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(Professional Journal of English Education) p–ISSN 0000-0000

Volume X, No. X, XXXX 2019 e–ISSN 0000-0000



Alberta Asti Intan Sherliana

IKIP Siliwangi
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This research aims to examine the use of technology as a learning medium and educational discovery
in the digital era in various aspects. Through a search study of relevant literature to answer the
research to be researched. The results of the study show that we are currently entering the
revolutionary era of generation 4.0 or better known as the Digital Era. The specialty of this generation
is increasing the use of technology as a substitute for human labor. The world of education will
certainly have its own challenges in responding to these significant changes. Therefore, it is necessary
to reformulate the process of learning both at school and outside school
Keywords: Education; Era Digital; English Learning


Education in the Digital Era is an issue that is widely discussed, including in

Indonesia. This era is referred to as education that is influenced by the industrial revolution, a
characteristic of education that makes greater use of digital technology in the learning process
(Surani, 2019). Judging from the changes that occurred starting from the Era called the
Industrial Revolution, to the 19-20th century, the so-called Industrial Revolution Era began
with the advent of electricity, where this discovery helped reduce production costs. Around
the 1970s, the industrial revolution came with computerization. Science and Technology are
continuously developing, bringing civilization even further forward. In 2010, through
intelligence engineering and the internet of things, globalization entered the digital era,
making it easier for people to carry out their activities more effectively and efficiently
(Cholily, Putri, & Kusgiarohmah, 2019).

Education is increasingly developing from time to time, as is knowledge, along with

developments in this era, technology has become something that is often discussed. So this
research raises the topic of using technology in education because current technological
developments have made big changes in the world of education so that they also influence
many aspects of human life, including the field of education, even the economic sector has an
influence because people are now starting to use technology as a tool. a place to start a
business and so on. Of course education also does not want to lose out in this case, by using
modern tools (technology) as a means in education to improve the quality in the world of

The Digital Era itself is shown as a change in a situation where technology is the main
reference that drives the development of educational science. Technology in education is a

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complex, integrated process for analyzing and solving human or educational learning
problems, educational technology is more than hardware (Rogantina Meri Andri, 2017) .
Technology-based learning media is currently an interesting thing to discuss. Technology as a
learning medium in supporting creativity and success in the world of education because it can
help human life to do things that cannot be done by relying on bare hands, technology also
provides many uses that can make it easier for humans to carry out activities and get
information, as in the world education, through existing technology students and teachers can
easily access information, read news, read knowledge books and so on on the internet and
educators can use media such as powerpoint, YouTube and other media to make learning
more interesting. (Lagrange & Jean-Baptiste, 2014) "digital technology is something that is
greatly influencing the education system in the world today". This is because as educators we
have to be clever in positioning ourselves to the existing situation, by using tools that attract
more attention from students to arouse enthusiasm for learning in students.

Why do we need and have to understand learning media? Because learning media will
continue to develop along with existing progress. Ainina said that the presence of media is
very important for teachers in teaching, because when the material presented is not clear, the
presence of media as an intermediary can help (Ainina, 2014). Basically, education is an
effort by humans to continue to acquire new things. Law No. 20 of 2003 article 1:1 there
explains that "Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and
learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual
strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, as well as the skills needed by
himself, society, nation and state”. Therefore, why do we need to make good use of this
technology so that education can achieve its goals more effectively using the media available
in technology, if we remember the stories in ancient times, people had to wait for letters or
newspapers to find out information, Now we only need to open the media available in
technology to get information and in the past teachers had to wait for new books to teach.
This shows educators to continuously learn to be able to provide the best role for their
students by using existing media well in order to achieve creative and innovative learning.

So this article will focus on examining the use of technology as a learning medium in
digital era education because looking at current technological developments it is able to
influence various fields including education. The aim of this writing is so that we can
implement the use of technology in education, especially as a learning medium. Currently,
students are very much required to be able to think critically and creatively in order to be able
to face the changes that occur so that their potential in education is not left behind by this
progress. The more advanced technology becomes, the more advanced education becomes.

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The method used in this research uses a literature review approach. A literature review
study is research that uses a literature review that takes reasons from sources such as journal
articles, relevant books, and other sources to collect the required data, which will then be
researched further (Muhammad Syofian & Novri Gazali, 2021). The method used in the study
literature or literature review on topics related to the use of technology as a learning medium
for the digital era. Data was collected for this study by searching databases. Data collection
uses a systematic reviews method through various considerations in such a way as to produce
a new perspective. This method uses various reviews from sources such as research-based
journal articles, relevant books, websites to collect data regarding the use and competence of
digital in digital era learning.


The Digital Era is currently starting to enter a new era called the Era of the Industrial
Revolution (cyber physical system), a situation that is moving towards modernity, where
almost all human activities refer to technology. The Digital Era itself emerged starting in
2001 (21st century) with its main characteristic being the combination of information and
technology whose main focus is on digital technology, namely in the industrial sector.

The results of this research show that in education, technology is currently a medium
that is very suitable for the educational needs of this century. We can feel it during the Covid-
19 pandemic which causes education to have to face learning loss. This is something that
needs to be paid close attention by all parties so that children still get good access to learning.
We have now felt the role of technology, where we can easily get material to increase
knowledge about science via the internet. The learning process can be made easier because it
can be done online, this can encourage developments in education to achieve its goals. The
government has made many efforts. so that students continue to have good access to learning.
Therefore, the ministry provides learning accounts that can be accessed by students as a form
of school digitality, namely, such as distance learning (e-learning) by providing
online learning access using internet technology so that students can study from home. With
the current situation faced by education, of course we hope to be able to further improve the
quality of education to a better level of having soft skills with a critical and creative mindset.

Learning currently has its own competencies, namely creative and innovative, critical
thinking to solve problems, communication and collaboration (Effend & Achmad Wahidy,
2019). Education in this century really hopes to provide the best for the future of the nation's
children by equipping them with skills that suit the educational needs of the current era. The
skills expected of students are to be able to have soft skills with a critical mindset, be able to
solve problems, be creative and innovative, skillful and work together. The 21st century
requires us to have abilities which include: leadership, knowledge skills in using digital media
(Digital Literacy), communication skills, emotional intelligence where someone can control
their emotions (Emotional Intelligence), entrepreneurship, courage. taking risks from the

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processes they will go through, solving problems (Problem Solving), the ability to manage
working hours (Team-working). Three education issues in Indonesia today are character
education, vocational education and innovation education (Risdianto Eko, 2019). To prepare
ourselves to face this progress, we need something called training. (Leni, 2018) Leni said
"Training is a planned process to change attitudes/behavior, knowledge and skills through
learning experiences to achieve effective performance in an activity or a number of activities".
The training is intended to develop a person's skills to face things in the future.

We can see technological media as facilities that are able to encourage educational
development and play a role in improving the quality of education, such as in teaching media
from the use of cyber systems, namely e-learning. E-Learning is a medium used for distance
learning. As currently, several schools are using E-learning as a means in the learning process
during the Covid-19 pandemic by utilizing internet technology as a support in the learning
process and it is still used today. This technological media has several benefits apart from
being a tool to help solve human problems.

Educational technology is a need that has its own place in education. Education is of
course the main thing in technology because basically technology itself is born from
knowledge obtained from education, so that education also uses technology as a medium to
facilitate its needs in learning (Lise, 2019). Digital technology in its use in education by
teachers as a means to improve quality Learning processes include Interactive White Boards
(IWB), software applications, web 2.0, and social media (Hidayat & Husnul Khotimah, 2019).
Educational technology in its meaning is a little broader, namely a combination of human
components, machines, ideas, tactics, and management, which is designed to help make work

Technology as an effective learning medium today is believed to be able to improve
the quality of education. Looking at existing progress, it is hoped that the use of technology in
education can help education achieve its desired learning goals. Looking at the use of learning
media in education, media and education are an interrelated unit that cannot be separated
because they are special needs in learning, especially for teachers. We know that along with
advances in technology, education will always be required to be able to innovate in
implementing learning media that can adapt to current advances. By utilizing technology as a
more modern medium, it can facilitate and help the learning and teaching process. Utilization
of technology is an effort to increase student competency.
1. Technology in education can be used to increase students' interest and motivation in
learning, but it is also necessary to pay attention to all existing considerations.
2. e-learning as a distance learning medium which is quite effective during the Covid-19
When choosing and using technological media as a means in the learning process, you need to
pay attention to the benefits that can truly be useful and increase students' interest in learning,
in the sense that the media truly suits learning needs, materials and objectives.

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The researcher would like to thank Jesus for allowing the researcher to consistently complete
the article. The two researchers would like to thank Mama for always supporting and playing
for the smooth writing of this article. The researcher would like to thank Mrs. Aseptiana
Pamawati M.Pd for always providing input and opinion during the process of writing this
article. And Finally, the researcher would like to IKIP Siliwangi for providing the opportunity
and place for the researcher for study.


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