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Vortex Motion in Two-Dimensional Viscous Fluid Flows

Article  in  Fluid Dynamics · September 2003

DOI: 10.1023/B:FLUI.0000007829.78673.01

28 296

1 author:

Galina Yakovlevna Dynnikova

Lomonosov Moscow State University


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Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 38, No. 5, 2003, pp. 670–678. Translated from Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Academii Nauk, Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, No. 5, 2003,
pp. 11–19. Original Russian Text Copyright  2003 by Dynnikova.

Vortex Motion in Two-Dimensional

Viscous Fluid Flows
G. Ya. Dynnikova
Received October 1, 2002

Abstract — The diffusion and annihilation of vortices in axisymmetric and plane incompressible vis-
cous fluid flows are considered. A formula relating the pressure with the velocity of the vortices in the
viscous fluid is obtained.

Keywords: vortex motion, diffusion of vorticity, annihilation of vortices, viscosity, incompressible fluid,
discrete vortex method, pressure calculation.

In ideal fluid flows the vortex lines are related with the same particles and the intensities of the vortex
tubes are conserved [1]. This was the basis for the development of vortex computation methods which con-
sider sets of vortex tubes in Lagrangian coordinates. At present, this field of computational hydrodynamics
is being intensively developed (see review [2] and monograph [3]).
In a viscous fluid the velocity circulation along a closed contour traveling together with the fluid is
not conserved since diffusion of vorticity occurs in addition to the convective transfer of vortices. Various
approaches, in particular, the random walk method [4], are used in vortex methods when the viscosity has
to be taken into account in calculating plane flows. In the random walk method a random displacement with
a Gaussian probability distribution that depends on the Reynolds number is added to the motion of vortices
determined by the velocity of the carrier fluid. It has been proved that this procedure converges to a solution
of the vorticity diffusion equation on passage to the limit as the number of discrete vortices per unit volume
tends to infinity. In [5] the concept of diffusive attraction and repulsion of vortices was introduced. This
concept is based on the representation of discrete vortices in the form of Lamb vortices and the calculation of
the vorticity gradient of a set of these vortices. In [6] a method was proposed for redistributing the vortices
in the cells in each time step.
In all these studies the diffusive motion of the vortices with respect to the fluid is taken into account using
one method or another. In the case of plane flow the diffusive motion obeys the same laws as the ordinary
diffusion of a scalar quantity: the diffusion flux is proportional to the vorticity gradient and the diffusion
velocity is proportional to the vorticity logarithm gradient [5]. In three-dimensional flows diffusion of a
vector quantity occurs and it is very difficult and, in general, may be impossible to represent the diffusion as
a result of the diffusive motion of vortex lines. In the present study it is shown that in axisymmetric flows,
despite the fact that in cylindrical coordinates the vorticity vector has only a single nonzero component, the
diffusion of vorticity differs from the ordinary diffusion of a scalar quantity. An expression for the diffusion
velocity, common to two-dimensional flows, is obtained.
Viscous incompressible fluid flow can be described by the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations:

0015–4628/03/3805–0670$25.00  2003 Plenum Publishing Corporation


∂V p V2
+ Ω × V − ν ∆V = − grad + +Π
∂t ρ 2 (1.1)
div V = 0 Ω = curl V
Here, p, ρ , V, and Π are the pressure, density, velocity, and potential of the body forces per unit mass,
and ν is the kinematic viscosity coefficient. The equation describing the variation of the vorticity Ω takes
the form:
= curl(V × Ω + ν ∆V), ν = const (1.2)
We will demonstrate that for two-dimensional incompressible fluid flows the term associated with the
viscosity can be written in the form:
ν curl Ω × Ω
ν ∆V = Vd × Ω , Vd = (1.3)
Ω curl Ω ) = 0
We transform the expression Vd × Ω with allowance for the fact that (Ω

Ω curl Ω )
ν Ω (Ω
Vd × Ω = ν curl Ω + = ν ∆V
As a result, equation (1.2) takes the form:

= curl((V + Vd ) × Ω ) (1.4)
For plane and axisymmetric flows we can rewrite the expression for the diffusion velocity (1.3), replacing
Ω by ΩeΩ :
Vd = − k ∇ (yk Ω) (1.5)
Here, k = 0 for plane flow and k = 1 for axisymmetric flow. In axisymmetric flow the Y axis is perpen-
dicular to the axis of symmetry. In the case of plane flow expression (1.5) coincides with that obtained in [5].
In the case of axisymmetric flow a feature of this expression is the fact that, as distinct from the diffusion of
a scalar quantity, when ∇ Ω = 0 the diffusion flux and the diffusion velocity are nonzero Vd = −ν ey /y = 0,
where ey is the unit vector directed along the Y axis.
We will demonstrate that the circulation Γ of the velocity V along an arbitrary contour C moving at each
point with the velocity V + Vd remains constant if the component of the velocity Vd which is normal to the
contour is finite on the contour:
d d d ∂
Γ= V dl = Ω ds = Ω (V + Vd ) × dl + ds
dt dt dt ∂t

We transform the second term:

Ω ds = curl((V + Vd ) × Ω ) ds = − Ω ((V + Vd ) × dl)

Summing the first and second terms, we obtain dΓ/dt = 0, i. e., the circulation remains constant.
We will consider the neighborhood of points at which Ω = 0. At these points Vd = ∞ if curl Ω = 0,
but all the equations contain the product Ω × Vd . In the plane case this product is finite for a continuous

FLUID DYNAMICS Vol. 38 No. 5 2003


distribution of Ω while in the axisymmetric case it is also necessary that Ω = O(r). The points considered
can form curves separating domains with positive and negative Ω . In a small neighborhood of this curve the
diffusion velocity is directed toward the curve from both sides. This can readily be seen as a result of the
identical transformation
ν ν
Vd = − k (yk Ω) = − k ∇ |yk Ω|
yΩ |y Ω|

Since |yk Ω| has a minimum when |yk Ω| = 0, in the neighborhood of the curve Ω = 0 the gradient of
this function is directed away from the curve. Consequently, on both sides of the curve the velocity Vd is
directed toward the curve. As a result, in the neighborhood of the curve vortices with opposite signs move
in opposite directions and merge on the curve. This can be interpreted as their annihilation. In axisymmetric
flow, annihilation can also occur on the axis of symmetry (r = 0). In this case annihilation takes the form of
the collapse of vortex rings.
The results obtained above make it possible to describe time-dependent viscous fluid flow in Lagrangian
coordinates moving together with the traveling vortices, as in the discrete vortex method in the case of an
ideal fluid. The difference consists in both in the addition of a diffusion component to the convective vortex
velocity and in the fact that in the viscous fluid free vorticity is generated over the entire surface of the
bodies. We will demonstrate that both the vorticity flux from the surface and the vortex velocity can be
expressed in terms of the instantaneous distribution of Ω in space.
In an incompressible fluid the flow velocity is related to the vorticity distribution by the Biot-Savart law
which in two-dimensional flows has the form:
V(R) = QΩ dr + QΩin dr + Qγ dl + V∞ (3.1)
S Sin C

where Ω (R, r) is the velocity at a point R induced by an infinite linear vortex (in the case of plane flow)
or a vortex ring of unit circulation (in the case of axisymmetric flow) located at the point r, S is the flow
space, Sin is the space inside the body, and C is the body contour on which there may be a bound vorticity γ .
Inside the body the vorticity can be nonuniquely specified. Ordinarily, for non-rotating bodies it is assumed
to be equal to zero. The surface vorticity γ represents the discontinuity of the tangential velocity on the
interface between the outer and hypothetical inner flows. Only the inner flow and the distribution of γ over
the contour depend on the choice of vorticity distribution inside the body. The distribution of γ can be
expressed in terms of the distribution of Ω using the no-flow condition, in accordance with which

V(RC )n(RC ) = WC (RC )n(RC ) RC ∈ C (3.2)

Here, n(RC ) is the normal to the contour at a point RC and WC is the surface velocity. After substituting
(3.1) in (3.2), we obtain the following integral equation for γ
 
n Qγ dl = −n  QΩ ds + V∞ − WC  (3.3)
C S,Sin

The technique of solving these equation is well developed [7]. Ordinarily, the contour is divided into a
finite number of intervals and the left side of the equation contains a linear operator acting on the vector
of the values of the unknown function. In plane flows equation (3.3) has a nonunique solution. In order to
obtain an unique solution we must specify the total circulation of all the vortices or a condition determining
this quantity.

FLUID DYNAMICS Vol. 38 No. 5 2003


If at a certain instant of time the vorticity distribution satisfies the no-flow condition, then as the further
condition it is necessary to satisfy the equality
∂ ∂
Vn = Wn (3.4)
∂t ∂t
For the sake of simplicity, we will assume that the coordinate system is rigidly tied to the body surface.
We denote the integral over the inner domain as V∗ (R, t) and transform the derivative ∂ V/∂ t using (3.1)
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
V= QΩ ds + Qγ dl + (V∞ + V∗ ) =
∂t ∂t ∂t ∂t
∂ ∂ ∂
QΩ ds + Q JC + γ dl + (V∞ + V∗ ) (3.5)
∂t ∂t ∂t

The quantity JC is the surface flux of free vorticity. Substituting (3.5) in (3.4), we obtain the following
equation for the function Jt = JC + ∂ γ /∂ t
 
d ∂
n QJt dl = −n  QΩ ds + (V∞ + V∗ − Ws ) (3.6)
dt ∂t

The first term on the right side expresses the variation of the velocity V(RC ) induced by the vortices in
the domain S arising from the variation in the position of the vortices as they move the velocity u = V + Vd .
In this case the boundaries of the domain also move.
In the case of plane flow, the quantity Ωds is conserved in the motion of an isolated volume with velocity
u. Consequently,   
d dQ ∂Q
QΩ ds = Ω ds = BΩ ds, B= = (u∇∇)Q
dt dt ∂t
After substituting this expression in (3.6), we obtain the following integral equation for Jt
 

n QJt dl = −n  BΩ ds + (V∞ + V∗ − Ws ) (3.7)

Equation (3.7) has the same structure as (3.3). The function on the right side depends only on the
instantaneous vorticity distribution over the space. Consequently, Jt can also be expressed in terms of this
The function ∂ γ /∂ t and, consequently, the free vorticity flux JC = Jt − ∂ γ /∂ t can be found from the
condition imposed on the surface. For example, in the case of translational motion of the body and zero
velocity of the hypothetical flow inside it there is no jump in the velocity on the surface under the no-slip
condition and, consequently, γ (Rc , t) = 0. For a body rotating at a constant velocity γ (Rc , t) = γ (Rc , t0 ),
i. e., ∂ γ /∂ t = 0. Under accelerated rotation the circulation of the vortices inside the body is proportional to
the velocity of rotation ω (t) and the function γ (Rc , t) = γ (Rc , t0 )ω /ω (t0 ).
The physical sense of formula (3.7) can be expressed as follows. The vortices at inner flow points move
at the velocity V + Vd . Simultaneously, a vorticity ensuring fulfillment of the no-flow condition is formed
on the surface. Part of this vorticity becomes free and part remains bound and ensures the no-slip condition
or another specified condition for the tangential velocity component.
In the case of plane flow, both equations (3.7) and (3.3) have a nonunique solution. In order to establish
a unique solution the integral circulation of the generated vortices

= Jt dl

FLUID DYNAMICS Vol. 38 No. 5 2003


must be given.
We will prove that

+ dΓin dt = 0 (3.8)
where Γin is the total circulation of the vortices inside the contour. We draw an arbitrary contour C1 around
the body and calculate the velocity circulation dΓC /dt using the Navier-Stokes equation in the form (1.3).
We obtain
dΓC ∂V P V2
= dl = − ((V + Vd ) × Ω ) dl − ∇ + + Π dl =
dt ∂t ρ 2
C1 C1 C1
ΩeΩ (V + Vd ) × dl = Ω(Vn + Vdn ) dl (3.9)
C1 C1

From (3.9) it is clear that the rate of variation of the circulation along the contour is equal to the vorticity
flux across this contour. On the other hand, the quantity ΓC is equal to the total circulation of the vortices
inside the contour, and hence it can vary as a result of the generation of vorticity and the variation of the
circulation inside the body and the vorticity flux across the contour

dΓC dΓ dΓin
= + + Ω(Vn + Vdn )
dt dt dt

Comparing this expression with (3.9), we obtain (3.8).

If we evaluate the integral in (3.9) not along a closed contour but along a certain arc ab, we obtain the
following expression relating the rate of variation of the circulation along the arc with the vorticity flux
across the arc and the Bernoulli constant at its endpoints:
dΓab p V2 p V2
= Ω(Vn + Vdn ) dl + + +Π − + + Π (4.1)
dt ρ 2 a ρ 2 b

Expression (4.1) was obtained in study [8] for steady-state flow. If we take the arc ab on the body surface,
on which in accordance with the no-slip condition V = 0, we obtain
p p d p
ΩVdn dl = +Π − + Π ⇒ ΩVdn = +Π
ρ b ρ a dl ρ

In study [10] the following formula relating the characteristics of the traveling vortices with the pressure
in three-dimensional ideal fluid flows was derived:

p V2
+ +Π− v(r, R)u(r) d τ = const r∈T
ρ 2
(R − r)
v(r, R) = K(r, R) × Ω (r) K=−
4π |R − r|3

where p, ρ , V , and Π are functions of the coordinates of R, u(r) is the velocity of a vortex element located
at the point r, and v(r, R) is the velocity induced by this element at the point R.

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The integration domain T , Tin includes both the flow space (outer and inner) and the surfaces of discon-
tinuity on which Ω must be replaced by the surface vorticity γ .
An analogous formula can also be obtained for a viscous incompressible fluid. Initially, we will consider
an unbounded three-dimensional space with a continuous function J = u × Ω, at each point of which
= curl J (4.3)
Using the Biot-Savart law and (4.3), we transform ∂ V/∂ t
∂ V(R) ∂
= K(R − r) × Ω (r) dr = ∇R × J(R − ξ )) d ξ =
K(ξ ) × (∇
∂t ∂t
∇R K)J d ξ −
(∇ ∇ R (KJ) d ξ

The subscript “R” denotes differentiation with respect to the components of the vector R. Since in the
chosen coordinate system the function J depends on the difference R − ξ and div K = 0, in the first term
we can replace ∇ R by −∇ ∇ξ and then go over from the volume integral to a surface integral over a sphere s0
of infinitely small radius about the discontinuity point ξ = 0 and over a sphere of infinitely large radius s∞
and in the second term we can remove the operator ∇ R from the integral. We obtain
∂ V(R)
= (nK)J ds − grad (KJ) d ξ = J − grad K(u × Ω ) dr (4.4)
S0 ,S∞ T T

Substituting (4.4) in (1.1), we obtain (4.2).

We can rewrite (4.2) in the two-dimensional form, after integrating with respect to the third coordinate:
p V2 uy
+Π+ − Ω uQ + k (R − r)Q ds = const, r ∈ S (4.5)
ρ 2 y

Here, k = 0 for plane flows and k = 1 for axisymmetric flows.

When the function J is continuous over the entire space, the physical meaning of condition (4.3) consists
in the fact that vortices disappear only on the merging (annihilation) of vortices of opposite signs or on the
contraction of a vortex ring into a point and are generated only in the opposite process. The vorticity flux
Jt generated by the surface can be represented as the result of the generation of vortices on the surface at
a certain point and their subsequent propagation to points at which they become free, i. e., we must find a
function Js on the surface such that Jt = −∂ (Js )/∂ l.
In this case formula (4.5) will be valid if we supplement the integral over s with the analogous integral I
over the body contour
Jsy dr
I= Js Q + k (R − r)Q dl, Js = Js
y dl
If inside the body the vortices change, then in order to satisfy (4.5) it is also necessary to find a function
Jin satisfying equality (4.3) and the integration over s must be supplemented with integration over sin .
We will demonstrate that the integrand in (4.5) is equal to −Ω∂ ϕ /∂ t, where ϕ is the velocity potential
of a traveling linear vortex of unit circulation (when k = 0) or a vortex ring (when k = 1).
The potential ϕ is a function of the vector d = (R − r)/yk . Therefore

∂ ϕ (R, r(t)) u uy
∇r ϕ = − k ∇ d ϕ − k k + 1 ((R − r)∇
= u∇ ∇d ϕ ) =
∂t y y
uy uy
− u + k (R − r ∇ R ϕ = − u + k (R − r) Q
y y

FLUID DYNAMICS Vol. 38 No. 5 2003


Fig. 1. Vorticity and pressure distributions (curves 1 and 2, respectively). The continuous curves correspond to the results
of calculations using the discrete vortex method with allowance for the diffusion motion of the vortices while the broken
curves correspond to the Lamb distributions

Consequently, we can rewrite (4.5) in the form:

p V2 ∂ϕ
+Π+ + dΓ = const
ρ 2 ∂t

From this formulation we can readily see that the expression considered is a generalization of the Cauchy-
Lagrange integral. In the flow region we cannot remove the differentiation operator from the integral since
the potential of the linear vortex and the vortex ring is a multi-sheeted function and has meaning only in a
singly-connected domain, whereas the derivative ∂ ϕ /∂ t of the traveling vortex is a single-valued function.
However, for the surface-generated vortex flux and the increment of the intensity of the vortices inside the
body there exists a single-valued continuous function ϕ outside the body contour, since in the case of plane
flows the total circulation is equal to zero and in the axisymmetric case the potential of the vortex rings on
the contour can be assumed to be discontinuous only inside the contour. Thanks to this, formula (4.5) can
be rewritten without using the functions Js and Jin

p V2 uy
+Π+ − Ω uQ + k (R − r)Q ds +
ρ 2 y
∂γ ∂ Γin
+ JC ϕ dl + ϕ ds = const (4.6)
∂t ∂t
C Sin

Formula (4.6) is convenient when the discrete vortex method is used for finding the pressure at inner
points of the flow. The evaluation of the integrals is analogous to finding the velocity V from a given
vorticity distribution. The diffusive displacement of the vortices, from which the diffusive velocity can
readily be found, is calculated using one technique or another in the many methods that take the viscosity
into account. The procedure for calculating the vorticity flux generated by the surface is analogous to
calculating the bound vorticity in an ideal fluid. The use of this formula does not require the writing of
special subroutines and the time needed to calculate the pressure at a single point is similar to the time
needed to calculate the velocity of a single vortex, which must necessarily be calculated in any method of
calculating the pressure.

FLUID DYNAMICS Vol. 38 No. 5 2003



As an example, we will give the results of calculating the vorticity and pressure fields for the diffusion
of a linear vortex initially represented by a Rankine vortex, i. e., a plane flow with a uniform distribution of
the vorticity Ω = 2ω0 inside a circle of radius r0 and the following velocity distribution

ω0 r02
V = ω0 r, r ≤ r0 , , r > r0
For this purpose we uniformly distribute a fairly large number (N = 1000) of discrete vortices with
circulation γ = 2π r02 ω0 /N over a circle of radius r0 . Then the vortices move at a velocity equal to the sum of
the velocities induced by all the other vortices and the diffusion velocity. In order to calculate the diffusion
velocity the flow region was divided into concentric rings. In each ring the quantity Ωi was calculated as
Ωi = ni γ /si , where ni is the number of vortices in the ring, and si is the ring area. Then the vorticity gradient
and the diffusion velocity were calculated using a finite-difference scheme. Under the action of viscosity
at t  r02 /ν the Rankine vortex was transformed into a Lamb vortex with the following distributions of the
velocity V and vorticity Ω [8]
ω0 r02 r2 ω0 r02 r2
V= 1 − exp − , Ω= exp −
r 4ν t 2ν t 4ν t

In Fig. 1 we present the results of calculating the vorticity and pressure distributions averaged over the
ring (continuous curves 1 and 2, respectively) for t − t0 = 5r0 /ν and Re = ω0 r02 /ν = 100. In Fig. 1 the
vorticity and the pressure are divided by the quantities ω0 and ρ V02 , respectively. The broken curves show
the exact analytic solutions for a Lamb vortex. The results obtained are in good agreement with the exact
solution. The pressure distributions almost coincide.
The pressure was calculated at the points at which the vortices were located and then the data obtained
were averaged over the ring. This choice of computational points led to a significant decrease in the fluctua-
tions since the influence of the nearby vortices was reduced by the cancelling out of the terms entering into
the sum determining V 2 /2 and the integral in formula (4.5). Furthermore, the pressure fluctuations turned
out to be less than in the distribution of Ω since the velocity and the pressure are integral functions of the
distribution of Ω.
Summary. In both axisymmetric and plane viscous incompressible fluid flows the vorticity diffusion
can be represented as the diffusive motion of vortex tubes with respect to the fluid at a velocity equal
to ν (curl Ω × Ω )/Ω2 , where Ω = curl V, V is the velocity of the fluid, and ν is the kinematic viscosity
coefficient. In this case the vortex tube intensities are conserved if the vortex tubes have no contact with
vortex tubes of the opposite vorticity. On the contact surfaces of these tubes (for Ω = 0 and curl Ω = 0) the
tubes are annihilated. In axisymmetric flows the vortex tubes are also annihilated on the axis of symmetry
(collapse of vortex rings).
An expression which is a generalization of the Cauchy-Lagrange formula to include the case of a viscous
incompressible fluid is obtained. This expression relates the pressure at all points of the viscous fluid flow
with the characteristics of the traveling vortices and the vorticity flux generated.

The author wishes to thank G. Yu. Stepanov and S. V. Guvernyuk for useful discussions.

The work was carried out with financial support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (projects
Nos. 02-01-00670 and 01-01-00595).

FLUID DYNAMICS Vol. 38 No. 5 2003



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FLUID DYNAMICS Vol. 38 No. 5 2003

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