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Subject Professor Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursda Friday Saturday Sunday

Technopreneurship Sheena Mae. 10:30am-
101 Manalo 1:30pm
Room: D53
Transformational & Charles Bryan 8:00am-11:00
Leadership Uriarte am
Comprehensive Marvin 2:30pm-
Review & Special Villorente 5:30pm
Topics 1 Room:F43
Electrical Golbandrino 10:30am-
Standards and Teo 1:30pm
Practices Room: E41
Electrical System Russel 1:30pm-
and Illumination Silvestre 4:30pm
Engineering Design Room: D53
EE Elective 1 Golbandrino 1:30pm-
Teo 4:30pm
Room: E41
Management of Erickson 5:30pm-
Engineering Bagaman 8:30pm
Projects Room: D53
Research Methods Golbandrino 7:30am-
Teo 10:30am
Room: E41
Instrumentaton and Golbandrino 4:30pm-
Control Teo 7:30pm
Room: E41
Materials Science Erickson 5:30pm-
and Engineering Bagaman 8:30pm
My Class Schedule 4th Year BSEE 1st Semester 2022-2023 Room: D53

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