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Study Guide: Expansion and Division of the United States

1. Cotton Kingdom

Which states produced the most cotton?

Mississippi , Alabama Georgia Louisiana

What does the Cotton gin do and why was it important?

A invention that allowed cotton to be processed faster because it separated cotton from the seeds

Why was Memphis the center of cotton and slave trade?

next to Mississippi river and surrounded by fertile soil

What are some results of the boom in cotton production (brought on by the cotton gin)?
cotton became the leading export and more westward expansion and promotes further Indian removal makes slavery more

2. American Industrial Revolution

What is the American Industrial Revolution? (include the definition of urbanization and how production increased)
an era of rapid growth in production in the 1800''s marked by a move from handmade good to machine made goods and
large scale urbanization ( people moving from farms/rural areas to the city

What is the Lowell System, what did Lowell Mills produce, and describe the working conditions there? (include definition
of Textiles)
famous textile mills in MA employed mostly young single women and produced textiles worked conditions were harsh in the
most early factories and mills hire women children and immigrants so they could pay less

What did Samuel Slater bring to the United States that marked the beginning of American industrialization.
stolen secrets from British textile mills

What are Interchangeable parts and who is credited with popularizing it?
identical parts that could be produced and replaced easily by unskilled workers - Eli Whintney

3. Transportation (Things that Go)

- What is the National Road and why was it important?
1st federally funded road (Baltimore - st Louis increased trade and commerce in interior of the country

- How did Canals help improve trade and transportation? (Provide a famous example)
Erie canal lowered the cost of goods and services by making it easier to travel in the interior

- How did steamboats improve trade and transportation?

made it possible to easily travel upstream

4. Immigration
- Immigrants to the US during the mid 1800s primarily came from which 2 European countries?
- Describe the push and pull factors that motivated people to immigrate to the United States between 1840-1860
Germany/Ireland (Germany was in a war and Ireland had the potato famine
push war famine religious persecution lack of jobs/ poverty
pull freedom jobs lands $/gold
- What was the impact of their arrival (on them and the country)
provided a cheap labor force and increased US cultural melting pot were discriminated against

5. Manifest Destiny & Trails West

- What is Manifest Destiny:

mindset that the us is destined to control the entire continent and
they would control the land from pacific to Atlantic ocean

- What are the economic incentives for westward expansion:

land mineral gold religious freedom new life

- Know the major Trails West and motivations/effects of moving west for the following:

Fur traders: helped open trails west

Mormons: escape religious persecution and end in Utah salt lake city

Oregon Trail:cheap land and gold

trade with mexico

Santa Fe Trail:

How does this painting portray Manifest Destiny?

angel show american taming the west with progress and technology

6. American settlements in Texas and the TX War for Independence

- Describe American settlements in Texas after 1821, including the role of Stephen F. Austin.
Americans were allowed to settle in Texas if they agreed to farm the land for 10 years became catholic and pledge allegiance
to mexico Stephen Austin led 300 american families to settle in tx
- Causes of the Texas War for Independence
refusal of the Texans to follow mexico's rules for settlement see above including practicing slavery which was
outlawed in mexico mexico let it go for a while when they forced to force them to obey violence broke out
- Role of David Crockett:
politician / frontiersman from TN who died defending the alamo

- Role of Sam Houston:

former governor of tn who wins tx independence as head general becomes tx 1st president and senator

- The legacy (or importance) of the Alamo:

1836 battle lasted 13 days and in all 200 texan defenders died became a rally cry for texas independence

7. James K. Polk

- Who is James K Polk and why is he important to TN. (explain 1st “dark-horse candidate”):
lesser known candidate from tn who promised to only run for president once

- Why is James K. Polk known as the expansionist President:

we gained the entire west oregeon

-Describe the Oregon boundary (“54-40 or Fight”):

as a call for expansion that included texas ca and or the slogan 54 40 or fight (for the northern border of Oregon
showed determination to win at all costs

8. Mexican War and Gadsden Purchase

- Causes of the Mexican American War (including controversy over Rio Grande River):
after the us annexed tx there was a dispute over its southern border mexico said it was the nueces river while the us
claimed it was rio grande river after mexico shot us near rio grande claiming it was their territory war broke out between
the us and mexico
-Results of the Mexican American War (including the Mexican Cession):
treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo 1848 gave us the entire southwest Mexican cession 15 mill

- Explain the significance of the Gadsden Purchase including the plan to build the transcontinental railroad
cost us 10 mill for a small price of land so we could complete the transcontinental railroad
not worth it small piece of land near arizona

9. California Gold Rush

- Describe the social and economic impact of the Gold Rush in California on the United States:

populates the west san francisco becomes a major port city cal becomes a state 1850
mexican and indian removal

- Explain the importance of the migration of ‘49ers’ and Asian immigrants to the West following the discovery of Gold:
49ers: those that rushed for gold in 1849

Asian Immigrants:came in large numbers worked hard and made money despite discrimination

10. Missouri Compromise

-Summarize the details of the MO Compromise (i.e. Compromise of 1820) and explain its influence on expansion.
Missouri applied to enter as a slave state which would change balance 11 and 11
henry clay proposed the Missouri compromise in 1820 Missouri entered as a slave state and Maine would join a union
as a free state then they made the line 36 30 for

- “This momentous question, like a firebell in the night, awakened and filled me with terror. I considered it at once as the knell [a
solemn sound] of the Union...We have the wolf by the ears, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go.” -Thomas Jefferson

Explain the Jefferson quote above:

slavery is inhumane but the south relies on it to live

- Explain how the MO Comp. foreshadowed the Civil War:
Jefferson felt that sectionalism dividing the country 1/2 slave 1/2 free would lead to civil war.

11. Compromise of 1850 and Fugitive Slave Act

- Define Popular sovereignty: allowed the people of a state to vote on slavery

- Explain the reasons for the Compromise of 1850: to figure out if the mexican cession ( land we got from mexican american

-details of the Compromise of 1850: new fugitive slave act

california = free
right of mexican cession would be determined by popular sovereignty

-The effects of the Compromise of 1850 including:

Henry Clay’s role as ‘The Great Compromiser:

henry clay was known as the great compromise bec he came up with the mo comp and tariff comp and comp of

the Fugitive Slave Act:

fined people who helped runaway slaves and gave money to bounty hunter and judges who returned runaway
slaves resulted in free african american being sent into slavery

Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin:

pop book that showed the story of runaway slave convinced cruelty of slavey
12. Kansas-Nebraska Act

-Explain the motivation behind the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854:
created Kansas and Nebraska as popular sovereignty states

-analyze its effects including:

- effects on the Missouri Compromise repealed Missouri compromise

- Stephen Douglas and Popular Sovereignty: stephen douglas proposed that the Kansas Nebraska act bec he wanted
to build transcontinental railroad through Chicago

- the rise of the Republican Party

anti slavery faction of whig factory broke away and became republican party Lincoln became the 1st president
- “Bleeding Kansas”
violence that erupted as pro and anit slavery faction stormed into Kansas bec of the act

13. Preston Brooks’ attack on Charles Sumner and John Brown’s raid at Harpers Ferry

- Explain the motivations behind Preston Brooks attack on Charles Sumner:

Sumner gave a speech in the senate that insulted Brooks' cousin for being pro slavery Brooks beat Sumner with his cane

How how divided
did it affect thedivision
increased nation within
had became
the country?

Explain Brown tried to
Brown’s start
raid a slaveFerry,
at Harpers revoltVA:
in VA he was captured before he could arm slaves and hanged for treason

How did it affect increased division within the country?

like brooks incident it showed how divided the country was and each side was willing to use violence to defend there beliefs
civil war was going to happen
14. Dred Scott vs. Sandford

- Explain the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision:

Dred scott an enslaved person sued for his freedom because he lived in a free state supreme court ruled african
americans could not sue and enslaved people were legal property so congress can not ban slavery in any place

-why did it result in further conflict between North and South?

The supreme court held legality of slavery which further divided the free/slave states states along regional line
15. Lincoln-Douglas Debates

- Describe the Lincoln-Douglas debates:

a series of 7 debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas in Illinos for the us state

-Create a chart comparing the two candidates’ positions on enslavement.

Lincoln against slavery and republican

Douglas was for popular sovereignty and democratic

16. Women's Suffrage Movement

- Seneca Falls Convention: 1st public rally for women rights

- Declaration of Sentiments:
decl of independence for women right mostly (mostly written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton)

- Elizabeth Cady Stanton: leading women suffrage activist who helped organize Seneca Falls convection
leading women suffrage activist
- Susan B. Anthony:

- Sojourner Truth: former slave who became leading women rights activist through speeches (Ain't I a Women

17. Abolitionist Movement

- What was the Abolitionist Movement?

Movement to end slavery

- William Lloyd Garrison:
leading abolitionist who founded newspaper called the liberatior

- Fredrick Douglass:

runaway slave who became a leading abolitionists to being end to slavery

- Elihu Embree:
tn resident who made 1st abolitionist newspaper in us called the Emancipator

- Harriet Tubman:
runaway slaves known as moses because she freed of 300 enslaved people through underground railroad

- Underground Railroad:

network of people and places that helped enslaved people escape to freedom.

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