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1.You are going on a road trip with 4 friends in a car that fits 5 people.

How many different ways can everyone sit if you have to drive the whole
2.How many different ways can the gold, silver, and bronze medals be
awarded in an Olympic event with 12 athletes competing?
3. You are deciding which awards you are going to display in your room.
You have 8 awards, but you only have room to display 4 awards. Right
now you are not worrying about how to arrange the awards, so the order
does not matter. How many ways could you choose the 4 awards to

Simplify each of the following expressions so that they do not have a

factorial symbol:

1. 7!3!
2. 8! 5! 5!
3. 12!/8!.
TELL whether the problem is permutation or combination. Then Solve.
4. In how many ways can you choose 3 objects from a set of 9 objects?
5. In how many ways can you choose and arrange 4 objects from a set of 15
6. Suppose you need to choose a new combination for your combination lock.
You have to choose 3 numbers, each different and between 0 and 40. How
many permutations are there?
7. You just won a contest where you can choose 2 friends to go with you to a
concert. You have 5 friends who are available and want to go. In how many
ways can you choose the friends?
8. You want to construct a 3-digit number from the digits 4, 6, 8, 9. How many
possible numbers are there?
9. There are 12 workshops at a conference, and Sam has to choose 3 to
attend. In how many ways can he choose the 3 to attend?
10. A contest has 9 girls and 5 boys as finalists. In how many ways can 1st-,
2nd-, and 3rd-place winners be chosen?
11. For the special at a restaurant, you can choose 3 different items from the
10-item menu. How many different combinations of meals could you get?
12. You visit 12 colleges and want to apply to 4 of them. In how many ways
could you choose the 4 to apply to?
13. For the 12 colleges you visited, you want to rank your top 5. In how many
ways could you rank your top 5?
14. Explain why the following problem is not strictly a permutation or
combination problem: The local ice cream shop has 12 flavors. You decide to
buy 2 scoops in a dish. In how many ways could you do this if you are allowed
to get 2 of the same scoop?

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