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The Middle Ages, or Middle Ages, is the historical period of Western civilization from the
fifteenth to the fifteenth century. It begins in 476, the year of the fall of the Western Roman
Empire, and ends in 1492, when Columbus arrived in America. This is the most common
division of time, but it can also be traced back to the last year of the Middle Ages – 1453, when
the Byzantine Empire collapsed, Gutenberg invented printing and the Hundred Years’ War
ended. This era covers ten centuries, a huge period of time, so it is divided into the High
Middle Ages and the Late Middle Ages. The High Middle Ages spanned the period from the 5th
to the 10th century, a total of five centuries, and was characterized by three simultaneous
empires vying for supremacy: the Byzantine, Islamic, and Carolingian empires. The late Middle
Ages was a period of great influence and prediction of the future: the institutions and social
values established at that time began to decline and their institutionalization began as a
measure to protect them. The Late Middle Ages are divided into the Middle Ages from the
11th to the 13th centuries, characterized by the expansion of feudalism, the rise of the
bourgeoisie and the new powers and the crisis of the Middle Ages, the last two centuries (XIV-
XV) ) it marks the decline of the era.

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