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Fourth day of September is such a normal day for me.

I woke up with a heavy heart as usual

because things these past few days have never been easy especially as our blended online
and face to face classes started. I still find it hard to manage my time as a nursing student,
full time business owner of my home based cake shop, a tutor of 3 students grade 4 grade 9
and grade 11 , and as a only daughter left under the supervision of my parents, i have 5
siblings by the way and i am the youngest it's a big responsibility for me since they are both
senior citizens who needs assistance in daily chores and other things.

Just like any other synchronous online class, there are classes the only difference is that we
will be conducting a Webinar that tackles The Beauty of Breastfeeding and our attendance is
a must. I attended my morning till lunch class but honestly speaking since i was too tired,
drained physically and mentally due to my responsibilities plus the time that i cant manage
no matter how hard i do, that's why i accidentally sleep during my first class that results in
missing some activities. I just woke up and realised the meeting had already ended. As I
woke up I got ready for my next subject . I washed my face, brushed my teeth and finished
attending my next class.

Later that day as we finish our subject before the said webinar, I received a message from
my page. A customer asked if he could place a rush bento cake order worth P250, he said
he badly needed it because it's their 2nd anniversary together with his girlfriend. The
customer said that he needed it before 4pm, I can accept the order right away since i have
stock bento cake, icing and filling and designing a mini cake is just a piece of cake since im
already more than a year in this business , but knowing that i must attend the webinar was
hesitate to accept it additionally the distance from here Bulacnin to Lipa Bayan is around 30
mins if i'm lucky enough since jeepneys are not always available i still need to wait. Lipa
Bayan is where i usually meet up my customers for their orders since majority of them, Lipa
Market is the most accessible place to meet.That order was placed just in time of our
webinar but sadly even i wanted to attend so bad, i can’t get into the said meeting. Error
occurred saying the room only limited 100 persons so rather than waiting i just decided to
accept the cake order to be able to make profit. I then started to decorate my stock cake
then walk around 10 mins to wait for the jeepney. Its around 3:30 when i reach our meetup
place, good thing is that i didnt wait since my customer is just meter away.I may not attend
the webinar but atleast i make money.

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