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Bennett Instruction

Bennett Cold Email:

- Shooting your shot: video orang say hi ke orang lain
- Cold email and cold outreach: scratch email

Bennett Ivy League

- Competitive environment: video wall street stock exchange (banyak orang)
- Yale: logo sekolah yale
- Ivy league school: popup logo semua sekolah ivy league (PNG ya jgn sampe ada
- Its an enviroment of extreme competition:video wallstreet stock exchange tp beda sama
yg pertama
- Motivated, high functioning people: video orang kerja di meja tapi kyk kecepetannya 5x
(kayak videonya tuh tangan nya tuh cepet kemana2) kalo gadapet yaudah orang kerja di
meja aja
- Athlete: photo popup orang - college basketball, college football, college wrestling
- Arena - taro foto cage UFC (ring nya)
- Habis absolutely not di cut

Bennett Increasing LTV

- Rising cogs: video orang di pabrik baju (high quality video ya)
- And they need to expand their catalog, and sell complementary products: ini di scratch
text- pas complementary products taro foto: nespresso pods deketin sama nespresso
machine, ps5 sma game2 nya, apple macbook sama apple headset
- More engagement on your site: video likes naik cepet \

Bennett Day To Day

- As an investor: scratch investor (cari orang pake suit aja tp yang kytk iman scratch gitu
ya yang nyambung)
- First is sourcing: scratch orang pake binoculars
- Generate meetings (photo meeting)
- Develop relationship: video orang jabat tangan
- picking : scratch orang lagi nunjuk
- Closing: scratch orang jabat tangan
- True competition: orang lagi head to head (scratch)

Bennett Economic Volatility:

- Whenever there is macroeconomic volatility: text dengan video data turun
- If customer will be buying your products: video orang liat2 barang doang
- Cash is king: photo duit (png)
- Is not drowning and surviving: video last of us pedro pascal sm si cewek itu lagi dikejar
atau apa kek in terms of surviving

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