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Week 17: Final Assignment

Students: Oyola Valverde Angel

Villanueva Poma Ronaldinho
Teacher: Pariona Huaman Diana Paola
Cycle: First cycle
Tell us more about yourself and your daily activities Dear DISNEY: Our names are
Ronaldinho Villanueva Poma and Angel Oyola Valverde, we are 18 years old. We are
from Peru and we are currently studying at the Technological University of Peru.
Ronaldinho and Angel are studying engineering. Of systems and telecommunications.
Now I am going to talk about my daily routine and that of my partner. Daily routine. I,
Ronaldinho, get up at 6:30 in the morning, and my partner Angel gets up at 6:30 in the
morning, we both go to class at 8:00 in the morning, at 10:30 we have a I rest, at 11:30
we go back to class, at 1:00 we have lunch, at 2:30 we rest, at 6:00 we do pending
work, at 7:50 we have dinner. We spend Saturdays with friends and Sundays with
family. We like the free environment and cartoon shows. We are the ideal team
because we love every subject that is in Disney. In addition, we are respectful, kind,
charismatic, happy and smiling. Waiting for your news, we remain at your disposal for
any other information you may need. Good Ronaldinho Villanueva and Angel Oyola.

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