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Kenji C.

COGITO ERGO SUM (I Think Therefore I am)
So what does it actually mean? I am because I think I am. According to
this theory, thought actually shapes who we are; we are what we think,
thus how we think is essential to figuring out who we are in the physical
form in which we live
In my opinion, our body serves just as a vehicle for our mind during our
brief life, and without the mind, the body would not exist. Therefore,
it’s possible that just our mind and cognition may account for our
relationship to our body.
If thinking builds who you are, then not all thought does so since you
can only fully establish a sense of “I am” when you become aware of a
thought. But what about the possibly that you have a notion that you
are either unaware of or disengaged from? Then, perhaps, your
understanding of who you are and your sense of self-indentity are just
perceptions or made-up truths.
These ideas, of which we are conscious, serve as our identity. We are
thus the ones who form the ideas, even the ones we are aware of.
What do you know about yourself that is true? Is your current
perspective of who you are accurate, or are there thoughts ypu might
be more aware of that may help you to be a better version of yourself?
We may not even exist if we were unable to become conscious of our
ideas. We might exist, but we definitely wouldn’t be identifiable.
Therefore, it could be preferable to say, “I think, I become conscious,
therefore I am.”
We might able to overcome many of our self-doubts and doubts about
life and what is actually true if we could avoid connecting to our own
thoughts and being aware. If could access our other level of conscious
thought-the one in which we are unaware-how could life be different?
If we are only conscious of the ideas that we notice, do we not also
have other, perhaps less conscious, thoughts? These ideas, if they really
exist, what level of awareness are they on?
How do they affect our lives, if they even exist? How do they affect the
way we think and act? Can they really have an impact on us if we are
oblivious of them? The ideas that are generated in our subconscious
mind are those that have no concept of what is real and what is not.
We have the power to trick our minds into thinking that anything is
Implanting strong, uplifting ideas in our subconscious brains. In a
manner, we are tricking it by making it believe in the freedoms and
dreams we hold dear, leaving it unsure of their veracity in the absence
of consciousness. This might then alter the ideas we conscious of, and
from there, potentially, our reality as well.

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