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The present investigation had as its thematic axis domestic violence against
women, given that this has become a matter of attention and prioritization for
public and private entities, taking into account the consequences it
generates not only emotionally and psychologically, but also economic and
social level, in addition to the alarming figures that are reported on this
scourge every day.

This investigative process aims to determine the impact of domestic violence

against women in the Santa Cecilia Risaralda township on their
psychological, social and family development. For this, two methodological
components were taken into account: The first is documentary, that is, a
description of the problem based on existing sources and on studies
previously carried out at a national and international level; the second is a
descriptive investigation of a mixed nature, already integrating both
quantitative and qualitative research. For which, 12 women who have been
victims of domestic violence between January 1 in 2020 and December 31 in
2021 were taken as a sample.

Of the total number of participants, 50% stated that they had suffered
psychological violence in the last 24 months, 41.6% economic violence and
8.3% physical violence. These results show the great impact that domestic
violence has on the mental health and integral development of the victims,
since most of them present insecurity, fear, anxiety, concealment of
information, sweating, denial and other elements that denote their low self-
esteem. It is also observed that the majority usually live in vulnerable
conditions with many economic restrictions and without defined life projects.

According to the bibliographic review carried out and the results of the
questionnaire, the field diary and the interview, it is concluded that domestic
violence against women is due to different factors or causes, mainly
behavioral patterns of biological, psychological origin. and/or cultural, which
in turn are related to high rates of poverty, illiteracy and family dysfunction.

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