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Much. Hashim (19112210022)





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TABLE OF .....................................................................................................................
CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................................................
A. Research Background ................................................................................................................
B. Research Problem .......................................................................................................................
C. Research Objective .....................................................................................................................
D. Research Significances ...............................................................................................................
E. Research Scope and Limitation .................................................................................................
F. The Definition of Key Terms .....................................................................................................
1. Learning Management System ..................................................................................................
2. English Lesson ..........................................................................................................................
3. Education 4.0 ..........................................................................................................................
4.Challenge ..................................................................................................................................
A. Related Literature
1. Learning Management System
2. English Lesson
3. Education 4.0
B. Previous Studies
1. Rahman, Daud, & Ensimau's Work
2. Al-Hunaiyyan, Al-Sharnan, & AlHajri's Work
3. Snoussi's Works
A. Research Design
B. Research Setting
1. Research Place
2. Research Time
C. Research Subject

D. Data Sources
1. Primary Data
2. Secondary Data
E. Procedure of Data Collection
1. Observations
2. Interview
3. Documentation
F. Data Analysis
3. Data Reduction
4. Data Display
5. Make a Conclusion
G. Data Validity



In this chapter, the researcher explains the reasons which are the

background of the researcher in conducting research related to the

application of LMS as a learning system in English. Researchers also

include research objects and also describe the benefits and questions in

this thesis.

A. Research Background

Technology in its development is something that cannot be avoided,

many of these developments occur every year in the economy, health,

education, and many other sectors. Bryukhovetskaya , et al. (2020)

explains that the development of digital technologies began when it was

necessary to systemize, streamline, and automate individual business

processes performed at enterprise and processes carried out at the state,

regional and municipal levels. Technological developments have

enabled many people to continue innovation, so they can use it to make

it easier to carry out various activities ranging from disseminating

information, communicating online, searching and buying goods online,

or searching for information around the world. The presence of

technology today has helped bring convenience to modern human life.

Thus, modern human needs for materials and demands that accompany

these technologies also increase ( Kariarta , 2020 in Rahmawati , (2021)

Technology has been used in many sectors, and one of the sectors

that utilizes the role of technology is education. Today, rapid changes in

the field of technology increase the place of technology in education in

parallel ( Tugun , et al, (2020) . Since a long time people have used

technology as a tool for learning, starting from blackboards, LCD

projectors, to smartphones and laptops, which are connected to the

internet and can be used as learning support media.The growth of these

technologies, their ease of use, the power and diversity of information

transfer allow teachers and students to have access to a world beyond

the classroom , it has the potential to transform the nature and process

of the learning environment and envision a new learning culture

(Majumdar, 2006 in (Bera, 2020) .

The development of the use of learning media is a form of

educational development in responding to the challenges of industry 4.0

that are being faced by humanity in the 21st century, because education

is the main pillar in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 Astuti, et al.

(2019) . Accordingly, Education has to also experience changes for the

better to keep pace with developments in science and technology.

Qureshi et al. (2021) explains that industry revolution 4.0 is

transforming the living and working standards of the planet, many

conventional educational styles and learning methods are outdated,

digital education penetrates and helps educate from distance to door.

Digital technology in education is a way of creating a modern

educational environment based on digital technologies (Jobirovich,

2021) . The benefits of technology can make it easier for teachers to

provide materials and evaluate student learning and students can easily

access the materials provided by the teacher even though they are not in

the learning class. (Natalia, 2021) explains that, in this digital era,

educational institutions not only need old literacy, namely reading,

writing, and counting, but also need new literacy which is divided into

three, namely: data literacy which is the ability to read , analyze, and

use information in the digital world. The second is technological

literacy which is an understanding of how technology applications

work, and the last is human literacy which is knowledge about

strengthening humanity, communication and design.

Whatever media and models are used in learning, an important thing

that cannot be left behind by a teacher is to provide an evaluation or

assessment to students. This is done as a benchmark for the success of

students in understanding the material that has been delivered by the

teacher, as well as being a benchmark for the teacher on how far

students understand the material that has been given. The assessment

activity should mirror the capability of the students to use their

knowledge beyond their academic environment (Sokhanvar, 2021) .

The evaluation given can be in the form of written tests or oral tests, the

creativity of a teacher in providing evaluations to students can provide

learning experiences that can help develop students' understanding of

the subjects given by the teacher.

One form of teacher creativity that can be applied in providing

learning and evaluation to students is the use of technological media.

Seeing the current conditions, students are familiar with the use of

social media such as Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and many other media

that they use to access information or just look for entertainment. that

habit can be used as an opportunity for teachers who want to provide

learning using technological media to provide learning materials and

provide evaluations effectively without space and time limitations. In

addition to learning media, the use of technology can also be used by

teachers in developing their profession, because with all forms of

convenience in technology, teachers can increase knowledge, share

information among colleagues, collaborate with overseas teachers, have

the opportunity to publish information directly, and manage

communication regularly (Sasmita, 2020) .

In this modern era, a teacher is required to be able to utilize

technology as much as possible to support the learning process, one of

which is the mastery of information technology as a supporting medium

for teaching materials to create effective learning. Effective learning can

provide opportunities for students to experience a better learning

experience, while also being able to increase student interest and

learning outcomes. Interest in learning is the desire to do something

because interest and pleasure in work are included in learning (Nursyam

A., 2019) . Students can show their interest in learning with their

enthusiasm when learning in class, as well as the evaluation results of

the learning process that has been carried out.

The learning process today is packed with the digital world which

aims to improve the quality of education. A teacher who provides

learning materials by utilizing the role of internet technology can be

accessed by students anytime and anywhere. The development of the

world industry has reached the era of industry 4.0 where the

development of Artificial Intelligence and data transmission is

something that cannot be avoided. The industrial 4.0 is a change in

technological development that is growing rapidly (Alfikasena, 2020) .

Accordingly, Industry 4.0 can be defined as a new industrial stage

where there is integration between manufacturing operating systems and

ICT, Fonseca (2018) in (Alfikasena, 2020) added that the 4th industrial

revolution can be characterized by digitalization and integration in

advanced manufacturing industries and logistics processes, as well as

the use of the internet and machinery. From those explanations, it can

be interpreted that the industrial revolution is very closely related to the

rapid advancement of technology.

Recently Industry 4.0 enabled a paradigm shift because of the

combination of internet technologies and future oriented technologies,

where devices, machines, sensors and people communicate with each

other. To face the paradigm shift of an industrial revolution, people

must be prepared for the disruptive changes that may arise Coelho, et al.

(2021) . In particular, the field of education has the role of preparing

new professionals, agents of the industry of the future – through a

model called Education 4.0 – the starting point for such a paradigm shift

Baygin , et al (2016) in Coelho, et al. (2021) . Education 4.0 is based on

the concept of learning by doing, in which students are encouraged to

learn and experience different things in a unique way from

experimentation Coelho, et al. (2021) . It promotes users not only

acquire new knowledge and skills, but also identify sources of learning.

Agrawal, et al (2021) in Moraes , et al. (2022) present a link between

Education 4.0 and Industry 4.0, arguing that the education sector is

already being determined by cognitive and cloud technologies,

computing, Internet of Thing (IoT), cyber-physical system (CPS), and

various other parameters imposed by Industry 4.0.

The education 4.0 era is characterized by the use of digital

technology in the learning process or known as the technological

system, this system can make the learning process take place

continuously without space and time limits ( Yulianti, 2021) . Education

4.0 is the response from industry 4.0, where technology is an

opportunity that can be exploited by humans creatively and

innovatively. Living in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is a

challenge in the world of education. With the existence of the era of the

industrial revolution 4.0, it can be marked by various advances in the

online field. For example, smartphones, internet computerized artificial

intelligence data, and robotization. Educational institutions that are

required not only for advances in science and technology, but education

must be able to produce quality human resources who can compete at

the local, national and international levels. One of the efforts to improve

the quality of education in the era of industry 4.0 is that teachers are

very important to know how to make alternative media that can improve

the quality of students.

Alternative online learning media that can be used by teachers in

developing materials and evaluating learning, as a form of responding

to the challenges of Education 4.0 is using a Learning Management

System (LMS). An LMS behaves as a platform to distribute and oversee

pedagogical material (Watson & Watson 2012) in (Bradley, 2021) .

Simultaneously, students and teachers can use LMS as a learning

support medium, seeing the habits of current students who often use

social media in their daily lives, will be able to support the application

of LMS in the learning process. LMS is a learning management system

that is increasingly popular in this technology-filled era, besides being

effective as a medium for delivery and learning evaluation media. LMS

is an alternative medium that is effectively used in distance learning.

LMS is designed to have many functions that can be used and

adapted to the needs of each user. An LMS supports an inclusive

learning environment for academic progress with interceding structures

that promote online collaborative groupings, professional training,

discussions, and communication among other LMS users (Dias &

Dinis , 2014, in Jung & Huh, 2014, in Oakes, 2022 , in (Bradley, 2021)

LMS is associated with three learning activities, namely lesson

planning, learning implementation, and learning evaluation.The process

of LMS activities is internet-based and can be carried out through the

website from mobile devices, this website and mobile devices are

specially made according to the principles of social construction

pedagogy, which can help students and teachers in teaching and

learning activities (Uot, 2021) .So, in this case, the LMS forms a virtual

learning concept, where the e-learning process is a new learning

framework based on social construction pedagogy, where teachers and

students come together to complete collaborative activities and create

information together. The learning process using LMS is expected to be

creative in providing teaching materials and providing deeper insights

about technology, especially its application in education. The expected

output from this is to be able to form quality students and an effort to

advance national education.

In addition to technological developments, in practice mastery of

English is an advantage that students must have as a form of quality for

themselves and to advance the nation's education. At this time mastery

of English is no longer an advantage that students must have, but

mastery of English is an obligation for a student. The reason why

proficiency in English is needed in the current era is that learning

English can make it easier to find a job, make it easier to establish

social interactions, improve careers, make it easier to seek knowledge,

or add reading material outside the national scope to open insight into

science and technology (Putri, 2019) . The development of increasingly

sophisticated technology that uses English as its programming language

encourages one to adapt to the changes and developments that occur

which require one to be able to master English in order to run this

technology properly. In addition, English is an international language

that is commonly used in the world of work and when interacting with

foreigners. Seeing this, developments in the fields of technology and

English are a task for a teacher to provide maximum learning in order to

achieve the expected learning outcomes. Teachers can utilize the

Learning Management System as a form of implementing a technology-

based educational model in teaching English lessons to create an

English learning experience that is beneficial for future students.

The reason for the researchers in carrying out research at MTs N 3

Banyuwangi related to the challenges of implementing LMS as an

English learning system is that this school is 1 of 2 schools that use

LMS as a learning system, another school that also applies LMS as a

learning system is SMA N 1 Banyuwangi . The researcher deliberately

made MTs N 3 Banyuwangi the object of research due to observations

made by researchers at MTs N 3 Banyuwangi found several obstacles

that became a challenge in using LMS as a learning system, including

due to students accessing the LMS via their internet-connected

smartphones, this causes students not to focus on the material provided,

on several occasions they access social media and even games. This

certainly reduces the focus of students on the lessons given by the

teacher. In other matters, the researchers also found that when giving

English lessons, students used the translate feature to change English

into Bahasa via their smartphones connected to the internet.

Seeing from the background that explained above, the aims to

conduct a study entitled “ LEARNING MANAGEMENT



ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023". This study describes the use of

the Learning Management System and the new educational challenges

in English lessons at MTs N 3 Banyuwangi in the industrial era 4.0.

This study also describes how the use of the Learning Management

System as a medium for delivering material, providing evaluation and

monitoring for teachers to students based on student experiences when

carrying out PPL activities and further deepening through research that

focuses on the application of the Learning Management System in

English lessons for students MTs N 3 Banyuwangi .

B. Research Problems

Based on the background that the researcher has described in the

previous paragraph, the researcher takes the research problem on this

research is :

What are the challenges of the Learning Management System in

English lessons at MTs N 3 Banyuwangi ?

C. Research Objectives

The aim of this research is to observe the challenges of the Learning

Management System in English lessons at MTs N 3 Banyuwangi .

D. Research Significances

This study provides the application of LMS in English lessons at

MTs N 3 Banyuwangi . Through this research the results can be used as

material for consideration and evaluation of other subjects, besides that

the results of this research are also expected to become a source of

information for schools and institutions that wish to implement LMS-

based learning in their institutions. In addition, the analysis presented in

this study provides valuable information for future research that explores

the implementation of the Learning Management System.

E. Research Scope and Limitations

This study was conducted to explain the implementation of LMS in

the challenges of Education 4.0 in English lessons at MTs N 3

Banyuwangi , East Java during the 2022-2023 academic year. The

aspects that see are the challenges of the LMS application, the

management of the LMS application, the advantages and disadvantages,

how to apply the LMS in English lessons, learning outcomes, problems,

and ways to solve the problem.

F. The Definition of Key Terms

1. Learning Management System

Learning Management System, referred to in short as LMS is

a platform that assists the delivery of online content for

learning purposes. Rottman , et all (2020) explain that LMS is

a web-based software used to facilitate the delivery of online

learning that occurs via the internet, face-to-face learning that

happens in person between teacher-student and student-

student, and blended learning that happens partially face-to-

face and partially online.

Whatever the learning method used in conveying learning, an

LMS is supposedly designed to foster learned-centered

approaches with integrated learning activities grounded in

learning objectives making it the most advanced tool for

facilitating learning.

2. English Lessons

English lessons are one of the compulsory lessons given to

students at various levels in Indonesia, things that are thick

with English lessons in Indonesia are grammar, vocabulary,

pronunciation and others which aim to understand English in

terms of word order, meaning and pronunciation. In her

study, Nishanthi (2019) the Indonesian government

established regulation No. 20 (2003) in response to current

events, in the National Education System. This regulation led

to the English language being integrated into the syllabus for

elementary school levels alongside native language content

subjects, for grades 4 through 6. Nishanthi added that English

remains the main medium of instruction in schools or

universities, English literature is extensive and rich, and there

are a large number of books written in the English language

as well as many of the latest scientific discoveries

documented in English.

3. Education 4.0

Education 4.0 is the utilization of technological developments

in the world of education as a learning support tool between

students and teachers-students. Harkins (2008) in

Himmetoglu (2020) explains that Education 4.0 is an

innovation producing process, concepts like meaning,

technology, teaching, schools, and teachers have been

redefined. Accordingly, the meaning is built via innovation-

focused practices facilitated by individuals to teams.

Developing education in the industrial revolution era 4.0

focuses on rationality and skills by disregarding ethics and

confidence. According to Miranda et al, in Ramirez-Montoya

(2022) . Education 4.0 means “seeking to graduate a new

generation of highly competitive professionals capable of

applying the right physical and digital resources to provide

innovative solutions to current and future societal

challenges.” Moreover, the education 4.0 concept has been

applied to generate and implement innovative practices in

education. In this context, educational innovation seeks "best

practices" of active learning, relying primarily on

technological components for its implementation.

4. Challenge

Based on the Cambridge Dictionary that accessed on January

(2023) Challenge is (the situation of being faced with)

something that requires great mental or physical effort in

order to be done successfully and therefore tests a person's

ability. The challenges discussed in this research are about

the implementation of LMS in MTs N 3 Banyuwangi in the

2023-2024 academic year.



A. Related Literature

1. Learning Management System

The Learning Management System is a means of supporting

technology-based learning using a web page that can connect

teachers and all students. An LMS is a software designed to help

management of all learning activities in educational institutions,

implementation and evaluation (Hussein, 2011). Rottman et al

(2020) explain that Learning Management Systems, referred to

in short as LMS, is a platform that assists the delivery of content

online for learning purposes. Susana et al. (2015) in Oguguo et

al (2021) LMS is an integrated didactic system that has a

platform for web-based learning such as presenting, information,

course materials, and evaluating the student's work;

communication with peers and instructors, social network site

membership, submission of assignments and an active learner to

learner discussion among participants. Moreover, Adzharuddin

(2013) in Ohliati & Abbas (2019) states that LMS is an

application that manages online learning systems, distributes

learning materials, and enables interaction between lectures and

students. Moreover, Ryan K. Ellis in the book A Field Guide to

Learning Management System (2009: 1) in Simanullang (2021)

explains that “Learning Management System, the basic

description is a software application that automates the

administration, tracking, and reporting of training events ”. From

the explanation above LMS is a web-based application that is

used to manage online learning as a means of supporting

learning between teachers and students.

LMS is to deliver learning to students, (Nyein, 2020) in her

research explaining that there will be three different types of

log-in forms. These would usually be an admin log-in, an

instructor log-in, and a student log-in. the admin log-in is for

administrators, they will change settings, adding and deleting

contents and users, and permission for user access when logging

in. The instructor log-in allowed teachers to assign and watch

student's work, create teaching courses and give feedback and

results to students. The student log-in and present the learning

courses from teachers, uploading assignments before due date

and taking resources. All the features contained in the LMS are

facilities provided by the LMS to facilitate the learning process.

Ellis and Calvo (2007) in Rabiman (2020) explains that LMS

is designed according to the need to facilitate the packaging of

interactive multimedia, teaching materials, lecture assignments,

online discussions, learning videos, and even interactive video

conferences. The various features contained in the LMS can

make it easier for teachers to provide learning and monitor

students, and students can easily access the learning provided by

the teacher. Rabbiman (2020) also explains that LMS is

equipped with a discussion and video conference menu bar to

make it more dynamic, the teacher can monitor how active his

students are during learning, to avoid being taken by others.

LMS can also chat and manage student assignments in the visual

classroom. LMS provides flexibility for users to be able to create

and manage learning in accordance with the aims and learning

objectives (Simanullang, 2020) .

2. English Lessons

English subjects are directed at developing students' skills in

the form of understanding or producing spoken texts or written

texts which are realized in the four language skills namely

listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English. (Yusril,

2022) . A course that deals with reading skills, then, will also

deal with related listening, speaking, and writing Brown (2002)

in (Yusril, 2022) . From this explanation, the skills taught in

English lessons are skills that are interrelated and mutually

support one another.

Yusril (2022) explains that the English subject was directed at

developing students' skills in the form of understanding or

producing spoken texts or written texts which were realized in

the four language skills namely listening, speaking, reading, and

writing in English. These four skills are used to respond to or

create discourse in social life. According to Fansury et al. (2020)

, there are numerous factors affecting student's abilities in

English; external factors, such as ambiance and atmosphere,

parental influences, teachers' instructional methods, and media

influence their learning; internal factors such as embracing an

interest in the subject matter, attitude, intelligence, temperament,

learning style, and motivation all play a role.

3. Education 4.0

Education 4.0 is the utilization of technological developments

in the world of education as a learning support tool between

student-student and teacher-student. Education 4.0 is an

educational concept that responds to the emergence of the

industrial revolution where human and technology are aligned to

enable new possibilities (Pratidhina, 2020) , (Hussin, 2019) .

According to Fisk (2017), as cited by Aziz Hussin (2018) in

(Lase, 2019) there are nine trends related to education 4.0. First,

learning can be taken anywhere, anytime. E-Learning tools offer

great opportunities for remote, self-paced learning. Second,

learning will be personalized to individual students. Third,

students have a choice in determining how they want to learn.

Fourth, students will be exposed to more project-based learning.

Fifth, students will be exposed to more hands-on learning

through field experiences such as internships, mentoring

projects, and collaborative projects. Sixth, students will be

exposed to data interpretation in which they are required to

apply their theoretical knowledge to numbers and use their

reasoning skills to make inferences based on logic and trends

from given sets of data. Seventh, students will be assessed

differently, and the conventional platforms to assess students

may become irrelevant or insufficient. Eighth, the student's

opinion will be considered in designing and updating the

curriculum. Lastly, students will become more independent in

their learning, thus forcing teachers to assume a new rule as

facilitators who will guide the students through their learning


The nine trends of Education 4.0 shift the major learning

responsibilities from the teachers to the learners. Teachers

should play their role to support the transition and should never

consider it a threat to the conventional teaching profession

(Hussin, 2019) . Teacher of Education 4.0 is defined as

everybody, everywhere and seen as innovation producing

sources (Himmetoglu, 2020) . Accordingly, in Education 4.0

Students are expected to adapt and produce the new technologies

which will contribute to the development of societies in this

process. According to Gonzalez-Perez & Ramirez-Montoya

(2022) integrating Education 4.0's components is the beginning

of a model constructed to make the various agents in the

educational system more flexible, including pedagogical

practices and the technology that supports learning. The

integration includes connectivity and storage infrastructure,

institutional guidelines, organizational processes, and practices

to promote innovation and training of teachers in digital

competencies (doing and being) so they have the skills of the

digital native learners.

B. Previous Studies

Some writers have conducted research on Learning Management

System. They are (1) Rahman, Daud, & Ensimau , (2) Al- Hunaiyyan ,

Al- Shanan , & AlHajri , and (3) Snoussi .

1. Rahman , Daud, & Ensimau's Work

The first research has been conducted by Rahman, Daud, &

Ensimau from the National University of Malaysia (2019). They

conducted research entitled " Learning Management System

(LMS) in Teaching and Learning" which investigated the use of

Learning Management System (LMS) in teaching and learning

processes in higher education. Specifically, this study identified

the knowledge and benefits of using LMS as perceived by

students studying education programs.

The method which is used by the researchers is the

descriptive statistics. The data source comes from 40 education

students studying at various levels of education programs in one

higher education institution and employed questionnaires to

collect data. Government policies supported by expert analysis

of curriculum developers. Data analysis is rationally deductive.

The study found that students have a good knowledge on LMS

and a positive view on LMS.

In the end of the research, the writers concluded that the

application of LMS in any formal or non-formal education

setting would be a good example to support learning in the 21 st

. The findings also suggest further study to identify the

effectiveness of LMS usage in students' learning in comparison

to conventional ways of learning as well as identify best

principles for developing LMS interfaces for active and

collaborative learning.

2. Al- Hunaiyyan , Al- Sharnan , & AlHajri's Work

The second research has been conducted by Al- Hunaiyyan ,

Al- Sharnan , & AlHajri (2020) . They conducted the research

entitled “Prospects and Challenges of Learning Management

Systems in Higher Education” this research aims to examine

current practices, opinions, and challenges that help

academicians and system developers contribute to better

learning practices and academic achievement.

The study used a qualitative method that included a sample of

58 faculty members. Findings obtained from the questionnaire

indicated that the instructors were generally comfortable and had

positive perceptions about LMS Moodle. The results revealed

that LMS administrative functions, such as files and

announcements, are widely used compared to the advanced

interactive learning activities. Moreover, LMS use on mobile

devices is infrequent, and more emphasis must be placed on

using LMS friendly user interfaces that can enable all tools and

functions to use LMS.

3. Snoussi's Works

The third research has been conducted by Thouraya Snoussi

from Ghurair University (2019) . She conducted the research

entitled "Learning Management System in Education:

Opportunities and Challenges" . This study examines the use of

LMS in higher education in the UAE using semi-structured

interviews applied to a sample of faculties working in various

private universities in Dubai.

The study revealed that 54 participants unanimously

identified the highest degree of need for active participation in

the investment of modern technologies within their universities.

They mentioned a number of opportunities offered by the use of

the Learning Management System (LMS) in the Emirate

educational institutions such as: The ease of organizing and

delivering online courses, conducting online assessments, access

to and availability of learning materials, the possibility of saving

time, and money for students and faculties, communication and


At the end of the research, the researcher gives the results that

it is clear that most of the challenges to rooting technology in

education are related to technical aspects and users' computer

literacy. For these reasons, participants in the current research

suggested intensifying the training course on the use of LMS for

faculties and students as well as the adoption of Learning

Management System.

In this study, researchers have similarities with the research

conducted by Al- Hunaiyyan , Al- Sharnan , & AlHajri and

Snoussi , which discussed about the challenges faced by LMS in

education with qualitative methods. Overall, the similarities of

this research with all of the previous studies were studies on the

application of LMS in education. This study also discusses about

the benefits of using LMS as Rahman, Daud, and Ensimau

discussed in their study.

The differences between this research and previous studies

are; that previous studies such as those conducted by Rahman,

Daud, & Ensimau used descriptive quantitative data to process

the data. Overall, the difference between this research and

previous studies is, all previous studies are used by students

from university as the subject in the implementation of LMS. In

this study, the researchers focused on students of junior high

school as a subject to observe about the challenge of

implementing LMS in English lessons.



A. Research Design

In completing this research, the researcher used a case study. A case

study involves a through, detailed, and systematic exploration of

individuals, groups, or communities by a community to obtain in-depth

understanding of an issue under study ( Heale & Twycross, 2018) in

(Maphosa, 2022) . A case study designed also details the insight of the

participants on a particular issue and in a specific context ( Sammut -

Bonnici & McGee, 2017) in (Maphosa, 2022) . Sjoberg, et al. (2020)

added that a case study is here defined as an in-depth, multifaced

investigation, using qualitative research methods, of a single

phenomenon. In this study the researchers use a qualitative method,

which means the data collected is not in the form of numerical data, but

data derived from interview scripts, field notes, personal documents,

notes or memos of the researcher, and other supporting official


Moreover, to finish this study, the researcher used the qualitative

method. The qualitative research method is also a research method that

places more emphasis on the in-depth understanding of a problem rather

than looking at the problem for generalization research. According to the

theory of qualitative research, in order for the research to really be of

good quality, the data collected must be complete, namely in the form of

primary data and secondary data. ( Sitoyo & Sandu ) in (Sukmawati,

2020) .

In order to characterize the actual reality of the use of LMS at MTs

N 3 Banyuwangi , East Java, in English lessons, the researcher used a

qualitative method approach. The factors a researcher should consider

when using this qualitative study, as indicated by Murdiyanto (2020;

14). When the study question is unclear, qualitative methods are

employed to understand the meaning underlying the visible data, to

comprehend social interactions, to comprehend people's emotions, to

construct theories, to guarantee the accuracy of the data, and to

investigate the history of development. Here, the researcher finds for

information about the use of LMS in English lessons, how to create

English lessons using LMS in the 2022–202 academic year, and how to

analyze challenges that crop up in practical situations while students are


B. Research Setting

When the researcher undertakes teaching practice in a school setting,

from each point the researcher can observe what truly occurs in the

location. The research was conducted in several meetings by conducting

interviews with the subject to find out how the LMS was implemented at

MTs N 3 Banyuwangi and what were the obstacles experienced when

applying the LMS in English lessons in the form of case studies in order

to be able to understand the facts that occur in the location. To carry out

this research, researchers use the form of descriptive qualitative

research. For that researcher prepare the research setting in the form of

research location information, research time, facilities and infrastructure,

teacher and student conditions, as well as an overview of general

research schools. The following is a more detailed explanation of the

research settings including:

1. ResearchPlace

The research location is at MTs N 3 Banyuwangi located in

Serono District, postal code 68471, Banyuwangi Regency, East

Java. That junior high school is located on the edge of the

Banyuwangi-Jember highway with a land area of 450 square


2. Research Time

To get maximum results in this study, the spent one even

semester in the academic year 2022-2023, during that time the

researcher collected information by observing the researcher's

provision of material, make an interview to the teacher, student

and curriculum teacher, as well as interviewing several sources to

obtain detailed information by complete and clear.

C. Research Subjects

The subject that is the key informant in this research is English

teacher, 5 students from class XII, vice of curriculum, and supported by

some information from school staff. This interview is an open-ended

interview and supported by a voice recorder to obtain the complete data

source and then processed into a transcript. The researcher conducts

interviews by using a voice recorder to save the data, the WhatsApp

application is also used as a tool for conversation with the resource

person if there are obstacles that block the researcher's face-to-face


D. Data Sources

Data sources are anything that can provide information about

research related. The data used in this study used two types of data

sources, which are as follows:

1. Primary Data

Primary data is original and first collected by researchers for the

purpose of the study, information from primary data sources is

accurate and complete because it was collected originally and

according to specifically designed content (Khuc, 2021) . The data is

collected by the researcher directly from the sources or where the

object of research is carried out. The researcher used the data of

interviews, observations and documentation that obtain from

informants regarding the research topic as primary data.

2. Secondary Data

Secondary data sources are pre-existing sources that have been

obtained for various purposes or by someone other than the

researcher (Fairus, 2020) . In this study, the secondary data sources

are in accordance with the documentation, books, journals, and

articles related to research topics regarding the LMS, English

Lesson, and Education 4.0.

E. Procedure of Data Collection

The purpose of this study is to obtain data, the data collection

method is the most vital step in this research. The researcher who

conducts research will not get the valuable data if the researcher does not

know the method of data collection. According to (Yusuf, 2014;372) in

(Fairus, 2020) success in data collection is largely determined by the

researcher's ability to appreciate the social situation that is the focus of

research. Data collection methods in this study as follows:

1. Observations

Observation is particularly useful to gain insights into a certain

setting and actual behavior – as opposed to reported behavior or

opinions (Hak, 2007 in (Busetto, 2020) . During the observation, the

observer takes notes on everything or certain pre-determined parts of

what is happening around them An interview is one of the techniques

used to collect research data (Busetto, 2020) Advantages of

conducting observations include minimizing the distance between

the research and the researched, the potential discovery of topics that

the researcher did not realise were relevant and gaining deeper

insights into the real-world dimensions of the research problem at

hand ( Geest , 2006 in (Busetto, 2020) . Researchers have made

observations at MTs N 3 Banyuwangi in the teacher's room, staff

room, classrooms and the entire area of MTs N 3 Banyuwangi to

obtain a complete and detailed description of the application of the

LMS as a learning system.

2. Interviews

An interview is one of the techniques used to collect research

data. Interview is activity to be carried out most face to face to get

the information directly by raising the question (Chafsoh, 2022) . In

interviews, as a fundamental way of social interaction, questions are

asked and data is collected using the provided answers and it is a

contrast to the questionnaire with indirectly collected data

methodology (Taherdoost, 2021) . In the application, the interview is

two-way communication to obtain information from relevant

informants. According to Yusuf (2014:372) in (Fairus, 2020)

interview is an event or process of interaction between the

interviewer and the source of information, or the person being

interviewed through direct communication or asking directly about

an object under study. The purpose of this interview is to obtain

information that is relevant to the research. The interview conducted

by the researcher was an open-ended interview with several

questions given to the informant by bringing a notebook and voice

recorder to store interview data.

3. Documentation

This method is used to collect data that is already available in

document records. In social research, the function of data derived

from documentation is used more as supporting and complementary

data for primary data such as photos, lesson plans, and student

evaluation results obtained through in-depth observations and

interviews (Suwandi, 2008) in ( Mulawarman , 2022) . The results of

observations and interviews will be more reliable if they are

supported by the existence of a document, according to Sugiyono

(2008:476) in (Fairus, 2020) documentation is a method used to

obtain data and information in the form of books , archives,

documents, written numbers and pictures in the form of reports and

information that can support research. Document study is a

complement to the use of observation or interview methods and will

be more effective, trusted or has high credibility if it is supported by

photographs or existing academic papers. But not all documents

choose a high degree of credibility. For example, many photos do not

reflect the original condition, because photos can be made for a

certain purpose. The documentation used in the research is

documents owned by English teachers such as students' attendance

data, assessment components, and school archive data.

The type of research used in this study is a case study. Case study

is a type of qualitative research, in which the researcher conducts in-

depth exploration of programs, events, processes, activities of one or

more people. (Sukmawati, 2020) . Accordingly, this case study can

help researchers to conduct in-depth studies of individuals, groups,

programs, organizations, cultures, religions, regions or even


Raco (2010) in (Sukmawati, 2020) the form of case studies can be

descriptive, exploratory, and explanatory; descriptive case study

describes a symptom, fact or reality; An exploratory case study

means finding out more about a case and then providing a

hypothesis; exploratory case studies, namely seeking information on

causal aspects and arguments. In this study, researchers used a

descriptive form of data that describes a symptom, fact or reality at

the research site. This method usually begins by discussing the

uniqueness of a particular case, then continues by looking for

theories or information about the same case in journals or other

academic media, then collects data either through interviews or other

formal discussions (Sukmawati, 2020) . Documentation collected by

researchers in this study apart from voice recorders and photos,

researchers also collected documentation in the form of LMS web

page appearances and student grades.

F. Data Analysis

Data analysis is a method of putting facts and figures to solve

research problems. It is vital to find the answers to the research

question, another significant part of the research is the interpretation

of the data, which is taken from the analysis of the data and makes

inferences and draws conclusions (Groenlad, 2019) . In this study,

researchers use qualitative research methods to convey the findings

made by researchers at the research site.

Qualitative research does not use statistics, but through data

collection, analysis, then interpretation. Usually associated with

social and human issues that are interdisciplinary, focus on multi-

method, naturalistic and interpretive in data collection, paradigms

and interpretation ( Anggito & Setiawan, 2018) in (Pohan, 2021) .

Accuracy of the data collected is very necessary, but it cannot be

denied that different sources of information provide different

information. The job of analyzing data requires the effort of focusing

attention and exerting one's own physical and mental energy. In

addition to analyzing data, researchers also need to explore literature

to confirm theory (Fairus, 2020) .

In qualitative research, data is obtained from various sources,

using various data collection techniques (triangulation), and carried

out continuously, resulting in very high data variations. The data

analysis technique used by the researcher uses the Miles and

Huberman model. According to Miles and Huberman in the

Sugiyono's book (2018: 246) in (Fairus, 2020) data analysis in

qualitative research is carried out during data collection, and after

completing data collection within a certain period. Activities in

qualitative data analysis are carried out interactively and take place

continuously until complete so that the data is saturated. Miles and

Huberman in Chafsoh (2022) offer patterns of general analysis by

following the interactive model:

1. Data Reduction

The process of choosing, identifying categorizing, and coding

data that is deemed significant is known as data reduction. Data

reduction is a form of analysis that sharpens, classifies, directs,

removes unnecessary, and organizes data in such a way that final

conclusions can be drawn. (Sukmawati, 2020) . Accordingly,

reducing data means summarizing, choosing the main things,

focusing on the important things, looking for themes and patterns.

Thus, the reduced data will provide a clearer picture, and make it

easier for researchers to carry out further data collection and look for

it if needed. Data reduction can be assisted by electronic equipment

such as smartphones, by providing codes on certain aspects.

2. Data Display

After reducing the data, the next step is to present the data. In

qualitative research according to Miles and Hubermain in (Chafsoh,

2022) data presentation can be done in the form of tables, graphs,

flowcharts, pictograms, and the like. Through the presentation of the

data, the data can be organized and arranged in a pattern of

relationships, so that it will be easy to understand. Accordingly,

Presentation of data is an activity when a set of information is

compiled, thus giving the possibility of drawing conclusions. In

addition, in research qualitative data presentation can be done in the

form of brief descriptions, charts, relationships between categories,

flowcharts, and the like, but what is often used to present data in

qualitative research is narrative text.

3. Make a Conclusion

The final step in analyzing qualitative research is drawing

conclusions. The conclusion of a study is research finding, the

researcher tool the conclusion is based on the finding of data

reduction and data display . The conclusion of the data was

conducted from interviews and documentation (Chafsoh, 2022) .

Conclusions in qualitative research are new findings that have never

existed before. Findings can be in the form of a description or

description of an object that was previously unclear so that after

research it becomes clear.

G. Data Validity

The validity test is used to measure the validity of the findings of

research results with the reality in the field. As for checking the

validity of the data, here the researcher uses the credibility of

triangulation. Where credibility basically replaces the concept of

internal validity which functions to carry out the inquiry in such a

way that the level of confidence in the findings can be trusted and

demonstrates the degree of trust in the results of the findings by way

of proof by research on the multiple facts being researched.

( Moelong , 2013) in (Riadi, 2022) .

To ensure that the data is truly valid, the use d triangulation to

compare the data that the researcher obtained from several sources with

other findings from observation and documentation researchers.

Researchers choose the triangulation method to collect data from several

informants, so that the data obtained is complete and more reliable by

conducting observations, interviews, and documentation in collecting

data. Triangulation in research context, refers to use of multiple

methodological resources or practices (Denzin, 2009; Merriam and

Tisdel , 2016; Thurmond, 2001) in (Natow, 2020) . Triangulation is

particularly important in research that involves elite interviews in order

to obtain a fuller picture of the situation being investigated (Davies,

2001) in (Natow, 2020) . Riadi (2022) added that Triangulation is a data

validity checking technique that uses something else. In other words,

checks can be carried out through interviews with the object of research.

Beyond that data is for checking purposes or as a comparison against

that data. This triangulation is not only used to check the correctness and

trustworthiness of the data, it is also used to strengthen the data.



In this chapter, the researcher presents the data that the researcher

collected while performing the research and describes what the researcher

discovered while carrying out the investigation. This chapter also includes a

discussion of research that was done by researchers.

A. Research Findings

1. Research Procedure

In this study, researchers used observation, interviews, and

documentation techniques to collect data in order to obtain valid and

complete data. The researcher made observations in the IT room

where the LMS main server was operated, in the teacher's room

when the teacher prepared the material and in the classroom to

observe English learning carried out by the teacher and students

using the LMS. Researchers conducted interviews with several parts

of the school that were considered important in the implementation

of learning, including Curriculum Deputy, English Teacher, and 5

students of class XII. During the observations and interviews, the

researchers also conducted documentation in the form of material

files provided by teachers, student grades, recordings, and

photographs which served as supporting data for research conducted

by researchers. The research took place from May 13 to May 19

2023. The following are the dates and work schedules that the

researchers included in this study:

a. The researcher applied for an investigation permit at MTs N

3 Banyuwangi by sending a research letter of request to the

PTSP office on Saturday, January 13, 2023.

b. On Monday, May 15, 2023, researchers secured research

permits and conducted the first observations in the

surroundings of MTs N 3 Banyuwangi , including the IT

room, teacher's room, and classroom.

c. On Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the researcher did a second

observation and interviewed with five students of class XII.

d. On May 17, 2023, a researcher made the third observation.

e. On Friday, 19 May 2023, the researcher interviewed the

English teacher and Curriculum deputy.

2. Research Data

This procedure was used in this study with the intention of

collecting data from the beginning of the research to the

conclusion. Researchers used observations, interviews, and

documentation to gather data for this study. The following

information has been gathered by researchers in order to answer

the research problem:

1. Observations

When conducting observations, researchers take note

of any discoveries that can help them compile data.

Academic advisors, who are followed by subject teachers,

and students have access to the LMS system when using

it as the management of their learning. Researchers made

observations at MTs N 3 Banyuwangi by visiting rooms

related to the operation of the LMS, such as the

curriculum deputy room, the teacher's room, and the

classroom. When making observations, researchers

observe carefully and record all types of activities that

can help researchers to obtain research data. The results

of observations made by researchers in these rooms are as


a. Deputy Curriculum

In addition, curriculum deputies and school

principals use the LMS according to their own

demands. According to Mohamad Nur Ikhsan , S.Pd.

the curriculum deputy, the academic supervisor's job

is to organize learning by putting students in one class

at the start of the semester and keeping track of their

progress throughout that semester. The curriculum

deputy's responsibility during the LMS

implementation at MTs N 3 Banyuwangi is to

supervise the correct implementation of all learning-

related activities, beginning with the class preparation

from academic advisors, giving material and

evaluation from teachers, and student learning

outcomes that can also be seen by students' parents.

Besides that, the curriculum deputy also monitors

teacher performance, whether it is in accordance with

their duties through academic supervisors'. The flow

of LMS usage starting from the main server managed

by vendors from third parties to students in learning

English at MTs N 3 Banyuwangi can be seen in table

number 1.1 below.

Academic Teacher Student Student's

advisors parents

Picture 1.1 the flow of LMS

The flow of using the LMS is depicted in the table

above, starting with the vendor, a third party that

manages the LMS server, then the academic supervisor

setting up the class, then the teacher entering materials,

checking attendance, giving assignments, which are then

accepted and completed by students, and finally

regarding the grades and development of students that

can be monitored by parents. This set of LMS flowcharts

is operated using an online application that is submitted

by teachers using their personal laptop computers and

accessed by students using internet-connected mobile

phones via the website .

When making observations, the researcher's initial

step was to start using the LMS, which was done by

third-party vendors and could then be accessed by all

MTs N 3 Banyuwangi IT MTs N 3 Banyuwangi

components. The academic supervisor logs into the LMS

application before the lesson to prepare the classes that

will be filled with student data, subjects, and teachers that

will become a fixed schedule for the following semesters

as well as to monitor the academic supervisor's

supervision of learning developments.

b. Teacher's room

When researchers make observations in the teacher's

room, all MTs N 3 Banyuwangi teachers have personal

laptops that they use as a means of supporting learning

using the LMS. Core competencies and fundamental

competencies are included in the lesson plans that the

teacher uploads into the LMS. When the teacher enters

the class and starts the learning process, the teacher

accesses the LMS through the website to

upload lesson plans, materials, and core competencies

that will be distributed to students throughout the

duration of one semester. The teacher also uploads

materials each day before the start of class using the LMS

in the teacher's room.

c. Classroom of XII D Class

When the teacher arrives at class, the teacher accesses

the LMS page, selects the start menu to begin the lesson

for the day, and then uploads the lesson plans, resources,

and lesson objectives. The teacher then checked student

attendance using LMS. The teacher begins the lesson by

introducing the material on the LMS once all of his

preparations are ready. Before closing the lesson, the

teacher gives the students individual and group

assignments by uploading them through the LMS and

then making them available to the students so they can

complete the task privately in each other's homes or with

a group of friends. The learning model applied by the

teacher during the English learning process is the Project-

Based Learning Method.

When the researcher made observations in classroom,

the saw several students who deliberately opened social

media via their smartphones and there were also students

who opened online games. When the teacher saw students

accessing social media, the teacher reprimanded the

students and asked them to pay attention to the material

being taught. At certain times the researcher also saw

students talking to each other secretly during the lesson,

but the conversation was short, so the teacher did not

reprimand the student. After the teacher finishes giving

the material, before the students go home the teacher

gives assignments uploaded by the teacher at the LMS in

the form of individual assignments and group

assignments. Students can do the assignment in their own

home or when they meet with their group mates, the

assignment is then uploaded by students via their LMS

account before the deadline.

According to the findings of the observation conducted on

the application of LMS to English learning, curriculum deputies,

teachers, and students who regulate the LMS as a learning

system at MTs N 3 Banyuwangi encountered several challenges.

Since 2018, MTs N 3 Banyuwangi has been the learning

institution using this approach. The findings from the observation

reveal that the curriculum deputy encounters administrative

challenges and recurring server problems when using the LMS.

However, according to then curriculum deputy's account, these

challenges are common and simple to resolve. Other than server

issues, employing a learning management system (LMS) for

instruction can be difficult for teachers. This is because students

learn in machine-based classrooms, becoming pragmatic and

mechanical with no sense of self-awareness as a result, this is

shown by the behavior of students who sometimes open games

and social media when learning is in progress or open google

translate to work on English questions and the obstacles

experienced by students when using the LMS in English lessons

are server disturbances that are often experienced by some

students, and when the server experienced an interruption, the

student headed to the IT room with their smartphone to be

handled by the IT department staff.

2. Interviews

The researchers interviewed five students in class XII,

English teachers, and curriculum deputies to validate the

information collected from the observations. The

researcher conducted the interview in Bahasa in order to

the resource person and the researcher to gain insight

from it. The researcher also used a voice recorder to

capture the interview's discourse.

On May 16, 2023, the students' interview was held for

the first time. Two students were interviewed

individually, while three others were interviewed in

groups. The first informants who had separate interviews

were two students with the initials SRS and KMJ. The

nine identical questions with the following response

options were given to each informant as we can see in the

table below.

Table 1.1 students' interviews

Questions SRS KMJ

1. How It's easy Sis, What yes sis?

experience You because it's Good anyway ,

in use LMS for simple and easy use .

activity learning straight forward (Well, it is easy

? when can task to use).

(What is your Can do at

experience in home , however

using LMS for sometimes lag

learning that's it Lol Sis.

activities?) (It's easy, the

problem is

simple and when

you get

assignments you

can do it at

home, but

sometimes it


2. How opinion If it's Sis, we More easy For

You about LMS more easy when do task .

effectiveness as get task from the (It is easier to do

tool help teacher. the assignment).

English (It is easier if

learning _ you get an

online ? assignment from

(What do you the teacher).

think about the

effectiveness of

LMS as an

online English



3. How The pluses more More it 's easy

appraisal You easy do so'al , to do task , you

about LMS because can see right can use

advantages and translate to HP look answers

disadvantages ? Google. on google.

(How do you Continue for the ( It is easier to

rate the drawbacks do assignments,

advantages and sometimes Like because using a

disadvantages of lag , go on must cell phone you

LMS? ) brought to IT can search for

staff. answers on

The advantage is Google).

that it is easier

to do

assignments ,

because you can

translate it to

Google. Then

for the


sometimes it

tends to lag,

then it has to be

brought to the IT


4. What just Useful all heck , For working

LMS features make it collect task and search

that are useful assignments , references on

and not useful download google as well.

in context materials , the ( For doing

learning same the most assignments and

language useful looking for

English ? attendance . references on

(What are the (It is all useful, Google too).

useful and for collecting

useless LMS assignments,

features in the downloading

context of materials, and

learning the most useful

English?) attendance).

5. How Via WA Sis, the I usually

experience You problem right through WA if

in interact with no Can chat on you get it right

colleague LMS. task group .

classmate or (By WhatsApp (I used

teacher via because we WhatsApp when

LMS? cannot use LMS I got a group

(How was your for chatting). assignment).


interacting with

classmates or

teachers through

the LMS? )

6. How the LMS If you go More it's

influences through the delicious sis,

motivation You LMS easy look because Can

For Study the sources like working on HP

online ? that . so more Spirit

(How has an (If you use do it .

LMS influenced LMS, it is easy (It's easier,

your motivation to find sources). because being

to study online?) able to do it on

our cellphone

makes us more


about doing it).

7. How More easy and During This

experience You simple, go on Good anyway .

in access and right use HP sis. the application

use material So you can do it easy use only _

learning via Where Just task sometimes lags

LMS? his when used . _ _

( What is your (It's easier and Such a nuisance

experience in simpler, just like that .

accessing and keep using our ( So far, it's been

using learning cellphone. So , good. The

materials we can do our application is

through the tasks wherever). easy to use, only

LMS?) sometimes it lags

when in use.

Such a


8. How Through Google Downloaded via

experience You Drive Sis. later the link the

in use various _ there's a link , teacher gave via

types of hold on stay the LMS , Sis.

learning media , click (Downloaded via

such as video, appearance on the link that the

audio, or Google drive. teacher gave via

image , via (Through the LMS).

LMS? Google Drive.

(How is your There will be a

experience in link, then all of

using various us just need to

types of learning click on the

media, such as appearance on

video, audio, or Google Drive).

images, through

LMS? )

9. How opinion It's safe sis, 's safe sis. You

You about data because guys no see no there is

security and Can nyonto important data

privacy in LMS ( cheating ) in LMS.

use ? tasks we are on (It is safe.

(What do you time collect task Because there

think about data . are no important

security and (It is safe data about our

privacy in using because our privacy in the

LMS?) friends can't LMS).

copy our


when submitting


From the data obtained by researchers from

sources consisting of class XII students, the researchers

conducted data reduction to extract important points that

were able to answer the questions in this study. The

system occasionally encounters errors brought on by

server disturbances, and students do not fully learn

English because in LMS accessed online, there is a

translate feature into Indonesian that prevents students

from learning about English in accordance with the

assignments given by the teacher. These conclusions can

be drawn from interviews conducted with students.

Instead of conducting one-on-one interviews with

each student, the researchers also held a Focus Group

Discussion (FGD) with three students who went by the

initials MAP, NMS, and DA. Researchers utilized FGD

as a data collection method in order to avoid interviewing

students in private and to obtain a broad perspective of

students' attitudes toward the use of LMS as a learning

system. Qualitative data collection through FGD is

widely known because it has advantages in providing

facilities and opportunities for maintaining openness,

beliefs, and understanding perceptions, attitudes of

researchers, and experiences of informants (Fitriani,

2019). FGD allows researchers and informants to discuss

intensively and not rigidly discuss issues that are very

specific. This particular participatory method is flexible

and enables a general and direct evaluation of individual

functioning (outcomes) and capabilities (achievable

functioning) within a system such as education, collecting

data and information on the capability or real opportunity

levels as well as capturing obstacles and identifying

enabling factors (Biggeri, 2020). The researcher used the

same questions and two different questions the researcher

used while interviewing informants during focus group

discussions. The table below shows questions and key

points from the three informants' responses.

Table 1.2 FGD results

Questions MAP, NMS, & DA

1. How experience You in use - Simple sir

LMS for activity learning ? -It's easy too, you can working

(What is your experience in using assignments anywhere . _

LMS for learning activities?) - No need wear book .

- It's Simple

-It is easy too; we can do tasks


- We did not need a book.

2. How opinion You about LMS -Can do task Where no sis. Task his

effectiveness as tool help English school right it's on HP.

learning _ online ? -Could use translate feature , so do

(What do you think about the it more easy .

effectiveness of LMS as an online -We can do the task anywhere.

English learning system?) -The school assignments are on our


-Can use the translate feature on

google, so working on it is easier.

3. How appraisal You about LMS - The advantage easy used , -

advantages and disadvantages ? Disadvantages sometimes the

(How do you rate the advantages server distraction .

and disadvantages of LMS?) -The advantages are easy to use,

-The disadvantage is that the server

sometimes crashes.

4. What just LMS features that are - Use it for working task, collect

useful and not useful in context task , same absence .

learning language English ? - Useful all anyway sis.

(What are the useful and useless - We use it for doing assignments,

LMS features in the context of collecting assignments, and our

learning English?) attendance list.

- All of the features are useful.

5. How experience You in interact - Through WA

with colleague classmate or -By WhatsApp

teacher via LMS?

(How was your experience

interacting with classmates or

teachers through the LMS?)

6. How the LMS influences - More Spirit the question Can

motivation You For Study online ? accessed via HP and done Where

(How has an LMS influenced your just .

motivation to study online?) - More enthusiasm because it can

be accessed via cellphone and done


7. How experience You in access - It's fun , because it's just right to

and use material learning via do it Can disambi while play social

LMS? media .

(What is your experience in - Easy accessed .

accessing and using learning -It is fun, because when we are

materials through the LMS?) working on it, sometimes we can

do it while playing social media.

-Easy to access.

8. How experience You in use - Through Google drive from the

various types of learning media , link in the LMS.

such as video, audio, or image , - Through Google drive from the

via LMS? link in the LMS.

(How is your experience in using

various types of learning media,

such as video, audio, or images,

through LMS?)

9. How opinion You about data - Be safe sis. You see no other

security and privacy in LMS use ? friends Can cheat task We from

(What do you think about data LMS.

security and privacy in using -It is safe. Our friends cannot copy

LMS?) our assignments from LMS.

10. Was during class time you - Yes, sometimes sis , but

usually open any other stealthily , someone opens the

application besides LMS? Social game too, if caught usually

media for example . immediately reprimanded . _

(Do you usually open other - Yes sometimes, but secretly, there

applications besides LMS during are those who open games too, if

class hours? Social media for the teacher finds out when we open

example). games, he usually immediately


11. Was There are other actions - Reprimanded Sis , order pay

that the teacher takes when you attention .

are caught open social media ? - Sometimes also ordered read

(Are there other reactions that the material , if not that's it told

teacher takes when you are caught concluded .

opening social media?) - He Reprimanded us and told us to

pay attention.

- Sometimes he is also told to read

the material, if not, they are told to


From the data obtained by the researchers

from sources during the FGD, the researchers conducted

data reduction to extract the important points that were

able to answer the questions in this study. The system

occasionally encounters errors brought on by server

disturbances, and students do not fully learn English

because in LMS accessed online, there is a translate

feature into Indonesian that prevents students from

learning about English in accordance with the

assignments given by the teacher. In addition, students

also access other applications than LMS when learning is

in progress, such as social media and even online games.

When they see students doing this, the teacher

immediately reminds them and tells them to focus on

learning and sometimes the teacher asks the student to

conclude the material. These conclusions can be drawn

from interviews conducted with students.

In order to obtain the necessary information to answer

research questions, the researcher conducted a second

interview with the curriculum deputy. This interview took

place on May 19, 2023, from 07.20 to 07.45 WIB. It

lasted 25 minutes. The researcher asked the curriculum

deputy the following questions, along with the main

themes he mentioned in their answers:

Table 1.3 Curriculum deputy's interview

1. Since when is the LMS Since 2018

used as a learning system at (Since 2018)

MTs N 3 Banyuwangi ?

( Since when has LMS been

used as a learning system at

MTs N 3 Banyuwangi ?)

2. What objective main use For create capable

of LMS in learning at MTs virtual madrasas

N 3 Banyuwangi ? facilitate students who

(What is the main purpose don't bound by time and

of using LMS in learning at space , even to student

MTs N 3 Banyuwangi ?) abroad want _ feel

education at MTs N 3

Banyuwangi .

(To create virtual

madrasas that are able

to facilitate students

who are not bound by

space and time, even

foreign students who

want to experience

education at MTs N 3

Banyuwangi ).

3. What to make use system From integrated

learning LMS- based and learning media with

learning systems that are internet, and students

not use LMS? given freedom For look

(What makes the use of for teaching materials

LMS-based learning or source study on the

systems and learning internet.

systems that do not use (From learning media

LMS?) that is integrated with

the internet, and

students are given the

freedom to search for

learning materials or

learning resources on

the internet).

4. How You measure From evaluation from

success use of LMS in supervision and

environment learning you ? monitoring of each

(How do you measure the teacher through mentor

success of using LMS in academic when meeting

your learning environment?) .

(From the evaluation of

supervision and

monitoring of each

teacher through an

academic advisor

during meetings ).

5. Constraints what are you Complicated

feel moment use LMS? administration _ due to

(What obstacles did you each individual must

experience when using the connected , server

LMS?) disruption , and fraud

committed student when

do task via browsing.

The cost is quite

expensive for LMS

management .

(Administration is

complicated because

each person must be

connected, server

interference, and

cheating by students

when doing

assignments via

browsing. The cost is

quite expensive for

LMS management).

6. How LMS influences Digitization learning ,

experience learning You in speed and accuracy of

a manner whole ? data, as well gift

(How does the LMS affect freedom to participant

your overall learning educate in framework

experience?) apply independent learn

(Digitalization of

learning, speed and

accuracy of data, and

giving freedom to

students within the

framework of


independent learning).

7. How does the LMS So interactions and

facilitate interaction and collaborations are

collaboration between formed is digital

instructor and participants interaction when the PA

educate ? is setting up class and

(How does LMS facilitate filled in by the teacher

interaction and later accessed by

collaboration between students .

teachers and students? ) ( So the interaction and

collaboration that is

formed is a digital

interaction when the

academic supervisor

prepares the class and is

filled in by the teacher

and then accessed by


8. How does the LMS From the results

facilitate monitoring and learning given by the

evaluation to performance teacher, so No only

participant educate ? participant educate

(How does LMS facilitate only being evaluated ,

monitoring and evaluation but the teacher is also

of student performance?) always monitored and

prepared rewards for

capable teachers form

student achievement

and vice versa , there is

punishment for teachers

who do not do his job

as should .

(From the learning

outcomes provided by

the teacher, it is not

only students who are

evaluated, but teachers

are also always

monitored and prepared

rewards for teachers

who are able to form

outstanding students

and vice versa, there is

punishment for teachers

who do not do their job


9. How channel use of LMS Start from servers

in learning ? prepared by later

(How is the flow of using vendors capable

LMS in learning?) accessed by all part

from MTs N 3

Banyuwangi , start from

PA, teachers, students,

and also guardians of


So when the teacher

gives material , must

There is evaluation

from material such ,

and from material the

must There is

assessment given by the

teacher through

question and by

automatic corrected by

LMS, and When values

the Already shown ,

parents students can

too see mark from child

each of them .

Starting from a server

prepared by a vendor

which can then be

accessed by all parts of

MTs N 3 Banyuwangi ,

starting from the

academic supervisors ,

teachers, students, and

also student parents.

So, when the teacher

gives material, there

must be an evaluation

of the material, and

from this material there

must be an assessment

given by the teacher

through questions and

automatically corrected

by the LMS, and when

the value is displayed,

parents can also see the

value of their children).

The researcher conducting data reduction to draw out

important details that might answer the study's open-

ended questions from the interview data she received

from the curriculum deputy. From the interview data, the

goal of implementing this system is to create a virtual

madrasa that can accommodate students who are not

constrained by space and time, even for foreign students

who want to experience education at MTs N 3

Banyuwangi , according to the study interview's its

description can be inferred that the difficulties

encountered when using the LMS as an English learning

system for curriculum deputies include complicated

server interference, student cheating when doing

assignments through browsing, and complicated

administration because each person must be connected to

the server. If a server error occurs which results in the

name of one of the students not being connected to the

server, all grades that the teacher gives to that student will

not appear in the student's LMS data.

The third interview was carried out by the researcher

by giving interviews to the English teacher to obtain the

data needed by the researcher to answer the research

questions. This interview was conducted on 19 May 2023

with a duration of 25 minutes, starting at 08.05 – 09.30

WIB. The questions posed by the researcher to the

English teacher along with the short answers are as


Table 1.4 teacher's interview

1. How experience You So much help relation

use the LMS inside context related task at a time

learning ? very fast correction .

(How is your experience Learning No limited

using LMS in a learning space and time .

context?) (It really helps a lot with

regards to assignments as

well as very fast

corrections. Learning is

not limited by space and


2. How LMS helps You in Very helpful when the

management learning ? teacher unable give

(How does LMS help you material in a manner

in learning management?) stare face .

(Very helpful when the

teacher is unable to

provide material face to


3. What your benefits _ Speed gift duty and

feel after using LMS in the precision corrections , as

learning process ? well learning that doesn't

( What benefits do you limited space and time .

feel after using LMS in the ( The speed of giving

learning process?) assignments and the

accuracy of corrections,

as well as learning that is

not limited by space and


4. Constraints and -Son no always focus on

challenges what are you learning , focus they

facing moment use LMS? distracted by other

(What obstacles and applications that are on

challenges did you face the smartphone ,

when using the LMS?) especially games.

(Students do not always

focus on learning, their

focus is distracted by

other applications that are

on smartphones,

especially games).

- The challenge is how do

teachers design learning

interesting _ so that

student can focus on

learning and not open

another application .

(The challenge is how

teachers design

interesting learning so

that students can focus on

learning and not open

other applications).

- No forever teacher can

adapt learning

conventional with digital

- based learning .

(Teachers are not always

able to adjust

conventional learning

with digital-based


- Student No have self-


(Students do not have


5. How experience You LMS only effective

Work with LMS features ? related administration ,

(How was your experience related results learning

working with LMS depending on the

features?) teacher's strategy. easy

related to monitoring and

administration .

(LMS is only effective in

terms of administration,

in terms of learning

outcomes it depends on

the teacher's strategy.

Facilitate related

monitoring and


6. Was You feel LMS Very easy , because

facilitates the learning learning No limited

process you ? why ? space and time as well as

( Do you feel that LMS more fast and precise .

makes your learning (Very convenient,

process easier? Why?) because learning is not

limited by space and time

and is faster and more


7. How LMS improves Task characteristic

effectiveness learning in a objective .

manner whole ? (Tasks are objective).

(How does LMS improve

overall learning


8. How LMS helps in Influence That No too

increase achievement and significant, because

engagement student in student glued to KKM

learning ? and available circle

(How does LMS help in demon from Educational

increasing student orientation that is not

achievement and clear related policy must

engagement in learning?) study 9 years .

( This effect is not very

significant, because

students are fixed on

KKM and there is a

vicious cycle of unclear

educational orientation

related to the 9-year

compulsory education


9. What is your suggestion Every development

For develop and improve technology must quick

use of LMS in learning ? anticipated strict

(What are your regulations _ For

suggestions for developing overcome the

and increasing the use of possibilities that arise .

LMS in learning?) (Every technological

development must be

immediately anticipated

with strict regulations to

overcome the

possibilities that arise).

Learning that is online _

Don't made objective

main , however as

complementary or

companion just . because

learning can obstruct it

arrived such spiritual

values Act well behaved ,

polite _ manners , and

the role model given by

the teacher to student .

(Online learning should

not be the main goal, but

only as a complement or

companion. Because

online learning can

hinder the delivery of

spiritual values such as

good attitude, courtesy,

and the role model given

by the teacher to


From the data obtained by researchers from teachers,

the role of LMS in learning experienced by resource

persons is very useful in terms of time and place

efficiency as well as everything related to administration.

On the other hand, when opening an LMS students are

also prone to opening other applications such as social

media and online games. This can reduce student focus

on learning materials. Students also do not have high self-

awareness about everything that is their obligation and

need, this is a challenge for teachers to create learning

models that are attractive and able to attract student

activity and involvement in learning. The role of LMS in

influencing student improvement is not very significant

and suggestions from sources are that online-based

learning should not be prioritized as the main goal,

because face-to-face learning is able to convey the

emotional and exemplary teacher to students.

B. Discussion

The researcher explains the obstacles and challenges in

applying the LMS as a learning system in English. Constraints

experienced by students and teachers, which are an important

component in the teaching and learning process, are the first problem

formulations in this study. As stated by Ulfa (2021), learning is a

system consisting of various components that are interconnected and

influence each other, these components are teachers, students,

material objectives, methods, and evaluation.

The arguments in this study talk about the constraints and

challenges of using LMS as a learning system at MTs N 3

Banyuwangi in the 2022-2023 academic year. This discussion covers

the challenges faced by the elements of school using technology

which is a dilemma between learning achievement and readiness

faced by students and teachers which will be discussed in the next


From the data collected by researchers through observations,

interviews and documentation related to the implementation of LMS

in MTs N 3 Banyuwangi , researchers found several obstacles or

challenges faced by students and teachers including:

1. Internet and server disruption

Since it was first used in 2018, LMS has had several

problems, especially server disruptions, this is outside the

authority of MTs N 3 Banyuwangi because the use of

LMS was designed by a vendor who is a third party that

facilitates the use of LMS. When experiencing automatic

server disruption, learning will be constrained, especially

in time efficiency. When experiencing problems, teachers

and students give their smartphones or laptops to IT staff

for repairs. Not infrequently when taking an exam using

the LMS at the same time the LMS experiences lag so

you have to wait a while . Prayoga , et al. (2022)explain

that the LMS server is unstable during exams, and there is

no notification when there is a new assignment that can

affect student learning experience.

This obstacle is certainly a challenge for the school,

teachers and students of MTs N 3 Banyuwangi to prepare

digital devices in the form of large storage, internet speed

and the suitability of devices that must be used by

teachers and students while learning using the LMS.

Apart from that, preparations for handling and

anticipating problems that may occur when using LMS

must be started early so that obstacles that may occur can

be resolved immediately without disrupting the learning

process. This obstacle was also experienced by Widayati

& Witasari (2023)in. their research entitled “ Utilization

of Deep Moodle -Based Learning Management System

(LMS). Learning History in Class X SMK Negeri 3

Magelang ". Thet explain that;

“ Even if the LMS is one of the significant advances

programs used for online learning, there are still
issues with its implementation. Making the subject
more engaging, choosing the right media to convey
historical concepts, and the teacher's inability to
directly influence the students' learning activities are
just a few of the limitations that educators face. for
the difficulties that students have, such as a frequently
interrupted internet connection, LMS server issues, a
lack of understanding of the topic, and a phone's
memory being full. ”

2. Complicated Administration

Considering learning using LMS is digital-based

learning, overall the data related to teacher and student

information and administration must be completely

complete and able to connect to each other with the

features in the LMS. In the interviews conducted by the

researcher with the curriculum deputy, the first step

regarding readiness to use LMS as a learning system is

administrative readiness and maturity. Because many

schools initially used LMS as a learning system, they had

to stop using it due to administrative confusion, as

experienced by SMA N 1 Banyuwangi . This obstacle can

occur due to weak internet networks and the lack of

understanding and technological literacy from institutions

that implement LMS. Aulya & Afrianto (2023)explained


"Another obstacle to the use of LMS in education is a

lack of understanding and technology literacy. Many
people are unaware of how to use LMS and the
advantages that can be obtained from its use. Users
must therefore be educated and trained for them to
fully benefit from LMS. The issue of Internet
connectivity is another difficulty that frequently
arises. The use of cloud computing is still restricted in
some locations due to the poor and erratic internet
connection. This is a significant barrier to the use of
LMS in education, especially for colleges and
universities that are situated in rural areas or places
with poor internet connectivity.”

Obstacles in the form of administrative complexity

contained in the LMS are of course a big challenge for

MTs N 3 Banyuwangi in order to be able to create

maximum learning in accordance with the learning

objectives of using LMS. When the administration in the

LMS is in trouble, what might happen is that the teacher's

or student's data is not legible on some of the features in

the LMS in the form of attendance, work on and

collection of assignments, as well as other data needed in

learning assessments.

3. Students' learning focus

LMS is a digital-based learning system that depends

on the role of smartphones or laptops and the internet as

the most important components that support its operation.

Of course, when students access the LMS using their

smartphone, the applications installed on it are not only

the LMS, but every student must also have social media

and games installed on their smartphone. This is a

challenge for students when they do not have high self-

awareness about their obligations as students who must

take part in learning to get maximum learning results.

Husamah (2015:360) in Rahmawati (2023)Bambang

defines self-awareness as the ability to know and

understand himself about feelings, strengths, weaknesses,

emotions, knowing the causes of feelings. This is so that

he can direct or control himself for how he should behave

and act. When students have high self-awareness, they

will understand their duties and responsibilities as

students and what they should do when learning is in

progress. Rahmawati (2023)added that self-awareness

can underlie the existence of discipline for students

because it can enable students to be aware of everything

they do.

According to research findings through in-class

observations conducted by researchers on Monday, May

14, 2023, researchers saw students accessing social media

and even online games while learning was still ongoing.

Of course, this can distract students from learning,

because students access these applications students do not

focus on learning.

Of course, it's also a challenge for educators to

develop engaging teaching strategies that encourage

students to actively participate in their education. When

students may actively participate in their education, their

attention is not distracted to social media and games,

which they open out of boredom or when the teacher only

uses the lecture approach to provide the subject . The

lecture method may be a method that is often used by

teachers to convey material in class, but if you

continuously use the lecture method it will make students

less active in learning, if the teacher uses the lecture

method too often then students will quickly feel bored

and less improve student learning outcomes (Hidayati,


4. Students' academic cheating

When the English learning process uses the LMS, the

teacher uploads the material into the features contained in

the LMS which are then accessed by students via their

smartphones. The results of interviews from research

conducted with students on Tuesday, May 16, 2023,

found that when getting English assignments from the

teacher, students used the automatic translate feature or

google translate found on Google Chrome on their cell

phones. Of course, from this action students lose the

essence of learning English itself, because what they read

and understand is Indonesian, not English . Hardini and

Dewi (2021)explained that;

“Google translate usage during class was addictive,

they had difficulty skill in developing their English
skills independently for example making sentences on
their own, they also stated that learning became
difficult because google translate did not give an
accurate translation, google translate did not really
give them any significant progress but it did help with
the meaning and pronunciation, google translate made
them feel lazy to learn and memorize new words, and
they felt lack of confidence in class if they did not use
google translate.”

Seeing this phenomenon, the steps taken to anticipate

and reduce it are to create learning strategies that are able

to increase student involvement and activeness and to

make special policies given by the teacher, as Mr. Suaidi

as the English teacher in an interview on 15 May 2023.

Some of the aspects above are the challenges faced by

the Education component at MTs N 3 Banyuwangi ,

starting from the curriculum deputy, teachers, and

students. These obstacles and challenges must be

overcome by creating a more sophisticated web system

and learning strategies that can increase student

involvement and activeness in the classroom. Mr. Suaidi

also explained that as a form of advice for the application

of LMS as a learning system, that LMS does not have to

be the main goal in implementing learning, it is enough to

use it as needed when teachers or students are unable to

attend class , and the rest uses pedagogical interfaces

from conventional learning systems that still maintain

education. morals such as attitude, decency, and

sensitivity. The more sophistication of technology is able

to eliminate things that are sacred in learning such as

examples, and when students are accustomed to using

LMS to make it easier to find answers to questions that

the teacher gives, it will be able to make students become

pragmatic and systemic.



Based on the results of the research described in the previous chapter

regarding the challenges of LMS in learning English at MTs N 3 Banyuangi

in the 2023-2024 academic year, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The challenges experienced in implementing the LMS as a learning system

at MTs N 3 Banyuwangi from English lessons include the readiness of the

supporting systems for their use, such as servers, large storage, and a strong

network. These challenges must be overcome to create a learning system

using a digital-based LMS. Besides that, the readiness of human resources

operating the LMS must be truly competent and thorough in processing the

school data needed in the LMS. This readiness is for the sake of creating an

orderly administration because the data are interrelated with each other.

Teacher creativity is also a challenge faced when implementing LMS as a

learning system, because teacher creativity when teaching in class is useful

for creating learning that is not boring and increases student activity and

involvement, so that students are able to focus on listening to learning and

do the assignments properly so as not to be distracted with other

applications and avoid cheating students in order to create more optimal and

appropriate learning outcomes.


Every technological development should be immediately

anticipated with strict regulations to overcome the possibilities that

arise; and online learning should not be the main goal in education,

but only as a complement or companion. Because online learning

can hinder the delivery of spiritual values such as good attitude,

courtesy, and the role model given by the teacher to students.


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