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Module 1: Quadratic Equations and Inequalities

Lesson 1: Quadratic Equations

Learning Competency No. 1: Illustrate quadratic equations
1. It is a polynomial equation of degree two that can be written in the form ax 2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b
and c are real numbers and a≠0.
a. Linear Equations b. Linear Inequality c. Quadratic Equation d. Quadratic Inequality
2. In the equation 2x (x – 9) = 14, which is the quadratic term?
a. 2x2 b.- 9x c. -18x d. -14
3. What is the standard form of the equation 3(x 2 + 2x) = -4?
a. 3x2 + 6x + 12 = 0 b. 3x2 + 6x - 12 = 0 c. 3x2 + 6x - 4 = 0 d. 3x2 + 6x + 4 = 0
Product “Where in the Real World?”
1. Give 5 examples of quadratic equations written in standard form. Identify the values of a, b, and c in
each equation.
2. Name some objects or cite situations in real life where quadratic equations are illustrated. Formulate
quadratic equations out of these objects or situations then describe each.

Lesson 2: Solving Quadratic Equations

Learning Competency No. 2: Solves quadratic equations by factoring, extracting square roots,
completing the square and using the quadratic formula.
1. Which is the correct quadratic formula?
−b ± √ b −4 ac b ± √b + 4 ac b ± √b −4 ac −b ± √ b +4 ac
2 2 2 2
a. x= b. x= c. x= d. x=
2a 2a 2a 2a
2. The roots of a quadratic equation are -5 and 3. Which of the following quadratic equations has these
a. x2 - 8x + 15 = 0 b. x2 + 8x + 15 = 0 c.x2 - 2x - 15 = 0 d.x2 + 2x - 15 = 0
3. The length of a garden is 5m longer than its width and the area is 14 m 2. How long is the garden?
a. 9m b. 7m c. 5m d. 2m
A. Extracting Square Roots “What More Can I Do?”
Directions: Answer the following.
1. Describe quadratic equations with 2 solutions, 1 solution, and no solution. Give at least two examples
for each.
2. Give at least five quadratic equations which can be solved by extracting square roots, then solve.
B. Factoring “Meet My Demands”
Directions: Answer the following.
Mr. Lakandula would like to increase his production of milkfish (bangus) due to its high demand
in the market. He is thinking of making a larger fishpond in his 8000 sq m lot near a river. Help Mr.

Lakandula by making a sketch plan of the fishpond to be made. Out of the given situation and the sketch
plan made, formulate as many quadratic equations then solve by factoring.
C. Completing the square “Design Packaging Boxes”
Directions: Perform the following.
Designing Open Boxes
1. Make sketch plans of 5 rectangular open boxes such that:
a. the heights of the boxes are the same; and
b. the boxes can hold 240 cm3, 270 cm3, 504 cm3, 810 cm3, and 468 cm3, respectively.
2. Write a quadratic equation that would represent the volume of each box.
3. Solve each quadratic equation by completing the square to determine the dimensions of the materials
to be used in constructing each box.
D. Quadratic Formula “Show Me The Best Floor Plan”
Directions: Use the situation below to answer the questions that follow.
Mr. Luna would like to construct a new house with a floor area of 72 m 2. He asked an architect
to prepare a floor plan that shows the following:
a. 2 bedrooms d. Comfort room
b. Living room e. Kitchen
c. Dining room f. Laundry Area
1. Suppose you were the architect asked by Mr. Luna to prepare a floor plan. How will you do it? Draw
the floor plan.
2. Formulate as many quadratic equations using the floor plan that you prepared. Solve the equations
using the quadratic formula.

Lesson 3: Nature of the Roots of Quadratic Equations

Learning Competency No. 3: Characterizes the roots of a quadratic equation using the discriminant.
1. What do you call the value of the expression b 2 – 4ac?
a. factors b. roots c. solutions d. discriminant
2. Which of the following quadratic equations has no real roots?
a. 2x2 + 4x = 3 b. t2 – 8t – 4 = 0 c. 3s 2 – 2s = -5 d. -2r2 + r + 7 = 0
3. The roots of the equation 2x2 + x + 5 = 0 are
a. two equal real numbers c. two unequal real numbers
b. two unequal irrational numbers d. two nonreal number
Product “Will It or Will It Not?”
Direction: Answer the following.
1. When a basketball player shoots a ball from his hand at an initial
height of 2 m with an initial upward velocity of 10 meters per second,
the height of the ball can be modeled by the quadratic expression
-4.9t² + 10t + 2 after t seconds.
a. What will be the height of the ball after 2 seconds?
b. How long will it take the ball to reach the height of 4.5 m?
How long will it take to touch the ground?
c. Do you think the ball can reach the height of 12 m? Why?
d. Will the ball hit the ring if the ring is 3 m high?
e. Write a similar situation but with varied initial height when the ball is thrown with an initial upward
velocity. Then model the path of the ball by a quadratic expression.

f. Using the situation and the quadratic expression you have written in item e, formulate and solve
problems involving the height of the ball when it is thrown after a given time.
2. Cite two more real-life situations where discriminant of a quadratic equation is being applied or

Lesson No. 4: Sum and product of roots of quadratic equations

Learning Competency No. 4: Describes the relationship between the coefficients and the roots of a
quadratic equation
1. A. What is the formula in finding for the sum of the roots of ax 2 + bx + c = 0 ?
a. - a/b b. –b/a c. c/b d. c/a
B. What is the formula in finding for the product of the roots of ax 2 + bx + c = 0 ?
a. - a/b b. –b/a c. c/b d. c/a
2. A. What is the sum of the roots of the quadratic equation x 2 + 3x - 18 = 0?
a. -3 b. 1 c. 3 d. 18
B. What is the product of the roots of the quadratic equation 2x 2 + 5x + 7 = 0?
a. -5/2 b. 7/2 c. 5/7 d. 2/7
C. What is the quadratic equation whose roots are 2 and -5?
a.x2 - 3x + 10 = 0 b. x2 + 3x + 10 = 0 c.x2 + 3x - 10 = 0 d.x2 - 3x - 10 = 0
3. A. So that the product of its root is 3, what should be the value of k in kx2 – 4x + (2k – 1) = 0?
a. k= 3 b. k= 2 c. k= 1 d. k= -1
B. Mang Julio owns a rectangular lot having a perimeter of 90m and an area of 450m 2. What are the
dimensions of Mang Julio’s lot?
a. 45m x 10m b. 35m x 10m c. 30m x 15m d. 10m x 9m
Product “Let’s Make a Scrap Book”
Direction: Work in a group of 3 and make a scrap book that contains all the things you have learned in
this lesson. This includes the following:
1. A journal on how to determine a quadratic equation given the roots, or given the sum and product of
2. At least 5 examples of finding the quadratic equations given the roots, or given the sum and product
of the roots, and;
3. Three pictures showing the applications of sum and product of roots of quadratic equations in
real life. Describe how quadratic equations are illustrated in the pictures.

Lesson 5 : Equations transformable to quadratic equations (including rational algebraic equations)

Learning Competency No. 5: Solves equations transformable to quadratic equations (including rational
algebraic equations)
1. Which of the following rational algebraic equations is transformable to a quadratic equation?
a. x2( x+1) = 4 b. 2 (x-3) = -6 c. 3x(x+4)= 18 d. 4x(2)=20
5 1
2. The equation 2 = can be transformed as
x −4 x+2
a. x2 - 4x - 20 = 0 b. x2 - 5x - 14 = 0 c. x2 - 5x - 6 = 0 d. x2 - 5x - 10 = 0

3. Which of the following equations has an extraneous roots or solutions?

1 1 7 x2 −5 x 3 x 2−6
a.+ = b. = 15 – 2x c. =x–2 d.
x x+1 12 x−5 8−x
3x+4 2 8
- =
5 x+3 5

Product “A Reality of Rational Algebraic Equation”

Directions: Cite a real-life situation where the concept of a rational algebraic equation transformable to
a quadratic equation is being applied. Use the situation to answer the following questions.
1. How is the concept of a rational algebraic equation transformable to a quadratic equation applied in
the situation?
2. What quantities are involved in the situation? Which of these quantities are known? How about the
quantities that are unknown?
3. Formulate, then solve a problem out of the given situation.
4. What do the solutions obtained represent? Explain your answer.

Lesson 6: Applications of quadratic equations

Learning Competency No. 6: Solves problems involving quadratic equations
1. Which of the following is the formula in finding for the area of a rectangle?
a. A = s2 b. A = lw c. A = l + w d. A = 2 ( l + w )
2. The length of a rectangle is one and three – fourths times as long as the width. Find its dimensions if
its area is 112 m2.
a. 56 m x 2 m b. 14 m x 8 m c. 28 m x 4 m d. 16 m x 7 m
Two pipes are connected to a pool. They can simultaneously fill the pool in four hours. The larger pipe
can fill the pool alone in six hours less time than the smaller one alone. How long would the smaller one
fill the pool alone?
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 12
Product: “Let’s Draw”
Directions: Make a design or sketch plan of a table than can be made out of ¾” x 4” x 8” plywood and
2” x 3” x 8” wood. Using the design or sketch plan, formulate problems that involve quadratic
equations, then solve in as many ways as possible.

Lesson 7: Quadratic Inequalities

Learning Competency No. 7: Illustrates quadratic inequalities
1. Quadratic Inequality best described as an
a. inequality that contains a polynomial of degree 1 and can be written in ax 2 + bx + c = 0.
b. inequality that contains a polynomial of degree 1 and can be written in ax 2 + bx + c ≥ 0.
c. inequality that contains a polynomial of degree 2 and can be written in ax 2 + bx + c = 0.
d. inequality that contains a polynomial of degree 2 and can be written in ax 2 + bx + c ≥ 0.
2. Which of the following mathematical sentence is a quadratic inequality?
a. 2r2 – 3r – 5 = 0 b. 7h + 12 < 0 c. 3t2 + 7t – 2 ≥ 0 d. s2 + 8s + 15 = 0

3. The floor of a conference hall can be covered completely with tiles. Its length is 36ft longer than its
width. The area of the floor is less than 2, 040 square feet. What mathematical sentence would
represent the given situation?
a. x2 +36x <2040 b. x2 +36x >2040 c. x2 +36x ≤2040 d. x2 +36x ≥2040

Learning competency No. 8: Solves quadratic inequalities

1. If x = 4, then (x2-6) <0.
a. true b. partly true c. false d. partly false
2. Which of the following coordinates of points belong to the solution set of the inequality y < 2x2 + 5x -
a. ( -3, 2) b. (-2,9) c. (1, 6) d. (3, 1)
3. Find the solution set 0f –x2 + 16 ≤ 0.
a. [x I x <-4 or x ≥4] b. [x I x ≤-4 or x ≥4] c. [x I x ≤-4 or x >4] d. [x I x ≥-4 or x ≤4]

Learning Competency No. 9: Solves problems involving quadratic inequalities

A rectangular box is completely filled with dice. Each die has a volume of 1 cm 3. The length of
the box is 3 cm greater than its width; its height is 5 cm. and has at most 140 dice.
1. What is the correct representation of length of the box?
a. l = w + 5 b. l= w + 3 c. l = 14O- (w+3) d. l = (3 +w) 5
2. What expression would best represent the volume of the box?
a. w2 +3w >28 b. 5w2 +5w >140 c. w2 +15w >240 d. w2 +3w >140
3 What are the possible dimensions of the box?
a. width = 3cm, length = 10cm, and height= 5cm
b. width = 4cm, length = 7cm, and height= 5cm
c. width = 3cm, length = 15cm, and height= 5cm
d. width = 4cm, length = 16cm, and height= 5cm
Product: “ How much would it cost to tile a floor?”
1. Find the dimensions of the floors of at least two rooms in your school. Indicate the measures
obtained in the table below.
Rooms Length Width

2. Determine the measures and costs of different tiles that are available in the nearest hardware
store. Write these in the table below.

Tiles Length Width Cost

3. Formulate quadratic inequalities involving the dimensions of the floor of rooms, and the
measures and costs of tiles. Find, then graph the solution sets of these inequalities.

Module 2: Quadratic Functions

Lesson No. 1: Introduction to Quadratic Functions

Learning Competency No.10: Models real-life situations using quadratic functions
Mr. Santos wants to enclose the rectangular parking lot by putting a wire fence. If the total
length of the wire is 80 m, find the dimension of the parking lot that will enclose a maximum area.
1. Which of the following best relates to the quadratic function?
a. length b. width c. Perimeter d. Area
2. What are the independent variable and dependent variable in the given situation?
a. independent variable: width dependent variable: Area
b. independent variable: Area dependent variable: width
c. independent variable: width dependent variable: Perimeter
d. independent variable: Perimeter dependent variable: width
3. What is the area of the parking lot in terms of the width?
a. A = (40-w)w b. A = (80-w)w c. A = w(w) d. A= (w-40)w

Learning Competency No. 11: Represents a quadratic function using table of values, graph, and
1. A. Which is true about quadratic function?
a. equal differences in the independent variable produce equal first differences in the
dependent variable
b. equal differences in the independent variable produce equal second differences in the
dependent variable
c. equal differences in the dependent variable produce equal first differences in the
independent variable
d. equal differences in the dependent variable produce equal second differences in the
independent variable
B. Which of the following equations represents a quadratic function?
a. y = 3 + 2x2 b. 2y2 + 3 = x c. y = 3x - 22 d. y = 2x – 3
2. Which of the following table of values is a quadratic function?
x -3 -2 -1 0

y -5 -3 -1 1
x -3 -2 -1 0
y 2 -1 -2 -1
x -3 -2 -1 0
y -2 -1 -2 -1
x -3 -2 -1 0
y 5 3 -2 -1
Understanding Not applicable

Learning Competency No. 12: Transforms the quadratic function define by y = ax 2 + bx + c into the
form y = a (x-h)2 + k.
1. What is the vertex form of the quadratic equation?
a. y = a (x-h)2 + k b. y = a (x-k)2 + h c. y = a (x+h)2 - k d. y = a (x+ k)2 - h
2. The quadratic function f(x) = x2 + 2x – 1 is expressed in standard form as
a. f(x) = ( x + 1 ) 2 + 1 b. f(x) = ( x + 1 ) 2 – 2 c. f(x) = ( x + 1 ) 2 + 2 d. f(x) = ( x + 1 ) 2 – 1
3. What is the vertex of the quadratic function y = x 2 -4x + 1?
a. ( -2,3) b. (-3,2) c. (3,-2) d. (2,-3)

Product: A. “Investigate”
Problem. You are given 50 m of fencing materials. Your task is to make a rectangular garden whose area
is maximum. Find the dimensions of such a rectangle. Explain your solution.

B. “Explore More”
Give at least three parabolic designs that you see in your community. Then create your designs.


Learning Competency No. 13: Graphs the quadratic function a. domain b. range c. intercepts
d. axis of symmetry e. vertex f. direction of the opening of the parabola
1. The graph of y = x2 – 3 is obtained by sliding the graph of y = x 2
a. 3 units downward b. 3 units upward c. 3 units to the right d. 3 units to the left
2. Consider the quadratic function f(x) = x 2 + 6x +7, the axis of symmetry of the function is
a. x = 3 b. x = -3 c. x = 2 d. x = -2
3. The maximum point of the parabola with equation f(x)= -5x 2 + 30x -39 is
a. ( -5,0) b. (-3,6) c. (3, 6) d. (6,3)

Learning Competency No. 14: Analyzes the effects of changing the values of a, h and k in the equation
y = a (x-h)2 + k of a quadratic function and its graph.
1. Which of the following is an equation of a parabola with the widest opening?
a. y = 3x2 b. y = 5x2 c. y = 0.3x2 d. y = 0.1x2
2. Which equation has a parabola that opens downward?
a. f(x) = 2x2 - 3x -4 b. f(x) = 6x - 5x2 + 4 c. f(x) = x2 – 4 d. f(x) = 16 + x2
3.The graph of f(x) = x2 is shifted three units to the right and five units down. What would be its
a. f(x) = ( x + 3) - 5 b. f(x) = (x - 3) + 5 c. f(x) = ( x - 3)2 - 5 d. f(x) = ( x + 3)2 + 5
Product: “Quadratic Design”
GOAL: Your task is to design a curtain in a small restaurant that involves a quadratic curve.
ROLE: Interior Designer
AUDIENCE: Restaurant Owner
SITUATION: Mr. Andal, the owner of a restaurant wants to impress some of the visitors, as target
clients, in the coming wedding of his friend. As a venue of the reception, Mr Andal wants a new
ambience in his restaurant. Mr Andal requested you, as interior designer, to help him to change the
interior of the restaurant particularly the design of the curtains. Mr Andal wants you to use parabolic
curves in your design. Map out the appearance of the proposed design for the curtains in his 20 by 7
meters restaurant and estimate the approximate budget requirements for the cost of materials based
on the height of the design curve.
PRODUCT: Proposed plan for the curtain including the proposed budget based on the height of the
design curve.
You will be graded based on the rubric designed suitable for your task and performance.

Lesson No. 3: Finding the equation of quadratic function

Learning Competency No.15: Determines the equation of a quadratic function given
a. table of values b. graph c. zeros
1.What are the zeros from the given table of values?
x 3 2 1 -1 -2
y 0 -4 -6 -4 0
a. 3 and 2 b. 2 and -1 c. 2 and -2 d. 3 and -2
2. The vertex of the parabola is ( -3, 5) and it is the minimum point of the graph. If the graph passes
through the point (-2, 7), what is the equation of the quadratic function?
a. y = 2 ( x + 3)2 + 5 b. y = 2( x - 3)2 – 5 c. y = ( x + 3)2 + 5 d. y = ( x - 3)2 + 5
3. Find the equation of the quadratic function whose zeros are doubled from the zeros of f(x)= x 2 –x – 6.
a. f(x)= x2 –x – 6 b. f(x)= x2 –2x – 6 c. f(x)= x2 –2x – 12 d. f(x)= x2 –2x – 24
Product: “Math is all around.”
Directions: Make a simple presentation of world famous parabolic arches.
1. Begin the activity by forming a group of 5 members.
Choose someone you can depend on to work diligently
and to do his fair share of work.
2. In your free time, start researching to the library or the
net for world famous parabolic arches.
3. Complete the project by organizing the data collected,
including the name of the architect and the purpose of
creating it.
4. Once you have completed the data, present it to the class
in a creative manner.

Lesson No. 4: Applications of Quadratic Functions

Learning Competency No. 16: Solves problems involving quadratic functions

1. What are the dimensions of the largest rectangular field that can be enclosed with 100m of wire?
a. 24m x 26m b. 25m x25m c. 50m x 50m d. 50m x 25m
2. Richard predicted that the number of mango trees x planted in a farm could yield y = -20x 2 + 2800x
mangoes per year. How many trees should be planted to produce the maximum number of mangoes per
a. 60 b.70 c.80 d.90
3. The batter hits the softball and it follows a path in which the height h is given by h(t) = -2t 2 +8t +3,
where t is the time in seconds s elapsed since the ball was pitched. What is the maximum height
reached by the softball?
a. 7m b. 11m c. 13m d.14m

Product: “Mathematics in Parabolic Bridges!”

GOAL: Look for world famous parabolic bridges and
determine the equation of the quadratic functions .
ROLE: Researchers
AUDIENCE: Head of the Mathematics Department and
math teachers
SITUATION: For the Mathematics monthly culminating
activity, your section is tasked to present a simple research
paper in Mathematics. Your group is assigned to make a simple
research on the world’s famous parabolic bridges and the mathematical
equations/functions described by each bridge. Make a simple research on parabolic bridges and use the
data to formulate the equations of quadratic functions pertaining to each bridge.
PRODUCT: Simple research paper on world famous parabolic bridge.
STANDARD FOR ASSESSMENT: You will be graded based on the rubric designed suitable for your task
and performance.

Answer Key
1st Quarter


Learning Competency No. 1

Knowledge – c Process – a Understanding- c Product- please refer to LM page 17
Learning Competency No. 2
Knowledge - a Process – d Understanding- b
Product- please refer to LM pages 26, 34, 45 and 55
Learning Competency No. 3
Knowledge – d Process – c Understanding – d Product- please refer to LM page 64
Learning Competency No. 4
Knowledge: A- b B- d Process: A- a B-d C-c Understanding: A- d B-c
Product- please refer to LM page 75
Learning Competency No. 5
Knowledge – c Process – b Understanding – b Product- please refer to LM page 86
Learning Competency No. 6
Knowledge – b Process – c Understanding- d Product- please refer to LM page 94
Learning Competency No. 7
Knowledge – d Process – c Understanding- a
Learning Competency No. 8
Knowledge – a Process – d Understanding- b
Learning Competency No. 9
Knowledge – b Process – a Understanding- b Product- please refer to LM page 112


Learning Competency No. 10

Knowledge – d Process – a Understanding- a
Learning Competency No. 11
Knowledge: A-b B- a Process – b Understanding- Not applicable
Learning Competency No. 12
Knowledge – a Process – b Understanding- d Product- please refer to LM page 139

Learning Competency No. 13

Knowledge - a Process – b Understanding- c
Learning Competency No. 14
Knowledge – d Process – b Understanding- c Product- please refer to LM page 154
Learning Competency No. 15
Knowledge – d Process – a Understanding- d Product- please refer to LM page 155
Learning Competency No. 16
Knowledge – b Process – b Understanding- b Product- please refer to LM page 173

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