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Institute of Computer Technology

B. Tech Computer Science and Engineering

Sub: Basics of Operating System and Shell Scripting


Practical 4: Managing Local Linux User Passwords

Lock accounts manually or by setting a password-aging policy in the shadow password
file using chage commamd.

Write down commands to do the following tasks:

1. Add the user named as andrew. Initialize this user’s password with “andrew”.
Same way create three more users named as bob, stacy, and caroline. Also
initialize their passwords.
2. Determine the date 90 days in the future and set each of the four new user
accounts to expire on that date.
3. Change the password policy for the bob account to
 require a new password every 15 days
 once modified the password, user need to wait for atleast 2 days before
changing it again with new password
 Set the warning period of 3 days
 Set inactive period to 100 days from today
4. Prevent any other users to logging into the stacy user account.
5. Lock the andrew account and then try to access this user account. After this,
unlock the same account.

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