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My Power as a Saint has Disappeared, Therefore I’ll Leave Before my Engagement is Annulled
“It must have been difficult for you all this time. I shall free you from that power.”

In a dream, the Goddess who appeared before Melissa gave her a beautiful smile.

Eight years ago, that was how the Goddess manifested herself within Melissa’s dream when she gave her
the saintly power. Contrary to a floaty sensation, her consciousness was clear, albeit the dream itself felt
mysterious. Melissa was confused but accepted it as reality.

Around that time, the kingdom was in poverty due to a natural disaster that was said to occur every 100
years. Melissa’s househoud, a rural aristocrat, was no exception. Food and money were becoming
exhausted. With the downfall of her family, painful days began.

The Goddess who appeared before Melissa, someone who couldn’t see any kind of hope for tomorrow,
bestowed upon her a lifechanging miracle.

It was none other than the power of a saint.

She had the power to heal wounds, to bestow divine blessings, and enrich the kingdom.
Melissa, who had learned to help the famine-stricken people, had been praying to the Goddess for the past
eight years. The kingdom became richer and the people were saved by the power of the saint.
A few weeks ago, a ceremony was held all over the country in honor of her achievements.
The mediocre Melissa, who had nothing, was able to help others with the power of the saint. She was able
to save their lives.
For Melissa herself, it was also an honor.
She felt that she had finally found her place.
“I shall transfer your power to a new saint. You’re now free.”
Melissa’s heart was constricted by the Goddess’ words.
A new saint appeared. Someone that wasn’t Melissa would assume over all her titles and duties.

My role is over.
Eventually, a radiant light enveloped her as she woke up from the dream.
For a dream, it felt truly vivid.
She could certainly feel her saintly power diminishing.
Melissa woke up, got out of her bed, and went to the wardrobe. Fortunately, her belongings could be
counted by hand. The clueless Melissa began to pack her things.


“Lady Melissa, where are you going!?”

“Maria, if you move with such haste, you will fall.”

As she walked down the hallway with a large bag, she was approached by her maid, Maria.

Worried about the breathless and pale Maria, Melissa reassured her with a smile.

“Be good. Your hair is truly messy right now, your precious beauty is ruined.”

“Lady, Melissa… that luggage… I, couldn’t find any of your personal belongings in your room…”

“I apologize. You must be surprised. I was considering telling you, but I decided against it knowing that
seeing you will shake my resolve.”

Melissa’s smile remained unchanged. Maria’s lips quivered.
Since she came to the royal castle, Maria had devotedly taken care of her, someone who hailed from a low-
ranking family. Whenever Melissa felt tired, the kind of cute Maria would brew a warm herbal tea and
accompany her.
As a maid, she’s very sharp. She deserves better than to take care of someone like me…
Eight years.

Melissa felt remorseful for almost leaving without a word for Maria. Although it was brief, Maria, who had
doted on her like a family, gave her a happy, warm, life.
“I can’t stay here anymore. Maria, you don’t have to care for me anymore either.”
“Lady Melissa…?”
“A new saint will appear. She’s better than me. I’m sure she’ll support His Highness.”
“New saint? What do you mean?”
“My role is over. I’ve lost my power as the saint. As I am now, I’m useless to the kingdom. I’m sorry. It’s
sad and painful for me to leave His Highness. Forgive me for having to leave you, Maria.”

That was right.

The most regrettable thing was His Highness.

The emergence of a new saint meant Melissa was no longer his fiancée.

Being a saint was a requirement for becoming the fiancée of His Highness, Jeid.
The day after Melissa received her power, a letter came from the royal capital.
It was an invitation from His Highness Jeid.
A letter directly from the prince. She understood that it wasn’t because of her heritage, but because she had
acquired the power of a saint.
She went to the royal castle, and as soon as she met His Highness Jeid, she was told of her mission. The
situation of the kingdom was rigid.
His Highness Jeid spoke to Melissa to ask for her help.
His Highness Jeid was quick to act. After having invited Melissa to the castle, he also moved the military
and sought to restore order in various parts of the kingdom.
The devoted support of His Highness Jeid had helped minimize the damage, and he led the kingdom to
After a while, once the economic situation had settled down, the story of her engagement with His
Highness Jeid came up.
Even though she was a noble, she was still a low-ranking aristocrat. As such, under normal circumstances,
there was no way Melissa could become engaged with him. However, contrary of being ashamed of
Melissa, the king and the queen generously spoke to her.
Everyone said that she would be a suitable partner for the prince, for she was a saint.
In honor of her achievements, no aristocrat was against her engagement.
Regardless, Melissa was in dilemma. She just couldn’t think of herself as a member of the royal family.
But, her feelings for His Highness Jeid had already grown so much by that time, she couldn’t refuse.
She was delighted to stand next to him as his fiancée.
At that time, I should’ve refused properly…
His Highness Jeid had always been gentle and kind to her.
Despite being busy with public affairs and duties, he still came to visit Melissa.
Now that her power as the saint had disappeared, would His Highness Jeid still treat her as he had always
More than anything else, Melissa was convinced he deserved to be with the true saint.
“Melissa, at the very least, speak to His Highness once.”
“Maria, I’m sorry. I don’t know if I want to meet him. I don’t want to be rebuked by him. Even if I’m gone,
the new saint will come soon, there’s no problem. Thank you for everything. I’m happy to have met Maria
and to have spent time with you. Truly—thank you.”
As tears came to Maria’s eyes, Melissa also felt teary.
Melissa left the royal castle while stifling her sobs.
The sun was rising.
Inhaling the clear air, Melissa began to walk ahead.

2. My Power as a Saint has Disappeared, Therefore I’ll Leave Before my Engagement is Annulled

A few months later, a rumor floated around all over the kingdom that a new saint had appeared.
She was 16-years-old. She was the same age as Melissa when she had become a saint. The new saint
proceeded to be welcomed and protected by the royal capital, or so Melissa had heard.

I heard that she’s completely different from the former saint…

To be honest, Melissa didn’t want to hear about the new saint.

Still, the rumors had spread.

At present, Melissa lived in a quiet rural village, one a few hours drive from the royal capital. The lush
green countryside land was filled fields. It reminded Melissa of her own hometown.

Melissa had no place to return to.

When she was still 8-years-old, famine struck, and her parents fell ill. Due to the lack of food and doctors,
after Melissa had become a saint and was invited to the royal capital, they succumbed a few days later.

Melissa’s sorrow, mourning, and grievance because she couldn’t save them in time became her driving
force to save the country.

Eight years later, she heard that her birthplace had fallen into the hands of a certain baron.

Not only had she left the royal castle, she had also lost her title as the saint.

Melissa realized that she truly had nothing left.

But, she was also free from the expectations and pressure of the people.

Melissa believed she had done as much as she could as a saint. She was proud of it, accepted the change in
generation, and also the fact that she was now living in that village.

“Melissa, I have some nice tomatoes, today. If you like, please eat it.”

“Aunt Barry, thank you very much. My! What beautiful and fresh-looking tomatoes! Is it okay for me to
have them?”

“It’s okay. I can’t eat all of it. They’ll just end up rotting. Melissa, you have to eat a lot! You’re so thin, after

“Well, this is still a lot! Please tell me if you need any help, today!”

Melissa laughed while looking at the bright red tomatoes in the large basket.

Through the use of her own savings, Melissa bought a small house on the outskirts of the village. Mr. and
Mrs. Barry were amiable people, and they were fond of Melissa whom had just moved in.

Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Barry, Melissa’s interactions with the villagers expanded.

Nowadays, she’d gather children from the neighborhood to teach them how to study, mend clothes, and
helping with house chores. She earned a living by herself.
There’s so much food, I can’t possibly eat all of it…!

The kingdom sure is prospering…!

The richness of life was the richness of the heart.

Eight years ago, everyone was exhausted trying their best to live. They couldn’t afford to be considerate of
others. Older people begged, adults worked hard, children pickpocket and stole—fights and quarrels
continued to worsen security.

However, that time had passed.

As of the present, children would hang around the fields; idle chatter would blossom amongst the villagers
—basically, everyone was laughing happily.

Melissa, who had been devoted to her duty as a saint, was thrilled when she saw the outside world for the
first time in a while.

Despite her lack of power, she couldn’t help but pray.

May the people of this kingdom be happy every day.

Melissa continued to earnestly pray despite it not reaching Heaven.


A short walk from the village, there was a small market where merchants came and went.

It was a valuable source of living and income for the villagers. Melissa went to the market several times a
week to shop.

In the place where traveling merchants often gathered, she could sometimes encounter rare local products.

Mrs. Barry, who loved rumors, often heard and talked about the situation of the kingdom from the traveling

There are rare vegetables today.

She discovered vegetables that grew in her birthplace.

The clothes of the traveling merchant, who called out to her, were similar to the clothes of her hometown.

“Are you from the region of Palaste?”

“From the village of Ladin, to be precise—the birthplace of the former saint.”

“The Ladin Village…”

Melissa paused at the familiar name. The merchant proudly explained even further.

“It’s Lady Melissa’s village that saved us from the great famine. Nowadays, believers visit it frequently. It
has become a prosperous town, unmatched from the past.”

Melissa mumbled when she unexpectedly heard about her hometown. Believers were a big deal—but she
didn’t remember hearing about them.

“Recently, a new saint has appeared. Lady Melissa is dutybound no longer. She’s been working hard for a
long time. The village is in a festive mood because she can finally rest and marry the crown prince.”


What does that mean? I wonder if the world still doesn’t know I have vanished…

A few questions arose in Melissa’s head. If a new saint appeared, shouldn’t the public consider her
engagement as null?

“Are you also a believer of Lady Melissa? Nowadays, her wavy blonde hairstyle is popular…”


She also didn’t know about that. She didn’t follow recent hairstyle trends but she did see many women with
the same hairstyle as her. There were even ladies who went as far as dyeing their hair blonde.

Of course, Melissa was happy that she was loved.

But, Melissa heard that the new saint had straight, black, hair.

Eventually, the new saint’s followers would increase and so would the number of black-haired women in

Melissa listened to the story of her hometown as she bought a lot of vegetables from the merchant. She’d
make a soup with plenty of vegetables from Palaste region. Adding herbs as part of the secret spice was the
specialty of her late mother.

When I made it for His Highness, he ate it with gusto…

It happened years ago. She once borrowed a kitchen in the royal castle to cook when peace was attained,
and stagnant distribution resumed. The maid hurried after her, saying that she shouldn’t have to do such a

However, Melissa wasn’t part of the royal family. She was a nobody, in fact.

Melissa’s house, albeit aristocratic, was a low-ranking one and belonged to the frontier. She only had a few
maids, and had to help them every day. Her mother sometimes took over in the kitchen.
After Melissa had skillfully finished cooking, the maid was impressed and was even salivating.

His Highness, albeit surprised, proudly smiled at her.

Afterwards, I cooked for him several times… didn’t His Highness eat everything?

Feeling nostalgic, she went home.

Before she could leave the market, she noticed a crowd. A man in his military uniform was detaining a

“There seems to inspection underway.”

“They’re looking for a woman with wavy blonde hair.”

She listened to the buzzing conversation.

There was a familiar face among the inspecting men. He was His Highness’ aide—Knight Captain Jill.

Melissa was shocked and hurriedly pulled up her hood. There was no mistake—they were looking for her.
Was she to be blamed for leaving the royal castle without a word? Scared, Melissa left.

They sheltered me for eight years… how ungrateful of me… I’m sure they’re angry…

…I just want to sort out my feelings a little bit longer…

…I’m sorry, I just don’t want to face His Highness right now.

She decided to go off the road, enter the forest, and return to the village.

Melissa rushed back home, shaking off His Highness’ smile from her mind.

3. My Power as a Saint has Disappeared, Therefore I’ll Leave Before my Engagement is Annulled

By proceedings through the woods, Melissa had managed to avoid those men. As long as she walked
towards the West sun, she could return home. However, once the sun finished setting, she would likely lose
her sense of direction. It was a road the villagers seldom partook.
I wonder for how long Knight Captain Jill will stay there for. I should refrain from going to the market for
the time being.

Back in the royal castle, Jill used to be Melissa’ exclusive escort.

He was expressionless, a man of a few words, and was unreadable. At the same time, he was also kind,
considerate, and had a strong sense of justice.

When Melissa planned to visit a plagued village, it was Jill who strongly opposed the idea. The memory
was still fresh—how Melissa was adamant about going, and Jill finally relented. He decided to prepare a
large medical staff for the visit.

He couldn’t bear to look at me as I kept caring for those sick people without care to my own health. It
reached the point where he forced me to sleep by threatening me with his sword…

She thought of those days nostalgically. Involuntarily, a smile had appeared on her face.

Melissa was blessed. She had been surrounded by a gentle prince and his encouraging aids. Because of that,
she could give her everything as a saint for the sake of the kingdom.

But why…?

She had no regret, but guilt remained in the corner of her heart.

One day, His Highness said to her;

“Once the kingdom becomes peaceful, you should focus on your own life, and wish for your own

At that time, she was already happy enough, so why would His Highness say that? Melissa tilted her head.

Due to being pensive, Melissa was late to notice.

Someone was approaching behind her. She immediately quickened her pace, but it was too late.
The hand of a well-built man grabbed her arm.

“Lady Melissa!”


When she thought of the mighty knight captain, she was strangely unafraid.

Melissa gave up.

“…Lord Jill.”

“F, finally, I’ve finally found you!”

It was very unusual for him to be so expressive and talkative. Jill spoke in a voice mixed with impatience
and relief.

“Why are you in a place like this…?”

“Lord Jill, it hurts. I’m sorry, but you’re too powerful, My arm feels like it is about to break.”

“…! Forgive me…”

In a hurry, Jill relaxed his grip, but still didn’t let go. Melissa could feel his stubborn will to not release her
now that he had finally found her. Melissa smiled as if troubled.

Even though she went as far as entering the woods, she still couldn’t escape.

She immediately recalled that Jill was so skilled, he wouldn’t even fail to detect the hint of a mouse.

Jill knelt in the same gesture as when he offered his pledge of allegiance to Melissa. He placed his sword
on the ground and extended his hand.

“My life belongs to you. Why did you abandon me?”

“I didn’t… Lord JilI, I—”

“You left the castle without a word! Did you give up on me!?”

“You’re mistaken… none of it is your fault…”

“If so, why did you disappear!? You disappeared and left the kingdom in an uproar! How much do you
think we’ve been looking for you!?”

Melissa apologized with a wavering gaze due to being swept away by Jill’s passionate eyes. She felt
remorseful for making them so worried. Then, she gently took Jill’s hand.

“Don’t cry, Lord Jill… I’m sorry for making you worry so much… but as Lord Jill knows, my role is over.
You’ve met the new saint, I assume? I’m no longer the prince’s fiancée, nor am I a baron. I’m just a
commoner. A commoner like me doesn’t deserve to be served by someone like you.”

“I, finally understand… I used to think that humility was your virtue, but for you to say that… it seems that
mindset of yours has to go.”

At that moment, Melissa’s body floated in the air. She fluttered as her feet left the ground, but Jill began to
walk without care.

She was being forcibly taken away. She sensed danger and rampaged, but her resistance was futile.
Compared to his sturdy built, she was like a small animal.

“Lord Jill, let me down…!”


“For you to go back to being silent at such a time, how terrible!”


Was his roaring voice and those tears a mere figment of her imagination? Jill, who had returned to his usual
self, didn’t listen to her.

For eight years, I didn’t know you can speak so fluently!

She pounded on his chest and resisted as long as she could, but she eventually grew tired and gave up. They
returned to the main street where a carriage had been left.

Melissa had no way of escaping from Jill who silently stood in front of a closed door.

With his arms crossed, he stood firmly. Jill then ordered the men to start the carriage.

Melissa was impatient. She had no intention of returning to the castle.

“…Are we heading for the royal capital? Lord Jill, stop the carriage.”


“Didn’t you pledge your allegiance to me?! Why won’t you listen to me!? Please, I beg of you!!”

Pleading was her last trump card. Jill’s expression distorted and then crumpled when he saw her cry.

“Lady Melissa, did you hate the royal capital…?”

“Hate…? There’s no way—”

“Why then?”

“Because I’m no longer a saint?”

It was an already a well-known fact that she was no longer a saint. But when she had to say it herself, a
sharp pain pierced her chest.

“…All the more reason for Lady Melissa to be in the royal capital.”

“W, why?”

“You’re back to being silent again!? Lord Jill, you’re an idiot!!”

With his subtle face, Jill, who had made a silent decision, said nothing more.

4. My Power as a Saint has Disappeared, Therefore I’ll Leave Before my Engagement is Annulled

Melissa felt like a prisoner of war. The closer she got to the royal capital, the more depressed she felt.
Jill refused any further conversation, and she also didn’t say anything.

Melissa gave up and decided to just look at the scenery from the carriage window.

As she entered the castle, the traffic increased, and she was startled. She could hear the bustle of the city
and the voices of the children. She unintentionally smiled, having calmed down a little.

Once I arrive at the castle, I will have to meet His Highness Jeid… and also the new saint.

But she wouldn’t hold back.

Melissa believed and didn’t doubt that after explaining her situation and saying goodbye, she’d be able to
return to the village again.

“Hey, what kind of person is the new saint? What is her name?”

“…Monett Daywiz, I don’t anything about her.”

“Oh? Why? Haven’t you met her?”

“I haven’t been to the royal castle, yet. I’m also not in charge of her.”

“Isn’t the saint living in the royal castle?”

“Monett? Living in the royal castle? Why? She isn’t Melissa.”

Melissa tilted her head.

She truly believed the new saint would live in the royal castle, as the royal family would protect the saint.
Just like with Melissa.

“Is it because I’ve used the vacant room? I wonder if there was no more room for Monett… I’m sorry, I
thought it would okay because there are so many rooms. I should’ve took all of my personal belongings. It
seems that I didn’t clean the room properly. I left the dresses and accessories I received because they
weren’t my own, but I should’ve returned them properly.”


“I see. So that’s why I’m being summoned back. I’ll vacate the room properly, so please welcome the saint
to the royal castle and protect her as soon as possible.”


Jill exhaled a big, big, sigh. Melissa wondered if his soul would be lost.

Jill stubbornly closed his mouth as he gradually began to exude a moody aura in agony.

Melissa didn’t know why Jill was in such a bad mood, but she probably said something wrong. Melissa
As she looked up at the blue sky, a large cumulonimbus cloud floated outside the window. Such a big cloud
—how rare.

At the time when she thought that—

—the ground shook, it was a small tremor at first.

The sway, which was different from that of a carriage, became a big pitching vibration the next moment.

Jill immediately covered Melissa to protect her.

The horse pulling the carriage was surprised and cried out.

A massive earthquake.

People could only protect themselves by ducking helplessly amidst the violently swaying land.

A scream echoed throughout the city. The children who had been laughing until a while ago started crying.

The buildings creaked and started crumbling.

In the distance, smoke could be smelled.

The long earthquake slowly turned into an aftershock. Even if the ground settled down, she couldn’t move
due to fear.
“Haa… haa…”

The fear left her breathless. Jill gently rubbed her quivering body.

“Melissa, are you alright?”

“I’m alright.”

Fortunately, the carriage didn’t break. No one was injured.

The earthquake had subsided. However, screams echoed once again. When she looked out of the carriage,
smoke was billowing in the distance. Due to the earthquake, a flame had ignited. People were running

Melissa jumped out of the carriage when she saw a child under the rubble.

She tried to lift the heavy rubble with all her might.

“Lord Jill…! Pull this child out…!”

Jill, who had been left absent-minded, regained his sense at Melissa’s yell. He scooped up the fainted child.
Before he noticed it, Melissa had run to another place.

“Lord Jill, this one, too!”

Melissa went to a fallen woman and tried to stop her bleeding.

Even during a time like this…

Jill felt nostalgic.

He had always been proud of Melissa who prioritized the lives of those around her over herself.

“That’s why you’re…”

Melissa, while running around, gave proper instructions, evacuated people to the safe place, and asked for

By the time the sun went down, the fire had subsided. Melissa was willing to get dirty with dust and sweat.
Finally, she was able to sit down on the ground.

5. My Power as a Saint has Disappeared, Therefore I’ll Leave Before my Engagement is Annulled

The shelter was full of injured people. Doctors and nurses rushed to provide treatment.
Melissa used to heal injuries with the power of the saint, but as of the present, she was useless.

Even if she could provide first aid, they needed a specialist. Melissa left the scene once she confirmed the
arrival of the medical staff.

Jill silently followed her.

He said something, but Melissa pretended to not have heard him,

“Lord Jill, judging from the current situation, we no longer have to go to the royal castle, correnct?”

“His Highness will arrive here soon.”

“Well, that’s a problem. I’m worried about the village, so, I’m going home.”


“As I’ve saint, I’m not the—hm?”

That wasn’t Jill’s voice.

When Melissa turned around, she saw a woman surrounded by knights.

She had pure white skin and straight black hair. She wore a delicate expression.

Melissa realized it was none other than Monett, the new saint.

She was trembling and crying. She stubbornly shook her head when requested by the knights.

“Hurry up and treat the people!”

“I can’t…! I can’t…!”

“We need the power of the saint!”

“I’m injured, too! You should’ve prioritized my treatment!”

“If it were Lady Melissa, she’d certainly treat the people first!”

“You guys are always comparing me to her! ‘Lady Melissa this, Lady Melissa that—!’ Did you forget that
I’m the new saint!?”

“Then, please use your power as the saint to help the people as soon as possible!”
When Melissa heard her own name in the quarrel, she shook. But more than that, she was worried about
Monett. The new saint was trembling at the words of the knights.

It seemed that the new saint had injured her leg. She was painfully dragging her red, swollen, ankle. The
knights should’ve noticed—and yet, that was how they behaved.

Also, judging from Monett’s words…

Melissa pondered.

“Lady Melissa—”

She approached Monett without heeding Jill’s call. The knights around them were surprised to see Melissa
and opened a way.

Monett’s eyes widened.

“Nice to meet you, Lady Saint.”

“Lady… Melissa?”

Melissa bowed her head deeply to thank Monett. She approached Monett’s side and bent hdown. She
touched her ankle with her thin fingers. It was red and swollen—even standing seemed to be painful for

“Lady Saint, please sit down.”


“That’s right. Your leg is so swollen. This woman seems to be in pain, and yet the knights are being utterly

The knights trembled at Melissa’s words. They didn’t seem to have noticed Monett’s injury until Melissa
had pointed it out.

“Lady Saint, do you perhaps still not know how to use your power? It’s okay, I was also confused at first.
That massive earthquake must have surprised you… it was quite scary, after all… you will be alright…”

“…Lady Melissa.”

“Alright, let us try it. Put your hand on the wound. Good. Then, pray in your heart—‘May the pain go
away. May the blood stop. May the wounds heal.’ Do you feel your hand getting warmer? Is your pain
getting relieved? Pray from the bottom of your heart and believe. Imagine light gathering in the palm of
your hands. Good. Just like that. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt…”

In response to Melissa’s words, Monett closed her eyes. A soft light shone in her palm. Surrounded by
gentle light, the swelling of her ankle slowly disappeared.

It was the same power Melissa had used back when she was still the saint.

In front of the miracle, the knights sighed in admiration. Jill bit his lips.
“The pain is gone…”

“You did well. Good girl, good girl.”

Melissa gently stroked Monett’s head. Not only was Monett eight years younger than Melissa, she also
resembled her deceased little sister.

As Melissa stroked her head, Monett gradually relaxed and started crying. Her tears kept overflowing.


“Good girl. You just didn’t know how to use your power, it’s not your fault. You can do it. For you to be
able to cast such a spell in a matter of seconds, you’re better than me. You’re truly excellent.”

Monett cried loudly and clung to Melissa. It seemed as if a dam had broken.

The knights awkwardly looked at the scene. Melissa was sure they no longer doubted Monett’s power as
the saint.

Even though that shouldn’t be the case.

It took Melissa years to finally master her power. A girl as young as 16-years-old shouldn’t be carrying
such a heavy responsibility.

Back then, His Highness Jeid would accompany me.

Melissa felt a little angry because the prince wasn’t at the side of the new saint.

“I, I can’t be like Lady Melissa…”

Monett began to speak, her words were mixed with sobs.

“The Goddess… suddenly bestowed me with this power. I don’t understand how to use it…”

“Yes, the same went for me. It was so sudden. It took me a long time to master my power. It’s true. There
were many times when I couldn’t save the lives in front of me, so I cried every day… I’ve been were you

“Lady Melissa, too?”

“I was unfamiliar with the power, so it took me a long time. Nobody else could teach me. The Goddess was
also merciless. Still, I wanted to save all the lives I could save. It was greedy of me, I know. But the power
of the saint isn’t absolute. It took me a long time before I could achieve my goal.”

To be precise, it took her eight years. There were many lives she couldn’t save. However, His Highness
believed that there were many things she could accomplish, so she managed to do it.

“That was such a terrible earthquake, but I don’t have the power anymore. Forgive me for entrusting it to

“Lady Melissa…”

“You don’t have to save everyone, but you can save as many people as you can. Alright? After all, you’re
the strong and kind child chosen by the Goddess. I believe in you.”

Melissa peered into Monett’s face and gave her a beautiful smiled. Monett’s tears vanished as a new
expression appeared on her face—

—it was the face full of determination—the face of a saint.

Monett firmly stood up and bowed deeply to Melissa. With her head down, she said in a quivering voice.

“I’ll do my best. But, if I feel like crying, can I go see Lady Melissa again?”

Melissa laughed at how Monett clenched her clothes.

“Sure, if that’s what you want, I’ll listen to you. Would you like a hug along with that?”

Monett was caught off guard and started laughing. Then, she walked towards the shelter. The knights also
bowed to Melissa and followed Monett.

Watching the entire scene, Jill narrowed his eyes in admiration. It was as if he were perceiving a divine
sight—one that didn’t belong in that world.

Who would’ve imagined that Melissa would meet the new saint that way?

The report said that the new saint was childish, selfish, and unwilling to listen to the knights’ advice—
unlike Melissa.

It seemed that what actually happened was that the new saint was discouraged because she kept being
compared to Melissa.
Had they ever considered Monett’s feelings?

A 16-year-old girl was suddenly bestowed with the saint’s power. Just because she was unfamiliar with her
newfound power, she kept being compared to Melissa. Because of that, Monett may had endured a lot of
anxiety and stress—did anyone ever bother to listen to her?

Jill regretted his shallowness.

“As I thought, this is why you were the saint.”

Jill muttered at the unchanging Melissa.

6. My Power as a Saint has Disappeared, Therefore I’ll Leave Before my Engagement is Annulled

“I’m covered in both sweat and dirt…”

Melissa smiled at her own appearance. After the earthquake, it wasn’t safe to stay in an inn. It was also too
late to return to the village. She had also let people evacuate using her previous carriage.

“Please rest assured. His Highness will pick you up soon.”

“…We haven’t met for a long time, and when we’re to be reunited, I’m like this…”

“What’s the problem?”

Melissa thought that Jill didn’t understand a maiden’s heart.

Even if she was no longer engaged to the prince, as a maiden, she wanted to appear as beautifully as
possible in front of her beloved.

Because of her present appearance, she grew even more reluctant to meet His Highness.

She half-regretted not taking advantage of the turmoil to make her escape.

As the sun went down, cool air enveloped her skin. Jill draped a coat over Melissa’s shoulders.
“Thank you.”

The coat was a thick military uniform. It was also laden with heavy decorations.

She wondered if one could train their muscles through simply wearing such a garment.

By the way, back then, when she ran around the plagued village and fainted from exhaustion, she woke up
wearing such a heavy coat.
In the morning sun, her hazy sight bore the visage of His Highness Jeid. When he saw Melissa, he smiled
and greeted her.

Recalling that, Melissa contemplated.

“…Now that I think about it, I’ve been showing His Highness my unkempt appearance for a long time.”

Unlike other ladies, Melissa seldom wore beautiful dresses or make-up. She didn’t make any effort to be
loved as a woman.

The only time she’d polish her appearance was during a grand ceremony, one before her power as the saint
had diminished.

Dressed in the most beautiful dress she had ever seen in her entire life, she was praised by many. Due to the
flattery, Melissa was both happy and embarrassed. Her cheeks were tinted with red.

“Melissa is always beautiful.”

“Fufu, it seems that even a man like Jill can be quite the charmer.”

“After you vanished without a word, I learned that I should just say what I’m thinking while you’re still

“It seems that you were truly concerned about me. I didn’t vanish, I merely left.”

“Can you still say the same to His Highness?”

Reflected upon Jill’s eyes was a figure.

Silvery white locks which glittered as the night dawned.

The man was someone she both wanted to meet and didn’t want to.

“His Highness Jeid…”

His long legs erased the distance between them with each step. Having abandoned all thought of escaping,
Melissa stayed rooted in place.

How many months has it been? He seems a little thin…

Is he angry?

His neatly-arranged face displayed a quiet, but otherwise firm listless expression.


His Highness Jeid called out to Melissa and reached out to her, as if wanting to confirm her presence.

His long fingers slowly caressed her cheeks. He didn’t care about how soiled her face was.
He scooped a lock of her blonde hair, before placing it behind her ear. As he caressed her hair, his lips

“—I wanted to see you. I’m glad that you’re alive and well.”

Did he worry more about Melissa escaping than the earthquake?

The fact that His Highness’ face was filled with an intense relief constricted Melissa’s chest.

“A rescue team was immediately dispatched, but Melissa saved the people first. There are few injured and
the shelter is full. Supplies will arrive tomorrow. Be rest assured, Melissa.”

His Highness was always kind—after all, he was that kind of person. Above all, his voice was gentle and
comfortable to her ear. He spoke in a way that immediately sank into her heart.

She liked the voice of His Highness.

Her own nostalgic feelings, when added with His Highness’ gentleness, broke her tension. Melissa felt as if
all her energy was drained from her body.

“As there was no damage, the castle seems to be a solid place. Everyone is safe. So, let’s go home. A warm
bath has been prepared. Everyone is worried. They’re waiting for Melissa.”

Although Melissa had a lot to say and hear, she was vulnerable to His Highness’ words.

She was aware that by meeting him, her feelings would overflow.

As she nodded in silence, His Highness Jeid’s black eyes and expression seemed to have been filled with all
the happiness in the world. Thus, he laughed.


A nearby servant escorted His Highness’ trusty horse into the royal castle. The horse was carrying both
Melissa and His Highness on its back.

As she felt the warmth of His Highness directly on her back, Melissa grew nervous. He was pulling the

Surrounded by his arms, she couldn’t escape.

“I’m sorry for the lack of a carriage. Tell me if you get tired.”

“It’s alright. This child always walks slowly when I ride him.”

“…For a long time, now, this child has been trying to flirt with you. He is usually not like this.”

“Fufu, what a good boy. The one who pulled the carriage is also a good boy. He didn’t get shocked despite
the earthquake. It’s all thanks to Conrad’s care.”

Conrad was a trainer exclusive for the royal family. Conrad’s beloved horses were famous. Whenever
Conrad talked about horses, it felt like he could go on for three days and nights.

Of course, the beautiful maned horse Melissa was currently riding was also being taken care of by Conrad.

“Now that I think about, I used to ride horses with His Highness.”
“No matter even if it’s the mountain or the sea, whenever there are people in need, Melissa always runs
towards them. Because of that, my riding skill has improved considerably.”

“That’s because Your Highness never let me ride a horse alone. Certainly, I didn’t have time to learn
horseback riding at the time. Actually, it is unnecessary for His Highness to ride with me. You could’ve left
me with Lord Jill…”

That way, she wouldn’t be so nervous and her heart wouldn’t be racing so fast.

She wondered if it was part of the royal family’s obligation to accompany the saint during horse riding.
When she imagined His Highness riding a horse alongside Monett, her chest hurt.

“…Is Jill that good?”

“His horseback riding skill? Yes, it is.”

Jill could certainly afford to ride a horse while carrying Melissa. Besides, that kind of duty should be left to
an escort, or so she thought.

7. My Power as a Saint has Disappeared, Therefore I’ll Leave Before my Engagement is Annulled

“More importantly, Your Highness… it’s about Monett. She’s still in the shelter.”
“That’s right. There should be no problem. I have arranged for an escort and also some extra healers.”

Towards the unexpected response, Melissa tilted her head.

Why did she get the vibe that she was being prioritized over Monett? Or, was he worried that she wouldn’t
be able to return to the castle on her own? Did he suspect she’d run away?

In any case… it seems that His Highness trusts Monett enough to the point he doesn’t find it a problem to
leave her on her own.

In comparison, His Highness always escorted Melissa. It seemed that His Highness didn’t find Melissa all
that dependable.

As expected of the new saint.

Despite her loneliness, she felt relieved and even had high hopes for the new saint. When she first met the
new saint in person that day, that hope had only gotten stronger. Melissa didn’t have any hard feelings
towards her, especially considering Monett had the qualities of a saint.

“I met Monett. She’s cute, hardworking, and lovely. Today, she used the power of the saint for the first
time. She’s truly wonderful for being able to learn it so quickly. Monett will surely be everyone’s beacon of

Towards Melissa who smiled with all her heart, His Highness Jeid’s eyes widened as he bit his lips.

“You talk about her as if it’s someone else’s business. Are you perhaps trying to entrust everything to her?”


His Highness asked with a bitter face. Melissa didn’t understand the implication behind his question.

What was His Highness saying? Did she have to spell it for him? It was difficult to think that His Highness
didn’t know that she was no longer the saint.
It was so apparent, there shouldn’t be any need to spell it out.

“Because my role is over—as you can see, I’m no longer a saint.”

As her chest tightly constricted with pain, Melissa lowered her face. The more her sentence approached its
end, the more fleeting her voice became. It reached the point of equaling the buzzing of a mosquito. Her
voice soon became trampled by the sound of the hoofs.

Melissa couldn’t bear it anymore. She just wanted to get off the horse and escape.

Then, His Highness’ hand, which was holding the reins, rested atop of Melissa’s hand.

In turn, her heartbeat accelerated. Even though she was so tense to the point she froze, she could hear His
Highness’ voice.

“I’m sorry, Melissa. It never occurred to me you think about it that way.”

To his confession-like words, Melissa tilted her head once again.

More than that, it was getting more difficult to conceal the sound of her heart now that they were so close to
each other. She gave up thinking deeply about it.


Upon arriving at the castle, a large number of butlers and maids lined up to welcome Melissa.

Melissa blinked at the scene.

Maria, her exclusive maid, rushed to Melissa’s side and escorted her to her room. If she hadn’t mishear it,
she was sure Maria was holding back her tears.

Nothing in her room had changed.

It was as if Melissa had never left. The positions of everything remained unchanged. The beautiful room
was tidy and without dust.

“Maria, don’t cry. I’ll be sad.”

As she snorted, Maria wiped her tears.

“I’m glad Lady Melissa is safe. First of all, the bath is ready. Please warm your body.”

“Thank you…”

She still had doubts about her maid, but she couldn’t resist the temptation of a bath. It had been a while.
Ever since she begun living in the village, she only used the riverside to bathe.

She went to the bathroom with the maids. They proceeded to scrub every corner of her body. Even the
high-grade sesame oil, which she rarely saw, was used. Her dust-covered body became shiny.

It’s been a while since I’ve cleaned up like this. Well, to stand before His Highness covered in filth is

A new dress was also prepared. Melissa, who had been completely thrown off loop, entered the room under
the guidance of the butler.
Melissa was surprised and confused by the appearance of the king and queen, and also His Highness Jeid.
As soon as she had arrived, she was faced with the highest figures of authority in the kingdom.

Melissa hurriedly bowed.

“Greetings to His Majesty the King, Her Majesty the Queen, and His Highness the Crown Prince.”

Now that she was a commoner, they were people she could rarely met. When she bowed to the point her
forehead touched the floor, the queen lamented.

“Melissa, there’s no need for you to behave like that.”

“It’s because you didn’t speak to her properly, Jeid.”

She didn’t expect that conversation at all. As she hung her head down, Melissa couldn’t hide her confusion.

“Lift your head. It’s my fault for being so astute.”

She didn’t expect for the king to apologize. Melissa showed a shocked expression. The king and the queen,
who stared at her, welcomed Melissa with smiles of unchanging compassion.

They were so affectionate, it was as if they still thought of Melissa as Jeid’s fiancée.

“It seems that Melissa is still clueless.”

“Jeid, what are you waiting for?”

“…I, I’m sorry.”

Before his parents, His Highness Jeid spoke with a sour tone.

When Melissa conveyed her confusion with her eyes, His Highness Jeid showed a self-depreciating smile.
Then, he apologized to Melissa.

“I’ve caused Melissa to misunderstand. It’s all because I decided without consulting Melissa. When you
disappeared, I truly regretted not having explained to you sooner. It was unbearable. That was the first time
I experienced so much impatience and distraught…”

Then, he apologized once again.

“I’m the one who asked the Goddess to free Melissa from the role of the saint.”

8. My Power as a Saint has Disappeared, Therefore I’ll Leave Before my Engagement is Annulled

It took some time for Melissa to process what he had just said.

He requested the Goddess?

To release me from the role of saint?

There were too many questions in Melissa’s mind.

“…Can I ask you why?”

After blurting that out, Melissa regretted it—she shouldn’t have said anything at all.

She had unconsciously stood up. She was scared that His Highness would tell her that she was not up for
the task.

But, His Highness Jeid blushed and averted his gaze for some reason…

“…Because I wanted to marry Melissa faster.”


His Highness Jeid covered the bottom half of face with his palm. It was Melissa’s first time seeing him that
flustered. She was stunned.

“Ever since we met, you’ve only fulfilled your duty as the saint. We missed our chances to do any couple-
like activities… Now that the kingdom has attained peace, I want Melissa to live her life as an ordinary
woman, not a saint.”

“I want to see my grandson’s face, soon.”

“Melissa will be so cute at the ceremony. I can’t wait to see you dressed in a bridal gown…”

Towards what the royal family had to say, Melissa was stupefied.

“…Even though I’m no longer His Highness Jeid’s fiancée?”

She thought that after she had lost her power, she was unfit to stand beside His Highness Jeid. She believed
she should just disappear.

With the arrival of the new saint, Melissa was convinced he had gotten a new fiancée and her own
engagement had been annulled.

“Why would you think that…?”

“Melissa, you should be more confident in yourself and be more aware of the affection from your

The king and the queen admonished her together.

His Highness took Melissa’s hand.

His grip was strong even though she had no intention of escaping. Then, he gently whispered to Melissa.

“Why can’t I let you go? That’s because I can’t love anyone but you anymore.”


A few months later.

The wedding of His Highness Jeid and Melissa was celebrated all over the kingdom.

The day before, the Goddess appeared again within her dream.

Her divine visage was full of compassion.

“Congratulations on your marriage. But, is that person really good? If you want to run away, now’s the

Melissa laughed at the Goddess who made such a mischievous remark.

“Fufu, I know that the Goddess acknowledges His Highness.”

Otherwise, the Goddess wouldn’t have appeared before His Highness and fulfilled his wish.

That day when Melissa returned to the castle, His Highness Jeid told her that he regretted everything. Even
though they had been together for many years, that side of him was new to Melissa.

“Melissa, don’t you know? When I applied for our engagement eight years ago, it was before you became a

“What do you mean?”

His Highness sipped his cup of tea to conceal his embarrassment. Then, he began to tell the story of old

“If I remember correctly, it was when I was still 10-years-old. Around that time, I was already involved in
political affairs. In the remote area that I visited for inspection, there was a beautiful lady. I fell in love with
her at the first sight. Her beauty and her gorgeous smile caught my eyes. Thus, I suggested the idea of the
engagement to His Majesty. Despite the difference in status, the Robert family had been friends with the
royal family for many years. As such, it isn’t difficult to get His Majesty’s approval.”

Robert. It was the name of Melissa’s late house.

“Didn’t you notice that I went to see you several times under the pretense of an inspection? You didn’t
know because you were always cheerful and busy. I’ve always cared about you. However, I just didn’t have
the courage to call out to you. Bram, who has been watching me for many years, always made fun of me.
Then, finally, you and I were of the right age. Thus, I applied for an engagement. I didn’t have the of
sending you the formal letter when you were bestowed with the power of the saint. You came to the royal
castle and desperately pledged to devote yourself to the kingdom as a saint. I was relieved. That was wrong
of me. Instead of focusing on my own feelings, I should’ve known how much your house and your people
were suffering. It was my obligation as a member of the royal family. You said that it’s all thanks to me that
the kingdom was saved. But that can’t be farther from the truth—for I’m simply a man who dreamed of a
future with you rather than the kingdom. I only realized that after you thanked me.”

Melissa shook her head—she believed that wasn’t the case. She knew that His Highness also thought about
the kingdom and went all over the kingdom to help the people.

“Since then, it’s been one dizzying day after the other. You struggle to save lives with the power you had
just acquired. There’s also the fact that I was busy every day. Despite that, you were always cheerful and
smiling. Because of that, I grew even more fond of you. For eight years, you’ve served as a saint. Melissa,
that’s more than enough. You’ve did enough for the kingdom—hence, I requested that of the Goddess.”


“Yes, this man requested me to release you. However, it seems that before he could express his feelings to
you, you run away. I have never seen such a sloppy man… what have you guys been doing for eight
“…I’m also partly to blame.”

Melissa realized that despite having been talking with His Highness Jeid for so long, she had been
oblivious towards his feelings. It seemed that it never occurred to her.

Sometimes, it was necessary to convey those feelings in words.

At the same time, because of her busy schedule, Melissa didn’t have time to consider a future with His

Finally, Melissa admitted—

“—I don’t have a family anymore. I don’t have anyone—anyone but him. As such, if he were to declare
that he no longer needs me, I’d have no one. That’s why, I’ ran away from the possibility of having to face
that reality. I’m no longer a saint or a noble lady—I’m afraid of being abandoned by those I have share
bonds with, thus, I fled. But, the truth is different. I already have people who worry and care for me.
Because of them, I’m able to live as ‘Melissa’, instead of ‘the saint.’”

“I see.”

The Goddess’ eyes were filled with satisfaction.

“You have been through a lot until now. Hence, I will release you from the role of the saint. From now on,
be happy.”

The corner of her view shone with glitter. While being enveloped in the Goddess’ soothing air, Melissa
woke up.

Melissa shed tears due to her overflowing emotions and her unleashed sense of loss.

As she wiped her cheeks and closed her eyes tightly, Melissa turned around.

She heard a knock on the door.

Maria came in and said with a big smile.

“Melissa, today, I’m going to turn you into the most beautiful bride in the world!”

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