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Imagine that a customer reaches out to you asking you for advice regarding the best cellphone
she/he could buy for her/his son Christmas’ gift. The customer gives this information about
her/his son:
 He loves video games.
 He is in a photography course.
 He enjoys going to the beach and swimming in general.
 He hasn’t been very careful with the previous cellphones he has had.

With this information in mind, you are going to write a 200-word paragraph where you are going
to advice this customer on what cellphone is the best option. These are the task’s requirements:

1. You are the expert; always use professional language.

2. Use expressions of opinion such as: I think, in my opinion as you are sharing your
opinion with the customer.
3. Use connectors of sequence and addition such as: first, second, third, moreover, in
addition, etc.
4. If you find the opportunity to make contrast, use connectors such as however,
nonetheless, otherwise, etc.
5. Remember to check your punctuation.
6. Don’t use connectors for the sake of putting them. Connectors give sense and smoothness
to your text.
7. Use those 200 words wisely. Don’t include irrelevant information that just makes your
text wordy. Remember English is concise, therefore, be concise and knowledgeable.
8. Do not copy from the AT&T web page because I want to check your abilities, not the
web page info.

NOTE: I will not grade how well you know the cellphone you are offering or your selling skills.
I will grade how well you write which means I will take into account: grammar, sentence
structure, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary, organization of the paragraph, and of course, that
you follow the task by writing something according to the instructions.


As title, write your full name, batch and trainer.

DEADELINE: Wednesday, December 9th at noon.

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