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Masque du fou furieux (Shaman variation)

DC 15 wisdom check, roll 1d3, 1 = short madness, 2 = Long-time madness, 3 = Life time

Passive property :

Being one withe the tree : You have tremoresens 2 meters/levels when you do not move at
all. You can no longer see with your eyes when your legs turn into roots and take root in the
earth, you have the incapacitated condition during this ritual,

Wise of the oldtree : You gain 2 extra druid cantrip, or in reference to the earth and trees.

Active property :

Tree armor : Your body grows hardwood around you, you have a natural armor of 13 + your
dexterity level.

1x/day : Erupting earth.

1x/day : confusion

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