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Hlm 14

He was old and poor. He complaitied that he always failed in becoming a great writer. However, his wife coniforted him that a
living dog was better than a dead lion. ‘But I am not a dog!’ he snapped an grit)’.
# Janganlah muka licin, ekor penuh kudis. (Janganlah hidup dengan banyak hutang agar dapat berpenamPilan sebagai
hartawafl. Lebih balk menjadi orang kecil yang hidup tenteram, daripada menjadi orang kaya atau berkuaSa tetapi
senantiaSa gelisah.)
A miss is as good as a mile
MeIe,cet sedikit .ca,mI saja den gun ,ncieset wtu n ii
Meleset sedikit dengan meleset satu mu memang sama saja. Dalam arti bahwa kedua-duanYa sama-sarna gagal.
He told his children that he almost finished his study to become a doctor. Unfortunately the world war broke out. Well, a miss as
good as a mile, ‘ his wJe interrupted,’ Jfyourfather becomes a doctor he won’t mai•n’ me, your mother.
# Awak tak pandai menari clikatakan Iantai terjungkat (terjungkit). (Jika orang tidak mampu melakukan sesuatu, ada
saja alasaflnya.)
A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse
Anggukafl kejala can a sum den gun kerdipun maUl seekor kuda yang buta
Orang yang tidak mau, ada saja alasannya. Sehingga sia-sia saja kita memberikan isyarat kepadanYa. Karena,
bagiana pun, Ia tidak akan rnenaflggapiflya.
He wanted her to introduce him to the girls. And when he elbowed her, she gave no response. He tried to elbow her again and
agcnn, but she continued to give him no response. Now he was sure that she obviously lidn ‘t want to introduce him to the girls.
As people said, a nod was as good as a wink to a blind horse.
# Kambing diparak, panjang janggutflya. (Kalau memang tidak mau, ada saja alasannya.)
A prophet is without honour in his own country
)b’aiiiig nubi tiduk dlhornwti di negerin)’U sendiri
lnnyak orang besar yang tidak diakui di negerinya sendiri, tetapi
iii m lapal kan nama harum justru di luar negeri.
All af ilie indiana1 pilots were on strike. They protested their own HiUii Hsll Ilirlun u’lIi(h hired several pilots from overseas,
while some
ui, uullt’iuul pilots were dismissed. They said it was true that a

prophet was without honour in his own country.

# Anak dipangku dilepaskan, beruk di rimba disusui (disusukan). (Bangsa sendiri disia-siakan, tetapi yang bukan
bangsa senctiri dipelihara.)
A rolling stone gathers no moss
Rut,, yang inenggeiindinç’ 1k/ak berluniut
Oiang yang sering pindah tempat, tidak punya teman dekat. Orang yang sering ganti kerja atau tujuan hidup, tidak
akan pernah sukses. lie was always changing his job and moving from town to town. Finally her n’ift told hint to stop his way of
life. She wanted him and their m,hi/then to settled. She said that a rolling stone gathered no moss.
II (Janganlah) Dan semak ke belukar. (Janganlah pindah dan tempat yang huruk ke tempat lain yang sarna
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet
iu,,gu Illuwur, diberj ,,un,u aim pun, akan tetal) Iu,runj baunva
Yang punting adalah kualitas orang atau barang itu. Dibeni narna apa pull, ika kualitasnya tetap baik, juga akan tetap
dipuji orang.
‘I/u’ leaders of the country were corrupt. Now they called their country
Ii Imma’ name. They believed that their people would regard thenz as m’/munu’rs. 1-lowever, they continued to be corrupt. As a
result their hitt i/mit’ didn ‘t believe them an)’mflore and said that it was true that a rose liv mmii v other imame Would1
smell as sweet, and called their government iutI mm move but a stinking corpse lily.
hi ‘ii uis dan permata walaupum terbenarn dalam lumpur takkan hilang ‘uiilan caliayanya. (Orang yang berbudi,
akan selalu bernilai atau
mali di mana pun ia berada.)
•ufl iiiiswer turns away wrath
I., ,I’u Iruglium duut mneredakan keinurahan
Ik jawab dengan lembut dan sopan, ketika orang membentak iiiiikii keriiarahannya pun akan mereda, dan
, kit Ilk)
bahkan akan meney ang kita katakan.
1ii’Ii,jlikiiyii jika kita niembalas dengan bentakan, maka hal itu hanya in iiwiiiliiialnya lebih marah tagi.
Ii ugh !imu’ I/nit a .vojt an.vwer turned away wrath. She knew it well.So,
ii Ii, uui mired gemitlg and politely, when her parents scolded her, they
II ui/S u ui/ni mlomm’mm (mmmcl accept what she said.



However, her brother tended to shout back, when her mother scolded him. And so, instead of calming down her anger, he nuide
the matter worse.
# Air yang dingin juga yang dapat memadamkafl api. (Kemarahan justru dapat diredakan dengan kata-kata yang
A still tongue makes a wise head
Lidah yang dia,n ,ne,nbuat kepala yang bzjaksanO
Orang yang banyak bicara, akan kurang mendengarkan apa yang dikatakan orang lain. Sedangkafl orang yang diam,
akan dapat belajar banyak dan apa yang dikatakan orang lain.
He failed his exam. So he tried to speak less in his class, and decided to listen carefully to his teacher. He had to remember that a
still tongue made a wise head.
# Diarn penggali berkarat, diam ubi berisi. (Diamnya orang bodoh adalah hanya melamun sehingga merusak dirinya.
Sedangkan diamnya orang pandai adalah berpikir untuk kebaikan orang lain.)
A stitch in time saves nine
Satu jahitan tepat waktu, tnengheinat se,nb,lan
Janganlah menunda-nunda pekerjaan. Karena akibatflya dapat memb uat pekerjaafl itu lebih banyak dan lebih sulit
diseesaikan. Seperti robek kecil yang cepat ditambal. Jika ditunda, robeknya dapat menjadi jauh lebih lebar lagi.
He inspected the old dam as usual. Suddenly he saw something wrong. It was a crack. In fact, there was only a small crack in the
wall. But the rainy season was coming. So he had to repair it soon before the flood destroyed the old dam. He remembered that a
stitch in time saved nine. # Tidak disangka akan karam, ombak yang kecil diabaikan. (KebiaSaan meremehkan
persoalan kecil, satu ketika akan harus menebusflya dengan harga mahal, jika terjadi bencana besar.)
A thing of beauty is a joy forever
Sexuatu yang indah inerupakan .cuatu kegembiraafl untuk sela,flaflya
Kita akan merasa bahagia selamanya, jika kita mempUnYai sesuatu yang indah, dan yang dapat kita pandang atau
kita bayangkan setiap snal
S/sr Was the most beautiful girl in the village. So many young men came jo st•t• lsrr. I/try wan it’d her to become their wife.
Because they believed

that a beautiful wife would make them happy eternally. As people said
a thing of beauty was a joy forever.
# Di mana bunga berkembang, di situ kumbang banyak datang. (Kalau
ada gadis cantik, banyak pemuda datang.)
A watched pot never boils
Cerek yang terus ditunggui tidak pernah ,nendidih
Sabarlah. Segala sesuatu itu memerlukan waktu. Jika kita tidak sabar, maka maksud kita seakan-akan justru tidak
akan pernah tercapai.
In the living room, she waited impatiently for her boy-friend. It seemed that he never arrived. Then she remembered the proverb
that a watched pot never boiled. So she began to find any activity and watch the television. Suddenly the door bell rang and he
was there in front of her house.
# Sehari sehelai benang, setahun sehelai kain. (Pekerjaan sukar, yang dilaksanakan dengan sabar tanpa mengenal
putus asa, lama-lama akan herhasil juga.)
A wise man is never less alone than when alone
(hang bijak tidak pernah kesepian, ketika .cendirian
()iang bijaksana mampu memanfaatkan kesendiriannya untuk melak ukan hal-hal yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain.
Sehingga ia tidak pvrnah merasa kesepian, meskipun sendirian.
A s a scientist, he performed dangerous chemical experiments alone in isis laboratory for months. So, a wise man was never less
alone than ss’hen alone.
II lrnas dan permata walaupun terbenam dalam lumpur takkan hilang kesssilau cahayanya. (Orang bijak, di mana
pun akan bermakna. Balskan ketika sendirian sekali pun, ia tidak akan kesepian. Karena dalain kesendiriannya ia
tetap bercahaya, tetap melakukan apa saja yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain.)
A word is enough to the wise
v’juituIi kata suduh cukup bagi orang yang bijaksana
Srdikil saja penjelasan, sudah cukup bagi orang pandai untuk memal saininya. Karena baginya, yang sudah
mendalam ilmunya, penjelasan
iIIsjaI1g lebar tidak diperlukan.
lii listened carefully what his superior instructed to him and his I1’//ragues. After the superior left them, his friends asked him for
more r ,sIamiations.

Because the)’ believed that he was able to understand the instructions better than them. They said that a
word was enough to the wise.
# Melihat riak air, sudah tahu pendayung orang; terkilat ikan dalam air, sudah tahu jantan betinanya. (Orang pandai
akan segera mengetahui maksud orang lain hanya dan gerak-gerik ataupun tutur katanya.)
A word spoken is past recalling
Kata yang telah diucapkan, tak dapat ditarik keinbali
Orang hendaknya mempertimbangkan masak-masak, sebelum men gatakan sesuatu. Karena apa yang telah kita
ucapkan, tidak mungkin kita tank kembali.
That morning she was told that his husband had married again. But she didn’t want to curse him when he
returned home from his office. She prcfrred to consider carefully what she wanted to say. Because a word
spoken was past recalling. What if it was not true? She had to collect more mets.
# Mana rnungkin orang menjilat air liurnya sendiri. (Orang tidak mungkin menarik kembali apa yang telah
diucapkannya. Karena itu, pikirkanlah masak-masak Iebih dulu apa yang hendak Anda katakan.)
Abhors Lihat: Nature abhors a vacuum
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Ketidakhadiran inembuat hati .ce,nakin ,nencintainya
Jika kita jauh dan saudara atau teman, maka kita cenderung untuk merindukannya. Tetapi jika berdekatan, maka kita
cenderung untuk bertengkar dengan mereka.
We used to visit her. She had two children a boy and a girl. But they were quarrelsome. However, when the girl

was ill in the hospital, the son told us how he missed her very much. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
# Jauh bau bunga, dekat bau tahi. (Sanak saudara yang bila jauh selalu terkenang, bila dekat selalu bertengkar.)
Accidents will happen in the best regulated families
Kecelakaan dapat te1jadi pada keluarga yang paling taat pada peraturan .cekali pun
Bagaimana pun cermatnya perhitungan, sekali waktu kegagalan dapat dialarni juga.

lie was the best student in our class. Howeve,; he failed the test. Aetidents would happen in the best
regulated families.
II Scpandai-pandai tupai melompat, sekali waktu gawaijuga. (Sepandaii idai orang, sekali waktu gagaijuga.) (gawal = khilaf)

:(‘COrding Lihat: Cut your coat according to your cloth 4VeiiSCr Lihat: A guilty conscience needs no accuser cuscs Lihat: He
who excuses himself accuses himself ‘cliing Lihat: The tongue ever turns to the aching tooth Avorii Lihat: Every oak has been
an acorn
thons speak louder than words
il,ulakan dupat berbicara lebih kera.c daripada kata-kata
limIkan Iebih penting daripada kata-kata belaka.
I h’ was very quiet, but actions spoke louder than words. He was the best
silu/ent in the class.
U Alih bisa karena biasa. (Praktek Iebih penting daripada teori.
I ‘Li hiiatan Iebih penting daripada kata—kata.)
daiii’s ale is the best brew
nurupakan Ininu,nan terbaik
Au Ichih baik daripada anggur, bir, atau minuman keras lainnya.
I le iu’verasksforalcoholic drinks. To him, Adam ‘sale is the best brew.
II I hius bagai mendapat air, lapar seperti beroleh nasi. (Air adalah
ki’luiduipan. Tanpa air tidak akan ada kehidupan.)
. (I ersity makes strange bedfellows
i’i IIUIVUIILILI dapat inenjadi te,nan yang aneh
I )iilauui keadaan sama-sama berkepentingan atau terancam, lawan ‘ekuli pun dapat menjadi teman. Demikian pula orang kaya
dan ii uk ii, orang besar atau berkuasa dan orang kecil, yang biasanya hidup
Ii’I uish, sekali waktu mereka dapat berkumpul bersama-sarna. tO ilui.v u’ountry, the rich and the poor celebrate the
independence day i ‘,瀒tiier. Adversity makes strange bedfellows.
U liii up sandar-menyandar. (Hidup di dunia hendaklah saling tolongu iuuoluuuig. Binalah persahabatan yang akrab.)
uIersity Lihat: Sweet are the uses of adversity


Advice when most needed is least heeded

Narihat yang sangat dilerlukan juctru diabaikan

Tidak mengindahkan nasihat orang lain sarna sekali. mi biasanya terjadi pada orang bodoh yang melakukan kesalahan tetapi
justru tidak mau dinasjhatj.
He couldnotdo his homework, but he was angry with her when. she tried to help him. Advice when most needed was
least heeded.
# Masuk dan kuping kin, keluar lewat kuping kanan. (Tidak menden garkan nasihat.) (kuping = telinga)
Advice Lihat: Good advice/coujsel is beyond price
After Lihat: The devil looks after his own; It is easy to be wise after the event
Ale Lihar: Adam’s ale is the best brew
Alike Lihat: Great minds think alike
All good things must come to an end
Se,nua yang balk pasti ada akhirnya
Hidup senang tidak mungkin tanpa akhir. Suka dan duka senantiasa silih berganti.
‘I know that you want to continue watching television. But all good things must come to an end,’ she told her son
seriously, ‘It’s time to study.’
# Sawah berpematang (berpiring), ladang berbintalak. (Segala sesuatu itu ada batasnya.) (berpematang = ada pernatangnya;
pernatang = galengan, tanggul kecil yang mengelilingi sawah; berpiring = ada piringnya; piring = petak sawah; berbintalak = ada
bintalaknya; bintalak = batas ladang)
All lay loads on a willing horse
Se,nua arcing ineinber/kan ‘nuatannya pada kuda yang penurut
Tugas yang lebih berat biasanya dibenikan kepada pekerja yang suka keija keras dan sekaligus tidak suka rnengeluh.
The trouble is that he is too kind. So, evet yone always ask him to help them. All lay loads on a willing horse.
# Telinga yang lembut itulah kerap dipulas. (Orang yang rajin dan patuh pada perintah itulah yang biasanya harus bekerja keras.)
(clipulas = diputar, dipilin)

All roads lead to Rome

Sernua jalan Inenuju ke Rotna
Untuk mencapai tujuan yang sama, dapat ditempuh berbagai cara yang berbeda.
‘I don’t care how you get the answer,’ said the mathematics teacher, ‘All roads lead to Rome.’
# Seiring bertukar jalan, seia bertukar sebut. (Maksudnya sama, tetapi berlainan cara pelaksanaannya.)
All that glitters is not gold
Tidak se,nua yang rnengkilap .ceialu etnas
Orang tidak boleh menilai sesuatu atau orang lain hanya karena penampilannya saja.
She boasted her new boy-friend’s army look. Later she realized that she had been cheated. He was a criminal, not an army. All
that glitters was not gold.
4 Loyang disangka emas. (Yang buruk disangka baik.)
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
Hansa bekerja, tanpa bermain, dapat membuat Jack inenjadi bosan (anak yang tuinpul)
Belajar atau bekerja saja tanpa hiburan akan membuat pelajar atau pekerja menjadi tidak sehat, balk jasmaninya
maupun rohaninya. Akhirnya, studi dan kerjanya juga akan terpengaruh karenanya. Fne told her son to stop studying
and to go out and play, because all work and no play made Jack a dull boy.
* Biar badan penat asal hati suka. (Jika hati suka, kerja keras pun tak asa lelah.)
Afls fair in love and war
ya wajar dalam cinta dan peperangan
Oang cenderung menghalalkan segala cara untuk memenangkan
maupun cinta.
massacred thousands of civilians in the war. They thought that
sfthr in love and war.
* Bak kambing lepas ke parak. (Melakukan segala yang diinginkan
Fs h that comes to the net
wt. yang rerkena faring

Tidak menyia-nyiakan semua kesempatan yang diberikan

seseorang. Memanfaatkan apa yang ada.
They make their living by collecting rubbish and selling them ro -

money. To them, all’s fish that comes to the net.

# Tiada beras, ubi (jagung) pun jadi. (Memanfaatkan apa pu i
All’s well that ends well
Semuanya balk jika akhirnya balk
Kesuksesan yang dicapai dapat menghilangkan kecapaian, atau penderitaan yang dialami sebelumnya.
Finally he became a doctor although his father had to sell his l zr send him to the university. All was well that ended
# Biar badan penat asal hati suka. (Jika hati suka, kerja keras terasa lelah.)
All Lihat: A bad excuse is better than none at all; A Jack of all tra is master of none; Conscience does make cowards
of us Customs makes all things easy; Friendship should not be all oi c side; Grasp all, lose all jIf one sheep leaps
over the ditchldyke. the rest will follow; It is all in the day’s work; It must be true tha all men say; It takes all sorts to
make a world; Life is not all be and skittles; The love of money is the root of all evil
Alone Lihat: A wise man is never less alone than when alone; Laii± and the world laughs with you; weep and you
weep alone Alter Lihat: Circumstances alter cases
Always Lihat: A bad workman always blames his tools; A bulls always a coward
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Sebutir ape! .cetiap han akan mengusir dokter pergi
Makan buah-buahan setiap han akan membuat badan tetap sehat. Kesehatan dapat dijaga dengan makan makanan
yang bergizi setiap han.
To be healthy, we have to eat fruit every day. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
# Anggung-anggip (anggup-anggip) bagai rumput di tengah jalan. (Hidup yang serba susah, sakit-sakitan, miskin,
dsb.). (anggung2 2

anggip = bergerak turun-naik, terkulai)

An empty sack cannot stand upright
Karung kosong tidak dapat berdiri tegak
Orang yang cukup makannya akan tampak sehat, berseri, dan dapat duduk serta berdiri dengan tegap dan tegak. Sedangkan orang
miskin, yang kurang makan, akan tampak lemah, pucat, dan tidak dapat duduk serta berdiri dengan tegap dan tegak.
If we want our football team win, we must give them extra nourishing food. An empty sack cannot stand upright.
# Anggung-anggip (anggup-anggip) bagai rumput di tengah jalan. (Hidup yang serba susah, sakit-sakitan, miskin, dsb.).
(anggunga nggip = bergerak turun-naik, terkulai)
An Englishman’s home is his castle
Ruinah orang Inggris adalah istananya
Orang senantiasa menganggap rumahnya sebagai daerah kekuasaannya. Karena itu, orang lain tidak boleh masuk dan berbuat
semaunya di rumahnya. Orang lain juga tidak boleh ikut campur tentang apa yang ingin dilakukannya di rumahnya sendiri.
They are only in shorts by day at home. Even when they are at table. They think ‘An Englishman’s home is his castle.’
= Besar berudu di kubangan, besar buaya di lautan. (Setiap orang menjadi raja di tempat atau Iingkungannya sendiri.)

An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth

Mia dibala.c dengan ,nata, gigi dibakrc dengan gigi
Oang yang telah melakukan kejahatan harus dihukum setimpal engan kejahatannya.
The punishment for the rapists is regarded by the many as too light. They want the punishment as severe as possible.
Yes, they want an eye frw- an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, for the rapists.
* Tepuk berbalas, alang berjawat. (Kejahatan dibalas dengan kejak ebaikan dibalas dengan kebaikan.) (alang = hadiah, pembeb
eijawat = berganti)
kn ill payer/paymaster never wants an excuse
yang buruk tidak pernah kekurangan dalih
Sealu saja ada dalih, bagi orang yang meminjam uang, untuk tidak
—e-embalikan uang yang dipinjamnya.

Apalagi jika ia memang sengaja dan tidak ada fiat untuk mengembalikannya.
Last week he said that his neighbour married his daughter. So he could not return her money. Yesterday he said that
another neighbour also married his daughter. She said to herself ‘An ilipayerneverwaritsan excuse.’
# Pinjam kayu ara. (Utang yang tidak akan dibayar.)
Angels Lihat: Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
Anger and haste hinder good counsel
Marah dan terburu-buru akan tnenghindarj nasihat
Orang cenderung akan mengabaikan nasihat atau kebijaksanaan jika dalam keadaan marah atau tergesa-gesa.
He has to think a lot before making the decision. Because anger and haste hinder good counsel.
# Pikir itu pelita hati. (Menggunakan akal budi, dan mempertimbang kan segala sesuatunya dengan baik, akan
membuat orang menjadi lebih bijaksana.)
Another Lihat: One’s meat/treasure/etc. is another man’s poison! rubbish/etc.; One good turn deserves another;
When one door shuts, another opens
Another’s Lihat: One man’s lost is another’s gain
Answer Lihat: A soft answer turns away wrath
Anvil Lihat: A good anvil does not fear the hammer
Anything Lihat: If anything can go wrong, it will
Anywhere Lihat: He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere
Apace Lihat: Ill weeds grow apace/fast
Appear Lihat: Talk of the devil, and he is bound to appear
Apple Lihat: An apple a day keeps the doctor away; The rotten apple injures its neighbours
As well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb
Huku,nan gantung untuk pencuri dotnba inaupun anak dotnba
Bagi yang tidak mau insyaf dosa yang terlanjur dilakukan itu justru dilanjutkan. Karena ia percaya bahwa dosa itu,
betapa pun kecilnya,

tetap dosa, dan pasti ada hukumannya.

He only wanted to steal a gold watch. But seeing many goldwatches, he stole all of them. He believed (in) the proverb, ‘As well
be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb.’
# Mati-mati mandi biar basah. (Jangan kepaang tanggung, Iakukanlah setiap pekerjaan itu sampai tuntas.) (mati-mati
bersungguh-sungg uh)
As you make your bed, you must lie on it
Karena Anda telah inerapikan teinpat tidur, inaka Anda harus berbaring di atasnya
Orang harus bersedia memikul akibat dan perbuatan yang telah dilakukannya.
Your girl-friend is pregnant. You have to marry her. As you make your bed, you must lie on it.
t Tangan memetik (mencencang, menetak), bahu memikul. (Orang harus berani menanggung akibat dan
perbuatannya.) (mencencang = memotong atau mengiris halus-halus; menetak = membacok)
Ask no questions and you’ll be told no lies
w, bertanya cigar Anda tidak dibohong
Pernyataan tanpa pertanyaan Iebih banyak mengandung kebenaran. Sedangkanjawaban dan sebuah pertanyaan Iebih
banyak mengandung xthongan. Karena itu, bersikap diam kadang-kadang lebih aman pada bicara. Peribahasa mi
juga dapat dipakai untuk menyuruh
lawan bicara.
He didn’t dare to ask the big boys who had made the tyres of his bike He said to himself ‘Ask no questions and you’ll be told no
lies.’ !frai*ed his girl-friend angrily who her new boy-friend was. She was ifrn afew moments. But finally she said, ‘Ask no
questions and
be told no lies.’
tak bermeniam, baik diam. (Jika tidak punya andalan ataupun janganlah mengedepankan din.)
* i_hi
Lihat: Work expands so as to fill the time available

Avoid a questioner, for he is also ‘a tattler

Hindarilah orang yang bertanya, karena Ia pasti juga akan ,nernberitahukan jawaban
Anda itu kepada orang lain
Rahasiapribadi hanyadapat disimpan di dalam hati dan tidak diceritakan kepada siapa pun. Karena itu, kalau ada orang yang
berusaha memancing-mancing rahasia Anda, meskipun tampaknya dapat dipercaya, namunjauhilah ia. Bagaimana pun, iapasti
akan menyebark an rahasia Anda. Peribahasa mi juga menyiratkan anjuran untuk menghindari sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan.
The curious woman asked him about his new step-mother. She didn’t answer. She said to herself ‘A void a
questioner,forhe is also a tattler.’ # Mulut bajan boleh ditutup, mulut manusia tidak. (Rahasia jangan terlalu lekas
dipercayakan kepada orang lain karena mulut manusia tidak dapat ditutup.) (bajan = wajan, penggorengan)

Baby Lihat: Don’t empty/throw the baby out with the bath water Back Lihat: The last straw breaks the camel ‘shack; You
scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours
Bad news travels fast
Berita buruk sangat cepat tersiarnya
Jika suatu rahasia diketahui orang, dalam waktu singkat akan tersiar ke mana-mana.
He thought that all of the boys knew that h had been defeated in the fight. As people said that bad news travelled fist.
# Sepanjang-panjang tall, tak sepanjang mulut orang. (Jika sesuatu rahasia diketahui seseorarig, dalam waktu tak berapa larna pun
akan tersiar ke mana-mana.)
Bad Lihat: A bad beginning makes a bad ending; A bad excuse is better than none at all; A bad workman always blames his
tools; Fire is a good servant but a bad master; Give a dog a bad name, and hang him; Hard cases make bad laws; Make the best of
a bad job; Praise makes good men better and bad men worse; The receiver is as bad as the thief
Bait Lihat: The bait hides the hook
Bark Lihat: Why keep a dog and bark yourself?
arking dogs seldom bite
-.s inenvaiakjarang Jnenggigit
-c’g yang suka rnenggertak, biasanya tidak rnendatangkan bahaya. Kirena itu, tidak penn clitakuti.
threatened her son not to give him a pocket-money. But he knew
r it was not true. Barking dogs seldom l?il
* Anjing menggonggong, tidak menggigit. (Orang yang suka
nnggertak saja, tiadalah akan sampai mendatangkan bahaya kepada
ng lain.)
Basket Lihat: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
Bath Lihat: Don’t empty/throw the baby out with the bath water

Battalions Lihat: God is always on the side of big battalions;

Providence is always on the side of big battalions
Battle Lihat: The first blow is half the battle
Bear Lihat: Catch the bear before you sell its skin; Grin and bear it; It is easy to bear the misfortunes of others
Beaten Lihat: The beaten road is the safest
Beauty is but skin-deep
Kecantikan itu hanya sedala,n/cebatas kulit
Penampilan seseorang belum tentu mencerminkan watak pribadinya. Barang yang tampaknya bagus belurn tentu tahan lama
dipakainya. She wanted to buy a new model of a typewriter. It looked good and was very cheap. But her husband warned
her and said, ‘Remember, beauty is bitt skin-deep!’
# Muka manis, kecindan murah. (Penampilan yang cantik, belurn tentu dernikian juga wataknya,) (kecindan, kecandan kelakar,
senda gurau)
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Kecantikan hanya ada di Inata orang yang melihatnya
Baik clan tidaknya sesuatu itu memang relatif, dan sangat tergantung pada rasa suka atau tidaknya seseorang. Seseorang dapat
mengatakan baik, tetapi orang lain dapat pula mengatakan yang sebaliknya. Selera orang tidak selalu sarna.
She wonders why he is very fond of dangdut music, She doesn ‘t remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
# Kepala sama berbulu pendapat lain-lain. (Setiap orang berlainan pendapatnya.)
Beauty Lihat: A thing of beauty is ajoy forever
Bed Lihat: As you make your bed, you must lie on it; Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
Bedfellows Lihat: Adversity makes strange bedfellows
Beer Lihat: Life is not all beer and skittles
Before Lihat: Catch the bearbefore you sell its skin; Coming events cast their shadows before; Cowards die many times before
their deaths; Don’t pour out the dirty water before you have cleaned; Don’t put the cart before the horse; Fingers were made

forks; If each would sweep before his own door, we should have a clean city; Learn to walk before you run; Look
before you leap; The darkest hour is that before the dawn
Begets Lihat: Money breeds/makes/begets money
Beggar Lihat: a beggar on horseback and he’ll ride to the devil
Beggars can’t be choosers
Hanyapembeli yang dapat menjadi pemilih. Pengemis tidak. Karena ia hanya dapat menerima apa yang diberikan
ya. Hanya atasan yang dapat mengambil keputusan. Bawahan tinggal
Orang harus menerima dan menyesuaikan din dengan keadaan setemH e preferred to wear sandals. But his mother told
him to wear his new
ntu .

th shoes. He did what she told him and said, Beggars can t be choosers, I rim they?’
Masuk kandang kambing mengembik, masuk kandang kerbau Tienguak. (Orang hendaknya menyesuaikan din
dengan tempat dan
iaan yang didatanginya.)
Beggars Lihat: If wishes were horses, beggars would ride/might
lera ride
Begin Lihat: He that would the daughter win, must with the mother sn’t rsthegin
Beginning Lihat: A bad beginning makes a bad ending nan Begins Lihat: Charity begins at home; Fish begins to
stink at the
Behind Lihat: If two men ride on a horse, one must ride behind
Beholden Lihat: A lion may come to be beholden to a mouse
bed Beholder Lihat: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Believed Lihat: A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth
Be4ieving Lihat: Seeing is believing
Belly Lihat: A growing youth has a wolf in his belly; The eye is
nts rigger than the belly
heir Bend Lihat: Better bend than break
Best Lihat: East or west, home is best; Experience is the best teacher;

He knows the water best who has waded through it; He laughs best who last laugh; Honesty is the bestpolicy; Hope for the best
and prepare for the worst; Hunger is the best sauce; Make the best of a bad job; The best fish swim near the bottom; The good is
often the enemy of the best; The worth of a thing is best known by the want of it; Times is the great/best healer
Better an open enemy than a false friend
Lebih baikmu.c ithyang terang.rerangafl daripacla temanya,gberkhjanat
Musuh yang terangterangan menantang kita dapat kita perhitungkan kekuatannya. Tetapi teman yang menusuk dan belakang
tidak kita ketahuj kapan kita diserangnya.
She thought it was better for him to say that he didn ‘t love her anymore than not coming in her birthda’ party. She
said to him, ‘Better an open enemy than a false friend.’
# Ke1ik-kejj dalam baju, musub dalam seljmut (Musuh yang tidak kita ketahul, tetapi ada di dekat kita.) (kelik-kejik = sebangsa
serangga penyengat).
Better be sure than sorry
Lebih baik mencari kepastian daripada menyesal
Lebih baik mencari keterangan yang meyakjnkan lebih dahulu tentang segala sesuatunya daripada salah langkah, sehingga
menyesal di kernudjan han.
She stopped a bus and asked the conductor whether it was the right bus to the station before getting on it. She
thought it was better be sure than sorry.
# Pikir dulu pendapatan, sesal kemudjan tak berguna. (Bila hendak melakukan atau mengerjakan sesuatu, hendaknya
dipertimhangkan lebih dahulu baik buruknya, agar nantinya tidak menyesal.)
Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion
Lebjh baikmenjadj kepala anjzngdaripadamefljadj ekorsjnga
Lebih balk menjadi orang yang mengatur di kalangan bawah daripada menjadi orang yang diatur di kalangan atas.
Lebih balk menjadi lurah di desa daripada menjadi pelayan di istana. Lebih baik menjadi majikan di perusahaan kecil daripada
menjadi karyawan di perusahaan besar.
She used to be a secreta, at a big company and now she runs her own


is small retail shop. She always says to her neighbours, ‘It’s better to be st the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.
# Lebih berharga segenggam kekuasaan, daripada sekeranjang hak yang takpernahterlaksana.(Lebihbaikyangsedikittetapi
bermanfaat,daripada yang banyak tetapi tak terjangkau.)
Better bend than break
Lebih baik bengkokdaripadapatah
Ketika dihadapkan pada dua pilihan, mengalab untuk sementara atau hancur sama sekali untuk selama-Iamanya, maka orang
bijak akan memilih yang pertama. Karena yang kedua berarti tidak dapat melani ta urkan perjuangan untuk mencapai cita-cita.
Seperti turnbangnya pohon besar yang tidak mau tunduk ketika badai re mengamuk. Sementara rumput yang tiarap di permukaan
tanah segera en berdiri tegak selepas badai.
The robbers forced the passangers of the bus to give their money or they
lak had to stab them to death. Man)’ women hated to do so, but they said
ga o themselves, ‘Better bend than break.’
= Duduk di bawah-bawah, mandi di hilir-hilir. (Orang merendah tidak rendah, yang mengalah tidak kalah.)

Better late than never

ing Leh balk terlainbat daripada tidakpernah satna sekali
di Jangai hanya karena terlambat, maka orang malahan tidak melakuL annya sama sekali.
Ye got up late. But his mother forced him to go to school and said, Berrer late than never.’
* Biar lambat asal selamat, tak kan Ian gunung dikejar. (Untuk dak -enapai sebuah cita-cita atau tujuan, kita tidak usah tergesa-
gesa. kan rena terburu-buru justru dapat menggagalkan usaha kita.)
Bner the devil you know than the devil you don’t
etan yang A nda ketahul daripada setan yang tidakAnda ketahui
Tilak ada orang yang sempurna. Karena itu, lebih baik rekan yang ada bh kita kenal, meskipun banyak kelemahannya, daripada
orang baru
tidak kita ketahui sifat-sifat buruknya.
ana. ng lebih mencintai negeni sendiri, meskipun banyak kekurangannya, jadi.. ria negeni lain, sekalipun negeri itu makmur.
He ised to earn a high salary abroad. But he preferred to live in his own count. He said that it was better the devil he knew than
the devil
# didn’t.


# Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendi negeri sendiri. (Walaupun enak dan
menyenangkan tin orang, tetapi tidaklah seenak tinggal di negara sendiri.)
Better to wear out than rust out
Lebih baik usang dipakai daripada karatan
Rusak karena digunakan lebih baik daripada rusak kar Manusia hidup juga cenderung untuk.
bekerja sehingg bagi masyarakat di lingkungannya sampai akhir hayatn They asked their old
grandmother to enjoy her old life, b to continue working as a midwife. She thought she couldn
working, even jn her old age. She said that it was better to rust out.
# Diam penggali berkarat, diam ubi berisi. (Pengetahua tidak dipakai, lama-kelamaan akan
hilang. Sedangkan dsb., yang dipakai lama-kelamaan akan sempurna.)
Better Lihat: A bad excuse is better than none at all; is better than riches; A living dog is better
than a dea late than never; Discretion is the better part of valour better than precept; Expectation
is better than realis loaf is better than no bread; Health is better than weak] more blessed to give
than to take; Praise makes goo and bad men worse; Prevention is better than cure; T better than
Between two stools you fall to the ground
Duduk di antara dua kursi hanya akan membu atAnda jatuh ke lantai Jika Anda tidak dapat memilih di
antara dua pilihan, kegagalan saja yang menanti Anda.
The two youngmen loved her very much. But she couldn ‘t one she preferred. Finally they left her
for good. She did,i the saying ‘between two stools you fall to the rn,ind’

Between Lihat: A hedge between keeps friendship green

Beware Lihat: Let the buyer beware
Big Lihat: God is always on the side of big battalions; Little pitchers have big/long ears
BiggerLihat: Theeyeis biggerthan thebelly
Bind Lihat: Love is blind
Bird Lihat: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush; Itis a foolish bird that soils/defiles its own nest; The early
bird catches the worm
Birds of a feather flock together
rung yang sejenis berkeloinpok inenjadi satu
Petiggemar sepak bola biasanya lebih suka berkumpul dan berbincangb incang dengan orang-orang yang juga
menyukai jenis olah raga mi. Setaliknya, para kutu buku juga lebih suka berkumpul dan berbincangb ncang dengan
orang-orang yang juga menyukai buku.
The two boys are close friends. They go to school, play chess, and read
e WADVeIS together. Their friends said that birds of a feather flocked gether
* Enggang sama enggang, pipit sama pipit. (Baik di dalam bergaul
5 aupun mencari pasangan hidup sebaiknya dengan orang yang a ‘erpadanan derajatnya.) (enggang = burung besar,
berparuh raksasa)
Birds Lihat: Fine feathers make fine birds; Kill two birds with one swae; You cannot catch old birds with chaff
Bit Lihat: The biter is sometimes bit
BiteLihat: Barking dogs seldom bite; If you cannotbite never show ourteeth
Biter Lihat: The biter is sometimes bit
Black Lihat: The devil is not as black as he is painted; The pot calls the cattle black; There is a black sheep in
every flock Blacks Lihat: Two blacks do not make a white
Blames Lihat: A bad workman always blames his tools
k, Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be
‘I’ disappointed
8erunrunglah orang yang tidak mengharapkan apa pun, karena Ia tidak akan penuih kecewa
Kebahagiaan sejati terletak pada sedikitnya keinginan. Semakin banyak atau semakin tinggi cita-cita atau keinginan seseorang,
semakin sering atau semakin berat pula kekecewaannya.
Tentu saja, bagi bangsa yang ingin maju, kekecewaan justru dianggap sebagai tantangan dan pemicu aktivitas yang lebih giat
lagi. Karena damai, tetapi gersang, bukanlah cita-citanya.
The farmer’s daughter thought that having a certificate of an element ary school was enough. Because her parents would marry
her soon. His father said, ‘Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.’
# Besar kapal, besar gelombang. (Makin tinggi pangkatnya atau makin besar perniagaannya, makin banyak pula risikonya.)
Blessed Lihat: It is better/more blessed to give than to take Blind Lihat: A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse; If the blind
lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch; In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is a king; Men are blind in their own
Blood is thicker than water
Darah lebihpekat (kental) daripada air
Hendaknya kepentingan keluarga sendiri lebih diutamakan daripada kepentingan orang lain.
They said they had no money when their younger brother caine to borrow Rp 5.000. But when their neighbour asked f they could
lend her Rp 10.000, they gave her the money at once. They didn’t remember the proverb, ‘Blood is thicker than water.’
# Laki pulang kelaparan, dagang lalu ditanakkan. (Orang lain ditolong, tetapi keluarga sendiri ditelantarkan; Iebih banyak
mengindahkan urusan orang lain daripada urusannya sendiri.) (dagang = pengembara, orang asing)
Blood Lihat: You cannot get blood/water out of stone
Blow Lihat: The first blow is half the battle
Blows Lihat: It is as well to know which way the wind blows; It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good
Boils Lihat: A watched pot never boils

ak Bolt Lihat: Afool’sbolt is soon shot

ng Bone Lihat: A good dog deserves a good bone
Bones Lihat: Hard words break no bones
Boo’ Lihat: He daren’t say ‘boo’ to a goose
Bottom Lihat: The best fish swim near the bottom
Bough Lihat: Don’t cut the bough you are standing on
Bought Lihat: Experience must be bought
er Bound Lihat: Talk of the devil, and he is bound to appear Bow Lihat: Have two strings to your bow
Boy Lihat: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
Boys will be boys
c.k tetap saja anak
nd Meskipun sering dinasihati, baik di rumah, di surau, maupun di he srkoiah, tetapi anak tetap saja anak.
Kelakuannya tetap nakal, suka se :n berantakan, dan bahkan berani membantah atau melawan orang
Mereka tidak dapat diharapkan untuk berperi laku seperti orang isa. Sehingga orang harus bersabar sampai mereka
—apai kedewasaannya.
-;:ad only one child. But their house was always in a mess. His tda
hes and toys were all over. Even so they never scolded hun, because
thought, ‘Boys will be boys.’
to Anak orang, anak orang juga. (Anak orang hendaknya ditanggapi
.raai seorang anak juga. Bagaimana pun, mereka mi memang belurn asa.)
an gread Lihat: Don’ tquarrel with yourbread and butter; Haifa loaf
ing better than no bread; He knows on which side his bread is
&ak Lihat: Better bend than break; Hard words break no bones; :: tt were not for hope, the heart would break
&king Lihat: You cannot make an omelette without breaking
t’ S &eks Lihat: The last straw breaks the camel’s back
heeds I.ihat: Familiarity breeds contempt; Money breeds/makes! eets money
re’wLihat: Adam’s ale is the best brew

Bricks Lihat: You cannot make bricks without straw

Bridge Lihat: Don’t cross the bridge before you get to it
Broken Lihat: Promises are likepie-crust, made to he broken; The pitcher goes so often to the well that it
is broken at last
Brooms Lihat: New brooms sweep clean
Broth Lihat: Too many cooks spoil the broth
Build Lihat: It is easier topll down than to build
Built Lihat: Rome was notJcannot be built in a day
Bully Lihat: A bully is always a coward; A bully never grows up
Bush Lihat: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush; Good wine needs no bush
Business Lihat: Everybody’s business is nobody’s business; Everyb ody’s business is nobody’s business
Butter Lihat: Don’t quarrel with your bread and butter
Buttered Lihat: He knows on which side his bread is buttered
Buy Lihat: Gold will not buy everything; Never buy apig in apoke
Buyer Lihat: Let the buyer beware
Bygones Lihat: Let bygones be bygones

n; The Cackling Lihat: He that would have eggs must endure the cackling
of hens
Cake Lihat: You cannot have your cake and eat it
Call a spade a spade
Kaknn sekop itu sekop
DW5UP Katakanlah sesuatu itu seperti apa adanya. Jangan berbelit-belit.
)dwlne Meskipun hal mi kadang-kadang kedengaran tidak sopan.
He took some moneyfrom her bag and said he borrowed it. But she told
Every- ‘rim he stole it because she decided to call a spade a spade.
* Lurus macam bendul. (Perihal orang yang mengatakan apa adanya, yang baik dikatakan baik, dan yang buruk dikatakan buruk.
red rjur.) (bendul = balok kayu yang dipasang di atas dan di bawah pintu, i a poke jcndela, dsb.)
Call no man happy till he is dead
.rm sebut inanusia itu bahagia sebelum Ia mati
N.ib manusia senantiasa berubah. Orang yang merasa bahagia Sen a hidupnya sekali pun dapat mengalami kesengsaraan
menjelang va. Oleh karena itu, hanya orang yang sudah meninggal saja kita
memberikan penilaian terhadapnya.
- ‘ew king lived with his wealth and prosperity. However, they could ‘to man happy till he was dead. Anything - disaster, war, revolution,
- could happen at any time.
* fidupmi seperti roda pedati, ada kalanya di atas, dan ada pula
anva di bawah. (Tidak ada yang kekal di dunia mi. Orang yang kaya
u berkuasa dapat saja menjadi sengsara akibat bencana. Orang yang
-.k dapat menjadi jahat menjelang ajalnya. Karena itu, hanya orang sudah meninggal saja yang dapat kita nilai.)
Calls Lihat: He who pays the piper calls the tune; The pot calls the tle black
Calm Lihat: In a calm sea, every man is a pilot
Camel’s Lihat: The last straw breaks the camel’s back
Can Lihat: He who rides on a tiger can never dismount; If anything go wrong, it will; No man can serve two masters;

The devil can cite the scripture for his Purpose; Whatever man has done, man can do
Candle Lihat: The game is not worth the candle
Candlestick Lihat: The darkest place is under the candlestick
Cannot Lihat: A house divided against itself cannot stand; An empty sack cannot stand upright; If you cannot
bite never show your teeth; The leopard cannot change its spots; Rome was not! cannot be built in a day; You cannot
catch old birds with chaff; You cannot get blood/water out of stone; You cannot have your cake and eat it; You
cannot make a silk purse out of a SOW’S ear; You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs; You cannot make
bricks Without straw; You cannot put old heads on young shoulders; You cannot teach an old dog new tricks; You
may lead! take a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink
Can’t Lihat: Beggars can’t be choosers
Canoe Lihat: Paddle your own canoe
Cap Lihat: If the cap fits, wear it
Care killed a/the cat
Terlalu cemas dapat Ineinbuat seekor kucing justru menga/a,nj keniatian,750
Semua orang pernah cemas. Tetapi terlalu cemas, justru dapat mence lakakan dirinya.
She was worried about her con ‘s illness in the hospital. Butherhusband told her not to be so Worried Because
care killed the cat.
# Bagaj terpijak bara hangat. (Perihal orang yang cemas karena menderita kesusahan)
Care Lihat: Take care of the pence and the pounds Will take care of themselves; Take care of the pence and the
pounds will take care of themselves
Carry Lihat: Every man must carry his Own cross
CartLihat. Don’t put the cart before the horse; The worst wheel of the cart creaks most
Cases Lihat: Circumstances alter cases; Hard cases make bad laws Cast Lihat: Coming events cast their shadows
before; Don’t cast your pearls before Swine

rman has Castle Lihat: An Englishman’s home is his castle

Cat Lihat: A cat has nine lives; A cat may look at a king; Care killed a/the cat; When the cat is away, the mice will play
tand; An Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance
ver show .iangan taugkap bayangannya, sehingga lepas yang •cebenarnya hendak ditangkap was not! Laksanakan tugas yang utama.
Jangan urusi hal yang kecil-kecil. ith chaff Sehingga pekerjaan yang pokok malahan terabaikan.
ave ou He said he wouldn’t go to school because his mother didn’t buy him a ew bike. But his grandfather told him,
‘Catch not at the shadow and
ow s ear
.se the substance.
ni cannot *Harapkan guntur di langit, air di tempayan dicurahkan. (Mengharapn young an sesuatu yang belum tentu, barang yang
telah ada dilepaskan.)
may lead! empayan = tempat air dan tanah hat)
tch the bear before you sell its skin
—— ._p beruang itu sebeluin Anda inenjual kulitnya
Zzan harapkan apa pun yang belum pasti. Apalagi meminjam uang .ri membelanjakannya atau menghabiskannya dengan harapan
akan .rat melunasinya nanti setelah memperoleh keuntungan yang belum hi tangan.
)at mence- rfe,-son wanted to apply for ajob to the manager f a multi-national k and she told the neighbours that he
would get ajob in aforeign
rhusband k. She didn’t remember the saying, ‘Catch the bear before you sell
as karena * Belum beranak sudah ditimang, belum duduk sudah berhunjur. inbanggakan din atau bersenang-senang sebelum
ai.) (berlunjur = meluruskan kaki ketika duduk bersila karena w)
ke care of -
take care Cmch Lihat: First catch your hare; Set a thief to catch a thief; You
..inct catch old birds with chaff
h Lihat: The early bird catches the worm
t w eel of Cmle lihat: The pot calls the cattle black
Caught Lihat: Flies are easily caught with honey than with vinegar
badlaws . Lihat: Men are blind in their own cause
)ontcast .
(ffLihat: You cannot catch old birds with chaff
Cin Lihat: A chain is no stronger than its weakest link
Change Lihat: Don’t change horses in midstream; The leopard cannot change its Spots
Charity begins at home
Kedermaa,ia,i ditnu/aj dun runlah
Perhatjkanlah keluarga atau lingkungan sendjrj sebelum membantu orang lain. Kadangkadag orang menyumbaflg sebagian besar
dan hartanya ke panti asuhan Sementara keluarga sendjnj ada Yang hidup menderjta tanpa pekenjaan dan tempat tinggal Yang
He said he’s got a large family to be his dependants So he couldn’t afford todonate money to the orphanage He ,s that charity
began at home.
# (Janga Anak dipangku dilepaskan beruk di ‘mba disusukan (Janganj membereskan atau memikjrkan orang lain, sedangkan
urusan sendiri diabaikan) (beruk kera Yang dapat diajar untuk memetjk buat kelapa)
Charity covers a multitude of sins
Keder,nuan (kebaika,i) dapa, tnengha1,ç banyak dosa
Yang kuat hendaknYa membantu Yang lemah. Yang kaYa hendakj]Ya membantu Yang miskjn Karena perbuatan Yang baik itu
sebenarnYa sangat bemanfaat bagi dininYa sendiri Yakni menghapu5 dosadosa Yang pernah dilakukanflYa
He made a big donation to the victinis of the natural disaster He said to himse ‘Charity covers a multitude of sins.
# Utang emas dapat dibaYar, utang budi dibawa matj. (Kebaikan budi terhadap orang lain, tidak akan tenlupakan sampai mati.)
Chickens Lihat: Curses, like Chickens, come home to roost Don’t Count your chickens before they are hatched
Child Lihat: Spare the rod and spoil the child The child is father of the man
Children Should be seen and not heard
Anakafl0k boieh dilihat ‘etapi tidak boleh didengar
Ketika ada tanm, anakanak cenderung ingin ikut bicara. Tetapi mereka selalu dilarang karena hal itu berarti menggangg
Percakapan mereka Apalagj kalau ada hal yang Penting.
Dengan denlikian, pepatab mi dapat berarti, ‘Diam! Jangan ikut


opard icara!’
The little girl knew that she were not allowed to interrupt the adults when they were talking about something. She remembered
when her wther warned her, ‘Keep quiet, children should be seen and not
ribantu Sayang negeri, tinggalkan negeri; sayang anak, tangan-tangankan.
i besar Jika benar-benar mencintai negerinya, kalau perlu rela meninggal yang nnya untuk menuntut ilmu, demi kemajuan
negerinya. Jika benar ’cnar mencintai anak, bila perlu dihukum kalau bersalah.)
began Children Lihat: He that hath a wife and children hath given
iostages to fortune; The cobbler’s children are always the worst
angkan Choose Lihat: Of two evils choose the lesser
untuk Choosers Lihat: Beggars can’t be choosers
hristmas comes but once a year
‘! hanva sekali setahun

Slama satu tahun hanya ada satu kali pesta Natal. Karena itu, daknya - matilah suasana pesata mi dengan mengikutsertakan
sernua orang. narnya Termasuk memberikan hadiah kepada mereka, serta menolong orang sa-dosa miskin. Sehingga mereka
dapat makan, minum, dan bersuka na
Ie said JIj went to the party untilfour o’clock in the morning. Because it was
chiistrnas. They said, ‘Christmas comes but once a year.’
an budi * Pisang tidak berbuah dua kali. (Nasib baik biasanya hanya ditemui
zi kali.)
Don’t Circumstances alter cases
;:.m inengubah cain
itherof Seuatu yang bertentangan dngan hati nurani terkadang dilakukan karena keadaan yang memaksanya.
He doesn ‘t like this present job. But circumstances alter cases. He has
‘o do it until he gets another one.
Gadai terdorong ke pajak, sehari sebulan juga. (Melakukan sesuatu
Tetapi yang tidak menguntungkan karena terpaksa oleh keadaan.)
Cite Lihat: The devil can cite the scripture for his purpose
an ikut

City Lihat: A great city, a great solitude; If each would sweep before rr
his own door, we should have a clean city
Civility costs nothing
Kevopaiin tidakluh inahul harganya
Agar enak dalam pergaulan, hendaknya orang senantiasa bersikap
sopan terhadap siapa pun. Karena untuk sopan, orang tidak perlu
mengeluarkan biaya sepeser pun.
The owner of the shop always tells his shopkeepers to welcome his
customers with smile and greetings. Civility cost nothing but it helps
to attract them.
# Bahasa dan bangsa itu tidak dijual atau dibeli. (Untuk bertingkah laku
yang baik, tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang.)
Clean Lihat: If each would sweep before his own door, we should
have a clean city; New brooms sweep clean
Cleaned Lihat: Don’t pour out the dirty water before you have
Cleanliness is next to goodliness
Kebersihan berdekatan den gun kebaikan
Kebersihan sangat disukai oleh semua orang. Sebab kebersihan seseo
rang merupakan cermin dan kebersihan hatinya. Karena itu hiduplah
dengan bersih. Baik jasmani maupun rohani.
Every morning their mother told them to keep their bedivom neat and
tidy. She said, ‘Cleanliness is next to goodliness.’
# Kebersihan adalah separo dan iman. (Orang yang beriman dapat
dilihat dan perbuatannya, termasuk dan kebersihannya. Karena untuk
menjalankan salat yang lima waktu pun, orang harus mengambil air
sembahyang untuk bersuci.)
Climb Lihat: The higher you climb, the harder you fall
Climbers Lihat: Hasty climbers have sudden falls
Cloth Lihat: Cut your coat according to your cloth
Clothes do not make a man
Pakajan tidak dapar inenjadikan Inanusia
Orang kadang-kadang silau oleh penampilan atau pakaian yang

ieep before .±ikenakan oleh orang lain. Padahal yang penting itu jiwanya, bukan entuk luarnya.
.9e did not go to her close friend’s birthday party. Because she had no ew dresses. She did not believe the saying, ‘Clothes do
not make a
‘She insisted that clothes did make a woman.
sa bersikap Mon’et takkan tampil mempesona walau bercincin emas permata.
tidak perlu ng nista dan berbudi rendah, meskipun dalam berdandan dan
:rnpilannya pandai menirukan orang terhormat, tetapi sekali waktu
velcome his ra tak sadar akan memperlihatkanjuga sepak terjangnya yang tak
but it helps ,onoh).
ingkah laku Cud Lihat: Every cloud has a silver lining
Chuds Lihat: If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun tch Lihat: A drowning man will clutch at a straw
we should Ct Lihat: Cut your coat according to your cloth
(dbler Lihat: The cobbler should stick to his last
e you have Cbbler’s Lihat: The cobbler’s children are always the worst shod CkL.ihat: Every cock crows on his own
dunghill; It is a sad house the hen crows louder than the cock
Cic Lihat: A lion may come to be beholden to a mouse; All good zs must come to an end; Curses, like chickens, come home to
rsihan sese- Easy come, easy go; Firt come, first served
iw hiduplah C Lihat: All’s fish that comes to the net; Christmas comes but
• a year; Everything comes to him who waits; Health is not
om neat and -.
till sickness comes
riman dapat
:arena untuk ing events cast their shadows before
ngambiI air akan dalang .cetelah menunjukkan bayang-bayangnya
_iiarg-kadang ada pertanda tertentu akan datangnya sesuatu. Te- :‘nderang di siang han yang tiba-tiba menjadi gelap dapat
ri.nIukkan datangnya hujan angin, dsb.
caine home late again. But she hoped it did not mean that events cast their shadows before. She prayed to God that an :r did not
happen to him.
m berkokok, han kan siang. (Pertanda yang jelas tentang sesuatu inr xsn akan terjadi.)
ikaian yang C’nd Lihat: He that would command must serve

Company Lihat: Desert and reward seldom keep company; Good company on the road is the shortest cut
Comparisons are odious
Melnperba,zd,,lgkan adalah sesuafit yang nenj,jjk/,j
Jangan1a membandingfljflg kemampuan seseorang dengan kemampuan orang lain. Nilajlah mereka sesuaj dengan kemampuan
nya masingmjg Karena sesungguhny setiap orang itu punya keunggulannya sendjrjsendirj
They had a son and a daughter Their son was a math ematjcja,j and their daughter was a physician Who was the best? They
could not compare them. C’omparisons were odious.
# Yang pekak pelepas bedil, yang buta penghern5 lesung, yang lumpuh penghalau ayam. (Setiap orang dapat menyumbangkan
darma baktinya sesuaj dengan kemampuanny masingmasiflg)
Confessed Lihat: A fault Confessed is half redressed
Confession Lihat: Open Confession is good for the soul
Confessor Lihat: It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor
Conscience does make Cowards of us all
Hatj nurafl( beflarbenar inembiat k/ta se,w inenjadj pengecut
Sering kalj kita merasa takut, janganjaflg orang menjadi benci kepada kita, setelah mereka tahu bahwa kita telah melakukan suatu
kesalahan atau mengalami suatu kegagalan Padafial semua orang pastj pernah melakukannya atau mengalamjny
Karena itu, yang penting adalah lebih berhatjhatj lagi di masa menda11g Sehingga tidak terulang hal Yang serupa.
She didn ‘t want to meet anyone She was ashame Becatise she didn ‘t pass the exam. Her friends said that conscience did make
cowards of us all.
#Bumj mana yang tak kena hujan? (Setiap orangpastj pernah berhuat salab.)
Conscience Lihat: A good Conscience is a soft Pillow; A guilty Conscience needs no accuser
Consent Lihat: Silence gives/me5 Consent

Constant dripping/dropping wears away the stone

air yang tanpa henti akan ineinbuat batu inenjadi berlubang pula
3.atu sekeras apa pun, pasti akan berlubang juga, jika tetesan air :tuhkan di atasnya, asalkan dilakukan secara terus-
menerus tanpa
:nikian pula halnya dengan anak yang bodoh. Asalkan rajin, ia pasti in lulus ujian. Anak orang miskin sekali pun,
asalkan mau kerja rs dan hidup hemat, ia pasti akan jadi orang kaya.
3hkan anak yang pandai pun dapat menjadi tidak naik kelas gara-gara ik belajar. Sementara anak orang kayajustru
akanjatuh miskinjika nya hidup dan warisan orang tua saja.
e failed the exam because he loved playing gaines than doing his
eworks. While his sister, who was not as clever as him, passed the
ewi. because she always studied hard and never gave up. Their parent
: Constant dripping wears away the stone.’
Belakang parang sekalipun, jika diasah niscaya tajam. (Sebodohd oIinya orang, jika berusaha dan belajar akan
menjadi pandai.)
C.sIant Lihat: A constant guest is never welcome
(tempt Lihat: Familiarity breeds contempt
C.itented Lihat: A contented mind is a perpetual feast
(ctraries Lihat: Dreams go by contraries
C’w4is Lihat: Too many cooks spoil the broth
Conets Lihat: Kind hearts are more than coronets
Czs Lihat: Courtesy costs nothing; Civility costs nothing; Politec osts nothing; What costs little is little esteemed
Id Lihat: “The grapes are sour”, as the fox said when he could i reach them
Cnsel Lihat: A fool may give a wise man counsel; Anger and e hinder good counsel; Good advice/counsel is beyond
price Cnt Lihat: Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched Cntries Lihat: Other times/countries/days, other
manners/cus: i&waVs
Lihat: A prophet is without honour in his own country; G’d made the country, and man made the town; Happy is the
antrv/nation that has no history; In the country of the blind, the -eved man is a king

Courage Lihat: Many would be cowards if they had courage enough

Course Lihat: The course of true love never did run smooth
Courtesy Costs nothing
Kesopanan tldakiah ‘nahaf harganya
Agar enak dalam pergaulan hendaknya orang senantiasa bersikap sopan terhadap siapa pun. Karena untuk sopan, orang tidak
perlu mengelua biaya sepeser pun.
The Owner of the shop always tells his shopkeeper5 to welcome his Customers with smile and greetitigs courtesy cost nothing bitt
it helps to attract them
#Bahasa dan bangsa itu tidak dual atau dibeji. (Untuk bertingkah laku yang baik, tidak perlu mengejuar uang.)
Courtesy Lihat: Full of courtesy, full of craft
Covers Lihat: Charity covers a multitude of sins
Coward Lihat: A bully is always a coward
Cowards die many times before their deaths
Pa,u pen gec,tt ‘nail berkahka// sebe/u,n ke,na,jan yang sebena,.,iya
Banyak kisah kepahiawanan yang menunjukkan para tokohnya yang tetap bersemangat sampaj saat akan digantung musuh
sekalipun. Sebaliknya seorang pengecut sudah akan merasa mati karena ketak utan ketika menghadapj suatu bahaya.
Her son turned pale and his body shook Violently when he heard he was going to be injected. She relnenzbered the saying, ‘cowards die many
times before their deaths.’
# Ump kayu lampung belum ditojak condong sendjrj (Orang bodoh dan penakut mudah digertak dan dipermainkan oleh orang
pandai.) (lampung terapung)
Cowards Lihat: Conscience does make cowards of us all; Many would be cowards, if they had courage enough
Crack Lihat: He that would eat the kernel must crack the nut
Cradle Lihat: The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world
Craft Lihat: Full of courtesy, full of craft
Creaking Lihat: A creaking gate/door hangs long
Creaks Lihat The worst wheel of the cart creaks most

ourage Cross the stream where it is shallowest

Seberangilah sungai it u di bagian yang terdangkal
h Mengerjakan segala sesuatu itu hendaknya dengan cara yang paling mudah. Dengan demikian, Anda akan dapat
menyelesaikannya den gan baik.
Sebaliknya, jika Anda mengerjakannya dengan cara yang rumit, maka
e egaga1an sajalah yang akan Anda alami.
ISI He used to make his own shirt. But now he no time. So he preferred
c pei U :o buy a ready-made one. He said that he choose to cross the stream
where it was shallowest.
me his
ithel,s — Menggolek batang terguling. (Melakukan pekerjaan yang mudah.)
ah laku Cross Lihat: Don’t cross the bridge before you get to it; Every man must carry his own cross
Crown Lihat: Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown Crows Lihat: Every cock crows on his own dunghill; It is a sad m’use
where the hen crows louder than the cock
Cnist Lihat: Promises are like pie-crust, made to be broken
Cri Lihat: Don’t cry for the moon; Don’t cry stinking fish
ring Lihat: It is no use crying over spilt milk
Cupboard Lihat: Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard
a yang Care Lihat: Prevention is better than cure
ilipun. Cares Lihat: Desperate diseases need/must have desperate cures
arss. like chickens, come home to roost
was -
erapah, seperti ayaln, pulang ke kandangnya
many yang mengharapkan kemalangan menimpa orang lain, justru
mengalaminya sendiri.
Orang ished his enemy bad luck. But he found he had a traffic accident. orang “-.e remembered the proverb, ‘Curses, like
chickens, come home
Spa menggali lubang, ia sendiri akan terperosok ke dalamnya. Viany Spa yang berniat atau berbuat jahat terhadap orang lain akan

-Ljriat kecelakaan sendiri.)

I .iszoni reconciles us to everything
irndwnaikan kita den gan .cegalanya
n yang berat dapat terasa ringan setelah orang menjadi terbiasa r_ rnenghadapinya.

Demikian pula halnya dengan menjawab surat. Jika orang selalu melakukannya begitu sampai di kantor, maka hal itu pun akan
menjadi kebiasaan, dan bukannya menjadi beban.
Atfirst, reading a newspaper in a bus was impossible to him. But, now, he felt uneasy sitting in a bus without
something to be read. It seemed that custom reconciled him to eveiything.
# Alur bertempuh, jalan berturut. (Perihal sesuatu yang dilakukan menurut adat atau kebiasaan yang lazim.)
Customs makes all things easy
Kebiasaan dapat ,netnbuat sega!anya berjalan lancar
Pekerjaan yang berat sekali pun, jika Anda lakukan setiap han, akan terasa menjadi jauh Iebih mudah daripada sebelumnya.
He used to make a gold ring in six days. Now he was able to make it only in two days. Custom made all things easy.
# Alah bisa oleh biasa. (Sesuatu yang sukar, kalau sudah biasa dikerjakan, tidak akan terasa sukar lagi.) (alah = kalah)
Customs Lihat: Other times/countries/days, other manners/cust oms/ways
Cut your coat according to your cloth
Potonglah baju Ant/a sesual dengan kain Anda

Pengeluaran hendaklah sesuai dengn penghasilan. Pengeluaran yang melebihi penghasilan hanya akan membuat hidup mi
terjerat dalam utang.
He preferred to lead a simple life with his low income. Because he didn’t want to be in debt. I-Ic remembered the
saying, ‘Cut your coat according to yourcloth.’
# Bayang-bayang hendaklah sepanjang badan, selimut hendaklah sepanjang tubuh. (Apa pun yang kita kerjakan hendaklah
berpadanan dengan daya kemampuan yang ada pada din kita sendiri.)
Cut Lihat: Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face; Don’t cut the bough you are standing on; Good company on the road is the
shortest cut
Cuts Lihat: Diamond cuts diamond; The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts

till he
adalah Latian mer ka akan r


t2er Lihat: Out of debt, out of danger
erous Lihat: A little knowledge/learning is a dangerous thing; Etiremes are dangerous
e&t Lihat: He daren’t say ‘boo’ to a goose
itt Lihat: The darkest hour is that before the dawn; The —est place is under the candlestick
hterLihat: He that would the daughter win, must with the L1er first begin
b.n Lihat: The darkest hour is that before the dawn
Lihat: An apple a day keeps the doctor away; Every dog has his! ay: Keep something for a rainy day; Rome was not/cannot be
sa kinaday
Lihat: It is all in the day’s work
s Lihat: Other times/countries/days, other manners/customs!
men tell no tales
n iak dapat bercerita lagi
:ri yang sudah mati tidak mungkin dapat memberikan informasi ng x r Karena itu, para penjahat selalu berusaha membunuh
ang hanya akan memberatkan mereka.
—-er witnesses were killed by the robbers. They believed (in) the he Dead men tell no tales.’

at *rti orang mati,jika tiada orang mengangkat, bila akan bergerak? rrrz yang daif (lemah), dan tidak berusaha, niscaya akan
[ah ka tidak ada orang yang menolongnya.)
ad itat: A living dog is better than a dead lion; Call no man L,.j till he is dead; It is ill waiting for dead men’s shoes; It is
he iiss to flog a dead horse
is the grand leveller
t it L._ kth ala! perara raksasa
membuat semua orang di dunia mi menjadi sama. Karena ib an meninggalkan apa pun yang mereka dimiliki.

The earth quake had destroyed the City and killed both the rich and the Poor. There Was no longer any d(fference
betwee,, the,i1 Death Was the grand leveller.
# Ditetak belah, dipalu belah, tembjkar juga akan iadinya (Walau bagaimanap kalau mati, jadj mayat juga.) (ditetak
dipotong dengan bendatajamyflgj1 keraskeras; tembjkarpeh barang dan tanah hat atau porselin, sepertj Pinggan,
perjuk dsb.)
Death Ljhat Remove an old tree and it will Wither to death
Deaths Lihat: Cowards die many times before their deaths
Debt Lihat Out of debt, Out of danger
Deed Lihat: Take the will for the deed
Deep Lihat: Beauty is but skindeep; Still waters run deep
Defects Lihat: Every man has the defects of his OW virtues! qualjtj5
Deferred Lihat: Hope deferred makes the heart sick
Defiled Lihat: He that touches pitch will be defiled
Defies Lihat It is a foolish bird that soils/defiles its OWn nest
Delays Lihat: Desires are nourished by delays
Desert and reward seldom keep corn pan3
Pengharg1 c/Un Peneruna,jy farang ‘nUnj4/
Orang Yang seharusnya menenima pengharg kadangk1 sudah meniuggab Karena merekapada waktu itu hanya ingjn
bekerja sebajk baiknya tanpa mengharap1 pengharg apa pun Akibatnya yang diberi pengharg1 justru mereka Yang
sebenarnya tidak berhak menenimaflya
Boxing was created in Ancie,it Greek. But Ame,.jcan boxe,:c not Greece boxers are praised today. Desert and
reward seldom keep Company
# Orang makan nangka awak kena getahnya (Penjhal orang Yang mendapat celaka, sementara orang lain Yang
makan hasilnya)
Desert Lihat: Rats desert/forsake a sinking ship
Deserves Lihat: A forced kindness deserves no thanks; A good dog deserves a good bone; One good turn deserves

Desires are nourished by delays

— jrar ineinbara karena tertunda
Rasa haus yang segera terpenuhi akan cepat hilang. Tetapi, jika orang .Eiaruskan menunggu, maka rasa haus itu akan terasajauh
lebih hebat
Ee book he wanted was sold out in several bookstores. So when he saw :e book in a small bookstore, he bought
itatonce, although it was more fensive. Desires were nourished by delays.
* Dekat di mata, jauh di hati; jauh di mata, dekat di hati. (Setelah jauh merasa kehilangan.)
rperate diseases need/must have desperate cures
- L( ,sti,neWa rnetnerlukan pengobatan istitnewa pula
k semua masalah dapat diselesaikan dengan cara yang sama. Lsa1ah yang khusus harus ditangani secara khusus pula.
-s .st his job several times in his native town. One day, he decided .uve to another town and finally succeeded.
Desperate diseases
-ed desperate cures.
: ajahjatuh ke telaga, gajahjugalah yang dapat mengangkatnya (Orang kecil nyaris tidak dapat menolong orang besar. Karena
L1 rang besar yang jatuh dalam kesulitan, biasanya hanya orang
-jugalah yang mampu menolongnya.)
Lihat: a beggar on horseback and he’ll ride to the devil; Better
-e&il you know than the devil you don’t; Every man for himself, ii the devil take the hindmost; Give the devil his due; He should
He needs a long spoon who sups with the devil; Needs must en the devil drives; Talk ofthe devil, and he is bound to appear; !e
ievil can cite the scripture for his purpose; The devil finds ck for idle hands to do; The devil is not as black as he is painted; ‘tt
&vil looks after his own
c=ond cuts diamond
jiong berlian
.belah pihak seimbang, maka hasilnya sen alias sama kuat. dak ada yang menang dan juga tidak ada yang kalah. Atau,
-z...inva sama-sama menderita.
-: :‘-.arnpions always fought in the ring and ended in a draw. hey

* t..zlly diamond cut diamond.


# Anjing galak, babi berani. (Pertarungan antara jagoan dengan jagoan; pemberani lawan pemberani.)
Did Lihat: The course of true love never did run smooth
Die Lihat: Cowards die many times before their deaths; Those whom the gods love die young.
Dirt Lihat: Fling dirt enough and some will stick
Dirty Lihat: Don’t pour out the dirty water before you have cleaned; Don’t wash your dirty linen in public
Disappointed Lihat: Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed
Discontent is the first step in progress
Ketidakpuasan adalah fangkah perrania dalani tnencaia, keinajuan
Kepuasan sebenarnya menunjukkan kemandekan. Sedangkan dalam keadaan tidak puas, orang pasti akan berusaha untuk mencari
jalan keluar guna mendapatkan perbaikan
Karena itu, jika Anda merasa tidak puas, maka jangan gusar. Inilah kesempatan emas bagi Anda untuk mencapai kemajuan.
At first he felt uneasy seeing several youngnien loitering around a crossroads. Then he organized them into afoot
ball team. Now, the team was known as his team and became champion in this district. it was true that discontent
was the first step in plvgress.
# Sekali jalan kena, dua kali jalan tahu, tiga kali jalan jera. (Sekali tertipu, selanjutnya harus awas dan waspada.)
Discretion is the better part of valour
Kebijak.canaan ada/nh bag/un yang terbaik dan keberanian
Asal berani, berarti nekat. Anak muda biasanya mengartikan berani sseperti in Padahal sebenarnya, berani itu mencakup
perhitungan yang masak, serta penuh pertimbangan dan kebijaksanaan.
Dengan demikian, ada berani yang pasti gagal, dan ada pula berani yang pasti berhasil.
When a gang of criminals robbed the passangers of the bus, the driver didn’t try to stop them. But when he saw a
police station, he turned his bus, stopped in front of the police station, and criedfor a help. So, most of the robbers
were caught by the police, the passangers, and the people outside the bus who helped them. All of the passangers

.crerion is the better part of valour.’

3erani karena benar, takut karena salah. (Orang tidak perlu gentar rn menegakkan kebenaran.)
Lihat: The purse of the patient protracts the disease Lihat: Desperate diseases need/must have desperate cures
‘no•unt Lihat: He who rides on a tiger can never dismount ‘ses Lihat: Man proposes, God disposes
iznce lends Enchantment to the view
-— -buat pemandangan menjadi tnetnpesona
mrx1angan yang indah, jika didekati, sering kali membuat ngeri.
ra ternyata, pemandangan itu jauh lebih menyeramkan dalam
xa yang dekat.
ie—. he was a child, the Mount Merapi looked beautiful from his
.rilae But when he was a boy of sixteen, he went climbing its foot.
‘ir he realized howfrightening its ravines and forests were. Now he
sure that distance lends enchantment to the view.
* bau bunga, dekat bau tahi. (Perihal sesuatu yang tampak baik
a :.h. tetapi tampak buruk jika dekat.)
) Lihat: If one sheep leaps over the ditch/dyke, all the rest will iii:’: If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the
r” Lthat: A house divided against itself cannot stand
I say, not as I do
okan perbuatanku
1—n yang dilakukan oleb setiap orang ada yang baik, tetapi ada i tidak. Sedangkan yang selalu baik itu adalah nasihatnya.
ikutilah nasihatnya, bukan perbuatannya.
.ered what their teacher really meant. In one hand, he told smoke, but in the other hand they, with their own eyes,
i.n the teacher’s room. At that time, because they were still
e- couldn’t understand when their teacher said, ‘Do as I
‘rT bemama intan juga, sekalipun keluar dan mulut anjing.
- yang baik, sekalipun diucapkan oleh orang yang hina-dina, 53

Do as most men do, then most men will speak well of you
Lakukan apa yang dilakukan oleh banyak arcing,. Dengan deniikian, inaka arang ban yak
akan inengarakan bahwa Anda itu baik
Janganlah berbuat yang aneh-aneh, sehingga Anda dibenci orang
banyak. Ikutilab apa yang mereka lakukan. Dengan demikian, maka
Anda pun akan disukai oleh banyak orang.
If you want to settle in one country, you have to follow their tradition.
Or else, you’ll be regarded as enemy. Do as most men do, then most men - -
will speak well of you. —
# Di mana bumi dipijak, di sana langit dijunjung. (Orang hendaknya
mengikuti atau menyesuaikan din dengan keadaan atau adat di negeri
yang didiaminya.) (dijunjung = diangkat di atas kepala) - - -
Do as you would be done by
Lakukan seperti yang Anda inginkan
Jika Anda tidak suka diremehkan, janganlah Anda meremehkan siapa
pun. Perlakukan orang lain dengan cara seperti yang Anda kehendaki
jika ia memperlakukan din Anda.
When I got my first job, Grandma said, Show your respect to others,
Ii -
and they 11 respect you. Remember, Do as you would be done by.
# Datang tampak muka, pergi tampak punggung. (Datanglah dengan
cara baik-baik, demikian pula perginya.)
Do Lihat: If you want a thing well done, do it yourself; The devil
finds work for idle hands to do; Whatever man has done, man can
do; When in rome, do as the Rornans do
Doctor Lihat: An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Does Lihat: Dog does not eat dog; Handsome is as handsome does;
He who says what he likes shall hear what he does not like
Doesn’t Lihat: What the eye doesn’t see, the heart grieves not
Doeth Lihat: Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth
Dog does not eat dog
Anjing tidak inakan anjing
Orang hendaknya saling tolong-menoong, dan tidak saling mematik
an, terutama yang bekerja di kawasan, di bidang, atau di perusahaan
yang sama atau sejenis.
Now, taxi drivers in this city have fitted Taximetres to their taxis. So
their passangers will pay the same fare, and they don’t have to struggle

1 of you ‘i obtaining passangers. They say, ‘Dog does not eat dog, here!’
thu orang banyak = Takkan harimau makan anaknya. (Harimau saja, yang terkednal
akan buasanya, tidak tega terhadap anaknya sendiri. Karena itu,
Jibenci orana
manusia hendaknya tidak berlaku kejam terhadap sesamanya.)
mikian, maka
Dog Lihat: A good dog deserves a good bone; A living dog is better
heir tradition. than a dead lion; Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion;
then tnostmen
Every dog has his/its day; Give a dog a bad name, and hang him;
ng hendaknya He who would hang his dog gives out first that it is mad; Help a
adat di negeri lame dog over a stile; Love me, love my dog; Why keep a dog and
bark yourself?; You cannot teach an old dog new tricks
ogs Lihat: Barking dogs seldom bite; Let sleeping dogs lie
Doing Lihat: If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well
Done Lihat: Do as you would be done by; Easier said than done; If
mehkan siapa u want a thing well done, do it yourself; Whatever man has done,
da kehendaki
an can do
ect to others,
be done by. ,,, Don’t cast your pearls before swine
- :wl leinparkan mutiara,nu ke babi
inglah dengan ka Anda memberikan sesuatu yang berharga kepada orang yang tidak
erighargainya, makahal itu akan sia-sia belaka. Berikan sesuatu yang eharga itu kepada orang yang menghargainya.
df; The devil advised him not to sell books at her birthda’party. She said, ‘Don’t one, man can :Jsr vur pearls before swine.’
* Seperti kera dapat bunga. (Tidak dapat rnenghargai keindahan/dil.)
idsome does; Do&t change horses in mid-stream
kciii gaul, kuda di ten gab sun gal
not like
‘e.esaikan setiap pekerjaan itu sampai tuntas. Jangan berubah haluan rieves not
t hand doeth tengah jalan.
Demikian pula dalam pembuatan rencana. Jangan membuat rencana lain lagi, sebelum rencana yang lama selesai dilaksanakan. ?i
hare to keej your team leader until the competition is over. Don’t ge horses in mid-stream.
aling memati- 3eaIan sampai batas (sampai ke batas), berlayar sampai ke pulau. di perusahaan Seaia usaha hendaknya sampai
kepada maksudnya, dan lakukanlah
pekerjaan itu sampai tuntas.)
their taxis. So
we to struggle

Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched

Jan gan hitung ayam Anda sebelu,’n menetas
Janganlah menganggap sesuatu yang belum ada di tangan itu sebagai milik kita.
Misalnya orang yang baru belajar berdagang. Barang yang dibeli murah dan dijual mahal jelas ada untungnya. Tetapi sebelum
terjual, ia tidak boleh membelanjakan keuntungan yang belum ada di tangan itu untuk membeli apapun. Jika mi ia lakukan,
maka ia pun akan gagal menjadi pedagang. Karena untuk mendapatkan keuntungan itu masih terbentang berbagai kesulitan yang
He asked her to lend him several thousand rupiahs. He would return her money soon, because he has applied to a
multi-national company for a job. ‘Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched!’ she answered, ‘However,
I’ll give you the money.’
# Burung terbang, dipipiskan lada. (Sesuatu yang belum tentu dipero leh, sudah dirancang pemakaiannya.) (dipipiskan lada =
disiapkan dengan melumatkan atau menghaluskan lada)
Don’t cross the bridge before you get to it
Jangan lewati jeinbatan itu sebelum Anda sarnpai ke sana
Mencemaskan sesuatu yang belum terjadi itu sia-sia belaka. Karena sesuatu itu mungkin saja tidak akan terjadi sama sekali.
He asked whether he could become a pilot when he grew up. ‘Don’t cross the bridge before you get to it,’ answered
his mother.
# Sia-sia menjaring angin, terasa ada tertangkap tidak. (Jangan melakukan yang bukan-bukan, karena hanya akan merugikan din
sendiri saja. Jangan mencemaskan sesuatu yang tidak ada, karena hanya akan merugikan din sendiri saja.)
Don’t cry for the moon
Jangan menangisi rembulan
Buanglah pikiran yang tidak-tidak. Jangan harapkan sesuatu yang tidak mungkin.
It’s impossible that Mother will give us ten thousand rupiahs each. Don’t cry for the moon.
# Bagai si pungguk merindukan bulan. (Perihal orang yang mempun yai cita-cita terlampau tinggi sehingga tidak mungkin
akan tercapai.)

Don’t cry stinking fish

.langan inenjajakan ikan busuk
bagai Jangan ceritakan keburukan Anda, keluarga Anda, pekerjaan Anda,
dli. kepada orang lain.
dibeli You don’t have to tell the poor quality of your goods. Don’t cry stinking
rjual, fish. Because people won’t buy.
angan Tell the positive sides! They’ll come and hear you.
gagal Menjual bedil kepada lawan. (Perihal orang yang membuka rahasia
masih aau kelemahan din sendiri kepada orang lain, sehingga mencelaka .an, merugikan, atau menyulitkan dirinya sendiri.)
ipany [knt cut off your nose to spite your face
she :m potong hidung Anda untuk ,nerusak wajah Anda sendiri
Zcan mengamuk, atau melakukan pembalasan secara membabi buta,
cliper- .nva karena Anda merasa dirugikan. Karena akibatnya, justru Anda
apkan pat mengalami kerugian yang lebih besar lagi.
When his father didn’t let him go to the cinema, he didn ‘teat his dinner,
even though he was very hungry. ‘Don’t cut off your nose to spite your
e. his mother warned him, ‘Have your dinner, or else you’ll be sick.’
* Poong hidung, rusak muka.(Orang yang berbuat nekat justru akan
arena zngalami kerugian yang lebih besar lagi.)
Don’t [xt cut the bough you are standing on
potong dahan yang Anda injak
ingan k... hidup Anda tergantung pada satu usaha saja, janganlah usaha itu 1 din lepaskan, sebelum mendapatkan gantinya.
arena wanted to resign from his present job, because he was interested in
.xher job. He said he was going to apply to a foreign company for
job. ‘Don’t cut the bough you are standing on.,’ his wife warned
‘Ifou ‘ye got the other job, you could resign from your present
yang *Haapkan burung terbang tinggi, punai di tangan dilepaskan. (Perihal .v vaiig menghendaki sesuatu yang lebih banyak
tetapi belum pasti,
each. i yang sedikit tetapi ada di tangan, malahan dibuang. Sehingga ia irnya menderita sengsara, karena tidak mendapatkan apa-
apa sama
mpu- ii)

Don’t empty/throw the baby out with the bath water

Jangan buang air niandi bayi ber.canw bayinya
Janganlah membenci yang baik hanya karena tidak suka yang buruk. Tetapi ambillah yang baik, dan buanglah yang buruk.
You don’t have to hate biology lesson only because your biology teacher is poor. Remember the saying, ‘Don ‘t
thtvw the baby out with the bath water.’
# Marah akan tikus, rengkiang dibakar. (Hanya karena tidak suka pada sesuatu yang kecil, maka dibuangnya atau dirusaknya
sesuatu yang lebih besar dan berharga, termasuk yang kecil tersebut.) (rangkiang, rengkiang = lumbung kecil)
Don’t halloo/shoutJwhjstje until you are out of the wood Jangan bersiul/berteriakJInengj(.apka,i ‘halo’ sebelu,n Anda keluar dun huron
Janganlah bersuka-ria sebelum semua kesulitan atau bahaya benarb enar berhasjl Anda lewati. Sebab setelah Anda berhasil
melalui suatu kesulitan, kemungkinan Anda masih hams menghadapi beberapa kesulitan lainnya. Karena itu, jangan cepat puas.
Tahan kegembiraan Anda, sampai Anda merasa pasti bahwa semua kesulitan itu benarb enar telah berhasil Anda atasi.
He thought his football team would win because the game was almost over. ‘Don ‘tshout untilyou are out of the
wood’, hisfriend warned him, ‘Please, wait until the referee blows his whistle at the end of the game.’ # Belum
beranak sudah ditimang, belum duduk sudah berlunjur. (Bersenang-senang sebelum maksudnya tercapai. ( berlunjur =
meluruskan kaki ketika duduk bersila karena capai)
Don’t have too many irons in the fire
Jan gun tenlalu banyak besi di perapian
Orang memang harus mempunyai kegiatan, pekerjaan, atau rencana. Tetapi kalau terlalu banyak, maka akibatnya tidak ada yang
dapat diselesajkan secara baik.
He said he was interested in swimming, traditional dancing, stamp- collecting, photo grapy, and taekwondo. But he
didn’t have enough time. ‘Don’t have too many irons in the fire’ his mother warned him, ‘Knowing everything about
something is better than knowing somet hing about everything!’
# Lebih berharga segenggam kekuasaan, daripada sekeranjang hak yang tak pernah terlaksana, (Lebih baik yang sedikit tetapi
bermanfaat, daripada yang banyak tetapi tak terjangkau.)

t kick against the pricks

; wwpak ujung yang tajain
in kalau terinjak pasti akan melawan juga. Tetapi sebenarnya
;‘1h melawan mereka yang memegang kekuasaan, karena
hanyalahakan merugikan dirinya sendiri.
‘i remember the saying, ‘Don’t kick against the pricks,’ and
‘r.lling against his foster parents. But finally he learned that he
::1( zvvir them.
i&n terlawan buaya menyelam air. (Orang pandai, kaya, atau s tak mungkin dapat dilawan.)
tLdiat: Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t
Jt ok a gift horse in the mouth
-— x kjgda petnberian padcz ,nulutnva (untuk ,nengetahui uinurnya)
‘ ii diberi apa pun, janganlah Anda memeriksanya secara teliti
nuk mengeluhkan keburukannya. Terimalah pemberian itu
:— ang hati, dan ucapkan terima kasih.
reda parceifrom her boy-friend and opened it. It was a pair Lnfonunately, she didn’t like the colour. ‘Don’t look a gift
mouth!’ said her mother, ‘Say thanks to him.’
rrnabur bijan ke tasik. (Sia-sia berbuat kebaikan kepada
tidak man berterima kasih). (bijan = wijen, tumbuhan yang
- iI-keciI, dipakai sebagai campuran atau hiasan dalam .oi kue onde-onde; tasik = danau)

iiitke a mountain out of a molehill

sebuah gundukan tanah sebagai gunung
rrzsalah kecil dibesar-besarkan. Karena akibatnya Anda & akan mgi.
rvk to him because he laughed at a mistake she made in mr f make a mountain out of a molehill,’ said her friend,
— iai .Lc Laughing too serious.’
bubur, lebih-lebih sudu (sudu yang lebih). (Janganlah -‘r 4’ Jibesar-besarkan sehingga menjadi buah bibir orang.)
= c!tX’% besar)
i*r’ with edged tools
r dengwz benda tajain

Anak muda cenderung untuk mencoba-coba suatu petualangan. Tetapi, janganlab Anda melakukan sesuatu yang membahayakan
Karena akibatnya tidak hanya Anda sendiri yang memikulnya. He found blowing kerosene gas made the fire flare up violently.
He practised it in his room. ‘Don’t play with edged tools!’ shouted his mother when she saw it, ‘What if it burns the house?’
# Bermajn air basah, bermain api lecur. (Janganlah bermain-main dengan sesuatu yang berhaya jika kita ticlak mampu
menanggung akibatnya atau risikonya.) (lecur = melepuh, bengkak berair)
Don’t pour out the dirty water before you have cleaned
Jangan buang air cucian •cebeiu,n .4nda selesai nlencucj
Manfaatkan segala sesuatu itu semaksimal mungkin. Jangan buang sesuatu yang mungkin masih bermanfaat, sebelum Anda
memperojeh gantinya.
He won ‘t throw away his razor blade until he buys a new one. Besides, he can use it several times. He always remembers the
proverb, ‘Don ‘t pour out the dirty water before you have cleaned.’
# Pikir dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian tidak berguna. (Bila hendak melakukan atau mengerjakan sesuatu, hendaknya
dipertimb angkan lebih dahulu baik buruknya, agar nantinya tidak menyesal.)
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
Jangan nenaruh sernua telur Anda ke dala,n satu keranjang
Janganlah menggantungkan harapan atau usaha Anda pada satu kemungkinan saja. Sebab, jika hal itu meleset, maka Anda akan
Don’t have only one boy-friend or one girl-friend in high school. Because you are still too young. Remember the saying, ‘Don ‘t
put all your eggs in one basket.’
# Gantungkan cita-cita setinggi bintang di langit, tetapi dalam menjangkaunya hendaknya tetap berpijak di tanah. (Bercita-citalah
setinggi mungkin, tetapi dalam mencapainya, haruslah tetap sesuai dengan kemampuan.)
Don’t put the cart before the horse
Jangan metnasang kereta di depan kuda
Lakukan segala sesuatu itu sesuai dengan urutannya. Janganlah terbalik, sehingga yang harus dikerjakan Iebih dulu justru
dikerjakan belak angan.

petualangan. They got married first and then looked for ajob. They didn ‘tfollow the
membahayakan. advice of a proverb, ‘Don ‘tput the cart before the horse. ‘ They should
riemikulnya. get a job first before thinking of marriage.
e up violently. He = Dahulu bajak daripada jawi. (Sesuatu yang patut didahulukan
ools!’ shouted his rialahan dikemudiankan, dan sebaliknya; tidak menurut aturan yang
biasa. (jawi = lembu, sapi)
lah bermain-main
mpu menanggung Don’t quarrel with your bread and butter
ak berair) mgan bertengkar dengan roe dan tnentega Anda
Jangan tinggalkan mata pencarian Anda tanpa alasan yang kuat.
e cleaned Lngan berbuat sesuatu yang merugikan, sehingga Anda kehilangan
ata pencarian Anda. Jangan bertengkar atau memusuhi atasan Anda
dn. Jangan buang sendiri.
Anda memperoleh He wanted to resign fromhis present job. Because he was rebuked by
boss last week for being late. ‘Don’t quarrel with your bread and
new one. Besides, rter,’ his wife gave him an advice, ‘It’s not easy to get another job,
eproverb, ‘Don’t
* Tempat makan jangan diberaki. (Jangan berbuat tak senonoh di
ik berguna. (Bila npat kita menumpang; jangan hancurkan tempat kerja kita sendiri.)
daknya dipertim
tidak menyesal.) DonUt ride the high horse
naiki kuda yang tinggi
Lnan sombong. Jangan suka berlagak. Karena tingkah laku seperti
jelas tidak akan menarik simpati orang lain.
Anda pada satu He asked to see a less expensive umbrella. The salesgirl, in a disdainful
maka Anda akan .nnei; said the shop didn’t sell cheap goods. ‘Don’t ride the high
rse!’ the shopowner rebuked her later, ‘Serve our customers as best
d in high school. possible.’
ing, ‘Don’t put all * Geleng bagai si patung kenyang. (Perihal orang angkuh atau
[git, tetapi dalam
h. (Bercita-citalah iit take your harp to the party
uslah tetap sesuai membawa harpa ke pesta (harpa = sejenis alat musik petik,)
E ;.ra atau menulis merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengungkapkan
ipat seseorang. Tetapi jika bahan yang sama diungkapkan secara
e-.s-menerus di mana-mana, maka orang akan bosan mendengarnya,
ahkan akan merasa terganggu. Karena itu, janganlah mengung anganlahterbalik, hal yang sama secara terus-menerus di mana-
dikerjakan bela- .zrned her not to ask again how many children they had. They
‘r like the question because the old couple had no child.

‘Don’t take your harp to the party,’ he said to her again and again.
# Anjing mengulangi bangkai. (Perihal orang yang suka mengulangi perbuatannya yang tidak baik.)
Don’t teach your grandmother how to suck eggs
.Jaflgan ajar, nenek Anda bugai,nana (ala men gisap telur
Memberi tahu memang suatu perbuatan yang terpuji. Tetapi memberi tahu orang yang lebih tahu, tentu saja, akan
dianggap orang sebagai menggurui.
She gave him an envelope with severalforeign stamps and told him how to unstick the postage stamps off the envelope. ‘I ‘in a
philatelist, ‘ he shouted, ‘Don’t teach your grandmother how to suck eggs!’
# Jangan diajar orang tua makan kerak (pisang). (Janganlah kita mengajari orang yang lebih pandai dan cukup
Don’t tell tales out of school
Jan gan bercerjta di luar sekolah
Rahasia hendaklah disimpan rapat-rapat. Jangan ceritakan rahasia itu kepada umum.
‘The con clusions we have agreed in this meeting is coitfidential So, don’t tell tales out of school, especially to the press,’ the
president of the organization warned them.
#Janganlah membungkus tuiang dengan daun keladi (talas). (Janganlah menyembunyjkan rahasia secara ceroboh
atau tidak herhati-hati.)
Don’t wash your dirty linen in public
Jan gun cud pakatan kotor/pakaia,, da/a,n Anda di mnuka UflUlnI
Janganlah menceritakan aib keluarga sendiri kepada orang lain. Karena bagaimana pun, Anda sendiri akan malu
juga akhirnya. He was late because his parents quarrelled again. But he didn’t want to tell the matter to his teacher. He
remembered the saying, ‘Don’t wash your dirty linen in public.’
# Menepuk air di dulang tepercik muka sendiri. (Janganlah mencerit akan aib sanak keluarga sendiri kepada orang
lain, karena Anda sendiri akan malu juga akhirnya.)
Don’t wear out/outstay your welcome
Jan gun bjarkan samnburc,n hangat untuk Anda itu mnenjadi terlalu lamna
Orang yangkedatangan tamu senantiasa menunjukkan rasagembjranya

nd again. Tetapi jika orang itu terlalu lama bertamu, maka tuan rumah akhirnya engulangi _kan kecapaian, sehingga tidak lagi
merasa senang, bahkan akan
—erasa terganggu. Karena itu janganlah Anda terlalu lama bertamu. T’ev welcomed us warmly when we visited their old
house frr the first ::me. But when one of them yawned and looked sleepy, we knew that it s time for us to go home.
Because we were sure the truth of the saying,
memberi 3n ‘t outstay your welcome.’
•g sebagai Janganlah Anda) Datang tidak berjemput, pulang tidak berantar. J.rnganlah Anda menjadi tamu yang tidak disukai,
sehingga tidak
hi in how ±rlakukan sebagaimana mestinya. Bertamulah seperlunya, dan telist,’ he jangan berlama-lama.)
nlah kita fhxr Lihat: A creaking gate/door hangs long; A door must be either
ian.) Iut or open; A golden key opens every door; Fortune knocks once
everyone’ s door/gate; If each would sweep before his own door,
should have a clean city; When one door shuts, another opens
ihasia itu
D’r-ams go by contraries
Is r-’ ierkadang berlawanczn den gun kenyataun
4pi memang ada yang sesuai dengan yang dialami oleh seseorang.
- en of epi yang berlawanan dengan yang dialami seseorang juga tidak

ng. Karena mimpi itu sebenarnya juga hanya mimpi. Sehingga

anganlah -
-hat k boleh dijadikan pegangan.
da dream that his parents were dead in a traffic accident. He was rrr- afraid. ‘It’s just a dream,’ his mother told him,
‘Sometimes, énns go by contraries.’
* &ikelahi dalam mimpi. (Berlelah-lelah dengan basil yang sia-sia.) ng lain.
,i ‘t want tfrnk Lihat: You may lead/take a horse to water, but youcannot ‘Don’t ake him drink
Dripping Lihat: Constant dripping/dropping wears away the stone lienceri- 1rfr Lihat: Needs must when the devil drives
ia Anda tlc.pping Lihat: Constant dripping/dropping wears away the stone Drwning Lihat: A drowning man will clutch at a
Lihat: Give the devil his due
PI I.ihat: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
Iii11 Lihat: Every cock crows on his own dunghill; The sun is
biranya. e- rthe worse for shining on a dunghill

Dwarf Lihat: A dwarf on a giant’s shoulders sees the farther of the two
Dying is as natural as living
Mati .carna wajarnya dengan hidup
Hidup dan mati itu di tangan Tuhan. Kita tidak perlu takut. Yang penting adalah mempersiapkan din untuk menghadapinya. He
had a dream that his parents were dead in a traffic accident. He was very afraid. ‘It ‘s just a dream, ‘his mother told him, ‘Dying
is as natural as living.’
# Sebelum ajal berpantang mati. (Orang tidak akan mati sebelum sampai waktunya. Karena hidup dan mati itu di tangan Tuhan.)
Dyke Lihat: If one sheep leaps over the ditch/dyke, all the rest will follow

the E
Lh Lihat: If each would sweep before his own door, we should have a clean city
ang Lar Lihat: You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear Laziv Lihat: The early bird catches the worm
ral rIy to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and 1 urn dan bangun pagi. inembu at orang ce/mt.
kayo, dan hijaksana
-k sukses, orang harus tidak terlalu banyak kegiatan yang tidak ada i..1ngannya dengan cita-citanya. Karena kegiatan yang
will ra akan rnembuat badannya mudah sakit, sehingga tidak dapat Trapai tujuannya.
told her son to go to bed early. Because he was so weak lately. She :ofoIlow the proverb, ‘Early to bed and early to
rise, makes a man
ijiy, wealthy and wise.’
* Uanganlah) Han pagi dibuang-buang, han petang dikejar-kejar. an1ah tidur terlalu malarn, sehingga bangun kesiangan, dan
iinbat sampai di tempat keija.)
Lihat: Little pitchers have big/long ears; Walls have ears
Lr said than done
kzh ,nengatakannya claripada inelak.canakannya
..s!hati memang jauh lebih mudah daripada mengerjakannya
Demikian pula teori yang jauh Iebih mudah daripada praktek.
£n Ld him that to pass the exam was easy. He had just to study before
.±er he went to school. ‘Easier said than done, ‘he answered, ‘and
.‘r didn’t you yourself pass the exam last year?’
.&h bisa oleh biasa. (Teori kalah oleh praktek. Bicara lebih mudah m laksanaannya.) (alah = kalah)
fr Lihat: A friend is easier lost than found; It is easier to pull than to build
t. lihat: Flies are easily caught with honey than with vinegar
East or west, home is best
Ti,nur atau barat, rumah sendiri yang terbaik
Meskipun enak hidup di negeri orang, tetapi bagaimana pun negeri sendiri lebih enak. Bagaimana pun menyenangkannya tidur di
tempat orang, tidur di rumah sendiri jelas lebih tenteram.
He had travelled in many cities. But he returned to his native village in his fiftieth. He said, ‘East or west, home is best.’
# Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, baikjuga di negeri sendiri. (Walaupun enak dan menyenangkan
tinggal di negara orang, tiada seenak di negara sendiri.)
Easy come, easy go
Mudah datang, tnudah pergi
Uang yang mudah didapat biasanya juga sangat mudah habisnya. Karena orang tidak memperolehnya dengan susah payah, maka
ia cenderung untuk mudah memboroskannya.
He inherited a lot of money several years ago when his parents died in an accident. But now he was poor, because he spent all
his money on a gambling table. It was a good example of the saying, ‘Easy come, easy go.’
# Gunung yang tinggi akan runtuh juga jika setiap han digai. (Harta yang banyak pun akan habis juga bila selalu diboroskan.)
Easy Lihat: Customs makes all things easy; It is easy to be wise after the event; It is easy to bear the misfortunes of others
Eat Lihat: Dog does not eat dog; He that would eat the kernel must crack the nut; Live not to eat, but eat to live; The great fish
eat up the small; You cannot have your cake and eat it
Eating Lihat: The proof of the pudding lies in the eating
Eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves
Pencuri-dengar tidak pernah inendengar apa pun yang balk tentang dirinya .cendiri
Orang yang secara diam-diam mendengarkan percakapan orang mungk in akan mendengar sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan
bagi dirinya sendiri.
He told his daughter not to try to listen secretly when her mother was talking with her neighbours. He said, ‘Eavesdroppers
never hear any good of themselves.’
# Telinga bagai telinga bawah. (Orang yang tidak menggunakan

j ria sebagaimana mestinya. Tidak punya perasaan. Tidak tahu iz±ekkan mana yang baik mana yang buruk.)
..ihar: Every flow must have its ebb
Lihat: Don’t play with edged tools
_L.thai: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket; Don’t teach your other how to suck eggs; He that would have eggs
th cackling of hens; Kill not the goose that lays the golden Ycu cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs
ruc- essels make the most noise/sound
-. paling gaduh suaranya
:ng pandai biasanya tidak mau menonjolkan din. Sedangkan ra bodoh biasanya banyak cakap dan sombong.
_T &.xisting about his geography lesson, especially America and

8w when she asked aboutAustria, he corrected that it was not

r Australia. “And Australia is not in Europe,’ she said to
t-: Enptv vessels make the most noise.’
tsocig berbunyi nyaring. (Orang yang bodob biasanya banyak
-- arau bualnya.)
kr ‘li: An empty sack cannot stand upright; Don’t empty! rr e baby out with the bath water
i_ —‘—ient Lihat: Distance lends enchantment to the view All good things must come to an end; The end justifies
.. Lihit: A bad beginning makes a bad ending

L: All’s well that ends well

Lihat: He that would have eggs must endure the cackling
Lat: Better an open enemy than a false friend; Every man
,Jw orst enemy; The good is often the enemy of the best
An Englishman’s home is his castle i. : If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun
good as a feast
ia den gan pesta






Orang haruslah mempuflyal pertimbang yang masuk akal jika ingin memjnta sesuatu. Karena permjntaan Yang berlebjhan
hanyalah akan merusak segalany1
He asked for more and more cakes. Finally he ove,ate and Was sick. He didn ‘t re!ne,?zber the saying, ‘Enough is as good as
feast.’ # Asal ada kecij pun pada. (Kalau tidak mendapat banyak, sedjkjt pun Cukup.) (pada = Cukup)
Enough Lihat: A word is enough to the Wise; Fling dirt enougI and
some will stick; Many Would be Cowards, if they had courage enough
Enriched Lihat: Envy never enriched any man
Envy never enriched any man
fri ti&,k inetnpe.kaya se.ceorng
In membuat orang sesak nafas. In tidak menguntuflg1 siapa pun. Karena itu jangaija in kepada siapa pun.
His girl-frie,j was very jealot,5 when she saw herf,.ie,,d’s new dress. ‘Envy never enriched any ‘nan, ‘he told her, ‘You can have
the dress like hers. I’ll ask my sister to make one for you. She is both a good dressn2aker and a good desig,ie’
# Bangau angu minta aku leher, badakbadak nhinta aku leher (Peniha) orang yang in melihat kelebjhan hai-ta atau kedudukan
orang lain.)
Errs Lihat: He that talks much, errs mucl
Esteemed Lihat What costs little is little esteemed
Eternal Lihat: Hope springs eternal in the humaji heart
Even a worni will turn
Buhk,7 seekor Lacing pun aka,j lnengge/ja,
Penakut sekali pun akan melawan jika penlakuan yang diterimanya sudah ketenlaluan Semua itu ada batasnya.
The street vendors’ were forced to give five hundred rupiahs per day by the criminalfor a long time. One day they could take it no
longer when he asked two hundred rupiabs more to one of then2 The,, they attacked him together with clubs and stones,
andfi,,ally handed him over to the Police. They said to each othe, ‘Even a worn, will turn’

ka ingin ‘Jng merentak dalam tangguk. (Orang yang tak berdaya sekali pun, ah akan tetap melawan untuk mempertahankan
hidupnya.) (merentak =
entak-entakkan kaki)
C1S sick.
bi Homer sometimes nods
ikit pUll , Humerus pun terkadang mnengangguk
T& ada orang yang sempurna. Orang hebat sekali pun pernah iakukan kesalahan.
igh and ãa1ways careful in everything, especially in arithmetic. However, :ourae .de two mistakes out of twenty
problems. ‘Don’t worry, she said ‘

z er son soothingly, ‘Even Homer sometimes nods.’

S:ndai-pandai tupai melompat, sekali waktu gawaljuga.(Sepandaio rang, sekali-sekali keliru atau salah juga.) (gawal = khilaf)
n the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea
a s1.ingai yang paling le!ah sekali pun akan terus berkelok-kelok samnpai ke temnpat
j) Ufl. di laut

EcL ada yang kekal di dunia mi. Semua ada akhirnya. Keadaan a dress. -. buruk yang menimpa seseorang pun pada waktunya
akan ie dress nir, dan berganti dengan keadaan yang lebih menyenangkan. a good itu, janganlah putus asa.
s very sad because it always rained recently. He could not play
Li leher. ‘Don’t worry,’ his mother soothed him, ‘Even the weariest
.11 orang winds somewhere safe to sea.’
*L.ukjadi pantai, pantai jadi lubuk. (Segala sesuatu itu ada akhirnya, ix di dunia mi tidak ada yang kekal.) (lubuk = bagian yang
dalam nau, sungai, laut, dsb.)
Et Lihat: It is easy to be wise after the event
Lwsts Lthat: Coming events cast their shadows before
iv cloud has a silver lining
imanya .xp awan selalu ada bagian tepi yang bersinar keperakan
:m keadaan yang paling buruk sekali pun pasti ada harapan yang rday by - ‘. Seperti pada awan gelap yang senantiasa
menunjukkan bagian er when .ng terang, sebagai pertanda adanya matahari di balik awan sana. ttacked — . sufferingfrom
diarrhea for three days. ‘Be patient, every cloud ?rto the fl..: . sl’.er lining,’ his doctor told him to cheer up, ‘You’ll be

# Se1am hujan akan panas juga. (Sehabis kesusahan akhirnya akan datangjuga waktu yang baik.)
Every cock crows on his Own dungh ill
Setiap jago berkokok di atax gunduka kotorannya sendjrj
Dalam keadaan bahaya, nyaris ada orang yang berani tampil. Tetapi begitu bahaya itu telah lewat, maka semua
orang dapat menyata bahwa ia-lab orang yang paling berani, paling tangkas, dst.
He was laughing at her because she sang only a short song at the farewell party He claimed that he could sing a longer song
than her. ‘Evety cock crows on his Own dunghili ‘she snapped ‘Why didn ‘tyou ask our teacher to let you sing your beautiful
Song? I bet, seeing many pairs of eyes staring at you, YOU wouldn ‘t remember even a word ofyour longer song.’
# Ayam itik raja di tempatnya (Setiap orang berkuasa di tempatnya, kediamannya atau lingkunganny sendiri)
Every dog has his/its day
Setiap anjing ada harinya
Bahagia itu bukan hanya milik orang kaya. Orang miskjn pun pada gilirannya juga mengecap kebahagjaan
He is Young now. But he will be able to go abroad alone like his eldest brother when he grows up. Every dog has his day.
# Hidup mi seperti roda pedati, ada kalanya di atas, dan ada pula kalanyadi bawab. (Di dunia mi tidakadayang1
Senangdan susab selalu silih berganti.)
Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard
Setiap keluarga Punya tulang di /e.narinya
Setiap keluarga mempunyaj sesuatu yang disembunyikan Karenapara anggota keluarga itu, atau salah satu dan
mereka, malu kalau rahasia tersebut sampai ketahuan orang banyak.
They never answer who theirfi rst child is or where he or she is. Because their first child is insane in a mental hospital. Every
family has a skeleton in the cupboard.
# Tak ada gading yang tak retak. (Tidak ada sesuatu yang tidak ada cacatnya.)

ya akan t flow must have its ebb

, -‘ arwi air pasti ada surutnya

esuatu ada akhirnya. Tidak ada yang kekal. Demikian pula &ngan keberuntungan maupun kebahagiaan.
despises her neighbours because her husband is the only man in
1. Tetapi rigewho is able to buya car. She doesn’t rememberthe proverb, iyatakan rr flow must have its ebb.’
* ‘ir pun ada pasang surutnya. (Di dunia mi tidak ada yang kekal. g at the dan susah selalu silih berganti.)
han her.
idn’t you horse thinks its own pack heaviest
ng many ,nengira bebannyalah yang terberat
dofyour :mng mengira bahwa dirinyalah yang paling sengsara di dunia
npatnya, r, that her husband’s salary is the lowest. So they suffer most ::wn. ‘Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest,’ said her
--J :o her, ‘Look at our brothers who live in the slums. They suffer
2J1 14S.’

: et-berat mata memandang, masih lebih berat bahu memikul.

Ufl pada Dun menderita orang yang melihat, masih lebih menderita .ang mengalaminya sendiri.)
us eldest
£ Jack must have his Jill
ada pula (baut) pasti kere,nu Jill (mur,)
[an susah ocang pasti ada jodohnya. Setiap lelaki pasti dapat mencari
L1 untuk menjadi isterinya.

a friend asked him when he would marry, he said he was not sure.
-‘.—-‘ he didn’t know whether a man with a low income like him was marry. He thought that there was no woman who wanted to

rena para zr man like him. He didn’t remember the proverb, ‘Every Jack Li rahasia ive his Jill.’
#4n di gunung, garam di laut, bertemu dalam belanga. (Biarpun Because mur,p. berjauhan, kalau sudah jodoh, akan
menjadi suami istri juga. ly has a _____ = kuali besar)
idak ada E! law has a loophole
A.rAalTg-undang pasti ada lubang untuk meloloskan din
yang nakal selalu saja dapat mencari daub untuk lepas dan
uAzrran atas kesalahan yang sengaja akan dilakukannya.
iiciighrv boy knew that his mother told him not to come home late.

So he decided to go home next morning. He thought, ‘Every law has a loophole.’

# Di mana kayu bengkok, di sanalah musang meniti. (Setiap peraturan pasti ada celab kelemahannya. Begitujuga
halnya dengan tempat yang tidak terjaga, di situlah pencuri datang.) (meniti = berjalan dengan hati-hati di atas titian
atau jembatan kecil dan sebatang kayu, papan.
Every Lihat: A golden key opens every door
Every little helps
Yang sedikit pun •cangat ‘ne,nbumu
Setiap bantuan senantiasa bermanfaat. Karena meskipun kecil, tetapi pertolongan itu sangat dibutuhkan.
She only has an hour or two every week for the hotline service organization. ‘Never mind,’ said the
president of the organization, ‘Every little helps.’
# Sedikjt demi sedikit, lama-lama menjadi bukit. (Meskipun pertol ongan itu hanya sedikit, namun jika diberikan
secara teratur, maka akhirnya pun menjadi banyak.)
Every man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost
Set/up orang ‘netnikirka,, thrinya send,rj, dun setan a/can inenerkani yang paling belukang
Orang cenderung memikirkan dirinya sendini. Terutama dalarn kea daan bahaya. Sehingga yang cepat dapat
selamat, dan yang lamban akan celaka.
When the electricity in the village was cut, the shopkeeper sold only a box of candles for every customer. 1-Ic said
that he was not for the proverb, ‘Every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost. ‘He insisted that not only the
rich men who could light their houses in the village. He hoped that by his policy, all men in his village could light their
houses with a box of candles from his shop.
# Anak sendiri disayangi, anak tin dibengkengi. (Bagaimanapun adilnya seseorang, kepentingan dirinya sendiri juga
yang diutarnakaii) (dibengkengi = dimarahi)
Every man has his price
Setiap orang ada harganya.

• yang mau melakukan kejahatan dengan bayaran. Mereka mi

-disebut sebagai pembunuh bayaran.
yang lain mau menyalahgunakan kedudukannyajika diberi
Uang mi disebut uang suap.
demikian, menurut pepatah mi, banyak orang yang bahkan nsang tarif sebagai imbalan dan kejahatannya.
i afraid of breaking the law. Because his father is the richest
rare. He believes every man has his price.
* -iing di air dalam. (Orang kaya biasanya lebih suka berbuat dak hatinya seolah-olah dengan hartanya segala apa dapat

‘ man has the defects of his own virtues/qualities

-ig punya cacat pada kebaj,kannya
._ ocang punya kekurangan. Bahkan pada segi baiknya sekali pun .iican keburukannya.
. a very thrifty man. Even for his own meal, he spends very little w that he looks pale and sick. It is true that every man has the of

his own virtues.

mana tak berombak, bumi mana tak kena (ditimpa) hujan? 3imanapun, manusia tidak akan luput dan kekhilafan kesalahan.)
—‘ man is his own worst enemy
wz paling buruk ada!ah dirinya sendiri
r kebanyakan tidak mampu mengendalikan dirinya sendiri. iga yang merugikan atau menghancurkan dirinya itu kebat n juga
berasal dan dirinya sendini.
— c coughing badly. However, he cannot stop smoking. Every man c own worst enemy.

# Kdik-kelik dalam baju, musuh dalam selimut. (Musuh yang tidak

keahui, ada di badan kita.) (kelik-kelik = sebangsa serangga
1i man must carry his own cross
o,mg harus ,ne,nikui kayu salibnya sendirt
orang harus menanggung bebannya sendiri. Karena orang lain
inva bebannya masing-masing.
as too many children that he spends all what he earns only to feed
Unfortunately, his brothers and sisters cannot help him, because
* have their own dependants. So every man must carry his own cross.

# Kaki tertarung, inai padahannya (mulut terdorong, emas padahannya). (Harus berani menanggung akibat dan perbuatannya atau
bebannya sendiri.) (tertarung = tersandung, terantuk; inai = tumbuhan semak, yang daunnya untuk pemerah kuku; padahannya =
Every medal has two sides
Set iap inedali puflya dua vlsi
Segala sesuatu dapat dipandang dan sudut yang berbeda. Bahkan satu kejadian pun dapat diceritakan dengan berbagai cara.
You said your mother is very stingy. Perhaps it is not true. I think she has only to be thrifty because your father does not earn
very much money. Remember, every medal has two sides.
# Tiada gading yang tak retak. (Segala sesuatu itu tidak ada yang sempurna. Karena di samping ada baiknya, akan adajuga
Every oak has been an acorn
Setiap polion eik pernah ‘nenjadi biji potion elk
Tidak ada di dunia mi yang langsung menjadi besar. Segala sesuatu itu pasti berasal dan yang kecil. Karena itu, bersabarlah.
Lambat laun usaha yang kecil pun akan menjadi besar pula akhirnya.
She was worried about her son ‘s education, lie was making only very little progress. ‘Be patient! Many great men were once
poor, unimport ant boys,’ his husband said, ‘Every oak has been an acorn.’ # Sedikit demi sedikit, lama-lama menjadi bukit.
(Yang besar pun asalnya dan yang kecil.)
Every why has a wherefore
Setiap men gapa ada karena
Setiap pertanyaan adajawabannya. Karena segala sesuatu itu pasti ada sebabnya. Meskipun sebab itu tidak selalu tampak nyata
bagi setiap orang.
His father always scolded him recently. He didn’t know why. ‘Every why has a wherefore, ‘his close friend told him, ‘You ‘d
better ask your your mother. She may know the reason.’
# Masakan ada asap, bila tidak ada api. (Bagaimana mungkin tersiar beritanya bila tidak terjadi sesuatu yang menjadi
Every Lihat: In a calm sea, every man is a pilot; There is a black sheep in every flock


Everybody’s business is nobody’s business

innya rusan banyak orang akan inenjadi tak terurus
mak Jika ada tugas yang harus dilaksanakan oleh orang banyak, maka tugas ) :tu harus dibagi-bagi. Sehingga setiap orang
mendapatkan bagiannya
Jika tidak demikian, maka tugas itu akhirnya tidak akan dikerjakan c1eh siapa pun. Karena setiap orang mengira bahwa tugas itu
pasti akan
i satu i1aksanakan oleh orang lain. part of this road is always poor. Because it is in the border of two
c she yrovinces. No-one feels responsible for the road. Everybody’s business rzuch s nobody’s business.
* Sepandai-pandai mencencang, landasan juga yang habis. (Pada iang uah pesta atau perayaan, apabila timbul keonaran atau
keributan, ya) ak ada yang mau bertanggung jawab. Sehingga akhirnya si
evelenggara juga yang harus memikulnya.)
Lier one’s Lihat: Fortune knocks once at everyone’s door/gate itu
mn Eserything comes to him who waits
—va rerkabul bagi inereka yang ,nenunggu
try car dan kerja keras adalah kunci sukses. Karena orang pasti berhasil i terus berusaha keras tanpa kenal lelah dan sabar
menunggu tanpa al batas.
un £t !oved hard work and extremely patient. Unfortunately, she always in the test to become a policewoman. But finally, in her
she succeeded and now she was a policewoman. Everything came who waited.
S itat pangkal kaya, rajin pangkal pandai. (Segala sesuatu itu tidak
eijadi secara tiba-tiba, tetapi sedikit demi sedikit; seperti orang
___ rngin kaya harus hemat hidupnya, orang yang ingin pandai harus n lajar.)

!othing Lihat: Custom reconciles us to everything; Everything rT:r Gold will not buy everything
! Lthat: The love of money is the root of all evil
ILLhat: Of two evils choose the lesser

Example is better than precept

Cotoh lebih balk daripada perinfah
Untuk mendidik tingkah laku yang balk pada anak, ternyata contoh lebih baik daripada perintah. Karena dalam praktek, sun
tauladan lebih banyak dii kuti orang daripada nasihat yang baik.
She always told her children, ‘Do as / say, not as I do. ‘ So her aim to teach good beha viourfailed. Because
example was better than precept.
# Guru kencing (makan) berdiri, murid kencing (makan) berlari. (Jika orang tua atau guru memberikan contoh yang tidak patut,
maka anak atau munid pun akan berbuat yang lebih tidak pantas lagi.)
Exception Lihat: The exception proves the rule
Exchange isno robbery
Tukar-inenukar (yang adil) bukanlali peratnpok,n
Tukar-menukar memang wajar. Bahkan seandainya orang mengambil sekali pun, asalkan menggantinya, masih dianggap wajar.
He lost his newsandals in the village youth meeting. But there was a pair of old sandals left. Finally he took those old ones. And
his friends laughed at him and said, ‘Exchange is no robbety.’
# Tepuk berbalas, alang berjawat. (Kejahatan dibalas dengan kejah atan, kebaikan dibaias dengan kebaikan.) (alang = hadiah,
pemben an; berjawat berganti)
Excuse Lihat: A bad excuse is better than none at all; An ill payer! paymaster never wants an excuse
Excuses Lihat: He who excuses himself accuses himself
Exchange Lihat: Fair exchange is no robbery
Expands Lihat: Work expands so as to fill the time available
Expectation is better than realisation
Harapan lebih balk daripada kenyataan
Banyak orang yang menganggap bahwa sesuatu yang diharapkan itu sangat indah. Tetapi setelah dimiliki, ternyata sesuatu itu
menjadi biasa-biasa saja.
When he was a child he wanted to be a grown-up. Because he saw his father told him to do this and that. And he had
to do so. if not, certainly, he would be punished. But now, when he himself becomes a father of

ral children, he feels extremely dizzy thinking how he could jed

clothe them, and make them go to the university. Expectation is
r than realisation.
•h kabar dan rupa. (Berita yang tersebar biasanya Iebih baik atau
hebat daripada kenyataan yang sebenarnya.)
Lts Lihat: Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never sappointed
iiience is the best teacher
az ada/au guru yang terbaik
di sekolah rnelalui guru dan buku itu mernang baik. Tetapi dan pengalaman di masyarakatlah yang akan membuat sese enar-
benar rnenguasai ilrnunya.
as very stupid in geography lesson. But now he is a manager of
: i-national company and travelles a great deal around world.
1rience is the best teacher.
hisa karena biasa. (Sesuatu yang sukar, kalau sudah biasa Zn, tidak akan terasa sukar lagi.) (alah = kalah; tegal = karena,
;erince must be bought
-- ugrus dibeli
yang diajarkan di bangku sekolah. Tetapi lebih banyak lagi
it diperoleh dan pengalarnan. Termasuk pengalaman yang
nj’u1kan banyak kerugian. Dan sinilah orang belajar untuk ticlak tangi lagi kesalahan tersebut.
reaching her child to ride a bike. f-fe fell and hint his knees and
8w she continued to teach him because she believed (in) the
,‘erb. ‘Erperience must he bought.’
* iEi jalan
kena, dua kali jalan tahu, tiga kali jalan jera. (Sekali
e1anjutnya harus awas dan waspada.)
are dangerous
a berbahava
-n yang terlalu atau benlebihan itu jelas tidak baik. Orang ‘-—‘a membatasi din pada yang masuk akal saja. Makan pun jika
nvakjuga membuat perut terasa sakit.
for more and more cakes. Finally he overate and was sick.

He didn ‘t remember the saving, ‘Extremes are dangerous.’

# Bagai kucing dengan panggang. (Pergaulan yang terlalu bebas dapat mendatangkan bahaya.)
Extremes meet
Yang ekstrein keteinu yang ekst rein
Sesuatu yang terlalu justru menjadi kebalikannya. Seperti anak-anak sekolah yang terlalu gembira karena lulus ujian, akhirnya
mereka berbuat yang tidak-tidak.
Some university students in England celebrated their graduation with drinking parties. She was one of them. Her friends knew
that she never tasted any alcoholic drink. In the morning she was found dead. Now they believed that extremes met.
# Buah yang terlalu manis berulat di dalamnya. (Sesuatu yang menyen angkan terkadang mengakibatkan sesuatu yang tidak
menyenangk an.)
Eye Lihat: An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth; Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; The eye is bigger than the belly; What
the eye doesn’t see, the heart grieves not
Eyed Lihat: In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is a king

ft Lihat: Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face
fts are stubborn things
iak L--in itu merupakan sesuatu yang paling keras kepala
ka Lvaraan itu tak dapat dibantah. Demikian pula halnya dengan 4enaran. Orang dapat rnengatakan apa pun, tetapi kenyataan
.‘ith eraran tetap saja demikian. Tidak dapat cliubah.
ver ;d he could defeat the new fighter. But in the ring, he was knocked Tow r &1v in the first round. His opponent said, ‘Facts
are stubborn
[ye- * h kabar dan rupa. (Kenyataan itu tak dapat dibantah. Sedangkan ng- g tersebar biasanya lebih baik atau hebat daripada
s in in heart never won fair lady
the - pernah ,nainpu inerebut hati wanita
.aurnnya orang beranggapan bahwa lelaki itu kuat, sedangkan car Iemah. Sehingga lelaki yang berani saja yang dapat memikat
ing _- yang Iemah gemuai mi. Dalam kehidupan pun hanya mereka kt dan berani saja ang sukses dalam hidupnya.
frustrated because he failed the exam again. ‘Don’t give up, my
iid his mother, ‘Faint heart never won fitir lady.’
*ut dilimbur pasang, jangan berumah di tepi pantai. (Jika takut ___-.iiipi kesulitan, maka orang tidak akan mungkin memperoleh
—ti -- besar.)
. xdiange is no robbery
-wiar (yang adil) bukanlah pera,npokan
r-iukar memang wajar. Bahkan seandainya orang mengambil _n asalkan menggantinya, masih dianggap wajar.
z.s new sandals in the village youth meeting. But there was a
ar i s.d sandals left. Finally he took those old ones. And his friends
as him and said, ‘Exchange is no robbery.’
* ‘r.i erba1as, alang berjawat. (Kejahatan dibalas dengan kejaI t’aikan dibalas dengan kebaikan.) (alang = hadiah, pember r-..iwat =

Fair Lihat: All’s fair in love and war; Faint heart never won fair lady; Give and take is fair play
Fall Lihat: Between two stools you fall to the ground; He that is down need fear no fall; If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall
into the ditch; The higher you climb, the harder you fall
Falls Lihat: Hasty climbers have sudden falls
False Lihat: Better an open enemy than a false friend
Familiarity breeds contempt
Sesudalz terbic,ca akhirnva menjadi tidak .cuka
Setelah terbiasa, menjadi tidak hati-hati lagi. Setelah terbiasa, menjadi tidak suka lagi.
He loved sweets. But when he lived in Yogya, everything he ate was sweet. Now he hates sweets. Familiarity breeds contempt.
# Sekali jalan kena, dna kali jalan tahu, tiga kali jalan jera. (Sekali tertipu, selanjutnya harus awas dan waspada.)
Families Lihat: Accidents will happen in the best regulated families
Family Lihat: Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard
Far Lihat: He that travels far knows much
Farther Lihat: A dwarf on a giant’s shoulders sees the farther of the two
Fast Lihat: Bad news travels fast; Ill weeds grow apace/fast
Fat Lihat: Laugh and grow fat
Father Lihat: Like father, like son; The child is father of the man:
The wish is father to the thought
Fault Lihat: A fault confessed is half redressed
Favours Lihat: Fortune favours fools; Fortune favours those who use theirjudgment
Fear Lihat: A good anvil does not fear the hammer; Fools rush in where angels fear to tread; He that is down need fear no fall
Feast Lihat: A contented mind is a perpetual feast; Enough is as good as a feast
Feather Lihat: Birds of a feather flock together
Feathers Lihat: Fine feathers make fine birds
Fence Lihat: The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence/the hill


)n fair dIe Lihat: There is many a good tune played on an old fiddle flU Lthat: Work expands so as to fill the time available
that is Fid Lihat: He that has a tongue in his head may find his way ill into vwhere
IJings are keepings
ikan berarti :netniliki
ng tamak senantiasa merasa bahwa ia berhak memiliki apa pun ditemukannya. Semboyannya, punyamu punyaku, punyaku
enjadi ‘ii sifat tamak manusia mi sering dimanfaatkan oleh parapenjahat., terutama di kota-kota besar, orang yang menemukan dan
re was tambiI dompet di jalan, justru dapat dikeroyok orang dan dianggap
aai pencopet. Karena para pencopet yang telah mengambil seba ekali rr esar isinya, kemudian rnembuangnya untuk memancing
orang na dijadikan kambing hitam.
und a gold necklace and handed it to the police. He was not for ,-overb, ‘Findings are keepings.’
mlies — .
erti Belanda minta tanah. (Orang yang tamak flu, jika diberi zii minta banyak, diberi banyak minta semua. Sehingga akhirnya a n
uasai semuanya.)
of the
Lihat: The devil finds work for idle hands to do
F feathers make fine birds
man; . inembuat burung menjadi cantik
b kebanyakan mementingkan pakaian. Karena dengan pakaian a dapat meningkatkan penampilannya.
who saves her money to buy new clothes. She loves to celebrate the new
zr i:h new clothes. Because she believes that her appearance
ish on her clothes she wears. She alwqys says, ‘Fine feathers make U krds.’
* &vet takkan tampil mempesona walau bercincin emas permata. is as ‘:-r nista dan berbudi rendah, meskipun dalam berdandan
‘e-r--iIannya pandai menirukan orang terhormat, sekali waktu tak an memperlihatkan juga sepak terjang yang tak senonoh).
if the 1 rs were made before forks
i rebeluin garpu

Makan dengan jan atau tangan lebih enak daripada makan dengan sendok dan garpu.
She told her son to use a spoon and a fork. But he said, ‘Papa always says that fingers were made before forks!’
# Enak sama dimakan, pahit sama dimuntahkan. (Semua orang menginginkan sesuatu yang enak atau menguntungkan, dan tidak
menyukai yang tidak enak atau kerugian.)
Fire is a good servant but a bad master
Api adalah pelayan yang balk tetapi majikan yang buruk
Api sangat bergunajika kecil dan terkendali. Tetapi jika besar dan tak terkendali, justru dapat menimbulkan malapetaka.
He found blowing kerosene gas made the fire flare up violently. He practised it in his room. ‘Stop it!’ shouted his
mother when she saw it. ‘What if it burns the house? ‘And she added, ‘It’s true thatfire is a good servant but a bad
# Api kecil baik padam. (Bahaya yang kecil sekali pun hendaknya segera diperbaiki sebelum menjadi besar.)
Fire Lihat: Don’t have too many irons in the fire; Fire is a good servant but a bad master; Out of the frying-pan into the
Pouring oil on the fire is not the way to quench it; There is no smoke without fire
First catch your hare
Tangkap dulu kelinci Anda
Selesaikan dulu tugas Anda. Setelah itu Anda boleh bersuka na. He wanted to give his wife a big gold necklace if he
succeeded in getting the project. Because the project was very profitable. He also wanted to give his children a
mountain bike each. But his wife interrupted him. ‘First catch your hare!’
# Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian; bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian. (Selesaikan dulu tugas
Andi Setelah itu Anda boleh bersuka na.)
First come, first served
Yang pertatna, yang dilayani dulu
Untuk mendapatkan pelayanan Iebih dulu, orang harus datang awal.
Tidak ada perlakuan khusus di rumah makan, rumah sakit, kereta api.

n dengan mg pertunjukan, dli.

.e want to get the best seat, we have to go to the theatre early.
,a always r-nzLse the tickets are sold on a first come, first served basis only.
* Siapa cepat, siapa dapat. (Hanya mereka yang lebih dahulu melakuu a orang rva. yang akan berhasil.)
Jan tidak
-t impressions are most lasting
-ertama paling mengesan
i—angan pertama kerap kali sangat menentukan. Karena itu, orang -&rung ingin tampil sebaik mungkin dalam pertemuan
pertamai r dan tak
ent to work very early. He didn’t want to come late. Besides, it was ently. He ti.rirstday he worked since he
graduated. First impressions were most
ie saw it, icrrJ!g.
isa good Lulus jarum, lulus kelindan. (Awal yang baik memperiancar yang ikutnya.)
F thrive then wive
lu baru beristeri
a good harus mempersiapkannya lebih dulu sebelum kawin. Termasuk the fire ‘nabung. Karena setelah punyaanak, pengeluaran
semakin bertambah,
ntara penghasilan sulit bertambah.
o smoke .
Ltiiva, ketikabujangpenghasilannya 100%. Kalau kawin, terutama erinya kerja, penghasilan menjadi 200%. Atau bahkan 300%
keduanya tambah bersemangat kerjanya.
setelah punya anak, penghasilan menjadi 33%. Karena isteri ena, dan penghasilan suami dimakan 3 orang. Itulah sebabnya
t na. rzn harus menabung sebelum kawin.
fl gettingecided with his fiancée to save a sum of money before they married. wanted realized that after,

they had children, she had to stay at home to ,ted him, ctire of them. They believed (in) the proverb, ‘First
thrive then
kit-sakit anjing kedahuluan. (Jika ingin kawin, menabungiah iebih is Anda. nI_ agar tidak kecewa karena didahuiui oleh orang
kaya ketika
nezinang gadis idamannya.)
ri Lihat: He that would the daughter win, must with the mother He who would hang his dog gives out first that it is mad;
i awal
rta api the first step that is troublesome; The first blow is half the
Fish begins to stink at the head
Ikan ,nembu,ruk mulai dan kepalanya
Banyak organisasi yang sangat ditentukan oleh pemimpinnya Pemimpin yang baik, pengikutnya pun menjadi baik.
Tetapi jika pemimpinnya curang, maka pengikutnya pun berantakan.
A president of an organization was important. So they chose a man of good character. Because they believed (in) the
proverb, ‘Fish begins to stink at the head.’
# Yang berpayung yang ditembak. (Di pundak pimpinanlah segala tanggung jawab diletákkan.)
Fish Lihat: All’s fish that comes to the net; Don’t cry stinking fish:
The best fish swim near the bottom; The great fish eat up the small
Fishing Lihat: It is good fishing in troubled waters
Fits Lihat: If the cap fits, wear it
Five Lihat: He that will thrive must rise at five
Flame Lihat: Take away fuel, take away flame
Flattery Lihat: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Flesh Lihat: The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
Flies are easily caught with honey than with vinegar
Lalaf Iebih mudah ditangkap dengan ,nadu danipada dengan cuka
Orang cenderung dapat menerima perintah yang disampaikan secara sopan dan menyenangkan, dan bukannya secara
kasar dan menyakitk an hati.
1-us private teacher was kind and never rude to him. So he progressed significantly in his study. Now he always did
his homeworks and never came late to school. Flies were easily caught with honey than vinegar. # Dengan sesendok
madu dapat lebih banyak ditangkap serangga daripada dengan sesendok cuka. (Dengan mulut manis serta ramah
tamah lebih banyak diperoleh sahabat atau kawan daripada dengan perkataan tajam dan muka yang masam.)
Flies Lihat: Time flies
Fling dirt enough and some will stick
Leinparkan cukup kotoran dan sebagian pasti akan ada yang inenempel

Omong kosong sekali pun, jika terus-menerus diceritakan, maka lamak elamaan akan dipercaya
npinnya. She always told her children about horror stories in bed that wicked tapi jika -en
would kidnap and killed them. Consequently, her children now
-.‘came fainthearted. Even, they woke her up in the middle of the night a man of cause
they wanted her to accompany them to go to the toilet. Flung h begins ±rr enough and
some would stick.
* Batu pun empuk, jangankan hati manusia. (Tutur kata lemah-lembut
Lb segala &ali pun, jika disampaikan tak henti-hentinya, akhirnya akan mem a hati orang yang
paling keras kepala sekali pun.)
ing fish; !‘kLihat: Birds ofafeatherflocktogether; There is ablack sheep he small flock
ai Lihat: It is useless to flog a dead horse
!‘n Lihat: Every flow must have its ebb
Lihat: Idle folks have the least leisure
Zdw Lthat: If one sheep leaps over the ditch/dyke, all the rest will
1r Lihat: Absence makes the heart grow fonder
iat: A fool and his money are soon parted; A fool may give 4Se nan counsel;
Give a fool/a thief enough rope and he will j ‘iaself; There is no fool like an old fool;
There is no fool like
n secari -

‘I - fiat: A fool’s bolt is soon shot
in where angels fear to tread
vine gar.. :jrI rnnt we,nerbu di tempat malaikat takut meinasukinya
serang o± suka bicara terus terang, tanpa ragu-ragu. Karena ia tidak La ran : :bangan apa pun

untuk berhati-hati.
F - — -J. . I. 1. S#l, ,# l, 1.,4 ,-, ,, ,, 1, ,,.n r , ,. ,- 1,)

Foolish Lihat: It is a foolish bird that soils/defiles its own nest; It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor
Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down
Jejak langkah daia,n sejarah tidak dibuat dengan berpangku tan gan
Jika orang ingin tercatat dalam sejarah, ia harus berjuang keras untuk mencapai sukses di bidang tertentu.
Today, youngmen have opportunities to make names for themselves in history, by various activities. They can create
a new computer prog ram, fight pollution, conserve natural resources, breed endangered animals, etc. Footprints on
the sands of time are not made by sitting down.
# Enggan berdayung hanyut ke rantau, malu bertanya sesat di jalan. (Seorang pemalas dan picik akan menemui banyak
Forbidden fruit is sweetest
Buah terlarang justru paling mani,r
Apa yang dilarang senantiasa menggoda anak muda untuk melanggarn ya.
The mangoes in the farmer’s orchard were not ripe yet. However, the boys in the village were always tempted to
steal. They thought forbidden fruit was sweetest.
# Jauh bau bunga, dekat bau tahi. (Sesuatu yang jauh atau belum dimiliki, lebih menarik daripada yang dekat atau sudah dimiliki,
meskipun bendanya sama.)
Forced Lihat: A forced kindness deserves no thanks
Forearmed Lihat: Forewarned is forearmed
Forever Lihat: A thing of beauty is ajoy forever
Forewarned is forearmed
Peinberitahuan sebelutnnya berarti slap
Kalau saja orang tahu sebelumnya bahwa sesuatu akan terjadi, maka persiapan pun pasti akan dilakukannya.
He said that the teacher would examine hser students ‘finger-nails. So he asked his mother to cut hisfinger-nails.
‘it’s good to know that, ‘said his mother, ‘Forewarned isforearmed.’
# Mencencang berlandasan, melompat bersetumpu. (Jika hendak menjalankan sesuatu sebaiknya membuat persiapan terlebih

st; It is —ncencang = memotong atau mengiris halus-halus; berlandasan = rmakai landasan atau alas; bersetumpu, bertumpu =
menekankan .iki pada sesuatu, tanah, alas, dsb. untuk melompat, dsb.)
F.rks Lihat: Fingers were made before forks
untuk rm Lihat: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Fwsake Lihat: Rats desert/forsake a sinking ship
lves in
r pro- F :une favours fools
ngered .r;ungan berpihak kepada orang bodoh

Sitting r-g pandai biasanya dianggap biasa-biasa saja, jika mendapat eruntungan. Sedangkan orang bodoh akan dianggap
I jalan. riapat keberuntungan. Sehingga mereka menjadi buah bibir. Sen —zga keberuntungan itu bahkan dianggap lebih banyak
berpihak 4raianya.
are jealous to him. Because he is stupid but rich. Even he has no rvrificate from his elementary school, but he has
hundreds of workers
nggar- .‘zch several of them graduated from universities. It seems that
*rne favours fools.
er, the * dientak alu luncung. (Dikalahkan oleh orang bodoh, lemah, iought keciL) (dientak = diinjak; luncung = lancip tetapi
tidak runcing
Tilhiki, F tune favours those who use their judgement
-:;ngan berpihak kepada inereka yang ,nenggunakan pertitnbangannya
4reka yang menggunakan pertimbangan secara matang adalah :rzg-orang yang bijaksana. Pertimbangan inilah yang membuat era
senantiasa berhasil dalam tindakannya. Sehingga keberunz in pun seolah-olah selalu berpihak kepada mereka.
f .Jways studies hard and does the test carefully. He never particir izresin all)’ unnecessar)’ activities. So he
succeeds in his study. It’s true .-e believes (in) the proverb, ‘Fortune favours those who use their
maka :-z,:bijak berlidah di hati, orang bodoh berhati di lidah. (Orang
ils So isana senantiasa mempertimbangkan kata-kata dan perbuatannya, ‘said gkan orang bodoh berkata-kata dan berbuat tanpa
ndak -une knocks once at everyone’s door/gate
iulu.) ,rngan hanya sekali ,nengetuk pintu/gerbang orang

Orang ada yang mengatakan bahwa kesempatan yang baik harus segera dimanfaatkan. Karena kesempatan seperti
itu hanya datang sekali saja dalam hidup mi.
(Bandingkan dengan pepatah sebelum mi, ‘Fortune favours those who use their judgment’,yang memberikan
kesempatan yang tidak terbatas. dan bukannya hanya satu kali kesempatan saja. Asalkan orang tetap menggunakan
pertimbangan yang matang, clan tidak terburu-buru). He insisted her to receive the offer. He said that it was the only
way to her success. ‘You’ll be sorry if you don’t seize it,’ he said, ‘Because fortune knocks once at everyone ‘s dooi’
# Pisang tidak berbuah dna kali. (Kesempatan atau nasib baik biasanya hanya dialami satu kali.)
Fortune Lihat: He that hath a wife and children bath given hostages to fortune; Misfortune tells us what fortune is
Found Lihat: A friend is easier lost than found
Fox Lihat: “The grapes are sour”, as the fox said when he could not reach them
Friar Lihat: The friar preached against stealing and had a goose in his sleeve
Friend Lihat: A friend in need is a friend indeed; A friend in need is afriend indeed; A friend is easier lost than
found; Better an open enemy than a false friend; He that hath a full purse never wanted! lacked a friend; Lend your
money and lose a friend
Friends Lihat: Success has many friends
Friendship should not be all on one side
Persahubatan .ceharusnya tidak bertepuk sebetah tan gun
Jika orang tidak membalas kebaikan teman sama sekali, maka teman itu lama-lama akan menjauh juga. Karena itu
imbangilah kebaikan seorang teman dengan kebaikan pula.
He has no close friend. Because every time a friend will help him, he always refuses the help. He is afraid that he is
not able to return the kindness. He believes (in) the proverb, ‘Friendship should not be all on one side.’
# Hidup sandar-menyandar. (Orang hidup hendaklah saling tolongm enolong, dan membina persahabatan yang

friendship Lihat: A hedge between keeps friendship green; Friends hip should not be all on one side
From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step
antura jung ,,,ulia dan yang inentertawukan itu hanya Sutu Ian gkah Kebahagiaan dan kesengsaraan itu kadang-kadang sangat dekat. Oraig

yang bersuka-ria menuju ke tempat wisata dapat saja mengalarni Le1akaan yang membuatnya sengsara seumur hidup.
mikian pula kedudukan yang tinggi dan keadaan yang hina. Orang ng berpangkat dapatjatuh begitu saja karena keadaan yang
ara tak terduga. Sehingga ia inenjadi bahan ejekan orang.
Eeforeman was in charge of thirty working-women. He was notorious
a cruelforeman. No-one challenged him. He regarded hi mself as a
One day he was caught red-handed when he was raping a new
working-girl. Finally he was dismissed. And the working-women said
each other, ‘From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step.’
Batu kecil mengguling naik, batu besar mengguling turun. (Orang
a-dina menjadi mulia, sedangkan orang bangsawan menjadi hinaF rit Lihat: Forbidden fruit is sweetest
Frying Lihat: Out of the frying-pan into the fire
F.eI Lihat: Take away fuel, take away flame
FdI of courtesy, full of craft
.jkesopansantunan, penuh tipu—inusliluit yang berlebihan sopannya biasanya mernpunyai maksucl jahat.
nati-hailah terhadap orang seperti mi.
conde red why a young beautiful woman was extremely good to him.
4tha1 time, he was a commander of a platoon. Fortunately, he was told
r careful to that woman. Later he learned that she was caught as enemy spy. Now he believed that full courtesy, full of craft.
* Bimh yang terlalu manis berulat di dalamnya. (Kata-kata yang manis nya mengandung maksud yang tidak baik.)
F Lihat: He that bath a full purse never wanted/lacked a friend

Gain Lihat: Nothing venture/ventured, nothing gain/gained; 0 man’s lost is another’s gain; What one loses/you lose
on swings, one makes up/you gain on the roundabouts
Gained Lihat: Nothing venture/ventured, nothing gainlgained Game Lihat: Lookers-on see most of the game; The
game is worth the candle
Gander Lihat: What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the garn
Garbage in, garbage out
Jika yang dimasukkan sanzpah, hasil yang keluar juga sanipah
Bahan yang balk akan membuahkan hasil yang baik pula. Sebalikn bahan yang buruk akan rnembuahkan hasil yang
buruk pula. Kar itu, carilah bahan yang bagus rnutunya. Sehingga hash kerja Anda bagus kualitasnya.
He always complained about his meal. What she served was farf, nourishing. So how he could work hard
with such undernourished rn Bitt he didn’t say a bit that what he sent home was less than ha if of money
he earned. He was a real stingy husband. So what she served a reflection of what she received. It was ci
case of garbage in, garb out.
# Kusut ujung dengan pangkal. (Sesuatu yang dimulai dengan sa salah juga akhirnya.)
Garden Lihat: There is no garden without its weeds
Gate Lihat: A creaking gate/door hangs long; Fortune knocks oi at everyone’s door/gate
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may
Kunzpulkan kun cup ,nawar seiagi bisa
Jangan Iewatkan setiap keseinpatan. Nikmatilah hidup mi se mud a.
He thdn ‘t want to miss all the opportunities while he was young. went out dancing and drinking every
weekends. He always said way’ to study hart! and working hart!. He believed (in) the pray ‘Gather ye
rosebuds while ye may.


thers Lihat: A rolling stone gathers no moss

Gd Lihat: Don’t cross the bridge before you get to it; You cannot blood/water out of stone
Lflts Lihat: A dwarf on a giant’s shoulders sees the farther of the
a dog a bad name, and hang him
...riijing nama buruk, dan gantun glob
orang clikatakan sebagai jahat, maka sulitlah baginya untuk hapusnya. Meskipun ia sebenarnya orang yang baik sekali pun. Lr-ia
itu, janganlah mengatakan yang buruk kepada seseorang. 3r aid she heard from afriend of her that the young man was a
liar. ?ernber a proverb that says, “Give a dog a bad name, and hang
—. her mother warned her, ‘It means that you have to be careful! lv is not true, someone who hears what you say will be

suspicious of
* bis besi karena karat, rusak nama karena perbuatan. (Tingkah laku r..s dijaga supaya tidak mendapat aib.)
e a fool/a thief enough rope and he will hang himself
— -encuri/orang hocloh tall yang cukup, dan Ia akan inenggantung lehernya

rrr. menangkap basah orang jahat, berilah waktu dan kelonggaran

:ukup baginya untuk melakukan kejahatannya. Pada saat itulah
- iapat rnenangkapnya dengan cukup bukti.
W:cr didn’t know who robbed the chocolate cakes. But she thought :ould catch him or her if she gave him or her the
opportunity once
She believed (in) the proverb, ‘Give a thief enough rope and he
hang himself’
* Tagan memetik (mencencang, menetak) bahu memikul. (Siapa
*ag rsa1ah harus dihukum.) (mencencang = mernotong atau mengiris
-ha1us; menetak membacok)
and take is fair play
ndan ,neneri,na itu wajar

Bagai kucing lepas senja. (Perihal anak muda yang gernar keluar 1am.)

GdtLihat: Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth

.nya, rena pun
f the
I was



ig. He id ‘110 overb,


Dalarn hidup bermasyarakat, orang harus sating memberi dan mener irna. Bahkan kalau Anda suka menyampaikan pendapat
Anda, maka Anda pun harus siap mendengarkan pendapat orang lain.
He has no close friend. Because he only wants others to listen to his views, but is not willing to listen to their views. He does
not remember the proverb, ‘Give and take is fur play.’
# Bekerja bahu-meinbahu. (Bekerja sarna, saling tolong-menolong.)
Give him/knaves an inch and he/they will take a yard/a mile
Ben dia/bangscit itu satu mci dia/,nereka akan mengainbil satuyard/satu mu
Ada orarig yang jika diberi akan mengambil lebih banyak dan lebih banyak lagi daripada yang Anda berikan. Mereka mi
termasuk orango rang yang tak pernah puas.
She won’t give him her candy, even a bite. Because he always wants more and more. If you give him an inch he’ll take a mile.
# Bagai Belanda minta tanah, diberi sejengkal hendak sehasta. (Orang yang tamak, jika diberi sedikit akan minta banyak.)
Give Lihat: A fool may give a wise man counsel
Give Lihat: It is better/more blessed to give than to take
Give the devil his due
Beni setan haknya
Sampaikan kebenaran dan bertindaklah secara adil. Bahkan kepada orang jahat atau orang yang tidak disukai sekali pun.
He didn’t like her. But to give the devil his due, he had to admit that she was a beautiful girl.
# Hati gajah sama dilapah, hati kuman (tuma, tungau) sama dicecah (dicecap). (Bertindaklah secara adil. Bahkan kepada orang
yang tidak disukai sekali pun. Laba atau rugi, banyak atau sedikit, sama-sarna dirasakan; dibagi secara adiL (dilapah = dipotong
besar-besar; tuma = kutu pakaian, kepala, dsb.; dicecah dicolek, disentuh sedikit; dicecap = dijilat, dicicipi)
Given Lihat: He that hath a wife and children hath given hostages to fortune; He gives twice who gives quickly; He who would
hang his dog gives out first that it is mad; Silence gives/means consent Glitters Lihat: All that glitters is not gold
4imonv kills more than the sword
£asan mernbunuh lebih banyak daripadapedang
rakus. Karena lebih banyak orang mati akibat rakus daripada
a perang.
ed for more and more cakes. Finally he overate and was sick.
ldn ‘t remember the saying, ‘Gluttony kills more than the sword.’
* perti ikan bating dekat pemandian. (Sangat rakus. Sernuanya
rnrraan.) (baung sejenis ikan)
i hule the going is good
_seiagipergi itu balk
ai kesempatan untuk itu ada, larilah. Karena jika ditunda-tunda,
i kesempatan seperti itu tidak akan datang lagi.
Merapi was erupting. Almost all of his neighbours had already
Yogya. Finally he thought that he had to go beJre his village â.uro-ved. ‘Yes,’ he said to himself, ‘I’d better go now
while the is good.’
ät tidak berbuah dua kali. (Kesempatan atau nasib baik biasanya a dialami satu kali. Karena itu, rnantatkan kesempatan yang
i: Dreams go by contraries; Easy come, easy go; If anything wrong, it will; Let not the sun go down on your wrath; Muck
oney go together
.i4ps those who help themselves
inereka yang berusaha menolong cliii mereka sendiri
a yang malas tidak akan berhasil. Demikian pula halnya dengan
‘.ang tidak rnau berusaha. Hanya orang yang berusaha atau
-a keras saja yang akan sukses.
fdhard work and extremely patient. Howeve,; she always failed
:e1 to become a policewoman. But finally, in her seventh test, eeded and now she was a policewoman. She believed
that in God helped those who helped themselves.
r_ njala, siapa terjun. (Siapa yang menginginkan sesuatu harus
always on the side of big battalions
ado di pihak batalyon yang besar

Dalarn perang, kedua belah pihak seIau menyatakan bahwa Tuhan ad di pihak mereka. Meskipun demikian, tentara yang lebih
besar dan Iebih terlatihlah yang punya kemungkinan besar untuk menang. Karena itu, orang mengira bahwa Tuhan selalu ada di
pihak yang tebih kuat.
Every country wants its army bigger and better equipped and better trained than its enemy. Because people believe that God is
always on the side of big battalions.
# Seperti kambing dengan harirnau. (Yang kuat, yang menang.)
God made the country, and man made the town
Tuhan nenciptakan alain, dan inanusia meniban gun kota
Orang mampu membangun daerah perkotaan. Tetapi keindahannya jauh di bawah pernandangan alam di daerah pedesaan yang
senantiasa indah. Bahkan buatan manusia itu kerap kab sangat buruk.
They went to the countryside on their vacation. They were bored of city life. They believed that God made the country, and man
made the town. # Bagai bulan empat belas. (Wajah seorang wanita yang cantik jelita. Buatan manusia tak dapat dibandingkan
sarna sekali dengan ciptaan Tuhan. Bahkan kecantikan wanita pun inasih diletakkan jauh di bawah kecantikan bulan.)
God never sends mouths but He sends meat
Juhan tidakpeinah men ç’irbnkan ,nulut tempt daging
Tuhan senantiasa memberikan rejeki. Janganlah kita cernas akan han depan kita.
He had many children, but he never worried about his future. Because he believed that God never sent mouths but He sent meat.
# Ada urnur ada rejeki. (Selagi masih hidup, pasti beroleh rejeki asalkan rajin mencari.)
God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb
Tuhan nielembutkan angin untu.k anak domba yang dicukur bulunya
Tuhan senantiasa mengasihi yang Iemah. Karena Tuhan tidak akan
membiarkannya rnenanggung rnelebihi kemarnpuannya.
Seperti anak domba yang dicukur pada musirn semi yang dingin.
Kernudian Tuhan segera mendatangkan rnusirn panas yang hangat.
Sehingga mereka tidak menderita kedinginan terlalu larna.
After he lost his job, his house caught fire. Fortunately, the fire could
ada ir out before much harm happened. ‘God tempers the wind to the dun n Iamb,’ he said to his wife and children, ‘If our house
had burned
an we would not have known what to do.’
ebih * 5Iama hujan akan panas juga. (Sehabis kesusahan, akhirnya akan ri juga waktu yang baik.)
Lihat: Man proposes, God disposes
..fs mill grinds slow but sure
Tuhan berputarpelan tetapipasti
—.- Tuhan itu meskipun terkadang tampak seolah-olah tertunda ‘asti datang. Siapa yang berbuat baik akan mendapat pahala.
:an yang berbuat jahat akan mendapat hukuman.
usa ‘emnn was in charge of thirty working-women. He was notorious
cruel foreman. No-one challenged him. He regarded himself as a
htY c.s One day he was caught red-handed when he was raping a new rg-girl. Finally he was dismissed. And the working-women
ta. x other, ‘God’s mill grinds slow but sure.’
ian = tertarung, inai padahannya; mulut terdorong, emas padahannya.
‘ah -s berani menanggung akibat dan perbuatannya atau janjinya -i. (tertarung = tersandung, terantuk; inai = tumbuhan sernak,
daunnya untuk pemerah kuku; padahannya = jaminannya)
GLihat: The gods send nuts to those who have no teeth; Those in the gods love die young
Lihat: The pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at _ The weakest goes to the wall
- Lihat: Go while the going is good

will not buy everything

= 5athipatrnembelisegalanya

nyaris dapat dipakai untuk membeli apa pun, dan barang sampai dan kehormatan. Tetapi ada yang tidak dapat dibeli dengan
Misalnya cinta dan kebahagiaan.
— very rich. But he was very stingy even to his own meal. Finally

sick and suffering of undernourishment. He had everything but

-.ealth. His neighbours said, ‘Gold will not buy everything’
* nang di air dalam. (Orang kaya biasanya lebih suka berbuat
dak hatinya seolah-olah dengan uangnya atau hartanya segala dibeli.)

Gold Lihat: All that glitters is not gold

Golden Lihat: A golden key opens every door; Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs; Speech is silver, silence is
Good advice/counsel is beyond price
Nasihat yang baik tak ternilai harganya
Nasihat jauh lebih berharga daripada uang.
She paid the consultant several hundred thousand rupiahs. Because his advice was invaluable to her. It was true that good advice
was beyond price.
# Kecil tapak tangan, niru ditadahkan. (Perihal orang yang sangat berterima kasih atas pertolongan dan nasihat seseorang.) (niru,
nyiru, tampah = alat penampi beras terbuat dan anyaman bambu)
Good company on the road is the shortest cut
Teman yang baik di jalan merupakan ia/an pintas terpendek
Dalam perjalanan, orang cenderung untuk mencari teman. Karena dengan percakapan yang menyenangkan, maka tujuan dan
perjalanan yang jauh pun akan terasa cepat sampai.
Walking along the path to his home in a small village was very boring. It was not only very long, but the sunlight at noon was
unbearable. Fortunately he met one of his old friends. So they walked together and talked about their childhood. They found that
they arrived there before they could finish their conversation. It was true that good company on the road was the shortest cut.
# Hidup sandar-menyandar. (Orang hidup hendaklah saling tolongm enolong, dan membina persahabatan yang ahab.)
Good wine needs no bush
Anggur yang baik tidak memerlukan tanda berupa tumbuhan menjalar
Banyak biaya dikeluarkan untuk ikian. Karena orang percaya bahwa tanpa ikian dagangan mereka kurang laku.
Sedangkan menurut peribahasa mi, barang yang benar-benar bagus, tanpa ikian pun orang akan berebut membelinya.
He sold his goods without advertising them in the radio or TV However, he could not meet all the demands his consumers made.
w klieved that good wine really needed no bush.
* as dan permata walaupun terbenam dalam lumpur takkan hilang zau cahayanya. (Sesuatu yang baik, akan selalu
dihargai di mana
:mpatnya berada. )

Lihat: A good anvil does not fear the hammer; A good rsience is a soft pillow; A good dog deserves a good bone; A
: husband makes a good wife; A good name is better than
: A good name is sooner lostthan won; A good wife is a good
A miss is as good as a mile; A nod is as good as a wink to
iird horse; All good things must come to an end; Anger and
hinder good counsel; Eavesdroppers never hear any good of
elves; Enough is as good as a feast; Fire is a good servant but master; Go while the going is good; It is good fishing
-red waters; It’s an ill wind thatblows nobody any good; Jack d as his master; Liars should have good memories;
agood offer; No news is good news; One good turn deserves
er Open confession is good for the soul; Praise makes good
— eter and bad men worse; The good is often the enemy of the
.There is many a good tune played on an old fiddle
ess Lihat: Cleanliness is next to goodliness
Láhat: He daren’t say ‘boo’ to a goose; Kill notthe goosethat
golden eggs; The friar preached against stealing and had in his sleeve; What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the
1.—Lihat: Ill gotten, ill spent
at: Death is the grandleveller
ither Lihat: Don’t teach your grandmother how to suck
Lihat: “The grapes are sour”, as the fox said when he could .....i,.-._hihem
lose all
r- rw’g• se,nUa lepas
mempunyai terlalu banyak keinginan, maka akhirnya
akan lepas, dan tidak satupun yang dapat dicapai. Karena ii rLah rakus.

He asked for more and more cakes. Finally he overate and was sick. He didn ‘t remember the saying, ‘Grasp all, lose all.’
# Seperti ikan baung dekat pemandian. (Sangat rakus. Semuanya dimakan.) (baung = sejenis ikan)
Grass Lihat: The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence/the hill
Great minds think alike
Orang besarsa,’na berpikirnya
Orang bijak atau pandai kebanyakan punya kesimpulan yang sama. Karena mereka punya cara berpikir yang sama. Sehingga
hasilnya pun juga sama.
At home, everyday he reads a daily newspaper that computer is very important today. And at school, his teacher always insists
that comp uter is unavoidable now. It seems that great minds think alike. # Manusia mati meninggalkan nania, harimau mati
meninggalkan belang, gajah mati rneninggalkan gading. (Orang ternama jika ia mati. dalarn beberapa lama masih disebut-sebut
orang jua, karena buah pikirannya dikagumi orang banyak.)
Great Lihat: A great city, a great solitude; The great fish eat up the small; Times is the great/best healer
Green Lihat: A hedge between keeps friendship green
Greener Lihat: The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence/the hill
Grieves Lihat: What the eye doesn’t see, the heart grieves not
Grin and bear it
Men yeringai dan mnenahannya
Jika Anda menderita atau kecewa, tahanlah. Anda tidak perlu mengel uh, apalagi menangis. Tabahkan hati Anda.
Her husband was cruel to her. But she hated the divorce. So she had to grin and bear it. Now the children were her only hope.
Besides, she always prayed to God that her husband would be kind to her again. # Payah-payah dilamun ombak, tercapai juga
tanah tepi. (Orang yang selalu tabah dalam penderitaan, akhirnya tercapai juga cita-citanya.)

I- Lihat:God’s mill grinds slow but sure

d Lihat: Between two stools you fall to the ground
iwLihat: Absence makes the heart grow fonder; II [weeds grow raYfast; Laugh and grow fat
ig Lihat: A growing youth has a wolf in his belly
s lihat: A bully never grows up
— Lihat: A constant guest is never welcome

Lihat: A guilty conscience needs no accuser


Habit is second nature
Kebiasaan adalah cifat kedua
Orang bilang watak tidak dapat diubah. Sedangkan watak d dibentuk dan kebiasaan. Sehingga
orang dapat mempunyai watak atau buruk dengan kebiasaan yang ditanamnya sendiri. Jika orang
membiasakan din dengan yang baik-baik, maka akhi ia akan menjadi orang yang balk. Sekali
waktu ia hendak berbuatj maka kata hatinya akàn melarangnya dengan hebat. When he was a
child, he used to set an alarm clockforfive o ‘clock. he still wakes up at five o ‘clock. Waking up at five o
‘clock has bec his habit and habit is second nature. He thinks it’s impossible to b his habit. Even on
Sundays he wakes up at five o’clock. # Adat diisi, lembaga dituang. (Melakukan sesuatu menurut
Half a loaf is better than no bread
Sedikit roti lebih baik daripada tidak ada sama sekali
Orang harus bersyukur atas apa yang diperoleh. Karena mesk hanya mendapatkan sedikit, namun
hal itu masih jauh Iebih daripada tidak mendapatkan apa-apa sama sekali.
He asked for more cakes. But it was only a cake left. He was dying insisted for more cakes. ‘Wipe your
tears, my son,’ said his mot ‘Half a loaf is better than no bread.’
# Asal ada kecil pun pada. (Kalau tidak mendapat banyak, sedikit cukup.)
Half the world knows not how the other half lives
Separo dunia tidak tahu hidupnya separo dunia yang lain
Kelompok masyarakat yang satu tidak tahu kesulitan yang diha kelompok masyarakat yang lain.
Demikian pula sebaliknya. Mas masing kelompok mempunyai masalahnya sendiri-sendiri. He
asked for more pocket-money. He didn’t know that his father lost his job. His mother decided to tell him
gradually. Because believed the proverb, ‘Half the world knows not how the other lives.’
# Bekenja bahu-membahu. (Orang hendaknya mau bekerja bersa sama, saling memahami, dan
saling tolong-menolong.)


Lihat: A fault confessed is half redressed; The firstblow is half battle

oo Lihat: Don’t halloo/shout/whistle until you are out of the
nmer Lihat: A good anvil does not fear the hammer
i Lihat: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush; Let not thy hand know what thy right hand doeth; The hand that
rocks the zile rules the world
dfu1 Lihat: You may know by a handful the whole sack lles Lihat: He who handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung
s Lihat: Many hands make light work; The devil finds work tr d1e hands to do
Icome is as handsome does
adalah dan tindakannya
ak pemuda tampan yang digandrungi oleh anak-anak perempuan.
*Jeka bahkan tidak peduli kalau orang mengatakan bahwa pemuda
enipu. Meskipun hal itu benar.
?aiaI sesudah kawin, ketampanan dan kecantikan itu justru dapat
i-..ih menjadi menyakitkan jika watakjahatnya muncul. Karena itu,
rirnpiIan hendaklah disertai dengan watak dan tindakan yang baik, kekalnya sebuah perkawinan.
.were worried about their daughter. Because she was in love with
“rdsome young film-actor. They believed that aflim-actor usually
.any girl-friends. They decided to make their daughter convince
— handsome was as handsome did. They didn’t want their daughter

deceived by his good looks.

Wzia manis, kecindan murah. (Penampilan yang tampan, belum
ia ernikian juga wataknya.) (kecindan, kecandan = kelakar, senda
ihat: Give a dog a bad name, and hang him; Give a fool/a
-: nough rope and he will hang himself; He who would hang his ves out first that it is mad

ind Lihat: As well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb


Hangs Lihat: A creaking gate/door hangs long

Happen Lihat: Accidents will happen in the best regulated families:
Worse things happen at sea
Happens Lihat: It is the unexpected that always happens
Happy is the country/nation that has no history
Berbahagialah negaralbangsa yang tidak punya sejarah
Sejarah suatu negara atau bangsa nyaris diisi oleh peperangan dar. perebutan kekuasaan. Sehingga orang
beranggapan bahwa negara atat bangsa yang tidak punya sejarah adalah negara atau bangsa yang hidup
They never received any letter from their son who studied in Yogyc recently. They hoped that it meant his pocket-
money was enough. Because every letter they received before alwa).’s telling them that he wanted more money for
this and that. They also hoped that nothing ha gone wrong with him. As people said that happy was the country tha:
had no history.
# Ayam bertelur di padi. (Perihal orang yang hidupnya bahagia.)
Happy Lihat: Call no man happy till he is dead
Hard cases make bad laws
Kasu.c be rat ineinbuat hukuin yang buruk
Banyak hal yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam rnenghadapi suatu perkara. Akibatnya, hukurn tidak dapat
dikenakan secara cepat clar. ketat.
He raped her. It was real. But the judge had to consider various things
-the dress of the victim, the important position of the accused’s fat her. etc. Consequently, the rapist was released,
and the victim suffered for good. People said to each other, ‘Hard cases make bad laws.’
# Besar hendak melanda, panjang hendak menggilas. (Perihal orang berpangkat yang menindas orang
kecil dengan pangkat dan keduduka nnya.)
Hard words break no bones
Kata—kata kerax tidak ine,natahkan tulang
Adu mulut tidak akan membahayakan, selama tidak berkembang
menjadi adu jotos (tinju).
His mother always scolded him. ‘Who cares?’ he said to himself ‘Harc


words break no bones.’ To him, his pocket-money was the only thing e cared about.
*Anjing menggonggong tidak menggigit. (Orang yang sukamenggertak ja, tiadalah akan sampai mendatangkan bahaya kepada
orang lain.)
Harder Lihat: The higher you climb, the harder you fall
Hare Lihat: First catch your hare
Harp Lihat: Don’t take your harp to the party
Haste makes waste
uru-buru ,nengcikibatkan peinborosan
Pekerjaan yang dilaksanakan secara terburu-buru cenderung mbuahkan hasH yang tidak mernuaskan. Karena dengan terburu ru,
pelaksanaannya pun serampangan, sehingga kesalahannyajuga an banyak dilakukan.
He went to school as fast as he could. Because he woke up late. As a esult heforgot his homework. ‘Haste makes waste, ‘he said
to himself
* flmu katak, apabila teringat, melompat. (Pekerjaan yang dilakukan .ngan terburu-buru, tanpa dipikirkan Iebih dahulu.)
Raste Lihat: Anger and haste hinder good counsel
Hasty climbers have sudden falls
e 4zIJj(It yang terburu-buru, jatuh secara ,nendadak
CKB (orang kaya baru) cenderung untuk tidak berhati-hati dalam :iupnya. Sehingga melakukan kesalahan fatal. Akibatnya, ia
-iskin kembali secara tiba-tiba.
He was promoted to the position of head teacher in. Jakarta. At first his
c salary made him feel rich. But the cost of living and the way of life
ere were much higher than his native town. At the end it made him
i poor. So he began to do something against the law. As a result he .25 removedfrom his office. People said to each othet;
‘Hasty climbers
rb ve sudden falls.’
* Bungkuk baru betul, buta baru celik. (Orang hina atau miskin yang
injadi mulia atau kaya, sehingga berbuat yang bukan-bukan.) (celik
= terbuka, melihat)

Hatched Lihat: Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched

Hath Lihat: He that hath a full purse never wanted/lacked a friend:

He that hath a wife and children hath given hostages to fortune
Have two strings to your bow
Pasariglah dua tall pada busur Anda
Janganlah orang menggantungkan nasib hanya pacla satu usaha saja. Karena jika usaha itu gagal, maka putus asalah yang akan
dialami. Sebaliknyajika orang punya dua usaha, makajika yang satu gagal, ia masih punya kemungkinan untuk sukses dalam
usaha lainnya.
He was a worker of a textile industry. But he had a small retail-shop at home. He was for the proverb, ‘Have two
strings to your bow.’
# Baik berjagung-jagung sementara padi belurn masak. (Sambil menantikan hasil dan suatu usaha, usaha yang lain juga
Have Lihat: Desperate diseases need/must have desperate cures; Don’t have too many irons in the fire; Don’t pour out the dirty
water before you have cleaned; Every flow must have its ebb; Every Jack must have his Jill; Hasty climbers have sudden falls;
He should have/He needs a long spoon who sups with the devil; He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens; Idle
folks have the least leisure; If each would sweep before hi sown door, we should have aclean city; Liars should have good
memories; Little pitchers have big/long ears; Much would have more; The gods send nuts to those who have no teeth; Walls have
ears; You cannot have your cake and eat it
Hay Lihat: Make hay while the sun shines
Ha’penny Lihat: It is no use spoiling the ship/sheep for a ha’ penny worth/a ha’porth of tar
Ha’porth Lihat: It is no use spoiling the ship/sheep for a ha’penny worth/a ha’porth of tar
He claren’t say ‘boo’ to a goose
Tidak berani berteriak ‘Enyah!’ jada ceekor angsa
Orang yang sangat pemalu atau penakut, tidak akan berani melawan sedikit pun, jika diganggu.
The leader of the workers looked happy with his special salary from the company. So he had no reason to fight for
ther workers’ welfare. As a

‘Tdt the workers decided to elect a new leader. They didn’t want a er who didn’t dare say ‘boo’ to a goose.
Seperti anjing bercawat ekor. (Pergi atau menghindar karena takut, i. dli.)
e fives twice who gives quickly
ian yang cepat .calna dengan pemberian ganda
olongan pada saat dibutuhkan akan sangat terasa manfaatnya.
ngkan pertolongan yang terlambat tidak hanya akan kurang
nfaatnya, tetapi bahkan tidak ada gunanya sama sekali.
b :annot delay our help to the victims of traffic accidents. Sometimes
means death to them. So we have to help them as fast as possible.
i.mber the proverb, ‘He gives twice who gives quickly.’
: J.nganiah) Kini gatal besok digaruk. (Janganlah pertolongan itu hat diberikan.)
knows on which side his bread is buttered
1ai odgian roll yang mona yang diberi inentega
mendapatkan keuntungan, orang cenderung untuk mengistimew L.fl orang-orang tertentu.
anknya, terhadap orang yang tidak menguntungkannya, ia cende ntuk merernehkannya.
sJopkeeper is very friendly to his potential customers. He knows
.ich side his bread is buttered. But after they bought something,
tins to ignore them.
* udang di balik batu. (Ada maksud tertentu yang tersembunyi di
i.eramahan seseorang.)
knows the water best who has waded through it
inenyeberang ada/oh orang fin/mg inengenal air itti
yang punya pengalaman pribadi adalah orang yang paling enalnya.
want to send your son to study abroad, ask the information to him. s sent his daughter to study at Oxford University in England

r w He knows the water best who has waded through it.

h banyak makan kerak. (Sudah banyak pengalaman.)
best who last laugh
rerakhir ada/nh yang terbaik

Melakukan pekerjaan harus sampai tuntas. Jangan berhenti hanya karena ditertawakan orang. Buktikan bahwa Anda
mampu menyelesaikannya secara baik. Dengan demikian, Anda akhirnya akan dapat mentertawakannya setelah
Anda sukses dengan pekerjaan Anda. He was born in Surinanie, South America. When lie began to study French, everyone
laughed at him. Because he is a Javanese. And in Suriname, people speak Indian, Javanese, Hindi, Dutch, Spain, or English. But
now he works in European Outerspace Project “A rian in French Guiana. He was one of the contact persons who offered to
launch Indonesian satellite, Palapa. People say, ‘He laughs best who laughs last.
# Bergalah di hilir tertawa buaya, bersuluh di hutan terang tertawa harimau. (Tindakan yang bodoh akan menjadi
bahan tertawaan orang. Karena itu, jangan berhenti di tengah jalan. Raihlah cita-citamu, agar Anda tidak menjadi
bahan tertawaan.)
He should have/He needs a long spoon who sups with the devil
Orang yang inakan inn/am dengan set an per/u sent/ok manjang
Anda harus ekstra hati-hati jika berhadapoan dengan orang yang jahat, berbahaya, atau tidak jujur.
I-fe was handsome but had many girl-friends. So she had to be ver careful if she didti ‘t want to be deceived. He should have a
long spoon who supped with the devil.
# Bertanarn tebu di bibir. (Perihal orang yang manis tutur katanya. untuk mencapai maksud jahatnya. Karena itu,
berhati-hatilah jika berhadapan dengan orang semacam mi.)
He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere Orang yang pun vu Iidoh di kepaiunya
dapat .canlpai ke mona pun juga
Orang yang mau merninta pertolongan, senantiasa akan mendapatkann ya. Jangan takut atau malu untuk minta
She has only an elementa school certificate. But she trades all over the country. Because she is not afraid to ask for help to
anyone if she has difficulties. She is for the proverb, ‘He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere.’
# Enggan berdayung hanyut ke rantau, malu bertanya sesat di jalan. (Orang yang malas bertanya atau berusaha akan
menemui banyak kesulitan.)

nti hanya He that bath a full purse never wanted/lacked a friend

mampu Yang berkantong tebal tidak pernah kekurangan lemon
irnya akan Orang senang bergaul dengan orang yang kaya. Karena itu, orang kaya aan Anda. senantiasa punya
banyak teman.
? tostudy He has many friends. They go with him to enjoy dancing parties every e. And in weekends. The like him because his
father is the richest man in their Spain, or town. He that hath a full purse never wanted/lacked a friend. t “Anan’ Terkena pada
ikan bersorak, terkena pada batang masam. (Perihal offered to orang yang hanya mau bersahabat, jika melihat
kemungkinan untuk best who rnendapatkan keuntungan.)
g tertawa He that hath a wife and children hath given hostages to fortune an orang. Orang yang punya isteri
dan anak berarti sudah disandera oleh nasib
imu, agar Orang yang belum kawin punya kemungkinan besar untuk bertualang. Tetapi orang yang punya anak
isteri, tidak rnungkin bertualang. Karena ia harus memikirkan kesejahteraan keluarganya.
he devil After graduated, he wanted to go to Batam Island. His parents agreed. Because if he had married, it would be
impossible for him to go
rngjahat, :erseas. They werefor the proverb, ‘He that hath a wife and children given hostages to fortune.’
be very # Seperti kerbau keberatan tanduk. (Orang yang sudah berkeluarga, ig Spoo, idak akan bebas lagi geraknya.)
katanya, He that is down need fear no fall
ilah jika yang di bawah tidak akan takut jatuh lagi

ang yang miskin atau paling rendah pangkatnya, tidak takut gagal. Tetapi orang yang kaya atau tinggi pangkatnya,
senantiasa takut
vhere ietiilangan kekayaan atau kedudukannya.
He was poor. But he always looked at the bright side. He said that he
ipatkan- ..cid no fear of losing his wealth or high position. He that was down
eeded fear no fall.
all over * Alah bisa karena biasa. (Karena sudah biasa menghadapi kesulitan,
ic if she ka orang pun akan lebih tabah, dan rasa takut pun hilanglah.)
is head
that talks much, errs much
Ii jalan. I(Z Yang banyak bicara, banyak salahnya
banyak zng yang membisu, tidak mungkin salah ucap. Tetapi orang yang
ir ak bicara, kemungkinan untuk salah tentang apa yang dikatakan .. akan jauh lebih besar pula.

Finally the robbers were caught. Their leader warned them to shut their mouths. He believed (in) the proverb, ‘He that talks
much, errs much. # Kaiau tak bermeriam, baik diarn. (Jika tidak punya andalan ataupun keberanian, janganlah
mengedepankan din. Jika dalam kedudukan Iernah, iebih baik diarn.)
He that touches pitch will be defiled
Orang yang ,neayentuh ter akan kotor
Orang yang bergaul dengan orang baik, akan dianggap baik. Sedangk an yang bergaul dengan orangjahat, akan
dianggapjahat. Karena itu, hati-hatilah dalam bergaul.
He was an honest boy when he lived in his native small village. But he is a crimnial now. Because he mixes with bad people in
the big city. He that touches pitch will be defiled.
# Berkawan dengan pencuri jadi pencuri, berkawan dengan orang aiim jadi aiim. (Pandai-pandailah rnemilih kawan
supaya terhindar dan kesulitan.)
He that travels far knows much
Orang yang banyak bepergian hanyak pula pen getahuannya
Orang dapat menambah wawasan dengan banyak meiakukan penjal anan. Karena di sana ia akan melihat banyak
macam kehidupan, yang sekaligus menambah pengalamannya.
He knew much about many diftè rent traditions in Indonesia. He was a guide forforeign tourists when he was in a travel bureau.
He had been around our country, front Sabang to Merauke. It was true that he who travelled far knew much.
# Jauh berjalan banyak dilihat, lama hidup banyak dirasai. (Banyak merantau dan umur panjang memperkaya
pengalaman hidup.)
He that will thrive must rise at five
Orang yang in gin niak.inur harus bangun jam I/ma
Jika orang malas, maka sukses tidak mungkin dicapai. Karena itu, bangun pagilah. Sehingga Anda siap untuk
memanfaatkan waktu Anda dengan sebaik-baiknya.
She told her son to go to bed early. So that he would be able to rise early too. ‘Remember, ‘said his mother to him, ‘He that will
thrive must rise at five.’
# (Janganlah) Han pagi dibuang-buang, han petang dikejar-kejar.
Jganah tidur terlalu malam, sehingga bangun kesiangan, dan -adi serba tergesa-gesa, akibatnya rejeki Anda sudah disambar g.)
that would command must serve
itmg akan rncnwrjntah hams melayani
)ijadi pernimpin itu tidak mudah. Orang yang ingin memerintah, ‘us belajar lebih dahulu, bagairnana menjalankan perintah itu.
aikan calon jenderal di akademi militer sekali pun, para taruna diberi kat yang terendah lebih dahulu.
have to work as ordinary worke is for a year, before our company wtwote them to become managers. We believe (in)
the proverb, ‘i-Ic would command must serve.’
* Kavu besar di tengah padang, tempat bernaung kepanasan, tempat idung kehujanan. (Periha! seorang pernimpin yang dapat
diandala a oleh yang dipimpinnya.)
that would eat the kernel must crack the nut
w_ng ingin inakan isiflya harus inemecuh ku/it kerasnya

r harus kerja keras untuk rnendapatkan hasilnya. Orang mengharapkan sesuatu tanpa usaha.
s want to win the competition we have to exercise frequently and
- He that would eat the kernel must crack the nut. E.akit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian; bersakit-sakit

- bersenang-senang kemudian. (Barangsiapa ingin senang ha-

-.erja keras terlebih dahulu, sebab di dunia mi tidak ada sesuatu apa yang bisa diperoeh dengan cuma-cuma.)
t would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens
wing in gin ,nendapatkan telurnyn, harus ta/ian terhadaii suara ayani yang
yang menginginkan sesuatu harus tahan terhadap keadaan yang
Anda rnemungkinkan untuk menikmatinya. was destroyed by the storm. So he began rebuild it. But his
and children complained about the noise the bricklayers made.
would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens,’ he told
* takut dilimbur pasang, jangan berumah di tepi pantai. (Jika takut
kesulitan, tak mungkin diperoeh hasil yang besar.)

He that would the daughter win, must with the mother first begin
Orai,g yang in gin inendapaikan anak pere!npuannya. hurus ine,nulai den gan ibum’a Iebih dahulu
Orang yang ingin kawin dengan seorang gadis, haruslah mendekati ibunya lebih dulu. Karena seorang ibu biasanya
lebih rnudah mempen garuhi seorang anak perempuan daripada ayahnya.
He fell in love with her. So he tried to talk as much as possible to her mother. Because he believed (in) the proverb, ‘He that
would the daughter win, must with the mother first begin.
# (Janganlah) Bunganya dipersunting, pangkalnya diberaki. (Janganlah anak perempuannya dicintai, orang tuanya
He who excuses himself accuses himself
Orang yang ,nenrari—cur, ala.can adalah orang yang ,nenuduh dirinya sendiri
Akuilah kesalahan Ancla. Karena jika Anda sering mencari-cari alasan, maka Anda justru akan dianggap sebagai
menyembunyikan sesuatu. Sehingga orang menjadi ticlak percaya lagi pada Anda. He excused himselffor his low
grades. He said that the teachers didn’t like him. ‘He who excuses himself accuses hinzself ‘said her mother to him, ‘it’s
impossible that all of your teachers didn’t like you. # Menepuk air di dulang, terpercik muka sendiri. (Menceritakan
keburukan sekolahnya sendiri, justru akan mengenai dirinya sendiri pula.)
He who handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung
Orang yang melnegang jelatang den gan tenang akan teiwengat paling cepat
Jika menghadapi orang yang berbahaya harus keras dan tegas. Sikap yang Jembut hanya akan membahayakan
dirinya sendiri.
The police never handle a kidnapper gently. Because he who handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung.
# Jelatang di hulu air. (Perihal sesuatu yang selalu menyusahkan.)
He who hesitates is lost
Orang yang ragu akafl kalah
Orang yang ragu-ragu dalam mengambil keputusan, akan kehilangan kesempatan untuk sukses. Karena orang lain
mungkin akan berhasil merebut kesempatan itu lebih dahulu.
He wanted to buy the house. But he thought it was better to consult with

wife first. ‘We don’t have to wait until next Sunday. We’d better go
re now before someone else does it,’ his wife insisted, ‘Remember,
ho hesitates is lost.’
* 3iani mati akan hidup, takut mati niscaya mati. (Orang yang ragu,
kalah sebelum bertanding.)

, is± ho makes no mistakes makes nothing

‘.ng tidak ,nelakukan kesalahan tidak inelakukan apa pun
tk sukses orang harus berbuat sesuatu. Jangan takut salah. Anda
dapat belajar banyak dan kesalahan Anda. Hanya orang yang
melakukan apa pun, yang tidak pernah salah.
zs yen’ sad because he failed his exam. ‘He who makes no mistakes
as nothing. Even Edison had made thousands of mistakes before he
:ed his electric lighting, ‘his mother told him seriously, ‘What you
no do now is just study harder than befrre.’
= _i mana yang tak kena hujan? (Setiap orang ada kesalahannya.)
ho pays the piper calls the tune
rrr wig inetnbayar peinain ,nusik dapat ,ne,ntnta lagu yang hartis diinainkunnya
:r yang membeli barang berhak menggunakan barang itu sesuai
rzin keinginannya. Begitu pula orang yang membenikan sum uga berhak menentukan untuk apa sumbangan itu.
&w he who bought the new football costume. So he insisted that the
had to be worn during the competition. 1-Ic warned them, ‘He
vs the piper calls the tune!’
* esar berudu di kubangan, besar buaya di lautan. (Setiap orang
-‘.a di tempat atau di lingkungannya sendiri. Pembeli berkuasa
sang dibelinya.)
oho rides on a tiger can never dismount
auth hari,nau tidak akan pernah dapat turun
-misa mi rnengibaratkan seseorang yang harus terus melakukan
karena tidak mungkin lagi menghentikannya. Seperti orang
riaik harirnau. Ia akan tetap selamat selama ia masih ada di
ungnya. Tetapi begitu turun, ia pasti akan celaka karena diterkam
no buas itu.
Airst he only wanted to try smoking. But at the end he could not stop he remembered someone who warned him, ‘He who rides on
zer can never dismount.’

# Anggup-anggip bagai rumput di tengah jalan. (Perihal orang yang selalu dihadapkan pada kesulitan silih berganti tiada
He who says what he likes shall hear what he does not like
Orang yang bicara sesukauya a/can inendengar apa yang tidak disukainya
Ada orang yang suka bicara secara terus-terang tanpa mempertimb angkan perasaan orang lain. Ia mengira bahwa ia adalah orang
yang jujur dan tidak mau munafik.
Akibatnya, orang lain yang merasa tersinggung,juga akan rnemuntahk an ketidaksukaannya. Akhirnya orang yang suka terus-
terang mi dapat menjadi marah mendengar orang lain yang mengecamnya secara terus-terang pula.
He said straightforwardly that she was overweight and it was unh ealthy. He didn’t know that the big boy next to her
was her boy-frieni And the big boy told him directly to shut his inouth. It was true that he who said what he liked
would hear what he did not like.
# Mulut kamu harimau kamu, merekah batu kepalamu. (Berhatih atilah dalam berbicara, malapetaka dapat menimpa
He who teaches, learns
Orang yang Inengajal; be/ajar
Jika kita punya uang, maka setiap sen yang kita berikan kepada oranc lain akan mengurangi jumlah uang yang ada pada kita.
Tetapi ada pub sesuatu yang justru bertambahjika diberikan, yaitu ilmu pengetahuan. Karena untuk memberikan atau
mengajarkan ilmu pengetahuan yang dimilikinya, orang harus belajar dulu sebelumnya dan sekaligus men guasainya. Makin
banyak Ia mengajar, makin banyak pula ia mendap atkan pertanyaan, sehingga in belajar Iebih banyak lagi untuk dapat menjawab
pertanyaan itu.
He was an ordinary student at school. But after becoming a teacher, he realized that he felt more confident in his
knowledge. He who taught, learnt.
# Biar miskin asal cerdik, terlawan juga orang kaya. (Ilmu dan kepintaran adalah jauh lebih berharga daripada harta kekayaan.)
1-le who would hang his dog gives out first that it is mad
Orang yang a/can Inenggantung anj!ngnya hams feb/h dulu ‘nengatakan bahwa anjing itu gila
Orang senantiasa mencari(-cari) alasan untuk melakukan tindak kejah atan. Seperti orang yang ingin rnembunuh anjingnya.
Dengan dalth

‘.ahwa anjingnya telah gila, maka ia akan menjadi merasa leluasa .tuk melaksanakan maksudnya.
4s a new manager, he wanted to bring in his own people to be his staff So he had to find an excuse to get rid of old staf He was
for the proverb, He who would hang his dog gives out first that it s mad.’
Kambing di parak, panjangjanggutnya. (Kalau memang tidak suka, iLasan apa pun dapat saja dicari.) (parak = ladang)
Head Lihat: A still tongue makes a wise head; Better be the head of adog than the tail of a lion; Fish begins to stink at the head;
He that s a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere; Uneasy lies
head that wears a crown
3eads Lihat: Two heads are better than one; You cannot put old ads on young shoulders
1er Lihat: Times is the great/best healer
alth is better than wealth
L’-.azan Iebih balk daripada kekayaan
Er-ri. mengejar kekayaan memang wajar-wajar saja. Tetapi menjadi t.i dengan badan yang sakit-sakitan, tentu saja tidak ada yang
Lrena itu, kesehatan lebih berharga dan kekayaan. Karena, meskipun rzr-.ak harta, tetapi jika badannya sakit, makan-tidur pun
menjadi sa raSaflya.
yreferred to be poor but in good health than to be rich but in poor
—J:. To him, health was better than wealth.
$ Agung-anggip bagai rumput di tengah jalan. (Perihal orang yang ai sakit-sakitan selama hidupnya.)
Ii is not valued till sickness comes
u ‘dak dihargal satnpai sakit tiba
r-k orang yang hidup dengan menuruti hawa nafsunya. Ta baru rnr bahwa sehat itu tak ternilai harganya, setelah iajatuh sakit.
rupiah dikeluarkan guna biaya keluar negeri hanya untuk di rumah sakit. Karena itu, jagalah kesehatan Anda sebaik to celebrate
everything with drinking parties all night long. As he suffered from tuberculosis. Now he realized that health was
wiued till sickness came.

# Anggung-anggip bagai rumput di tengah jalan. (Perihal orang yang selalu sakit-sakitan selama hidupnya.)
Healthy Lihat: Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healths. wealthy and wise
Flear Lihat: Eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves; He who says what he likes shall hear what he does
not like
Heard Lihat: Children should be seen and not heard
Heart Lihat: A heavy purse makes a light heart; A light purse makes a heavy heart; Absence makes the heart grow
fonder; Faint heart never won fair lady; Home is where the heart is; Hope deferred makes the heart sick; Hope
springs eternal in the human heart; If it were not for hope, the heart would break; It is a poor sad heart that never
rejoices; The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach; What the eye doesn’t see, the heart grieves not
Hearts Lihat: Kind hearts are more than coronets
Heaviest Lihat: Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest
Heavy Lihat: A heavy purse makes a light heart; A light purse makes a heavy heart
Hedge Lihat: A hedge between keeps friendship green
Heeded Lihat: Advice when most needed is least heeded
Help a lame dog over a stile
Tolongiah anjing pincang naik undak-undakan
Menolong orang yang mampu justru dapat menimbulkar. kesalahpahaman. Karena itu, tolonglah orang yang sedang
menghad api kesulitan.
He stopped to help the victims of the traffic accident. He never delayed in helping them. Because he was always
ready to help a lame dog over a stile.
# (Jadilah orang yang) Cepat kaki ringan tangan. (Jadilah orang yang lincah dan cekatan dalam menolong sesama.)
Help Lihat: God helps those who help themselves
Helps Lihat: Every little helps; God helps those who help thems elves

Hen Lihat: It isa sad house where the hen crows louderthan the cock Hence Lihat: It will be the same a hundred
years hence
Ikits Lihat: He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens itates Lihat: He who hesitates is lost
des Lihat: The bait hides the hook
h Lihat: Don’t ride the high horse
her Lihat: The higher you climb, the harder you fall
Lihat: The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence! hhiIl
der Lihat: Anger and haste hinder good counsel
drnost Lihat: Every man for himself, and the devil take the iimost
Lihat: The labourer is worthy of his hire
tory repeats itself
“-th berulang
istiwa di masa kini, jika dikaji, ternyata banyak yang serupa dengan iwa yang pernah terjadi di masa lalu. Sehingga
nh berulang kembali.
k the history, Nero burned the dirty parts of the ancient Rome ibfrately. Now, the slums in this city are always
destroyed by the fire drv seasons. It seems that the history repeats itself I only hope that
fire today is not deliberately done.
•Anjing itu meski dirantai dengan rantai emas sekalipun, niscaya akan aIi juga ke tempat najis. (Perihal orang jahat
yang selalu u!angi perbuatan jahatnya.)
ory Lihat: Happy is the country/nation that has no history
your wagon to a star
h kereta Anda ke bintang
ah cita-cita Anda setinggi mungkin.

rorher wanted to be a pilot. His sister wanted to be a teacher. And 4citredto be a president of his country. He
wanted to hitch his wagon
* :-.ngkan cita-citamu setinggi bintang di langit, tetapi dalam -kaunya hendaknya tetap berpijak di tanah. (Bercita-
mungkin, dengan tetap berpijak pada kenyataan.)

Homage Lihat: Hypocrisy ia a homage that vice pays to virtue

Home is where the heart is
Rumah adalah hatinya
Rumah adalah tempat keluarganya, isterinya, anaknya, dan semua yang dicintainya.
He was a taxi driver. Sometimes he went home late in the middle of the night with his money for his loving wife and
their only son. Home was where the heart was.
# Besar berudu di kubangan, besar buaya di lautan. (Setiap oran menjadi raja di tempat atau di lingkungannya sendiri.)
Home Lihat: An Englishman’s home is his castle; Charity begins at home; Curses, like chickens, come home to roost; East or
west. home is best
Homer Lihat: Even Homer sometimes nods
Homes Lihat: Men make houses, women make homes
Honesty is the best policy
Kejuju ran adalah kebijaksanaan yang terbaik
Jika orang sudah mulai tidak jujur,. maka hidupnya pun akan mutai penuh dengan kegelisahan. Karena itu, yang terbaik adalah
selalu jujur.
Sometimes being dishonest in one’s business is profitable. But in the long run, it’s better to be honest. 1-Ionestv is
the best policy. # Berani menjual, berani membeli. (Berlakulah jujur dan bertanggung jawab dalam hidup Anda. Demikian pula
dalam menjalankan bisnis.)
Honey Lihat: Flies are easily caught with honey than with vinegar
Honour Lihat: A prophet is without honour in his own country
Hook Lihat: The bait hides the hook
Hope deferred makes the heart sick
Harapan yang tertunda inembuat han rerasa sakit
Orang akan merasa sangat sedih jika harus menunggu terlalu lama karena harapannya belum juga menjadi kenyataan.

She loved hard work and ext remely patient. Unfortunately, she always failed in the test to become a policewoman. But her
mother continued to encourage her. ‘I know that hope deferred makes the heartsick, ‘said her mother seriously, ‘Even Edison
had made thousands of mistakes before he invented his electric lighting. What you have to do now is just study harder than
before, keep on trying, andfinally you’ll realize your hope.’
Rendah gunung, tinggi harapan. (Yakinlah bahwa cita-cita Anda pasti akan terkabul.)
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst
-rapkan yang ferbaik dan siaplah untuk yang terburuk
Orang haruslah mengharapkan yang terbaik. Janganlah mengharapi an seadanya. Karena untuk mendapatkan yang
seadanya orang tidak rerlu berusaha.
Meskipun demikian, kita harus selalu siap untuk menghadapi kenyataan, Dahkan yang terburuk sekali pun.
He had made an investment in a new joint-venture. He thought that this
-ew company was very promising. However, he didn ‘t leave his old company. Because he believed (in) the proverb, ‘Hope for
the best and ,repare for the worst.’
Gantungkan cita-citamu setinggi bintang di langit, tetapi dalam enjangkaunya hendaknya tetap berpijak di tanah.
(Bercita-citalah tinggi mungkin, dengan tetap berpijak pada kenyataan.)
Hope springs eternal in the human heart
-.1rapan venantiasa inuncul di hati manusia
Da]am keadaan yang terburuk sekali pun, orang senantiasa mendam aan tibanya masa mendatang yang lebih baik.
Bahkan setelah nga1ami banyak kekecewaan, ia masih saja berdoa agar harapannya enjadi kenyataan.
Mt had applied for ajob to teens of companies. But he had no success. However, he continued to apply to another teens of
companies. He àdn ‘t really know why he kept on trying. Perhaps it was true that hope wang eternal in the human heart.
* Rendah gunung, tinggi harapan. (Senantiasa besar harapannya.)
pe Lihat: If it were not for hope, the heart would break erse Lihat: A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse;

All lay loads on a willing horse; Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth; Don’t put the cart before the horse; Don’t ride
the high horse; Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest; If two men ride on a horse, one must ride behind; It is too
late to lock the stable when the horse has been stolen; It is useless to flog a dead horse:
You may lead/take a horse to water, but youcannot make him drink; Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse
Horseback Lihat: a beggar on horseback and he’ll ride to the devil 1-lorses Lihat: Don’t change horses in mid-
stream; If wishes were horses, beggars would ride/might ride
Hostages Lihat: He that hath a wife and children hath given hostages to fortune
Hour Lihat: The darkest hour is that before the dawn
House Lihat: A house divided against itself cannot stand; It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the
Houses Lihat: Men make houses, women make homes
Human Lihat: Hope springs eternal in the human heart
Hundred Lihat: It will be the same a hundred years hence
Hunger is the best sauce
Lapar adalah .cau,v yang terbaik
Lauk yang terbaik adalah lapar. Kalau kita lapar, makan apa pun lezat rasanya.
He ate a lot. It seemed that he never stopped eating. He said that lie was very hungrj His mother only laughed at his greed fbr
food. ‘Hunger is the best sauce,’ she said to herself
# Haus bagai mendapat air, lapar seperti beroleh nasi. (Mendapatkan sesuatu yang sangat dibutuhkan.)
Husband Lihat: A good husband makes a good wife
Hypocrisy ia a homage that vice pays to virtue
Ke,nunafikan ada/a/i penghor,natan yang dibayar a/eli perbu atan jahat untuk kebajikan
Menjadi orang haik itu jelas lebih baik daripada menjadi orang jahat.
Bahkan orangjahat sekali pun senantiasa berpura-pura menjadi orang
He was a leader of a gang of robbers. However, he said that he wanted

to send
his children to school. So that they would be useful or his fwnily, nation, and religion. Hypocrisy was a
homage that vice paid to virtue.
berbulu domba. (Orang jahat yang berlagak suci. mi juga berarti bahwa orang jahat pun tahu mana yang baik dan
= Serigala
mana yang buruk)

Idle folks have the least leisure
Para penganggur paling sedikit waktu iuangnya
Pemalas menggunakan waktunya untuk menghindari pekerjaan. Seh ingga mereka mengatakan tidak punya waktu
jika disuruh oleh orang lain. Dengan demikian, mereka sebenarnya tidak menyukai waktu yang mereka miliki.
He had nothing to do. And he spent his time only to avoid work. Every time his mother asked him to help her, he always answered
that he had no time. It seemed that he didn’t enjoy the time he had. It was true that idle folks had the least leisure.
# Enggan berdayung hanyut ke rantau, malu bertanya sesat di jalan. (Orang yang malas akan menemui banyak
Idle Lihat: The devil finds work for idle hands to do
If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well
Jika sesuatu pantas dikerjakan, kerjakaniah dengan sun gguh-sungguh
Jika orang ingin melakukan sesuatu, hendaldah hal itu dilakukan sebaik mungkin.
He decided to be a teacher. So he studied hard and read a lot. Because if a thing was worth doing, it was worth doing well.
# Berjalan sampai ke batas, berlayar sampal ke pulau. (Melakukan sesuatu itu hendaknya sampai tuntas,jangan
berhenti di tengahjalan.)
If anything can go wrong, it will
Jika sesuatu dapat rnengalanii ketidakberesan, niakapada suatu ketika hal itu pasti akan terjadj
Kekeliruan dapat terjadi pada saat yang tak terduga sama sekali. He went to school as fast as he could. Because he woke
up late. Unfortunately, he lost his pencilcase. ‘If anything can go wrong, it will,’ he said to himself
# Sedia payung sebelum hujan. (Bersiap-seciialah, jika yang terjadi itu justru yang tak terduga.)

If each would sweep before his own door, we should have a clean city
Jka setiap orang tnenyapu di depan intu musing-musing, inaka kota kita akan bersih
Kesejahteraan masyarakat itu sngat tergantung pada masing-masing anggota masyarakat itu sendiri.
They wanted to celebrate the independence day as lively as possible. So they worked together to decorate their village. They
believed (in) the proverb, ‘If each would sweep before his own door, we should have a clean city.’
Berat samadipikul, ringan sama dijinjing. (Orang hidup bermasyarakat au hendaknya bergotong royong, saling
If it were not for hope, the heart would break
*ka tidak karena harapan. inaka hat i akan sudah pecah
Yang membuat orang tidak paws asa, terutama daam keadaan yang terburuk, adalah harapan masa mendatang yang
lebih baik. During the recession, he lost his job. His wife suffered from tube rcuL osis. And their children were thin and bony
from undernourished. However, they lost no hope. He said to himself ‘If it were not for hope, the heart would break.’
* Rendah gunung, tinggi harapan. (Setiap orang punya harapan akan iari esok yang lebih balk.)
If one sheep leaps over the ditch/dyke, all the rest will follow
.u seekor doinba ineloinpati parit/pematang, inaka se,nuanya akan ,neng,kutinya
Seorang pemimpin senantiasa harus memberikan contoh yang baik.
K.rena semua pengikutnya akan selalu mengikuti tingkah laku dan
ndakan pemimpinnya.
The villagers used to be what their forefathers did. No-one wanted to nudy higher than elementary school. But after he succeeded
in his
au.dv and became a doctor, all the parents in his village sent their :hildren to higher schools. If one sheep leapt over the ditch,
all the rest would follow.
* Guru kencing berdiri, murid kencing berlari. (Jika pemimpin melai kan perbuatan yang tak patut, maka para
pengikutnya pun akan erbuat yang lebih tak pantas lagi.)
If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch
. ;rang buta menhimpin orang huta, inaka keduanya akan jatuh ke dalam pant Jika orang bodoh memimpin orang bodoh,
maka keduanya akan rsesat.

He returned from his overseas travel. Unexpectedly, the sick came to hina and asked him to cure their sicknesses. He
said that he didn’t have medical science at all. ‘I ‘in afraid that if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch, ‘
he told them frankly.
# Seperti kapak menyelam beliung. (Perihal mandor pemalas, yang para pekerja yang malas juga.)
If the cap fits, wear it
Jika ta/fl ItU cacak, 1,aka,lah
Jika apa yang saya katakan itu Anda anggap sebagai saya tujukan kepada Anna, maka Anda botch menganggapnya
clemikian, dan kemudian Anda rnencainkannya, untuk selanjutnya rnengubah pen laku Anda. Meskipun demikian,
saya sama sekali tidak secara lang- sung menuduh Anda.
He warned his wife not to criticize his mother. She answered that she didia ‘t mention any name. ‘But if the cap fits,
let your mother wear it, she added boldly.
# (Janganlah) Buruk muka cermin dibelah. (Janganlah orang lain yang disalahkan, kalau memang dininya sendiri
yang salah.)
If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun Jika 1k/ak ada awan, kita tidak
akan ,neaikniali ,natahar,
Orang cenderung tidak menghargai apa pun yang baik. Baru setelah keadaan inemburuk, orang barn ingat akan yang
baik, tetapi sebelumn ya mereka diabaikan.
The villagers complained that theirnew village chief frirced theni to sell their land. Now they admitted that their old
village chief was a real leader. He always refused the rich man from the town who gave him a lot of money to
persuade the villagers to sell their land. It was true that if there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun.
# Dekat di mata, jauh di hati;jauh di mata, dekat di hati. (Setelahjauh barn merasa kehilangan.)
If two men ride on a horse, one must ride behind
Jiku dua arcing ,neaunggang seekor kuda, yang seorang harus ado di belakang
Jika ada dua orang pemimpin, maka segala pekerjaan tidak akan clapal dilakukan. Karena itu, salah seorang harus
man menerima menjadi bawahannya, agar tugas bersama dapat dilaksanakan.
He decided to he a vice-president when he and his rival got the same

number of votes. It was impossible that an organization has two presidents. He believed (in) the proverb, ‘if two men ride
on a horse, one must ride behind.
# Kapal satu, nakhoda dua. (Suatu pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh dua orang yang masing-maSing merasa berkuasa,
tak akan lancar jalann ya.)
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride/might ride
Jika keinç’inan iru berupn kuda, inakn pengelnl.r pun dapat ,ne,uukinya
Jika hanya dengan rnenginginkannya saja, orang dapat mernilikinya, maka tidak ada orang yang miskin.
The president of the republic asked the children what they wished when
they were grown up. They answered that they wished to be a president. ‘if wishes were horses, beggars would ride, ‘ he told them,
‘A republic has only one president. If there are many presidents who will be the citizens?’
Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renaflg ke tepian; bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kernudi an. (Barangsiapa
ingin senang har iis kerja keras terlebih dahulu, sebab di dunia mi tidak ada sesuatu apa pun yang bisa diperoleh
dengan cuma-curna.)
If you cannot bite never show your teeth
Jika Anda ridak dapat ,nenggigit, jan gan tunjukkan gigi Anda
Jika Anda tidak punya kekuatan, janganlah Anda mengancam musuh Anda. Karena hal itu akan sia-sia belaka.
He always threatened his wtfe to divorce her. At first she was afraid, but finally she decided to challenge him. She found that it
was only an empty threat. So it was better that if he could not bite never showed his jeeth.
Anj ing menggonggOflg tidak menggigit. (Orang yang suka menggertak saja, tidak akan membahayakan.)
If you want a thing well done, do it yourself
Jika Anda inenginginkan sesuatu itu dapat d,laksanakan dc’ngan seinpurna. inaku 1aksanakanlah sendir,
Jika Anda menyuruh orang lain mengerjakan apa yang Anda inginkan, maka selalu saja ada kekurangannya.
Karena itu, agar Anda puas, terutarna hal-hal yang sangat penting, maka laksanakanlah sendiri tugas itu.

She was a dressmaker. Howeve,; she usually bought her dresses. Sometimes she also asked one of her assistants to
make them. But for the party she chose to make them herself: Because she wanted them very special. She always
remembered the pro verb, ‘If you want a thing well done, do it yourself’
# Menyauk air, mandikan din. (Hidup dengan usaha sendiri; jika ingin yang sempurna, berusahalah sendiri.)
(menyauk = menimba)
If you want peace, prepare for war
iika Anda iligin damn!. bersiap!ah unruk perang
Jika Anda kuat, maka lawan tidak akan menyerang. Sebaliknya, jika lemah, maka lawan pun akan mempermainkan
He decided to train the teenagers in a traditional self def nce art. It was important to make them brave. Besides, it
would discourage the thieves to enter his village. He always remembered the porverb, ‘If you want peace, prepare for
# Gayung bersambut, kata beijawab. (Berperang ataupun bertanding sarna-sama dilayani.)
III gotten, ill spent
Jika diperoleh secara tidak hula!, inaka penggimaannya pun untuk lint-hat yang tidak balk
Rejeki tidak dapat dikumpulkan, jika diperoleh secara tidak sah. Uang hasil kejahatan, biasanya dibuang di tempat
He used to be a criminal. But when he married a religious woman, he stopped his criminal acts. 1-fe said that the
money he got as a criminal always lost on the gambling table. ‘ill gotten, ill spent, ‘ he concluded. # Rejeki tak halal,
habis untuk royal. (Hasil kejahatan, habis untuk maksiat.)
Ill weeds grow apace/fast
Rumput yang becci/at ,nerusak tumbuh pesat
Orang jahat atau tidak jujur, justru merajalela, sukses, kaya dan enak hidupnya.
Sebaliknya, orang yang jujur, justru banyak yang mati, miskin dan menderita hidupnya.
The old man told the young that many of the freedomfighters still lived in poor conditions. On the other hand, the)’
who still studied under the Dutch occupation arm)’ and refused to join the guerrillas lived

prosperously. Even they were able to send their children to study abroad. ‘Ill weeds grow fast,’ he concluded.
# Jika kasih akan padi, buanglah rumput. (Jika menyukai yang baik, buanglah yang buruk.)
ill Lihat: An ill payer/paymaster never wants an excuse; It is iii striving/swimming against the stream/tide; It is ill waiting for
dead men’s shoes; It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Meniru adalah bentuk pujian yang paling tulus
Orang mungkin tidak mau memuji Anda. Tetapi ia meniru apa yang Anda lakukan. Begitulah, meniru juga merupakan salah satu
bentuk memuji yang sebenarnya.
She didn’t express her praise when she saw her neighbour put on a new pair of shoes. But soon she bought the same
model and colour in the same shop. ‘Imitation is the sincere stforni offlattery,’ her neighbour
cj to herself
= Monyet takkan tampil mempesona walau bercincin emas permata. Orang nista dan berbudi rendah, meskipun dalam berdandan
dan nampilannya pandai menirukan orang terhormat, sekali waktu tak sidar akan memperlihatkan juga sepak terjang yang tak
Impressions Lihat: First impressions are most lasting
In a calm sea, every man is a pilot
i jail! yang tenang, setiap urang dapat ,nenjadi inualinilpeinandu kapal
Dalam keadaan sangat berbahaya, tidak ada orang yang berani tampil. Hanya pemimpin sejati sajalah yang segera mengambil
inisiatif. Sedangkan dalam keadaan aman, semua orang dapat tampil, dan Tfngatakan bahwa akulah pemimpin.
%c,-o,ze said a word in the meeting. Their teacher asked once more who
• c willing to be elected as a chief of their class. They only lowered
eir heads. Nobody was willing to be elected as a chief of their class. F.raI1s she decided to make him a chief and he agreed. After
that, —rvone said that if she made him/her a chief he/she would agree too. smiled and said, ‘In a calm sea, everyman is a pilot.
* D! mana tak ada elang, akulah elang, kata belalang. (Dalam keadaan :oa, hanya pemimpin sejati sajalah yang berani tampil.

zm keadaan aman, semua orang dapat

In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is a king

Di negeri orang buta, orang yang bertnata .catu pun raja
Di lingkungan orang-orang bodoh, orang yang sedikit sekali pengetah uannya pun sangat dihormati.
He was only an ordinary elementary school teacher in a small remote village. But he really loved to live there. Because he was
always able to help the villagers in nearly all their problems. He believed that in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man was a
# Di negeri orang-orang buta, si mata satu jadi raja. (Di lingkungan orang-orang bodoh atau terbelakang, orang yang sedikit
pengetahuan pun sangat dihormati.)
In wine there is truth
Di dalain anggur ada kebenaran
Orang mabuk cenclerung untuk mengatakan apa adanya. Sedangkan orang yang tidak mabuk, akan senantiasa berhati-hati dalam
ucapann ya, meskipun hal itu benar.
When they were drunk the)’ said that they had murdered the farmer who hadjust sold his land. So people reported this to the
police who arrested them soon. People said, ‘In wine there is truth.’
# Lurus macam bendul. (Sangat jujur. APerihal anak-anak, orang bodoh, atau orang mabuk, yang biasanya berkata benar.)
(bendul = balok kayu yang dipasang di atas dan di bawah pintu, jendela, dsb.)
Inch Lihat: Give him/knaves an inch and he/they will take a yard/ a mile
Inches Lihat: Men are not to be measured in inches
Indeed Lihat: A friend in need is a friend indeed
Indispensable Lihat: No man is indispensable
Injures Lihat: The rotten apple injures its neighbours
Invention Lihat: Necessity is the mother of invention
Irons Lihat: Don’t have too many irons in the fire
It is a foolish bird that soils/defiles its own nest
Hanya burung bodoh .caja yang inengotori/berak di .carangnya sendiri
Hanya orang bodoh saja yang menceritakan aib atau keburukan

keluarganya sendiri.
He was late because his parents quarrelled again. But he didn ‘t want
pengeta- to tell the matter to his teacher. 1-Ic remembered the saying, ‘It is a foolish bird that soils its own nest.’
7 remote = Menepuk air di dulang, terpercik muka sendiri. (Hanya orang yang bodoh yang menceritakan keburukan
anggota keluarganya sendiri,
ays able arena hal itu justru akan mengenai dirinya sendiri pula.)
(that in
It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor
kungan f-ianyu doinba bodoh cain yang ineinbuat sen gala inenjadi pengikutnya
etahuan Kita hams berhati-hati jika ingin menceritakan rahasia kita kepada orang lain. Karena, jangan-jangan orang
yang kita percaya untuk menyimpan rahasia itu, justru memanfaatkannya untuk menjatuhkan kita.
He said to his sister that it was he who broke their parents ‘antique vase. And he told her not to report that to theni. However;
she reported it to
them. As a result, he was scolded and punished. He remembered the
ucapan- proverb, ‘it is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his conJ’ssor.’
Bersahabat dengan orang-orang besar, seperti berjinak-jinak dengan
ncr who Iar berbisa. (Berhati-hatilah dengan orang-orang yang berkuasa.
irrested Kurang berhati-hati, kita dapat celaka. Salah sedikit kita binasa.) oran
nduI It is a poor/sad heart that never rejoices
dsb Himya hail ,cedih yang tidak geinhira
L, Meskipun seclan menderita, kita harus bergembira. Janganlah kita
terus bersedih sarnpai berkepanjangan. Karena hal itu hanya akan a yard! merugikan din kita sendiri.
He failed the exam and locked himself ‘It is a poor heart that never
rejoices, ‘his mother told him comfortingly, ‘Conic out! Play with your
friends! Enjoy your holiday. You can study again after vacation.’ = Air pun ada pasang surutnya. (Senang dan susah selalu
silih berganti.)
It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock
iianya runiah yang ,nenvedhkan saja yang ayatn betinanya I,erkokok lebih keras á.uipada (I)’Wfl jantannya
Jika suami dikalahkan oleh isterinya. maka tidak bahagialah rumah ngganya.
urukan His salary was lower than his wife’s. So hefrit weak and timid at home.

He took every order his wij told him to do. People said that it was a sad house where the hen crowed louder than the cock.
# Bagai dulang dengan tudung saji. (Hendaklah suami-isteri itu yang sepadan. Karena jika isteri Iebih tinggi
derajatnya, maka suami akan tunduk pada isterinya, sehingga tidak bahagialah rumah tangganya.)
It is all in the day’s work
Semuanya inerupakan pekerjaan sehari-hari
Tidak ada pekerjaan yang tidak menemui kesulitan. Suka-duka senantiasa dialarni dalam pekerjaan sehari-hari.
Karena itu, kesulitan yang Anda hadapi dalam pekerjaan janganlah Anda anggap sebagai menyulitkan. Anggaplah
sebagai suatu kewajaran.
He is a traffic police. Eveiydav he handles traffic problems. To him. all those problems are in the day ‘s work.
# Alah bisa karena biasa. (Karena biasa, kesukaran pun akhirnya menjadi tak terasa.)
It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good Lihat: It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good
It is as well to know which way the wind blows
Kenalilah ke Inana an gin bertiup
Hendaknya orang mengenali keadaan sekitarriya, sebelum melakukan sesuatu.
People said, ‘it is as well to know which way the wind blows. ‘And as a member of parliament, he told everyone that he had to
find our whether the people wanted the bill or not before voting in the parliament. But in fact, he never did what he said.
# Ke mana angin yang deras, ke situ condongnya. (Sebagai pemimpin, orang hendakah mengikuti kehendak
It is better/more blessed to give than to take
Lebzh haiWdisukai ine,nberi daripada Inenerinni
Lebih baik kaya daripada miskin. Lebih baik memberikan sedekah daripada menerima sedekah.
He was poor. But he contributed generously to the charity organ izat ion. To him, it was better to give than to take.
# Tangan di atas lebih baik daripada tangan di bawah. (Memberi lebih baik daripada menerima.)

It is easier to pull down than to build

Lebih tnudah inerobohkan daripada ineinbangun
Lebih mudah mengkritik daripada melaksanakannya sendiri. Lebih mudah merusak daripada memperbaiki.
He gave his whole attention to what the technician was doing. One day, when his father went out, he disassembled the TV set. But
when he
rurned it on, there was no sound nor image. He realized that it was easier to pull down than to build. Now, all he had to do was
to wait his father and got a smack from him.
#Mencabik mudah, menjahit susah. (Merusak sangatlah mudah, tetapi memperbaikinya bukan main sukarnya.)
It is easy to be wise after the event
Berlaku bijak .cetelah kejadian itu inudah
Orang dengan mudah mengatakan, apa yang harus dilakukan, setelah mendapatkan pengalaman pahit.
They went for a walk. But suddenly the rain fell. So he said that they won ‘tsufferfroin the rain if she brought an umbrella with
her. ‘It is easy to be wise after the event, ‘interrupted his wift, ‘You’d have been really helpful if you’d told me before we went
= Kini gatal besok digaruk. (Nasihat yang terlambat datangnya.)
It is easy to bear the misfortunes of others
.Ie1ihat ketnalangan orang lain itu ,ne,nang inudah
Kita cenderung untuk membesarkan hati orang yang terkena musibah. Memintanya supaya tabah, tidak bersedih
hati, dst. Karena memang mudah menasihati orang yang mendapat kemalangan.
Tetapi kalau kita sendiri yang mengalami bencana, mungkin dalam hati kita marah kalau ada orang yang terlalu
banyak mengumbar nasihat-nasihatnya.
He visited the people who were removed from their land. He told them to be patient. And he hoped that they would be happy in
the new land. it is easy to bear the misfortunes of others,’ they said to themselves, He doesii ‘t know how my children love this
land very much so that they ‘!ever dream of leaving for any new land.’
Seberat-berat mata memandang, masih Iebih berat bahu memikul. Betapapun beratnya rasa hati kita melihat
penderitaan seseorang, rnasih lebih berat lagi perasaan si penderita itu sendiri.)

It is good fishing in troubled waters

Metnang banyak hasilnya, Inenuari ikan di air keruh
Dalam keadaan kacau, orang dengan mudah dapat memperoleh keunt ungan dan mereka yang menderita.
When the fire destroyed the town, several criminals were caught. They thought that it WUS good fishing in troubled waters. But
the police who realized the dangerous situation were ready to catch them.
# Menangguk di air keruh. (Pada waktu terjadi kekacauan, biasanya para penjahat rnemanfaatkan kesempatan untuk
mencari keuntungan.) (menangguk = menangkap ikan dengan tangguk; tangguk = keranjang atau jaring berbingkai
untuk menangkap ikan, udang, dsb.)
It is ill striving/swimming against the stream/tide
Sia-sia/sangat berat beijuang/berenang inc/ann arus/air pasang
Orang biasanya Iebih suka mengikuti orang banyak. Karena, memang berat melakukan sesuatu yang bertentangan
dengan mereka. The tradition is still strong here. So it’s better to do what most people do. Because it is ill swimming against
the stream.
# Ke mana angin yang deras, ke situ condongnya. (Apa yang dilakukan oleh orang banyak, lakukanlah. Jangan
melawan mereka.)
It is ill waiting for dead men’s shoes
Sia-sia inenuriggu sepatu orang ,nati
Sia-sia menunggu sampai seseorang mati, hanya untuk mendapatkan hartanya. Karena Anda mungkin harus
menunggu selamanya. Atau, bahkan Anda bisajadi mati Iebih dulu.
He decided that it was no use to wait his parents died only to have their house. Besides he had many younger brothers and
sisters. It was better to buy a house with his own savings. He said, ‘It is ill waiting for the dead men’s shoes.’
# Ikan tergantung, kucing menunggu. (Mendambakan sesuatu di depan mata, tetapi tak dapat diraih.)
It is never too late to mend
Tidak ada kata ter/ainbat untuk ineinperbaiki
Tidak ada kata terlambat untuk memperbaiki din. Meskipun sudah tua. orang masih punya kesempatan untuk
menjadi orang baik. He realized that he was too naughty that her mother became very sad and finally died. Then he thought
that he was too late because now he

could not apologize to hIs mother. ‘It is never too late to mend,’ his elder sister told him, ‘She willforgive you in heaven.’
# Untuk taubat, tak ada kata terlambat. (Janganlah karena sudah tua, justru mengumbar hawa nafsunya. Ingatlah
kampung akhirat, karena ke sanalah akhirnya kita semua.)
It is no use crying over spilt milk
— Tidak ada gunanya ,nenangisi su,cu yang tuinpali
Tidak ada gunanya menangisi sesuatu yang telah terjadi. Karena dengan menangis saja, tidak akan banyak
He felt very sorry about the game. Because he had lost it. But his friend told him that it was no use crying over spilt milk. All he
had to do was to train himself more seriously and make himself ready for the next competition.
Nasi sudah menjadi bubur. (Sudah terlanjur, tak dapat diperbaiki agi, tak perlu disesali lagi.)
It is no use spoiling the ship/sheep for a ha’penny worth/a ha’porth of tar
— Jak ada gunanya ,ne,nbinasakan kapaI/donba hanya untuk ,nengheinat ter yang rgwIyU hanya set engah sen
Jangan hanya karena ingin menghemat uang sedikit, orang mengalami erugian yang jauh Iebih besar. Seperti ter
yang diperlukan untuk
-nambaI kebocoran sebuah kapal, atau untuk melindungi luka seekor mba dan gangguan lalat, yang membuatnya
makan parah, dan .ihkan dapat fatal akibatnya.
The young married couple went to work everyday. So the)’ had to look a maidservant who slept in. Because, if they let their
house empty,
were afraid of the thieves who would rob their house easily. The)’
ught that it was no use spoiling the ship for a ha ‘penny worth of tar.
* Sayang garam secercah, busuk kerbau seekor. (Bermaksud hemat
arirnya malah merugi banyak. Karena sayang mengeluarkan biaya
:kit, rugi yang jauh lebih besar terpaksa harus ditanggung.)
i the first step that is troublesome
ith pertatnaiuh yang tnenyulitkan
elah pekerjaan dimulai, maka tinggallah menyelesaikannya. Den demikian, langkah pertama untuk memulainyalah
yang paling -nng.

She wanted to be a good niusician. So she was taking a course of music. But she Jund extremely difficult to practice
scales, from do, re, mi, to si. She prefered to sing a song. But her teacher told her, ‘It is true that it is the first step that
is troublesome.
# Berbilang dan esa, meigaji dan alif. (Belajar atau mengenjakan sesuatu itu hendaknya dan awal.)
It is the unexpected that always happens
Yang tak te,dugalah yang .celalu terjath
Orang berharap agar segala sesuatunya berjalan mulus. Tetapi yang tak terdugalah yang kerap kali terjadi.
A group of students organized a mountain climbing. But several other students who were not members of the
organization wanted to bear them. They went without preparation hoping that they arrived at the top first. They found
that the blue mountain was fttll of bushes, stones, and dangerous creeks and ravines. Fog and heavy rain made the
in lost their way. A few days later, they were found died in separated places. It seemed that they didn’t anticipate the
fatal situation. It was the unexpected that happened.
# Seclia payung sebelum hujan. (Bersiap-sedialah sebelum terjadi bencana.)
It is too late to lock the stable when the horse has been stolen
Sudah terla,nbat, Inengunc:! kandang, sete/ah kudanya dicuri
Jika sudah dicuri penjahat, maka uang itu tidak mungkin lagi disimpan di bank. Karena pencegahan hanya dapat
dilakukan sebelurn teijadi malapetaka.
To handle traffic accidents, our government create a special policy. A driver has to pay a certain amount of money for
traffic accident insurance when he or she asksfor a driving licence. A ndforpassangers. their traffic accident
ins’ttrance is included in the ticket price. So in a traffic accident insurance, the victims or their relatives will receive
money from the insurance company. And no-one will say, ‘It is too late to lock the stable when the horse has been
stolen. ‘ Because everyone has locked the stable.
# Han baik dibuang-buang, han buruk dikejar-kejar. (Perihal orang yang menyia-nyiakan kesempatan, kemudian
mengejarnya setelah terlambat.)

It is useless to flog a dead horse

Tcik ada gunanya inencambuk kuda ,nati
Sia-sia mempertengkarkan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi.
She is against the marriage of the woman leader with a foreigner. ‘It is useless to flog a dead horse,’ interrupted her friend, ‘She
is already “zarried before she becomes a member of our organization.’
= Telah busuk maka dipeda. (Melakukan sesuatu yang telah ten ambat.)
It must be true that all men say
,asli benar yang dikatakan oleli ,ce,nua orang
Jika semua orang sudah mengatakannya, maka hal itu pasti benar. He insisted that it was impossible that a man had
landed on the ,noon. But everyone said that it was true, as the saying, ‘It must be true that .11 men say.’
* Ayam berkokok han kan siang. (Jika semua orang ramai membicar kannya, maka jelaslah bahwa sesuatu pasti
telah terjadi.)
it never rains but it pours
.rJn hanya sekali-seka!i datang, tetapi .cangat lebat
a tak pernah ada kesulitan, maka begitu ada, kesulitan itu luar biasa
-.nvaknya, dan luar biasa pula hebatnya.
:-a, orang yang nyaris tak pernah sakit, ketika sakit, penyakit itu igat parah.
He lost his job. His wife died in taffic accident. His children failed their znL People said, !t never rains but it pours.’
* Sudah jatuh diimpit tangga, sudah basah kehujanan. (Menemui Tru.sibah atau kemalangan silih berganti.)
k ukes all sorts to make a world
- :ni terdiri dan berbagai macam jenis
L harus dapat hidup dengan orang yang berbeda sama sekali dengan
-Karena, di dunia mi terdapat berbagai macam bangsa, agama,
dayaan, jenis pekerjaan, dst.
who has ever been in a public bus during the rain will tolerate any
rences. In the bus, there are all sorts of people. You can see people
ing, reading, eating, daydreaming, sleeping, talking, laughing,
It takes all sorts to make a world.
* 3eka tunggal ika. (Berbeda-beda tetapi satu.)

It takes two to make a quarrel

Diperlukan dua orang untuk bertengkar
Untuk bertengkar harus ada dua orang. Karena orang tidak mungkin
bertengkar sendirian. Jack i
He said that she was naughty. But he didn’t dare to say that to his -
parents. Because they love her more than him. ‘You are a boy. It must
be you who is naught),’they always told him, ‘Besides, it takes two to
make a quarrel.’

# Bagai balam dengan ketitir. (Dua orang yang selalu bertengkar.) Ih

(ketitiran = perkutut, sejenis burung penyanyi)
It will be the same a hundred years hence sekal
Se,izuanya akan ,ca,na, seratlis ta/n/n /aA’i
Janganlah sedih, cemas, atau gelisah. Karena, seratus tahun lagi
semuanya sama. Semua orang mati.
It is no use to to worry, feel sad and disturbed now. it will be the same Jack
a hundred years hence. Because we will all be dead. So, the present —
troubles and worries will not matter then.
# Ditetak belah, dipalu belah, tembikar juga akan jadinya. (Walau rn t
bagaimanapun, kalau njati, jadi mayat juga.) (ditetak = dipotong
dengan benda tajarn yang dipukulkan keras-keras; tembikar = pecahan
barang dan tanah hat atau porselin, seperti pinggan, peniuk, dsb.) men
It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good in th
I-tanya angin jahatlah yang ,ne,ni,uat n/sing tidak enak veste
Di dunia mi, apa yang dianggap bencana bagi sebagian orang, kerap Bec
kahi justru merupakan keberuntungan bagi sebagian orang yang lain. pres
Sehingga hampir tidak terjadi, sesuatu yang dianggap merugikan oleh = Be
siapa pun, tanpa kecuali. rugil
It was raining heavily all day long. The children around the bus van
terminal made money by renting their umbrellas. They said, ‘It’s an ill men
wind that blows nobody any good.’
# Mencarak benak. (Mengisap darah. Mengambil untung dan kesu- Jt]
hitan orang lain.) (mencarak = mengisap) Jill L
Joy I

Jack is as good as his master
Jackihainba dan tuannya sa,na baiknya
Pelayan dan majikan itu sama. Atasan dan bawahan juga sama. Karena semua manusia memang dilahirkan dengan hak yang
sama. The)’ and their children regarded their maidservant as their family member. Because she had been with
themfora long time. Besides, they though that Jack was as good as his master.
# Besar tanaman sebab dilambuk, besar raja sebab anak buah. (Pada dasarnya, manusia itu dilahirkan sama. Bahkan presiden atau
raja sekali pun, dapat berkuasa karena dipilih atau didukung oleh rakyatnya, sehingga ia tidak boleh sewenang-wenang.)
Jack Lihat: A Jack of all trades is master of none; All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy; Every Jack must have his Jill
Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday but never jam today Selai becok dun .celai ke,narin
- — tetapi tidak pernah .celai han
Orang senantiasa mengeluhkan masa kini, memuji masa lampau, dan rnengharapkan masa mendatang yang lebih baik.
He alwa)’S says that the past is better and looks forward to better times in the future. It is like like the
proverb, Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday but never jam today. As a result he is stffering for good.
- ‘

Because when tomorrow comes, it’s no longer tomorrow but the r’resent. So he never enjoys the present.
= Beruntunglah mereka yang han mi lebih baik daripada han kemarin, ugilah mereka yang han sama dengan han kemarin,
celakalah mereka yang han lebih buruk daripada han kemarin. (Hendaklah manusia itu rneningkatkan amal perbuatannya atau
amal kebaikannya.)
Jest Lihat: There is many a true word spoken in jest
Jill Lihat: Every Jack must have his Jill
Job Lihat: Make the best of a bad job
Joy Lihat: A thing of beauty is a joy forever

Judge not of men and things at first sight

Jan ganlah ,nenila, orang dan barang dun pandangan pertaina
Janganlah terlalu cepat mengemukakan pandangan maupun kesi--p ulan Anda. Apalagi hanya dan pandangan
pertama. Anda sebaikn mengenal dulu orang atau barang itu secara mendalam.
Finally she fell in love with him after they understood each other Ic— a very long time. Because he lived modestly. No-ne knows
that he rich and intelligent. He was an alumnus of Oxford University i’ London. She was for the proverb, ‘Judge not of men and
things cit firs:
# Diam-diam ubi berisi. (Orang pandai berlaku sebagai orang bodoh Sehingga kita dapat salah jika kita menilainya
pada pandangar pertama.)
Judgement Lihat: Fortune favours those who use theirjudgement Justifies Lihat: The end justifies the


ya Keep something for a rainy day
Siinpaniah persediaan untuk di karl hujan

rfor Yang kita alami selama hidup mi tidak selalu mulus. Ada kalanya kita was sakit,
atau mendapat musibah. Karena itu, janganlah semua penghay in silan kita habiskan. Kita
harus menabungnya sebagian, untuk men gf irst hadapi sesuatu yang tak terduga.
She said that even squirrels did not eat every nut they see. They stored
doh. some where they could find them in a tune of scarcity. So, each week igan she saved
a little money for a sudden need. She always said to herself
‘Keep something for a rainy day.’
# Sedia payung sebelum hujan. (Bersiap-sedialah untuk menghadapi
tent suatu saat di mana Anda terpaksa harus mengeluarkan banyak uang.)
Keep Lihat: Desert and reward seldom keep company; Set a wolf to keep the sheep;
Why keep a dog and bark yourself?
Keepings Lihat: Findings are keepings
Keeps Lihat: A hedge between keeps friendship green; An apple a day keeps the doctor
Kernel Lihat: He that would eat the kernel must crack the nut
jK ey Lihat: A golden key opens every door
Kick Lihat: Don’t kick against the pricks
Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs
Ia llgan diseinbe ilk angsa yang bertelur einas
Janganlah terlalu serakah. Terimalah rejeki Anda dengan rasa bersyuk ur. Anda dapat
saja meningkatkan pendapatannya. Tetapi janganlah terlalu besar, sehingga mematikan
surnbei rejeki Anda

Kill two birds with one stone

Menbnnuh dua ekor burung dengan satu peluru/batu
Mendapatkan dua hasul, hanya dengan satu usaha. Sukses dalam du
tujuan, hanya dengan satu tindakan.
The histoty teacher told them that making an outline killed two birds
with one stone. It made them study the lesson till they understood it, an
it gave them notes to review before the test.
# Sekali merengkuh dayung, dua tiga pulau terlampaui. (Sekal:
melakukan pekerjaan, beberapa tujuan tercapai.) Kno
I Ze
Killed Lihat: Care killed a/the cat Inc
Kills Lihat: Gluttony kills more than the sword Kn
Kind hearts are more than coronets wh
Hati yang balk ,nelebihj ,nahkota bangsawun the
Yang baik hati lebih dicintai daripada yang kaya, pandai, atau her
He was modest, good, and kind. So she loved him more than her
parents’ choice for her to marry. To her, kind hearts were more than
# Hancur badan dikandung tanah, budi baik dikenangjua. (Kebaikan
budi tak akan terlupakan selamanya.)
Kindness Lihat: A forced kindness deserves no thanks
King Lihat: A cat may look at a king; In the country of the blind,
the one-eyed man is a king
Knaves Lihat: Give him/knaves an inch and he/they will take a yard/
a mile
Knocks Lihat: Fortune knocks once at everyone’s door/gate
Know Lihat: Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t; It
is as well to know which way the wind blows; Let not thy left hand
know what thy right hand doeth; You may know by a handful the
whole sack
Knowledge is power
titan pen getahuan itu berkuasa
Makin banyak ilmu pengetahuannya, makin besar pula kemampuann
ya. Dengan ilmu pengetahuan, manusia dapat membuat segala sesuatu
yang bermanfaat, termasuk menggunakan kekuatan alam untuk
kepentingan hidupnya.
He isgreedyfrr knowledge. Because knowledge enables men to make things and to use natural
forces for useful purposes. Even with their knowledge, men landed on the moon successfully. He
always says, ‘Knowledge is power.’
# Biar miskin asal cerdik, terlawan juga orang kaya. (Ilmu jauh lebih berharga daripada
Knowledge Lihat: A little knowledge/learning is a dangerous thing; Zeal without
knowledge is a runaway horse
Known Lihat: The worth of a thing is best known by the want of it Knows Lihat: Half
the world knows not how the other half lives; He knows on which side his bread is
buttered; He knows the water best who has waded through it; He that travels far knows
much; Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches

Labourer Lihat: The labourer is worthy of his hire
Lacked Lihat: He that hath a full purse never wanted/lacked a friend
Lady Lihat: Faint heart never won fair lady
Lamb Lihat: As well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb; God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb
Lame Lihat: Help a lame dog over a stile
LastLihat: He laughs best who last laugh; The cobbler should stick to his last; The last straw breaks the camel’s back; The
pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at last
Lasting Lihat: First impressions are most lasting
Late Lihat: It is never too late to mend; It is too late to lock the stable when the horse has been stolen
Laugh and grow fat
Tertawakh, dan tutnbuh geinuklah
Orang yang selalu sedih, akan kurus kering badannya. Karena itu, bergembiralah.
He failed the exam and locked himself But his mother told him that sadness made men thin and skinny. ‘Laugh and grow fat, ‘his
mother told him comfortingly, ‘Come out! Play with your friends! Enjoy your holiday. You can study again after vacation.’
# (Janganlah menjadi) Kayu lurus tengah ladang. (Janganlah menjadi orang yang kurus kering, sampai menonjol tulang-
Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone
Tertawa/ah, inaka dunia akan tertawa bersaina Anda; rnenangislah, inaka Anda akan menangis sendirian
Orang lebih menyukai suasana gembira, dan bukannya suasana sedih. Jika Anda periang, maka teman-teman Anda pun akan
datang untuk ikut tertawa.
Sebaliknya, jika Anda murung, maka teman-teman Anda pun akan pergi meninggalkan Anda sendirian.
He chooses to be a comedian. Because a comedian has a lot of friends. Everywhere he goes, people laugh and say, ‘Hello, Mr.
Comedian! ‘He believes (in) the proverb, ‘Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone.’

# Ada uang abang saya, tak beruang abang payah (Jika kita senag hidupnya maka orang pun banyak yang datag;
tetapj jika kita susah hidupnya maka Orang pun menjauhj kita.)
Laugh Lihat: He laughs best who last laugh
Laughs Lihat: He laughs best who last laugh; Love laughs at
Law makers should not be lawbreaker
Peinbuat Undallgljflda,i seharii tidak nienjadi peIa,Igg(,
Pembuatpert sudah seharusnyalah mengjk apa Yang dibuatnya sendiri, dan bukan melanggarfly
They Wondered what their teacher really meant In one hand, he told thenj not to Smoke, but in the other hand they,
With the ii. OWIj eyes, they saw him smoking in the teacher’s room. They said to each other ‘w makers should not be
law breakers
# Guru kencing berd;rj murid kencig berlari (Menjadi orang yang dipercaya hendaklah memberikan contoh Yang
baik bukan merusak nya. Karena orang akan berbuat Yang lebih rusak lagj)
Law Lihat: Every law has a loophole
Lawbreakers Lihat: Law makers should not be lawbreake
Laws Lihat. Hard cases make bad laws
Lay Lihat: All lay loads on a willing horse
Lays Lihat: Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs
Lead Lihat: All roads lead to Rome; If the blind lead the blind, both
shalj fall into the ditch; You may lead/take a horse to water, but Youcannot make him drink
Leap Lihat: Look before you leap
Leaps Lihat: If one sheep leaps Over the ditch/dyke all the rest will
Learn to walk before you run
RelaJQ,%/ berja/a sebel,im ber/ciri
Belajarlah sedjkjt demj sedjkjt selangk demj selangk dan Yang
mudah ke Yang rum it Karena tidak ada orang Yang mampu mempela
jan segalany sekaligus


He was interested in the long jump. So he entered for the long jump in the school sport. He realized that he had to learn it step by
step. He was for the proverb, ‘Learn to walk before you run.’
# Sedikit demi sedikit, lama-lama menjacli bukit. (Belajarlah sedikit derni sedikit, sehingga akhirnya menjadi pandai.)
Learn Lihat: Live and learn; One is never too old to learn Learning Lihat: A little knowledge/learning is a
dangerous thing:
There is no royal road to learning
Learns Lihat: He who teaches, learns
Least said, soonest mended
Sedikit bicara. cepat seiesaiiiya
Tidak ada gunanya memperpanjang pertengkaran. Semakin banyak dibicarakan, semakin panas suhunya. Karena itu, hentikanlah
bicara Anda.
He wa very angry to hear what she said. But he thought that the best thing to end their quarrel was to stop discussing the
problem. The least said, soonest mended.
# Sedikit bicara, banyak bekerja. (Jika orang banyak bicara, maka pekerjaan mereka tidak akan pernah selesai.)
Least Lihat: Idle folks have the least leisure
Left Lihat: Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth
Leisure Lihat: Idle folks have the least leisure
Lend your money and lose a friend
P,nja,nkan tiang Anda, dan hilanglah ecorang reman
Janganlah Anda meniinjamkan uang kepada teman Anda. Lebih baik berikan saja uang itu. Karena, jika ia tidak dapat
mengembalikannya, maka putuslah persahabatan Anda.
He asked me to borrow my money. I gave him the money but I didit ‘t say that I lent it to him. Because [knew that if he could not
return the money, I would hate him, and our friendship would end. I remembered the proverb, ‘Lend your money and lose a
# Jika tak ada uang di pinggang, sahabat karib menjadi renggang. (Persahabatan dapat putus, hanya karena uang.)

Lends Lihat: Distance lends enchantment to the view

Leopard Lihat: The leopard cannot change its spots
Lesser Lihat: Of two evils choose the lesser
Let bygones be bygones
Yang la/u biarlah berlalu
Maat’kanlah mereka dan lupakanlah kesalahannya di masa lampau. After a long angry quarrel, the two boys agreed to
forget their quarrel and to be friends again. They said, ‘Let bygones be bygones.’ # Nasi sudah menjadi bubur. (Yang
sudah, ya sudah; yang belum saja, jangan diulangi. Maafkanlah apa yang sudah terjadi dan berhatih atilah untuk yang akan
Let not the sun go down on your wrath
Jangan biarkan inatahari terbenatn, .cebeiu,n padain ainarah Anda
Jangan lanjutkan kemarahan Anda, setelah malam tiba. Hentikan kemarahan itu, begitu han berganti.
She was very angry and scolded her son severely. Because he had broken her antique vase. Nevertheles, she didn’t
continue to be angry when the day ended and the night came. She didn’t want to make the evening miserable for
herself andfor everyone else. She was for the saying, ‘Let not the sun go down on your wrath.’
# Berkepanjangan bagai agam. (Jangan biarkan sesuatu itu sampai berlarut-larut. Karena hal itu hanya akan merugikan din kita
sendiri) (agaIn = tanpa akhir; berlarut-larut)
Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth
Janganlah tan gan kin Anda tahu, apa yang diiakukan ole/i tan gan kanan Anda
Jika Anda berbuat baik, janganlah Anda mengatakannya kepada siapa pun. Bahkan jika tangan kanan Anda memberikan uang
sedekah, misalnya, tangan kin Anda sekali pun tidak boleh tahu.
Tetapi dalam praktek, ungkapan di atas sering kali digunakan dengan arti yang lain. Yakni, bekerjasamalah. Karena, jika ada
bagian dan sebuah organisasi yang tidak tahu apa yang dilakukan oleh bagian lainnya, maka akan timbul kesalahpahaman.
Atau, bahkan kata ‘not’-nya dihilangkan.
We should give help to the poor in secret, not boast about it. Remember what the Bible tells us, ‘Let not thy left hand
know what thy right hand doeth.’

Their team lost. Because the coach and the captain didn ‘t tell each player what the others were to do. They didn’t let
the left hand know what the right hand was doing. ‘So the players were all mixed up. And they were defeated easily.
He told them to meet him in town. But he forgot to tell them where. Ne.u tune he will tell his friends everything they
need to know so they can meet. He didn’t remember the saying, ‘Let thy left hand know what thy right hand was
# Bekerja bahu-membahu. (Orang hendaknya mau bekerja sama. saling memahami, dan saling tolong-menolong.)
Let sleeping dogs lie
Biarkaniali anjing itu tidur, tidak u.cah thganggu
Janganlah membuat marah orang lain, atau melakukan sesuatu yang hanya akan menimbulkan kesulitan atau bahaya
You don’t hai’e to tell Father that you broke the window, he will be angry. ‘Let sleeping dogs lie.’
# (Janganlah) Anak badak dihambat-hambat. (Janganlah dengan sengaja mencari marabahaya.)
Let the buyer beware
Berhati-hatilah jika inenibeli
Orang tidak mungkin lagi mengembalikan apa yang telah dibelinya.
Karena itu, waspadalah. Periksalah dengan teliti kualitasnya, sebelum
Anda membelinya.
He bought a towel. At home he handed it to his wife. She said that the price was too expensive and the quality was
too bad. Remember the proverb,’ she told him seriously, ‘Let the buyer beware.’
# Teliti sebelum membeli. (Periksalah mutu barangnya dengan teliti sebelum Anda membelinya.)
Let Lihat: Live and let live
Leveller Lihat: Death is the grand leveller
Liar Lihat: A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth
Liars should have good memories
Para peinbohong seharusnya i1Y ingatan yang bagus
Seorang pembohong harus selalu siap. Sehingga jika timbul pertan yaan yang sama, maka jawabannya pun harus
tetap sama. Jika

jawabannya berbeda-beda, maka orang akan segera tahu tentang kebohongannya. Karena itu, kebohongan yang
pernah diceritakan harus selalu diingat.
When his girl-friend asked him with whom he went to the cinema last week, he said that he went with his niece. But later he said
to his classmates that he went with his girl-friend. Finally his girl-friend realized that he lied to her when his classmates reported
it to her. ‘Liars should have good memories, ‘ she told him angrily.
# Sekali lancung ke ujian, seumur hidup orang tak percaya. (Sekali ketahuan berbuat tidakjujur, selanjutnya orang
tak akan percaya lagi.) (lancung = curang, tidak jujur)
Lie Lihat: As you make your bed, you must lie on it; Let sleeping dogs lie
Lies Lihat: Ask no questions and you’ll be told no lies; The proof of the pudding lies in the eating; Uneasy lies the
head that wears a crown
Life is not all beer and skittles
Hidup tidak hanya untuk ,ninu,n bir dun ber’nain skittle (bum! kayu yang barns dijatuhkan dengan leinparan bum kayu a&n.’
piring kayu)
Hidup tidaklah hanya untuk makan siang, istirahat, atau mencari hiburan saja. Tetapi juga kerja untuk mencari uang.

He had his lunch in the works canteen because it was cheaper. Now he was ready to get back to work. ‘Life is not all beer and
skittles, ‘he said to himself
# Seperti ayam, kalau tidak mengais tidak makan. (Buruh kecil, jika tidak bekerja, sudah pasti tidak makan.)
Life Lihat: Variety is the spice of life
Light Lihat: A heavy purse makes a light heart; A light purse makes a heavy heart; Many hands make light
Like father, like son
Anak Ic/ak!, seperti ayahnya
Anak lelaki biasanya menyerupai ayahnya.
He is on the student council and is likely to be class president. His father has been on the city council, he is now the mayor and is
running for governor. So, likefather, like son. He is in student organization and his father is in politics.

# Air cucuran atap jatuhnya ke pelimbahan juga. (Tabiat seorang ana’ biasanya tak lepas dan orang tuanya.) (cucuran yang turun
dar pelimbahan = lubang atau tempat pembuangan air kotor)
Like master, like man
Tuan dan hainbanya sa,na
Pekerja dan majikannya sama karena pekerja senantiasa menir majikannya. Jika majikannya baik, maka pekerjanya pun demikiar
The shopkeepers and the owner of the shop were rude to the customers. So we preferred to buy everything from the other shops.
it seemed thur the proverb, ‘Like master, like man,’ was true.
# Mati ayam, mati tungau. (Jika tuannya celaka, anak buahnya pun iku:
merasakan celaka juga.)
Like Lihat: Curses, like chickens, come home to roost; He who says what he likes shall hear what he does not like; Nothing
succeeds like success; Promises are like pie-crust, made to be broken; There is no fool like an old fool
Likes Lihat: He who says what he likes shall hear what he does not like
Linen Lihat: Don’t wash your dirty linen in public
Lining Lihat: Every cloud has a silver lining
Link Lihat: A chain is no stronger than its weakest link
Lion Lihat: A lion may come to be beholden to a mouse; A living dog is better than a dead lion; Better be the head of a dog than
the tail of a lion
Little pitchers have big/long ears
Buyung/kendi kecil punya telinga/tangkai besar/panjang
Anak kecil kerap kali dapat menangkap pembicaraan yang jauh Iebih banyak daripada yang diperkirakan oleh orang dewasa.
Karena itu, berhati-hatilah dalam berbicara, jika ada anak kecil.
Do not swear in front of little children. They will be sure to notice the swear and start using them. Little pitchers have big ears.
# Guru kencing (makan) berdiri, murid kencing (makan) berlari. (Jika orang tua atau guru memberikan contoh yang tidak patut,
maka anak atau murid pun akan berbuat yang lebih tidak pantas lagi.)

orang anak Little things please little minds

turun dan; Hal yang kecil dapat tnenyenangkan piki ran yang picik
Anak kecil menyukai sesuatu yang sederhana. Demikian pula halnya dengan orang bodoh.
He was an ordinary worker. He was proud because he had a piece of paper stating that he was a model worker.
There was no promotion and
sa meniru no increase in his salary. It seemed that the boss was smart. He knew demjkjan that little things pleased
little minds.
# Asal ada kecil pun pada. (Orang kecil itu, sedikit pun cukup.)
custo fliers
ented that Little Lihat: A little knowledge/learning is a dangerous thing; Every little helps; What costs little
is little esteemed
va pun ikut
Live and learn
Hiduplah dan belajarlah
who says Makin lama hidup seseorang, makin banyak pula hal-hal baru yang succeeds dapat dipelajari. Karena itu orang dapat
belajar melalui pengalaman en; There hidupnya.
Pepatah mi juga dapat dipakai sebagai kata seru, yang bernada does not menyalahkan, ‘Makanya, hiduplah terus dan
She made her new dressfrom cheap cloth. When she washed it, itshrank and became too litle. ‘Live and learn,’ she
said to himself # Jauh berjalan banyak dilihat, lama hidup banyak dirasai. (Banyak merantau dan umur panjang memperkaya
pengalaman hidup.)
A living Live and let live
than the Hiduplah dan bjarkanlah hidup
Hiduplah dengan cara hidup yang Anda sukai, dan biarkanlah pula orang lain hidup dengan cara hidupnya sendiri, tanpa saling
He scolded his wfe because she wore her hair in curls, and she scolded
tiuh lebjh him because he smoked a smelly pipe. Grandmother said that they rena itu. should each do as he/she wish
and not keep bothering each other. ‘It’s
your hair and your pipe,’ said she interveningly, ‘Live and let live.’ otice the 4 Enggang sama enggang, pipit sama pipit.
(Biarkanlah orang hidup
dengan cara hidupnya masing-masing.)

Live not to eat, but eat to live

J—I,du1, tidak untuk inakan, tetapi inakan untuk hidu1,

Hidup mi tidak hanya untuk makan. Jangan rakus, dan hanya mengejar
kenikrnatan makan saja. Banyak lainnya yang bermanfaat selain makan.
He enjoyed his wife’s cooking. He knew well the proverb, ‘Live not to eat, but eat to live.’ However, her cooking that day was
veiy speciaL # Seperti ikan baung dekat pemandian. (Sangat rakus. Semuanya dimakan.) (baung = sejenis ikan)
Lives Lihat: A cat has nine lives; Half the world knows not how the other half lives
Living Lihat: A living dog is better than a dead lion; Dying is as natural as living
Loads Lihat: All lay loads on a willing horse
Loaf Lihat: Half a loaf is better than no bread
Lock Lihat: It is too late to lock the stable when the horse has been stolen
Locksrniths Lihat: Love laughs at locksmiths
Long Lihat: A creaking gate/door hangs long; He should have/He needs a long spoon who sups with the devil; Little pitchers
have big/long ears
Look before you leap
Lihatlah, sebelutn Anda ineloinpat
Sebelum melakukan sesuatu, orang hendaknya memikirkannya Iebih clahulu.
He wanted to begin his own business. But his wife warned him that he had no talent. Besides, he got a monthly salary. While in
business. nobody could not help him ifhe failed. ‘So, look before you leap!’ she concluded threateningly.
# Pikir dulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian tak berguna. (Pikir dulu masak-masak, sebelum berbuat sesuatu, agar tidak menyesal di
kemudian han.)
Look Lihat: A cat may look at a king; Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth

Lookers-on see most of the game

Para penonton lebih banyak ,nelthat pertandingan
Orang yang aktif dalam suatu kegiatan kadang-kadang tidak tahu secara menyeluruh. Sedangkan seorang pengamatjustru lebih
menget ahui dan para pelakunya.
Tepat seperti penonton yang melihat jalannya pertandingan secara keseluruhan. Sementara pemainnya hanya melihat dan sudut
dirinya saj a.
She hada black spot on her left cheek. She didn’t realized it until a small child laughed at her and told her about it. ‘Lookers-on
see most of the
game,’ she said to herself
# Kuman di seberang lautan tampak, gajah di pelupuk mata tiada tampak. (Kesalahan orang lain walau sedikit diributkan,
sedangkan kesalahan sendini yang banyak tidak disadari.)
Looks Lihat: The devil looks after his own
Loophole Lihat: Every law has a loophole
Lose Lihat: Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance; Grasp all, lose all; Lend your money and lose a friend; What
one loses! you lose on the swings, one makes up!you gain on the roundabouts Loses Lihat: What one loses!you lose on the
swings, one makes up! you gain on the roundabouts
Lost Lihat: A friend is easier lost than found; A good name is sooner lost than won; He who hesitates is lost; One man’s lost is
another’s gain
Lottery Lihat: Marriage is a lottery
Louder Lihat: Actions speak louder than words; It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock
Love is blind
Cinta it u buta
Keburukan yang mengerikan sekali pun tidak akan tenlihat, jika orang sedang dimabuk cinta.
He was poor, very tall, and bony. However, she fell in love with him. Now they have many children. People say that love is blind.

# Sayang negeri, tinggalkan negeri; sayang anak, tangan-tangankan. (Jika benar-benar mencintai seseorang, janganlah dibiarkan
keburukannya. Jika benar-benar mencintai negerinya, kalau perlu rela

meninggalkannya untuk menuntut ilmu, demi kemajuan negerinya. Jika benar-benar mencintai anak, bila perlu dihukum kalau
Love laughs at Iocksmiths
Cinta menertawakan tukang kunci
Dua orang yang sedang dimabuk cinta tidak mungkin dihalangi. Bahkan untuk kawin pun mereka tidak dapat dilarang. Karena
dengan cara bagaimana pun mereka akan melakukannya.
She always managed to find a way of meeting her lover secretly. Even her parents could not stop her. it was true that love
laughed at locksmiths.
# Bagai api dengan asap. (Sepasang insanlmerpati yang sehidups emati. Sehingga tidak ada orang yang mampu memisahkannya.)

Love me, love my dog

Cintai aku, cintai anjingku
Jika Anda mencintai seseorang, cintailah seluruhnya. Termasuk keluarganya, hewan piaraannya, hobinya, dst.
He said he loved her very much. But he didn’t like her habit of smoking. So, she was angry and decided to break their
engagement. She believed (in) the proverb, ‘Love me, love m’’ dog.’
# (Janganlah) Bunganya dipersunting, pangkalnyadiberaki. (Janganlah anak perempuannya saja yang disukai, sementara orang
tuanya di benci.)
Love Lihat: All’s fair in love and war; The course of true love never did run smooth; The love of money is the root of all evil;
Those whom the gods love die young
Lovers’ quarrels are soon mended
Pertengakaran dua orang kekasih segera ,ne,nbaik
Jika dua orang kekasih bertengkar, maka hal itu tidak pernah berlangs ung terlalu lama.
The old married couple always quarrels every day. But they have many children. Because lovers’ quarrels are soon mended.
# Seperti pinggan dengan mangkuk, salah sedikit hendak berantuk. (Suarn-isteri, bagaimana pun seringnya bertengkar, namun
tetap sehidup-semati.)

Mad Lihat: He who would hang his dog gives out first that it is mad Made Lihat: Fingers were made before forks; Footprints on
sands of time are not made by sitting down; God made the country, and man made the town; Promises are like pie-crust, made to
be broken
Make hay while the sun shines
Keringkan rl4mput, .celagi inentari bersinar
Manfaatkan kesempatan yang ada. Jangan biarkan kesempatan itu berlalu.
He did not waste time, but used a free hour to study his lesson. 1-fe remembered the proverb, ‘Make hay while the
sun shines.’
# Duduk meraut ranjau, tegak meninjau jarak. (Gunakanlah waktu dan kesempatan yang ada dengan sebaik-baiknya.)
Make the best of a bad job
Buatlali yang terbaik dan pekerjaan yang buruk
Memperoleh hasil yang baik dan sesuatu yang baik adalah wajar. Tetapi memperoeh hasil yang terbaik dan sesuatu yang terburuk
adalah istimewa. Karena itu, lakukanlah yang terbaik dan sesuatu yang terburuk.
His parents settled in a new town. And he got the worst junior high
Fs chool in town. But he decided to make the best of a bad job and study hard. Finally he passed the exam and
became the best student in his school. As a result he was received in a favorite senior high school.
Pandai berminyak air. (Pandai memanfaatkan sesuatu yang kurang berarti hingga menjadi berharga.)
Make Lihat: As you make your bed, you must lie on it; Clothes do
not make a man; Conscience does make cowards of us all; Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill; Empty vessels make the
most noise/sound; Fine feathers make fine birds; Hard cases make bad laws;
It takes all sorts to make a world; It takes two to make aquarrel; Many hands make light work; Men make houses, women make
homes; One swallow does not make a summer; Two blacks do not make a white;

You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear; You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs; You cannot make bricks
without straw; You may lead/take a horse to water, but youcanne:
make him drink
Makers Lihat: Law makers should not be lawbreakers
Makes Lihat: A bad beginning makes a bad ending; A good husband makes a good wife; A heavy purse makes a light heart; A
light purse makes a heavy heart; A still tongue makes a wise head:
Absence makes the heart grow fonder; Adversity makes strange bedfellows; All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy;
Customs makes all things easy; Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise; Haste makes waste; He
who makes no mistakes makes nothing; Hope deferred makes the heart sick; It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his
confessor; Money breeds! makes/begets money; Opportunity makes the thief; Practice makes perfect; Praise makes good men
better and bad men worse; What one loses/you lose on the swings, one makes up/you gain on the roundabouts
Man proposes, God disposes
Manucja merencanakan, Tuhan yang inenentukan
Tuhanlah yang menentukan segala-galanya. Manusia hanya wajib berusaha. Tetapi takdir ada di tangan Tuhan.
Tetapi pepatah mi sering kali diubah orang, untuk mendapatkan efek jenaka, dengan mengganti ‘Man’ dan ‘God’ dengan kata-
kata yang lai nnya.
He sold his rice field. But he received the money at noon, so he put it under his pillow. He wanted to save it in a bank next
morning. Unfortunately, when he went home late, his wife told him that their house and many other houses were destroyed in
afire that happened not long after he went out. He fell unconscious. Their neighbours felt pity to him and told him, ‘Man
proposes, God disposes.’
Mother always allows Grandmother to give her suggestion. Butfinally we all know what happens. ‘Grandmother proposes,
Mother disposes.’ # Manusia mengikhtiarkan, Allah menakdjrkan. (Ikhtiar, usaha, atau akal budi, ada di tangan manusia, jadi
orang harus bekerja sekerask erasnya untuk mencapai maksud tujuannya, sedangkan berhasil tidaknya usaha itu tergantung pada
takdir Tuhan.)

Man Lihat: A drowning man will clutch at a straw; A fool may give a wise man counsel; A wise man is never less alone than
when alone; Call no man happy till he is dead; Clothes do not make a man; Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy,
wealthy and wise; Envy never enriched any man; Every man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost; Every man has his
price; Every man has the defects of his own virtues/qualities; Every man is his own worst enemy; Every man must carry his own
cross; God made the country, and man made the town; In a calm sea, every man is a pilot; In the country of the blind, the one-
eyed man is a king; Like master, like man; No man can serve two masters; No man is indispensable; One’s meat/treasure/etc. is
another man’s poison! rubbish/etc.; The child is father of the man; Whatever man has done, man can do
Manners Lihat: Other times/countries/days, other manners/cust oms/ways
Many hands make light work
Banyuk tangan, meinbuat pekeijaan jadi nfl gun
Bekerj asamalah. Bergotongroyongl ah. Karena pekerj aan yang berat sekali pun, jika dikerjakan bersama, akan terasa ringan.
He invited his friends to finish the football field together on Sunday. ‘Many hands make light work,’ he told his
friends, ‘If we all work together, the field will be done sooner.’
# Duduk seorang bersempit-sempit, duduk bersama beflapang-lapang. (Dengan bermusyawarah atau bergotong royong, segala
sesuatunya akan lebih mudah dilaksanakan.)
Many would be cowards, if they had courage enough Banyak urang akan menjadi pen gecut, jika tnereka punya cukup keberanian
Banyak orang yang memberikan dukungan, karena takut akan ditertawakan. Atau, karena takut kehilangan sesuatu.
They said that their superior’s son was a good singer when he sang a pop song at the party. Even though they didn’t
like it. Because they were afraid if they didn’t praise him. It seemed that they remembered the proverb, ‘Many would
be cowards, if they had courage enough.’ # Tempat makan jangan diberaki. (Orang cenderung takut pada atasan, sehingga
senantiasa memuji. Karena mereka tidak mau merusak tempat mereka mencari nafkah.)

Many Lihat: Cowards die many times before their deaths; Don’t have too many irons in the fire; Success has many friends; There
is many a good tune played on an old fiddle; There is many a true word spoken in jest; Too many cooks spoil the broth
Man’s Lihat: One’s meat/treasure/etc. is another man’s poison! rubbish/etc.; One man’s lost is another’s gain; The way to a
man’s heart is through his stomach
Marriage is a lottery
Perkawinan adnlah lotere
Perkawinan itu seperti lotere. Orang selalu memilih pasangan hidupn ya dengan sungguh-sungguh, agar mereka dapat
menciptakan kel uarga yang baik. Tetapi ada saja perkawinan yang berakhir dengan perceraian. Sehingga perkawinan itu seperti
lotere saja. Ada yang beruntung, dan ada pula yang kecewa.
He was very choosy because he wanted to marry a good wife. But his parents told him that he could not tell whether she was a
good wife or not until he had married her and lived with her for sonic time. ‘Marriage is a lottety,’ they concluded.
# Asam di gunung, garam di laut, bertemu dalam belanga. (Lahir, jodoh, dan mati itu di tangan Tuhan. Karena itu, kalau sudah
jodoh, bertemu juga akhirnya.)
Master Lihat: A Jack of all trades is master of none; Fire is a good servant but a bad master; Jack is as good as his master; Like
master, like man
Masters Lihat: No man can serve two masters
May Lihat: A cat may look at a king; He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere; You may know by a handful
the whole sack; You may lead/take a horse to water, but youcannot make him drink
Means Lihat: Silence gives/means consent; The end justifies the means
Measured Lihat: Men are not to be measured in inches
Meat Lihat: God never sends mouths but he sends meat; One’s meat/treasure/etc is another man’s poison/rubbish/etc.
Medal Lihat: Every medal has two sides

)on’t Meet Lihat: Extremes meet

There Memories Lihat: Liars should have good memories
Men are blind in their own cause
son! Manusia itu buta, karena keyakinannya sendiri
ian’s Orang tidak mampu melihat kebenaran dan sudut pandang orang lain, jika ia benar-benar yakin akan pendapatnya sendiri.
Sehingga akan
mengatakan bahwa hanya ia yang benar.
He was sure that he was right. So he failed to see the dangers. His friends tried to make him realize the fact. But he couldn ‘t
d The trouble was that men were blind in their own cause.
# Kuman di seberang lautan tampak, gajah di pelupuk mata tiada
e- tampak. (Perihal orang yang rnenganggap hanya dirinya yang benar,
nan sehingga tidak mampu melihat kesalahannya sendiri.)
t his Men are not to be measured in inches
Man usia tic/ak diukur dengan mci
or Orang tidak diukur dan besar-kecilnya badan. Orang pendek pun ada
yang menjadi orang besar, seperti Napoleon.
hir He was very short. No-one, who met him for the first time, thought that doh he was the manager of the company. His staff
always said to each other
that men were not be measured in inches.
# Besar jangan disangkakan bapak, kecil jangan disangkakan anak. (Kebijakan, kecerdikan, dan kecerdasan, atau tinggi-
rendahnya tingo od kat pengetahuan, tidak dapat diukur dan besar-kecilnya atau tuai ke mudanya seseorang.)
Men make houses, women make homes
Leiki—/ak, inembuat ru,nah, Wamta inenciptakan teinpat tinggal
Rumah yang dibuat lelaki, akan diciptakan jadi tempat tinggal yang nyaman oleh isterinya, sehingga mereka hidup bahagia.
Sebaliknya, rumah itu akan menjadi gersang, jika tidak ada wanita yang memeliharanya.
His house used to be an empty box. But after he was married, his wife made ita castle forthem with herdecorations. It was true
that men made houses, women made homes.
Besar berudu di kubangan, besar buaya di lautan, (Setiap orang

I mencintai tempat atau lingkungannya sendiri.)


Men Lihat: Dead men tell no tales; Do as most men do, then most men will speak well of you; If two men ride on a horse, one
must ride behind; It must be true that all men say; One volunteer is worth two pressed men; Praise makes good men better and
bad men worse
Mend Lihat: It is never too late to mend
Mended Lihat: Least said, soonest mended; Lovers’ quarrels are soon mended
Men’s Lihat: It is ill waiting for dead men’s shoes
Mice Lihat: When the cat is away, the mice will play
Mid Lihat: Don’t change horses in mid-stream
Might is right
Kuat berarti benar
Orang yang kuat atau berkuasa selalu benar atau dibenarkan. Sedangk an orang kecil selalu salah atau disalahkan.
In a civilized country, he who is wise becomes a leader. Because in such place right is might.
In the jungle, he who is strong becomes a king. Because in such place might is right.
# Ayam itik raja di tempatnya. (Setiap orang berkuasa di tempatnya, kediamannya, atau lingkungannya sendiri.)
Might Lihat: If wishes were horses, beggars would ride/might ride
Mightier Lihat: The pen is mightier than the sword
Mile Lihat: A miss is as good as a mile; Give him/knaves an inch and he/they will take a yard/a mile
Milk Lihat: It is no use crying over spilt milk
Mill Lihat: God’s mill grinds slow but sure
Mind Lihat: A contented mind is a perpetual feast; Out of sight, out of mind
Minds Lihat: Great minds think alike; Little things please little minds

, then most Misfortune tells us what fortune is

e, one must Keinalan gun ,ne,nberj ta/zn k/ta teritang znakna keberuntun gun
eeris worth Orang yang senantiasa hidup dalam keberuntungan kemungkinan
justru tidak menyadarinya. Tetapi begitu ia menderita kemalangan,
barulah ia sadar betapa nikmatnya keberuntungan itu.
He got up late. He did,i ‘tknow what to do. Because he was never so late. Now he realized how wondeiful it was to
get up early. He said to himself
[uarrels are ‘Misfortune tells us what fortune is.,
# Sudah terlalu hilir malam, apa hendak dikata lagi. (Kemalangan yang telah menimpa, tak guna disesali lagi.)
Misfortunes Lihat: It is easy to bear the misfortunes of others
Miss Lihat: A miss is as good as a mile
Mistakes Lihat: He who makes no mistakes makes nothing
Molehill Lihat: Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill in. SedangM
oney breeds/makes/begets money
tuse in such
Uang berunaWmeinbuaf/tnendapat uang
Ada saja cara orang untuk mendapatkan uang. Orang kaya, bahkan such place dengan uangnya, dapat mendatangkan
uang lebih banyak lagi.
He saved his money in a bank to get its interest. He said that his money tempatnya, bred money in the bank.
# Hidup sebagai lintah darat. (Orang yang hidupnya dan nba atau meminjamkan uang dengan meminta bunga.)
Enight ride
Money Lihat: A fool and his money are soon parted; Lend your
s an inch money and lose a friend; Muck and money go together; The love of money is the root of all evil
Moon Lihat: Don’t cry for the moon
More Lihat: It is better/more blessed to give than to take
sight, out Moss Lihat: A rolling stone gathers no moss
Mother Lihat: He that would the daughter win, must with the ase little mother first begin; Necessity is the mother of
Mountain Lihat: Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill
Mouse Lihat: A lion may come to be beholden to a mouse
Mouth Lihat: Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth
Mouths Lihat: God never sends mouths but he sends meat

Much would have more

Binyuk (ikun inintu Iebilz
Sebagian dan orang yang kaya masih akan terus mencari kekayaan yang lebih banyak lagi.
He was the richest man in the village. Bitt every villager - even the poorest - who borrowed his money had to pay its interest. They
said to each other, ‘Much would have more.’
# Busutjuga yang ditimbun anai-anai. (Yang kayajuga yang bertambah kekayaannya.) (busut = sarang anai-anai)
Much Lihat: He that talks much, errs much; He that travels far knows much
Muck and money go together
Kotorun dun uang berjulun bersa,nu—cu,nu
Untuk mencari uang, orang harus man bersusah-payah untuk mendap atkannya. Termasuk bekerja di tempat yang kotor, seperti
pabrik, tambang minyak, dsb.
He began as a technician at an old workshop. Then he ran his own workshop, bought used cars, repaired them, and sold them at
a great profit. Now he is able to send his children to the university. Muck and money go together
# Jika tiada dipecah ruyung, di mana akan mendapat sagu? (Tanpa kerja keras tak mungkin mendapat banyak uang.)
Multitude Lihat: Charity covers a multitude of sins
Must Lihat: A door must be either shut or open; Desperate diseases need/must have desperate cures; Every flow must have its
ebb; Every Jack must have his Jill; Every man must carry his own cross; Experience must be bought; He that will thrive must rise
at five; He that would command must serve; He that would eat the kernel must crack the nut; He that would have eggs must
endure the cackling of hens; He that would the daughter win, must with the motherfirst begin; If two men ride on ahorse, one
must ride behind; It must be true that all men say; Needs must when the devil drives

Name Lihat: A good name is better than riches; A good name is sooner lost than won; A rose by any other name would smell as
sweet; Give a dog a bad name, and hang him
Nation Lihat: Happy is the country/nation that has no history Natural Lihat: Dying is as natural as living
Nature abhors a vacuum
Aiwn tiduk tnenyukai kekosongan
Sesuatu yang hilang akan segera diganti oleh yang lain. Kedudukan yang kosong karena orangnya meninggal, akan segera diisi
oieh orang yang baru. Tepat seperti ruangan yang kosong, atau hampa udara, yang akan segera diisi oleh udara di sekitarnya.
The President of the republic was killed in an aircraft crash. Then the Vice-President acted as a president until they held a
general election. People said, ‘Nature abhors a vacuum.’
# Esa hilang dua terbilang. (Selalu saja ada yang menggantikan atau meneruskan tugasnya.)
Nature Lihat: Habit is second nature
Near Lihat: The best fish swim near the bottom
Necessity is the mother of invention
Kebutuhan ada/nh usol dan pen einuan
Orang senantiasa akan mencari cara untuk mengatasi kesulitan yang dihadapinya, atau untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya, terutama
yang sangat mendesak.
To calculate numbers, prehistoric men used their fingers. Later more modern men used abacuses. Now we use computers to
calculate numbers and solve most pro blenis in our offices. It’s true that the need to calculate numbers makes men create devices,
such as abacuses, calculators, and computers, as the proverb says, ‘Necessity is the mother of invention.’
# Seperti ayam, kalau tidak mengais tidak makan. (Orang yang terdesak oleh kebutuhan, jika tidak berusaha mencari cara untuk
mengatasinya, sudah pasti tidak akan tercukupi.)


Need Lihat: A friend in need is a friend indeed; Desperate diseases need/must have desperate cures; He that is down need fear no
fall Needed Lihat: Advice when most needed is least heeded
Needs must when the devil drives
Kebutuhan inenjadi keharusan jika sewn inendorongnya
Karena kebutuhan yang mendesak, orang baik sekali pun dapat melakukan kejahatan.
He loved her very much. But she said that she was ashamed to go with him because he had no motOrbike. Then he
decided to steal a motorbike. But he failed and was caught by the police. His neighbours said, Needs must when the
devil drives.
# Api kecil baik padam. (Maksud jahat, meskipun kecil, harus segera dihilangkan, sebelum menjadi besar.)
Needs Lihat: A guilty conscience needs no accuser; Good wine needs no bush; He should have/He needs a long spoon who sups
with the devil
Neighbours Lihat: The rotten apple injures its neighbours
Nest Lihat: It is a foolish bird that soils/defiles its own nest
Net Lihat: All’s fish that comes to the net
Nettle Lihat: He who handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung
Never buy a pig in a poke
Jangan metnbeli babi di dalain karung
Janganlah membeli apa pun, tanpa memeriksanya lebih dulu dengan teliti.
He refuses to buy land by mail because sometimes the land turns out to be under water, or sometimes agents may
sell part of the ocean bottom. He remembers the proverb, ‘Never buy a pig in a poke.’ # Membeli kucing dalam karung.
(Membeli sesuatu tanpa melihat dulu kualitas atau keadaan yang akan dibeli.)
Never refuse a good offer
.Janganlah neno1ak tali’aran yang baik
Kesempatan baik mungkin tidak datang dua kali. Karena itu, jika ada tawaran yang baik, terimalah. Jangan ditolak.
He had sent many applications for ajob to national and multi-national

companies and received the first reply. The pay and the working tIl conditions are excellent. He agreed. He didn’t
want to know other
replies and to miss the chance. ‘Never refuse a good offer,’ he said to himself
# Pisang tidak berbuah dua kali. (Kesempatan baik biasanya hanya datang satu kali.)
Never Lihat: A bully never grows up; A constant guest is never welcome; Better late than never; It is never too late to mend; It
never rains but it pours; Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday - but neverjam today; One is never too old to learn; The course of true
love never did run smooth; The sun is never the worse for shining on a dunghill
New brooms sweep clean
Sapu baru, inenyapu Iebih bercih
Orang yang baru menduduki jabatannya biasanya melakukan banyak perubahan.
The new superintendent has changed many of the school rules, as the saying goes, new brooms sweep clean.
# Jalan dialih orang lalu, cupak dipepat orang menggalas. (Perihal adat-isitadat yang diubah oleh orang baru.) (cupak = takaran, ±
1,5625 kg; dipepat = diratakan, dihaluskan; menggalas = memikul, menjajakan barang dagangan dengan galas; galas = tongkat
untuk memikul atau menyandang barang dagangan)
New Lihat: You cannot teach an old dog new tricks
News Lihat: Bad news travels fast; No news is good news
Nine Lihat: A cat has nine lives; A stich in time saves nine
No man can serve two masters
Tidak ada orang yang dapat inelayani dua tuan/inajikan
Jika ada dua kelompok atau dua ide yang bertentangan, maka tidak ada orang yang dapat menjadi pengikut yang setia untuk
kedua-duanya. He wanted to be a leader for the workers. So he refused to accept an offer to be a personal manager in
the company. No man could serve two masters at the same time.
Bermuka dua. (Setia kepada dua pihak yang saling bertentangan. Tidak jujur. Tidak dapat dipercaya.)

No man is indispensable
Tidak ada orang yang tak dapat ditinggalkan
Betapa pun pentingnya seseorang, namun tidak berarti bahwa tanpa dirinya, dunia akan berhenti berputar. Karena senantiasa ada
saja orang yang dapat menggantikan.
He heard that the President of the republic was killed in an aircraft crash. People wondered whether their
country would be able to survive without him. But he was sure that no man was indispensable.
# Esa hilang dua terbilang. (Selalu saja ada yang menggantikan atau meneruskan tugasnya.)
No news is good news
Tak ada berita berarti berita balk
Orang cenderung ribut jika ada masalah. Dengan demikian, jika tidak ada berita, berarti semuanya berjalan mulus.
They never received any letter front their son who studied in Yogya recently. They hoped that it meant his pocket-
money was enough. Because every letter they received before always telling thent that he wanted more money for
this and that. They also hoped that nothing had gone wrong with him. As people said that no news was goodnews.
# Ayam bertelur di padi. (Perihal orang yang hidupnya bahagia.)
Nobody Lihat: It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good
Nobody’s Lihat: Everybody’s business is nobody’s business
Nod Lihat: A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse
Nods Lihat: Even Homer sometimes nods
Noise Lihat: Empty vessels make the most noise/sound
None Lihat: A Jack of all trades is master of none
Nose Lihat: Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face
Nothing succeeds like success
Tak ada yang sukses seperti sukses flu ,cendiri
Tidak ada orang yang tidak suka sukses. Akibatnya, semua orang menyukai orang yang sukses.
Sehingga orang yang sukses di satu bidang, menjadi terbuka jalan untuk sukses di bidang lainnya lagi.
Karena itu, lakukan semampu Anda. Yang penting sukses. Dan sukses inilah Anda dapat meningkatkan din untuk mencapai
sukses berikutn ya yang terjangkau oleh Anda, dst.

All the girls love him. Because he is a clever student. As people say, nothing succeeds like success.
# Lulus jarum (ujung), lulus kelindan. (Kalau maksud pertama berhas il, maksud berikutnya pun akan berhasil pula.) (kelindan =
Nothing venture/ventured, nothing gain/gained
Tidak berani, tidak tnemperoleh apa pun
Tidak ada yang dapat diperoleh dengan percuma. Yang mendapat keuntungan hanyalah mereka yang mau mengambil risiko.
Yang beranilah, yang menang. Karena itu, berusahalah, dan lakukan tind akan yang diperlukan, untuk meraih sukses.
He said that he was in love with her. But he was afraid to express his love to her. But his close friend told him that
he had to be brave. As people said, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
# Berakit-rakjt ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian; bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian. (Orang yang ingin sukses
harus berani kerja keras lebih dahulu, sebab di dunia mi tidak ada sesuatu apa pun yang bisa diperoleh dengan cuma-cuma.)
Nothing Lihat: Civility costs nothing; Courtesy costs nothing; He who makes no mistakes makes nothing; Politeness costs
Nourished Lihat: Desires are nourished by delays
Nut Lihat: He that would eat the kernel must crack the nut
Nuts Lihat: The gods send nuts to those who have no teeth

Oak Lihat: Every oak has been an acorn
Odious Lihat: Comparisons are odious
Of two evils choose the lesser
Di antara dua kejahatan piiihlah yang lebih sedikit (kejahatannya)
Pilihlah yang lebih sedikit tidak menyenangkannya, jika Anda dih— dapkan pada dua pilihan yang buruk dan
membahayakan. She hada choice of two evils. She had to bear with the constant nagging of her husband. Or, she
had to divorce him and let her children grow up with only one parent. Finally, she decided to choose to bear with thi
constant nagging of her husband. Because it was the lesser of the # Dipilih antah satu-satu. (Pilihlah dengan teliti.

Pilihlah yang terb aik.)

Offer Lihat: Never refuse a good offer
Often Lihat: The pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at last
Oil Lihat: Pouring oil on the fire is not the way to quench it Old Lihat: One is never too old to learn; Remove an
old tree and it will wither to death; There is many a good tune played on an old fiddle; There is no fool like an old
fool; You cannot catch old birds with chaff; You cannot put old heads on young shoulders; You cannot teach an old
dog new tricks
Omelette Lihat: You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs
Once Lihat: Christmas comes but once a year
One good turn deserves another
Yang balk pantas dibalas
Sudah selayaknya jika kita tolong-menolong. Karena itu, orang yang pernah menolong kita, pantas atau bahkan
wajib kita balas. He helped her brother with the translation. And she thanked him very much. But he told her that he
was only repaying afavour. His late father helped him to get ajob in a multi-national company. As people said, one
good turn deserved another.

# Ada ubi ada talas, ada budi ada balas. (Kejahatan dibalas dengan kejahatan, kebaikan dibalas dengan kebaikan.)
One is never too old to learn
Untuk belajar, fidak ada istilah terlalu tun
Ada saja yang dapat dipelajari oleh setiap orang, pada usia berapa pun. Her grandfather is sixty. However he is attending
evening classes. To him, one is never too old to learn.
# Belajarlah dan buaian sampai ke hang lahad. (Belajar itu dimulai dan kandungan sampai mati.)
One man’s lost is another’s gain
Kekalahan seseorang, inerupakan keinenangan orang lain
Sesuatu yang dihindari seseorang mungkin justru dilakukan oleh orang lain.
It was raining heavily all day long. The children around the bus terminal made money by renting their umbrellas. It
seemed true that one man’s lost was another’s gain.
# Menangguk di air keruh. (Mencari keuntungan, dsb., ketika ada kekacauan, perselisihan, dsb.) (menangguk = menangkap ikan
dengan tangguk; tangguk keranjang atau jaring berbingkai untuk menangk ap ikan, udang, dsb.)
One swallow does not make a summer
Seekor burung Iayang-layang, beluin cukup sebagai pertanda datangnya muslin panas
Kumpulkan faktanya sebanyak mungkin. Janganlah mengambil kes impulan hanya dan sepotong informasi saja.
When she first met him, she thought that he had very little education. Later when he gave a talk, she realized that he
was a holder of an MSc. She remembered that one swallow didn ‘t make a summer.
# Diam-diam ubi berisi. (Orang pandai berlaku sebagai orang bodoh. Sehingga kita dapat salah jika kita menilainya pada
pandangan pertama.)
One volunteer is worth two pressed men
Seorang sukarelawan sama dengan dun orang yang terpakca
Orang yang merasa terpaksa tidak akan bersemangat. Hasilnya pun tidak dapat diharapkan maksimal.
Sedangkan orang yang senang mengerjakannya, akan luar biasa hasilnya.

As a manager, he didn’t like to use his power. Because he didn’t want to force his people to work. He said that one volunteer was
worth two pressed men.
# Biar badan penat asal hati suka. (Jika hati suka, kerja keras pun tak terasa lelah. Hasil kerjanya juga jauh Iebih
banyak daripada yang merasa terpaksa.)
One Lihat: In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is a king
One’s man meatJtreasure/etc. is another man’s poisonlrubbishi etc.
Daging seseorang, jadi racun orang lain
Sesuatu yang sangat disukai seseorang mungkin justru tidak disukai oleh orang lain.
Most people in the towns and cities throw away their rubbish as though it is poison. While rural people use their rubbish as
compost or fertilizer. It seemed true that one man’s meat was another’s poison. # Ilmu pemulung, apa yang tidak disukai
orang, menjadi rejekinya. (Memanfaatkan sesuatu yang tidak disukai orang banyak, menjadi sesuatu yang
Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches
Hanya yang n,e,nakai fahu bagian mana dan sepatu itu yang berlubang
Hanya orang yang berhubungan Iangsung dengan tugas itu saja yang benar-benar tahu kesulitannya.
He was handsome, rich, and kind. But she refused to marry with him. ‘There must be some problem. But none of us know, ‘said
their friends to each other, ‘Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.’ # Seberat-berat mata memandang, masih lebih
berat bahu memikul. (Yang jauh Iebih mengetahui adalah yang mengalaminya sendiri.)
Open confession is good for the soul
Pengakuan terbuka sangat bogus untuk jiwa
Akuilah kesalahan Anda dengan berani. Anda pasti akan merasa lega karenanya.
Tetapi jika Anda justru menutup-nutupinya, maka Anda pun kan merasa resah dan gelisah.
She couldn’t sleep for several nights. Because she made a mistake in the organization ‘s account.

Finally she decided to tell it to the President of the organization. After they discussed some ways to correct it, she felt better. It
was true that open confession was good for the soul.
# Api kecil baik paclam. (Kesalahan kecil sekali pun harus diakui dan segera diperbaiki sebelum menjadi besar.)
Open Lihat: A door must be either shut or open; Better an open enemy than a false friend
Opens Lihat: A golden key opens every door; When one door shuts, another opens
Opportunity makes the thief
Kesetnpatan inenciptakan pencuri

Jika semua orang menyimpan barangnya di tempat yang aman, maka dunia mi tidak akan ada pencuri. Karena pencuri hanya
dapat melakuk an aksinya jika ada kemungkinan atau kesempatan.
He doesn’t want to tempt the thieves to steal his money. So he always saves it in a bank. He is sure that opportunity makes the
thieves. # Di mana kayu bengkok, di sanalah musang meniti. (Di tempat yang tidak terjaga, di situlah pencuri datang.) (meniti =
berjalan dengan hati-hati di atas titian atau jembatan kecil dan sebatang kayu, papan, dsb.)
Other times/countries/days, other manners/customs/ways
Lain jainan/negeri/har,, lain kelakuan/adat/cara
Setiap jaman mengalami perubahan. Baik cara berpikir, tingkah laku, maupun kesukaannya. Generasi yang satu selalu saja
berbeda dengan generasi sebelumnya.
She loved mini-skirt when she was a girl. As a result, her mother punished her severely. Now, her own daughter wears mini-skirt.
But she doesn’t want to punish her as her mother did to her. Because she believes that other times, other manners.
# Lain ladang lain belalang, lain lubuk lain ikannya. (Tiap-tiap negeri atau bangsa berlainan aturan dan adat kebiasaannya.)
(lubuk = bagian yang dalam di danau, sungai, laut, dsb.)
Otherwise Lihat: Some are wise and some are otherwise

Out of debt, out of danger

Lunas hutang, lepas bahaya
Orang sudah merasa lepas dan bahaya dan tidak takut lagi, setelah melunasi semua hutangnya.
His wife insisted him to borrow money to send their son at university abroad. But he didn’t want to bear the problems of being in
debt. He believed that out of debt, out of danger.
# (Janganlah) Gali lubang timbun (tutup) lubang. (Janganlah membuat hutang baru untuk rnernbayar hutang lama.)
Out of sight, out of mind
Keluar Inata, keluar piki ran (Tic/ak tatnj)ak, tidak terpikirkan)
Lupa karena tidak terlihat., tidak hadir, atau tidak berjumpa. Pepatah mi juga berarti sengaja melupakan sesuatu
atau seseorang yang tidak disukai.
Atau, memang pelupa.
They were friends. But he forgot her because it was a long time ago. As people said out of sight, out of mind.
He didn’t like her. And he stopped all contacts with her. He wanted her out of sight and out of mind.
After the traffic accident, he forgets everything. As people say, out of sight, out of mind.
# Jauh di mata, jauh di hati. (Lupa pada apa pun yang sudah tidak dilihatnya, atau sudah jauh darinya.)
Out of the frying-pan into the fire
Jatuh dart panci penggorengan ke daia,n api
Terkena kesulitan lain yang jauh lebih besar, karena berusaha melepask an din dan suatu kesulitan.
The old man told the young that Indonesians welcomed Japanese in 1942. They thought that they were liberated by the Japanese
after they were colonized by the Dutch for three and ha lf centuries. Later they realized that the Japanese were worse than the
Dutch. It seemed that they were out the frying-pan into the fire.
# Lepas dan mulut harimau, masuk ke dalam mulut buaya. (Lepas dan bahaya yang satu, mendapat bahaya yang lain
yang lebih besar.)
Outstay Lihat: Don’t wear out/outstay your welcome

Pack Lihat: Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest
Paddle your own canoe
I<ayuhlah perahu Anda cendiri
Mandirilah. Bekerjalah untuk mencari natkah Anda sendiri. After his Jither died, he had to earn his living. Yes, he had to
paddle his own canoe.
# Menyauk air mandikan din. (Hiduplah dengan usaha sendiri. Orang harus tidak menggantungkan hidupnya kepada
orang lain, meskipun orang lain itu orang tuanya sendiri, terutama setelah dewasa atau setelah kawin.) (menyauk =
Painted Lihat: The devil is not as black as he is painted
Pan Lihat: Out of the frying-pan into the fire
Part Lihat: Discretion is the better palt of valour
Parted Lihat: A fool and his money are soon parted
Party Lihat: Don’t take your harp to the party
Past Lihat: A word spoken is past recalling
Patient Lihat: The purse of the patient protracts the disease
Payer Lihat: An ill payer/paymaster never wants an excuse
Paymaster Lihat: An ill payer/paymaster never wants an excuse
Pays Lihat: He who pays the piper calls the tune; HypOcrisy ia a homage that vice pays to virtue
Peace Lihat: If you want peace, prepare for war
Pearls Lihat: Don’t cast your pearls before swine
Pen Lihat: The pen is mightier than the sword
Pence Lihat: Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care ofthemselves
Perfect Lihat: Practice makes perfect
Perpetual Lihat: A contented mind is a perpetual feast
Pie Lihat: Promises are like pie-crust, made to be broken
Pig Lihat: Never buy a pig in a poke
Pillow Lihat: A good conscience is a soft pillow
Pilot Lihat: In a calm sea, every man is a pilot

Pinches Lihat: Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches
Piper Lihat: He who pays the piper calls the tune
Pitch Lihat: He that touches pitch will be defiled
Pitcher Lihat: The pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at last
Pitchers Lihat: Little pitchers have big/long ears
Place Lihat: The darkest place is under the candlestick
PlayLihat: All work and noplay makes Jackadull boy; Don’tplay with edged tools; Give and take is fair play; When
the cat is away, the mice will play
Played Lihat: There is many a good tune played on an old fiddle
Please Lihat: Little things please little minds
Poison Lihat: One’s meat/treasure/etc. is another man’s poison? rubbish/etc.
Poke Lihat: Never buy a pig in a poke
Policy Lihat: Honesty is the best policy
Politeness costs nothing
Kesopwuin tidaklalz ,nalial haigunva
Agar enak dalarn pergaulan, hendaknya orang senantiasa bersikap sopan terhadap siapa pun. Karena untuk sopan,
orang tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya sepeser pun.
The owner of the shop always tells his shopkeepers to welcome his customers with smile and greetings. Politeness cost nothing
but it helps to attract them.
# Bahasa dan bangsa itu tidak clijual atau dibeli. (Untuk bertingkah laku yang baik, tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang.)

Poor Lihat: It is a poor/sad heart that never rejoices

Pot Lihat: A watched pot never boils; The pot calls the cattle black
Pounds Lihat: Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves
Pour Li hat: Don’t pour out the dirty water before you have cleaned
Pouring oil on the fire is not the way to quench it
Menuwig ininyak ke api bukanlah earn untuk inetnadwnkannya
Janganlah menyebut-nyebut sesuatu yang justru menambah kema

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rahan seseorang, jika Anda memang bermaksud ingin meredakan orang yang marah.
His wf was very angry with their child. But he didi, ‘t want to be disturbed. So he shouted at her to tell that he wanted to take a
rest after he worked all day. Now she was also angiy with hun because he was so rude to her. It seemed that he didn ‘t realize,
pouring oil on the fire was not the way to quench it.
# Mencabj mudah, menjahit susah. (Menambah kernarahan lebih mudah daripada meredakan atau
Pours Lihat: It never rains but it pours
Poverty is no sin
Kern /skinan bukan .cuatu dosa
Menjadi orang miskin hendaknya jangan membuat kita menjacli rendah din.
He used to feel very inferior to the rich. But now he decided not to be shy and keep away from his neighbours simply because he
was pool. He believed that poverty was no sin.
# Duduk sama rendah, tegak (berdiri) sama tinggi. (Di negeri mi, semua orang sama kedudukannya Sehingga
orang tidak perlu merasa rendah din karenanya.)
Power Lihat: Knowledge is power
Practice makes perfect
Praktek ‘ne,nbuat sempurna
Praktek membuat kita dapat menguasaj sesuatu secara baik, dengan hasH yang makjn baik pula. Karena itu,
praktekkati ilmu Anda secara terus-menerus
He has a driving licence. But he has no car and for the past several Years he never drives again. So it seems that he has no
courage to drive a car anymore It’s true that practice makes perfect.
Alah bisa karena biasa. (Praktek lebih penting daripada teoni. Makin banyak praktek, makin mahir pula jadinya.)

Praise makes good men better and bad men worse

Pujian meinbuat orang balk inenjadi inakin baik, dan orang jahat inenjadi lehih jahar
Semua orang senang dipuji. Sekali dipuji, ia ingin dipuji lagi, sehingga ia cenderung untuk meningkatkan dirinya agar
mendapatkan pujian lagi.
Akibatnya, dengan pujian Anda dapat meningkatkan orang baik menjadi makin baik. Tetapi sebaliknya, dengan pujian pula Anda
dapat membuat orang jahat menjadi makin jahat lagi.
Her neighbours hate her very much. Because she loves to praise small boys who do wrong. Yesterday a boy climbed a tree. She
praised him again and again. As result he tried to climb higher and higher. Finally he fell. It seemed that she practiced the
provrb which said that praise made (good men better and) bad men worse.
# Bagai burung gagak menggondol mangsa, karena pujian, jatuh mangsa. (Pujian dapat membuat orang baik menjadi makin baik.
Tetapi dapat pula membuat celaka. Seperti burung gagak yang dipuji merdu suaranya. Begitu membuka paruh untuk menyanyi,
mangsa yang digondolnya pun lepas dan paruhnya dan jatuh karenanya.)
Praise Lihat: Self-praise is no recommendation
Preached Lihat: The friar preached against stealing and had a goose in his sleeve
Precept Lihat: Example is better than precept
Prepare Lihat: Hope for the best and prepare for the worst; If you
want peace, prepare for war
Pressed Lihat: One volunteer is worth two pressed men
Prevention is better than cure
Pencegahan !ebih balk daripada pen gobatan
Janganlah menunggu datangnya kerusakan. Karena mencegah Iebih baik daripada memperbaikinya.
Seperti penyakit. Lebih baik kita mencegahnya. Karena kalau kita jatuh sakit, maka selain kita menderita sakit, kita juga tidak
dapat mencari nafkah, Sementara biaya pengobatannya harus dikeluarkan pula.
Sometimes Mount Merapi has to be bombed. So that the eruption can be tamed. In olden times, no-one controlled MountMerapi
‘s eruptions. As a result, there were thousands of victims. Now the eruptions are under control. Because our Government believes
that prevention is better than cure.

# Sedia payung sebelum hujan. (Bersiap-sedialah sebelum terjadi bencana. Jangan menunggu sampai bencana datang, kemudian
orang baru ribut mengatasinya.)
Price Lihat: Every man has his price; Good advice/counsel is beyond price
Pricks Lihat: Don’t kick against the pricks
Prize Lihat: A good wife is a good prize
Procrastination is the thief of time
Menunda adalah inencuri waktu
Kebanyakan orang menjadi terlambat karena kesukaannya menundan unda, dengan mengambil istirahat lebih dahulu. Akibatnya,
waktu kita banyak terbuang karenanya.
Karena itu, janganlah kita suka menunda pekerjaan. Jika perlu, kita selesaikan Iebih dulu, dan kemudian baru beristirahat.
Sehingga kita tidak selalu dikejar waktu, dan kita pun tidak selalu harus mengejar waktu.
When he worked as a shopkeeper at a photocopying shop, he used to take a rest first. So he didn’t always ready with
the work when the customers caine to ask their book he had to photocopied. As a result he was scolded by the shop
Now his family has helped him to run his own business. He never let his workers to put off the work. He always tells
theni that procrastination is the thief of time.
# Duduk meraut ranjau, tegak meninjaujarak. (Gunakan waktu sebaikb aiknya, dengan mengerjakan lebih dulu, dan bukannya
menundan unda.)
Progress Lihat: Discontent is the first step in progress
Promises are like pie-crust, made to be broken
Janji itu seperri kerak kue pastel, dibuat untuk dirusak
Ada orang yang membuat janji hanya untuk dirusak atau untuk tidak ditepati. Orang seperti mi jelas tidak dapat dipegang kata-
katanya, sehingga ia akhirnya tidak akan dipercaya lagi.
He told her that he wanted to marry her soon. But it was not his first promise. To him, promises were like pie-crust,
made to be broken.

# Janji sepanjang jalan, ia sepanjang han. (Perihal orang yang murah janji, tetapi jarang menepatinya.) (ia = ya,
Proof Lihat: The proof of the pudding lies in the eating
Prophet Lihat: A prophet is without honour in his own country
Proposes Lihat: Man proposes, God disposes
Protracts Lihat: The purse of the patient protracts the disease
Proves Lihat: The exception proves the rule
Providence is always on the side of big battalions
Tuhan selalu (ida di pihak batalyon yang besar
Dalam perang, kedua belah pihak selalu menyatakan bahwa Tuhan ada di pihak mereka. Meskipun demikian, tentara
yang Iebih besar dan lebih terlatihlah yang punya kemungkinan besar untuk menang. Karena itu, orang mengira
bahwa Tuhan selalu ada di pihak yang lebih kuat.
Every country wants its army bigger and better equipped and better trained than its enemy. Because people believe that
Providence is always on the side of big battalions.
# Seperti kambing dengan hanimau. (Yang kuat, yang menang.)
Public Lihat: Don’t wash your dirty linen in public
Pudding Lihat: The proof of the pudding lies in the eating
Pull Lihat: It is easier to pull down than to build
Purpose Lihat: The devil can cite the scripture for his purpose
Purse Lihat: A heavy purse makes a light heart; A light purse makes a heavy heart; He that hath a full purse never
wanted/lacked a friend; The purse of the patient protracts the disease; You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s
Put Lihat: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket; Don’t put the cart before the horse; You cannot put old heads on
young shoulders

Qualities Lihat: Every man has the defects of his own virtues! qualities
Quarrel Lihat: Don’t quarrel with your bread and butter; It takes two to make a quarrel
Quarrels Lihat: Lovers’ quarrels are soon mended
Quench Lihat: Pouring oil on the fire is not the way to quench it
Questioner Lihat: Avoid a questioner, for he is also a tattler
Questions Lihat: Ask no questions and you’ll be told no lies
Quickly Lihat: He gives twice who gives quickly

Rains Lihat: It never rains but it pours
Rainy Lihat: Keep something for a rainy day
Rats desert/forsake a sinking ship
Tikus pun inenmggalkun knpai tenggeia,n
Dalam musibah, ada orang yang segera memberikan pertolongan. Tetapi adajuga yang justru segera Ian. Tepat seperti tikus, yang
hidup di kapal, segera Ian begitu kapalnya tenggelam.
He was dismissed from his company. Unfortunatei’, he found his wife asked him to divorce her. f-fe cursed her with rude words
that rats deserted a sinking ship.
# Misai bertaring bagai panglima, sebulan sekali tak bunuh orang. (Orang yang seharusnya berwatak perwira, tetapi ternyata
pengecut; yang seharusnya menolong, tetapi malahan melarikan din.)
Reach Lihat: “The grapes are sour”, as the fox said when he could not reach them
Realisation Lihat: Expectation is better than realisation
Recalling Lihat: A word spoken is past recalling
Receiver Lihat: The receiver is as bad as the thief
Recommendation Li hat: Self-praise is no recommendation
Reconciles Lihat: Custom reconciles us to everything
Redressed Lihat: A fault confessed is half redressed
Refuse Lihat: Never refuse a good offer
Regulated Lihat: Accidents will happen in the best regulated families
Rejoices Lihat: It is a poor/sad heart that never rejoices
Remove an old tree and it will wither to death
Pindahkan pahon inn, clan ,neranalah in sainpai mali
Jangan paksa orang tua pindah dan rumah atau Iingkungan yang sudah lama dikenalnya.
She was very busy. Bitt she didn ‘t want to ask her parents to live with his brother. She was afraid that people would call her
ungrateful, because they lived in their own house, although the house had been

bequethed to her. Besides, she was also afraid that they felt unhappy there. As people said, ‘Remove an
old tree and it will wither to death.’
# Bagai manula merana di panti wreda. (Panti wreda adalah tempat bagi para manula. Tetapi orang tua itu sendiri
ada yang merasa diasingkan dan kel uarga mereka.)
Repeats Lihat: History repeats itself
Rest Lihat: If one sheep leaps over the ditch/dyke, all the rest will follow
Reward Lihat: Desert and reward seldom keep company; Virtue is its own reward
Riches Lihat: A good name is better than riches
4 Ride Lihat: a beggar on horseback and he’ll ride to the devil; Don’t

! ride the high horse; If two men ride on a horse, one must ride behind; If two men ride on a horse, one must

ride behind; If wishes were horses, beggars would ride/might ride; If wishes were horses, beggars would ride/might
Rides Lihat: He who rides on a tiger can never dismount L
Ridiculous Lihat: From the sublime to the ridiculous is
but a step
Right Lihat: Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth; Might is right
Rise Lihat: Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise; He that will thrive must rise at
River Lihat: Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea Road Lihat: Good company on the road is the
shortest cut; The
I beaten road is the safest; There is no royal road to learning Roads Lihat: All roads lead to Rome
Robbery Lihat: Exchange is no robbery; Fair exchange is no robbery
Rocks Lihat: The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world Rod Lihat: Spare the rod and spoil the child
4 Rolling Lihat: A rolling stone gathers no moss
Romans Lihat: When in Rome, do as the Romans do

Rome was not/cannot be built in a day

Roma tidak dibangun/tidak dapat dibangun dala,n .cehari
Pekerjaan besar tidak selesai dalam waktu singkat. Orang harus mampu bertahan untuk kerja keras dalam waktu
She was frustrated because she couldn’t make her only son behave properly. He was very naughty recently. But her
husband told her to be patient, because making a child behave properly was not easy. He said that Rome was not
built in a day.
# Sedikit demi sedikit, lama-lama menjadi bukit. (Yang besar pun asalnya dan yang kecil.)
Rome Lihat: All roads lead to Rome; When in Rome, do as the Romans do
Roost Lihat: Curses, like chickens, come home to roost
Root Lihat: The love of money is the root of all evil
Rope Lihat: Give afool/a thief enough rope and he will hang himself
Rose Lihat: A rose by any other name would smell as sweet
Rosebuds Lihat: Gather ye rosebuds while ye may
Rotten Lihat: The rotten apple injures its neighbours
Roundabouts Lihat: What one loses/you lose on the swings, one makes up/you gain on the roundabouts
Royal Lihat: There is no royal road to learning
Rubbish Lihat: One’s meat/treasure/etc. is another man’s poison/ rubbish/etc.
Rule Lihat: The exception proves the rule
Rules Lihat: The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world
Run Lihat: Learn to walk before you run; Still waters run deep; The course of true love never did run smooth
Runaway Lihat: Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse
Rush Lihat: Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
Rust Lihat: Better to wear out than rust out

Sack Lihat: An empty sack cannot stand upright; You may know by a handful the whole sack
Sad Lihat: It is a poor/sad heart that never rejoices; It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock
Safe Lihat: Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea
Safest Lihat: The beaten road is the safest
Said Lihat: Easier said than done; Least said, soonest mended; “The grapes are sour”, as the fox said when he could
not reach them
Same Lihat: It will be the same a hundred years hence
Sands Lihat: Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down
Sauce Lihat: Hunger is the best sauce; What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
Saves Lihat: A stich in time saves nine
Say Lihat: Do as I say, not as I do; He daren’t say ‘boo’ to a goose; It must be true that all men say
Says Lihat: He who says what he likes shall hear what he does not like
School Lihat: Don’t tell tales out of school
Scratch Lihat: You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours
Scripture Lihat: The devil can cite the scripture for his purpose
Sea Lihat: Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea; In a calm sea, every man is a pilot; Worse things
happen at sea See Lihat: Lookers-on see most of the game; What the eye doesn’t see, the heart grieves not
Seeing is believing
Yang melihar, percaya
Bukti yang baik itu dapat diperoleh dengan melihat. Orang yang belum melihat akan sulit percaya. Tetapi yang
pernah melihat, akan memperc ayainya.
They told him that he had passed his test. But he would not believe it until he saw himself the announcement at
school. He said that seeing was believing.

# Pahit jangan dimuntahkan, manis jangan lekas ditelan. (Jangan terlalu lekas percaya, lihat dahulu buktinya.)
Seen Lihat: Children should be seen and not heard
Sees Lihat: A dwarf on a giant’s shoulders sees the farther of the two
Seldom Lihat: Barking dogs seldom bite
Self-praise is no recommendation
Meinuji diii sendiri bukanlah suatu rekoinendasi
Orang tidak akan percaya jika kita memu i din kita sendiri. The swindler praised himself that he was a succesful
businessman now and would marry her. And he asked her to borrow her money because he wanted to go to his
native village and sell his rice field to finance his marriage with her. But she refused instantly, because she was not
stupid. ‘If you are right, you should not praise yourself,’ she told him rudely, ‘Because self-praise is no
#Di manatak ada elang, akulah elang, kata belalang. (Orang yang suka memuji din sendiri, tidak akan dipercaya oleh
orang lain.)
Sell Lihat: Catch the bear before you sell its skin
Send Lihat: The gods send nuts to those who have no teeth
Sends Lihat: God never sends mouths but he sends meat; God never sends mouths but he sends meat
Servant Lihat: Fire is a good servant but a bad master Serve Lihat: He that would command must serve; No man can
serve two masters
Served Lihat: First come, first served
Set a beggar on horseback and he’ll ride to the devil
Nuikkan seorang pengetnis ke punggung kuda, 1(1 akan ,nenungganginya .ceperti setan
Orang miskin atau orang kecil yang tiba-tiba menjadi orang kaya atau orang besar, akan berbuat yang bukan-bukan.
Tepat, seperti pengemis yang belum pernah naik kuda, akan menaikinya seperti kesetanan, sehingga jatuh dan luka
His father was a poor farmer. When he became a king, he invited all of his old friends to come at a drinking party in
his palace every weeke nd. As a result, his kingdom was weak and finally was defeated easily by another kingdom. It
was the same as the story of a beggar on

horseback. It was true that setting a beggar on horseback would make him ride to the devil.
# Bungkuk baru betul, buta baru celik. (Orang hina atau miskin yang menjadi mulia atau kaya, sehingga berbuat
yang bukan-bukan.) (celik
terbuka, melihat)
Set a thief to catch a thief
Buatlah pencuri ,nenangkap pencuri
Untuk menangkap orang jahat haruslah menggunakan orang jahat. Karena orang jahat pulalah yang tahu lika-
The police didn’t know how to catch the leader of the gang. When some of the gang members were caught, the police used them
to catch their leader. The police found that it was easier to catch him with the help of his own members. It was true that setting a
thief to catch a thief was easier.
#Bagai pemikat burung. (Perihal menangkap sesuatu denganjenisnya.) (pemikat penangkap burung yang
menggunakan burung sebagai umpannya.)
Set a wolf to keep the sheep
Menyuruh sen gala inenjaga dotnba
Orang yang tidak cokok, tetapi diserahi tugas untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan, hasilnya tidak saja tidak balk, bahkan
justru dapat sangat merugikan.
He was in jail because he raped a small girl who lived next to him. In front of his house, there lived another small girl with her
parents. When they went to another town fora week, they asked him to accompany her. They thought that he would never repeat
his crime. But many of other neighbours blame themforsetting a wolf to keep the sheep when finally he raped her.
# Bagai kucing dengan panggang. (Laki-laki dan perempuan yang bergaul terlalu bebas, suatu ketika pasti akan
berbuat yang tidak semestinya.)
Shadow Lihat: Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance
Shadows Lihat: Coming events cast their shadows before
Shall Lihat: He who says what he likes shall hear what he does not like; If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall
into the ditch

Shallowest Lihat: Cross the stream where it is shallowest

Sheep Lihat: As well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb; If one sheep leaps over the ditch/dyke, all the rest will
follow; It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor; It is no use spoiling the ship/sheep for a ha’penny
worth/a ha’porth of tar; Set a wolf to keep the sheep; There is a black sheep in every flock
Shines Lihat: Make hay while the sun shines
Shining Lihat: The sun is never the worse for shining on adunghill
Ship Lihat: It is no use spoiling the ship/sheep for a ha’ penny worth.! a ha’porth of tar; Rats desert/forsake a sinking
Shod Lihat: The cobbler’s children are always the worst shod
Shoe Lihat: Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches
Shoes Lihat: It is ill waiting for dead men’s shoes
Shorn Lihat: God tempers the wind to the shorn Iamb
Shortest Lihat: Good company on the road is the shortest cut
Shot Lihat: A fool’s bolt is soon shot
Should Lihat: He should have/He needs a long spoon who sups with the devil; If each would sweep before his own
door, we should have a clean city; If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun; Law makers should not be
lawbreakers; Liars should have good memories; The cobbler should stick to his last
Shoulders Lihat: A dwarf on a giant’s shoulders sees the farther of the two; You cannot put old heads on young
Shout Lihat: Don’t halloo/shout/whistle until you are out of the wood
Show Lihat: If you cannot bite never show your teeth
Shut Lihat: A door must be either shut or open
Shuts Lihat: When one door shuts, another opens
Sick Lihat: Hope deferred makes the heart sick
Sickness Lihat: Health is not valued till sickness comes
Side Lihat: Friendship should not be all on one side; God is always on the side of big battalions; He knows on which
side his bread is buttered; Providence is always on the side of big battalions; The grass is always greener on the
other side of the fence/the hill
Sides Lihat: Every medal has two sides
Sight Lihat: Out of sight, out of mind

Silence gives/means consent

D,a,n me,nberi ijin/berarti inengijinkan
Jika orang meminta sesuatu kepada kita, dan kita diarn saja, maka orang itu dapat menganggap bahwa kita
memperbolehkannya. She had not to be afraid to say, if she didn’t like something. Because people would think that
she liked it if she didn’t say it. They said that silence gave consent.
# Diam penggali berkarat, diam ubi berisi. (Diamnya orang bocloh adalah hanya melarnun sehingga merusak
dirinya. Diamnya orang pandai adalah berpikir untuk kebaikan orang lain. Sedangkan diamnya gadis dianggap
Silence Lihat: Speech is silver, silence is golden
Silk Lihat: You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear
Silver Lihat: Every cloud has a silver lining; Speech is silver, silence is golden
Sin Lihat: Poverty is no sin
Sincerest Lihat: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Sinking Lihat: Rats desert/forsake a sinking ship
Sins Lihat: Charity covers a multitude of sins
Sitting Lihat: Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down
Skeleton Lihat: Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard Skin Lihat: Beauty is but skin-deep; Catch the bear
before you sell its skin
Skittles Lihat: Life is not all beer and skittles
Sleeping Lihat: Let sleeping dogs lie
Sleeve Lihat: The friar preached against stealing and had a goose in his sleeve
Slow Lihat: God’s mill grinds slow but sure
Small Lihat: The great fish eat up the small
Smell Lihat: A rose by any other name would smell as sweet
Smoke Lihat: There is no smoke without fire
Smooth Lihat: The course of true love never did run smooth
Soft Lihat: A good conscience is a soft pillow; A soft answer turns away wrath
Soils Lihat: It is a foolish bird that soils/defiles its own nest

Solitude Lihat: A great city, a great solitude

Some are wise and some are otherwise
Sebagian arang Inetnang bijakana, tetapi .cebagian lainnya jusiru .cebaliknya

Tidak semua orang bijaksana. Tetapi juga tidak semua orang tidak bijaksana. Dunia mi memang berisi berbagai
jenis orang.
He was aflim-actor and she was afilrn-actress. The)’ had starred many films. Because they were famous film-stars. He used his
money to buy lands, and houses. Now he was rich.
On the other hand, she used her money to go to Tokyo, Paris, Rome, and U.S.A. So, now, she was poor. It was true that some
were wise and some were otherwise.
# Lain ladang lain belalang, lain lubuk lain ikannya. (Tiap-tiap negeri atau bangsa berlainan aturan dan adat
kebiasaannya. Bahkan tabiat orang pun berlain-lainan) (lubuk = bagian yang dalam di danau, sungai, laut, dsb.)
Something Lihat: Keep something for a rainy day
Sometimes Lihat: Even Homer sometimes nods; The biter is sometimes bit
Somewhere Lihat: Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea
Son Lihat: Like father, like son
Soon Lihat: Lovers’ quarrels are soon mended
Sooner Lihat: A good name is sooner lost than won
Soonest Lihat: He who handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung; Least said, soonest mended
Sorry Lihat: Better be sure than sorry
Sorts Lihat: It takes all sorts to make a world
Soul Lihat: Open confession is good for the soul
Sound Lihat: Empty vessels make the most noise/sound
Sour Lihat: “The grapes are sour”, as the fox said when he could not reach them
Sow’s Lihat: You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear Spade Lihat: Call a spade a spade

Spare the rod and spoil the child

Sayangilah mmli dan inenjadi inanja—lah anak
Anak akan menjadi manja, jika sudah jelas bersalah, tetapi orang tuanya masih juga tidak mau menghukumnya.
Sehingga karena terlalu sayang, maka malah anak yang jadi korban, yakni menjadi anak manja.
He was very angry when his son broke his spectacles. And his wife persuaded him not to spank their son. But he snapped at her
whether she wanted him to spare the rod and spoil the child.
# Sayang negeri, tinggalkan negeri; sayang anak, tangan-tangankan. (Jika benar-benar mencintai negerinya, kalau perlu rela
meninggalk annya untuk menuntut ilmu, demi kemajuan negerinya. Jika benarb enar mencintai anak, bila perlu dihukum kalau
Speak Lihat: Actions speak louderthan words; Do as most men do, then most men will speak well of you
Speaks Lihat: A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth
Speech is silver, silence is golden
Bicara itu perak, dia,n itu e,nas
Kita boleh saja bicara. Tetapi lebih baik lagi jika diam. Karena diam lebih baik daripada bicara.
Under the Japanese occupation, many nationalists were punished severely. As a result, people tried to shut their mouth. They
said that speech was silver, and silence was golden.
# Berkata peliharakan lidah, berjalan peliharakan kaki. (Hati-hatilah dalam berbicara, sebaiknya clipikirkan lebih dahulu.)
Spent Lihat: Ill gotten, ill spent
Spice Lihat: Variety is the spice of life
Spilt Lihat: It is no use crying over spilt milk
Spirit Lihat: The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
Spite Lihat: Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face
Spoil Lihat: Spare the rod and spoil the child; Too many cooks spoil the broth
Spoiling Lihat: It is no use spoiling the ship/sheep for a ha’penny worth/a ha’porth of tar
Spoken Lihat: A word spoken is past recalling; There is many a true word spoken in jest

Spoon Lihat: He should have/He needs a long spoon who sups with the devil
Spots Lihat: The leopard cannot change its spots
Springs Lihat: Hope springs eternal in the human heart
Stable Lihat: It is too late to lock the stable when the horse has been stolen
Stand Lihat: A house divided against itself cannot stand; An empty sack cannot stand upright
Standing Lihat: Don’t cut the bough you are standing on
Star Lihat: Hitch your wagon to a star
Stealing Lihat: The friar preached against stealing and had a goose in his sleeve
Steel Lihat: The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts
Step Lihat: Discontent is the first step in progress; From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step; It is the first step
that is troublesome Stich Lihat: A stich in time saves nine
Stick Lihat: Fling dirt enough and sonic will stick; The cobbler should stick to his last
Stile Lihat: Help a lame dog over a stile
Still waters run deep
Air renang, .vangaf daiwn
Orang yang pendiam, mungkin tahu banyak, atau besar kernampuann ya.
He was very timid. But itdidn ‘[mean that he knew nothing. On the other hand, he was the only one who knew the office
matters here. People said that still waters ran deep.
# Air tenang (biasanya) rnenghanyutkan. (Orang pendiarn biasanya mempunyai banyak ilmu atau pengetahuan.)
Still Lihat: A still tongue makes a wise head
Stink Lihat: Fish begins to stink at the head
Stinking Lihat: Don’t cry stinking fish
Stolen Lihat: It is too late to lock the stable when the horse has been stolen
Stoniach Lihat: The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach Stone Lihat: A rolling stone gathers no moss;
Constant dripping/

dropping wears away the stone; Kill two birds with one stone; You cannot get blood/water out of stone
Stools Lihat: Between two stools you fall to the ground
Strange Lihat: AdversitY makes strange bedfellOws
Straw Lihat: A drowning man will clutch at a straw; The last straw breaks the camel’s back; You cannot make
bricks without straw Stream Lihat: Cross the stream where it is shalloweSt; Don’t change horses in mid-stream; It is
iii striving/Swimmifig against the stream/tide
Strings Lihat: Have two strings to your bow
Striving Lihat: It is ill 5triving/sWrnllThng against the stream/tide
Stronger Lihat: A chain is no stronger than its weakest link
Stubborn Lihat: Facts are stubborn things
Stung Lihat: He who handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung
Sublime Lihat: From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step
Substance Lihat: Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance
Succeeds Lihat: Nothing succeeds like success
Success has many friends
Sukces punya ba,icik tenwil
Jika gagal atau miskin, orang cenderung untuk beraflgSUrangst meni ngga kan kita.
SebaliknYa, jika kita sukses atau kaya, maka orang akan berdataflgafl untuk bersahabat dengan kita.
He iii herited a lot f money several years ago when his parents died in an accident. At that time he had litany iends. He spent all
his money to entertain them.
Now he is poor, and graduallY he loses all of his friends. It’s a good example of the saying that success has many friends, and
failure has no friend.
# Lagi lauk, lagi nasi. (Bertarnbah kaya seseorang, kian banyak pula orang yang ingin menjadi sahabatflya.)
Success Lihat: Nothing succeeds like success
Suck Lihat: Don’t teach your grandmother how to suck eggs
Sudden Lihat: Hasty climbers have sudden falls
Summer Lihat: One swallow does not make a summer

Sun Lihat: If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun; Let not the sun go down on your wrath; Make hay while the sun
shines; The sun is never the worse for shining on a dunghill
Stips Lihat: He should have/He needs a long spoon who sups with the devil
Sure Lihat: Better be sure than sorry; God’s mill grinds slow but sure
Swallow Lihat: One swallow does not make a summer Sweep Lihat: If each would sweep before his own door, we should ha\’e a
clean city; New brooms sweep clean
Sweet are the uses of adversity
Munis ada/nh hjk,nah dan kesengsaraan
Jika orang dapat mengambil hikrnah dan suatu musibah atau kesengs araan yang menimpa dininya, maka ia akan merasakan
rnanisnya. His parents wanted him to continue his fatherasasilver-sinith after he finished an elementary school. But he
insisted to continue his stud).’. His fri/her was very angry and told him to cut his hair bald if he really wanted to
continue his study. i-fe agreed. As a result, all ofhisfriends mocked him and even many of them loved to knock hiPs
head aS hard as possible. And he could do nothing. Because if he quarrelled wit/i them, his father would stop his
study and began to learn to become a silvers mith. Fortunately, he was able to make use of his difficult condition and
studied hard. So, he become the first boy in his village to study at high school and at university. it was true that sweet
were the uses of adversity.
# Setiap musibah ada hikmahnya. (Orang hendaknya dapat menarik pelajaran dan kemalangan yang menimpa dirinya.)
Sweet Lihat: A rose by any other name would smell as sweet
Sweetest Lihat: Forbidden fruit is sweetest
Swim Lihat: The best fish swim near the bottom
Swimming Lihat: It is ill striving/swimming against the stream/tide
Swine Lihat: Don’t cast your pearls before swine
Swings Lihat: What one loses/you lose on the swings, one makes up/you gain on the roundabouts
Sword Lihat: Gluttony kills more than the sword; The pen is mightier than the sword

Tail Lihat: Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion
Take away fuel, take away flame
Singkir api, htlanglah flyalanya
Kita tidak mungkjn menghiJaIgk0 asap, selama masib ada api sebagaj penyebab timbulnya asap.
Karena itu, untuk menghi1ang pengaruh dan sesuatu, carjlah penyebabnya Hanya dengan menghi1ang penyebabnya
kita dapat meniadakan pengarub yang tidak kita kehendaki itu.
As a new teacher she used to wonder why her stude,,ts were always noisy when she was writing on the blackboard. Then she
realized that some of her students were naugh So, she tried to ident; the bad students in his class and paid special attentio,i to
them. Because she wanted to make sure that the other students were not influenced by them. He believed that taking away fuel
would taking away flame # Masakan ada asap bila tidak ada api. (Bagaima11 mungkjn ada sesuatu jika tidak ada
Take care of the pence and the Pounds will take care of themselves
Jaga/ah tic,1, sen Anda Inak hang rthw,n Ad1, akan dapat Inenjaga diri,zya sendjrj
Sisihkan setiap uang kecil yang tersisa secara teratur Pada suatu ketika Anda akan terkejut. Karena uang kecil itu
telah berubah menjadi uang besar.
Karena itu, tabungjah uang Anda sedikjt demi sedikit
She had a special bank. It was a small hole on a bamboo pilar in the kitchen. After shopping she always put all of hersulall
change into her bank. So, when her children needed a lot of motiey at the beginning of their school term, she never complailied
anymore She believed that taking care of the pence would make the pounds take care of them selves.
# Sedjkjt demi sedikit, lama-lama menjadj bukjt. (Menabunglah dan sedikit, karena akan sangat bermanfaat jika
pada suatu saat Anda terpaksa harus mengeluar banyak uang.)

Take the will for the deed

Ambillah kemauan baiknya untuk tindakannya
Berterimakasihlah atas kemauan baiknya, jika ada orang yang menaw arkan pertolongannya kepada Anda. Meskipun pertolongan
itu send in kadang-kadang tidak dapat diiaksanakan, karena kesulitan yang kemudian ternyata timbul, sehingga akhirnya ia tidak
dapat menolong Anda.
He owned a blanket factory. And he told them that he would donate hundreds of blankets to the victims of the volcano ‘s
eruption. Unfort unately, afire destroyed his factor However, they took the will for the deed. After all, he didn’t expect the fire.
And the important thing was his good intention.
# Bagai penjahat yang mati di jalan taubat. (Berterimakasihiah atas kemauan baik seseorang, meskipun akhirnya tak
dapatdilaksanakannya. Seperti kisah orang berdosa yang tewas dalam perjalanan ketika menuju ke seseorang yang aiim untuk
menyatakan taubatnya. Taubat orang mi pun sudah diterima oieh Tuhan.)
Take Lihat: Don’t take your harp to the party; Every man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost; Give and take is fairplay;
Give him/knaves an inch and he/they will take a yard/a mile; It is better/more blessed to give than to take; You may lead/take a
horse to water, but youcannot make him drink
Takes Lihat: It takes all sorts to make a world; It takes two to make a quarrel
Tales Lihat: Dead men tell no tales; Don’t tell tales out of school
Talk of the devil, and he is bound to appear
Bicarakan tentang set an, dan in akan inuncul

Pepatah mi dipakai sebagai ungkapan atau kata seru, ketika kita sedang membicarakan seseorang, dan orang itu tiba-tiba
He was a criminal. He told his gang that he had just escaped from the police cordon. ‘Well, talk of the devil (and he is bound to
appear)!’ whispered his gang to him when he saw the police came, ‘There they are just behind you. Quick, let’s run Jbr it!’
# Kucing lalu tikus tiada berdecit lagi. (BHa orang yang paling ditakuti datang, semua diam atau Ian.)
Talks Lihat: He that talks much, errs much


TarLihat: It is no use spoiling the ship/sheep for a ha’ penny worth! a ha’porth of tar
Tattler Lihat: Avoid a questioner, for he is also a tattler Teach Lihat: Don’t teach your grandmother how to suck eggs; You
cannot teach an old dog new tricks
Teacher Lihat: Experience is the best teacher
Teaches Lihat: He who teaches, learns
Teeth Lihat: If you cannot bite never show your teeth; The gods send nuts to those who have no teeth
Tell Lihat: Dead men tell no tales; Don’t tell tales out of school
Tells Lihat: Misfortune tells us what fortune is
Tempers Lihat: God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb
rFenderly Lihat: He who handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung
Thanks Lihat: A forced kindness deserves no thanks
The bait hides the hook
Unipan ,nenntujn/,nenveinbunyiknn pancing
Kita harus waspada terhadap orang yang tiba-tiba sangat baik kepada kita, apalagi jika orang itu masih asing bagi kita. Karena
kemungkinan besar memang ada maunya.
The small girl delighted when a strange man gave her a thousand rupiah and then borrowed her bike. She didn’t
realize that the bait hides the hook’. Only after waiting him in vain for more than an hour, she knew that
the man was a thief
# Buah manis berulat di dalamnya. (Kata-kata yang manis biasanya mengandung maksud yang tidak baik.)
The beaten road is the safest
Yang paling wnan adalah jalan yang paling sering d,lalui orang
Pengalaman orang lain senantiasa berrnanfaat bagi kita. Sehingga orang lebih suka mengikuti jejak pendahulunya, dan tidak
berani mengambil risiko dengan mencari jalan yang baru.
He is a goldsmith and he wants his son to be a goldsmith too. To him, the beaten road is the safest.
# Ada gula, ada semut. (Di mana banyak kesenangan di situlah banyak orang datang; orang cenderung untuk mengikuti jalan
yang sudah terbukti sukses, dan kurang berani menernpuh jalan baru yang belum diketahuinya.)

The best fish swim near the bottom

Ikan terbaik berenang di dasar
Sesuatu yang baik tidak dapat dicapai tanpa susah-payah. Hanya orang yang suka kerja keras saja yang dapat berhasil mencapai
cita-citanya yang tinggi.
He decided to study hard. He wanted to pass the exam and became the best student in his class. He believed that the
best fish swam near the bottom.
# Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian; bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian. (Untuk menjadi yang
terbaik, orang harus kerja keras terlebjh dahulu, sebab di dunia mi tidak ada sesuatu apa pun yang bisa diperoleh dengan cuma-
The biter is sometimes bit
Penggigit Iun kadang-kadang tergigit
Penipu pun kadang-kadang tertipu.
The criminal picked the lady’s purse. But he was caught at once because the lady was a policewoman.
# Ikan yang diam di tujuh lautan pun termasuk juga ke dalam pukat. (Sepandai-pandai orang, sesekali berbuat salah juga.)
The child is father of the man
Anak adaiah ayah dan dirinya ,cetelah
Keberhasilan maupun watak seseorang sangat tergantung pada pengaI amannya ketika masih kecil. Orang tidak mungkin menjadi
dewasa tanpa melalui masa kanak-kanak. Masa muda inilah yang memberikan kesempatan bagi dirinya untuk banyak belajar
sehingga sukses di kemudjan han.
They decided to educate their children as best as possible. Because they believed (in) the saying, ‘The child is father
of the man.’ # Sedikit demi sedikit, lama-Jama menjadi bukit. (Yang besar pun asalnya dan yang kecil.)
The cobbler’s children are always the worst shod
Anak tukang sepatu selalu ineinakai yang terburuk
Keluarga orang yang punya keahlian atau keterampilan biasanyajustru tidak memperoleb manfaat langsung dan keahlian atau
keterampilan itu.
Seperti keluarga petani yang buruk makanannya karena yang bagusb agus lebih baik dijual.

His father is a tailor. But his clothes are of lower quality. So we believe (in) the proverb, ‘The cobbler’s children are
always the worst shod.’
rng #Laki pulang kelaparan, dagang lalu ditanakkan. (Orang lain ditolong, ya tetapi keluarga sendiri diterlantarkan; perihal orang
yang lebih banyak
mengindahkan urusan orang lain daripada urusannya sendiri.) (da‘ he gang, orang dagang = pengembara, orang asing)
The cobbler should stick to his last
Tukang vepatu harus bekerja hanya den gan perkakasnya
Setiap orang hendaklah tidak mencampuri urusan atau mengerjakan pekerjaan orang lain. Seperti halnya dengan tukang sepatu
yang harus setia pada pekerjaannya. Dan tidak mengerjakan pekerjaan orang lain, seperti menjadi tukang batu, atau mengobati
orang sakit, dil. He hated his sister when she tried to show him how to repair his bike. He told her angrily, ‘The
cobbler should stick to his last. Take your doll and play with it.’
# Jangan diajar orang tua makan kerak (pisang). (Janganlah mengajari orang yang lebih pandai dan Iebih berpengalaman.)
The course of true love never did run smooth
Kisah cinta sejari tidak pernah berjalan mu/us
Pasangan yang saling mencintai selalu menghadapi kesulitan yang menghadang mereka. Meskipun demikian, segala kesulitan itu
justru dapat menjadi pupuk yang menyuburkan cinta merêka.
A love story film always made her cry. She believed that the course of true love never did run smooth.
# Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian; bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian. (Tidak ada sesuatu apa
pun yang berjalan mulus. Kebahagian pun hams dicapai dengan kerja keras.)
The darkest hour is that before the dawn
Yangp aling gelap adalah Sesaat sebe/um ft,jar
Kadang-kadang yang terburuk adalah sesaat sebelum datangnya perbaikan.
They were unemployedfor months. They hoped the saying, ‘The darkest hour is that before the dawn’, was true and
their unemployeinent ended soon.
# Selama hujan akan panas juga. (Sehabis kesusahan, akhirnya akan datang juga waktu yang baik.)
The darkest place is under the candlestick
Yang paling gelap ada di bawah kandilJtenpat him
Keadaan yang sebenarnya dan sebuah organisasi itu kadang-kadang justru tidak diketahui oleh yang bersangkutan.
Karena itu, dalam mencari keterangan, orang harus mencarinya dan berbagai sumber. To know exactly what it is like to
live in a small village, they have to talk to the villagers. Because they won’t get what they want by interviewing the head of the
village and his staff only. Remember the saying, ‘The darkest place is under the candlestick.’
# Kuman di seberang lautan tampak, gajah di pelupuk mata tiada tampak. (Yang jauh, benar-benar diketahui, yang
dekat, justru tidak dipahami.)
The devil can cite the scripture for his purpose
Setan dapat mengutip ayat-ayat dalain kitab suci untuk mencapai makvudnya
Orang jahat dapat menyitir kata-kata orang terkenal sedemikian rupa sehingga mereka yang hendak ditipunya
menganggapnya benar.
One day she gave her money to two women who introduced themselves as alms collectors from a certain orphanage. She believed
in them after they showed her a list of people who had donated their money. Later she realized that they were criminals. The
devil could cite the scriptures for his purpose.
# Serigala berbulu domba. (Orang jahat yang berlagak suci.)
The devil finds work for idle hands to do
Setan dapat carl kerja untuk para penganggur
Orang yang punya pekerjaan biasanya sangat sibuk. Sedangkan mer eka yang menganggur biasanya mudah tergoda
untuk melakukan berbagai kegiatan negatif, seperti melakukan tindak kejahatan atau gangguan keamanan lainnya.
He lost his job. But he tried to do some useful social work until he got his nextjob. To him, it was unhealthy to be idle, because
the devil would find work for idle hands to do.
# Enggan berdayung hanyut ke rantau, malu bertanya sesat di jalan. (Orang yang malas atau menganggur akan
menemui banyak cobaan.)
The devil is not as black as he is painted
Setan tidaklah sehitam orang tnencatnya
Tidak ada orang yang baik tanpa cacat. Sebaliknya, tidak ada orang jahat yang tidak punya kebaikan sedikit pun.
Sifat baik dan buruk itu ada pada setiap orang.

They believedthath was as bad as what people cominentedab him.

But his niother said that the devil Was not as black as he Was painted
# Lau mana tak berombak bumi mana tak kena (ditimpa) hujan?
(Bagaimanap manusja tidak akan Iupu dan kekhjjafan kesalahafl)
The devil looks after his OWn
Seta Inenjaga ‘ni/ik
Orang jahat kadangkadg justru Sukses dan kaya. Dalam keadaan seperti mi orang mengaflggap bahwa penjahat itu memang
dilindungj oleh kekuasaan setan
He Was a real cheater. However he passed the exam. They thought it Was true that the devil looked after his Own
# Sepe Belanda minta tanah (Orangyang tamak itu seperti dilindungj setan, diberj sedit minta banyak diberj banyak minta semua
Seh ingga akhirnya ia mengua5j sernuanYa)
The early bird catches the worm
Burung yang bangun pagi dapat tnenang1, cacing
Orang Yang lebih awal datang cenderung untuk lebih sukses daripada rflereka Yang teriambat
He Went to work early. Because it Was easier to catch the bus He believed (in) the proverb, ‘The early bird catches the worm’
# (fangan Han pagi dibuangbug han Petang dikejarkj (Jangan) tidur terlalu malam sehingga bangun kesiangan dan tenlambat
sampaj di tempat kenja)
The end j Ustjfj the means
Tuju me?nbenar, cara
Tujuan atau has ii adalah segalagalfly Karena itu banyak orang Yang mengha1a segala cara untuk mencapajnya Tidak pedujj
apakah Caranya itu menyeng5f orang lain. Yang penting ia dapat mem perojeh apa yang dikehendakinYa
It was said that Nero, the Roman emperor ordered to burn the slums. Because he wanted his city free from the dirty areas. He
believed (in) the saying, ‘The end just es the means.’
# Tujuan mengha1aJ cara. (Penihal orang tidak bermorai Yang berusaha dengan cara apa pun untuk mencapaj maksudflya)

The exception proves the rule
Perkecualjan tnembuktjkan kaidah
Setiap teori pasti mengandung kebenaran. Demikian pula halnya dengan kaidah, hukum, peraturan dsb. Bahkan perkecualiannya
pun masih bermanfaat, setidaknya untuk bidang yang lain.
Badminton players usually tall but he was very short. However, he was our best badminton player. He was real1 the
exception that proved the rule.
# Jika tak ada rotan, akar pun berguna. (Jika tidak ada yang baik, yang buruk pun dapat kita manfaatkan.)
The eye is bigger than the belly
Mata iebih besar dan perut
Pada umumya, orang ingin makan sebanyak-banyaknya jika melihat makanan lezat. Sampai-sampaj perut tidak mampu
mencernakannya. Akibatnya, perut menjadi sakit.
He asked for more and more cakes. Finally he overate and was sick. He didn’t remember the saying, ‘The eye is
bigger than the belly.’ # Seberat-berat mata memandang, masih lebih berat bahu memikul. (Yang lebih mengetahui tentang
kemampuan makan seseorang itu bukanlah matanya, tetapi perutnya.)
The first blow is half the battle
Pukulan perratna berarti separo pertarungan
Dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan apa pun, langkah pertama sangat penting artinya. Karena salah langkah berarti pekerjaan akan
sulit untuk diselesaikan dengan baik.
He learned that making a good plan was the first step to success for his vacation program. He believed (in) the
proverb, ‘The first blow is half the battle.’
# Lulus jarum, lulus kelindan. (Awal yang baik memperlancar yang berikutnya.)
The friar preached against stealing and had a goose in his sleeve
Biarawan berkhotbah jan gun tnencuri, tetapi di lengan bajunya ada seekor
Ada orang yang selalu menasihatkan yang baik-baik kepada orang lain, tetapi dirinya sendiri melakukan kejahatan.
He told the villagers to stay at home after sunset. Because the ghost of the criminal they had killed was roaming
recently to take revenge. But he himself went out and stole their chickens. He practised the proverb,

‘The friar preached against stealing and had a goose in his sleeve.’ # Senigala berbulu domba. (Orang jahat yang benlagak
The game is not worth the candle
Perinainan tidakiah sebanding den gan him
Tidak ada gunanya melanjutkan suatu rencana atau usaha, jika hal itu tidak menguntungkan sama sekali.
Seperti sebuah permainan yang di jaman dulu dilakukan di bawah sinar lampu him. Jika permainan itu tidak
menarik, maka lebih baik dihentikan saja, daripada memboroskan lilinnya.
He thought that he could not become a worker any longer. The game was not worth the candle. So he decided to begin his own
# Janganlah menumpang di biduk tins. (Janganiah bekerja di perusah aan yang hampir bubar atau yang menanggung
rugi besar.)
The gods send nuts to those who have no teeth
Dewa-dewa inengirlinkan buah berkuhit keras kepada inereka yang sudah habis giginya
Kesempatan baik kadang-kadang terlambat datangnya. Sehingga orang sudah tidak dapat menikmatinya lagi.
He was longing fora house of his own. But, he died in a traffic accident after he had enough money and bought a big house, while
his company gave him a flat, and his wife inherited a small house from her father. So he could not enjoy what he got. The gods
sent nuts to those who had no teeth.
# Kini gatal besok digaruk. (Perihal pertolongan yang teriambat datangnya.)
The good is often the enemy of the best
Yang balk kerap kahi inerupakan musuh dan yang terbcnk
Orang tidak boleh puas din. Setiap keberhasilan harus senantiasa ditingkatkan. Karena, mudah puas membuat orang
malas berusaha dan tidak mencapai yang terbaik.
He passed the exam. However he was not easily contented. Because he wanted to be the best student in his class. ‘Next time I ‘11
have to study harder and harder,’ he said to himself, ‘The good is often the enemy of the best.’
# Ada biduk serempu pula. (Selalu ingin yang lain. Tidak pennah puas.) (serempu = sejenis penahu)

“The grapes are sour”, as the fox said when he could not reach them
“Anggur itu asam,” kata serigala ketika ia tidak narnpu inenjangkaunya
Jika orang tidak mampu mencapai sesuatu yang didambakannya, maka ia cenderung untuk menjelek-jelekkannya.
mi merupakan salah satu cara untuk menghibur dirinya, agar ia tidak terlalu kecewa. Theirfather was not able to send
them to the university. So he told them that there were thousands of university graduates who were stilijobless and even some of
them became frustrated and sufferred from mental illness. Then they said to each other, “The grapes are sour”, as the fox said
when he could not reach them.’ But when he sent them to vocational schools after they got their junior high school certificates,
they did what he said as the only alternative. Now they got their jobs sooner than their friends who went to the university. And
they unders tand their father bette,
# Awak tak pandai menari dikatakan lantai terjungkat (terjungkit). (Perihal orang yang gagal atau tidak mampu
mencapai sesuatu, tetapi kemudian mengatakan bahwa sesuatu itu tidak baik. Mencari-carj alasan untuk menutupi
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence/the hill
Runiput senanfiasa lebih hijau di balik pagar/bu kit

Milik tetangga atau milik orang lain itu sering kali tampak lebih baik daripada milik kita sendiri. mi adalah salah
satu sifat orang yang senantiasa tidak puas akan apa yang dimilikinya. Sehingga ia selalu iii dengan yang dimiliki
oleh orang lain.
He was a real philanderer. He was not only changing partners in dance parties, but he also married many times. To him, the
grass was always greener on the other side of the fence.
# Hidung belang. (Lelaki yang mudah tergiur oleh paras wanita cantik.)
The great fish eat up the small
Ikan besar inemangsa yang kecil
Banyak orang yang beranggapan bahwa dalam dunia bisnis sudah wajar jika yang besar memangsa yang kecil.,
sementara yang kecil memangsa yang lebih kecil lagi, dst.
Was it possible that a small firm would survive in what they call globalisation today? ‘No!’ he said to himself ‘In business, the
great fish eat up the small.’

# Bagaikan anjing menggonggong di ekor harimau. (Bagai orang Iemah hendak melawan yang kuat.)
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world
j Tan gan yang inenggoyang ayunan akan ,nenguasai dun ia
Pendidikan dan seorang ibu sangat besar pengaruhnya terhadap anaka nak yang diasuhnya. Karena anak-anak inilah
yang akan menggant ikan generasinya di masa mendatang. Baik dan tidaknya mereka tergantung pada bimbingan
yang diberikannya.
He was very choosy about a woman he wanted to marry. Because he wanted to make sure that he got a good wife. He said the
hand that rocked the cradle ruled the world.
# Telaga di bawah gunung. (Isteri yang mendatangkan untung bagi suaminya.)
The higher you climb, the harder you fall
1i4akin tinggi Anda inemanjat, inakin kera.c pula jatuhAnda
Jika melakukan kesalahan, orang yang tinggi kedudukannya, akan menderita Iebih berat.
When they decided to close the private school, the teachers found another job in another town easily. But the principalfound his
position only after more than a year. People said that the higher someone climbed, the harder he fell.
# Jika gajah jatuh ke telaga, gajahjugalah yang dapat mengangkatnya ke darat. (Makin tinggi kedudukan, makin
berat jatuhnya. Sehingga jika orang besarjatuh dalam kesulitan, maka hanya orang besarjugalah yang mampu
The labourer is worthy of his hire
Pekerja itu ca,na ni!ainya den gan upahnya
Hasil kerja adalah tolok ukur upah untuk setiap pekerja.
They wanted his son to be a pofessional manager. So they told hun to work in their company as an ordinary worker after he
graduated. They paid him the same weekly wage as anyone else. They said, ‘The labourer is worthy of his hire.’ Now, he is a
successful manager after his parents died.
# Tambah air tambah sagu. (Semakin banyak hasil pekerjaannya, semakin banyak pula upahnya.)

The last straw breaks the camel’s back

Jera,nj terakhjr Inetnatahkan punggung unta
Segala sesuatu itu ada batasnya. Makan enak yang terlalu banyak pun dapat membuat orang sakit perut karenanya.
Demikian pula gangguan kecil, jika terus-menerus dialami, maka kesabaran pun akhirnya habis.
He had a bad day in school. After that, he lost his pocket-money on the way home. Then he fell down. And when he broke a shoe
lace, that was the last straw that broke the camel’s back and he began to cry. # Cacing pun jika terinjak akan menggeliat.
(Rakyat kecil pun, jika ditindas sampai melewati batas, akan berontak.)
The leopard cannot change its spots
Harünau tidak dapat tnengubah be!angnya
Watak tidak dapat berubah. Orang yang pada dasarnya jahat, bagaim ana pun tetap jahat.
He was a criminal. But he has been released by the police. Many of his neighbours received him kindly. But some of then)
believed (in) the proverb, ‘The leopard cannot change its spot, ‘and kept an eye on him. #Anjing itu meski dirantai dengan
rantai emas sekalipun, niscaya akan kembali juga ke tempat najis. (Tentang orang yang pada dasarnya jahat, dan
tidak dapat diperbaiki lagi.)
The love of money is the root of all evil
Kecintaan akin uang inerupakan ak-ar dan selnut, kejahatan
Uang merupakan sumber malapetaka jika orang terlalu rakus untuk memilikinya.
He said that he wanted to bean elementary schoolteacher. Her mother warned him that he would be poor. Because his money
would be not enough to feed his family. But he lectured her seriously, ‘The love of money is the root of all evil.’
# Ada uang abang saya, tak beruang abang payah. (Orang dinilai karena uangnya. Akibatnya, orang senantjasa
memburu uang. Karena jika kita kaya, kita banyak teman. Sedangkan jika kita sudah jatuh miskin, orang pun
menjauhj kita.)

The pen is mightier than the sword

Penn tebih tajain darip’rda pedang
Para pernikir mampu mengubah jaman dengan tulisannya, bahkan sampai jauh melampaui rentang hidupnya.
Sedangkanparapanglimaperang hanya mampu menaklukkan lawannya selama ia sendiri masih hidup, atau masih
menjadi panglima perang. in a civilized country, the ruler is more afraid of a group of writers than a battalion of soldiers.
Because in such places the pen is mightier thati the sword.
in the jungle, the ruler is not afraid of writing. Because in such places people cannot read nor write, or they has not found letters
to express what they want.
# Mufut karnu harirnau kamu, merekah batu kepalamu. (Berhati-hati dalarn berbicara atau menulis, malapetaka
ciapat menimpa karenanya.)
The pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at last
Buyung/Kendi, yang 1cr/ala sering ke su,nur, akhirnya pecah
Kejahatan yang sering kali dilakukan orang, akhirnya akan terungkap juga.
Betapa pun lici nnya tipu muslihat, tetapi jika terus-menerus dilakukan, orang akhirnya akan mengetahui juga.
Time swindler said that he would mart)’ her. And he asked her to borrow her money because he wanted to go to his native village
and sell his rice field to finance his marriage with her. Now he succeeded. But if he went on playing the same trick next time,
finally she would realize that she was cheated.
# Sekali jalan kena, dua kali jalan tahu, tiga kali jalan jera. (Sekali tertipu, selanjutnya akan awas dan waspada.)
rfIie pot calls the cattle black
Cerek inengatakun ketel sebagai hitani/kotar
Orang cenderung mengkritik kesalahan orang lain, sementara ia tidak menyadari akan kesalahan yang sama,
yangjuga dilakukannya sendiri. When the politician accused the road contractor of bribery, the contractor said that the
politician was equally guilt’,’. People said that the pot called the cattle black, and the cattle called the pot black.
# Kuman di seberang lautan tampak, gajah di pelupuk mata tiada tampak. (Kesalahan orang lain walau sedikit
diributkan, sedangkan kesalahan sendiri yang banyak tidak disadari.)

The proof of the pudding lies in the eating

Bukti ennknya kue, ketiku dimalazn
Sesuatu yang baik penampilannya, belum tentu baik pulajika digunak an. Seperti kue yang indah, baru ketahuan
enak-tidaknya, setelah dimakan.
Grandma’s scissors are black. But it is very sharp. While her new scissors are white. But they are blunt. So, although her
scissors look good, but Mother prefers Grandma’s than hers. It’s true that the proof of the pudding lies in the eating
# Jauh boleh ditunjukkan, dekat boleh diakurkan. (Kebenaran tentang sesuatu hal harus dapat dibuktikan.)
The purse of the patient protracts the disease
Doinpet pasien inetnperla,na penvakit
Banyak pasien yang pergi ke dokter mengeluh. Mereka tidak pernah cukup sekali datang ke dokter untuk
menyembuhkan penyakit. Dan mereka menuduh dokter sebagai mencari untung banyak, dengan menyuruh
pasiennya datang lagi, dan datang lagi.
He complained that if he went to the local goverment clinic, he did only once. Because he soon gained his health by one
treatment only. But if he went to a doctor who opened his practice at home, he had to returned to him. Because one consultation
was not enough. He thought that some doctors were unethical. To them, the purse of the patient protracted the disease.
# Bunga dipetik, perdu ditendang. (Hanya mau untungnya, tidak mau merugi.)
The receiver is as bad as the thief
Peneruna sanui buruknya den gun pencuri
Pencuri memang salah. Tetapi penadah juga salah. Bahkan pembeli pun juga salah, jika ia tahu bahwa barang itu
adalah barang curian. She wondered why her boy-friend was caught by the police. Finally she found that all motorbikes which
he sold were stolen goods. Now she believed that the receiver was as bad as the thief
# Seekor kerbau berkubang, sekandang kena buluknya (Iuluknya). (Seorang yang berbuat salah, semua terkena
akibatnya.) (buluknya = debunya; luluknya = lumpurnya)

The rotten apple injures its neighbours

Buah ape! yang busuk merusak lainna
Orang baik membuat orang lain yang bergaul dengannya menjadi baik pula. Sedangkan orangjahat membuat orang
lain yang bergaul dengann ya juga menjadi jahat.
The manager tried to identify the bad workers in his company and paid special attention to them. Because he wanted to make
sure that the other workers were not influenced by them. He believed that rotten apple always injured its neighbours.
# Berkawan dengan pencuri jadi pencuri, berkawan dengan orang aiim jadi aiim. (Pandai-pandailah memilih kawan
supaya terhindar dan kesulitan.)
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
Jiwa luau, retapi c/aging Ieinah
Kadang-kadang hati kitajuga mempunyai kemauan yang baik. Tetapi ternyata yang kita lakukan hanyalah yang
mudah-mudah dan yang menyenangkan. mi semua merupakan akibat dan kemalasan kita saja. He always said that he
wanted to study harder after he failed his exam. But, in fact, he still loved to watch the television and play video gaines more than
to read his books. It was true that the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak.
# Hangat-hangat tahi ayam. (Semangatnya berkobar-kobar, tetapi malas bekerja.)
The sun is never the worse for shining on a dunghill
Mentnri tak pernah inenjadi !ebih buruk karena ,nenerangl gundukan kntoran hewan
Meskipun bergaul dengan orangjahat, orang aiim tidak akan terpengar uh oleb mereka.
He was an honest man. When he became a civil servant he moved from his native small village to a big city. There he mixed with
his colleagues who accepted bribes. Many of hisfriends became corrupt. But he was still an honest man. It seemed that the sun
was never the worse for shining on a dun ghill.
# Emas dan permata walaupun terbenam dalam lumpur takkan hilang kemiiau cahayanya. (Tentang orang berbudi,
yang akan tetap bernilai dan dihormati di mana pun ia berada, bahkan di tengah-tengah lingkungan yang jahat sekali

The tongue ever turns to the aching tooth

Lidah senantiasa bergerak ke gigi yang sakit
Orang senantiasa mernikirkan sesuatu yang rnengganggunya. Ta tidak mampu menghindarinya.
She wanted to forget her boy-friend. Because he betrayed her. He married her close friend. However, she couldn’t forget him.
She tried to forget him harder and harder, but she found he rself coming back to him. As people said that the tongue ever turned
to the aching tooth. # Seperti beranak besar hidung. (Perihal orang yang sebentar-sebentar menengok,
memperlihatkan, atau memikirkan sesuatu yang dideritanya.)
The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts
Lidah bukan lab baja, tetapi tajani
Orang dipukul dengan tinju mungkin akan sembuh dalam waktu beberapa han. Tetapi jika dilukai dengan kata-kata
yang tajam, mungkin dalam waktu bertahun-tahun masih akan teringat. She was really in love with him. But after he
cursed her with unkind words, she turned to hate him. She decided to avoid him for good. As people said that the tongue was not
steel, yet it cut.
# Mulut kamu hanimau kamu, merekah batu kepalamu. (Berhatih atilah clalam berbicara, malapetaka dapat
menimpa karenanya, kar ena Iidah lebih tajam daripada pedang.)
The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach
Jalan inenuju ke han lelaki ada/a/i me/am, perutnya
Untuk menarik hati lelaki, banyak wanita yang menggunakan mak anan atau masakan yang lezat. Sehingga akhirnya
ia dapat mempero leh cintanya.
When he came to her home, he was always treated to good home-cooked food. Gradually she made him fell in love with her and
finally they married. She was right. The way to a man’s heart was through his stomach.
# Bagai bunyi siamang kenyang. (Orang dapat dibuat senang dengan membuat perutnya kenyang.)
The weakest goes to the wall
Yang ter/emnah terdesak ke temnbok
Dalam persaingan hidup, yang Iemah akan tersingkir dan jatuh. Yang Iemah di sini dapat berupa tumbuhan, satwa,
orang, organisasi, perusahaan, bangsa, negara, dsb.

He studied hard. Because his 1,arents were poor. Certainly he did,, ‘t want to continue his ftither as a ftirmer. So a good
education was important for him in the struggle to earn a living. He realized that the weakest went to the wall.
# Gajah sama gajah beradu, pelanduk mati cli tengah-tengah. (Di dunia yang penub persaingan kejarn in orang yang
lemah juga yang bertambah sengsara.)
The wish is father to the thought
Keinginan adalah induk dan pikinan
Orang yang menginginkan tim-nya inenang, senantiasa rnenganggapn ya benar. Meskipun kalah, tetapi ia tetap
yakin bahwa suatu ketika akan menang. Karena keinginannya untuk menjadi kenyataan, telah dianggapnya sebagai
suatu kebenaran.
Her parents in law believed that her husband would return one day. She had told them that he was killed in the war when his ship
was bombed b)’ the cue/ny and sunk. But they would not listen to he,. The)’ believed that it was true because they wished it were
true. As people said that the wish was frither to the thought. So, final!)’ she let them cling on to their belief
# Kepala sama berbulu, pendapat lain-lain (berlain-lainan). (Kehendak dan keinginan orang berbeda-beda.)
The worst wheel of the cart creaks most
Roda keneta terhuruk, berkeriat-keniut paling nyaling
Di tempat kerja, yang paling banyak mengeluh, biasanya karyawan yang paling buruk.
It was very hot in the office. But she was afraid of complaining it. Because her new manager told them continuously that the bad
and lazy worker would always have something to comnplcun about. He concluded that the worst wheel of the cart creaked most.
# Seperti ayarn gadis bertelur. (Sebentar-sebentar istirahat, duduk, dli. Malas.)
The worth of a thing is best known by the want of it
Nilai cnatu barang baru diketahut setelah kita tidak ,neiniiikinya
Orang baru rnengetahui nilai suatu barang setelah ia tidak meinilikinya lagi. Sementara ia nyaris tidak
menghargainya, ketika rnasih memiliknya.

When his wife returned to her parents, he realized how he loved her very much. But when she was with him, he always scolded
her for trivial things. As people said that the worth of a thing was best known by the want of it.
# Jauh bau bunga, dekat bau tahi. (Setelah jauh, orang baru mengharg ai. Meskipun ketika dekat, ia tidak
rnernpedulikannya, atau bahkan rnenghinanya.)
There is a black sheep in every flock
Seilap kawanan doinba ada yang buruk
Setiap kelompok masyarakat, ada saja yang memalukan, karena perb uatannya yang sesat.
They never answer who their first child is or where he or she is. Because their fitct child is insane in a mental hospital. There is a
black sheep in every flock.
# Tak ada gading yang tak retak. (Segala sesuatu itu tidak ada yang sempurna. Bahkan dalam satu keluarga pun, di
samping ada yang baik, pasti adajuga yang buruk.)
There is many a good tune played on an old fiddle
Banyak nada bagus yang dapat dimainkan dengan binla laina
Kemampuan orang tidak tergantung usia. Orang tua pun banyak yang masih punya keahlian, dan bekerja dengan
basil yang bagus. Mr. X was a popular old man. At first he refused to accept when they elected him to be the president of the
association. He told them that lie was already old. But they said that an old person was not necessarily unable to be a president,
especially Mr X. Because there was many a good tune played on an old fiddle.
# Tua-tua kelapa, makin tua makin kental santannya. (Orang yang makin tua makin banyak ilmunya atau makin
There is many a true word spoken in jest
Banyak kebenaran terungkap dalain kelakar
Agar tidak menyinggung perasaan, banyak orang yang mengungkapk an masalah serius dalam bentuk lelucon, atau
sambil bercanda. Sehingga kita dapat mengambil pelajaran darinya.
He smiled when he tasted the dinner she served. They were a new married young couple. She asked hun why he smiled. And he
told her that she might forget to salt the food. She turned all red in her face for

she really wa She r azs€ ii was afasting month. It was true that there &i u wod.en in jest.
# Dengan sesenck r- k±h banyak ditangkap serangga daripada dengan scsek 1)en mulut manis serta ramah tamah akan jauh let,ib
ãpo4eh basil dalam menyampaikan maksud seseoang dii rkataan tajam dan muka yang masam.)
There is no fool like an old fool
Tidak ada orang b.ydr
Orang hendakna main tua nukin bijaksana. Jika orang tua bertindak tidak semestinvi maka b akan dlanggap lebih buruk daripada
anak muda yang melakukan ksaIian yang sama.
She was old. But she Loved to dress up more than before. So people said that there was no fool like an oLd fooL
He was old but he was still going round courting oung ladies. So people said that there was no fool like an old fool.
# Bunga yang lavu balik kembang. (Omng yang sudah tua suka bersolek seperti rnasih remaja)
# Tua-tua keladi. Oi-ang ang sudah rneningkat usianya, tetapi tingkah akunya yang tak senonoh tak kunjung berkurang juga.)
There is no garden without its weeds
Tiada ta,nan. twipa n4npur

Segala sesuatu itu selalu ada kekurangannya. Karena di dunia mi tidak ada yang sempurna.
She was not a beautiflul girl. But he loved her and asked her to marry him. Because she was kind to him. It was what he
didn ‘tfind in his stepm other. After all, there was no garden without its weed.
# Tiada gading yang tak retak. (Segala sesuatu itu tidak ada yang sempurna. Karena di samping ada baiknya, akan ada juga
There is no royal road to learning
Tidak ada jalan pintas untuk belajar
Orang tidak mungkin langsung pandai. Karena ilmu pengetahuan hanya dapat diperoleh sedikit demi sedikit, secara berangsur-
angsur. Lebih baik Anda belajar sedikit secara teratur setiap harinya daripada belajar semalam suntuk untuk menghadapi ujian
esok harinya.


He told his parents that he wanted to be a scientist and invented a pill

• of learning. He explained that ever)’ pill would consist of one subject only. For example, geography, mathematics, etc.
They nodded their heads and told him to study hard, step by step. everyday. Because there was no royal road to learning today.
But after he succeeded in inventing his wondetful pills later, they would let him not study any more.
# Sedikit demi sedikit, lama-lama menjadi bukit. (Belajarlah sedikit demi sedikit, sehingga akhirnya menjadi pandai. Karena
tidak ada jalan pintas untuk pintar.)
There is no smoke without fire
Tiada 1Sa,) taflpa (I/fl
Setiap kabar angin pasti ada kebenaran di dalamnya. Karena tanpa kebenaran sedikit pun, maka kabar angin itu tidak mungkin
akan dapat tersebar ke mana-mana.
He heard a rumour that they were getting married. At first he was not sure. But everyone said that it was true. After all, there
was no smoke without fire.
# Masakan ada asap bila tidak ada api. (Bagaimana mungkin tersiar beritanya jika tidak ada kebenaran atau sumbernya sama
Thicker Lihat: Blood is thicker than water
Thief Lihat: Give a fool/a thief enough rope and he will hang himself; Opportunity makes the thief; Procrastination is the thief
of time; Set a thief to catch a thief; Set a thief to catch a thief; The receiver is as bad as the thief
Thing Lihat: A little knowledge/learning is a dangerous thing; A thing of beauty is ajoy forever; Ifathing is worth doing, it is
worth doing well; If you want a thing well done, do it yourself; The worth of a thing is best known by the want of it
Things Lihat: All good things must come to an end; Customs makes all things easy; Facts are stubborn things; Little things
please little minds; Worse things happen at sea
Think Lihat: Great minds think alike
Thinks Lihat: Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest

Those whom the gods love die young

Orang yang dikah rj &‘.
Orang bilang bahwa anak aLau orang yang mati muda itu dicintai para dewa. Karena mereka rnengIndakinya untuk
dapat menikmati kehid upan kekal di socga
She was a successful iowxg pop-singer. Unfortunately, she was killed in a traffic accidenL People said that those whom the
gods love died young.
# Mumbangjatuh. kelapajaiuh. (Semua yang hidup akan mati, tanpa memandang umuinva.) (mumbang = putik
kelapa yang sudah besar, sebesar jambu)
Thought Lihat: The wish is father to the thought
Thrive Lihat: First thrive then wive; He that will thrive must rise at five
Through Lihat: He knows the water best who has waded through It
Throw Lihat: Don’t empty/throw the baby out with the bath water
Thy Lihat: Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth
Tide Lihat: It is ill striving/swimming against the stream/tide
Tiger Lihat: He who rides on a tiger can never dismount
Time flies
Waktu terus berloiu
Waktu lewat dengan cepat.
He wondered how time flew. It seemed that he left her abroad only yesterday. And now when he returned with his Master of
Science from the Oxford University in London, he found that his girl-friend had married with two daughters and a son.
# Ada waktu datang, ada pula saatnya pergi. (Segala sesuatu yang di muka bumi mi tidak ada yang kekal. Ada
saatnya duka, dan ada pula saatnya suka.)
Time Lihat: A stich in time saves nine; Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down; Procrastination
is the thief of time; Work expands so as to fill the time available

Times is the greatlbest healer

Waktii ada/a/i penyembuh yang terbaik
Sementara waktu berlalu, kesedihan pun berangsur-angsur mengh:l ang. Karena itu, janganlah terlalu gelisah, jika kita sangat
sedih. Serahkanlah semuanya itu kepada sang waktu.
She had locked he rself since her husband death. But now her parenrs were glad to see her stepping out the house
again. It seemed time nc:
the great healer to her.
# Ada waktu datang, ada pula saatnya pergi. (Segala sesuatu yang d:
muka bumi mi tidak ada yang kekal. Ada saatnya duka, dan ada pu:
saatnya suka.)
Times Lihat: Cowards die many times before their deaths; Othe:
times/countries/days, other manners/customs/ways
Today Lihat: Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday - but never jam today
Together Lihat: Muck and money go together
Told Lihat: Ask no questions and you’ll be told no lies
Tomorrow Lihat: Jam tomorrow andjam yesterday - but neverjam today
Tongue Lihat: A still tongue makes a wise head; He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere; The tongue ever
turns to the aching tooth; The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts
Too many cooks spoil the broth
Terlalu banyak tukang macak membuat kuah banyak rerbuang
Lebih baik satu pekerjaan itu diberikan kepada satu orang. Terlalu banyak yang mengerjakan justru dapat merusaklcannya.
The publisher said that the deadline for handling the book was near. so he thought that it could be written very
quickly by a group of writers than a single author. As a result, there was so much repetition, and such variety of
style, and the chapters were not linked. People said that too many cooks spoiled the broth.
# Kapal satu, nakhoda dua. (Suatu pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh banyak orang, justru akan merusaknya.)
Too Lihat: One is never too old to learn
Tools Lihat: A bad workman always blames his tools; Don’t play with edged tools

Tooth Lihat: An ee fcc an ee. and a tooth for a tooth; The tongue ever turns to the achin& tooth
Touches Lihat: He that touches pitch will be defiled
Town Lihat: God made the country, and man made the town
Trades Lihat: A Jack of all trades is master of none
Travels Lihat: Bad news travels fast; He that travels far knows much
Tread Lihat: Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
Treasure Lihat: One s meatltreasure/etc. is another man’s poison! rubbish/etc.
Tree Lihat: Remove an old tree and it will wither to death
Tricks Lihat: You cannot teach an old dog new tricks
Troubled Lihat: It is good fishing in troubled waters
Troublesome Lihat: It is the first step that is troublesome
True Lihat: It must be true that all men say; The course of true love never did run smooth: There is many a true word
spoken in jest Truth Lihat: A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth; In wine there is truth
Tune Lihat: He who pays the piper calls the tune; There is many a good tune played on an old fiddle
Turn Lihat: Even a worm will turn; One good turn deserves another Turns Lihat: A soft answer turns away wrath;
The tongue ever turns to the aching tooth
Twice Lihat: He gives twice who gives quickly
Two blacks do not make a white
Dua hita,n ridak menjadi pufih
Orang tetap tidak dapat dibenarkan melakukan kejahatan dengan alasan bahwa orang lain juga melakukan hal yang
sama sebelumnya. Sehingga ia pun berhak demikian.
He saw his forenwn stole several boxes of chocolates. So he did the same. Unfortunately, hisforeman was replaced
by the young one. When he was caught, he told the new foreman that he stole the boxes of chocolates because the
old foreman did so before. But the young foreman told him that he shouldn’t do the theft even though his foreman
did so. Two blacks didn’t make a white.
# (Janganlah) Alang berjawab, tepuk berbalas. (Janganlahjahat dibalas dengan jahat.)

Two heads are better than one

Dua kepala Iebih balk daripada satu
Orang lain mungkin dapat melihat masa]ah yang kita hadapi dan sudr pandang yang berbeda. Sehingga Ia dapat menolong kita.
Sebaliknya jika kita tidak mau membicarakannya dengan orang 1a- maka ada kemungkinan kita akan makin tenggelam pada
masalah k:_. tanpa dapat menyelesaikannya.
He decided to discuss the financial problem with his wife. After all, t:
heads are better than one.
# Duduk seorang bersempit-sempit, duduk bersama ber1apang-lapan (Dengan bermusyawarah atau bergotong royong, segal a
sesuatunz akan lebih mudah dilaksanakan.)
Two Lihat: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush; A dwarf on
a giant’s shoulders sees the farther of the two; It takes two to make
a quarrel; Kill two birds with one stone; No man can serve twc
masters; Of two evils choose the lesser; One volunteer is worth twc
pressed men

Under Lihat: The darkest place is under the candlestick
Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown
Kegelisahan ada di kepala yang ber,nahkota
Kekhawatiran senantiasa menyelimuti benak para pemimpin. Karena mereka harus memikirkan segala sesuatu yang
ada kaitannya dengan organisasi mereka. Sehingga menjadi pemimpin tidaklah seenak seperti yang dibayangkan
oleh banyak orang.
As a president of the organization, he was always thinking about all sorts of things. He had to find solutions to many
problems in his organization. As a result, he was unable to enjoy his evenings with his family. He believed that
uneasy lay the head that wore a crown. # Yang berpayung juga yang ditembak. (Tanggung jawab senantiasa ada di
tangan para pemimpin.)
Unexpected Lihat: It is the unexpected that always happens Until Lihat: Don’t halloo/shout/whistle until you are
out of the wood
Upright Lihat: An empty sack cannot stand upright
Use Lihat: Fortune favours those who use their judgment; It is no use crying over spilt milk; It is no use spoiling the
ship/sheep for a ha’ penny worth/a ha’porth of tar
Useless Lihat: It is useless to flog a dead horse
Uses Lihat: Sweet are the uses of adversity

Vacuum Lihat: Nature abhors a vacuum
Valour Lihat: Discretion is the better part of valour
Valued Lihat: Health is not valued till sickness comes
Variety is the spice of life itu bumbu kehidupan
Selingan sangat penting dalam hidup kita. Karenajika kita mene—. kan hal yang sama setiap harinya sampai
bertahun-tahun. kejenuhan akhirnya akan merusak kita.
He went to the seaside with hisfainilyfor a change. He hoped th would be fresh again in his office after his vacation.
As people said variety was the spice of life.
# (Janganlah selalu) Kaki naik, kepala turun. (Janganlah selalu si atau membanting tulang. Carilah selingan, agar
semangat kerja nrj adi segar kembali.)
Venture Lihat: Nothing venture/ventured, nothing gain/gained
Ventured Lihat: Nothing venture/ventured, nothing gain/gainec
Vessels Lihat: Empty vessels make the most noise/sound
Vice Lihat: Hypocrisy ia a homage that vice pays to virtue
View Lihat: Distance lends enchanment to the view
Vinegar Lihat: Flies are easily caught with honey than with vinezV irtue is its own reward
Kebajikan itu .cendiri tnerupakan itnbaian
Jika orang melakukan kejahatan, maka sebenarnya hati nuraninya pm enjadi gelisah.
Sebaliknya, jika orang melakukan perbuatan yang baik, maka hatin:
pun akan merasa senang. Sehingga hati yang merasa bahagia i: sendiri sudah merupakan imbalan baginya.
He told his grandchildren who were grown up now to lead a virtuo life and do no evil. Because they would feel good
if what they did wc:
good. He believed that virtue was its own reward.
# Gajah mati meninggalkan gading, harimau mati meninggalkar belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama..
(Manusia hendaknv:
berbuat amal kebajikan dalam hidupnya.)

Virtue Lihat: Hypocripsy is a homage that vice pays to virtue

Virtues Lihat: Every man has the defects of his own virtues/qualities

Volunteer Lihat: One volunteer is worth two pressed men


Waded Lihat: He knows the water best who has waded through
Wagon Lihat: Hitch your wagon to a star
Waiting Lihat: It is ill waiting for dead men’s shoes
Waits Lihat: Everything comes to him who waits
Walk Lihat: Learn to walk before you run
Wall Lihat: The weakest goes to the wall
Walls have ears
Dinding-dinding merniliki lelinga
Hati-hatilah dalam berbicara, karena orang yang mendengar secari diam-diam akan membuat apa yang Anda
katakan menjadi diketah oleh orang lain.
He was alone with her when they discussed their plan to elope. Becatts their parents refused to give them permission
to marry. But thea wondered how their family got to know about their plan. Now they ht to be more careful for walls
had ears.
# Memakan habis-habis, menyuruk hilang-hilang. (Jika hendak merah asiakan sesuatu, hendaknya sesempurna
mungkin melakukannya.
Want Lihat: If you want a thing well done, do it yourself; If you want peace, prepare for war; The worth of a thing
is best knowr by the want of it; Waste not, want not
Wanted Lihat: He that hath a full purse never wanted/lacked a friend
Wants Lihat: An ill payer/paymaster never wants an excuse War Lihat: All’s fair in love and war; If you want peace,
prepare for war
Wash Lihat: Don’t wash your dirty linen in public
Waste not, want not
Tidak borax, tidak kekurangan
Jika kita hemat dalam segala hal, maka kita pun tidak akan menjadi kekurangan. Karena itu, janganlah kita
membuang-buang sesuatu secara tidak perlu.

She never throw away every bottle she got when he went shopping. She could barter her bottles for scouring ash to
clean her kitchen utensils. As people said, wasted noi wanted not.
# Hemat pangkal kava. rajin pangkal pandai. (Janganlah boros, supaya hidup kita tidak menjadi kekurangan
Waste Lihat: Haste makes waste
Watched Lihat: A watched pot never boils
Water Lihat: Blood is thicker than water; Don’t empty/throw the baby out with the bath water; Don’t pour out the
dirty water before you have cleaned; He knows the water best who has waded through it; You cannot get
blood/water out of stone; You may lead/take a horse to water, but youcannot make him drink
Waters Lihat: It is good fishing in troubled waters; Still waters run deep
Way Lihat: He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere; It is as well to know which way the wind
blows; Pouring oil on the fire is not the way to quench it; The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach; Where
there’s a will there’s a way Ways Lihat: Other times/countries/days, other manners/customs/ ways
Weak Lihat: The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
Weakest Lihat: A chain is no stronger than its weakest link ; The weakest goes to the wall
Wealth Lihat: Health is better than wealth
Wealthy Lihat: Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
Wear Lihat: Better to wear out than rust out; Don’t wear out! outstay your welcome; If the cap fits, wear it
Wearer Lihat: Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches Weariest Lihat: Even the weariest river winds
somewhere safe to sea
Wears Lihat: Constant dripping/dropping wears away the stone; Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown
Weeds Lihat: Ill weeds grow apace/fast; There is no garden without its weeds
Weep Lihat: Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and v. weep alone
Welcome Lihat: A constant guest is never welcome; Don’t we2r out/outstay your welcome
Well Lihat: All’s well that ends well; All’s well that ends well: Dr as most men do, then most men will speak well of you; Ifathir
is worth doing, it is worth doing well; If you want athing well don do it yourself; It is as well to know which way the wind blows;
Tte pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at last
West Lihat: East or west, home is best
What costs little is little esteemed
Yang tnurah I k/ak dihargai
Yang harganya mahal cenderung dihargai tinggi. Sedangkan yanr harganya murah, cenderung diremehkan. Padahal
kegunaannya beluE tentu demikian.
She was proud of her shoes because she bought them from a big store in the city. Although in fact she could get them at
much lower price:
in a little shop nearby. People said that what cost little was littLe esteemed.
# Kalah membeli menang memakai. (Barang baik memang mahal. tetapi tahan lama.)
What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
Sans untuk angsa henna juga cults untuk angsa jantan
Apa yang cocok untuk lelaki, juga cocok untuk perempuan. Jika lelakt mendapatkan perlakuan demikian, maka wanitapun harus
diperlakukan demikian pula.
Apa yang cocok untuk seseorang, juga cocok untuk orang lain. Jika seseorang mendapatkan perlakuan demikian, maka orang lain
pun harus diperlakukan demikian pula.
They bought a pair ofjeans for their son and a ski rtfor their daughter. But their daughter was angry. She also wanted them to
buy her a pair of jeans. She said that what was sauce for the goose is sauce for the gandei
# Anak lelaki atau perempuan sama saja. (Anak lelaki dan perempuan tidak boleh diperlakukan secara berbeda.)

What one Ios&voe lose on the swings. one makes up/you gain on the roundabouts
Apa yang nip pudiz ‘. ... .wzthai kernbali pada putaran
Dalam bisnis, jika kita rui dan barang yang satu, ternyata akhirnya kita mendapat unnrn tuga dan yang lain.
Tepats eperti pewelenggara pasar malam, yang merugi dan mainan ayunannva. tetapi truntun daii mainan putarannya.
Demikian pula daLim hidup mi. Mungkin kita rugi bergaul dengan seseorang. tetapi untun dan yang lain.
They gave so much discount on their Christmas sale. He wondered if it could make any profiL But people said that what one
lost on the swings, one made up on the roundabouts.
# Nasi sama ditanak. k-erak sama dimakan. (Untung sama dinikmati, rugi sama-sama dipikulj
What the eye doesn’t see, the heart grieves not
Apa yang lidak dililiar hati tidak men gel,thkannya
Jika kita tahu semua kesulitan. maka kita akan hidup dalam kegelisahan untuk selama-lamanva Untunglah, karena kita tidak
merasa terg anggu jika hal itu terjadi tanpa kita ketahui.
She was happy because her husband got a promotion and left for a big city. He told her that he would pick up her and
their children as soon as he got a house of his own. She did,, ‘t know that he married another woman there. So her friends now
understood why she was still happy. What the eye did,, ‘t see, the heart grieved not.
# Jauh di mata, jauh di hati. (Jika mata sudah tidak melihatnya, maka hati pun tidak merisaukannya lagi.)
Whatever man has done, man can do
Apa pun yang dulu pernah diiakuknn orang. sekarang pun dapat dilakukun
Apa pun yang dulu pernah dilakukan orang, sekarang pun dapat dilakukan oleh orang lain.
Kesuksesan yang pernah dialami seseorang, dapat pula dicapai oleh orang lain.
They were planning to build an underground railway. He wondered if it was really possible. But they said that it had been built
in several foreign countries. So, whatever man had done, man could do.
# Payah-payah dilamun ombak, tercapai juga tanah tepi. (Jika tabah dalam menghadapi kesulitan, akhirnya tercapai juga cita-

Wheel Lihat: The worst wheel of the cart creaks most

When in Rome, do as the Romans do
Jika di Ro,na, lakukan seperti orang Roma
Jika kita ingin selamat di tempat yang kita kunjungi, maka ikutilah pun yang dilakukan oleh banyak orang di sana.
He was new in that town. So he thought that it was best to do whare his neighbours do. As people said that when in
Rome,one should & the Romans did.
# Masuk kandang kambing mengembik, masuk kandang kerti menguak. (Sesuaikanlah din Anda dengan tempat dan keadaan
Anda kunjungi.)
When one door shuts, another opens
Jika satu pintu tertutup, pintu iainnya terbuka
Kesempatan selalu ada. Jangan putus asa, jika Anda gagal di sa bidang. Karena Anda pasti akan sukses di bidang Iainnya. He
failed to get ajob at that company. But he was not frustrated. 5:
he sent his job applications to other companies. He was sure that ‘oh one door shut, another opened.
# Payah-payah dilamun ombak, tercapai juga tanah tepi. (Jika ta dalam menghadapi kesulitan, akhirnya tercapai juga cita-cita.)
When the cat is away, the mice will play
Jika kucing pergi, tikus ber,nain-,nain
Jika guru keluar, murid-murid bubar. Jika mandor tidak ada, burt buruhnya lega. Jika orang yang dijadikan kepala pergi, maka
bawra nnya pun berbuat semau-maunya.
When their teacher went out, the students were noisy. As people sc when the cat was away, the mice would play.
# Kucing lalu tikus tiada berdecit lagi. (Bila orang yang paling ditakv tidak ada, semuanya gaduh. Tetapi jika ia datang, maka
semua diam
Where there’s a will there’s a way
Di mona ada kemauan, di sana ada jalan
Bagaimana pun sulitnya pekerjaan, jika kita berkeras hati, dan tida kenal putus asa, maka pekerjaan itu pun lambat laun akan
selesai juga He wanted to master aforeign language. But his mother told him tha she was poor and his father was
died a long time ago. So how it wa. possible to study at university.

However, he insisted to continue his study and he would help his mother by selling newspapers. He believed that
where there was a will there was a way.
# Payah-payah dilamun ombak, tercapai juga tanah tepi. (Jika tabah dalam menghadapi kesulitan, akhirnya tercapai
juga cita-cita.)
Wherefore Lihat: Every why has a wherefore
Whistle Lihat: Don’t halloo/shoutlwhistle until you are out of the wood
White Lihat: Two blacks do not make a white
Whole Lihat: You may know by a handful the whole sack
Why keep a dog and bark yourself?
Mengapa .cudah piara anjing, Anda .cendiri inenyalak?
Jika kita mempekerjakan orang, maka janganlah kita melakukannya sendiri. Biarlah orang itu saja yang
He told his wife that he had telephoned a technician to repair his car. But when he hi mself tried to disassemble the
car, her wife asked him, ‘Why keep a dog and bark yourself?’ He told her that he had to do it himself because the
techinician could not come.
# Enak kata kukuran, sakit kata kelapa. (Enak bagi majikan, tetapi tidak enak bagi bujangnya.)
Why Lihat: Every why has a wherefore
Wife Lihat: A good husband makes a good wife; A good wife is a good prize; He that bath a wife and children hath
given hostages to fortune
Will Lihat: Do as most men do, then most men will speak well of you; Even a worm will turn; Fling dirt enough and
some will stick; Give a foolla thief enough rope and he will hang himself; Give him! knaves an inch and he/they will
take a yard/a mile; Gold will not buy everything; He that touches pitch will be defiled; He that will thrive must rise
at five; If anything can go wrong, it will; If one sheep leaps over the ditch/dyke, all the rest will follow; It will be the
same a hundred years hence; Remove an old tree and it will wither to death; Take care of the pence and the pounds
will take care of themselves; Take the will for the deed; When the cat is away, the mice will play; Where there’s a
will there’s a way

Willing Lihat: All lay loads on a willing horse; The spirit is wilIin but the flesh is weak
Win Lihat: He that would the daughter win, must with the moth I first begin
Wind Lihat: God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb; It is as we:. to know which way the wind blows;
It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good
Winds Lihat: Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to s
Wine Lihat: Good wine needs no bush; In wine there is truth
Wink Lihat: A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse
Wise Lihat: A fool may give a wise man counsel; A still tongi
makes a wise head; A wise man is never less alone than when alone
A word is enough to the wise; Early to bed and early to rise, makes
a man healthy, wealthy and wise; It is easy to be wise after th
event; Some are wise and some are otherwise
Wish Lihat: The wish is father to the thought
Wishes Lihat: If wishes were horses, beggars would ride/might ride
Wither Lihat: Remove an old tree and it will wither to death
Without Lihat: There is no garden without its weeds; There is nc smoke without fire; You cannot make an
omelette without breaki ng eggs; You cannot make bricks without straw; Zeal without knowledge is a
runaway horse
Wive Lihat: First thrive then wive
Wolf Lihat: A growing youth has a wolf in his belly; It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his
confessor; Set a wolf to keep the sheep
Women Lihat: Men make houses, women make homes
Won Lihat: A good name is sooner lost than won; Faint heart never won fair lady
Wood Lihat: Don’t halloo/shout/whistle until you are out of the wood
Word Lihat: A word is enough to the wise; A word spoken is past recalling; There is many a true word
spoken in jest
Words Lihat: Actions speak louder than words; Hard words break no bones

Work expands so as to fill the time available

Pekerjaan tnembengkak untuk inengisi waktu yang tersedia
Pekerjaan yang tidak perlu cenderung untuk dilakukan, jika orang masih mempunyai banyak waktu.
He thought that he would have a lot of free time on his weekend. But his sister with her children from another town
came unexpectedly. So he was unable to enjoy his weekend. People said that work expanded so as to fill the time
# Duduk meraut ranjau, tegak meninjau jarak. (Jika orang tahu menggunakan waktu sebaik-baiknya, maka ia pun tidak akan
punya waktu luang yang terbuang.)
Work Lihat: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy; It is all in the day’s work; Many hands make light work; The devil
finds work for idle hands to do
Workman Lihat: A bad workman always blames his tools World Lihat: Half the world knows not how the other half lives;
It takes all sorts to make a world; Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone; The hand that rocks the cradle
rules the world
Worm Lihat: Even a worm will turn; The early bird catches the worm
Worse things happen at sea
Sesuatu yang Iebth buruk terjadi di laut

Pepatah mi digunakan untuk menghibur din, yakni dengan mengatak an bahwa yang lebih buruk terjadi pada orang lain.
She told his husband that there was no money anymore. But he said that they had to wait until next month when he
got his monthly salary. After all, worse things happened at sea.
# Hujan emas di negeni orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, baik juga di negeri sendiri. (Walaupun enak dan menyenangkan
tinggal di negara orang, tetapi tidak seenak di negara sendiri.)
Worse Lihat: Praise makes good men better and bad men worse; The sun is never the worse for shining on a dunghill

Worst Lihat: Every man is his own worst enemy; Hope for the 1ec and prepare for the worst; The
cobbler’s children are always fr worst shod; The worst wheel of the cart creaks most
Worth Lihat: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush; Ifath: is worth doing, it is worth doing well; It
is no use spoiling the s
sheep for a ha’penny worth/a ha’porth of tar; One volunteer
worth two pressed men; The game is not worth the candle; Tb worth of a thing is best known by the want
of it
Worthy Lihat: The labourer is worthy of his hire
Would Lihat: Do as you would be done by; He that would commr:
must serve; He that would eat the kernel must crack the nut; He thr would have eggs must endure the
cackling of hens; He that woui the daughter win, must with the mother first begin; He who wou hang his
dog gives out first that it is mad; If each would sweet before his own door, we should have a clean city; If
it were not f:r hope, the heart would break; If wishes were horses, beggars wou:
ride/might ride; Many would be cowards, if they had coura::
enough; Much would have more
Wrath Lihat: A soft answer turns away wrath; Let not the sun :
down on your wrath
Wrong Lihat: If anything can go wrong, it will


Yard Lihat: Give him’knaves an inch and he/they will take a yard/ amile
Year Lihat: Christmas comes but once a year
Years Lihat: It will be the same a hundred years hence
Yesterday Lihat: Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday - but neverj am today
You cannot catch old birds with chaff
Anda tidak dapcu mena,.,_p b.,wig dewusa dengan sekatn
Orang yang telah berpengalaman tidak mudah ditipu. Tepat seperti burung dewasa yang tidak dapat ditangkap dengan sekam.
Sedangkan anak burung belum dapat membedakan antara sekam dan isinya. He sold an imitation necklace to her and told her
that it was pure gold. But secretly she called the police and he was caught. He didn’t know that she was a daughter of
a gold-smith. So he could not cheat her easily. As people said that you could not catch old birds with chqff # Tahu
mana emas, mana lovang. (Tahu benar. Ahli. Tidak mudah ditipu.)
You cannot get bloodlwater out of stone
Anda tidak dapar me,nperoleh darahlair don batu
Orang tidak mungkin memperoleh sesuatu dan orang yang tidak memilikinya atau tidak mau memberikannya.
He returned from his overseas travel. Unexpectedly, the sick came to him and asked him to cure their sickness. He said
that he didn’t have medical science at all. So, it was sure that he couldn’t cure them. As people said you could not
get water out of stone.
# Berdiang di abu dingin. (Minta tolong pada orang yang tidak mampu.)
You cannot have your cake and eat it
Anda tidak dapat inemakan kue dan sekuligus rnasih ine,nhiikinya
Jika ada dua pilihan, maka kita harus memilih salah satu. Tetapi tidak mungkin memilih kedua-duanya.
Tepat seperti kue. Jika kita memakan kue kita, maka habislah kue itu. Sehingga kita tidak mungkin masih memilikinya, setelah
kue itu kita m akan.

He could not make up his mind whether to go to college or get aj: -

He could not do both and he had to choose one. As people said thai =
could not have your cake and ate it.
# Bagai bertemu buah si malakama, dimakan bapak mati, tic.z.
dimakan ibu mati. (Serba salah. Apa pun yang dilakukan a
mendatangkan kesulitan.)
You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear
Anda tidak dapat meinbuat dainpet sutera dan tehnga babi betina
Anda tidak dapat membuat sesuatu yang bagus dan bahan yang tiz. bagus. Demikian halnya dengan orang jahat atau
bodoh yang tidz mungkin menjadi orang mulia atau bijaksana.
He was a criminal. But he had been released by the police. Many of k.. neighbours received him kindly. And one of them made
him a secun:
guard in his office. However, some of them believed (in) the prove— ‘You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear,’ and kept
an eye him.
# Anjing itu meski dirantai dengan rantai emas sekalipun, niscaya ak.k embali juga ke tempat najis. (Tentang orang
yang pada dasarn; jahat, dan tidak dapat diperbaiki lagi.)
You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs
Anda tidak dapat ineinbuat telor dadar tanpa neinecah telurnya
Kita hams menyerahkan sesuatu untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yac lain. Karena di dunia mi, kita tidak mungkin
mendapatkan sesua:.. secara gratis.
He sold a necklace to her and told her that it was pure gold. She v::
interested and holding itfor a long time. Finally he told her impatient. that she had to buy it, because she could not get something
for nothin As people said that you could not make an omelette without breaki,:
# Siapa yang berniat hendak memancing ikan, harus mau membuar:
umpan lebih dahulu. (Siapa yang ingin mendapatkan sesuatu, harLm au melepaskan sesuatu Iebih dahulu, sebab di
dunia mi tidak ada yan:
dapat diperoleh dengan cuma-cuma.)
You cannot make bricks without straw
Anda tidak dapat inembuat batu bata tanpajeraini
Kita tidak mungkin membuat sesuatu tanpa bahan, perkakas, ata. biaya yang diperlukan.


The village wth rradiiional

dances. &v :.r r thei i crc wiable to
- ‘.

do it. As the - L%TC*S withour straw

Fortujuitch . amg robe a donor and
flow th ber ‘‘

# Siapa a :e harus mau membuang umpan Jei,iEi iimx S nthua sesuatu, harus mau menge1ur-- rr h dimia mi tidak ada sesuatu
-. •

apa pun vsa Dr.! cm1u-curnL)

You cannot t a qr1 .e a pint pot
Andj tidajj — - - ... — OJ lifer) ke dtila,n cereksatu pint (0,551 liter)
Kita tidak th jik.i kita memaksaJcan sesuatu yang besar ke tempat \ang k-i
There were cmh cr bus awiz fable While their numbers were more than sevepi &,, *them had to use another public
transport. it was sure rhiij the-. couid noifo,-ce themselves to go with one bus. As the saying went thai wi co’iild
iior put a quart into a pint pot.
# Bagai antan runj1 dwi. (Melakukan usaha yang sia-sia, sehingga mustahjl akan merrwa basil.) (antan = alu, alat penumbuk padi)

You cannot put old heads on young shoulders

Anda tic/ak dapat tnelerakkj,z kepala ia ke c_
Orang tua senantiasa penuh pertin angan berkat pengalamannya Sedangkan anak muda cenderung berangasan atau mudah marah
karena kurang pengalarnan.
Sehingga kita tidak dapat menrharapkan anak muda yang belum berpengalaman menjadi sepandai dan sehati-hatj orang tua yang
telah berpengalarnan,
She told herson to drive carefully. However, an accident happened and he was taken to hospital. it was true that she
could not expect his son to be careful as her husband. As people said that you could not put old heads on young
# Berjalan peliharakan kaki, berkata peliharakan lidah. (Orang harus berhati-hati dalam bertindak maupun berbicara.)

You cannot teach an old dog new tricks

Anda tidak dapat inengajar anjing tua dengan hal-hal yang baru
Anak muda sangat mudah menerima pikiran maupun cara-cara var baru. Sebaliknya, orang tua sangat sulit untuk
belajar hal-hal yar:
barn. Mereka seolah-olah sudah dicetak dengan segala yang larr_ sehingga tidak dapat mengikuti yang baru.
The company had replaced all the typewriters with computers. (Jnfr -- tunately, the typists seemed to have difficulty in learning the
compu: programs. It was true that you could not teach an old dogs new tric # Ia tak bergigi lagi. (Ta tidak lagi berkuasa,
berpengaruh, berwiba a membahayakan, dst. Ta tidak mampu lagi mengikuti kemajuanjamar
You may know by a handful the whole sack
Ant/a dapat tnengetahui .catn karung dan satu genggatn saja
Baik tidaknya seseorang kadang-kadang dapat diketahui hanya dar tanggapan atau reaksinya terhadap suatu
i-Ic met her in a library. He saw the book she read. And he conclu&.. that she had the same hobby. He needed only little evidence
to have th conclusion. As they said that you might know by a handful the who sack.
# Melihat riak air, sudah tahu pendayung orang; terkilat ikan dalam ai sudah tahu jantan betinanya. (Orang dapat
mengetahui orang lair hanya dan gerak-gerik ataupun tutur katanya.)
You may lead/take a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink
Anda dapat membawa seekor kuda ke tnata air, tetapi Anda tidak dapat ,nembuain’.. minurn
Kita dapat memberikan uang kepada seseorang untuk suatu keperluan Tetapi kita tidak dapat memaksanya untuk
melakukan sesuatu itu.
She realized that she lived in a country consisted of thousands o islands. But she could not swim. So she gave her son enough
money rc learn to swim. However, she found that he didn’t to the swimming pool. His friend told her that he was afraid of water.
Now she understood wel the saying that she might lead a horse to water, but she could not make him drink.
# Kepala sama berbulu pendapat lain-lain. (Setiap orang berlainan pendapatnya.)

You scratch my back abd I’ll scratch yours

Anda menggaruk punggung saya, dan saya akan menggaruk punggung Anda

Jika Anda menolong saya, maka saya juga akan membalas menolong Anda.

He asked her to introduced him to her boy-friend. And she said that if he would help her, she
would help him too. As people said that if he scratched her back and she would scratch his.

# Hidup sandar-menyandar. (Hidup di dunia hendaklah saling tolong-mrnolong.)

Young Lihat: Those whom the gods love die young; You cannot put old heads on young

Youth Lihat: A growing youth has a wolf in his belly


Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse
Seinangat tanpa ilmu pengetahuan satna dengan kuda yang lepas
Orang yang terlalu bersemangat untuk menolongjustru dapat menimb ulkan bahaya.
The small boat sank unexpectedly. Instead of looking for a rope or a floating material, he swam and helped his
daughter who was drowning. Unfortunately, she clutched his neck tightly and histerically. As a result, they both
drowned together. People said that zeal without knowledge was a runaway horse.
# Jauh panggang dan api. (Pekerjaan yang dilakukan tanpa persiapan akan kandas di tengah jalan.)

A forced kindness deserves no thanks

Kebaikan yang dipak.cakan tidak panta.c ,nendapatkan ucapan terilna kasih
Orang yang melakukan tindakan yang baik karena punya pamrih atau maksud tertentu, memang tidak pantas diberi
ucapan terima kasih. Karena hanya yang tulus saja yang pantas mendapatkannya. Normally he thanked someone who
helped him. But the financial assistance he received was different. He had to pay the interest. So a forced kindness deserved no
# Ada udang di balik batu. (Ada maksud yang tersembunyi di balik ti ndakan seseorang.)
A friend in need is a friend indeed
Sahabat dalain kesulif an adalah sahabat sejati
Dalam keadaan senang kita biasanya mempunyai banyak teman. Tetapi dalam keadaan sulit, biasanya mereka pergi
satu per satu. Karena itu, teman yang masih mendekati Anda dalam keadaan sulit, adalah teman yang sejati.
People said that she was stubborn and unfriendly. But she was his real friend. When he lost his job, she gave him a great help.
He remembered that a friend in need was a friend indeed.
# Nasi habis budi bersua. (Dalam keadaan yang sulit, akan terlihatlah yang manakah sahabat sejati.)
A friend is easier lost than found
Kehilangan teman lebih tnudah daripada ,nendapatkannya
Untuk mendapatkan teman, diperlukan waktu yang sangat lama. Tetapi untuk kehilangan teman, setiap saat dapat
The)’ were friends for a long time. They also realized that sometimes they quarrelled. But they decided to make their friendship
everlasting. Because a friend was easier lost than found.
# Gigi dan lidah ada kalanya tergigit juga. (Persahabatan, bagaimana pun akrabnya, sesekali timbul juga
A golden key opens every door
Kunci e,na,c inembuka se,nua pintu
Di jaman sekarang, siapa pun akan dapat memperoleh apa yang diinginkannya. Asalkan ada uang. Uang dapat
menjangkau apa pun yang Anda perlukan.
He is not clever. But he is at the favorite high school now. People say that the school needs financial support to build a new

And his parents are rich. So they certainly will use their money to open the schoolfor their beloved son. We know that a golden
key opens every door.
# Ada uang abang saya, tak beruang abang payah. (Dengan uang kita dapat memperoleh segalanya. Tetapi, jika kita
sudah jatuh miskin, orang pun menjauhi kita.)
A good anvil does not fear the hammer
ParunlBesj landasan yang baik tidak takut akan pa/u
Orang yang kuat tidak akan goyah ketika menghadapi kesulitan yang hebat.
She was their best bowler. But when they went to the Sea Games in Manila, they faced many serious rivals from other countries,
besides she had afamily problent All the members of the bowling team were corrje4 especially about her personal problem
However she said that he would spare several minutes for her country, Indonesia, when she threw the ball. And she won. Now
they believed that she was a good anvil that didn ‘tfear the hammer.
# Payah-payah dilamun ombak, tercapai juga tanah tepi. (Jika selalu tabah dalam cobaan akhirnya tercapai juga cita-
A good conscience is a soft pillow
Hati nurani yang balk satna dengan banta! yang empuk
Orang yang tidak melakukan kejahatan atau kesalahan apa pun akan hidup tenang. Tidurnya pun nyenyak.
The rich man offered him a lot of money. But he refused to accept it. Because he had to do something against his conscience,
namely to kill the rich man’s enemy. He was for the proverb, ‘A good conscience is a soft pillow.’
# Seperti air di dalam kolam. (Orang yang tenang tingkah laku dan sikapnya.)
A good dog deserves a good bone
Anjing yang ba/k layak mendapat tulang yang balk
Pekerja yang baik kerjanya pantas mendapatkan penghargaan atau upah yang layak pula.
He has worked in the Department of Education for along time. So his superior feels that he deserves a medal of loyaliry and a
promotion or an advancement of rank. A good dog deserves a good bone.
# Jadi kaki tangan. (Menjadi pembantu setia.)

A good husband makes a good wife

Suami yang balk ,ne,nbuat isteri yang balk pula
Lelaki yang baik kepada isterinya dapat membuat isterinya pun menjadi baik.
He didn’t know why his wife was not good to him. However he decided to love her more and more. He tried to believe that a good
husband made a good wife. Finally he found that his wife was better and better than before. Now he really believed that a good
husband made a good wife. The important thing was that he had to be patient and gave her his true love more and more.
#Bagai api dengan asap. (Sepasang suami-isteri yang sehidup-semati.)
A good name is better than riches
Nama baik lebih utama daripada keka’aan
Orang kaya yang sombong akan clibenci oleh orang lain. Tetapi orang yang baik kepada orang lain akan selalu
dicintai oleh mereka.
He was a teacher. Although he was poor, he always helped the villagers in nearly all their probl ems. He believed that a good
name was better than riches.
# Ilmu iebih berharga daripada harta. (Harta kekayaan bukaniah segala-galanya. Banyak hal di dunia mi yang lebih
berharga daripada harta. Misainya: ilmu, nama yang baik, dli.)
A good name is sooner lost than won
Natna balk lebih cepat hilang daripada inendapatkannya
Orang tidak mudah mendapatkan nama baik. Nama baik hanya dapat diperoleh dalam waktu yang lama. Tetapi
untuk merusaknya, dalam sekejap orang dapat melakukannya.
Perhaps he was the only village chief candidate who didn’t use his money to influence his electors. However he was elected and
became a village chief One day, a rich man from the town gave him a lot of money and asked him to do something against the
law. But he refused to accept it. He said to himself ‘A good name is sooner lost than won.’ # Panas setahun dihapuskan oleh
hujan sehari. (Kebaikan yang banyak, terhapus begitu saja oleh suatu kesalahan kecil.)

A good wife is a good prize

i.cteri yang balk inerupakan hadiah yang balk
Dalam keluarga, seorang isteri memegang peranan yang luar biasa. Bahkan dalam keadaan suami tidak bertanggung
jawab sekalj pun, banyak terjadi si isteri masih bisa menyelamatkan anak-anaknya. When he lost his job, he became a
heavy drunkard. As a result, his wife became the head of hisfamily and made a living as a dressmaker to feed their children.
Finally he realized that he was wrong and helped his wlfe ‘s business before he got a new job. He thanked God and believed (in)
the proverb, ‘A good wife is a good prize.’
# Ia belahan nyawaku. (Isteri adalah bagian yang tak terpisahkan dan lelaki.)
A great city, a great solitude
Koru berm-, swigw .repi
Kota besar memang terkenal ramainya. Tetapi masing-masing orang sibuk dengan urusan mereka sendiri. Sehingga
setiap orang merasa kesepian.
He is longing for living in the country. Because in the big city nobody seenis to have the time to care for each other. The)’ are
busy with their own problems, so he feels very lonely. It’s true that a great city, a great solitude.
# Jika tak ada uang di pinggang, sahabat karib menjadi renggang. (Di kota, jika kita sudah jatuh melarat, kawan
kenalan kita menjauhkan din.)
A growing youth has a wolf in his belly
Anak ‘etnaja yang sedang tu,nbuh ada serigala di dalain perutnya
Anak muda memerlukan banyak makanan untuk pertumbuhannya Karena itu, mereka selalu bilang lapar dan banyak
makannya, seperti serigala yang tampak selalu kelaparan.
He eats a lot. It seems that he never stops eating. His mother only laughes at his greed for food. A growing youth has a wolf in
his belly. # Seperti ikan baung dekat pemandjan. (Sangat rakus. Semuanya dimakan,) (baung = sejenis ikan)
A guilty conscience needs no accuser
Rani bercala/z tic/ak ineiner/ukan ,‘endakwa
Orang akan senantiasa gelisah setelah melakukan kesalahan. Seh ingga ia sebenarnya sudah tidak perlu
dipersalahkan Jagi.

Rasa bersalah itu sendiri telah menghukumnya. Hal mi dapat dilihat dan tindakan selanjutnya yang dapat diartikan sebagai
ajakan untuk berdamai, dan bukannya diucapkan dengan kata-kata.
She was angry because her husband caine late. But seeing him so kind to her, she did’t show her anger. She
thought, ‘A guilty conscience needs no accuser.’
# Seperti pinggan dengan mangkuk, salah sedikit hendak berantuk. (Hubungan, bagaimana pun eratnya, sesekali timbul juga
A heavy purse makes a light heart
Doinpet tebal ineinbuat han senang
Jika banyak uang, orang akan senantiasa merasa senang. Karena apa pun yang diinginkannya, dapat diperolehnya dengan mudah.
To him, money is a kind of energy. He looks sick when he has no money. And he looks healthy when he has a lot of
money. Yes, to him, a heavy purse makes a light heart.
# Ada uang abang saya, tak ada uang abang payah. (Jika kita kaya, kita pun senang, karena banyak teman. Tetapi jika kita sudah
jatuh miskin, orang pun menjauhi kita.)
A hedge between keeps friendship green
Sebuah pagar dapat menjaga kekalnya persahabatan
Jika orang ingin agar persahabatannya kekal, maka ia harus menjaga dirinya agar tidak campur tangan dalam urusan pribadinya.
Paling- paling kita boleh memberikan pandangan kita, jika ia meminta pertimb angan atas persoalan yang dihadapinya.
He succeeds in keeping the friendship with his friends. Because he never intervenes their personal affairs. A hedge
between keeps friends hip green.
# Sawah berpematang (berpiring), ladang berbintalak. (Segala sesuatu itu ada batasnya.) (berpematang = ada pematangnya;
pematang = galengan, tanggul kecil yang mengelilingi sawah; berpiring = ada piringnya; piring = petak sawah; berbintalak = ada
bintalaknya; bintalak = batas ladang)
A house divided against itself cannot stand
Ruinah yang terpecah belah tidak akan dapat berdiri lagi
Kekuatan hanya dapat diperoleh dengan persatuan. Sebaliknya, keh ancuran akan tiba jika terjadi perpecahan.

A nation certainly will stop developing if the people are quarrelling among themselves. Remember that a house divided against
itself cannot stand!
# Duduk seorang bersempit-sempit, duduk bersama berlapang-lapang. (Dengan bermusyawarah atau bergotong
royong, segala sesuatunya akan mudab dilaksanakan.)
A Jack of all trades is master of none
Orang yang serba bisa sebenarnya tidak tnenguasai .catu keterampilan pun
Orang yang tahu segalanya, sebenarnya tidak menguasai apa pun. Karena ia hanya tahu sedikit-sedikjt saja tentang
segala sesuatu. Tetapi tidak saw pun yang dikuasainya secara mendalam.
She is worried about his SOfl ‘s education. Because she has no special attention to his lessons in school. She remembers
the proverb, ‘A Jack of all trades is master of none.’
# Keris panjang berkelok, ke mana dibawa ke mana elok. (Orang yang banyak keahliannya, apa yang dikerjakannya
mendatangkan hasil.)
A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth
Seorang pembohong tidak akan dipercaya, sekali pun Ia Inengatakan yang sebenarnya
Orang tidak percaya lagi kepada seorang pembohong, karena keboh ongankebohongan yang sering diceritakannya
sebelumnya. Akibatnya, kebenaran yang ia katakan sekali pun, akan dianggap sebagai kebohongan pula.
He had often tell lies to the villagers. One night, after the heavy rain all day long, he saw that the water level overflowed and the
dam broke. He shouted to them that aflood threatened their village. But they didn’t believe him anymore. It was like the proverb,
‘A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.’
# Sekali lancung ke ujian, seumur hidup orang tak percaya. (Sekali berbohong, apalagi kalau sering berbohong,
orang selanjutnya tidak akan mempercayai Anda lagi.)
A light purse makes a heavy heart
Dompet yang tipis tnembuat hail be rat
Kesulitan akan uang, senantiasa membuat orang tidak gembira hidupn ya.
He looked sad. He had spent all of his savings when he was sick. And

now he would not be able to pay the flat rent. He remembered the proverb, ‘A light purse makes a heavy heart.’
# Jika tak ada uang di pinggang, sahabat karib menjadi renggang. (Jika kita sudah jatuh melarat, kawan kenalan kita rnenjauhkan
A lion may come to be beholden to a mouse
Seekor sin go dapat ,nerasa sangat berhutang pada .ceekor tikus
Orang kaya pada suatu ketika dapat merasa sangat mernerlukan orang miskin. Demikian pula, orang besar atau berkuasa path
suatu ketika dapat merasa sangat mernerlukan orang kecil.
Seperti kisah seekor singa yang terjerat dalam janing, dan kernudian dibebaskan oleh seekor tikus yang menggerogoti jaring
itu sarnpai benlubang. Sehingga cukup untuk keluar meloloskan din. When the rich man was robbed in the middle of the
night, he shouted as loud as possible. His i,oor neighbours caine flocking with their machetes, caught the robbers,
and saved him and h isfainily. It was true that a lion might come to be beholden to a mouse.
# Kapal besar ditundajongkong. (Orang yang kaya atau berkuasa sekali waktu memerlukan orang miskin atau kecil.) (ditunda =
ditarik; jongkong = perahu yang dibuat dan sebatang kayu utuh dan dilubangi bagian tengahnya)
A little knowledge/learning is a dangerous thing
Pengetahuan yang sedikit dapat inenjadi sesuatu yang berbahava
Orang yang tidak tahu sama sekali, tidak akan berani mencoba-coba. Tetapi orang yang tahu sedikit, rnungkin justru merasa
sangat hebat, dan berani mencobanya. Sehingga akibatnya dapat fatal.
He had read a book on driving a car. Soon he thought he could drive. He tried his father’s car and crashed it to the
the wall in the garage. A little knowledge was a dangerous thing.
# Bergantung pada benang sutera. (Menggantungkan din pada kea kuatan atau pengetahuan yang sedikit memang sangat
mernbahayak an.)
A living dog is better than a dead lion
An/ing hidup lebih balk dauipada •cingl mali
Menjadi orang kecil yang masih hidup lebih baik daripada menjadi orang besar yang sudah mati. Karena bagaimana pun, hidup
senantiasa lebih baik daripada mati.

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