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Jackson Global Hiring

- 0:07: designer … media buyer , operations person (scratch iman)

- 0:22: geographic boundary - video globe
- Supply and demand (kalo ada video)
- Any american - video orang businessman
- Salary requirement - video kemaren orang kasih duit
- English fluency: photo orang gangerti atau video
- Cultural context: video orang beda2 ras

Jackson Ideation being the hardest thing

- New ideas (0:07): photo orang punya ide
- From analysis: video orang lagi analisa
- New idea: video orang punya ude jangan sama tp
- Paid social buyer: scratch iman
- Video editor: scratch iman
- Collaborating: orang jabat tangan
- Decision maker: cari video leader

Jackson Mental models

- Video editor: scratch iman
- Looking at the performance: video performance (graph naik)
- Editing and creative: scratch iman
- On going training - video orang lgi ngelatih
- Meetings - video orang meeting
- Right judgment: photo jempol oke gitu

Jackson Onboarding
- Onboarding process: photo orang biasa masuk pesawat di welcome gitu
- Process: photo logo process
- Education: photo orang di kelas
- Shadowing people: photo google aja “shadowing” bakal ada orang lagi ngajarin
- Daily critiques: photo orang lagi bimbing beda photo nya ya
- I trust: video orang jabat tangan

Jackson Quarter System

- Thoughtful - photo orang mikir
- Buy in from the team- emphasis di team nya kasih photo team
- Checking in with people- video rang say hi
- High output management: photo buku High output management
- Andy grove: ini penulis nya cari aja fotonya

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