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Fieldglass Quick Reference Guides

Table of Contents
1. Registration Process
2. Preference Settings
3. Need help signing in?
4. Home Page Navigation
5. Submit Timesheet
6. Submit Timesheet Revision
7. Submit Expense Sheet

1. Worker: Registration Process 1. Registration Email:
registration email will be sent
Note: Check your junk/spam mail
if you do not receive a
1 registration email
2. Company and Supplier Name:
verify the company name and
supplier are correct
3. Create Your Account: if all
information is correct, click the
create your account button
4. Registration expiration date:
your registration link expires
2 after a certain date, ensure
you complete the registration
process before the expiration
6 date
3 5. Click Here: this button is
another way to create register
4 6. Email: enter the email address
you’d like to use to receive
7. Security: enter your
personalized security ID
(FFFFLLMMDD). If you do not
5 know your security ID, contact
your supplier.
8. Username: enter the
username you’d like to use for
8 9. Password: create a password
10. Sign In: click Sign In to finish
2. Worker: Preference Settings Upon registering and signing in for
the first time, you will have the
opportunity to update your
1 Fieldglass preferences and set
personal settings like time zone
and month/date format.

1. Welcome Worker Name: Your

name will appear in the top left
hand corner.
2. Locale Preferences: Update
preference fields
3. Check the Don’t show this
window again box
4. Save

3 4

3. Worker: Need Help Signing In? 1. Click Need assistance with
Login/Registration? if you are
unable to login to your
2. Select either the I forgot my
username or I forgot my
password option and follow
the online prompts to reset
your password or receive your
3. Follow the steps below:
a) Enter your email to
receive your username
b) Enter your username to
receive a temporary
c) If your registration link
has expired, enter your
email to receive a new
registration link.

Note: First time logging into

Fieldglass? You should have
received your username from your
Supplier, follow step 3b to
complete your registration
4. Worker: Home Page Navigation 1. Welcome Worker Name: Your
name will appear in the top left
6 hand corner.
2. Worker Items to Act Upon:
this is a list of items that
require your action
1 3. Timesheet Period: note the
date for each time sheet
4 pending to be completed
4. Create Expense Sheet: If you
2 3
need to enter an expense, click
create expense sheet
5 5. View Time Sheets: view
timesheets from a previous
6. Profile: click to view your
profile and set personal
settings like time zone and
month/date format.
5. Worker: Submit Timesheet Access the Worker Timesheet via
the Worker’s Time and Expense
tab within the Work Order

1 1. Time In (Start Time)

2 2. Meal Break
3 3. Time Out (End Time)
4 5
4. Daily Total
5. Weekly Total
6. Allocation
7. Weekly Allocation
6 Breakdown (Straight Time,
8. Summary
7 9. Submit

6. Worker: Submit Timesheet Revision Go to the Timesheet that needs
1 to be revised
1. Actions
2. Select Revise
2 3. Update the Timesheet
4. Reason: select the reason for
the Timesheet Revision
5. Submit: click submit and the
new timesheet will be sent
to the Manager for review.
3 6. Success! Receive
confirmation that the
timesheet was revised
7. Revision #: note the revision
number for record keeping

7. Worker: Submit Expense 1. Create: from the Homepage click Create
2. Click Here: if you don’t see the expense
type you’re looking for, search for it
3. Cost Center: find the cost center
applicable for your expense
1 4. Enter the Date of the expense sheet
2 5. Enter the Merchant’s name
6. Enter the total for the expense
7. Attach the receipt for your expense
3 8. Click Submit to complete the expense

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