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A Description of the Bronx Area

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A Description of the Bronx Area

New York is an expansive cosmopolitan city that comprises of wildly wide diversity.

Different cultures, ethnicities, nationalities reside in the city creating a rich cultural area. The

diverse, fast, and dynamic nature of the city reflects in its smaller units including The Bronx. The

Bronx is a New York City borough in its north with a striking and intriguing cultural identity.

While it shares some evident characteristics with the larger New York City, the Bronx has its

distinguishable cultural traits, phenomena, and social areas that give it its identity. The borough

is often characterized by its lower skyline relative to other New York regions. This paper will

describe The Bronx as a cultural and fast-paced area and explore the features and traits that

characterize it as such.

Evidently, Bronx is incredibly rich culturally. The cultural nature of Bronx is caused by

the diversity at display in the area. People from different races, ethnicities, nationalities, and

religions reside in the area. Historically, the area has experienced social-economic strain in the

late 20th century which led to a degradation of the quality of life and welfare. This caused a

considerable decline in its population and contributed to its cultural identity in New York City.

Thus, the streets are characterized by a less clean and uptown look than its colleagues in New

York. The Bronx Zoo, Van Courtlandt Park, Botanic Gardens, Pelham Bay Park are some of the

other present structural and cultural places. The diverse cultural background ensures that the food

in the area is diverse. In the aggregate overview, these the area more communally cohesive, and

a feeling of interdependence and cooperation is felt compared to other areas in New York.

The most remarkable aspect of Bronx’s identity is the hip hop culture. Having been the

birthplace of contemporary culture, most aspects of the Bronx community are impacted by the
culture. The hip hop culture in Bronx is apparent with a casual outlook of the area. The artistic

depictions on the architecture and paintings are all testament to the impact of the culture. Also,

the sports culture in the area is rich. The culture reflects majorly on art and music. As such, the

area is also known for the breakdance. The most popular sports team is The Yankees and the

Yankees stadium is one of the most common areas for socialization in the area. Moreover, the

language, its schematics, and accents reflect the impact of the wide range of cultural exposure.

However, it is also difficult to point out the area’s cultural authenticity as it is affected by

numerous cultures. Due to this cultural richness, people from the area have a lasting strong

connection to celebrity culture.

Bronx area is fast-paced and dynamic which it adopts from the hustle and buzzle of the

wider New York City. The large immigrant population in the Bronx assimilates the culture of

aspiration into the economic aspect of the area. Thus, like most other areas in New York, Bronx

has a certain characteristic rush especially from the perspective of an outsider overlooking the

jam-packed streets. The economic disadvantage of the area in comparison to other boroughs

makes it an added imperative to worker harder and for longer hours. However, this does not

seem to wear out the spirit of the people from Bronx. Notwithstanding this strain, there is a

certain finesse to how people speak, gesture, and move.

Probably as a result of the musical style and trend common in the area and the cultural

impact it bears on the people, speed is assimilated with these cultural aspects. The streets are just

as diverse as the people. Instead of the systemic association of certain streets with certain

activities, Bronx does not follow this and they appear jumbled up in one space. This outlook

perhaps makes life look more unstructured and paced. Ultimately, all these features complement

the general dynamic nature of the place.

The Bronx is a culturally rich, fast-paced, and dynamic cosmopolitan area. These features

co-exist interdependently to create a society that has a heavy affiliation to the general culture

together with a more specific one described by art and sports. In essence, Bronx is a culturally

diverse area but still with a certain aspect of identity that describes it and provides it with

considerable cultural authenticity. Caused by the economic structuring, the immigrant population

as well as the history of the area, Bronx has a cultural authenticity and dynamism. These can be

observed in the nature of social and economic activities as well as a general observation of the

conduct of the people.

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