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We will try to assess your inclination in giving feedbacks.

  Your goal in this task is to become person

focus which is the primary role of performance appraisal feedback.
Use this scale to respond to the following items:
Rate 1 if you strongly agree
2 if you somewhat agree
3 if you somewhat disagree
4 if you strongly disagree
Criteria Rating
1. The goal of feedback is to improve performance. 4
2. Categorizing workers (e.g. "self-starter", "late bloomer", "problem child:,
etc.) is a feedback.
3. Performance evaluation and feedback is a chance to let workers know
where they stand with you.
4. The goal of feedback is to give each worker an overall assessment of his
value to the organization.
5. It is helpful to sum up the worth of a person before providing feedback.  It
provides a context and helps frame the feedback.
6. Overall, I know who the better and worse workers are.  I make my
dimensional evaluations and feedback according to my overall assessments.
7. An angry response to negative performance feedback is to be expected
since we are essentially talking about an assessment of worth.  People can get 2
ego involved and defensive over such assessments.
8. Performance feedback is sometimes a chance to send a message to
someone.  His performance may be good but he just is not onboard where I
am trying to get things to go. A critical review can get his attention and get
him with the programs 
Total Score 26

MACT 1043 – Performance Management System | 1

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