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Department of Education

Caraga Region


Grade 9

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Shade the corresponding letter on the
separate answer sheet.

1. What do you call a second-degree polynomial equation that can be written in the
form 𝑎𝑥2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 = 0, where a, b and c are real numbers and 𝑎 ≠ 0?
a. Linear Equation c. Quadratic Equation
b. Linear Inequality d. Quadratic Inequality

2. Which of the following is the nature of the roots of the quadratic equation if the value
of its discriminant is positive and not a perfect square?
a. The roots are not real.
b. The roots are rational and equal.
c. The roots are rational and not equal.
d. The roots are irrational and not equal.

3. It is an inequality that can be written in any of the following forms: 𝑎𝑥2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 > 0,
𝑎𝑥2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 < 0, 𝑎𝑥2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 ≥ 0 or 𝑎𝑥2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 ≤ 0.
a. Linear Equation c. Quadratic Equation
b. Linear Inequality d. Quadratic Inequality

4. Which of the following quadratic equations can be solved using extracting the square
a. 3x2 – 48 = 0 c. 2x2 – 5x + 1 = 0
b. 5r2 + 2 = 0 d. 3x2 + 5x – 2 = 0

5. In the quadratic equation 8𝑥2 + 5𝑥 – 14 = 0, which of the following is the product of its
7 7
a. −5 b. − c. d. 5
4 4

6. What are the solutions of the equation: 3(𝑥 + 3)2 + 5(𝑥 + 3) – 2 = 0?

8 8 8 8
a. − , -5 b. , -5 c. - ,5 d. ,5
3 3 3 3

7. Patricia’s rectangular flower garden fence has to be replaced by a new one. She
bought 40 feet of metal fencing material to replace the fence on the three sides of her
garden. A tall wooden fence which serves as the fourth side was not to be
replaced and remains as it is. What inequality models “the width of the garden fence will
give an area of at least 150 square feet”?
a. 150 ≤ -2x2 + 40x c. 150 ≤ 40x2 - 2x
b. 150 ≥ -2x2 + 40x d. 150 ≥ 40x2 - 4x

8. What is TRUE about the equation y +2x2 = 2x(x + 1)?

a. The highest degree of the variable is 3. Thus, it is not a quadratic function.
b. If simplified in the form y = mx +b, it is not a quadratic function, but a linear
c. The equation represents a quadratic function because the highest degree of the
variable is 2.
d. If the function is expanded it will be y= 2x2 + 2x + 1. Thus, the equation represents
a quadratic function.

9. Which of the following functions has a graph with a narrower opening compared to the
graph of y = 2x2?
1 3 2
a. y = - (x – 1)2 b. y = x2 c. y = x –4 d. y = 4x2
2 4

10. A garment store sells about 40 t-shirts per week at a price of PhP100 each. For each
PhP10 decrease in price, the sales lady found out that 5 more t-shirts per week were sold.
If the store owner sells the t-shirt at Php70, will this price produce a maximum revenue?
a. Yes, because the maximum revenue is PhP4050.
b. Yes, because there are 5 more t-shirts added per week.
c. No, because the price of t-shirt that produces maximum revenue is PhP100.
d. No, because the price of t-shirt that produces maximum revenue is PhP 90.

11. A small shoe factory produces 100 pairs of shoes a day at a profit of PhP360.00 per pair
of shoes. If a more expensive machine will be used, production can be increased but the
profit per pair of shoes diminishes by PhP2.00 for each additional pair produced. Which of
these would help the factory maximize their daily profit?
a. Maintain the daily production of shoes.
b. Produce additional 20 pairs of shoes daily.
c. Produce additional 40 pairs of shoes daily.
d. Produce additional 50 pairs of shoes daily.

12. Sketch the graph of 𝑦 = x2 + 4x +3.

a. c.
b. d.

13. What is the quadratic function that represents the table of values below?
x -2 -1 0 1 2

y -3 0 1 -1 -3

a. 𝑦 = −𝑥2 +1 c. 𝑦 = -𝑥 2- 2x +4
b. 𝑦 = −𝑥 2 −1 d. 𝑦 = −𝑥2 + 2𝑥 + 4

14. Which type of variation exhibits the property that the product of the related quantities
is constant?
a. combined b. direct c. inverse d. joint

15. What is the base in the expression -(-6)5?

a. -6 x 5 b. -6 c.5 d. 6

16. An amount invested earns an interest I in t months. The statement that relates I and t is
I = kt. What type of variation is illustrated?
a. combined b. direct c. inverse d. joint

17. Which of the following is the equivalent of 4 3 in radical form?
a. √4 3 b. √3 4 c. √ ❑ d. √ ❑

18. Which of the following expressions can be rationalized?

ab 2 2 2 2 a2 b2 √
b. a b

a. 2
√❑ c. a b ❑ d. ❑
c √❑ ❑ c2

19. Which of the following is the simplified form of¿?

2 2 2 2
a.3 y 15 b. 9 y 5 c. 27 y 15 d. 27 y 5

20. Which of the following is equal to √ 36 a2 b6 ?


a. √ 6 a b3 b. √ 6 a b3 c. √ 6 a2 b3 d. √ 18 a3 b2
3 4 4 2

21. The square base of a monument in Guingona Park measures 4 √❑ feet on a side.
Which of the following is TRUE about the area of the square base?
a. The area is not defined.
b. The area is a rational number.
c. The area is an irrational number.
d. The area cannot be determined.

22. The length of the rectangular lot that Jessie wants to buy for her piggery project is
thrice its width. The lot is √❑ meters wide. If Jessie has Php45, 000 at hand, would this be
enough to pay the cost of the lot if the price per square meter is Php 1,000?
a. No, because the perimeter of the lot is 4√ ❑ meters.
b. Yes, because the area of the lot is 3√ ❑ square meters.
c. No, because the cost of the lot at PhP1000 per square meter is PhP50,000.
d. Yes, because the cost of the lot at PhP1000 per square meter is PhP45,000.

23. Two SHS students decided to rent a boarding house near the school where they are
studying. The nearest and the cheapest boarding house costs PhP4000 a month, which
they find too much for their monthly budget. If they will invite two students to share the
rent with, will each of them pay PhP1000 a month?
a. Yes, because the house rental will be lessened.
b. Yes, because there are already four of them to share the PhP 4000 house rent.
c. No, because they need to invite four students to share the PhP4000 house rent.
d. No, because if they invite two students only, each of them will pay Php 1,500.

24. Below is the Multiple-Rule Map in solving the equation √ ❑ = 8. Which among the
steps in the solution is/are incorrect?
√❑ = 8 1. Equation from the given data

√❑ = 8 2. Combine similar terms

(√ ❑ )2= 82 3. Square both sides of the equation

2 x+2 = 64
2 x = 62 4. Multiplication Property of Equality

x=31 5. Addition Property of Equality

x=31 6. The smaller odd integer

x +2=31+2=33 7. The larger odd integer

Since the question is, “find the larger integer”, thus the answer is 33.
a. Step 2 b. Step 4 c. Steps 4 &5 d. Steps 6 &7

25. The Mathematics Club launches a recycling campaign of waste materials in their
school in order to raise students’ awareness of environmental protection and effects of
climate change. Every kilogram of waste materials earns points that can be exchanged
for school supplies. Paper, which is the number one waste collected, earns 10 points for
every kilo. The Grade 9 class were able to gather 5 kilograms of waste paper and earned
50 points. How many kilograms of paper will they have to gather in order to raise 200
points? Write a mathematical statement that will relate the two quantities involved.
a. P = 5n b. P = 10n c. P = 50n d. P = 200n

26. What do you call a quadrilateral that has four right angles and four congruent sides?
a. parallelogram b. rectangle c. rhombus d. square

27. It is a comparison of two quantities.

a. proportion b. ratio c. similarity d. similitude

28. If EF = (BC), what is the measure of the third side of the
triangle if its midline measures 45cm?
a. 45cm b. 50cm c. 90cm d.

29. Right Triangle Proportionality Theorem states that “The altitude to the
hypotenuse divides the triangle into two right triangles which are
similar to each other and to the given right triangle. Refer to the figure
at the right, which of the following right triangles is similar to Δ𝑆𝐼𝑅
and Δ𝑆𝐸𝐼?
a. Rt. ΔIER b. Rt. ΔIRE c. Rt. ΔREI d. Rt. ΔRIE
30. What is m∠VEA in a rectangle SAVE if m∠SEA = 60°?

a. 30° b. 45° c. 60° d. 65°

31. In the isosceles Trapezoid LOVE, OE = 23 and LV = 3x-7, find the value of x.
a. 8 b. 9 c. 10 d. 11

32. If LOVE is a parallelogram and LV = 14, which of the following statements is TRUE about
the length of LR?
a. LR is half of LV c. LR is more than LV
b. LR bisects LV d. LR is congruent to OR

33. Are the two triangles on the right similar? If they are, which of the following theorems
would justify your answer?
a. Yes, by SSS Similarity Theorem
b. Yes, by AA Similarity Theorem
c. Yes, by SAS Similarity Theorem
d. Yes, by Right Triangle Similarity

34. Jojo bought 100 meters of fencing wire. He wanted to fence his rectangular field so
that stray animals could not destroy his cacao plants. Write an equation that represents
the largest rectangular field that can be enclosed by the fencing wire that Jojo bought.
a. A = lw b. A = 2l + 2w c. A = w( 100 – w) d. A = w( 50-w)

35. Based on the figure at the right, Ana and Marie were asked what similarity theorem
justifies that Δ ABC ~ Δ DEF? Ana said it is by Right Triangle Similarity Theorem while Marie’s
answer is by SSS Similarity Theorem. Who is correct?

a. Ana c. Both of them are correct.

b. Marie d. Neither of them is correct.

36. If Δ GHI ~ Δ JKL by AA Similarity Theorem

= KL
= ?
a. HI b. KL c. JL d. JK
37. The size of a TV screen is given by the length of its diagonal. The dimensions of the TV
screen that Maggi bought is 16 inches by 14 inches. She claimed that the size of her TV
screen is approximately 21 inches. Is her claim correct? Justify.
a. No, the size of the TV screen is 36 inches.
b. No since the measure around the screen is 30 inches.
c. Yes, by applying the Pythagorean Theorem the diagonal is 21 inches.
d. Yes, by applying the Right Triangle Similarity Theorem the diagonal is 21 inches.

38. A line from the top of a building to the ground passes over a 9-meter pole and
reaches the ground at a point 15 meters from the base of the pole. If the pole is 12 meters
from the base of the building, how high is the building?
a. 15.3m b. 16.2m c. 17.8m d. 20.2m

39. It is the ratio of the hypotenuse to the side opposite the acute angle in a right triangle.
a. cosine b. cosecant c. sine d. tangent

40. Which trigonometric ratio is used to solve for the unknown angle of a right triangle if its
opposite side and adjacent side are given?
a. cosine b. secant c. sine d. tangent

41. Based on the given figure at the right, formulate a problem and identify which
trigonometric ratio can be used to solve the problem.
a. What is the distance of the observer from the foot of the tower if a
tower is 12 meters high? , COTANGENT RATIO
b. How far is the observer from the foot of the tower if it makes an angle
of elevation of 350? , SINE RATIO
c. A tower is 12 meters high. At a certain distance away from the tower,
an observer determines that the angle of elevation to the top is 35 0.
What is the distance of the observer from the tower? , COSINE RATIO
d. A tower is 12 meters high. At a certain distance away from the tower,
an observer determines that the angle of elevation to the top is 35 0.
How far is the observer from the base of the tower? , TANGENT RATIO

42. A building 21 meters tall casts a shadow 25 meters long. Find the angle of elevation of
the sun to the nearest degree.

a. 350 b. 400 c. 450 d. 500

43. Given the figure on the right, what is the value of sine 450?
a. ❑ b. 1 c. √ ❑ d. 2


44. Susan is flying a kite which gets caught on top of the tree. Which of
the following is TRUE about the height of the tree based on the diagram
shown on the right?
a. The height of the tree is 25.6ft.
b. the height of the tree can be determined using the cosine ratio.
c. The height of the tree is half the length of the string of the kite.
d. The height of the tree and the distance of Susan from the base
of the tree are equal.

45. A bamboo pole is leaning against a tree. If the height of the tree is 12 meters and the
angle made by the pole and the ground is 450, Lea estimated that the length of the
bamboo pole is 12 meters. Jenny argued that Lea’s estimate was wrong, its length is 12 √❑
meters. Whose estimate is correct?
a. Jenny
b. Lea
c. Both of them are correct.
d. Neither of them is correct.

46. Which of the following formula IS NOT applicable in finding the

triangle’s side?

sin sin A sin sin B sin sin B sin sin C sin sin A sin sin C
a. = b. = c. =
a b b c a c
sin sin A b
d. =
a sin sin B

47. Joan and Lyra were tasked to solve for the height of the tree given that a tree casts a
12 m shadow and the angle of elevation of the sun is 30 0. Who got it right?

h h
Joan’s Solution: Tan 300 = Lyra’s solution: Sin 300 =
12 12
h = 12Tan300 h = (.5)12
h = 6.9m h = 6m

a.Joan b. Lyra c. Both of them d. Neither of them

48. A triangular field has sides 500m, 450m and 720m. Leon and Leanne tried to evaluate
the measure of the angle between the sides of 500m and 720m. Leon’s answer is 37° while
Leanne’s answer is 38°. Which of them is correct?

a. Leon c. Both of them are correct

b. Leanne d. Neither of them is correct

49. Two points P and Q on the same side of a river are 12 m apart. A tree on the opposite
side of the river is directly opposite a point between P and Q. The lines of sight of a tree
across the river make angles of 78° and 57°, respectively, with the line joining P and Q.
How will you illustrate the problem?

50. Which of the following problems can you create based on

the figure at the right?

a. Two ships sailed on the same direction. They are 68 km apart

from each other. Sarah is found 470 from the first ship and 490
from the second ship. How far is Sarah from the first ship?

b. Two ships are 68 km apart from each other. Sarah is 47 0 from

the first ship and 490 from the second ship. How far is Sarah from
the second ship?
c. Two ships sailing. They are 68 km apart from each other. How far
is Sarah from the ship?

d. Ships A and B are 68 km apart from each other. When Sarah is found
470 from the ship A and 490 from the ship B. How far is she from the river?

Prepared by:


CBD 1 CBD 11 SE 11

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