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Melissa Merritt

Spring 2010

Selection & Development of Instructional Technology / FRIT 7230

Classroom Performance System: Learning the Basics

Movie Length: 9:15 minutes (555 seconds)

1. Video: 5 seconds

Run Black Screen

2. Title: 10 seconds

“Classroom Performance System: Learning the Basics”

By Melissa Merritt

White background with stationary black text and a picture of children’s hands with CPS “clicker”

3. Music: 20 seconds

Fade in “Summer Days” from Edit Tip:


4. Establishing shot of CPS expert, computer, and projection screen: 10 seconds

A long shot of the CPS expert standing between a computer desk and a projection screen inside a
classroom. Camera slowly zooms in cut to a close up of the CPS expert.
Film tip: Long shot then close up

5. Introduction by CPS expert: 90 seconds

CPS expert will provide an overview of the things one must do to install the software on a computer,
create a database, create a class, and setup the receiver unit. He will look directly at the camera.

Edit tip: Medium Shot

6. Taking Attendance with CPS: 120 seconds

CPS expert will explain how to take attendance with CPS.

Edit tip: Long shot

7. Giving a quiz with CPS: 120 seconds

CPS expert will explain how to give a quiz with CPS.

Edit tip: Long shot

8. Playing a game with CPS: 120 seconds

CPS expert will explain how to play a game with CPS

Edit tip: Long shot

9. Summary and closing remarks: 60 seconds

CPS expert provides summary and lists other things that can be done with CPS like using PowerPoint
with it.

Edit tip: Medium shot

10. Credit slide

Credit slide appears while “Summer Days” plays. Music fades and slide fades to black.

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