel)' shortly, so the characters must
move quickly.
The characlers may veer off course. lriggering a chase and per·
haps hiding in the small asteroid field nearby, but this is a good way
to make sure they never get to Bothawui to get paid. They may also
wait until the inspection crew is aboard and then fake a major sys-
tem falJure--a power generator overload. for example. That will
keep the customs crew busy, and if there seems to be the risk of a
dangerous explosion. the bulk freighter will be ordered ahead 10
land so it can clear the zone.· A space rescue crew wiJl
stream aboard to tty to avert a disaster, although the characters
may be ordered to head to their escape pods (and let the ship ex-
plode) if they push their ruse too far. If the players come up with a
good diversion and roleplay it well, the bulk freighter is waved on
without intemqnion by the customs ship
Impcri ... 1 ClIstoms Corvette. Stlrfi,h.r scll•• I"" tr..s"th S'.
Ifm;', ,""r, J'·I. IIm;i, I;"fis S,·/, I', s,m I, htl
5'-1, ,,,Ill. 41.", 4'1.
1'.' 4••ill. h.rhlu.r CIII'U (fir. , ..

Customs Troops. All stlh Iff 11 flctpl: )lasf" 4', i,i'f J"I, i,".i·,. 1"1. II,Jt.r ,iJt.1 (4'>'
The customs commander, Lieutenant Norrick (his Slats are
idenlical except for intimidation 40+1, Prruplion 3D and starch
4D+2). carries a subspace
comm. He's a pushy redhead Bothan friends. You've long known Vos-
who tries to be intimidating. suk the Quarren as an honest information broker.
However, as soon as things start Now, [ have something of great vatue-to you, to
to go wrong. he shows himself the Rebellion, even to the Empire. I'm looldng for
to be easily unsettled. a buyer. Meet me on Gall... my time is
The characters' rendezvous The Bothans confirm Vossuk has been a reli-
point is a small agriculturnl factory able source of information in the past. .. although
in a remote mountainous region. he, like most information brokers, isn't entirely
The bulk freighter is already trustworthy, No doubt. the characters see the
there. The cargo is a dozen im· polential to aid their cause (if they're Rebels) or
mense containers filled with profil (because they can sell this info). The Both-
grain; as each is emptied, one ans hire the characters if they're reluctanllO go.
V-wing fighter (encased in pro-
tective wrapping) becomes visi·
ble. Thetr Bochan contact greetS
HISO[l{ 1 0 I,ll
them and gives them the agreed- Gan's starport is swarming with bounty
upon sum of7,000 credits. hunters, mercenaries and other rough types.
A3 the characters are dealing Eavesdropping characters will hear that a big
wilh the Bothan. a subspace reward is beIng offered for the capture of a promi-
message comes in over Ihe nent Rebel leader named Sky... something-or-
comm nelS. The message is other. Of course, the hunters mention that any
played over a holo-viewer: Ihe Rebel is wonh something these days.
sender is a Quanen.
The characters may have
several encounters on the street,
... A tense standoff with ofT-
duty Imperial Navy soldiers.
Maybe they cut line. stumble
into a character or are just look-
ing to cause trouble . and the
characters make a convenient
... A pickpocket robs a char-
acter and ftees intO the crowds.
leading to a wild chase through
alleys and open-air bazaars. Per-
haps the pickpodtet is pan of a
larger group which is ready 10
protect her.
... One character NflS inlo an
old friend from his or her youth.
The chum is now a spacer on a
freighter ship. fIllal person may
attempt to tag along or may
show up at the worst-
time to complicate an en-
The characters venture 10
Vossuk's place of business-a
star'Slup navigation chart shop-
to find it empty and ransack!d.
Blaster bums aTe all over the
walls and merchandise. Shelves
are on their sid" and the win-
dows are smashl!d If they check
the computer. hnk up their data-
pad and make a Moderate com-
programmil1glupair roll,
they retrieve the receipts from
the past days: They get 8 list
of recent customers and an in-
complete transaction keyed to a
ship in Docking Bay 59B-East.
Upon leaving the shop. the characters are were covers for infonnation deals, not navigation
trailed by bounty hunters. (Vossuk has a bounty of chart sales. When they find Vossuk. he offers to
5,000 credits on his head, posted by Perit. a fa- give his infonnation for free, if only the characters
mous Mon Calameri infonnation broker and busi- will safely escort him to a safehouse on the far
ness person; these hunters are trying to claim the side of the GalL
bounty.) vossuk. All st.ts arlzD unpt: ,/dp.d,f JI. I,.·
Gamemasters should run the investigation only S'.
f"fts J"/. sl,,,"'11I -,'. ul".. i.f,,,,.'I•• IIt,,-
as long as the players are interested. The
ters should be given a reasonable chance to notice
f.f'..J'. '.ff'" -".,..
z'oz. C,.lilk. nti.1S
-,"z, f'f"" J"z, ",SlIII..
(tutailll' ub.,.ti..
their tails ... but it is up to them to lose the t •• rtsl. hili-lit .Iuttr (3D'I).
hunters. Vossuk's information is that the infamous
6 lounty Hunt.n. All stab att d tln,t: It,,t,,
S', i,if' S"z, st,,,,,,i,,
4"/. S'Ir" J'. ....., •••ttr
1t.1f (o.D ,.,slul. 01 turn), .Iuttr rift, (SU. I
hunter Boba Felt has come to Gall to repair the
main hyperdrive on his ship. Slaw i. Aboard. Felt
has the legendary smuggler Han Solo encased in
,rtldls (511. carbonite, and wants to debver him to Jabba the
EventuaJly. the characters track down Vossuk Hult on Tatooine. If Solo could somehow be res--
By asking around, they can learn where Vossulr:: cued., the Rebels (or Jabba or even the Empire)
was recently spotted and discover hi$ past
ings. They'll find out that some of his receipts
would pay a magnificem fee. The Rebellion would pay hand-
somely just for information leading to $olo's rescue.
In any event, Vossuk knows some of the techs
who are working in docking bays near Slave I, The
techs are off-duty. but they have access to most A ':., ,...
............... _ C. ..IM• ., .....
sections of the starport. Slal't I is almost re-
paired. after which Fen will be gone. The char-
,...,. ."1 .•......, ., ,,, 1 .....
acters must act quiclcly to claim the bounty of a
lifetime. They would earn a great debt of grati- 1
I ,t '1
_ . , . . ...,
_ 7 .....
tude (and a large reward if the characters are ?S .......

independent smugglers). ............................? • 1 . .
.. ? ..
[PISO[l[ THf: H
The most likely way for the characters to gel. to I is to
pose as tech!. If the characters meet the teehs when they're off-
ct •• I • ...,
. . . . . :;,

_ l .

delivering Vas-
duty. Vossuk can help get uniforms and pass-<:ode badges. The suk to the safehouse on
characters will probably also want lock-picking gear. sound- the far side of the starpart. Vas-
suppresson and other tools to help them bI"eak into I without suk thanks the characters and
setting olflts elabonlte alarm systems. gives them 2.000 credits for
As the chan!1cters get to within a few hw'Idnd meters of their time He offers to help
docking bay. they find a group of thugs and bounty hunters watch- them in the future if they need
ing out. The hunters immediately move to stop them;and won't ac- him. All they have to do is find
cept me tech IDs no matter WMt story is told. (The characters don't hun.
know this, but the hunters are suppos«lto be watching 4-LOM's The characters, beaten but
back while he tries to steal Solo from Slaw I ... but that's another with something to show for their
story.) efforts. are free to pJ'OCeed With
IZ Sounty Hunt.n. All dlh 1ft zl tletpt: j/,st,1 II.•
wist J'ol, J,lftj J'. SnltJ b.t" 111I11 (OIS
oz lit",). ,lid"
normal busmess.

dfll btl. z ,rtIl4« (Sl). Dllu4 'n.ty hlf" hI I "ret hi.t ... I' [I'Il06 11[
QaTU1tr ,.Iats, IS Will IS I stll '''1141 (" st...,.,," I' .ritt ,Iut ra-
4I.ilS) II t" urn.II. It rt•• tll, adintl•. It had bun a long /rw days.
Vossuk sot silently Ifl tJrr unpoddrd
1'he tension ultimately escalales into a blaster battle (one of the
charr. The room was dark, but
hunters probably recognizes Vossuk). After a few moments of shoot-
VOJSuk pre/erred thr shadows_
ing (and at the most dramatic point), there is a huge series of explo-
Thl)' \I'm' comforting
sions. Saba Fen comes racing through the area, dropping stun gas
Somrone entered the room----a
grenades and firing at anyone with the audacity to show their faces.
human with ytl/aw hair. He was
And before anyone can react, Feu reaches Slave I and blasts off.
rather shan and plump. He silently
The characters emerge from the battle just in time to witness
drapped a small sack and a
SlalJt Is departure. whUe the Millennium Falcon approaches Gall in
datadisk On the tablt. As he turned
the distance. Now the characters have to arrange a hasty escape:
ta ltaw, he grunted. "My boss told
they halJt promised to gel Vossuk to safety.
me to give fhis to you,
Vossuk softly hummed as he
The Shadows of the Empire opened fhe sack and counted the
markers. Erght, nine ... 10,000
SOURCEBOOK credits. Ht then slotted the
The offici. I referenct compAnian to tn(' Shadows datadisk rnto h{s holographic
no ... ('1 will be published by Wnt End C.m('s in lune.
projtctor/reader. The hologram
showed Saba Fen's armored hel·
From Prince Xilor's Sun to the m.ny n('w st"r- met. A mechanicall'oice rang
ships. droids .nd ch".cters. this fully illustrated tJrrough the reader's speakn-grill.
sourcebook tell, Hory b .. hind th .. It's ·Yau did the job well. The
dil'trsion worked. I Will averlook
written by P,trr Schweigholer. Editor of rh, OffIcial
the bounty 011 you for OIIe year Get
Stllr WllrJ Adlllfrltwrif jowr".'.nd .uthor of Pllltt'J your affain in order... Perit is a
Stllrport Gl.lid, .nd tht R.aid,.s of tit, lost Arb. dangerous enemy.
SOllrclfboolt. Th .. 144-p.g .. Shlll/ows Sowretboolt wilt
be ..... il.ble .t tin .. book. .nd comics stOrtS
..... trywh ...... for. recomm,nded ret.;1 pri" of $2z.

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