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No one doubted that John would be the top student of the Academy.
Face blessed by God, kind and friendly personality, and talent in both sports
and academics.
However, the position was taken by the daughter of a Viscount from an
obscure family…

“Miss Elena, congratulations on getting the top position.”

“Thank you.”

Elena Eboy, who didn’t seem to know his name, was different.
She didn’t speak to him when most people would’ve tried to get close to

“Do you have anything else to say?”

Johann’s self-esteem was shattered by the fact that she had zero interest in
From that moment on, Johann started to observe Elena.

Raws: ridibooks
Raws provider: (My angel) Ailee
Official manhwa: ridibooks

Decrease my wrinkles pleaaasee~

Chapter 1

The news that Elena Eboy was admitted to the Münuit Academy as the top
student caused quite a stir. At first, people were curious as to who she was
and who the Viscount of Evoy was. However, then they were surprised that
a girl from an unknown family was able to beat Johann Pertan to the top.

“Miss Elena, congratulations on getting the top position.”

Contrary to their assumption that his pride was hurt, Johann Pertan smiled
and greeted her first. His slightly folded eyes were friendly and his smile

“As expected. Johann is different.”

“That’s nothing new. Johann is famous for his personality. An angel sent
from the Lord.”

Of course. I often hear that. John laughed in satisfaction inwardly at the

flood of praise. Now, I just need to wrap up this conversation properly.

“Thank you.”


Johann paused at the brief and neat reply. This was not what Johann
expected. Usually, the following words were praises for Johann’s greatness
and character, or admiration for his huge generosity.

“Do you have anything else to say?”

However, Elena Evoy was different. That was it.

At that very moment, Johann’s strong ego was shattered.



Duke Pertan III had three sons and one daughter. Among them, Johann
Eldorado Pertan was the fifth nephew of Hentart III, the current emperor of
the Priston Empire. He was part of the royal family since birth.

Unlike some royal family members, whose blood was the only thing that
made them worthwhile, Johann had the most talent among them. Whether it
was swordsmanship, magic, or academics, he excelled in everything. All
the teachers that taught him praised Johann, saying that the future of Duke
Pertan was bright.

Johann’s excellence was imminent since the day he entered the academy.
Münuit Academy, where talented people, between the ages thirteen to
sixteen, from all over the Empire were admitted, Johann made a name for
himself by winning the top position for four years straight.

The praise did not end there. Johann Pertan was such a handsome boy that it
was said that the Lord must have sent him from the heavens.

Blond hair that glistened, as if sprinkled with gold dust, and breathtaking
eyes that seemed to be filled with the sky, Johann was so beautiful that he
could fascinate people with a single smile.

Rich background, extraordinary appearance, and amazing talent. Johann’s

future was very bright.

“Oh my God. Did you hear her? How can you be so dry? Johann
congratulated her first, but she didn’t seem grateful.”

“Johann is too nice.”

Until he met her, Johann was never treated like that before. Johann
controlled his expressions and quietly clenched his teeth, hearing the
conversation around him.

‘Elena Evoy.’

It was the name of the woman who instantly shattered Johann’s dream of
winning the top position from admission to graduation, as he did at Münew

‘Where did you come from?’

Of course, it wasn’t like he thought that there would be no unexpected

challenges. Unlike Münew Academy, where only imperialists could enroll,
the Münuit Academy, which was a higher institution, accepted students
from all over the continent. As the conditions were expanded, it was a
matter of knowing without deep consideration that more diverse people
would come to the academy.

But Johann wasn’t concerned about that. The children eligible to enter the
Münuit Academy, that is, the imperial family or royalty of any country, the
sons of noble families, or the children of wealthy merchants, would know
by themselves if they were excellent. It would be laughable to say that they
had no talent.

Furthermore, Johann was the best student Münew Academy ever had,
scoring the first position throughout his years there. Johann never thought
about his limits. At least so far.

‘Evoy family… It’s the first time I heard of this family.’

With his excellent memory, he remembers every family he encountered

socially, but the name Evoy was really unfamiliar. Johann looked at Elena
Evoy, pretending to gaze at the window.

Her hair that seemed almost black had a purplish tinge and from the side,
her expressionless profile gave an impression of an intelligent kind of
beauty. Her plain straight hair, which looked as if barely fixed by her maids,
was slightly unkempt, but it was enough to be called neat.

Johann looked at Elena a little more closely. Straight back, eyes fixed on the
book in front of her. Even though it was impossible not to feel the gaze that
bore into her, her posture remained just as neat. It was as if she didn’t care
about other people’s gazes at all.

“Johann, what are you looking at?”

“… It rained yesterday, but strangely the sky is clear today.”

“It’s truly romantic.”

What do I care about the sky? Johann was not really interested in nature or
the weather. However, he was sensitive to how people perceived him. The
Johann Pertan that people see was such a person; a benevolent, gentle and
perfect person who has a high position yet cherishes every little thing.

He was able to maintain the mature image he had established during his
time at Münew Academy in Münuit Academy too, because most of the
students here were from the Münew Academy. No matter how many
students from all over the entire continent were admitted, the Pristonian
students still made up the highest proportion.

“Johann, have you decided on your major? Are you considering

swordsmanship, too?

“Why wouldn’t he? His father, Duke Pertan, is the greatest knight in the

“That’s right. Sir Isaac went straight to the Royal Guards as soon as he

They continued to gossip about Johann without him. Johann’s eyes

trembled slightly as soon as the name ‘Isaac’ was mentioned.

The second son Isaac Schweinell Pertan and the first son Noah Mason
Pertan. The two great brothers who raised the name of Pertan were Johann’s
light and shadow. Noah Mason Pertan, the successor of Duke Pertan, who
five years older than Johann, had a greater age difference, so Johann was
always compared to Isaac because they were one year apart.

Johann cannot outshine his brothers, but he has to make sure not to hurt the
Pertan family’s reputation. That was Johann’s role, the third son of the
family. Johann knew it well, but thinking about his brothers made him

“Well, there are many fields to think about. I haven’t decided yet.”

“Then again, Johann is gifted in magic. You don’t have to worry about

That’s right. When sympathy began, praise always followed. Not only did
they like Johann, but also wanted a connection to the prodigious family of
Duke Pertan. Either way, Johann Pertan was a remarkable talent. Regardless
of their gender, the students wanted to get close to him.

Johann laughed at every word about himself. There was once a time when
he felt jubilant at people’s praises. However, through years of experience,
Johann now knows that people are not always sincere in what they say. In
this world, people would smile at your face and laugh at you behind your

“By the way, has anyone ever heard of Viscount Evoy?”


Before the class started, students gathered and chattered about something.
Johann, who was taking out a textbook for preparation, focused on the
interesting topic.

Behind him were the second daughter of Count Turla, the eldest son of
Marquis Hansen, and the only child of the Count of Yorshy, all of whom
came from aristocratic families.

“Not at all. I’ve never heard of it.”

“I’ve never heard of it either.”

They don’t know either. His last hope vanished. Then where on earth did she
come from? Johann’s mind went back to the fundamental question.

“The first Viscount, Viscount Evoy, is better known by the name Root.”

“Root… is that a black magician?”

“He’s an antisocial geek who doesn’t like to be praised and even refuses
higher titles. Of course, since he’s a self-made man, his family isn’t well
known either.”

Just then, someone with a composed voice intervened in the conversation. It

was Emily, a girl wearing glasses and neatly braided hair.

“Emily knows everything.”

“I’m just interested in the history of magicians. His story has many layers,
so much about him is shrouded in mystery.”

So that’s what the family was like. Now, I know why I didn’t know about it.
Johann, who was still eavesdropping on the conversation, paused. It was
good to hear the explanation, but the conversation was louder than he
thought. They were just facts, but it would not be pleasant for her to hear.

Johann glanced sideways just in case. Fortunately, Elena Evoy’s eyes were
still on her book.

‘Dull or focused… Or that she has no interest in others. I think it’s one of
the three.’

Or it could be all three. The pen spun round at the tip of Johann’s fingers.


Johann looked out of the window at the far away spire. The tallest spire in
the empire was located in the center of the Imperial Palace, exactly facing
the Münuit Academy. After graduating from the Academy, it was the place
where Johann would work someday.

‘Becoming a knight wouldn’t be bad either, but I think going into

administration might be helpful to father.’

It’s probably better for the second son, Isaac, to build his reputation as a
knight. I won’t get anything by dividng father’s reputation between us. Such
was the role of the third son of a family. No matter how good he is, there
are boundaries he must keep.

There are many things he’s good at, but when asked what he wanted to do,
he had nothing to say. But Johann always made a choice based on the
decisions of his family and his position. He never regretted living like that
for seventeen years.

No, Johann didn’t even know what regret was in the first place. That was
because, among the many things his father taught, there was no such thing
as regret.

“Remember what your role is in Pertan.”

“Keep that in mind—don’t try to stand out alone.”

“Remember your place, Johann.”

His father’s teachings that were more like brainwashing led Johann to
always take a set path. So Johann couldn’t regret anything.

‘Maybe it’s because it’s a new semester. It’s frustrating.’

For some reason, I feel a little stuffy. Perhaps it was because he put the first
button wrong. Johan Eldorado Pertan came second. It was natural to feel
shaken after something impossible happened.

Eventually, Johann stormed out of the dormitory. He wanted to enjoy a walk

under the bright moonlight. The enormous Münuit Academy fits its title of
‘The best educational institution on the continent’. The well-decorated
garden was bigger if compared to that of a noble’s, but it could not compete
with the Imperial Palace garden.

The buds blooming in early spring raised their heads shyly toward the
moon. Sculptures all over the beautiful garden also added to the beauty.
They were exquisite masterpieces that carved various symbols from the
mythologies of the Priston Empire.

Johann presto regained his composure by appreciating the perfectly

organized construction. The impeccably elegant and luxurious scenery was
very familiar to Johann, and the familiarity was pleasing.

And then Johann, who was leisurely walking on the white marble path,
enjoying the scenery, suddenly stopped his steps. Someone was holding
onto a statue called the “Goddess of Love.”

Some people really believe in it. The goddess of love, Fiona, one of the
many gods in the myth of the Empire’s founding. Legend has it that she can
make love come true by holding her hand and praying. Johann knew that
since the Münew Academy opened, quite a few students have secretly been
hoping that the legend was true.

But actually seeing it was quite different from knowing the fact. I can’t
believe someone actually believes such a legend. Once again, Johann shook
his head at how pathetic it was. They’ll be embarrassed if they get caught,
so I’ll just pretend I don’t know anything. After deciding with the last
remaining mercy, he was about to head back.

“…Miss Elena?”

Johann opened his mouth unwittingly.

Hi, this is my second project on Foxaholic. Please, show it as much love as

‘The Flower Dances and Wind Sings’.

I will translate this novel on days when feel like torturing myself… or when
I’m curious about our cute ml’s love life.

If you enjoy my work, please support me on kofi

Chapter 2

Johann became silent. He did say her name but didn’t expect it to be really
Elena Evoy.

Elena was standing close to the statue, dressed comfortably, not in her
school uniform. Her hair that seemed to be tied haphazardly, looked free,
and her loose robe looked even freer. In other words, she did not look like a
lady from a noble family.

“Did you call me?”

“Uh, yes.”

A very calm voice asked him. Someone might think it was Johann who
made a wish to the statue, not her.

‘Is she not embarrassed?’

You got caught while making a wish by believing in an absurd legend.

Johann thought he would rather jump off the top of the dormitory than
being caught doing that.

‘But it doesn’t look like she’s interested in dating.’

He didn’t mean that she wasn’t pretty. Elena Evoy was clearly a beauty. If
Johann, with his high beauty standards, was saying that then there is no
doubt about it.

However, apart from her beauty, she gives off a certain impression. With
such an ice-cold look, obviously, no one would dare confess to her, let alone
propose a relationship. Johann remembered Elena, who beat him to the
stage as a student representative. He also vividly remembered many other
stories about her.

“Was there someone by that name?”

“Wow, she’s so pretty. But is she upset? What’s with that look?”

“She seems a little scary.”

“Maybe she’s arrogant.”

Finally, after a long silence, Elena turned her head back first. She
concentrated on her work again, as if she had completely forgotten about
Johann. Her hands were gently rubbing goddess Fiona’s hand. Johann was
dumbfounded by her shamelessness and looked at Elena.

“Do you have anything left to say?”

“… Huh?”

“I’m working, and you’re distracting me. If you want to see the statue,
please wait a little bit.”

Work? With a dazed look, Johann repeated what he had just heard.

“Miss Elena, what work..?”

“Polishing the statue. I’m a little busy right now. If you enjoy taking a walk
late at night, I’ll come back later.”

She said that so smoothly as if she was prepared for that. Work? Work..?
Only then did Johann find a towel on Elena’s fingertips. At first glance, it
looked a little worn out. On the contrary, the spot where Elena’s hand
passed was very clean.

“May I ask why Miss Elena is cleaning it?”

“What would be a special reason for working? Obviously, I’m trying to
make money.”

Johann was silent again. It was definitely a very strange situation where
they were talking but couldn’t communicate at all. For Johann, who never
thought of earning money or working to make money, it was hard to
understand what she was saying.

“At the Academy..?”

“Of course, I have permission.”

I have no idea whether the Academy approving student labor is weird or

Elena doing work. Is the self-made Viscount that poor? Johann shut up in

Of course, the academy’s tuition was not cheap. It was right to say that even
the children of the wealthy upper class also had to worry about it at least
once. But Elena was a nobleman. For Johann, a poor noble meant someone
who held one party when others held three.

A working noble. I’ve heard of it before, but this is my first time seeing it in
person. Besides, she is a noblewoman. I’ve never heard of this before.
Sometimes, there are people who become servants or lady-in-waiting to get
acquainted with the Royal family, but that’s only for political benefits, not


Johann barely kept his words to himself. ‘What kind of family did you grow
up in?’ I can’t make such a rude remark to her face.


But in the meantime, Elena’s eyes looking at Johann were spectacular.

Because her eyes revealed her inner thoughts, “I’m busy, and you’re
bothering me.”
Johann laughed at the intense sensation he never felt before. However, in
this situation, the one interrupting her was none but him. Johann walked
away from that absurd and outrageous situation. Meanwhile, squeak,
squeak. The gentle sound of wiping the smooth statue continued to break
the quiet night air.


“This is the end of class. The first lecture must have been boring, but thank
you all for paying attention. Then, see you next time.”

Basics of Magic Formulae class ended with the old Professor’s nice

“Professor Keaton is very kind.”

“My brother said not to let my guard down. He’ll give us the most

“I’ve heard that, too. And I heard his tests are difficult beyond

As soon as the class was over, he heard comments about the lecture from
everywhere. Johann looked at the front seat pretending to organize his
things. That was the seat of a person focusing on class for the whole hour
while the other students that couldn’t endure the boredom did something

‘Is she not tired?’

Johann looked casually at Elena organizing her books. The statue of Fiona
was located at the entrance of the garden. The area of the garden cannot be
called small, even jokingly, and there are also many statues. It was already
late when Johann went out, but if she cleaned everything, it would have
taken quite a bit of time.
‘There must be a gardener.’

No matter how hard I think about it, I just can’t believe that a student, who’s
a noble, not a commoner, was doing that there. But it was too strange to be
considered a dream and her eyes that looked at him determinedly were very

I’ve never seen such a look before. No one in the empire dared to give
Johann such a look. From the start, Johann was not the one to bother others.
Instead, Johann was bothered by people approaching him for selfish

“Johann, we are holding a party next week. Are you coming? My father is
looking forward to it.”

Case in point. People who hold parties when the semester just began, even
when vacations are set. It wasn’t usually Johann that bothered people, but
them that bothered him.

Johann stared at Bach Hansen, who looked at him with a face that expected
him to come. An idiot who relies on his parents and has no authority.
Commenting briefly about him, Johann smiled, bending his eyes as usual.

“If Marquis Hansen is waiting, of course, I’ll go. It’d be an honor.”

“Thank God. He’ll be relieved.”

Pathetic. He glanced coldly at Bach who just turned around. Johann turned
to Elena Evoy again.

‘…but is she always that careless. If she was caught by someone else,
rumors would’ve spread already.’

Johann, still uncomfortable remembering yesterday’s events, suddenly

thought. Although there were many aristocrats who had high ranks or made
money through trade and mining industries, there were very few aristocrats
who worked by themselves. Forget about an academy student working. I’m
sure she’ll be looked down on.
Johann meant to keep the secret, but there was no guarantee that others
would. He wondered what those snotty, prideful nobles would do once they
found out that they lost to someone who works.

‘Wait. Why should I care?’

Johann, who was looking at Elena worriedly, paused. He and Elena Evoy
had nothing to do with each other. To be fair, their relationship was nothing
but one topper stealing another topper’s position, and even that was a one-
sided thought.

Is it because I lost to someone for the first time in my life? It bothers me.
I’ve never had a competitor before. That must be why I’m acting strange.
Johann, who tried to rationalize it with many theories, recalled Elena’s eyes

‘That look is the problem.’

An indifferent look that shows neither kindness nor hostility. I wish her
attitude was like everyone else’s. Is it really that annoying to hide your
inner thoughts? But her eyes are too honest to do that. Johann thought he
should just observe for now.


Johann did not deny his natural talent. After all, it’s good to be naturally
gifted. He had a good memory, better athletic skills than others, and was a
fast learner. As someone said, the words ‘gifted genius’ were just right
about him.

But that isn’t the whole story. Johann did not shirk to put in his efforts.
There is a limit to what natural talent alone can achieve. Johann was
confident that he was one of the most frequent visitors of the library during
his time at the Münew Academy.
After enjoying a meal at the academy’s student cafeteria, Johann headed to
the library. Students stayed away from here at the beginning of the
semester, but not Johann. Moreover, visiting the library frequently was
good for his image. Actually, a part of Johann’s intellectual image was
thanks to the library.

“… Miss Elena?”

Johann, who gave a light greeting to everyone he encountered, stopped

when he saw an unexpected face. As soon as the familiar scent of books
touched the tip of his nose, he met those dreaded amethyst eyes. Up close,
her hair was a darker purple than he thought, and her eyes were just
amethyst, no more or less.


“Oh, I didn’t-“

Nice to meet you? Actually, it wasn’t. It wasn’t very nice to meet her. We
don’t get along.

Just ‘cause? That’s a little weird. It didn’t suit Johann’s calm and gentle

Surprise? This fits the best, but it hurts my pride to admit it. What’s there to
be surprised about?

“We meet again.”



Eventually, he succeeded in thinking of a suitable greeting, but his opponent

was not good. Her one-word replies were like a blocking wall. Johann
remained silent with his signature sweet smile on his face.

“You’re working as a librarian?”


“You seem busy.”


It’s that look again! I can tell her eyes are telling me to go away. Johann
was frozen with embarrassment, even though he already went through it
once. Johann was by no means tactless. In fact, he was quite witty.

It was obvious to the quick-witted Johann that Elena Evoy was not
interested in Johann Eldorado Pertan. Simply put, he was a bother to her.

This simple fact gave Johann quite the shock. He stepped back while
gloomily shaking his head. This can’t be happening. This can’t happen.


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Chapter 3

“Johann, what’s our next class?”

“Johann, what are your plans for vacation?”

“Johann, are you free? I want to ask you a question.”

Johann. If someone asked Elena what name she has heard the most
recently, she could name one without hesitation. Of course, it was Johann.

Johann Eldorado Pertan. Johann was a celebrity. Even Elena, who is almost
an outsider among nobles, was familiar with his name before entering the

Elena remembered coming across “Duke Pertan”, who appeared on the first
page on the news when she was delivering newsletters around the
commercial district. There’re quite a few banks owned by the Duke, the
most successful ones. There are several young masters at the Duke’s. It’s
hard to forget him as he was a regular customer of gossip newsletters.

“Miss Elena, congratulations.”

She was honestly surprised when Johann talked to her. Elena remembered
his gently curved corners of his eyes and his beautiful dimples.
Wealth, fame, beauty, honor. Elena could tell at a glance that this boy was
the son of Duke Pertan, the man who had everything. As such, Johann was
a golden boy. His blonde hair fluttering in the breeze literally glistened, but
that wasn’t all.

Johann also had a bright personality. He’s very friendly and has a good
attitude. Unlike Elena, who has been responsible for supporting herself
since she was young because of her sick mother, he was a wholesome boy
who had no burdens.

So for Elena, Johann’s first impression wasn’t so bad. On the contrary, he

was in her good books. Naturally. Without a reason, no one would dislike a
pretty boy who brightens their day with just a smile.

“… Are you taking care of the garden?”


But that’s about it. Elena had no ax to grind with Johann. She knew that
many of the girls always had their eyes on Johann, but that wasn’t the case
for Elena.

Don’t even look at the tree you can’t climb. Elena grew up with that
philosophy in mind. Because of this philosophy, Elena could not enjoy
delicious snacks, pretty clothes, or a normal life. Now, Johann was one of
them. To be precise, Elena didn’t think of Johann even as a tree. So
naturally, she had no unruly thoughts about him.

“You really are busy. But you still managed to be the top student. You’re
amazing, Miss Elena.”

“… Not really, but thank you.”

The problem was that even though Johann was not even a tree, Elena
encountered him too often. He’s like gold or silk, or even the finest
diamond. I doubt he’s doing that on purpose, but it seems we just run into
each other at every place I work.
‘But he shouldn’t be spreading rumors.’

He just comes, praises and then disappears, so I don’t really care. I think I
was right about him. He’s more like a bother. A moment of leisure for
Johann meant more work for Elena.

Elena didn’t want to get caught up in a fuss. It wasn’t that she didn’t know
what aristocrats thought of labor. Yet, she only did her best because her
circumstances were so dire that she had to get a job with the permission of
the academy.

‘Although tuition and dormitory fees have been resolved, I still have to pay
for living expenses at home and food expenses…I should call the doctor,

Naturally, study hours were reduced by working hours. She felt like she got
the whole world when she got a scholarship to Münuit Academy, but the
reality was harsh. In fact, the joy of passing the exam didn’t even last a day.

The legacy of the Evoy family was created back when the Viscount made a
name for himself as a great wizard. He was extremely sensitive and isolated
himself from others. Even though he left behind his descendants,
unfortunately, no one with such outstanding talent appeared in passing

Eventually, during Elena’s father’s time, all his wealth ran out and they
were left without a castle or an estate.

But they didn’t crumble. Elena’s father, Viscount Evoy, made a living as the
administrator of a small estate nearby. He gained a good reputation thanks
to his meticulous work and was asked to take charge of work in various

But the happiness didn’t last long. Viscount Evoy suddenly died.
Unfortunately, his carriage was involved in an accident on the way to
inspect the small territories of the Duke of Notre. So, Elena lost her father
at the mere age of seven.
For a while, Viscountess Evoy picked up embroidery jobs but eventually
she could no longer work due to a joint illness.

Elena and her mother disposed of all the remaining assets and moved to a
residential area. The residential area was the only place where doctors and
healers could be accessed easily. Although it was just a shabby residential
area on the outskirts, Elena was grateful just to be able to call a qualified

‘I’m sure mother is doing well. I have to go see her.’

She stayed at the academy on weekdays and stopped by the commercial

district on weekends, so she couldn’t rest at all. Elena moved her stiff neck
around. Soon after, she rose from her seat. Today, she had to stop by the
stable and learn a bit more about horse care.



“Oh, so you’re Elena! Hi. I’m Gillian. I’m from the Kingdom of Doighton.
Feel free to call me Jilly. I’ll call you Elena, too. Your name was on the
plaque. I was late because there was an accident on the way here. But it’s
not too late, right?”

It was a holiday she had been waiting for. A loud voice welcomed Elena,
who had simply finished her morning routine. She was an impressive girl,
she had her hair neatly divided in the middle, dark-skinned with stoic

“It’ll be okay since it’s a preliminary class until this week.”

“You’re really good at talking! It’s a relief since I was worried if my

roommate was a picky person. Anyway, nice to meet you.”
Of course, what was more impressive than that was the words pouring out
of her mouth nonstop. She seemed to speak twice as fast as others. I thought
I was lucky when I was able to use the double room for myself, but it’s

“Is your body well?”

“What can I say about the empire? The academy is huge. I’m fine, wait-

“You said there was an accident.”

Gillian puffed her cheeks for a moment at the trivial question. It felt like her
eyeballs were rolling.

“Oh, ah… I’m okay. It wasn’t a big deal. You’re a good listener, aren’t you?
Took me a second to realize what you were talking about. Anyway, what
are you doing?”


“Ah, embroidery. Oh, it’s embroidered lace. Who are you going to give it
to? But wow, you’re really good at it.”

“Thank you. It’s not for anyone in particular. I just make it and sell it.”


Gillian, who had been talking nonstop, was silent for a while and opened
her mouth again.


“Oh… Sell it? I see. That’s understandable. If there’s a buyer, there’s a


“That’s right.”
“By the way, I don’t know much about this place and it’s huge, too. It’s
bigger than our entire palace.”

“Yes. I was surprised at first, too.”

Elena replied back, eyes still fixed on the embroidery. This dormitory room,
now occupied by two people, was bigger than Elena’s house. At first, Elena
had chills when she used the room alone. It was too big of a room by
Elena’s standards.

“Say, does that take a long time?”


“I see. How sad. By the way, can you show me around the campus?”

“I assume you didn’t get the map. I’ll give you mine.”

A polite rejection. Elena’s eyes were not an inch off the embroidery. But
Gillian was adamant.

“Aren’t you being too hard on your lonely roommate? We should be

helping each other.”

“I agree.”

“Then, are you taking me for a tour?”

“No. I’m a bit occupied right now.”

I said that I make it and sell it but I actually deliver a fixed quantity. It’s
been years since I’ve taken over my mother’s work. It took young Elena a
great deal of effort to gain repute and continue doing this job. After a lot of
hard work, they are finally receiving orders from designers for lace

Now that I’m studying and working at the same time, I can’t waste any time.
Friends are important, of course, but they don’t feed you. Elena realized this
fact after a long struggle.
“Hey, do you happen to like tasty food? I’ll buy it for you.”

“Let’s go.”

However, a friend who buys me food is different. Elena neatly laid down her
embroidery and stood up.

“You don’t look like that, but you like to eat!”

“Food is important to live.”

“Oh, that’s good to hear.”

Thus began the academy tour of the two girls who hit it off.

“The library you see over there is divided into two buildings. For special
knowledge of magic, spirits, potions use the right, and use the left side for
the rest. Anyway, when you go there, you’ll see the signs inside.”

Elena’s explanation was simple and clear. There was no need to make her
repeat her words. Thanks to this, the two were able to tour around the
academy very fast. Gillian managed to catch up with her pace, repeating
“Oh!” and “Oh.”

Finally, when they reached the main building, the academy guide who had
not had a break, had finally reached the end stage when they stood in front
of the main building. This is that, and that is that. Gillian suddenly
interrupted the short and concise tour with an ‘Oh’.

“If there’s an issue with the dorm or if you need to submit documents, go to
the administrative building over there…”



“Who’s that guy?”

That guy? Elena followed where Gillian’s fingertips pointed and paused.
Bright blonde hair shone clearly even from a distance. Johann Pertan.
Surrounded by several female students and chuckling, it was clearly

“He’s like a prince. Oh, perhaps, is he the Crown Prince who is a senior

“No, he’s in a different grade. If you look at his tie, it’s yellow, meaning
he’s a freshman.”

“Oh, so that prince is a freshman, too?”

“He’s not a prince… His name is Johann Pertan.”

Gillian had already branded Johann as a prince in her mind. Elena quietly
corrected her that he wasn’t, but she didn’t know if she understood it or not.
Actually, it doesn’t really matter. Even if he’s not the Crown Prince, he’s still
a member of the Royal family, being the son of Duke Pertan.

“Are you close?”

“Not at all.”

“Oh, wait a minute. Come to think of it, I need to get something from the
administrative department.”

“Go ahead, then.”

“Don’t leave without me!”

Gillian shouted cheerfully and quickly went away. Since she was tall, her
legs were quite long. For some reason, I feel like it’ll be tiring living in the
dormitory with such a peculiar roommate.

As she waited for Gillian, Johann scaled the distance between them. Her
eyes gazing in the air immediately met his. She was not close enough to
greet him first, but not distant enough to ignore him. When Elena nodded
her head first, Johann approached with a bright smile.
“Miss Elena, what are you doing here?”

“Giving someone a brief tour…”

“Ah, guiding?”

Elena agonized for a moment. It isn’t a formal job, but it’s a little vague
since I’m getting paid. Is it perhaps a favor?

“No. I have a new roommate.”

“A roommate at this time?”


Elena said with a slight smile. Do I feel relatively comfortable now because
we meet often? Elena found herself momentarily relieved by her thoughts as
she looked at Johann.

Meanwhile, Johann could only blink at the sight.


“Gillian will be back soon. I’m afraid she’ll hold you down when she sees

“Oh, yes. I should go.”

Just a moment ago I barely escaped from the swarm of female students.
Johann was proud of his popularity, but he didn’t always enjoy the side
effects. I enjoy it often, but there are days when I get tired from it. And
today was such a day.

‘Then why did I come to talk to her?’

Just why? I thought I’d find out by looking in her eyes. Johann then brushed
off the question that came to his mind as if nothing. There’s something else
I’m more curious about than that. Why did she smile all of a sudden?

“Oh, yes. Goodbye, Miss Elena.”

Johann returned to his senses and let out a short sigh.

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Chapter 4

The Münuit Academy strictly regulated the entry of outsiders. Such was
also the case for those who brought newspapers and newsletters. So distant
from outside news, the students naturally turned to inside gossip.

In that sense, the student cafeteria was the main spot to exchange
information. Words were added on top of another to create information or
rumor. This is why many students visited the rather noisy cafeteria, even
though they could simply eat in their rooms.

“The Second Princess of the Kingdom of Doighton came to study here.”

“From Doighton? That’s huge!”

“I saw her myself. Her hair was really blue. I’ve never seen hair like that

“Amazing! A Doighton Royal came to study abroad.”

“Seems like Münuit must be pretty popular.”

Today’s topic was the blue-haired princess. Doighton Kingdom, a country

of warriors. They may be poor but they are self-sufficient. Due to its
extremely closed nature, only a few countries have exchanged with it. It’s
also the first time a Doighton Royalty had come to study abroad, from a
country that had received only a few delegates.

‘So her roommate is a princess.’

Johann cut a well-cooked lamb steak into appropriate sizes and brought a
piece of it to his mouth. The tender texture stimulated the tongue, but his
head was full of other thoughts.

‘This might be a great opportunity to learn about the Kingdom of Doighton.

Although she may not be as influential since she isn’t the heir, so I don’t
expect much from her.’

It is said that a lot of minerals are buried under the kingdom, but it’s just
speculation. The Kingdom of Doighton was just as much a veiled country.

‘I wonder if she even knows her roommate is a royal?’

She probably doesn’t. I don’t know if she really is not interested in the world
or if she’s pretending to. Johann found Elena, who never interacted much
with the students around her, to be too uptight.

Viscount Evoy. Even though he was self-made, the Evoys themselves had
nothing much. To be fair, it’s hard to set foot in the social world with a
family like that. More precisely, it would be difficult to fit in.

With such a background, the time spent at the academy would be very
helpful to Elena Evoy’s social life. Considering her situation, she should
probably try her best to get along with him, but Elena was poised and calm.
She didn’t seem to have much idea about the life she could get as a noble.

‘… Does she even know that I’m a member of the Royal family?’

Johann twisted his fork at the sudden thought. Does she… know Duke
Pertan? When he recalled her eyes that don’t seem to be interested in
anything in the world, it all felt meaningless. At least that’s how Elena
seemed. That explains why she looks at me with those eyes.

‘That’s quite shocking.’

She looked as if she could die out of annoyance. The realization broke
Johann’s heart at the time. Isn’t it normal to put on appearances no matter
how much you hate them? As if there is no bad blood between you and

‘But that can’t be the case. I saw her smile, too.’

Johann was mulling over her actions when he suddenly paused at the scene
that came to mind. Come to think of it, I never thought I’d catch her smile. I
thought she didn’t know how to smile because of her constant blank
expression or sullen face. Besides, she looked pretty while smiling. She’s
always pretty, but this felt a bit different.

‘What did I just say?!’

Johann was flabbergasted when he realized that he was thinking about how
and why she looked pretty. The fork hit the side of the plate with a small
tak. As people turned to look at him, he shook his head in denial. I almost
dropped my fork. If I did, my dignity would’ve dropped as well.

‘What’s so pretty about her? But I mean, her smile is pretty.’

After denying it hard, Johann finally changed his mind. Liking looks is
natural for everyone, regardless of gender or age. Rather, it’s strange to
deny it. This was very basic for a noble who participates in high society. In
fact, Johann was taught that it’s natural to consider family, looks and talent
in someone, so it’s nothing unusual.

That must be why. Johann, who was reassuring himself, suddenly paused.

‘So what if she’s pretty? It doesn’t really matter.’

I’ve been going on with this for a long time. Johann realized that he was
overly concerned with Elena Evoy.

So far, there have been only three categories of people for Johann. A person
Johann needs now, a person he needs in the future, and nobodies who are
neither of those things. To be honest, Elena Evoy is more of a hindrance
than a necessity, and Viscount Evoy is the last person I’ll ever need. So just
think of Elena Evoy as a passing breeze.

‘I was unable to judge my situation properly because I went through

something unexpected.’
Yep, that’s it. Johann lightly pressed down his lower lip, raised his head to
the hall that had become quiet for a moment. Everyone was staring at the
same place.

“Elena, I’m so disappointed. We’re roommates. You should’ve woken me


“I tried three times.”

“Oh, that wasn’t enough because I didn’t wake up.”

“You should take care of yourself.”

“It feels like you mean it if you say it with such a cold face!”

“I mean it.”

The star of the show was a tall, blue-haired, talkative girl with an icy face.
She was the Princess of Doighton, who heated the student cafeteria today,
along with the famous Elena Evoy to top it off.

The two people famous for entirely different things were an eye-catching
combination. Noticing their strangely quiet surroundings, Princess
Doighton looked around but Elena went straight ahead. As expected. Johann
shook his head like a habit.

“I’ve never seen Miss Elena hang around with anyone before.”

“I know. I’ve never even seen her talk before.”

“Isn’t her tone a bit harsh? She seems difficult to handle.”

He heard several voices as he went back to eating. Obviously, people were

talking about various things, so he didn’t know why he could only hear
about Elena.

“I assume Princess Doighton doesn’t know much about her. It’s useless to
get close to her.”
“Guess we’ll find out soon enough.”

“Now that the Princess is at Münuit, she needs to know about the Priston
Empire. She should befriend someone suitable.”

A typical noble conversation. And they aren’t wrong. No matter how

successful Elena Evoy was, there was a limit to what she could achieve. Not
to mention, she was yet to achieve something. There were not many nobles
who would talk to Elena Evoy, who had nothing of wealth or power.


“Johann, are you sick?”


“You haven’t been eating… What’s wrong?”

“Oh. Thanks for your concern. It’s nothing.”

That, even I don’t know. Johann somehow felt offended and put down the


Johann visited the garden whenever he felt stuffy. When I stare at the open
wide sky from a garden full of grass, my heart becomes peaceful. And that
wasn’t all. The stars shining in the black sky looked spectacular only at this

And if I still had to find another reason-

“… Are you allowed to use magic here?”

Johann looked up towards the sky from a distance. He sometimes wondered
how a statue about two stories high was maintained, and here he spots
Elena, wearing a black robe, floating in the air. He could see a faintly
glowing magic circle beneath her feet.

Not all magicians were the same. Basically, all magicians cast magic using
formulas, but everyone had different methods. Some of them could only use
magic by drawing mana from a specific tool, while others freely extracted
mana from their own power without using anything.

In the former case, depending on their skills, the magician relied on various
tools, while in the latter case, they were quite free. And usually, the latter
magicians would be treated highly and have their names listed in the magic
tower. It was usually the latter who held high positions in the Magic
Association. Elena seemed to belong to the latter.

“Of course, I’m allowed to. As you can see, this is safer than climbing up


He had nothing more to say at her words. Of course, it’ll be safer than
hanging a rope to the statue. However, the use of magic was strictly
prohibited within the academy. Even outside the academy, it was a
reasonable rule not to allow the use of this magic without a magician’s

How can a student be allowed to do that within the academy? Johann

couldn’t understand it for the life of his.

“The dean allowed it if you’re wondering.”

However, the dean is a whole different story. This dean was rumored to be a
scholar. He was a former wizard who served as one of the elders at the
tower and was the first wizard to become a dean of the academy.

Well, that’s what they say. Johann had nothing to say when the dean himself
allowed it. He wasn’t qualified to. He wondered if she worried about getting
caught when Elena landed on the ground after finishing her work. As she
took off the hood of her robe, her exposed face shone white in the
moonlight. Dazzled, Johann blinked his eyes.

“Do you have something to say?”


“Because we keep running into each other.”

“… It’s just a coincidence.”

It’s just a coincidence. Well, that’s only half true. Johann never found
himself as worked-up before as he was now. I wonder if it’s because she’s
the first person ever who made me feel defeated other than my brothers?
Johann’s curiosity about what kind of a person she was made him trace
around Elena’s footsteps.

Now that I think about it, it’s pathetic. It would be better for me to study at
this time. Johann looked back at himself through an objective lens. Perhaps,
an unexpected defeat makes people act strange.

If my father saw me like this, “Pathetic brat. Don’t bring shame to the
family”, is what he’d say. When he recalled his stern voice, Johann’s
peaceful heart quickly sank low.

“You’re not smiling much.”


“You usually smile a lot.”

Staring into the distance with a dark expression, Johann suddenly stiffened.
It was because Elena suddenly appeared in front of his nose and stared right
into his face with her head tilted.

“You smile like this all the time.”

She then smiled widely with the corners of her eyes bent. She couldn’t
imitate his dimples but portrayed his smooth curved smile quite naturally. It
was the smile Johann displayed when he stood as the Young Lord of Pertan
in front of the outside world.

Johann was so stupidly stiffened that if his younger sister saw him like this,
she would mock him wholeheartedly. Her amethyst eyes were twinkling
between her half moon-like eyes. They sparkled brilliantly. Elena dropped it
immediately, giving him a flash of shock.

“Thanks for keeping my secret from our classmates. Though, the rumors
will spread one day.”

“…I just didn’t want to gossip. No need to be thankful.”

“Well, there’s nothing I can offer you in gratitude.”

Elena touched her chin with her hand. She was empty-handed with nothing.

“Would you like to see the eyes of the statue?”


“Don’t worry. I’ll be the one using magic.”

He didn’t look at her out of fear of being caught, but she had already
misunderstood. Johann looked at her white and slender hand, then slowly
raised his own. He found it funny being escorted by her, nonetheless, her
hands were warm.

Elena, who suddenly released his hand, unbuttoned her robe and brought his
chin down. Having no idea what was going on, Johann quietly brought his
head down as instructed. She’s shorter than I thought. Johann had forgotten
that he was much taller than average. Meanwhile, she covered Johann’s
head by having her robe wrapped around him.


“I thought you’d stand out too much.”

Elena added, “Please bear with it even if it’s stuffy,” and grabbed Johann’s
hand again. I thought I’d miss her hands because they were so small.

On that day, Johann looked at the face of the large statue while floating in
the air. For the first time ever, I’ve broken a rule.

The next chap is really cute. I’ll upload it later or with chap 6

Don’t forget to support me on my kofi

Chapter 5

It was impossible to use a carriage in the academy, but it was possible to

ride a horse. Children of noble families who enjoyed horseback riding from
an early age were usually good at riding horses, and some of those staying
in dormitories would use horses instead of carriages to roam outside.

Johann also had his own horse that he raised since childhood. His horse,
Hanne, didn’t like to be away from Johann. That’s why Hanne was brought
to the Academy stable instead of staying at the stable back home with a
much better environment. Therefore, Johann would stop by the stable a
couple of times a day to check on Hanne.

“… Elena.”

The name escaped Johann’s mouth with a sigh when he stumbled upon
Elena at the entrance of the stable. He missed out even the basic honorifics
this time. Elena was wearing a strange hat and patting a horse’s nose.

“Horse… So, it’s a horse today.”

“It’s still unofficial, so I’m learning as an assistant.”

“How did you even get permission?”

“Well, it took me a couple of meetings, desperation, and stuff. That’s all.”

What do you mean that’s all? Johann unconsciously shook his head.

“Where will you use all these skills?”

“Why, I might need them later. As a knight or mercenary. Or, like, in the
“Knight, mercenary, military…”

Every word that came out was more spectacular than the former. Johann
wanted to take a look inside Elena’s head. It was hard to guess the thought
process needed to paint such a future.


“Thank you.”

That wasn’t a compliment. Johann held his head not knowing whether to
laugh or cry. The sweet and perfect image that I have worked long and hard
to maintain disappears in front of Elena’s absurd behavior.

I’m seeing a truly surprising change in myself. It hasn’t even been that long
since we’ve met. Normally, it should take me at least a year or two to show
my true feelings. Yet I revealed them to a woman I’ve met for only a week.
Yet, all I’ve done was to get embarrassed in front of Elena.

I have no idea what to say whenever I’m with Elena because I can’t guess
where the conversation is headed. Usually, I’m the one leading the
conversation. As a result, Johann was embarrassed.

Actually, this is getting dangerous. I can’t afford rumors spreading about

me. There’s no use in showing more people your true self. All the more so in
a world like high society where everyone wears masks of their own.

The same was true of the Academy. Although the Academy is an

educational institution, in a broader sense it’s just another society. Even if
nobles and commoners were put together, the class gap was inevitable, and
a similar line was drawn between those very nobles. Under these inherent
limitations, students have to establish connections. The ties made at the
Academy eventually become a promise among the nobles who will lead the
next generation.

Johann always tries to be perfect because, to some extent, he represents

Duke Pertan. Comments on Johann and Isaac gathered to create an image of
Duke Pertan. So I can’t waste any time.
‘And she’s working as a stable keeper.’

Even if she already knew all that, he still felt embarrassed for her. No
matter how small her family is, she was pushing the bottom line. If rumors
spread about her, she would never see an invitation for the rest of her life.
Meanwhile, whether Elena Evoy knew that or not, she calmly pointed
towards a horse.

“That must be your horse.”

“How did you know?”

“It’s looking at you with such eyes. If I can’t even tell that, then I don’t
deserve to work here.”

Elena drew a faint smile.


Johann shook his head quickly. It was a little undignified, but it was a
special measure that he did to blur Elena’s image whenever she did it. A
woman who was expressionless like a doll only showed an expression once
in a blue moon. Every time I behold it, I feel strange. He couldn’t
understand why that vague smile remained in his mind.

Come to think of it, she even smiled broadly not that long ago. Of course,
that smile was meant to imitate him, but it was quite a big smile. Johann
piled images of her as if he were creating a collage of her expressions in his
head, and then, startled, he shook his head again.

“Are you imitating the horse?”

“… Could you stop being ridiculous?”


With that soulless exclamation, Elena walked away. Her small face was
covered under the shadow of her wide-brimmed hat.
‘She’s a strange girl.’

Hanne neighed and cried. Johann swallowed a sigh and took a step towards



“Elena Evoy? Yeah, I know her. She broke your first-place streak. It was so
sad, I almost shed tears.”

“Oh, please.”

“Ah, was I obvious? I didn’t know.”

He had a sneaky grin on his face. The warm-hearted boy with a good
impression was Todd, the youngest son of the Kleine family, a friend who
grew up with Johann since childhood, and a long-standing vassal of the
Duke Pertan. Along with Johann’s younger sister, he was also one of the
few friends who knew the real him.

“We take a class together. The knight’s swordsmanship practice course.”

“… Elena takes that class?”

“You’ll be surprised when you see her doing it.”

Todd looked quite serious while pretending to swing his sword. He erased
the smile off his face and was clearly mimicking her.

“She’s serious about it. Doesn’t even care what others think. That’s not an
easy feat. And she has great posture.”

“You seem quite interested in her.”

“That’s because she’s Elena Evoy. The Elena Evoy who defeated Johann
Eldorado Pertan. Of course, I’d be interested in her.”

“Defeated who?!”

Johann choked on his breath. Stay composed. Real acting comes from real
life. Todd cracked up at the sight and rolled in laughter on his bed.

“Johann, be honest with me. You’re interested in Elena Evoy, aren’t you?”

“It’s the first time I’ve lost to anyone.”

“… You’re admitting it so easily? You?”

Todd asked back in suspicion. The Johann Pertan Todd knew was not such a
transparent man. I wonder what he thinks about the first rival he’s ever met
in his life.


But his reply was still the same. Todd’s interest withered and he got up. I
can’t say anymore since he admitted it so easily. Might as well just change
the topic.

So Todd decided to end the topic. He certainly did, until he saw Johann with
his chin on his desk, lost in thought.

“Well, I’m not the only one interested in her. Everyone is. She’s pretty.”


“Elena Evoy.”

Their long history of friendship pushed him to poke him more on the
matter. Todd faithfully followed his gut feeling.

“She is. Don’t you remember when she went up to the stage on the first
day? Plus, she has this cool charm to her.”

“You sure find anything charming.”

Johann snorted with that angelic face of his.

“If she’s friendlier, her popularity will increase even more. It will double.”

“Hah, why does she have to? What for?”

What do you mean by “friendlier”? It doesn’t suit her character. Besides,

how can a busy person like her care about popularity? Everyone’s out of
their minds. They’ve lost it. And she’s not cold at all. In fact, she’s quite
good at talking.

Johann kept harping on and on about Elena. Those who knew the “gentle
and mature” Johann, would be surprised for sure.

Either way, Johann thought in a fit of anger.

I’ve been watching Elena Evoy for the past week, wondering how the top
student who beat him was, and I learned that she lived a really hard life.
How could I remain quiet? Besides, she stands out anywhere, but how could
they not notice her? Everyone must be blind.

Aren’t I right? And even if she got permission, she’s used magic on campus.
But of course, thanks to her, I could fly, too. And our hands… In an instant,
Johnan’s ears turned red.



Todd, who saw his reddish ears, shut his mouth. Johann Eldorado Pertan
seems to be experiencing a sudden typhoon in his state-managed life. Oh,
my God, I’ve got to watch this.

“What are you thinking?”

“Nothing… I’m just thinking tomorrow’s class is going to be fun. I’m
already having fun.”

“You’re insane.”

Todd couldn’t care less about Johann finding him pathetic. He couldn’t hold
back his laughter and rolled on his stomach. He had a good feeling that he
would really enjoy teasing his friend in the coming days.


Johann always walked gracefully. He was taught etiquette early on so he

faced no difficulty in developing a perfect posture. Because of that, the
female students at the Academy did not hesitate to comment, “Even his
steps are elegant.”

On the other hand, Elena’s steps were upright. The term gallant might be
more appropriate. Even though she was not unusually tall, her long legs
strode fast. It was outrageous behavior since the nobles considered walking
slowly to be dignified.

“At work…”

Johann realized that that’s why he would recognize Elena at once. No

nobleman or woman walks like that. Obviously, his sister would get scolded
by her etiquette teacher right away, if she ever walked like that.


“Oh, Bellissa.”

Johann came to his senses thanks to her sonorous voice.

“What are you up to?”

Elena, who was walking far ahead, had already disappeared from the
hallway. I knew that she’s a fast walker, but I can’t believe she’s already
gone into the classroom. Bellissa continued the conversation with a
winsome tone.
“Who’re you waiting for?”

“Someone. Bellissa, are you taking this class, too?”

“Yes! I’m glad I switched classes. I got to meet you, Johann.”

“Haha, you flatter me.”

Johann drew a small shy smile. To add to that, he swept his bangs for
seemingly no reason. Just like his manners, his actions were also displayed
quite naturally. If Todd saw him, he’d call him out saying, “That phony…”
He’ll have a disgusted look on his face.

“Oh, Johann. You’re here too? Hello to you too, Bellissa. Anyway, Johann,
are you taking Professor Geever’s class?”

Another voice intervened. It was Bach, the son of Marquis Hansen.

Something was wrong considering his slightly wrinkled eyebrows and
confused eyes.


“No, I’m not. I’ll take it next semester. What’s the matter?”

“I mean, he gives tests every week. If I knew this would happen, I would’ve
taken a different subject. So, I was wondering if you had Isaac’s notes.”

“Well, in that case, you’ll have to wait a little bit. I’ll ask him and let you

“Really? As expected, I can count on you like always.” [T/N: Leech]

Bellissa, who was still listening quietly, finally uttered, “Don’t bother
Johann!” But Johann didn’t affirm or deny it, just smiled softly.

Bach had a bad habit of looking for Johann whenever he needed help, ever
since their days at the Münew Academy. Not only is he not hardworking, he
is also not smart and doesn’t put much effort into anything, but he’s great at
dumping his work on others.
‘He would be nothing if he wasn’t Marquis Hansen’s son.’

But since Bach was Bach Hansen, he needed to keep being acquainted with
him. No matter how big and influential the Pertan family was in the empire,
at the end of the day, Johann was the third son. Unlike Bach, the Marquis’
successor, his share would always be his brother’s leftovers.

There was a reason why Johann treated people with a mask on his face. As
a child of the Pertan family who would receive nothing, they are necessary
to help me get my future title. And in order to get that, Johann could fake a
smile all day long.

Todd said that he was twisted and wicked but Johann didn’t think so. It’s a
world where everyone tells lies to use each other anyway. Why should I be
looked down upon for doing that?

“Oh, right, Johann. We need to have a partner for Professor Harper’s class.”

“Really? I didn’t know.”

“Yes, the seniors who took this class before told me. Speaking of which,
would you like to partner with me?”

Bellissa, a lovely girl with chubby cheeks, asked in a soft voice. She is the
only daughter of Count Yorcy, who owns a large gold mine. She has been
close to him since they were friends from Münew Academy. But he wasn’t
sure if Bellissa considered Johann just a friend.

‘I should keep my distance. As always.’

Johann nodded silently, swallowing a bitter smile.

“I’d be happy to, if I may.”

“Really? I’m glad! I’ll take care of it when it’s time to choose a partner.”

“I’d appreciate it.”

Johann smiled as he entered the classroom.


He happened to make eye contact with Elena who was sitting in the front
seat of the center row. Johann stopped smiling and stiffened. She was
staring at him with her clear purple eyes without saying a word.

I have to smile.

Contrary to his expectations, his stiff face could not relax easily. Johann
momentarily avoided Elena’s gaze before he let out a sigh. Strangely, he felt
the nape of his neck burning. He couldn’t seem to name the reason, nor did
he wish to know.



I don’t know why I thought of that night now. I kept envisioning in my mind
myself and Elena floating in the dark. While all the other sensations were
hazy, only her unusually firm grip remained vivid. It was strange. Johann
had never forgotten anything owing to his extraordinary memory.

‘… It must be because we suddenly went up quite high.’

Although he never feared heights in his life, Johann decided to conclude on

that. I can’t find an answer otherwise. Maybe there are other reasons, but
Johann didn’t want to know them for as long as possible.

Give me Kofis for more blushing Johann

Chapter 6

“As you all know, history class isn’t fun.”

Professor Harper’s description was perfect. History, which began with the
founding myth of the Priston Empire, was hard to call fun even as a lie.
Every student seated there could relate deep inside but on the outside, they
all shouted, “No way!” and “That’s impossible!”

“I’m well aware of your feelings. Thank you very much for saying that. But
I also know that is not true. Even though I’m standing here as a professor
right now, history was the last class I wanted to attend when I was a student
in the Academy.”

Harper discredited the white lies of his students in one fell swoop. At thirty-
eight, Harper was one of the youngest professors in history. He understood
the boredom of the students better than anyone else.

“I thought about how I can make you guys focus a little more on your
boring history class. After long consideration, I got an exciting idea for the
assignment. Now, let’s discuss the assignment I mentioned last time.”

All of a sudden? Question marks popped up everywhere, but Harper didn’t


“You’ll do your assignments in pairs. Any complaints?”


“All right, it’s simple. The pair who become partners will take turns asking
questions and answering them. The source of the questions asked must be
all textbooks for this semester. Shall you break this rule, you’ll lose points.”
Bellissa, who liked him, flinched at the word partner. How problematic.
Somehow, I have a bad feeling about this.

“Everyone gets one chance. If you get one question wrong, you can move
on, but bear in mind that there will be no next time. I will base your marks
on the number of questions you ask each other, and the winning pair will
get bonus marks.”

In short, it’s both a group and an individual project. The more questions we
ask each other, the higher the basic score, so we shouldn’t ask difficult
questions in the beginning, and in order to get more right answers, the pair
has to study together.



“It’ll be fine.”

Dreading that she had to memorize a wall of text, Bellissa made a crying
face. Johann smiled to reassure her. Bellissa’s expression turned bright like
a child’s who was offered candy.

That’s what he said, but Johann wasn’t really comfortable. Both the
partners have to carry each other’s weight. This is why I avoided group
projects even at Münew Academy. But there’s no use crying over spilled
milk. If they mess up, Johann will also suffer. Johann thought he needed to
come up with a plan before that happened.

“Then, now I’ll be listing the partners for this semester’s assignment. You’ll
be together for a while, so I hope you guys will get along.”

Bellissa, who was smiling with the expression that said she wasn’t worried
about anything with Johann, jerked her head at the professor’s following
words. Fearing her interruption, Johann beckoned to listen first.

“I’m going to say it only once, so please listen carefully and remember.
Then, Miss Peony with Mr. Ethan. Miss Helena with Miss Izrel…”
Professor Harper continued amidst the silence.

“… Johann and Miss Elena. And that’s it. Is there any student who missed
their name?”

Elena? And me? Johann, who was listening to the names being called
without much thought, suddenly straightened his back. He was a little
flustered because he didn’t expect her name with his. Johann turned his
eyes towards Elena’s back sitting in the front seat.


“Yes, Miss Bellissa. Your partner is Mr. Jayseph.”

“No, that’s not what I’m saying, Professor. I meant that we can change
partners, right?”

“I’m afraid that would be difficult.”


Bellissa asked back in a shrill voice but Harper didn’t seem to mind her. He
was used to students throwing tantrums every year.

“First of all, I divided you by considering your respective grades. After

many years of teaching, I’ve seen how students may unintentionally suffer.
So, we started grouping kids at a similar level together and found that they
are often motivated by each other. This is why we have been doing so in the
recent years. But of course, there are other reasons as well. Since not all
students feel equally the same for their friends, we decided in advance in
order to prevent students from getting hurt. Do you still have any


“My students are wise and I believe they will do well without me telling
them, but sometimes we need to get involved.”
Bellissa shut up at his words. She didn’t realize that she wouldn’t make a
good impression if she continued to argue with the stubborn Harper. She
just regretted that she missed an opportunity to stay with Johann. It was a
good excuse for me to stick next to Johann for a while!

‘I got lucky… No, wait. What the hell?’

Johann denied the thought in surprise as he looked at Elena’s stubborn back.

Hah! How ridiculous. What’s so lucky about being partnered with a girl
who won’t even turn her neck when your name was called alongside hers?

“This is so annoying. Why don’t you talk with the professor separately?

“Bellissa, I’m really sorry, too. But if I say any more, you will fall out of
the professor’s good graces. But if you ever need any help, just let me


Bellissa whined and pouted, but eventually slumped back on her seat.
Johann was still looking at Elena, who never looked back.


“Johann, so I told Bach…”

“Wow, really?”

Johann knew several suitable exclamations to continue the conversation if

and when he had nothing to say. Many people come to talk to me but there’s
only so much to tell. In such cases, these few words that I use often are quite

In particular, this method was perfect while conversing with Bellissa. Since
she had a habit of repeating her words if she forgot, Johann had to go
through the same story several times. Despite knowing the whole story by
heart, Johann was still listening to her chatter today.
“Sorry to interrupt, but do you have a minute?”

Of course, the next class will be like this, too. An unexpected figure
intervened as he endured listening to her with his trained smile. Johann
stiffened when he reflexively raised his head to the shadow that appeared on
the desk.

“Miss Elena, can’t you see that Johann and I are talking?”

“I don’t have much time. But if it’s important, I can talk to him next time.

“Well, I’m sorry…”


“Now- We can talk now.”

Johann? Bellissa stared at him wide-eyed, but Johann remained still

regardless. Elena, who was about to turn around, looked at him with
surprise, then beckoned him to follow her.

“I’m sorry for calling you when you looked busy.”

“It’s fine. What’s the matter?”

She didn’t even spare me a glance. Not that she needs to. Johann grumbled
and recoiled inside. He couldn’t tell why he was being so sarcastic.

Wait, this situation-

I knew that troubled face looked oddly familiar. Come to think of it, I’ve
been through this often since my days at the Münew Academy. They would
take Johann out for a moment and confess to him. I spent oh-so-much time
rejecting those confessions.

“Ha, is that how it is?”’

Ding! Ding! Ding! Johann discovered the answer with the sound of a
cheerful bell. So, that’s how it was. Well, that’s possible. Most people try to
hide their feelings, but not all of them can. However, once in a blue moon,
there comes someone who is good at hiding their innermost thoughts.

That sort of person often acted contrary to their true intentions. They
pretend not to like or desire the other person. It’s a very classic trick used to
pique the other person’s interest.

‘I can’t believe I didn’t notice such a basic trick.’

Elena Evoy’s a great actress. I almost fell for that indifferent face.
Fortunately, rejection was not a difficult thing for Johann. He just had to
recite his usual lines with a somewhat sad face.

But something feels off. Johann suddenly paused trying to make a

sentimental expression. What kind of face should I make? Not just that. I
can’t even recall my usual words.

Eyes that looked like amethyst glanced at him. Every time light touched her
hair, it glowed with a subtle shade of purple. He could only see those
things. Johann gulped his saliva.

“I figured it would be good to set a date to discuss the quiz. It looks like the
professor wants to see everyone cooperate.”

“Elena, about that, I… huh?”

Huh? Johann uttered blankly.

“So I’d appreciate your cooperation.”

“Ah, yes, the professor. Oh, we’re partners. Yes. Right.”

Johann’s ears were set ablaze in an instant. If the heat had reached his face,
he would’ve looked like a living tomato. Johann was repeating a series of
ohs like an idiot, as he was stunned realizing his delusion. What the hell!
Should someone find out, I’d become a laughingstock. I’d rather die than
have Todd find out.
“I need this scholarship. Set the date for when you’re ready. Oh, I can’t
today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and the day after that.”

Didn’t you say whenever I’m ready..?

Since Johann was struggling alone in shame, he unconsciously made a

weird face which made Elena laugh. Johann stared as if possessed by her
naturally folding eyes.

“I’m kidding. You had a weird expression on your face.”

“Oh, you were kidding…”

She was always stoic but now she’s joking. I wonder who else she jokes
with? Weirdly enough, Johann felt touched, forgot his embarrassment and
laughed along.

“I’m serious about getting the scholarship. Let’s set a date properly.”

“I’ll be going to the library later.”


“Elena, you’d be working- no, I mean you’ll be there anyway.”

“That’d be great.”

“But no talking.”

Elena quickly returned her expressionless face and warned him lightly. He
tried to refute, but Elena turned her back without hesitation.

“See you later, then.”

“… Okay.”

Somehow, he thought that Elena looked a little cool, turning slightly and
waving her hand. Johann wondered for a moment if he had lost his mind.
Like this red Johann? Click on it to enjoy more blushing Johann
Chapter 7

Elena Evoy smiled. I don’t know why.

She reads when there’s no one around, but I don’t know what books they
are. Maybe they are textbooks.

She smiled again, but her eyes didn’t move so it must be fake. A fake smile.

Johann, who was playing with his quill, put it down with a loud snap. While
waiting for Elena to finish her librarian work, the list of observations he
made on her made him realize something.

‘She smiles a lot.’

I thought she always had a stony expressionless face, but she smiles quite
well when dealing with people. Why did she look at me so coldly when she
knew how to smile? Was she trying to hide her true feelings? He didn’t feel
so good thinking about it.

Johann looked down at the textbook he brought. It was laying there just the
way he had opened it. The textbook which he had not turned a single page
of, was silently waiting for Johann. He took a look at the textbook and
glanced at Elena. How many times did I repeat that already? Johann closed
the book.

‘Maybe my seat is the problem. The sun is so bright that I can’t concentrate
at all.’

Johann blamed the innocent spot, jumped to his feet and changed seats. He
chose a place where the librarian, Elena, was not visible to him.

‘I feel better now.’

No sun, no cool air and no distractions. He happily looked at his book—the
paper was white while the text was in black. Johann subconsciously raised
his head and looked around. As if looking for someone.


He sneered at himself when he realized his actions. If I pick the most

incomprehensible person I came across recently, that would be myself.
Come to your senses, Johann Eldorado! As he rebuked himself, he noticed
a title on the bookshelf in front of him.

[Why You Need A Rival]

… A rival. Johann, who stared at the book silently, finally brought it out. He
tried his best not to but it wasn’t enough to stop him from getting the book.
Johann sighed again and opened the table of contents.

Chapter 1. What is a rival?

Chapter 2. Do you have a rival?

Chapter 3. Why do rivals exist?

Chapter 4. A rival’s impact on you.


Each title in the table of contents written in red caught his eye. In particular,
the word Rival looked very big. Johann saw Elena’s name popping above
the word. A strange woman who resembles an amethyst.
‘That doesn’t make sense.’

Johann snapped out of it and closed the book. She is no rival of mine. It was
just a mistake that I lost my first position. I have no competitors, so I can

Johann had a fair reason to think this. He has always been an outstanding
student since childhood and as well at the Münew Academy. Of course, he
had an excellent background too- his family and appearance. Johann also
excelled in all areas that require hard work, as in swordsmanship, magic,
administration and political sciences.

Therefore, I could pass losing my first position as my mistake and

carelessness. Johann had no doubt that he would win his first position back.

Knock, knock—

Trust me. I, Johann Eldorado Pertan, never make the same mistake twice.
As he made that declaration something passed before his eyes. That’s when
Johann noticed Elena who was sitting across from him.


“It’s okay. Everyone’s gone. I just checked.”

Johann suddenly closed his mouth and couldn’t ask when she came,
because he remembered that he was in the library but Elena gestured at him
to continue. Now that I think about it, the sun has already set and it’s dark
outside. Yet I haven’t read a single page and didn’t even realize how much
time had passed.

“Did you memorize everything already?” Elena asked out of the blue.

Johann followed Elena’s gaze, wondering what she meant and then paused.
Elena’s eyes were on the book that Johann brought earlier. Fortunately, the
book was covered under his elbow, so she couldn’t see the title. She seemed
to have asked because the cover was a different color from the history
textbook. She meant that he must’ve already memorized all the textbooks if
he’s reading other books.

Johann was flustered, but he took out the history textbook quite naturally
and put it on the other book. The thick and large history book completely
covered the other book from the outside.

“… Not all.”

“How do you suggest we prepare for the quiz? Should we decide on the
first few together or just prepare them on our own? It makes no difference
to me either way since I’m going to memorize everything.” She said that
very confidently.

He wanted to ask where she got that confidence from, but Elena Evoy was
the top student right now. She probably could memorize the whole textbook.
She seems pretty serious about it because she needs the scholarship.


‘I don’t need a scholarship.’

What Johann needed was not a scholarship, but the top rank. It would add
to Johann’s value.

“I also don’t…”

Johann stopped talking midway. If we prepared it on our own, there would

be no reason to meet anymore. Then again, if we’re competing, why work
together? But something tells me we shouldn’t work separately.

… They say keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

He quickly convinced himself.

“It doesn’t matter either way, but I don’t think it’s a bad idea to prepare it
together in advance. That way we won’t be nervous for the actual quiz.
What do you say, Elena?”
“Fair enough. First, let’s each pick our own questions. Then we will exclude
the overlapping ones.”

“We need to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, so let’s think of
20 questions first.”

Elena nodded slightly at his apt suggestion. Then she immediately began to
write down the quiz questions. Glancing at her, he noticed her quill. With a
sharpened nib and its withered vane, he could tell she had been using it for
a long time.

Elena’s slim fingers continued writing gracefully with the short quill.

“Even if you look at me like that, I have only one pen. Do you need some

“… No. Thanks for offering.”

Did she think I was looking at her because I didn’t have a quill?

As he shook his head, the library lit up suddenly. The lighting in the library
worked with mana stones and automatically light up at a set time. Elena
was still focused on writing without caring about the sudden brightness.

A scarlet light quietly glowed on Elena’s face. Johann struggled to keep his
eyes off that scene. Why do I keep staring at her? Because I have to keep an
eye on my enemy. A pathetic answer soothed Johann’s guilty conscience.


The Münuit Academy was quite lively, holding a club membership

recruitment week. That’s why there were also students with gray and black
ties, instead of only yellow ties in the building where the first graders were
At the beginning of every semester, each club aimed to attract new students.
This is because the club budget is determined by the number of members in
it. Of course, their main reason was to build connections. In general,
wealthy Academy students joined clubs to find the connections and honor
they lacked.

“Johann, do you want to join the International Relations Club?”

“Come to our club instead with s

Senior Isaac. We can have in-depth discussions on swordsmanship and of

course, you can also gain real-life experience.”

“I’ve never seen you participate in a swordsmanship match before, so what

experience are you talking about?”

Wealth, honor, connections. With all these conditions, Johann was the top
recruitment target for several clubs. Johann smiled awkwardly, stuck
between the seniors arguing over him.

For some reason or another, almost all clubs were for socializing, so it was
enough to join a few. However, the problem was choosing by what criteria.
Johann thought he would check the members of a club and then decide.

Far from the area where students were busy gathering and chattering, there
was a quiet area. Elena Evoy sat there on a bench right in front. She, as
always, sat alone and never looked around no matter how loud the noise.

‘That’s why no one talks to her.’

Todd wasn’t completely wrong in saying that it’d be nice if she were a bit
friendlier. Unlike Johann, Elena was extremely quiet compared to anyone
her age. We talk a lot when we’re together, but when we return to the
classroom, it was the same as before.

It’s hard to talk to Elena because of her icy impression, besides she’s not
worth the effort. If I behave like her at the academy, I’d be isolated, let
alone make any connections.
‘It’s not my business.’

But Johann couldn’t take his eyes off Elena. Whether it was clubs, parties,
hunting events or festivals, Elena is sitting too far away from the chatter
going on. It isn’t good for her to appear as if she’s alone on a deserted

“Johann, you haven’t decided on your club yet, have you?”



Since Johann was still focused on Elena while dealing with people who
constantly tried talking to him, he finally decided to go to her.

‘Who’s that?’

Johann paused halfway as he was getting up from his seat. Someone took
the initiative to reach her first. A male student wearing a monocle, looking
truly extraordinary. The bundle of accessories he was wearing also caught
Johann’s attention. Worried about the strange appearance, Johann finally
recalled the student’s identity.

‘It’s Windsor Dotmiller.’

He was the brother of Emily Dotmiller, known as a wizard enthusiast, and a

sophomore at the Academy. Both the siblings wore a monocle and made
quite the first impression.

Both the Dotmiller siblings were famous for their unusual personalities
because they had an unfriendly and dry tone. If they weren’t a family of
infamous scholars in the world of magic, no one would ever approach the

“Windsor is here, too. So he came after all.”

“What do you mean?”

“He is the director of the Magic Reagent Manufacturing Department. It’s
not popular because it’s a very academic club. I heard it doesn’t operate like
a club activity but rather like a class.”

Magic Reagent Manufacturing Department? Johann had heard of it, too. I

heard just a passing word once in a while. But, it wasn’t a very good story,
so I ignored it.

“There aren’t many members in their club except for the Dotmiller siblings.
All the aces are in the Magic Application Department. Maybe that’s why
they’re letting every Tom, Dick and Harry in. So, I don’t recommend it.”

“And you know, anyone who joins it quits soon after.”

“Of course they do! Who would want to study in a club?”

Someone said that all the promising talents were in other clubs and that,
unlike most clubs that pursued free activities, the professor in charge often
visits the club room and looks around. No one would be interested in
joining under these circumstances. Yet, if they failed to maintain a certain
number of members, Windsor would have to step down and the club would
be disbanded.

‘He’s a senior so why choose Elena of all people?’

Johann clicked his tongue. Elena is busy doing all kinds of jobs, so she has
no time for clubs. Listening to Windsor, Elena also shook her head.

I knew she would refuse. Feeling relieved, Johann comfortably shifted his
attention but Windsor continued. That Dotmiller was surprisingly persistent.

‘No matter how hard you try, she won’t be able to.’

Poor senior. Johann, who was about to send his heartfelt condolences to
him, frowned all of a sudden. Elena was smiling and shaking hands with
Support me on Kofi: turtleneck

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