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• Fill in the blanks in the following statement with appropriate and grammatically correct

Policy, Goal and Objectives of Special Education

The policy on 1.inclusive education for Allis adopted in the Philippines to

accelerate access to education among children and youth with special needs.
Inclusive education forms an integral component of the overall educational
system that is 2. committed to an appropriate education for all children and youth
with special needs.
The goal of the special education programs of the 3. Department of Education all
over the country is to provide children with 4.special needs appropriate
educational services within the mainstream of basic education. The two-pronged
goal includes the development of key strategies on registration, 5. human
resource development, family involvement and active participation of
government and non-government organizations. Likewise, there are major issues
to address on 6. attitudinal barriers of the general public and effort towards the
institutionalization an 7. sustainability of special education programs and services.

Special education aims to:

1. Provide a 9. flexible and 10. Individualized support system for children and
youth with special needs in a regular class environment in schools nearest the
students’ home,
2. Provide support services, 11. Vocational programs and work training,
employment opportunities for efficient community participation and independent
living, implement a 12. life-long curriculum to include early intervention and
parent education, basic education and transition programs on vocational training
or preparation for 13. college, and
4. Make available an array of educational programs and services: the
14. special education center built on "a school within a school concept" as the
resource center for children and youth with special needs; inclusive education in
regular schools, special and residential schools, 15. homebound instruction,
hospital instruction and community-based programs; alternative modes of service
delivery to reach the disadvantaged children in far-flung towns, 16. depressed
areas and underserved barangay.

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