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A. Arrange the jumble words!

1. are - white - Cows - black - and
2. forest - lives - the - A lion - in
3. trunks - Elephants - long - have
4. four - has - A dog - legs
5. colorful - are - Birds

B. Write down as the example!

Example : a cat = - it has four legs
- it eats fish
1. A duck = -
2. A horse = -
3. A crocodile = -

C. Guess the Days!

1. The day before (sebelum) Wednesday is ...
2. The day after (setelah) Sunday is ...
3. Today is Tuesday. Tomorrow is ...
4. Yesterday was Thursday. Today is ...
5. The day after Friday is ...
6. Today is Thursday. Tomorrow is ...
7. Yesterday was Sunday. Tomorrow is ...

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