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Name : Kadek Dwi Purnama Putra

Npm : 1901842020008

Class : VI B

The Essay
Skills Needed In Teaching Mathematics During Education Disruption Era

Education in the era of disruption is the activity of teachers to guide and direct their
students, so that they can learn for themselves. In this regard, education must be able to create
an environment and situation so that students can emerge. potential and abilities, hone their
abilities to create knowledge independently, interpret the real world in a unique way, and
finally realize their potential (Sujadi, 2018). Thus, every student is required to be able to
understand their potential, develop their potential through the development of related
knowledge and abilities and then create something new for themselves and/or society. In this
era of disruption, every participant is required to be able to innovate, both for himself and for
other groups. So that students can produce works of innovation, it requires a learning process
that can maximize the potential of each individual, provide facilities and access according to
their interests and talents in learning.

To be able to prepare graduates who are able to meet the challenges of the revolution
era of disruption, the government needs to modernize the education system for the 21st century
(education 4.0), 21st century competencies include the 4 C's, namely: Collaboration,
Communication, Creativity, and Critical thinking. The analysis of the performance
competencies that are most in demand in the new automation era shows the importance of
technological abilities, while the competencies for creativity, communication, collaboration,
critical thinking, and. social-emotional abilities have not been touched much. So the
government needs to provide support to schools/campuses to be able to transform learning from
a learning model that is dominated by educator initiation into learning: using digital
technology, encouraging effective learning. student-centered, and foster student interest in

With regard to learning mathematics in the era of disruption, students must be given
the opportunity to seek information from various sources, especially regarding current
technological advances. In addition, during the mathematics learning process, teachers should
use innovative IT-based media, for example: the Geogebra program for geometry material,
statistical data processing with the SPSS program, and interesting learning videos. With
mathematics learning videos, students become interested in abstract mathematical material.
This is in line with the results of research by Kintoka, et al (2015), that the computer-assisted
mathematics learning media with Lectora software is stated to be suitable for use in the learning
process. This is indicated by the average class that gets learning using computer-assisted
mathematics learning media with Lectora software is 77.78, which is better than ordinary
learning of 72.38. Likewise, the results of Budi Purwanti's research (2015) stated that the
Mathematics Learning Video with the Assure Model helps students achieve a KKM score of

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